evening Littleton welcome to the March 13th 2024 Board of Health meeting it is now 7 o'clock and our first order of business is uh listed as a public hearing but really is just an introduction um a first welcome for a couple members of the board I apologize I haven't got to meet you in person yet in person in your new role yet I've met you in person but not in your new role uh Francis dagel is uh littleton's new director of Health I was about to say Public Health but it's director of Health iations our official title so we are happy and proud and excited to have you joining our community you started on Monday so this this is day three and you're already staying late sorry so before we get too far into it I do wanted to share with the board members as well as the community uh we do have a hard stop at 8:00 so we're going to do our best to be timely as we can tonight for any actionable items uh the agenda is relatively light looks like this evening although we never know so just be aware um so let's start with Francis welcome and uh if you have anything you'd like to say to uh introduce yourself to the board members who haven't met you or the community this is your opportunity yeah hi Gino hello I'm sure I'll meet you one of these days soon yeah so we are very happy to have you a I'm happy to be here thank you it's been an interesting first week um just for public consumption um so I am the recently hired Health director for the town um this was done in an effort to transition from a regional model to a local service model so over the next couple months the department of health will be reestablished in the town um we'll most likely be meeting with multiple stakeholders um to talk about how we can enhance services in the town they're currently being provided and how we can collectively come to consensus on new programming that the town might need want or want to look further into um so it's an interesting time to be in the health department in Littleton I think um we're going to grow a lot in the next year and it's exciting to work with the board to see where that will go all right thank you sir any questions from the board for for is it do you prefer Francis do you prefer something else Mr is fine as long as it's not curse words it's good having been an emergency department nurse and a paramedic for a long time I understand that feeling soer go ahead I just I just wanted to welcome Francis uh to the team and uh we're very grateful to have you here uh thank you so much we look forward to all the great progress uh we look to make and working as a team together let us know how we can help you and um we can we can set times to meet and uh make things as efficient as possible for you so thanks right awesome all right if we're good we are going to move to our 705 hearing actually on time uh actually my computer says 7:03 I'm going to risk that we're going to start a hair early I'm hoping everyone's going to be okay with that for 42 George Street with a variance request for groundwater offset reduction I do have two folks in the attending panel list if one of you or both of you are here for 42 George Street thank you very much for raising your hand we're going to promote you to the panel hello good good evening Mr Carone are you here for 42 George Street I sure am all right we're gonna let you start the discussion of telling us a story about what you need what you're looking for and have some notes from our director and from um from Jim the health agent from nooba go to the board and you know the routine okay perfect would you like me to screen share the uh the plan if you could that would be great okay all right everybody see that okay we can all right great uh so 42 George Street it's an existing three-bedroom home uh failed system it's in a neighborhood with uh it's that's definitely known for high groundwater uh we were um let's see what we're requesting here is um we're using a geomat system uh with the intent to minimize the the mounding uh we're in the backyard and um we would like to keep the backyard as as userfriendly as possible so uh the geomat is proposed not only for the two foot offset which is allowed um via the approval letter the remedial use approval letter uh but also it's it's relatively low profile so uh that's reasoning behind the geomat system um the next request is in regards to The High Ground waterer elevation in relation to the um the the invert and um the inverts of the inlets and Outlets of the tanks uh reduction from the required 12 Ines to right around an inch um with those tanks we're we're proposing them to be H20 full H20 and um going to ensure that they're high hydraulically sealed at all the um all the inlets and Outlets Dan I see it you're muted I realize it you I say m car is GNA mute so I'd say he's completed his presentation um I will we're not going to throw fr is under the bus on day three here for uh presenting some feedback but obviously it's welcome but I am going to present um Jim gy our nooba agents notes he's unfortunately unable to be here this evening so I will read his notes for the board's consumption and public to 42 George Street the sewage Disposal system for this property is in Failure based on the seasonal High groundwater table soil testing was conducted on the site and the results showed the groundwater table to be high 18 in below grade and the soil was consistent with the previous perk rate of 27 minutes per inch the site is essentially flat this slot presents the following challenges for the replacement of the sewage Disposal system high groundwater table High perk rate flat lot and the elevation of the existing building sewer line it looks like the line comes out under the slab floor of the house