e e e e e e turn some people practice are you do it all right can everybody please stand for the flag salute the importance with the open public meetings act adequate notification of this meeting has been provided by advertising in the record and posting notice of this meeting in burough Hall and the superintendent office I hereby c order the special public meeting of the little fa Board of Education Wednesday May 2024 at 7:03 PM I have a roll call please here here here here Mr mey M willo here moris herei here thank you we'll now open it up for public comment on the agenda no questions please St your name all right I guess we'll open up now for the budget hearing all right um Mark can you see we have the YouTube live right we don't know people on we know if there's anybody on all right I mean we'll go through it I'm asking because if there isn't I most of board has already heard so doated version of it but nonetheless all right so budget 2024 this is the budget adoption meeting uh so the board will be voting to the 245 budget uh the goals of the budget very simple was Foster student performance by optimizing spending and to grow our programs and maintain our facilities by maintain facilities through V maintenance got so we decided to take tax ly to the 2% which is 22 46972 um State a we had a slight increase that was 7 and a half% so we walked out a lot distri County uh prechool the reason 4 and a half% is because we had car a little bit over million uh so the total for f 11 is a 28 m508 854 what we call operating budget when you add the capital reserve withdrawal and Pur capital2 then becomes our total general fund budget 29 million 7960 that's the magic number we're actually right so here's just some of our drivers and what was so the salaries overall is 2.3% very good uh so the benefits number is a little misleading last year when I reviewed the bu last year's budget somebody put in the health insurance grow well distri piece and the employee contribution you're supposed to show the bud that so that's why it's I want to be with that so special education tuition search programs up 17% but the tuition's down um we're trying to bring back programs and that makes a huge difference our challenge is not having space so once we have the space we can actually make some money by bring special so facilities maintenance uh maintenance a little bit lower and that's because we're very conserv we still didn't know what happen so we held off a lot a lot of funds Capital maintenance but the building's in good shape step back on report the roof transportation is up 10% but that's just life right now security a little bit of an increase 3% that's because of the budget one salary go so again operating budg same number as the so what we did here is I wanted you to see where the money really goes so the salaries is everyone's salary so it's almost 40% of your budget it's just salaries benefits is another 10 so there you're almost at 10 so tuition why is it so high that's both special education and our high school students so it just shows you how much we P everything else is we pretty good line on it as you can see so we were very responsible put it together we actually did to basic so we were able to work with RP on that try to keep it so you can actually read it so just you are how we funded it there's tax L State a the tuition miscellaneous re we have one act so very very consell that includes year U budget F balance were up and we were told that number isum try bring that down for next a little bit there's the cap and once again so extraordinary Aid we were taught as the never budget the whole am really those unexpected revenues when it comes in in September low to% so the number so last this year we got $398,000 but he had budged 220,000 that means only 17 so I got it down to zos and the tuition withraw it's basically Cas on hand you so offset if there is AAL think we know so preschool expansion this where we million carryover total had 2.9 Million we have seven classrooms right now and 7% of univers we are in PN out of space years that uh included the 2425 budg last Tove add additional last year we had eliminated one flass siiz now going back up we're able to put thater budget maintain all of our current programs stal profal add districts and new programs and opportunities is class link are aware of at this point markting working as hard asend to get that up and running but that'll be for September is the communication to uh make that Universal so one link toate back and forth social stud series and we have initiative M discussed PR which is take initia and out so 2% increase is$ 43294 so that means our ly was up to 227 average value of theost of a house ass is 33751 that number before so this is just giving you the numbers behind but what does it really mean that's all right annual increase it's $119 on the $375,000 next which is $992 a month or that concludes and with that being said we are John and I feel extremely comfortable as I know the board has shared um with several meeting without the budget that we prepared budget for 24.5 I would venture to say that you both feel this is a very achievable buget corre so with that being said I'm sure there's few clubs in the budget right on a couple different numbers what I mean by clubs is that that we put some numbers in to fit um either plus or minus one of those being you said that look at tuition which is probably when you look at the numbers right you have a budget of the toal budget is .9 million right so we look at the budget and our tuition external tuition is 9 million correct so that represent roughly 33% of all the dollars spend St outside of our students that are in external right is that okay so being that 33% spent outside students or k that been taught in this it's a big number yes absolutely say that rich par is flat number flat with respect to almost Fair almost year over here flat that the number was at the beginning flat in that dollarwise because albe it that tuition dollars probably went up the number of students have decreased is that fair variable fixed numbers we negotiated that correct we negotiated that so I'm saying it's for the benefit of everybody here understands the math that tuition dollars per student have increased but the number of students go R Park decrease however R park has asked for more students to go there and we feel that there is going to be a benefit to us at the year end which will be a recovery to us subsequently speaking to the 47 $5,000 have withrawal that along with let's say pick up 10 students another 150,000 600,000 700,000 could be a benefit to us yearend absolutely fair and we try to secure to a better a fairer number for the students because I I have numbers but we negotiate so it is a little high understood and I know we do that because we need to match on the county level correct absolutely so the reason why I bring this up is for a couple things first is that that we need match on the county level I want to bring it up that $475,000 that been brought up to the public a few times clol when the year ends and that money is still here we I'm hoping that we're going that's going to roll back into the general budget for the next year correct should also you can also say for example we had an emergency special correct students you make it to the end back back to right along with whatever students come back in cor I would like to see a commitment from from the folks here that we would make sure to see that we put that do our level best see somehow put that money into the infrastructure of the students here the Kate students here in this district for programs