##VIDEO ID:X4gfl0flupE## e e e e all right good can everybody please stand for the black salute I pledge allegiance to United States just in accordance with the open public meetings act adequate notification of this meeting has been provided by advertising in the record and posting notice of this meeting in burrow Hall and the superintendent's office I hereby call to order the public meeting of the little Perry Board of Education Thursday August 15 2024 at 7:02 PM can I have a roll call please spri Mrs Mr fos Mrs scotley Mr mey here Mr luo here Mr borac here Mr Benelli here Mr Bradley here we have a quum be res that the little fairy Board of Education approves the minutes of the regular public meeting held on July 18th 2024 do I have a motion M roli absent M Patel absent I was absent Zain Mr fos M scotley yes Mr mey I was asked M lzo yes Mr vac yes Mr belli yes Mr Bradley yes we'll Now open up to Mr parado to provide a superintendent report I'm going to deferm our report today uh Mr John you gonna start okay with the uh elll U test results uh I'm going to give my report on the access for L's so access stands for assessing comprehension and communication in English state to state so it's a state to state comparison of our excuse me sir are you able to move that a little the muses start at 704 um so assessing and uh comprehension and communication in English state to state so it's a national Norm assessment focusing on four domains speaking listening reading and writing uh there are six possible levels that students can get from level one entering all the way to level six reaching with 4.5 being the magic passing number or passing score and that's at the expanding level of their language uh acquisition of English uh so what I'm going to go through through is going to be three parts our findings what are our glows and grows based on the data um I'm going to give the aggregated and disaggregated data and then talk about our intervention strategies we forward so glow what went well we had a huge Improvement in the amount of students passed so anytime there's a number less than 10 I can't give you the exact number um so it is a number less than 10 and the year before was a number less than 10 but it was a substantial increase from year to year uh of students tast uh this is a huge um swing in the right directions and we're really excited with that uh there was also a substantial number of students who were in The Fours which is right on the on the custom p uh another great thing that we just finished um yesterday actually was um more sheltered English instruction uh training which is for our general education teachers to be equipped with more tools to be able to support our um growing multilingual learner students in the general uh classroom so it's over the course of three days it's a 15h hour professional development it's through Stockton University which is approved by the department of Ed and it was run by two of our ESL teachers Melissa fola and Christen kaju um we trained 14 teachers across grades k through eight which means that at every grade level there is at least one teacher trained in this which will help support our students day to day uh we also have special Area Teachers who are trained as well uh we're now at at just over 25% of our staff is trained in this method all right win periods was another um blow in lie of pulling our students out and missing reading or missing uh science we've been uh utilizing the wind periods as our intervention for all to be able to pull students for their pull out ESL Services uh so that they it's supplementing and not supplanting their instruction this provides them just continued more exposure and during the win period That's when everyone getss pulled If you're receiving any interventions or basic skills instruction in ela or in math you would be pulled as well as in the other end of spectrum if you're gifted that's when you get pulled you're not missing any of that classroom what are our growths uh our writing domain has been the the grow for the past couple of years it is the last domain that English language Learners um Do master um but that is what we've been focusing on and we continue to focus on increasing uh speaking is another domain that we would like to uh see increase it took a slight dip of about about a half of a tenth of a point um but that's one of the second skills that starts to come along so we want to see that grow as well our other ambitious goal is by 2026 to have all of our staff trained in um sheltered English instruction uh and that's because our MLL population is continues to grow we average at about 10% of our population so we want to be able to serve as offers and we also want to find time for for collaboration between the ESL department and the general education teachers all right our data how do we do so our highest domains were in listening which was a 3.6 overall for the district average uh which is below the passing rate but that's of all 70 of the students who took the assessment uh and is it was higher than years past our most improved domain was reading which is great to see uh that the reading is going up because that's a skill that you're using all day every day all your classes and the most growth was in that grade four uh that's important because it was one of our largest groups and it's also a group that's been with us um the majority of them for two years and that's usually when you start to see the biggest amount of grows some of the data findings this is an important fact we had 18 new multilingual Learners um come into our district last year 17 of those students were newcomers to the United States that means they their first time in the country and for the majority of them their first exposure to English language uh 10 of those students arrived halfway through the year so January or as late as March so some of them walked in were identified as an ESL student and we gave them the assessment so they're not going to perform very well because they've had no time to be taught but we have to provide them um but that's just something important to note and then we've seen that Trend continue year to