##VIDEO ID:IoXLIp_hfns## welcome everyone to the township council meeting Monday August 26 2024 this meeting is now called to order Vice Commander elge would you like to lead us in the flag salute sir please come up to the podium after the flag salute please remain standing for a moment of silence for Congressman Bill pascarel a servant who passed away recently I pledged allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all you may be seated Madam clerkly read the statement of public notice please take notice the adequate notice of this meeting has been provided in accordance with njsa 10 4-8 and njsa 10 4-10 as follows a notice of the meeting was prominently posted on the bulletin board at the municipal building located at 225 Mean Street Little Falls New Jersey on January 4th 2024 a copy of the notice was sent to the north Jersey Herald in news and the record on the same date additionally a copy of the notice was filed in the office of the Township Clerk on set date a link and a telephone number to join the meeting virtually can be accessed on the township website at www. lfj this time please call the role council member Patel president council member Murphy president council member habblet council member van Cherry pres council president scova president we'll take the minutes of uh the first meeting of July 22nd have a motion to approve those minutes so move moved by councilman Murphy second by councilwoman habetz this is a roll call Madam clerk council member Patel yes council member Murphy yes council member habetz abstained council member van Cherry yes council president scova yes have a motion to accept the minutes of the meeting all August 12th 2024 moved by councilman Ben Cherry second second by councilman Murphy This is a road call Madam clerk council member Patel I've SE council member Murphy yes council member Havas yes council member V Sherry yes council president scova yes mayor Damiano thank you council president this evening got a couple of updates and reports townwide the first of which is our our Stevens AV parking lot behind the former PNC Bank the parking lot is now open for business uh almost 100 spots are going to be located in that lot it is right now only partially striped and it is not complete in the sense that the top coat has not been uh paved on it yet as well as a number of PSG telephone poles need to be relocated uh that are currently and now within the lot to the outside of the lot the light poles still need to be added some of the concrete work around the outside needs to be done some Landscaping will be added uh but the lot is open for people to utilize for for people to park in for people to visit our businesses now we're pleased after a couple months here of work now almost two full months of work that the lot will be open for everybody to Again Begin utilizing in town uh there will be some work and there will be a day in the future when it is ultimately going to be paved and striped where the lot will need to be closed down for a 24 to 48 hour period uh but in the meantime we didn't want to keep it closed uh just for those uh just while we wait for PS andg to come and relocate the telephone polls so uh so good news on that front those spaces again will be open again so we are ready and able to utilize that lot at everyone's convenience to visit all of our downtown businesses uh the next topic is our streetcape the streetcape right next to the municipal lot is continuing up and down Steven AV all the way up to Walnut Street uh we have a contractor that has been working uh for the past two weeks now and and today being the first day of the third week who is really moving to get this project done in advance of school starting this upcoming week unfortunately and I hate to throw psng under the bus again but it was public service that we were waiting on in order to get the they call the red line drawings the electrical drawings of where the electric needs to be run for the light poles well we only received that about two and a half weeks ago so the contractor started a couple days after receiving that uh that is they are moving very quickly they do anticipate having it done especially with the weather this week that we are uh forecasting to be relatively nice been hot on some days but nice to have construction work completed so we are looking to have that done within the next uh handful of days there will be some additional work that will be happening closer to the intersection of Main Street and Stevens AV by the contractor but largely the work in front of the school uh will not impact traffic it will not have an impact on School uh drop offs and Pickups especially for the first day of school which we know can be a little bit crazier uh so we are looking forward to that work being completed uh as as we continue to beautify our downtown and add to our streetscapes and council president if I may just jump to a couple of the agenda items before circling back to any Council questions um the first three resolutions this evening are all pretty simple we see them regularly now they're the affordable assistance grants that we provide the individuals moving in under the COA obligation uh though it's a b and c and then d and e uh are both for modification in and change orders in original contract prices fortunately or unfortunately D is in small increase of about $28,000 for our streetscape section three which was the downtown area where the traffic light is uh but fortunately item e is a resolution for a decrease in our contract price in the amount of just over $37,000 for Willmore Park and that's because there were a couple of items that the contractor had anticipated utilizing that were not necessary in the park so we're receiving a credit for those items in the amount of $37,000 so it's not every day that we see decrease in change orders but for that one we are fortunate to see um are there any questions that I can answer from the council before turning it back over