and therefore cannot be raised the applicant is proposing to install a new septic tank pump chamber and a geomat leeching area in order to minimize the runoff into AB buding Lots the applicant is requesting board approval for a twoot groundwater reduction from the leeching area Allowed by D approval the GMAT system in addition because of the elevation of the building sewer line and the high groundwater the appli is requesting a local upgrade approval to allow reduction of the groundwater offset for the tank Outlet inverts to the high groundwater table excuse me converts to the high groundwater table uh less than one inch when groundwater is determined by a soil evaluator the site is small and has a number of challenges to the installation of a fully compliant system and I believe this design represents a reasonable approach to the replaced to replace this failed system given the high groundwater table I would recommend the use of Monolithic tanks equipped with cast in rubber boots to the inlet and Outlet inverts of the tank with that I'm going to open it up to the board we'll go alphabetical Kevin Baker thank you Mr chair uh I I think as long as the the boots are uh cast in and uh everything is sealed up with the monolithic thanks uh we' we've done this before and I I don't see any other way to uh get this one in there no more questions Mr Fone any questions well seemed like he told whatever he had to tell here I don't think I have any problem with the yeah with the ground water off said I think it'll be okay all right thank you sir um and the chair I think Mr Baker already said just uh making sure we have our monolithic tank and rubber boots and watertight which has already been discussed uh the chair has no questions at this point I'm looking at the audience I do not have any hands up for public comment for this one so any discussion from the board from um Mr dagel or if none then I will entertain a motion I make a motion to approve the request for the grounding water motion I'll second that motion uh to Grant the variance uh for onein separation uh from the inlet and Outlet inverts of the septic tank as presented and two foot reduction reduction in the groundwater offset yeah right all right we have a motion and a second on the floor any discussion on the motion before we vote seeing none roll call vote Kevin Baker Kevin Baker votes yes J fed loing J F vote Yes and the chair vote Yes the groundwater offset and the reduction from 12 in to approximately 1 in for the inlet Outlet offset are granted good luck with the install thank you very much all for your time have a great night thanks sir good luck thank you all right we are a moment or two ahead we my clck says 7 11 for our 7:15 hearing um I'm going to not skip ahead on items but just for informational um I believe Brenda was still working this afternoon on the 22824 uh minutes so if it's acceptable to the board I'm going to ask that we um table approval of those until our next one just so everyone has a chance to review them I'll be honest that I have not had a chance to review them between late this afternoon and now so um if everyone's comfortable with that will just table our 228 24 minutes until our next meeting for their review sir thank you gentlemen we don't have Dr Wason here this evening for the ID decision support tool update um um I have not seen his his numbers for this week take a quick peek right now for uh for the State numbers obviously the State numbers are for us almost two weeks behind they report out on Thursday and we meet on Wednesday so the last set of numbers came out last Thursday for the previous week uh around covid uh and there were almost 1500 new Corona virus cases is for the week of February 18 to February 24 and uh 12 deaths for that week so as we said for very many many many weeks now that it is still out there be thoughtful be careful if you are imuno compromis or any other at a highrisk group please be careful and use good judgment if you have not gotten a a booster vaccination consider it we're coming up to the end of flu season our flu numbers have been dropping off as well as our V numers so those are both good things um but as always try to keep yourself safe emergency departments in our area are at capacity most of the time these days so if you do not need an emergency department for emergency department level care consider alternative sites and venues for care primary care offices Urgent Care um you know Minute Clinics if you can you virtual visits utilize those for anything that is not truly an emergency to certainly help support our emergency department providers and make sure that we have space and resource available to those who truly need it all right Ive now vamped long enough for 7:15 so for our 7:15 hearing we have a subdivision review for 95 Taylor Street and I would say we have Mr kersner here representing steiny and McCary presenting on the subdivision plan is that correct yes I here for the project at 95 Taylor thank you for having me happy to have you um why you tell us a little bit about um the subdivision the plan and anything you think we should know okay I'm going to share my screen because I think it might be a little bit easier to see what I'm talking about so yep no that's very helpful thank you sir yep um so 95 Taylor Street is uh looking on tayl Street it is adjacent to Beaver Brook so uh I the subdivision plan up on the screen here trying to zoom in on the Locust drawing here to see a little bit of the context of Taylor streets right here we have woodcome over here uh Porter Road down to the South and this is the subject parcel so Beaver Brook runs along in between wav and Taylor Street and the subject property bus right up against it