e e e e e e Ali public meetings act adequate notification of this meeting has been provided by advertising in record and posting notice of this meeting in Burl Hall and superintendant office I hereby call to order the public meeting of the little Perry Board of Education Thursday July 18th 2024 at 7:02 PM can I have a roll call please here spel Mr fos M scottley here Mr mey M vzo here Mr B here Mr belli here M here we have a little Board of Education approves the minutes of the regular public meeting held on June 20th 2024 and the minutes the July 8th 2024 special meeting do I have a motion motion second second M BR yes Scot yes M vuso yes Mr GAC is abs M velli this Bradley we'll Now open up to Mr provide superintendent report okay we're going start off with the students of the this uh we did invite uh the June students mon back this month because the last day of school F on our board me so we Happ have something for Miss Bradley would you like to join me I think that would be appropriate in this situation all right our six grade June through of the month is Andrew Brad student after Andrew as a June student of the month the teachers your grade level have the following things to say about you he has exemplary behavior he has strong character that makes him a role model for other students he consistently demonstrates what demonstrates what it means to be responsible and caring individual he is respectful to everyone he interacts with he's always willing to collaborate work as part of the team congratulations Andrew screen we'll get in there family anybody oh know right know you you were babies thanks Christmas all right is no hit report for the month of July summer projects are in full spring uh Mr little more detail for his report summer is a really busy time wrapping up next week Mr alanes and his crew are working hard making great progress in preparing the building for next year we are ahead of schedule that department which is excellent the new playground is near waiting on the Ballard and the fence to be installed we're exited excited and pleased with the project and looking forward to the kids watching the kids enjoy it the staff and the student Chromebooks have been delivered uh the student Chromebooks were delivered today uh staff home books uh were delivered Mark what last Wednesday Mark and his team have been working to get those ready last as of day teachers were informed they come pick up their new PR books the district has been Reed on the exterior all exterior doors have been Reed and interior Smart Lock system is in the process of being installed the target date is mid August for the completion of that job uh happy to announce that the final n classrooms in the district have been U removed something past couple years which is nice to have everything completely done there uh we approved a design layout for the media center so I will have exp Jo of that at the next board meeting for the public and for the board ahead of time uh we're using the the remaining of the S to a New Look new furniture new carpet it's going to have a nice really nice feel in there when it's done yes yep just kind of making it more uh current up to date really nice hangout some reading nooks and books and all all the good stuff that goes into a media center so I think it's a long time coming for there that'll be really nice The fireo Alarm Systems been fully converted into one system one company the ever system which are smaller screens and you see in the back there um have been fully installed Stan is working on the last few installs of the brackets those should be I would say by the end of next week probably completely done uh with those brackets we are also working on becoming fully staffed for September I believe we have two more positions to fill we have we had uped four interviews today uh so we are in a good position we feel that we should be fully staff barring any unforeseen uh presentation for anything that could Happ the last two big items are we we announced last week and we were thrilled to announce that we receive $5 million from Tron that's direct appropriation to help lower the tax impact of middle school we have reduced the bond purchase from a 37 million $ 37.8 million purchase $ 32.8 million purchase um as you will see reflected tonight's uh resolution I want to once again thank the mayor and the council for the wering support and commitment as long as well as Senator McDonald and Swain um very supportive the $5 million goes a long way promise that the board uh indirectly made during during the referendum trying tell to try to secure more funding um and this went a long way in doing so we will continue to try to get more fund be successful uh making great progress with the new Middle School our next meeting is July 22 The Architects uh we're still in the schematic review phase getting ready to submit to the Boe and um the soil testing was conducted on Monday this week so we are waiting those results but we are making great progress and we'll be quickly uh St summer is a busy time build exciting looking forward to seeing it all come together I will I let the board know I will be on vacation next week but I will have cell phone and outut we'll be away next week our next board meeting is August 15 that concludes my report great thank you m now Mr Gomez for the board so super covered most of the facilities items we did complete the required Le u in the water testing so this is a new year so we're actually testing so that's been completed we'll have the results shortly and those will be posted on the website I don't foresee any problems uh in terms of so for Food Service um just going to tell tell you what we made we have the final number for the year we made a profit of $122,450 contract guarant so very good performance and I want as deep as I did the numbers last time but I'll give you an example for June uh in last year our a per day for breakfast was 41 this J's 116 and for the lunch 57 last year this year we averaged 203 and that's just middle school so it was just all around a great performance uh we hope to be doing some things with that excess Surplus as state makes us spend we actually have we're allowed to have three months of operating we have quite a bit more than that so we'll be told to spend some and of course it'll be spent on things in area um for the finance we do not have the financials for June 30th and I want to explain why we don't close the books until we PID every single J Phil so we're close we we'll be closing probably the first week in August so that's just most people don't do it till September we did it last all we're almost done so right now we have two fisal years old it's always a challenge I get so we're we're in good shape so that's that's all I have great thank you so much thank you to the board for transitioning over to maio's clearly um all right we'll open it up to miss beri for personnel report we met on Monday we basically discussed the new highes which are on Mrs vuso for Education okay to meet the new Ela and math standards is impul swing across all grades k2a as well as Middle School social social studies michaelo Laura Wood and Jimmy Don are analyzing all testing data from this year to plan for next year's District goals curriculum re and tier supports next steps are action planning with the data team of teachers great thank you Mr Benelli for finance I was actually on vacation that week that would Mr Gomez if there was anything that cover I know Mr mil isn't here but policy did meet Mr yeah so we met we we had a policy alert 233 I believe was that came in a lot of it is just mandatory revisions to policy we did discuss the inhance policy uh for the student body we you know making some changes to that uh I think the most notable is each days uh abs for 18 unexcused for school that's unexcused AB say that count say an excuse that was probably the major discussed we also discussed the drug policy is on here tonight but uh that will be on for August uh 24hour turn around uh drug testing and all the other policies that are on great anything for transportation um for this meeting no okay and as far as expansion um Matt I'm sorry Mr perado hit all of the highlights $5 million from the state um and also with our indirect promise that we're making to collect additional funding um we are also trying to stay on target school years we're glad to as of now um Mr Bor is the B on no well I still may you know where we're headed that's it we're heading in the right direction happy five million everybody's happy so far great um and then is um SC Le for NJ SDA I just want to call everyone's attention that got the school leader publication there's a really good article about designing new schools for like education and it's all like all the stuff for for the new school acrosso great that's all I wanted to bring out thank you just for the board knowledge we're going to have Mr D present the VA test results yeah August or September but I thought it' be could to get that in a all right we'll now open it up for public comment on agenda items right we'll go ahead and take a block vote on F28 d106 e73 C8 and F A9 do I have a motion motion second second he yes scotle yes mzo yes Mr B yes Mr belli yes yes all motions passed great well now op up for public comment on non-agenda items all right uh I just want to take a quick opportunity Andrew as your mother as the Board of Education president and I think I'm speaking on behalf of Grandma Grandpa aun Joe uh daddy GI lla and your brother Alex we're so proud of all of your accomplishments and the person you're becoming and we hope that you continue to shoot for the stars excellence and we love you this is only reason why I'm here is because you know all right so uh let's see do I have a motion second good 17 minute meeting we did it