mayor would you like to explain why the increase of the 28,000 on resolution uh D yeah this is an unfortunate increase that we saw here uh on our downtown streetcape and it had to do with a bit of a delay and some issues that we had uh with the county and obtaining permits and the contractor was stalled for a small period of time that caused some of the product that we had to no longer be usable so unfortunately uh that's one that you know again we never like to see change orders especially for just delays this was not one that the township or the contractor could have foreseen and those issues do seem to now be resolved uh and addressed with the county so we shouldn't have any issues with that moving forward mayor when uh pulled into the parking lot this evening along with cman Murphy there's a couple new shiny Vehicles do you do you know anything about those new vehicles that we have in our parking lot so some of the vehicles that appear very shiny and new are not actually new vehicles we have repainted a couple of our actually old police cars from a number of years ago that have been repurposed uh they were painted in Black they did say Township of Little Falls previously for a number of years they have since been repainted to White Vehicles relabeled as Township cars uh and some small minor uh repairs were made to those as well for our inspectors so some of the very shiny cars although they may the paint may appear very new are are relatively old vehicles uh but still running well so we're happy to have those repurposed uh we also have a couple of new additional administrative cars that have been added to the fleet and we're hoping that the various uh Chevy and Ford and Dodge can ultimately deliver several more police cars that we've been waiting on but are on some tremendous back order unfortunately Ford I think over promised something to the tune of 30,000 Vehicles a year ago and have still not been able to make good on all of their orders so we're are still looking to add to the fleet these are not cars that are over and above what was originally anticipated in our budget this year it's just the budgeted cars have still not arrived or been ordered in some cases just due to these delays so uh hopefully we'll have a couple of more shiny cars that will again not have any additional impact on the taxpayers here and did we receive a delivery of those new administrators vehicles yet mayor we did we received two of our new administrative Vehicles so we are caught up on our administrative Vehicles unfortunately it tends to be the pursuit rated police cars that are the issue probably the more important vehicles to have uh ASAP are the ones that are more difficult to get to you know quickly so we are still working on that I know the chief along with a number of the officers are working on securing those vehicles thank you any questions comments from the governing body I got one question through the floor councilman bener thanks mayor Thanks for opening up the uh parking lot it's uh much needed it's unfortunate that it's taking P this long quick question is it possible to to have BBW paint some arrows going in and going out just because it's GNA be different for people because there's only one entrance and exit so yep so unfortunately when the DPW was there painting this past weekend there was still a lot of uh obstacles and objects in the lot when they got started because the contractor had not relocated all of their their items and their their piles yet the DPW will be back there over the next handful of days to finish restriping some various sections of the lot where there will be additional spaces they're also going to be adding some traffic arrows because you're right circulation of the new lot is going to be a little bit different well I guess not too different in that you're going to be able to pull in and drive down one aisle all the way to the end turn around at the end and come back in a separate Drive aisle it will not be two-way traffic in any of the drive aisles so that will be restriped we will have uh some arrows added there uh it is wide enough that Vehicles could pass in both directions so it's not a major safety issue it is a 24 foot Drive aisle uh which is sufficient to back out of straight spaces sufficient to have two cars passing in fact most traffic Lanes I believe are only required to be 11 feet wide each 22 feet in total which we have an excess of here so it's not unsafe if it happens but uh certainly getting everybody used to the new circulation plan there is something that we're looking to do so adding some arrows is something I've already talked to our DPW about and one other thing too is can we look at to on Steven's app because everything that's being done in front of the school obviously the parking spots um Everything Changes a little bit if we can get them to kind of restripe along Stevens before school starts and mark off because don't forget too there were certain parts that had yellow curves that are no longer there so if we can look into that as well just make sure our school opens up next week we're prepared yep getting some of the Ada spaces remarked soon is something we're also looking to do in front of the school uh that were previously there they will remain there unfortunately obviously when the uh you know the signs were removed as the construction was occurring and waiting for new signs to be installed but we could have them them marked again thanks mayor that's it any other comments through the floor seeing none we'll move forward councilman Murphy why don't you start us off thank you council president first off I'd like to send my condolences to the family of uh congressman pascrell I know he wasn't our current uh congressional representative but has served Little Falls in the past and to this day I still hear residents speaking about him and uh the work that he's done he left an impact on everybody so uh just want to send my condolences definitely a figure