you don't call by I saw him so he reminded me ready can everybody please stand for the flag solution in accordance with the open public meetings act adequate notification of this meeting has been provided by advertising in the record and posting notice of this meeting in Burl Hall and the superintendent's office I hereby call to order the public meeting of the little fairy Board of Education Thursday February 15 2024 at 7:02 PM can I have a roll call please here Mr fos here Mr scotley is on the line Mr mey here Mr Luso here Mr borc here Mr berelli here here Mr we have a quum oh Mr Bradley here great be resolve that the little fery Board of Education approves the minutes of the regular public meeting held on January 11th 2024 do I have a motion motion second yes Mel Mr fitro yes B Le yes Mr mey yes missuso yes Mr BAC yes Mr Benelli yes Mr Bradley yes I'll now ask Mr parado to provide his superintendent report all right good evening everybody we're going to start with the students of the month um there's going to be we're kind of doubling back here so in December for the December students of the month uh there was a conflict with several of the students who received the award because of basketball tournaments and things of that nature so we're going to call them up first and then we're going to go into the January students at a month so when I call you up if the student can come up and then all right so our sixth grade winner uh for the mon is Kylie yes uh do you know who it is this mon or okay all right I am please to point me that Kylie has been chosen as the December student of the month at her grade level teachers at her grade make the selection for this award and they had the following things to say about kyli she consistently prioritizes her academics no puts forth her best ever he works well with all of our peers and often takes on the leadership role within the group he's dependable and always a good role model for her ears she never gives up and is always willing to learn something new she gives an absolute pleasure to have congratulations than sorry all right our December stud the month in grade seven is Cara and please to inform you that Cara has been chosen as the de separate student of the B the teachers at her have the following things to say he's a hardworking student he always Volunteers in class he positively positiv positively add to the classroom environment he's very responsible is dedicated to her work congratulations k that l all right so we are going to move to January students of the mother in grade five the student of the mucked winner ision S I am pleased to inform you that has been chosen as the January student of the teachers at your grade level have the following things to say about you he a new student to the district who has transitioned seamlessly his work ethic is unmatched he preserves even while learning a new language he well manages his academics pure relationship he's a model student and well deserving of this recognition yeah for grade six is jayen Flores I am pleased to inform you that jayen has been chosen for the January student of the month tees that your bra following things say about you he is creative student he's kind helpful and always willing to help out of class he dedicated to her studies she's cheerful in class and ambitious to learn new things she's trustworthy respectful and a well rid student congratulate okay grade seven student of the month for January is Skyler n I please to inform you that SC has been chosen as the January student love teach that your things to say about you he is hardworking he's kind to his classmates he is helpful to other students he's to succeed I actively participated completed assignments on time is respectful to all of his teachers congrat no we go and our grade 8 January student month is Al dbr and please inform you that alah has been children as the January student of the month the that your will have say about you dedication to her school work and constant effort that all she done this earned her Des she always feels kindness respect and an excellent attitude toward school he motivated and always willing to give a help he he's a pleas to Great to the class congratul there we go congratulations oh now I'll go on with the rest of the report uh for our hip report for the since our last board meeting we had two HS one at Washington School which was unfounded and one at Memorial School which resulted in the result that's classified as subf founded uh I also want to remind the community that February 22nd will be Community form for the referendum at 7 pm in the gymnasium we will have a panel consisting of our Administration Bond Council financial advisors and our ects all there to answer questions that anything that anyone may have we encourage anyone who wants to learn more about the proposed referendum that will be voted on March 12 so please join us if you cannot attend that session we also have an open house Forum on Saturday February 24th which will be more one toone conversations and things of that nature that'll be from 9 to 12 on Saturday 9:00 am to 12: pm on Saturday and anyone who can't make Thursday strongly encourage you to make that event and like we've been saying the whole time you can always email my office you can call my office uh with any questions that you may have and i' be more than happy to either get the answer for you or provide you the answer um right on the phone I also want to announce that in the demolition uh or the site clearing of Washington School the district was informed that or was given a 110 year old time capsule that was found inside the Cornerstone of the building and the reason we found it in the inside the Cornerstone is because that was one of the pieces of