year uh in Central and Southern and South America the school year ends in January so family will transition to the United States often uh coming in February or March uh we 100% participation rate across the district uh this is a breakdown by uh by the domain from a level one to a level three at both Washington and Memorial um we had a the majority of our new students to the country were in uh Middle School in the 5 through eight so you'll notice that there's a higher percentage of students at the entering level because we get to get that uh of the language um whereas you see it's starting to grow a little bit more in Wasington school we did have some um real nice Bros some of our students who have been with us you know were at that level five or even um like a 5.5 which is great that gets them um for you average score by domain as I said uh listening was the highest one overall uh reading was our lowest uh and speaking took a little bit of a de huge Improvement in Reading to almost three so that was really good to see our percentage is by subgroups the N denotes that it's a group less than 10 uh 19% of our uh multilingual Learners are white 177% Asian 69% Hispanic of that total population 43% are economically disadvantaged and less than 10 um qualified for special education this is a graphic of our world all scores from 2022 to uh this current year um and it goes by District Washington and Memorial School uh in 2022 Memorial School had a really nice group it was a group who had been here for three to four years and they really on their way out really shined on their way out it's great to see it was a large group of eighth graders that performed really well that last year took a little bit of a dip uh last year but it's nice to see it's know it's tough to see but it is it is sloping up over all at the district level and that's what we like to see gr uh this is profession proficiency level comparison scores so where we were at in 2023 to 2024 and you see the dips in the good places in our in our ones and twos nice big dips and that growth up in the threes and fours and even some into the FES so our kids are trending upward and are learning more year to year uh and finally based on all this data what are our intervention strategies going to be uh we are going to you know that goal of by 2026 training all of our teachers um collaboration time will be happening on Wednesdays at least once a month uh and as well as during uh Team times so that the teachers can collaborate with ESL when to use data to drive instruction it's going to be one of our district goals as well and then we've really pushed to uh great resources the principles of sheltered English instruction and our elevation platform which gives our teachers know of what students can do and what their next steps are very similar to how you would accommodate for a student with an IP you can it provides the same uh basic knowledge for our sale and that is presentation just have like a little call to action um that we want to continue to um intensify our commitment to targeted data driven instruction you know using this data to move forward and ensure that not not only every student meets that their English acquisition requirements but any question ex what language they know coming in you know Spanish versus Korean versus whatever besides you find that makes any difference in working through the T and ESL the the base language generally doesn't um it depends on if they've had exposure to English in their home country so in some countries English is like considered more of a second language within that country and they have more exposure to it um so yes in some of the Asian cultures they have more exposure to English so they come with a Little Bit Stronger skills um we also see that in a lot of the European countries students coming from any European country they've had more exposure to English so that they generally uh make their progression uh quicker uh Central and South America it there's less exposure so it's it's a more difficult transition as they start to learn English uh as well as often some of our Southeast Asian students uh some of whom are coming uh across all of our MLS with interrupted education meaning that they've gone uh six months to a year without formal education uh during their course of the travel into the United States thank you Mr next for to continue my report I'm gonna have Miss pager um you know first year this was our first year for for the real true preschool expansion um they go through a a quality preschool quality study uh peers that that P Works uh we got results back this year and and when I saw him I said to miss pager you know this is something we should be proud of and it's something that I I would like her to share with the bo because this is an accomplish department so sper the floor is yours thank you and I have to um thank J hacker she's not here but she also helped out okay just a little background in May 2024 two of our district classrooms and three of the classrooms over at our provider early Learners were rated using the scale Mr par described the E three scale by a training facilit on behalf of ruer University uh the part of the study was conducted by near which is the National Institute for Early Education research to assess the quality of all the state funded preschool classrooms New Jersey that received the grant last year so these are all first year programs that had the grant um they actually did 187 classrooms so our five are part of that 100 so the purpose of the study was just to assess first year programs and to evaluate how they're doing so far and the so the train data collector came she here of the classrooms across the state um observations occur during the first three hours of the program schedule with at least one meal observed so something happened in the afternoon if you didn't see it you don't get the credit for it so we tried to pack it in they we didn't know what day they were coming but we didn't know which classrooms they um so we definitely made sure to try to hit everything but it's impossible to do everything in three hours some points you just will never get