that will be mixed in uh in our area and I want to just send my condolences to the family again uh we have a busy month coming up in uh October uh for domestic violence prevention month uh that means we'll be working pretty hard in September so uh some of the things be working on we have ribbons getting prepped to go up on the telephone polls in town uh be working with council president scoa as well as John Pace for doing a presentation for the seniors along with the prosecutor's office on domestic violence and elderly population uh also be having our flag raising coming up in October so definitely a busy month uh that we have coming up so a lot to do at our September meeting so if anybody's interested in joining in for all that we'll be having our September meeting on the second Tuesday of September in the upstairs community room of town hall that's all I have council president thank you councilman Murphy councilman Venter thanks council president um I too want to Echo my condolences to the pascarell family um you know Congressman pascarell was a staple in the state of New Jersey you know coming from Patterson like I did he was my mayor my assemblyman and Congressman at one point as well he definitely let a Mark um on this state for all the work that he did for so many towns within sa County Bergen County um so just want to offer my condolences as well uh just a couple other updates on my end um just a reminder on member 11th we will have our annual 911 ceremony take place at Wilmore Road park at 6 PM all are welcome to attend just putting together the program I have a number of different uh special guests that are going to perform or um say a few words during the ceremony so if everyone can join us that'd be great also um one other update from our last meeting is um after last storm I mentioned that um Senator Christen curado as well as assemblyman Al baras have been reaching out to the D to try to get an update on the pman River situation um Senator curado her office actually heard back from the DP and got the hey we're reviewing this we'll get back to you hopefully some progress because I think we all know that with the pecp and all the erosion it' be nice if we can get the right officials to come out to look at the scene and come up with a plan because every time there's a storm I know we all get a little edgy but um so more to come hopefully and just grateful that you know we have some allies within the state that are trying to help too with this situation that's it for me thank you councilman Vin Cherry councilwoman Hab thank you council president um I too would like to Echo my condolences to Congressman Bill frell's uh family as um councilman van Cherry said he was very well known in the area throughout the state and he has done um very much very I'm sorry excuse me he's done great things for Little Falls including uh being one of uh the congressmen in addition to uh congresswoman Mikey Cheryl who has gotten us uh funding for the pekman river so a very big thank you to him we'll forever be grateful um Library updates uh the library had a wonderful program last week um it was a Polish Cultural dancing and food night uh myself councilman vaneri and council president scoa all attended uh there were some great dancing the kids were amazing and there were uh amazing progis made by the volunteers of Our Own St John's Uh Russian church so so many thanks to all that made that happen that night um coming up this week the library will host a royal tea Club um sip tea and talk about everything Royal uh this event will be at 11:00 a.m. and you must register at the library website uh there's other great things going on at the library all of their events are on their website and their social media pages to keep you up to dat uh so check out those pages um it's yard sale time again uh September 15th we will have our townwide yard sale with a rain date of September 16th uh you can register at uh Community pass and also it's time again for our run Little Falls spooky Sprint 5K uh this is a cop uh costume optional race it will be October 20th at 9:00 a.m. um I'm looking forward to everyone on this Council showing up in their best costume uh registration is open at run sign up and you can also access the link from our little Falls Recreation page uh this morning was also in contact with one of our residents who has reached out wanting to uh restart our run Club um so we were talking to the recreation department I think it's going to start out as a Couch Potato to 5K Preparing People for the Run uh so more to follow on that and that's all I have thank you thank you councilman HS councilman Patel thank you council president I too want to Echo my condolences for the pesc family um the congressman and lived a life of service and he's definitely not going to be forgotten um I also want to thank John Beagle from the health department and his team for being at the meeting uh in the beginning of the month just to give their annual report and honestly just overall everything that they do for Little Falls two upcoming events um tomorrow on the 27th there's a children's immunization clinic it's from 9: to 11: you do have to register so if you want to make an appointment just call 97347 5777 and then on Thursday September 26th um the Clifton Health Department with Alzheimer's New Jersey is going to hold a program it's called understanding memory loss that's going to be at 10:30 at the Civic Center again you do have to register so you can call 97347 5773 or as always just Reach Out to me and I can register for you and that's all I have council president thank you Council yes the uh New Jersey had lost a very good Congressman Bill pascrell um if anyone was able to ever talk to him he was full of stories and full of great wisdom I do want to piggy back a little bit off of what councilwoman habet said about the Pacman preserve uh going back about 25 years or so that was going to be a homes it was called the AL fairy track