the building we're preserving to hopefully be able to put it into the new middle school that's built um and it's cool as it is and it's it's a really unique looking box um it does have contents in it it has not been open uh that'll be open on March 3rd at 3M in the gymnasium um which which we're pretty excited about and and what we keep saying is you know that would have never been found if that building didn't come down and the location was inside of a cutout inside of the corner El so it's a really interesting time and we're really excited to to read some of the letters that I'm assum are in there and see what kind of contents are in that box um I guess next but not least is please remember to get out and vote on March 12th and the polls are open for 12m to 8:00 pm and with all that being said I'm going to turn it over to Mr upad for his student uh representative report good evening ladies and gentlemen this schol is blind by I can't believe it's already in the middle of for a short month we have a lot going on last Friday the middle school had a pajama dance this week we were celebrating the week of the yesterday was Valentine's Day and best of all we had our first snow day of the school year the students want to thank the PK for the Valentine's Day F party everyone enjoyed the tree the student government am did an amazing draw for na sales this year if I do say myself I remember we spent a a lot of time and delivering over 500 but none of this would would have not been possible without the generosity of Mr for Forest once again Mr Forest donated all the flowers for the sale thank you Mr FL thank you everyone have a good night great job thank you I'm going to all right and at this time we we received our uh audit back and we have Mr parente here who's going to come up and just go over the audiance report yeah if you can give us one moment before you do no you're good just uh first congratulations to all the recipients of student of the month uh we do want to let you know that we're kind of getting into the business part of the meeting so we will not take offense if you decide to leave you're welcome to stay but we just wanted to put that out there and again congratulations to all the parents as well it's a true Testament of all of the work that you put inside of the kids so congratulations again and we'll now invite Andrew to come up the auditor's report usually clears sorry okay um um we've completed your audit for the year ended June 30th 2023 uh the board received two reports the larger report is your annual comprehensive financial report and then the smaller report would be your udit's management report included in the management report would be any findings and recommendations if any um every school district in the state of New Jersey is required to file both of these reports as far as the annual comprehensive Financial reports concerned it's primarily made up of four sections the first section would be an in introductory section the second section would be your management discussion and Analysis which would be your financial statements in a narrative form the third section would be your financial section which would include um an Auditor's opinion various financial statements and footnotes to the financial statements and then the last section would be your statistical section as I indicated there is an Auditor's opinion attached to your financial statements for June 30th 2023 that is an unmodified opinion what that means is that your financial statements are fairly stated and free and material misstatement that's a clean opinion that's the opinion you want to receive on an annual basis uh what I'm what I would like to briefly discuss the district's fund balance at June 30th 2023 the district ended the year with approximately 7.5 million in fund balance okay that fund balance is reserved or restricted for several different purposes which I'll get into now uh the district has set aside uh 436,000 which it will which use as a revenue Source in a 2324 school year that's school year you're in you're in right now it has also set aside uh 1.1 million of of fund balance that you will use when you pair your 2425 budget uh the the district has established a capital reserve in the amount of 3.7 million it has established a maintenance Reserve in the amount of 637000 um you have a tuition Reserve that would be available to be utilized in the 23 24 year in the amount of 275,000 and then there's a tuition reserve for the 2425 school year in the amount of 475,000 and then the last piece of your fund balance would be your unassigned fund balance and that's in the amount of $730,000 okay um I will briefly now just get into um the rec recommendations we had four recommendations the first was that the board that board resolutions be prepared and approved identifying individuals and salary amounts to be charged to Federal grant programs the second recommendation was that continued efforts be made by the district to obtain the statement of operations and related financial information from the Food Service management company for the fiscal year ending June 30th 23 the third recommendation is that the county and District reports of transported resident students be reviewed and reconciled to ensure that the annual reports are in agreement and then the last recommendation was that all acquisitions of equipment and building improvements be included in the annual Capital asset inventory report there's any questions I'd be glad to address those thank you question thank you quick question were there any significant CH finan changes no I mean we we just um we went through your your fund balance increase it went up by 1.3 million now you one second yes if it was needed to appropriate that un balance that