so I'm going to go to our existing conditions plan uh I have condensed The View down a little bit so Beaver Brook is actually off of the screen here uh but 95 Taylor Street currently has a a house uh very close to Taylor Street and then a lot of open space to the rear um these dark dashed lines uh you can see here actually the 200t offset to Beaver Brook this is the 100 foot opposite to Beaver Brook and this dotted line which is much more faint is the 100 foot buffer zone to the bordering P state of wetlands that are adjacent to Beaver Brook so those are some of the constraints um for this subdivision uh in general but also for the uh proposed teic systems that will uh serve the dwellings that we are proposing as part of this project so now I'm flipping to our record plan so this is to show the actual legal layout of these proposed Lots uh you can see we have a proposed right of way uh towards the front of the site and then three lots with Frontage off of this proposed roadway lot two is a uh front exception lot so it actually has less than the typical minimum required Frontage uh but it has more than double the area uh and it can accommodate a 150 by 150 foot box so um this is allowed however that will be verified by the planning board um once we go before them in April uh next I'm going to show you our site development plan so we're showing our proposed RightWay and our uh proposed lot layouts with conceptual house boxes driveways and septic systems uh so this uh these properties as part of the subdivision will be served by Town water so there will be no on-site Wells um there is no sewer available so we are proposing pic systems I've been out here a couple times with uh Jim graffy to do soil testing uh for uh the proposed house Lots you might be able to see I'm actually going to switch back to these if conditions plan for a second you can see we've tested over a lot of the site and it fan everywhere uh this property uh was historically used as a gravel pit uh as I understand it it was uh cut out in order to help build 495 uh so the somewhat unusual topography that uh you may notice uh based off of the Contours were shown on this plan is a result of the historic mining operations and uh the test fits that we dug up here with Jim um you know I can certainly see why they wanted that material because it's great all less than 2 minute per inch perks um despite uh the um all the cut that was taken out of here at some point in the past groundwater is very deep uh in fact I think maybe only one or two test fits I actually saw any model um down here uh close to this lot line over here I think it's test pit 20 that we saw from modeling about 9 and 1 half ft down uh but the remainder of these test pits were dry with no evidence of high water so uh each of these Lots has a conceptual uh leash field uh shown on the plan uh I'll just go clockwise starting at lot one we have one shown in the back here lot two we have an area shown to the this house and lot three we have one shown in front of this house uh these uh layouts are conceptual uh we still will need uh permits from the board of P for the individual subject systems we will need to uh fully designed system uh in order to receive those permits which we are still working on we have not submitted those at this time but they will be coming soon so I think that we've done enough testing out here to demonstrate that the uh the soil here is conducive to um the construction of cic systems uh in accordance with Title 5 and the local RS um but that will certainly be verified uh once we submit real design plans so uh I don't know if you want me to take this off my screen so you can see my face but if you have any questions I'm here thank you um okay why don't you take it down for the moment we if just if you would mind just having their finger on the share button in case somebody has a question we need to bring it back up thank you sir all right so before we go to the board and any public comment I'm going to read uh Jim gy from nooba Associated boards his comments uh and a reminder for the board and the public that for subdivision um approval discussions for the Board of Health it really is around Public Health public um you know sanitation water public a public health perspective it's not a aesthetic or any other piece which is why it also goes through planning board so we basically can set um conditions limitations or concerns which then are the the planning board needs to take into account as part of their process so but our perspective is really just from the public health perspective so Jim not for 95 Taylor Street subdivision approval I reviewed the subdivision plan for 95 Taylor Street the proposed subdivision will create three lots from the existing property soil testing has been done on the property and good soil conditions are found sandy grally soil with perk rates less than 2 minutes per inch seasonal High Ground rer table noted on site will allow for the installation of leing areas with minimal fill the site is in the zone two of a public water supply well and this will require each lot in the subdivision to have 10,000 square fet of land area for each bedroom in the proposed houses on these Lots the material from the applicants engineer State the proposed houses will count F contain five bedrooms based on my review of the plan one of the Lots will not contain enough land to comply with the nitrogen loading standards based on the proposed house sides there is enough land in the development so the applicant has the following options one the proposed house on the undersized lot can be reduced to a four-bedroom dwelling the land can be added to to the undersized lot to create the minimum lot size needed