and the Builder had the right to put up I think it was about 28 or 30 houses there and that Builder had all the right in the world to do it well at that time the governing body and some activists in town got a hold of the congressman and that's when he got that funding to buy that Builder make him go away course the Builder did get a pretty nice piece of change for the property well you know it was going to be about 28 homes but that money came from the federal government had those homes been built I guess we would have been known like the Venice of County because that was as we all know a heavy flood area so going forward that will be the pecman reserve on uh February the 27th at 12m that Dr Jack suckerman is going to be doing an arthritis program at the Civic Center uh that will be on the calendar as well as coming out in email blast those wanting to attend will can get in contact with me the number will be on that flyer and I also think um Council that the county uh Clifton health department wants to do a program called wise with us so we'll hook up and see a date that we can bring that forward to our community it's important as you heard councilman Murphy and councilman Patel and myself keeping the seniors um very knowledgeable in health related issues um you know not all uh doctors and and uh professions of healthcare are covered by you know you know Medicare or Medicaid and so whatever Services we can offer free of charge is what we try to do here in little FL we do have a new Banner that's going to be going up a name that probably a lot of people here may be familiar with Stanley dumbrowski Air Force Sergeant uh he's a staff sergeant and his dates of service was from 1942 to 1945 that's this Banner program has been very successful and we're very proud of it I want to thank the uh Vince katron helping me along with Cynthia to make these banners go up along with the DPW staff councelor wsel you're in our presence do you have anything this evening no council president other than to just advise the council that we're continuing to monitor uh the affordable housing uh situation with regard to the new law and the dca's uh response there to we received uh notification that the DCA has uh was not satisfied with its prior software in terms of uh receiving uh information from the town so now they've upgraded to a new set of software uh and uh having gone through many iterations of software upgrades in my own office I think we can see how that's going to go um so I am once again uh we have some dates that are coming up in October believe it or not we're very very close to that at this point uh so I'm uh keeping an eye on that in terms of what the D is going to do uh in terms of uh at that point DP supposed I'm sorry DCA be clear excuse me the DCA is supposed to uh indicate uh affordable housing obligation numbers to all New Jersey communities um let's see what happens as they say on billboards watch this space so any updates I will be happy to provide to council but at this point that's uh that's all thank you uh counselor there was there's a movement among uh some municipalities it's the township I think of Montville the mayor there I reached out to him he has not gotten back to me yet concerning suing the state concerning this issue you have any opinion on that or the thoughts regard municipalities joining together to launch a lawsuit against the state yeah I've seen I've seen the letter uh council president and um I understand where the the mayor's coming from and understand that there's uh a huge concern by municipalities all up and down the state about what this obligation is going to be and it's uh still uh yet to be determined so to some degree uh these uh communities are operating in a certain level of ignorance not because they want to but because they have to uh they're awaiting information to come from the state so uh but I have not heard anything further with regard to that letter if there's any uh action that's uh sort of been solidified in terms of what is going to be undertaken by these municipalities at sign on so I will also keep an eye on that and if there's any further information with regard to that I will certainly let the council know but at this point that letter is mostly uh aspirational thank you counselor uh Chief Pearl before I ask you speak um I was I bumped into a resident that uh had a great comment about a member of your Force officer haets who on Route 23 saved his dog from dying and he was really moved and touched by that um because if it wasn't for officer habets at that given moment that all that dog that dog unfortunately would have would have passed away uh so I just want to pass that on Chief uh just uh two two items next week uh obviously the schools will be back in session so we're just reminding all of our residents uh especially in the first couple days you know plan a little extra time to get uh Little Johnny and little Susie to school where you know could have a couple lost buses uh the police department is well aware of the issues that we faced in the beginning couple days of school uh just bear with us some traffic in and around the schools uh and just remind everybody to just watch their uh driving behavior when the kids are out uh and happy to report that we did receive another enforcement Grant it's running from August 22nd to September 16th that is the Labor Day uh Crackdown for drive sober or get pulled over so that would be a 100 hours of reimbursable enforcement that would cost uh you know nothing to the taxpayer so we took advantage of that uh that's all I have thank you have a motion to open the meeting to the public for agenda items so moved um moved by councilman Venter was that second by councilman inhabits I'm sorry it's Council second by councilman Patel there's a Voice vote all those in favor all those opposed motion carries Madam clerk anyone wishing to address the township Council may do so through the council president it is preferred if you