would be got that's what left the 1.3 million that's left over has that isar amount you mean the increase well it depends on from one year to the next you know budgeting isn't an exact sign so you know when when when the school district is preparing the budget you never know what you're going to get in terms of maybe extra special education for so so like said not an exact sign so that was what regenerated this year which um is good which was a good amount when you say money um that's notes that happen is if you don't spend it you basically would be required to anticipate it as a revenue store in the next year correct as as a reue Leslie you have a question Les thank you very much thank you right we now ask Mr Gomez provid his board secretary report hey good evening everyone in terms of facilities uh we're working with the Architects on one of the capital scheduled capital reserve withdrawals to upgrade uh the univent so that was budgeted last year uh we're waiting for numbers because this one will be bid out it's large enough where we should bid it it'll probably be about a million bucks so and that's every single univent in the building so uh next we're we're looking for quotes right now for and I have to be careful what I say because it's security related on upgrading the ability to lock down the building so we're going to get three quotes on this two for something more modern and one for something more conventional so we'll be waiting on that uh we're also getting a proposal to do a thermal scan of the roof of this building uh to see where in what kind of shape we're in um we do have solar on the roof so that tends to degrade any roofs so we just want to make sure so we can do it in a structured way there's no way you would ever do an entire roof at one shot this building is Big so they'll determine in what order and when we should start working on a on a roof uh so that's what we have on facilities um so with the batol court that was approved in a prior meeting we're waiting for the weather to warm up to complete that project and we are adding um either totally replacing the backboards or what kind of mix we're going to do so we do have a committee that will make a recommendation so we're waiting on that but we're just waiting for the whole V so for finance we close January on February 12 uh so that's on finance so in terms of the audit so I have prepared the corrective action plan already it's not due until 45 days after you accept the audit but I always do them at the same time so we've identified what the problem were and what I intend to do about it so for transportation um in January the state inspection unit inspected our budet so this is on top of the regular inspection every vehicle does in New Jersey uh it comes out Department of Transportation and they take our bus for the better part of the day and they go over with the F to so that was completed Food Service uh you right now so our reimbursement for the month of January will be $33,150 that's between uh the federal and the state St a much smaller amount to date we've got about $100,000 worth of reimbursement in September uh we serve school lunches between the two schools 7,878 meals which is running about what we did last January uh and we served 3,890 breakfast uh in terms of free and reduce numbers are about the same from October 15 there's really no change uh so in terms of the budget so the budget calendar was finally released by the state last week they're just a little late they're probably about two weeks behind so what does that mean so the governor's speech the budget speech is scheduled for February 27th which is the fourth Tuesday of February and having a leave your sort of mess me up so 48 hours after his speech by law they must release our state a triggers and everybody's got a different prediction so we don't we really don't know uh so once we get the state aid we have until March 20th to turn the budget into the county for review the county has until the 20th of April to approve it and then the first budget hearing would be April 24th and the last possible date is May 7th so that's what we have so far so just everybody knows we're Ty two District which means elected GE and we have a November election so those are those are the dates that I have so far that concludes my report great thank you Mr Gomez we'll now open it up to committee reports uh Mrs beri to provide Personnel update we met this past Monday for personnel uh we discussed hiring The Substitute nurse for the remainder of the school year also in addition to possibly hiring the second school nurse for next year uh we discussed the 2024 25 school calendar the superintendent is waiting on Richville Park to finalize our schedule so we can try and align it with Richville Park and hopefully by next month's meeting they'll have a direct form of that calendar uh we also discussed the student custodian contract negotiations Mr par Mr Gomez have met with the secretaries and exchange proposals and we'll be doing the same with the custodians in the next few weeks and lastly we discuss moving March 12th to a single session day because of the voting and the safety of the children thank you m p missuso for Education yeah um to a completed winter assessment uh that data is being analyzed to determ next steps of of instruction and intervention teachers coaches and administrator created lesson using I ready students to gr level during than Miss so actually I believe you're providing the njsba delegate report to you want to yeah they continue offering the governance um one two three and four trainings that is a mandated training for the board so that's what they have right now great thank you so much Mr pelli for finance we've met on Monday uh we discussed