or number three the applicant can request approval of a nitrogen aggregation plan from the board this process is allowed by d a legal encumbrance is created between lots to ensure nitrogen loading standards are met based on my review of the lot and the soil evaluation holes I did not find any issues with the lot or the test results which could be injurious to the public health and safety except for the need to address the undersized lot mentioned previously the proposed leeching area will be placed in excess of 100 ft from the wetlands and the leaching areas will be designed with a 5T groundwater offset proposed plan indicate the surface water will be addressed with swailes stone infiltration trenches and subsurface Chambers to handle the roof runoff other concerns appear to be addressed in the engineer's narrative for the site regarding dust and stabilization of disturbed areas to minimize dust I did not see an issue with approving the subdivision with the following conditions the applicant must address the nitrogen loading question to Ure to ensure all proposed lot will meet the nitrogen loading requirements two the activity on the site shall not create dust odor or noise which you create a condition of air pollution in accordance with 310 CMR 7.00 air pollution regulations three no wood waste shall be buried on site all stumps and slash shall be disposed of properly four all detention retention bti shall minimize standing water and five the proposed sewage Disposal system shall be designed in compliance with Title 5 and the Littleton Board of Health regulations and a permit for each system must be issued by the Board of Health I'll now go to the board for any questions or comments Kevin Baker hi uh the uh I think Jim is done a great job of laying out what the applicant uh needs to do in regards to meet the nitrogen loading requirements so we'll leave that up to the applicant as to which path forward they would like to take uh and as long as they uh adhere to the other guidelines of uh minimizing dust creation and not varrying any wood debris uh Etc uh I I don't see an issue with any of this thank you Mr Baker Mr fedone yeah I concur with Kevin the question is there's a three lots and they have enough land I hope they follow through the gesture that Jim wrote to you and that would be no problem I thank you very much and from the chair it looked like yeah one of the lots that middle lot I think was Lot two was about 40,000 square feet which I think was the the lot that was generating concern but it looks like the total area of the space is something like 300,000 square feet or something it's a pretty large piece Al together yeah don't a good job we have no [Music] problem right I see no one in the audience for any questions um Mr dagel any input or thoughts on the subdivision plan Noe thank you sir uh Mr kersner any questions concerns are the concerns of the board understandable to to you and your team uh y all of the uh conditions uh recommended by Jim I find agreeable and uh pretty much exactly what I was expecting um just for the board's information lot three is the one that's undersized for a five bedroom lot so it only has 40,000 square feet where we need 50 in order to provide a five bedroom uh and my that was just a simple oversight um but my intent is to mod tweak the lot layout so that it has that uh sufficient lot area uh but that will be addressed one way or another um but that is my expectation all right um I have no one in the audience with the hands raised uh there's no further discussion from the board I'll entertain a motion I'd like to make a motion to um approve the subdivision uh conditionally uh as long as the applicant addresses the nitrogen loading questions um the activities on site did not create dust noise or odor uh no wood waste buried on site all detention and retention Bas shall minimize standing water and the proposed SE Disposal Systems shall be designed in compliance with title five and the Littleton Board of Health regulations and a permit for each system must be issued by the Board of Health I second I have a motion a second any discussion on the motion seeing none roll call vote Kevin Baker Kevin Baker votes yes J Fone you f vote Yes and chair votes yes M kistner good luck with planning board thank you all uh and we will ask uh Francis and Brenda to just um send a memo over to planning board with the results of our vote and the conditions that we've put forward just so they have them for their meeting when you present to them so so they have them before excellent thank you very much all right thanks sir we appreciate your time thanks all right we are at 7:27 we have a 725 meeting to discuss the title 5 waiver agreement process this is an ongoing open item I'm not sure if anyone has any new discussion points on that this evening uh I do not and I I'm assuming that um Jim and attorney Gibbons were able to uh connect with their shared system agreement and get that all approved I think this is just hanging on to our old agenda item I was going to say so yeah really it's kind of two items that kind of running in parallel we have the waiver agreement process which I think is actually at this point has been resolved the process is in place we have documentation tools that piece is in place I think we are we it's on there as a process piece which has already been resolved and really it's looking at the Steven Street um challenge that had come up so as an update we did get feedback from Town Council with some comments they've been forwarded to Jim and Francis for any um input from our side of folks to then go to uh attorney Gibbon so Town Council has responded and I'm not sure if Francis Jim have worked together it's was probably