give your name and address for the record comments are to be limited to 3 minutes however if appropriate you may be granted additional time and the sole discretion of the council president members of a public who have joined the meeting virtually and desire to provide comment shall raise their virtual hand in the zoom application the meeting moderator will cue the members of the public that wish to provide comment and the C council president will recognize them in order members of the public who have joined the meeting by calling in must press star six to mute and unmute themselves and star 9 to raise their hand members of the public who have joined the meeting via the zoom application must click the reactions icon and then the raise hand icon once the process is complete we we will return to the regular order of business thank you uh is there anyone in the chat that like to speak to us no um mrud I know you're here to uh speak I know this is agenda items but I know you have a meeting to go to at the legion so so if you'd like to present to us you can just state your name please thank you sir my name is Steve Eldridge I live at 40 Turnberry Road here in Little Falls I am also the first vice commander of the Little Falls American Legion Post 108 here in Singa I have lived in Little Falls for almost 30 years and during that time I have heard quite a bit about the history of our town but I was very surprised several months ago when I learned that our quiet little town was the home of a Congressional Medal of Honor winner from from World War II I couldn't figure out a reason why our town wasn't beaming with pride about the young man who was probably the most famous Little Falls native of all time at least in my opinion I think this is a good time though to correct this oversight United States Marine Corps private Franklin e Sigler was awarded the nation's highest medal for his heroic actions above and beyond the Call of Duty in the closing days of the battle for EO gima in World War II he single-handedly changed the course of the battle and saved the lives of many of his fellow Marines he was also severely wounded himself after recovering from his wounds and leaving the core he came home to Little Falls and joined the Little Falls Police Department eventually rising to the rank of detective he was recognized with a small plaque bearing his name on the Union Avenue Bridge Crossing the Pake River we think he deserves more I am here this evening to request the council consider a resolution to rename the Memorial Park or the tank park or Wilmore Park I've heard it called all three names a couple of them even tonight and I would request that it be named officially designated the Frank Sigler Memorial Park if enacted it might be appropriate to make this change effective on November 11th when we have when we recognize our veterans at the town's Veterans Day ceremony I believe the Historical Society supports this I know our local American Legion Post supports this and I hope you the council will support this thank you thank you Mr alridge are there any questions or comments from the floor to Mr alridge councilwoman HTS yes uh thank you Mr Alber bridge for uh coming to this meeting today um last year at Wilmore Park we had repainted the Gazebo and I was actually speaking to um herb and and um Alan Stone about maybe renaming the Gazebo after someone and they were going to give me a list of veterans I think this is a great idea and we'll talk to the council definitely to see what we can do thank you are there any other questions or comments from the floor mayor anything on this yes that a couple of years ago so not about this request in particular but about Mr seagler I know a couple of years ago the plaque that was located on the unav bridge seemed to have gone missing uh and there was an issue uh actually I think it had been removed and then it was eventually found at some point by our DPW where they had stored it and on the plaque itself because Mr seagler was a marine I believe there were portions of the plaque that did not honor him as a marine and our former business administrator Mr cuchia being a marine himself was offended that he was not honored as a marine properly on the plaque and thanks to council president Anthony SCA he was instrumental in having a new plaque made for Mr seagler properly recognizing him as a marine which is now located on that bridge uh Mr seagler is certainly a gem in Little Falls there are not as you know very many Medal of Honor winners uh him being one of the very few in the nation's history uh and and having a name such as this because you're right there is certainly Fusion over the name of Wilmore Park tank Park you know Memorial Park it has certainly been called all three I've called it all three myself I've heard it called all three I don't know that any are correct or incorrect uh but giving it a a new name is something that I can certainly discuss further with this Council and and see if it's the direction that they would like to go thank you thank you Mr Al is there anyone else I'd like to come before us no one in the chat correct have a motion to close the public comments move by councilman V Cherry second by councilman havets all those in favor I all those opposed c a motion to approve consent agenda this is a roll call so moved moved by councilwoman Patel second by councilman V Cherry Madame clerk roll call on consent agenda please council member Patel yes council member Murphy yes council member havet yes council member van Cherry yes council president scova yes Madam clerk read ordinance 1497 please second reading and public hearing of ordinance number 1497 and Ord entitled 2024 Little Falls salary ordinance thank you the public hearing on ordinance 1497 is now open does anyone wish to speak on 1497 anyone in our chat that like to speak on 1497 seeing no one come before us here in the go and council chambers not speaking on 1497 uh we um the public hearing on 1497 