good all right everyone please stand for the black Good Start Last Day School the flag clean up [Laughter] figes the United States of America in accordance with the open public meetings act adquate notification of this meeting has been provided by advertising the record and posting notice of this meeting in burough Hall and superintendent office I hereby call to order the public meeting the Little Ferry Board of Education Thursday June 20th 2024 at 7:02 p.m can I get a roll call Mr fori here Mr satel here Mr fos here scotley here Mr Mr lzo here Mr moris is absent Mr Benelli here Mrs Bradley absent and Mr R here sir we have a for Mr President VI resolved in the little Perry Board of Education approves the minutes of the regular public meeting held May 14th 2024 can I get a motion motion second second joined us all right yeah all right rot all for the approval of minutes M it was absent Mel Mr fos yes scotle Mr mey yeso yes Mr vorac Mr belli yes Bradley was asking motion passes we're gonna go into the superintendent report all right all right we're gonna start with the students join all right ni he just walked in all right all right so you can wait right there I'll P you up for one minute all right so perfect all right our May student of the month is with us this evening Nico Jackson so come on up Nico all right I am pleased to announce Nico as the main of the month the teachers at your grade level are the following things to say about you he is super caring kind and respectful to all his peers and teachers he enjoys learning and participates in every lesson being taught he loves to share facts information on topics related to the subject or his own personal interest deserves this recognition congratulations ni [Music] family together everybody Right congratulations pot would you like to join me so our 8th grade June student of us is Warren theal I am pleased to inform you that Lawrence is our June student of the month for 8th grade and the teachers at your grade level have the following to say about you he consistently demonstrates demonstrates a strong sense of responsibility in all aspects of his academics he sets a posit positive example for his peers showing integrity and dedication his responsible attitude not only benefits his own academic success but also contribute positively to the class environment we have no doubt that this stud will continue to thrive and succeed in their future endeavors congratulations Laur good and we'll up family come in I just good congratulations that's yeah all right continue with the rest of my report um in the minutes tonight on the agenda tonight is the hit report for the year but there was Zero report in the month of June the H report for the entire year can be found on the agenda um I just wanted to highlight you know June and or end of May is our last meeting in June there's a ton of activities and I'm sure I will miss a few in my report but we had the spring concert that was incredible uh Mr FZ did did a remarkable job with that Miss per Gallow with the 50 niy in the Liv Museum um always great advances nice to start getting the families into the building and seeing all the students hard work we had the eighth grade dance that was exceptional this year they they students had a great time uh the eighth grade committee really went above and beyond to really set that up for them and really pulled out all the stops robot fireworks I don't know there was really no no stone left on turn there we had today we had our fourth grade clap out uh which really went well and uh to right behind the four gr CL clap out we did a clap out for Mr solers as well um I also want to congratulate Miss Taylor Miss Yosi and Miss solers for their retirement wish the best of luck congratulate eth grade graduates and thank the families for a really remarkable ceremony uh this for again doing an incredible job with our ceremony and just for his first year being tremendous and really turning around doing some great things in Middle School uh dzan maafi um he won the state award he was given the state award for his americanism essay from the American Legion so he now moves on to Nationals um that's a huge accomplishment they came the other day they presented him with the check of the certificate um and we form we told him we'll join him at the high school if uh if need be if he wins the Nationals um at this time I want to turn my report over to Mr for the student representative report for the district good evening ladies and gentlemen I stand before you to give my final speech at the board of meeting as a student representative and an eighth grade student um graduate it is it was a pleasure to give you reports about the student body so without further Ado let's remember those good times we had this year in September we started the 2023 to 2024 school year got to know our new teachers and made new friends what a funfilled year it was throughout the year we had several Spirit weeks and students also went on field trips and had new experiences the play Peter Pan and Wendy was a Smash Hit and the treps entrepreneurs had a successful start to their business career in the midst of all our fun activities we still found time for our academics and lastly on Tuesday the class of 2024 graduated we are on our way to a new journey in life I wish them the best of luck even though I will no longer physically be in Memorial School I will always be part of this school and Community I will also remember one thing that Mr parado had said in a previous again on Tuesday during graduation once a royal night always a royal night thank you everyone for giving me the honor of being the School's First Student representative have a good night and have a great summer Mr on behalf of the Board of Education um and you just said you know you were our first student representative here so although you won't go home with this black this black will be displayed outside my office um and it just reads Board of Education student representative and your name 20123 to 2024 so you can hold on to that we'll take a quick picture okay want Qui and for those that don't know Mr will be attending the BC Academy in haac as he will be furthering his education it's a bigbody smile