the financial report the district audit and its findings uh we also discussed some new meeting uh meeting dates for the both preliminary budget which will be March 18th and the budget adoption which will be May 2nd we also discuss a capital projects um that'll be recommended by the superintendent such as Mo events reing the district and Ro great thank you Mr M for policy yeah we have no update at this guy great any uh we did do the bu the transportation for the bus we did do the evacuation drill that are required um over the past couple weeks we did some of the Outsource buses in the morning we went down to the high school to do some of the EVS there we did some on the property here and then during recess we started the evacuation drill during recess out here so we're in compliance with that and right now we're we're kind of in a holding pattern until we get our state a numers about what the next steps are with trans great thank you um as far as expansion goes uh we'll start with the site clearing uh comes at no surprise that the site clearing project uh was much faster and completed um quicker than anticipated um what goes on to that property next uh while we've had discussions we simply can't know the answer to that until the results of the March 12th referendum vote uh so we'll sit tight until next month and Mr parado already gave the updates as far as the referendum goes but on behalf of the board and administration regardless of your vote it's important for you guys to get out there and vote this board could only provide the opportunity for you to say yes whether you want to say yes yes or no it's your right you hold the power and ultimately you'll make the decision so that's all that this board could could um could provide for you um with that I'll open it up to Mr borc for the bur liazon report even though I still his Thunder every in general it is also these were mailed to every single resident of Little Ferry just wanted to point it out um check your mailboxes mine came today yours may come tomorrow again I'm reiterating this goes to every single resident that lives in Little Ferry whether is it home owners Apartments anybody would anybody with an address in little fairy so make sure you read it all of the relevant information is on here about the boote it's also providing information on um our community information Forum which again we're urging everybody to come to listen to The Experts listen to what we've been listening to for the last three years and again you don't necessarily have to agree with you know with us but it's nice to communicate with one another and just understand why um we've made decisions that we've made um and we're open to hearing you as well it's not one-sided um so please come on the 22nd we want to see and hear from you if you don't get one of these we we do have uh the leftovers here that we can always head out um okay and now Mr fitos for the orinal park leison report um the next meeting is uh this upcoming Wednesday the 21st so we' been no meeting since our last meeting so I have no to report thank you right we're gonna open it up for public comment and this is only on agenda items um if you haven't received the agenda it may be at the podium um but again and at this portion it's public comment on agenda items only Brenda do you want me to give you a minute no go ahead you sure okay all right uh will now move agenda item oh that'll be um after we take our black vote so just sit tight oh okay give us like two minutes okay um all right so we'll now take a block vote on F4 to F7 do8 to d24 p7 to p15 C3 fa2 do I have a motion motion second second okay Mr broli yes is absent M pyro yes gotley Mr mey yes Luso yes Mr borac yes Mr bernelli yes Mrs Bradley yes all resolutions pass great we'll now open it up for public comment on non-agenda items if you want to just come to the podium state your name and address and then um all speakers get five minutes I 11 Chapman D try to make this no no don't rush don't rush we won't put the timer on you yet but maybe we'll play some music when it's time to stage reason why I'm here is about the okay when we had Sandy right I originally came here and I told the board that to have the school board up to um up to code and so on right would cost approximately $10 million plus any ex naturally and you would get money off from the state and if you were going to build a new school at that time you would been 30 million plus ex uh you know to the to course and you would also get probably around a Le you know from the state okay um he did do work on the school you know to fix it up basically for kids to go in and that was covered I se by by Insurance years went by and nothing really really was done I mean they did minor things but nothing large right and then the school became not safe so they had the permanent module right and they've been there since about okay so now right they have the referendum war against it whatever you want right and a new school is going to cost 38 million plus it right compared to what it was before everything goes you plus extras what does that mean there always answer job any kind of construction so we just want to reiterate and we can I'm not timing so we can have so I just want to reiterate to you in the public that 38 million is the max possible that we could spend that's not necessarily saying that we are going to spend all 38 million but there's no extras so that 38 million costs construction it costs all the way down to the furniture and the desk that's inside so we legally can never go over that 38 million unless we were to take that money out of some other state budget or funding that we've received within that 30-year timeline so if if that's any POS concern I just wanted to address