can everyone please stand to the in accordance with the open public meetings act adequate notification of this meeting has been provided by advertising in the record and posting notice of this meeting in burrow Hall and the superintendent office I hereby call to order the public meeting of the Little Ferry Board of Education Thursday January 11th 2024 at 7:01 p.m can I have a roll call please broli M pel here Mr fitos here M scottley here Mr mey here misso here Mr borac here Mr belli here Mrs Bradley here we have a four be resolve that the little F Board of Education approved the minutes of the regular public meeting held on regular public meeting held on December 14 2023 and January 4th 2024 January 8 2024 do I have a motion Mo second second okay M BR M Patel yes Mr fyro Mrs scotley yes yes Mr mey Mr vuso yes Mr VOR Mr Benelli and Mrs Bradley AB was oh you w okay can I okay perfect okay good all right we'll now uh turn it over to Mr parado for his superintendence report okay U so typically we would start with the students of the month but I don't see any in attendance I know three of the uh four recipients this month have uh conflicted the South AC basketball tournament so we had invited them to come to the next meeting so we'll be honoring them at the next meeting our grade five winner was Dylan revas um and since we have all three coming to next meeting I I'll extend that to their as well a conflict so I'm not going to do the two at this point um I just want to make sure the public is informed uh this past Monday the board approved resolution allowing the district to go and vote on March 12th of this year to decide on a new Middle School uh referend for across the street uh we want to ensure the community at this point that we will be as transparent as we possibly can throughout the entire process given the timing of which when we receive the approval letter letter we still do not have do not have the tax impact numbers we anticipate having these numbers within the next few days at which point we will launch all things referendum and begin to engage the community president Bradley Mr Gomez and myself have a meeting scheduled tomorrow morning to set the path towards the ruting information and updates to the community so we ask you to stay tuned and behind me today I have the renderings of what the new Middle School will look like coming in just under $38 million so this is the renderings of the new building that would be across the street if the voters allow it I anticipate the physical takedown of Washington school so we are talking about the uh removing of the Washington site for the school to begin next week or or the week after depending on the weather that's being projected for next week this building is part of the proud history of blairy and I would love nothing more than to be replacing this site with another building that will continue to serve this town and District proud over the next 100 years and be able to give this community and our students what they truly deserve family engagement night family engagement night is next Thursday January 18th from 6:30 to 8:30 we already have 50 families that have rspd for the event and plan on that number increasing I unfortunately will not be able to attend this event since it is my son's birthday but Mr dun is ready to go and has another amazing night planned for all the families to attend and at this point I would like to turn over my report to Mr for the student report L Gentlemen please let you know what the stud body the we had our holid this really help all the students also C this year thank you to the [Music] pons thank you I think it's important to know that you were working on limited time here St that report for only 11 days into the new year so I appreciate it thank you that conclud my report I'll Now open up to Mr gome Gomez for the board secretary report good evening everyone so in term of facilities um the demolition we're up to date on the payments and all the paper work that OES Us by the contractor including the pay requisitions for the Union Labor uh we met myself and the superintendent with our architect and started laying out some of the spending for the last and final Federal grant uh under AR the American Rescue plan it's approximately $800,000 so tomorrow in fact we're doing a walk through for the univent which was one of the projects that was laid out and we're going to look at multiple projects and they'll put a bid package together we should be going out to bid in February that's the right time frame in order to get a decent contractor so we did that um the basketball courts which came up the last time uh we created a small committee to look at the equipment I provided the committee with links to the state contract vendors the two consortiums and we're probably Gonna Keep two the baskets conventional and then we're toying with the idea of one that can be lowered and raised so we have our two gen teachers and our Middle School principal on that committee that's great so we have that all identified we've spoken to the vendor uh they'll probably do the install also so everything's all well coordinated now Food Service our numbers were slightly up versus last year versus the prior month and it was one last service day in terms of profit and loss for the month we had a net income of $1,542 N4 that was in the black overall since the beginning of the program we're at $1 17,5 5 so it's looking really good in terms of the fiscal and the food so I just want to point out to that that 177,000 um even though we're up in the September we had some cost that we watch program that number if that's not a reoccurring cost so without those numbers we'd be even up for is we're running pretty good there so in terms of Finance we close the month of December which is even earlier than last month and uh now you s natur closed the month by yourself was your first yeah thank you uh the audit is still ongoing they're behind so the state is going to change when it's do so that I wish we had it now it might delay or few that's what we were doing for the last five years just delaying it so in terms of the budget so far we've met with the two principles technology curriculum instruction special education early childhood and also have a framework for the buildings and grounds departments which I completed with u Mr Alan so uh we're going to be trying to make our first path at the budget by January 21st so so we're putting everything together for that first look and I'll either be laughing or crying one or the other but been doing it for a long time um chapter 44 is due from the state what that is there was a law passed three years ago we have to report to the state how many folks we have in each tier of the health insurance and even though we are in the state health plan they don't have the data so we we have to report it every year so this is year number three with that um they they're saying if the district saves money due to the new health care plans that they created three years ago uh we have to give the money back to the taxpayer nobody in the state has proven that they saved the time there was supposed to be a report where at the $300 million savings Mark they were going to do something that report is missing all the financial information so we'll see so we're we we'll make the deadline pretty easily and that's all I have great we don't have any committee reports tonight so we'll open it up to public comment on agenda items only anybody has any question comment concern well then I'll take a block vote on F1 to F3 do2 to do8 P1 55 C1 C2 fa1 and P1 do I have a motion motion second second you could just go ahead all right to is absent Mrs Patel yes Mr fitos yes Mrs gley yes Mr mey uh yes5 which one5 okay Mr yes Mr vac yes Mr Benelli yes Mr BR yes motion's passed thank you all right well now open it up the public comment on non agenda items all right be off the little fairy Board of Education determines it is necessary to meet an executive session on Thursday January 11th 2024 at 7:11 p.m. to discuss matters of personnel negotiation and litigation and be it further resolved that these matters will be made public when confidentiality no longer exist just for the Public's sake uh actually might be taken when we when we come out of executive but you're free to go but you're free to go if you choose possible we appreciate here all right guys we're back for executive session 7:25 okay uh okay we're just gonna take a block vote on P6 do I have a motion hold on I just feel like all right we resolved that the Little Ferry Board of Education upon the recommendation of the superintendent of school approves hiring of the following school nurse on or before March 11 2024 for the remainder of the school year pending appropriate paperwork that's Mrs Kathy Martone step 18 with a masters at $933 pro rated do I have a motion second second all right so Mr broli absent Mr Patel yes Mr fos scottley yes Mr mey yes M vzo yes Mr bisc yes Mr belli yes Mr brv yes motion passed do we have any questions or comment the public do I have a motion to adjourn second second