because as I look at all the salaries and the money that we spend here programs new reading materials whatever it is books whatever other tools that we can have here to help strengthen our programs as best we can not that we're not doing it but to help improve the infrastructure of the KDAY students here because when we look at what we're spending here 33 cents of every dollar is going out it's outside the school when we look at the entire District there's a thousand students let's say or let's say there's 800 students that come here and there's 265 students or 250 students that go to Ritual Park and students that go to special the line share compared to the district but we're only spending 65 66 cents of that money 66 cents it's it's not an equivalent amount of dollars spent on students that are here in the K district and that's not including on a per pupil level it's not including the building that's not including the the upkeep of all the other parts that needed to run the district itself so i' like to see that you know I I feel sometimes that this the students here that are going K or not not I don't want to use the word Short change but I like to make sure that we're trying to do spend every last scent that we possibly can squeeze from all these other departments that we can put them back into this KDAY District so I just so that was part of I had that was part of my my selling point wanting to work out a number for tuition was because I felt Not only would have benefit our student benefit the that we're now sending both districts can take that money and put it back into into the students because essentially what they're charging us we have to put aside we have no choice make sure protect ourselves for an adjust tuition later down the line but if we came to an agreement because they have same thing on there they have to have a close hold as well and that's why I'm so steadfast about wanting to make Comm to bring down that money hold go back to our students and then the students better than sure but when you look at all these other districts and when they're adding our students these are these are just a per pupil cost that they're picking up for for tucking in students into their District they're recovering their cost with their District themselves like we're real AP they're encompassing these costs we here are taking in with $19 million we're paying you know electric with all these other buildings and ground cost and everything else and we're trying to educate 800 plus students here and then for $9 million we're trying to educate 265 kids at the high school get them transported plus a special EG I just I I don't want to keep beating a dead horse but it's just we just need to squeeze every doll we can and just try to make sure that whatever can be used and then recruit we put back here to give our students here in the KDAY and continue to give them the best education possible not that we're not but if it's another math series or reading program whatever it is you know as we have this two two two do two and do from Park these other districts try to negotiate our best because we I'm sure we had a plug about another 150,000 who could who could have budgeted elsewhere in the district and we had to plug it with these folks right I mean how was the plug here Mt 100,000 10 kids so it's be1 to $150,000 we plug to make it we could probably budget it else right and and and to be fair that's accurate we'll know that pretty much going sep that number that number does that number doesn't neily have that money for the school year and we were more comfortable this year doing that because a lot of the grants that received Co years that are expiring in September allowed us to purchase a program purchase some materials this year that we don't now need to purchase going into next year so this year it felt a little more comfortable but your point is is well taken money to to essentially cover ourselves but we were more comfortable doing it that way because we won have to oh well we have it there if you know no it's trans correct and we don't know what could be coming in a couple special kids Transportation wise what else come in I understand that and if we run a registration you know we might find a couple that don't live there so I could also and that's and that's the other thing right so the other issue is they're registering students there every uh they're catching a lot of kids that do not belong to the high school um and they want to make this deal where oh if it's in their senior year it's October they can stay and let them I'm I'm not inedible to paying 16,000 for the for little fa student I mean FNA uh Ray everybody I don't know I mean I don't want we're paying customers right so I mean that 16,000 for us is you know it's a lot so I I feel that there should be a program here that any student that is not going to a little fairy School building needs to ReRe every year because if they're going just across the bridge into the ritual Park and and ritual park has them as a student and they're living a ritual Park and we're paying for them the next three years to go to the high school there's no way for us to know that they're they're living across the way and we could be paying for them every single year and it happens more than you think two three kids for three years that's 50,000 you get two or three them a year it adds up very quickly and I think that we should be looking at somebody is just going to the high school and they don't have a brother or sister they have to register I think it's you know I think it's something that we should look at because it's a business for us right so I don't think it's a lot to ask for them to bring in a lease and every every every we're running we're running aistra right now for the uh res checken check rather for six they're catching kids living right across the right across the block in Boda kids in in tck and then they feel bad kids have been in if they call kid W they'd be calling us up to pay a tuition right so why should we be paying if kids are living in richual and it's it's it's it's a lot of money I mean it's not free so I think that you know we as stewards we should be doing everything possible to just watch every dollar and we have somebody that does the sports regularly right should be watching all the ks it's just a couple things wait for us to to whittle down at and protect those so just a couple thoughts and just want to talk about those so everybody understands the tuition Reserve is a little different other one the tuition Reser is basically cash for this year so if you don't touch it it goes into into the free bance the it's not like the C reserver just hold it forever so it's sort of nice that if you don't have to use it it goes right back in my fear is is that they are sending out their their person that's checking these kids and then they're not following up on what they're doing and they're trying this person and they're and they're impeding this person's power as a as person doing the you know the verifications I think that we should be doing that we we put a lot of people at the beginning right Ray a lot of people beginning and I guarantee we catch one or two that's 15 what it 17 Chang 1 177 time 2 add up quickly it's 34,000 how much how much is the secretary that's one secretary rights one secretary right so to look at that all right thank you else now take a vote on the 20 for 2025 budget adoption to 58 do I have a motion motion second second M broli yes Mel yes M fos y m scotley mzo yes Mr B yes Mr belli yes SC yes budget is adopted sign name please all do I have a motion to adj second second