that now now I have read in the paper that there may not be money from the state going on a new construction I had read that the paper so we're getting 1.6 million from the state but then after that was in the paper and I well I don't think you know you put that you going to get that if you weren't going to get so it's not towards the actual 38 million it doesn't come off the top of that what it happens is it helps pay off the debt okay all right and now also um and not contract them but do we need actually on the roof right um a playground schooling and that because that only adds to your liability and your insurance so also as far as the cafeteria goes I think it's a great idea you know but in the end you have to have company that's going to like f right and um you have to bring you got a life ility insurance is going to go off and then it's going to come to pass where you're going to need a pass to go from one school to the other bring the kids so that's an overhead and Clos that that is can we just like pin and just address each one of those really quick uh okay so the reason why we're adding the rooftop is because what we want to rate to the public again is that this is we've only created a building of what we need it doesn't it's not what we want we would love to build a four-story which was originally in the plan of 2018 prior for me joining the board a beautiful space but what we have built is solely what the Department of Education has said what we need and the potential to grow if we need to the rooftop is just a way for us to have more play space for the kids without actually making the building bigger so it's not necessarily adding the cost it's just us utilizing the RO space you know um and so I was nervous about that whole rooftop thing too we had a up here I don't know if it's here it's beautifully secure if you see I think Mrs peragallo is going to go grab it for you right now when you see it it's a bit of a stunner these are kind of new what they're putting in sort of areas where there's really not too much land but that we could kind of maximize going up um as far as the cafeteria goes now this board was ad aate about making sure that these kids are getting healthier lunges so this year we completely revamped and replaced our food provider which is now machos which they're wonderful with the new kitchen what I want to just let the public know is that this kitchen only has microwaves and heating capabilities it doesn't have a working stove where we could make Fresh Foods and just give the kids a healthier option and that's something that the new kitchen across the street would provide so we're not necessarily bringing anybody in a Food Service Company to like do all of that we're going to have somebody blackes that you could put in my board it would actually be like fresh they would be able to make they would be able to offer a lot more options because they be able to make them on site so a lot of things that are made now either have to be brought here during the the school day um or they have to be reheated here and put in like the warmers and things of that nature so what this what that doing is just allowing us a lot more collecting offerings for the students and healthier anything that's made reheated you know H not great but if you could have something come in and make fresh food and then that would be transported into the as well um and then furthermore as far as the p goes the reason why we love the building across the street and one of the many reasons we decided to make it in middle school is that it would now be its own separate entity from here so the kids would no longer have to say take their classes here and walk across the street to to use the gyms similar to what the 2 is doing now in the modulars where they have to go outside and kind of like go back and forth the kids would no longer have to do that because this would be a true elementary school so it would house our new preschool program program all the way up to our fifth graders and across the street would be sixth seventh and eighth grade they would have their own principles their own curriculums their own spaces gyms music areas where now they're all sharing that so go ahead I'm sorry to interrupt I just want to make sure we're addressing yeah and and what Mr Millie was saying too is um what would also benefit the school is now the modulars um we at their Max allowance of how long the students could be there however we would potentially be able to rent those out if and when God will they're permanent modul but they're still fall under the they F still fall under the guidance of the doe so the shelf life for that is five years they can give you 10 they can give you 15 they don't have to necessarily stretch you down but Mr Gomez can get a letter tomorrow addressed to him and I that says you have until you know you have two years to get out of there and they're no longer being used I'm not saying that that's going to happen that's why I don't really advertise that but what we're looking to do is generate revenue from there if we can it's an option that we have on the table uh whether it's southb jointure other places of that nature that would take over some of the classrooms in there pay us to rent their space send our kids somewhere else we'll be paying us it opens up a lot more options for us to be able to use those modular and imp pass referendum would provide those who want to rent the modular the opportunity to say okay this is happening and we could at least start getting pricing for that and that would bring a to the school but again we can't promise any generated income from them unless we know that KS use that we increase you need to have the the gr do you want to call it to the