Monday I think we got notes back from from Town Council U if it's gone back to the attorney yet so we are close as long as the attorney and the petitioners are comfortable with Town council's edits but I'm not sure Francis if you heard any feedback from attorney Gibbons around 25 to 31 Stevens uh no but I have a meeting with Jim tomorrow morning so we'll send an update to the board after awesome thank you sir so yes it Con cons has responded and it's if it is not back in the attorney's hands for 23 25 to 31 Stevens it will be shortly but we have gotten Town Town council's comments back so okay all right we talked briefly about the ID decision support tool we don't really have any new data but we have kind of given a a brief update but yes flu RSV are down in general I don't have the specific numbers at the moment in front of me Co is still out there pretty static but still out there um we have put our 228 administrative matters item on hold uh we do have it's listed under Cor respondence it's not listed as a public hearing um it is nomination of Inspector of animals season uh in the Commonwealth so uh it's it's kind of one of those funny overlaps that the inspector of animals is generally appointed by the Board of Health or the Commissioner of Health in the city but the Animal control officer is a law enforcement position so that falls under so it's kind of two things running in parallel however so the Board of Health does had the responsibility to to nominate um a inspector of animals we do have an application um to continue our existing um inspector of animals which should be um Phyllis Tower who is a shared resource with us and boxboro uh I have heard in the wind although I've not heard exactly that it sounds like we were expanding our our Consortium our our team of animal control and Animal Control Officers animal inspection group a little bit with our communities but I believe phis is still our our designated nominee um I'm not sure with it not being a public hearing I'm not sure we necessarily need to have a public hearing for the in nomination of the inspector of animals it does need to be to the state by April 1st so if someone had a very strong opinion otherwise we could table this to our next meeting um I'm just not sure if we really need to do that I don't my gut is I don't think we probably need to but yes Mr Baker um Mr chair uh Phyllis has been a uh the inspector for I think quite some time and I think we'd be uh we'd be just fine to go ahead and nominate her uh for another term all right we have a nomination on the floor do I have a second second I have a nomination in a second to nominate Phyllis Tower as our um inspector of animals for the town of Littleton I'm do a roll call vote Uh Kevin Baker Kevin Baker votes yes G Falone J Fone say yes and the chair votes yes so I do know that um Diane Cory in the clerk's office U had forward of the required paperwork for that to um Brenda and Francis I believe May made may have only gone to Brenda but if you haven't seen it Francis you'll see it soon I'm sure um regarding that there was uh a demographic correction that um is basically copy of last year's paperwork so it still has uh Mr Baker listed as chair rather than Mr K so that's a minor grammatical correction yeah that's an easy one and um so yeah I think uh we'll ask Brenda or Francis I forget if we actually need to sign the form or if the action of the board's vote is adequate I can't um I believe um Mr chair you do need to sign that so I will correct that with the update of your name and um minute Mr chair are we allowed to nominate Mr dagel to sign that on our behalf oh yeah well be you go u i I bet we could so I'm I just pulled up the Forum again so I'm looking at we we have inspector of animals and their demographic information any changes we have the nominating Authority which at the moment has Kevin Baker Board of Health chair um however it has um Ryan forar our our assistant Town Administrator as email contact for that so but I actually don't see a place for us to sign it it has our our information and then it has uh place for the nominated inspector to sign and basically accept the nomination U and then a signature from the Department division of Animal Health at the state approving their appointment so I actually don't see a place on the nomination form for us to sign so I could write up sign about how the board voted at this meeting and sign it and send it with the rest of the paperwork yeah no I think that's probably adequate I don't see a place for us to sign on here I think the action of the board not minutes or note or memo is probably adequate and yeah just make the uh demographic corrections to change Kevin Baker and update the email address to either my address I would say or or the health at Littleton Mass U generic Department email address which is probably the probably the better choice of just addressing it to the board in general unless someone has other thoughts Francis as our new director do you have any workflow process thoughts of how I'm not going to put you in the spot think about how you may want to utilize the generic Health at email address what kind of things you'd like to utilize that for whether that's the primary contact for Board of Health business or if you'd like to do something different so put that the back of your head for the next week or two of how you'd like to think about workflow and and incoming Communications and pieces so all right we have nominated our new or our continued inspector of animals for the town of Littleton we are at 7:35 do we have any board member updates comments discussion Mr Baker the only thing I wanted to address is the uh the model well regulations uh I had a