is now closed have a motion to a motion to adopt 1497 so move by councilman habits second by councilman Venter this is a roll call to adopt 1497 council member Patel yes council member Murphy yes council member habet council member van Cherry yes council president scova yes Madam clerk read ordinance 1498 please introduction of ordinance number 1498 and ordinance entitled storm water Control Ordinance with a second reading and public hearing scheduled for September 9th 2024 thank you have a motion to introduce 1498 moved by councilman V Cherry second second by councilman Murphy Madam clerk does a roll call please call the rooll for 1498 council member Patel yes council member Murphy yes council member habet yes council member vaneri yes council president scova yes c a motion to open uh the meeting for public and general matters so move move by councilman Murphy second by councilman vent Cherry there's a Voice vote all those in favor I all those opposed motion carries Madame clerk anyone wishing to address the township Council may do so through the council president it is preferred if you give her name and address for the record however sorry comments are to be limited to three minutes however if appropriate you may be granted additional time in the whole discretion of the council president members of the public who have joined the meeting virtually and desire to provide comment she'll raise their virtual hand in the zoom application meeting moderator will cue the members of the public that wish to provide comment and the council president will recognize them in order members of the public who have joined the meeting by calling in must press star six to mute and unmute themselves and star nine to raise their hand members of the public who have join the meeting via the zoom application must click the reactions icon and then the raise hand icon once the process is complete we will return to the regular order of business thank you is there anyone in the chat that like to speak to us this evening Jen Jen can you hear us hello Jen yes good evening can you hear me yes just state your name please my name is Jennifer Kola good evening good evening thank you for listening this evening um I just want to keep this as brief as possible as this is um an ongoing issue and I I really want um assistance from Township at this point I'm a homeowner and resident of little Force for 31 years I'm having an ongoing issue with my Nextdoor neighbors with excessive noise and it's um it's noise in as far as excessive with music blasting um also vehicles that I don't know like they sound like semi trucks um 5:30 this morning I I was awakened by a vehicle uh from that property um it it sounds like a a semi and then there's revving and there's all kinds of things um going on so I really can't use my yard um on a regular basis um I have difficulty opening my windows with this noise and this has been documented for three years this situation has been worse since my husband passed away which was three years ago uh it's getting worse with the uh retaliation um as I try to protect myself and my family and my household it affects our daily lives uh I lost a tenant which is documented and um I have a current tenant who is a wonderful person that I don't want to lose from my property he's he's good this affects my neighbors and and everyone else is very [Music] um very respectful there's a baby next door there's no consideration for any of us like these people just want to run rough shot over us and I'm not having that anymore it's um I'm sorry your last name was Capo did I hear that correctly yes is c o p p o l a that's correct Miss Capal what I'd like you to do is to reach out first thing tomorrow to Vince contron our business administrator and let me drop that down I'm sorry let me drop that down counc pres if I may what I would suggest ma'am is in the event of an issue I'd ask that while the noise is loud you immediately contact the police department so that they I've done that for three years right so m m Capa reach out to Vince contron tomorrow morning he's our business administrator I will do that okay do that and then the mayor and myself will Circle back to to that conversation that you have and if we need to bring the chief in as well we'll do so or the uh building inspector as well so please do that okay thank you thank you for your time this evening I appreciate you thank you you're welcome m is there anyone else that like to speak in the chat okay thank you is there anyone in this governing Chambers thatd like to speak before us you just need to state your name not your address Anna crer 171 perab thank you good evening so my house was recently broken into while we were sleeping at night uh we have four known police reports that have been filed of them trying to attempt to steal our vehicles unfortunately this time they were able to enter my home our neighbor up the street um their house also got broken into a few weeks ago they went through their kitchen window they found them standing in their kitchen at 4:00 in the morning I'm asking if we could please have lights on First Avenue it is very dark there are two uh two current lights they are very dim the street is very quiet at night and there are a lot of activity going up and down the street cars speed up and down all day long thinking that that street is a cut through Street which it is not um now that my house has been broken into I'm up all night long and I see the activity that's going on up and down all night long I'm thinking if we excuse me if we like it up a little bit make it a little brighter put in a sign saying dead end maybe this would stop this is again the fifth time that they have done this and they were in my well thank you for having the courage to come before this governing body and I'm awfully sorry of that s of that situation that happened to you here in this town this governing body along with the mayor Prides themselves on putting a lot of resources