um and as I said 187 classrooms and there were eight all the core eight districts the table on the next slide presents the mean standard deviation and the ranges for all six of the eer subscales uh to assist with the interpretation of the scores they follow a traffic light framework with green stores being above the suggested quality yellow are the average stores and red are the below so here's little VAR finding um so when we first got on the call they said you're GNA have some red you're gonna have some yellow and you'll be lucky if you have a green they said if you have no red you're really ahead of the game so that was really great news we were really excited um we were one of the few districts that have no red um so is at some districts if you're lucky you have the green we have both green with that but starting at 4 99 you start green so we're very close here and there excited about those results so the our strength so overall corporate eight the six subscales they scored the highest uh reveal was the strength of our preschool program the interaction scor of the highest that was our green score um specifically the staff child interaction and individualized teaching and learning exceeded the good scale so the interaction for little F classrooms where our highest score and it focused on supervision of gross motor activities individualized teaching and learning staff child interaction PE interaction and discipline our areas for improvement our specific areas Improvement will focus on the duration and availability of materials in the classrooms for the students use it throughout the course of the day um e is very specific in the duration of the activity and the needs for the students who have it so especially at early Learners at our provider we started with bare bones nothing we bought everything you put in the furner this year so if they only had five math activities and you're supposed to have seven then you get down like small point there so we've already ordered everything um to make sure we have enough mives for all uh categories for next year um Personal Care routines will be another focus in our protocols we be R and implemented that requires VAR specific methods and procedures implementing and seen during those observations so again if they didn't see them wash their hands before lunch or wash their hands before snack you don't get points for so it's kind of what they see especially with toileting and diapering um the last are actually thing we did the worst on was gross motor play which is the playground space for a gross motor play has already been established we already built our brand new beautiful playground outside um so they're very excited about that so that will automatically change our score and they said we would have been far in the green if we had an appr preschool so we know we're already ahead of the game for next year and then our action plan we're going to share this data with the teachers during the first few weeks of school just let them know how great they are just so you know there are seven preschool teachers only two of them were prior pres so we had five new staff so I'm really excited for next year because I that they all have a year under their belt also so this was like really exciting for this kind of data um so we'll be able to focus on those areas and with professional development and uh professional development for supporting the eers we already have eers expert coming in for a full day PT PD one of the first days of school before school year even starts just to get the teachers to really understand the eort scale and how those evaluators come in and evaluate them and then just continue professional development throughout the year to make sure they know the best practices considering a lot of our teachers are new um and our PR school well and it's way to reaching a really great overall rating appreciate you sharing that concludes my report thank you Mr D Mr Gomez you like to provide a well well don't have much most of it came out on the newsletter with the building the building be wri time we're still working on the locks they're being installed they'll be getting programmed all the cards the only thing is with the financials we're caught up we're doing both June and July so just so everybody knows isn't possible to close June in July because you have to have all the bills in so that's why so uh our streak is still alive close July five days August so thank you Mr uh I don't believe we had many committee meetings uh but I'll open it up to uh Miss V so do you have anything for Education no Mr great Mr Benelli for finance havee Mr M for policy sorry Mrs Patel for Transportation uh we didn't have a meeting but I think we have an update I think today uh the school was supposed to receive the transportation we were supposed to received the bids yet I still haven't received an email from them yet but it's not a difficult not to presum yet they could come in Midnight okay and then the second update is that uh we have a joint school bus that's going to be provided for apply tech prise tech and prise Catholic we have those routs covered um it is for just to for lack of a better you know the balls boort so we have a a plan and uh with or without them we are prepared to take those routes um it'll be more financially responsible if we can for both the shs they are if you were to yeah yeah no problem yeah um okay great but we are still also sharing with we on the agenda is with as well yes system that was my item y awes great thank you um for expansion we don't have an update this month but we'll be providing a robust um up date September meeting Mr B for H and Mrs scle for njsp not really I haven't really seen much come across great so we'll open it up for public comment on agenda items nothing chy all right let's see we'll now take a block vote on F31 do1 1220 p86 C9 fa9 and P5 do I have a motion second second okay R is absent Patel uh yes ABS scotley Mr mey yes Miss vzo yes Mr borac yes Mr berelli yes Mr Bradley yes all motions passed thank you all right open comment on non agenda items do I have a motion motion second your sign was on it but know