kindergarten it it it certainly could be a possibility yes you mean for preschool yes yeah we have a lot of different avenues that we're looking to use that for and we would sit down and what we felt would be the most financially responsible this responsible the district and the community uh before making any of those decisions well you do was I know you do that 57% roundabout there of our tax money goes more 60 plus so I mean it's going to go up higher you know and a lot of people the taxes are going to go up higher actually you know and the business in the pay for 35750 a month I mean it's going to be more than that you know it can't be more than that for the average well your house house more than that yeah but I'm saying the numbers that we've advertised are the highest that it could be so and we used our conservative numbers so right now the conservative numbers using is about 4 and a half% of the interest which we know is lower than that for new construction like this so right off the top if we were to strike the bond today the number 50 would actually be lower for the averag as to um I personally sat down with with Senator and Mr Gomez with senator lado um to talking about trying to get more funding for the project um those things are moving along I don't have any commitment at this point but we are not just accepting the $50 a month for the average exess home we are working day in and day out to try to drive that number down but by law and obligation we have to present the I hate using the word worst case scenario but we have to present the worst case scenario to the public and knowing that that as high as it can go for those homes but we are working every day to get it down and we have about a year to drive that number down from the time that we strike too you have that what they assess that but there are people that got now they're accept 400,000 46 500 you know so 100% yeah and we're not we have no point are putting on those up in the air that we don't think it's expensive but you know we did run numbers for the renovation the items that you were talking about and it came within 1% so it was about 35 to 36 million to renovate it and get it to where we would want it as far as space goes $38 million for a new building $38 million for a new build building but at the end of the day with the $36 million spent there's no way we can mitigate the flood risk because we can't raise a 100- year old building so you'd be spending a little bit less maybe less than 1% but you would still be at risk for that for the flood that that happens I can tell you right now that it's like a lake over there and they the water just keeps coming up on the bottom because of the water and there's nothing you can do to mitigate that um besides everything else the aestus and the ADA compliance the elevators that were split when they if they did the insurance pay for the work that they did and they did some work afterwards building was just there it just was integrated to a point where and it and you can tell by the way it came down it some of those things when it was hit in certain areas it just it just crumbled and you know I I know Tony Lincoln Speak to like it it just wasn't safe anymore to to house students and that's why they had to close it um and we you know as a board we did not take that decision lightly we do that what it meant to the community and we we are we made sure we went through every different scenario before making these decisions we use Engineers we use Architects we we financial advisors fond counsel I mean we had meetings for for onwards towards about two years before making these decisions and this is ultimately where we came to um and just to back up your point you know for us this is a need it's not a want it's a need for the district but we wanted to do this with the community of M and the number is what it is right now but what I'm telling everyone is you have my commitment that I will work every single day to try to get that number down um I cannot promise because hey I'm not allowed to but and I don't know what the outcome will be but I can tell you that I will not stop working until I find more funding for it it just said it's very sad it's very sad if they had done it maybe in the beginning say maybe 8 million $9 million you know I can't go back but you that where we are into the possibility high school so there a lot of involved with that they wouldn't just let it be little furry High School have to be Regional but then we have to find Partners but we can't get partners to commit unless we know the St let us do it us do it one of the reasons and that L also cannot the architect and civil engineers the de will not approve that L price visited the senior center um and anybody over 65 if you haven't registered or applied for a tax freeze um we could take your information and submit it to um was and they increased it from 90,000 to 150,000 read somewhere yeah and uh last thing too and I'm doing this work too and my kid may never even step foot in that building even if best case scenario but my point is I live in little fer it's my community I want the kids of the community be proud of where they go to school this is not just saying it's $50 in my taxes and I understand how expensive that is but we're making an investment in our community you know currently there are people that say oh little Perry the kids are going to trailers I don't want to live here well I have one other question has nothing to do with the building go ahead but um at one time we were raid very very well as far as the education of bricklyn went and then we went downhill are we going uphill we are showing Improvement yes yeah I hope so you know and we have to make sure that we're keeping good families here