into the police department apparently and I thank you thank you but it seems like we always have more work to do um we will take a look at the lighting situation if we could we could will work on that and get PSG or to put up more lights and also it's duly noted the chief is sitting in her presence about what he could do in that neighborhood as well so thank you for coming before us that takes a lot of Courage thank you it's just very dark and now I'm watching every night so I know well we want you to have a good night's sleep we don't want you to be up mayor any comment on this sure what I'd like you to do is if you can an email so we can coordinate on this a little bit what we can do is PS andg is willing to add lights to polls if we have to provide them with the poll numbers it's a bit of work on our end not a major issue but we have to fill some paperwork submit it to them approve that we will pay for the light annually things like that uh so what we can do is maybe we can coordinate we can ask them to change some of the LI heads that currently exist to the new LED Li heads they are much brighter in fact half of the time when people have requested one uh I end up getting a complaint after even though I warn them they are substantially brighter some people say they shine into the bedroom some people say it's very bright I have no I have noticed they are somewhat directional down towards the street they don't really spill over much um so I would only warn you of that but I'm also happy to work with you and coordinate adding some lights to the roadway as well as well as changing some of the current Li heads to the new LEDs because that's the only ones that they're installing when we ask for new installs but I'd be happy to you know coordinate with you pick particular polls we can walk up and down the street see we might be able to do that and add some of those new lights Brier they won't be so raas to come into my home or anybody else's home on our street we know what's happening and if maybe we could just stop it by brightening up Little Falls little bit maybe that will help I don't know yeah unfortunately I don't think unique to Little Falls but we have seen criminals more Brazen in their acts over these past handful of years uh certainly going to new lengths to find car keys or whatever it may be uh it makes me scratch my head on some other topics and issues uh but certainly something the lights may be one way to help uh you know get them out of that area absolutely all right thanks does the governing body have any comments yeah I was just through the floor councilman V Cherry I was gonna say two because I know you mentioned to some speeding concerns if you can work with the chief and the Traffic Division can look into this on First St maybe some Patrol or put a box up just to see what the speed is on that street the problem is because they think that it cuts through Francisco or able to see their gr first that you know it's a double wide Street it's a beautiful street so they come flying up they get to the end they realize oh no it's a dead end so once they turn around now they're losing time so it's you know they're speeding out of there so I don't know if something could be you know done the traffic Department's been great about looking into it because ironically um earlier this year they looked in Second Avenue same thing was happening so they were able to address it so yeah if you can follow up with the police department they can definitely look into that as well for you if you send me an email what I'll do is I'll get your response with the link in order to fill out the the form and what that will allow our track trff Division and our chief to do is to uh get your contact information and coordinate directly with you uh where you think speeding is the worst where they might be able to set up a speed study and then they can talk to you after about the results and whatever the findings may be through the floor councilman Murphy yeah too I know councilman Venter too maybe can I know linoln a I believe has it some dead end signs maybe looking into that um posting some of those on First Avenue this way they don't think that it's like Second Avenue or it's a cut through and they could kind of speed down it maybe we could put some of those dead end sign make a little visible about that it does seem that you know again this is the fifth time we bought them in my driveway we bought them on the street fortunately we have not gotten them but it seems like you know they put the pedal to the metal when they're leaving and they think they're going that way and they're not and they have to turn back around and I actually had a police officer writing the report and the car drove right past them this was probably maybe last last December I think it was or January so it's been an ongoing issue I have unfortunately nice bars and they want them and they're going to do whatever they can to try to get them well you should not have to worry about the cars you buy in the community you live in so we're grateful to come before us we are instituting some other new programs this year to help prevent this happening I don't want to make it public at this point um but we're going to be working on a stronger safety initiatives uh where the police department has a a good grip on who's coming in and out of our community and again Little Falls did amazing in my game they were there for four hours and they were very thorough they did everything they needed to thank you thank you is there anyone in the chat again no okay have a motion to close the public comment so moved moved by councilman Murphy second by councilman V Cherry all those in favor I all those opposed motion carries I want to thank the staff for working with me when putting this agenda on for this evening um have a motion to adjourn this meeting move by councilman Murphy second by councilman habas all those in favor all those opposed this meeting is now closed