on two good okay so we're going to go into the committee report first good evening everyone so I'm going to start off with facilities and first of all we're to continue working with the architect on the referendum project uh this week uh the facilities committee uh we did a field trip to North bergon and we HED in to look at some of the work that's been done there by our architect and to look play up some of the roofs including the rooftop so we got to see that so in terms of summer project first thing we're going to do nine rooms we're going to replace the tiles so this is a continuation uh we have Carl environmental coming in to do the water testing for the lead which is required by the state every three years uh we have United Federated system coming in to uh convert a Sol to one fire system that talks to each other right now there's a disconnect between the two buildings so we're resolving that shortly uh we the fire department also asked to put additional scove lights on the exterior of the trailers um we're going to be replacing our current lockdown system that's the system that manages it with only form 911 that'll be starting that's all the Tak care of and we're finally going to Pi off the we're going to replace all the interior locks with electronic locks and when we do a lock down we will lock every door and go com here two and a half seconds so U the technology department I'd like to recognize them they are going to be doing our Chromebook uh refresh it's about 900 machines so that'll start coming in in July and it'll be prepared for the students as well as selling our our old Chromebooks so now I want to get it a little bit into uh food service so what are the numbers like so right now we at the end of May we had made $166,000 in profit so how do we do that meal counts and i' like to recognize uh superintendent and our Administration for they told me they would get the breakfast numbers up did so in May 2023 from a Washington school we sered 753 breakfast in May of 2024 he served 2,96 so we went from an average meals of 34 to 141 for the lunch May 2023 4,212 meals this year we start , 41 on the same amount of days so we're able to prepare for Memorial School for breakfast last year we served 196 breakfast this year we served 257 for uh lunch last year 3785 lunches this year 4,24 so last year was 180 meals per day we averaged this was 200 and once again it was on the exact amount of services so that is quite accomplishment for food service so when we signed the contract with as they said they guarantee a break 116,000 so far we should hit about 122 12 June and we did have substantial amount of days so in terms of financials we Clos the month of uh May uh on the 12th of June no errors and we're going to start working in July on closing books for the year so about for July you have to wait for theil close but we should have a problem with that and that concludes my [Music] report uh moving on to the committee reports uh Personnel Mrs we didn't have a meeting but as Mr arado stated our teachers that are retiring I also would like to recognize Michelle M fory for her years of dedication and service to our school she be greatly Miss business office thank you um education this is B uh teachers presented informative thought provoking Innovative TLC presentations on topic topics such as M auor practices and SPL full Charly responsive practices math data and more wonderful job by all the teachers on their worka ma teers training ma progams for next year Sumer will be curriculum writing and understanding thank you very much Finance Mr policy Mr ba ex okay thank you Transportation there was no meeting um I believe that we are still searching for a bus contract bus however um we have with one of the other districts le le uh in terms Shar sharing their bus buses us so I tested and for are you saying for next year so the only will do our like one off meeting like they did the gr bowling trip their bus we'll have the same set up that we have thank you very expansion so just to update the community where we are with the uh Middle School going across the street uh we're in schematic review right now with the Architects and we have scheduled for July 1st a 3D uh more less a 3D versal tour of what the building will look like before we submit uh John and I right now are reviewing the narrative schematic review which the for to review uh recently most recently we visited Mark and several other finish triggers and our attension team um part of that group visited New York City to a showroom called steel case which they walk us through the day and show us models Furniture aspects and then the other day we uh took a field trip to Community Center and High School uh which are facilities which are Architects that recently built and be able to see what the the scope of something what they were going to be doing so those were two very valuable trips um and things are moving along uh pretty well referendum and we're looking to build a uh passive passive resolution next month to secure the bond uh so we can thank you early AG on report Mr not here Rich Park le as report um Rich Park had a graduation last night and um the last Ste updates we working through um superintendent evaluation to have more information on our next meeting thank you njba delegate rep technically Leslie not me that's okay but I because I get SI so but I don't think there was I think the last meeting was in May so which would have been sort of emergency but it didn't sounded already so I didn't okay thank you uh we'll open it up to public comment on agenda items um can I get a motion for a block vote on f23 to f27 b78 do15 p52 to p72 co7 C fa8 can I get a motion second second yesel yes Mr pitro scle yes Mr meyo yes Mr belli yes great um any public comment on non-agenda items any unfinish business any new business be resolved that the littley Board of Education determines it is um motion toj before we before we take motion toj just want to bring Bo p61 U will be changed to uh reflect the power professional amount right now it St $50 an hour that's the future amount it'll be changed on the agenda final minut cor everything else on is correct motion to adjourn Mo second all in favor thank you you