and they want to stay a little bar and that's ultimately invest in the community it's going to be it's going to be hard and it's going to be an interesting day on March 12 but we're just hoping that people come and let me also say thank you for just coming here and having the conversation with us you you go to second let me also mention too that the second time yeah the second time costs may actually increase because as we all know we're in the middle of inflation everything goes up and so that's something that the town we have heard those we have heard the rumors where oh we'll just we'll fail it the first time and they'll just take $10 million off and I can that I can promise you that there is not $10 million to take off that building we probably can't talk about1 million on that building so if we had to go back out it would be the same botom of the same scope of work and then we would just have we would be at risk of what inflation does to that okay thank you very much thank you so much we know it's Mr an good evening okay um a little bit home like I had touch B par a couple days ago on um there's a film that you can put on the Windows um it's called 3M 3M window pill security now there is a grant that the deadline for the grant is March 5th um I have the information you want me share with you later John yeah please so it's basically where it's prevent it's the videos everything are beautiful it really is it's a safety Factor what it does it's difficult to penetrate the glass completely this will buy time for emergencies to get here in the meantime where I would only wanted for the catch where basically and and I can't believe nowadays that we even have cust I mean I went to school and and it was like very different now with all the shootings with this with that we have to be more aware of our surroundings and the situation in the after school program um I'm in the lower grade levels where the windows you're actually actually you're shoot you're sitting ducks onl well you basically don't know so if you would get the the grants out there there's a tremendous amount of money that's available for it it's just that we have to be diligent to file for the grant which as I said it ends March 5th if we have that extra money that 750 in there maybe we can do a little bit towards that um it is a safety Factor so restricted what that that Reserve is restricted but didn't you just say was 750,000 but didn't he say there was something that the board would decide that was probably for the what goes into the revenue you can only use it for tuition so what you would do is you would see a line in my budget just using the 450 is revenue nothing says you have to use it but if you're going to use it it can only be for tuition either regular tuition or speci to offset special education too you offset the regular tuition and that'll free up money for highly restricted they all are you can't the capital reserve must be used for Capital the maintenance Reserve must be used for Capital maintenance and the tuition can only be used for that under the police so maybe we could piggy back all with the police because they get grants too so that's I did my homework on that so that would basically can I ask you what agency is the grant is the school violence prevention program Federal grant the grant deadline is March 5th 204 2024 I have all the I have the information right here okay so afterward I I'll basically give you everything okay okay I appreciate it hi my name is BR 1 Christina Street I just have a quick question and something that I have been asking for a while um so my first question is for Mr P when is our richeville Park meeting date and time and is anybody able to attend so the meeting is Wednesday February 21st I would love to 7 or 730 7 o'cl I 7 o' um yes 7 o' and there always the third Thursday of the one third Thursday Wednesday third Wednesday every third Wednesday yes and you can also get on remotely as well they also have it remote so you can go on their website and you can uh dial in remotely and you can also ask questions remotely too they still have that op okay all right um thank you uh my second question and it's something that um I've asked a years and I was told that I have to ask the mayor but I was just wondering who do I talk to in regards to um possibly changing out the wood chips in the in the playground outside um let be look into actually give you that answer because it's it's kind of a shared it's a shared space that's what we um told before the DBW does help us out the fact also provide the wi okay because my my big situation with the witch is that they cause a mess um when it rains they get foggy the kids get dirty um kids have gotten W chips in their eyes and it's just a safety hazard at this point we hear the same thing about the rubber stuff as well so I I'm just being honest with you so like maybe not a rubber rubber chips just like on that um yeah I'm not disagreeing with you I you know those are all you know budgetary items as we go through some of these things because those rubber bases are are quite expensive yeah I understand sometimes it's hard to put them in when the existing equipment there and we have to look into few of those things but it's it's certainly something that we can explore as we go ahead at the bud yeah it's just um you know we have prek kindergarten first and second they use it so that's a big range um prek is getting u a playground as well so that alleviate some out there so that should they break around like probably like two months two months soon as they can have right yeah okay so I just wanted to bring that up again and thank you guys thank you anybody else okay do I have a motion to adjourn motion everyone wants to say second second and