conversation with Mr dagel about those and uh he is going to to uh work them as per the comments uh from our last meeting regarding the geothermal Wells and a couple other comments that were on there as well as taking a look at some of the comments from Mr trach and uh try to incorporate uh all that into a final document for the board to to take a read and and study it and then potentially uh you know vote on something so just want to let you know that that hasn't fallen off the radar and uh we're continuing to work on that wonderful thank you and uh Francis thank you for taking that on as a early homework we appreciate it it's been a project that we've been working on for a while with obviously new model RS every Community has their own take on them and you know as a as a mixed use Community between industrial and Amazon warehouses and big corporations and a large number of farms of many types agricultural Farms as well as livestock and it's a it's a little bit different than many communities so this is appreciated to have your input and help kind of bring all these stakeholders together to to make the best choices for the future Kevin Baker thank you for uh spearheading this this far and I'm sure you will be great resource again for the transition of that that project so thank you sir all right any other notes comments or board member input uh the only the only thing I was uh going to suggest is that we uh uh take a poll and perhaps set a meeting for a couple members of the board to uh meet with Mr dagel uh in the office and go over uh just some action items I know Mr Wason has has a list uh of things that uh we've just been sort of collecting over the years that we'd like to try and address and and make a plan uh to move forward I know uh Mr D's already uh dug his heels in to uh take a look at open goov and some other systems that we have and uh however we can uh spend our time to help him uh help us and help Littleton that would be beneficial so when we have a full board maybe we can chat about uh when when that can happen and who wants to be involved no absolutely we certainly don't want to overwhelm there's there's been plent plenty of opportunities for for growth and introspection here in town of how best to to serve our community and our residents and improve our processes figure out what works well and keep it going and what we might be able to do a little bit better um what things we can add and that we haven't really been able to do much of so this is a great opportunity and I think you know we've got you know that short medium and long-term kind of goals pieces and right now it's we're on day three so we're just happy to have you here and that you've been able to find Town Hall find the bathroom find your office like that's that's a good first couple days right there and certainly we've already thrown plenty of work your way so um I did hear that you already went out on your first visit on Monday something I forget what the event was but I did hear there was a a call of concern from from somebody and that yes you had already gone out on your first visit um you and Jim went out to visit somebody for an event on on Monday I believe so I was happy to hear that you were already out out playing in town and getting to meet people so um but yeah no I absolutely agree that we kind of get together and put together some open projects that we need to address um you know kind of figure out where they fall on the priority list um we do need to work with the opiate settlement fund um work with our Elder Human Services cohort uh our partners our law enforcement Partners the community stakeholders in general that figure out how best to move forward with those settlement funds to address our community needs I would even back the truck up work with our stakeholders to really identify what our community needs are and then figure out how to utilize the financial resources that are available to address them um so we have lots of homework to do around Community new needs assessment and then start developing an action plan so there's plenty of good hard work to do so that's okay so yeah I say for our next meeting if we can put it on for a a bit of a open discussion around open projects priorities you know kind of be Beyond day-to-day operational priorities but kind of the bigger projects and and goals kind of piece um and certainly we can look if we have some time at a you know a Saturday morning or something Retreat of just really looking doing some goal setting and and bigger picture stuff we've like like so many groups we spend a lot of time working on the day-to-day pieces that we kind of forget where do we want to be in six months two years five years 10 years it's like all of us you start diapering your kids next thing you know they graduating high school and go what what happened hold on how did that time go by it's same thing happens with with boards as and community do as well Suddenly It's like oh yeah we probably should have looked at this 5 years ago we didn't so so thank you again for bringing that forward Mr Baker for uh as a great reminder I agree we should put that on the agenda for the next one all right any other comments concerns member input Mr Baker I no my my uh I you know I'd be happy to uh make the motion to adjourn if if is next task we have we have no one in the audience we have no public input um we have a motion a second for adjournment roll call vote Mr Baker Kevin Baker votes yes Mr Fone we did it pretty good thank you yes and the chair votes yes thank you Litton for being here tonight Francis welcome to the town of Littleton we are so excited to have you we hope you'll be here for a long and happy and healthy and successful career because