##VIDEO ID:X4lI8UUKzRo## let's call to order uh the planning board meeting for Thursday September 12th 2024 why don't we stand up and do a appr of Allegiance and get on with our [Music] meeting I pledge allegiance to flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all okay uh the first section of the meeting is board business uh the first item on that is planning board code of conduct do we have something to vote on or are we waiting for more input um so you had discussed code of conduct a couple meetings um made some updates it's ready for the board to adopt um are we interested in adopting it yeah I just have a couple of comments and questions just like to clarify sure um so under Community responsibility a I think there's a the missing in front of planning board members that the planning board members represent the community I think the sentence just needs to be fixed just a little bit uh there um I don't under 2B whoops I got the part referr all complaints to the town planner you know for resolution I think that makes sense in terms of you know handling you know issues there but I don't think I really followed what was meant by what follows the and only pursue satisfactory results through the framework so I'm I'm not sure exactly what was meant by that part of the sentence and I didn't know how to fix it uh so if if I recall the discussion um well some of the wording comes from all the original wording came from the no that's what I mean I think it looks like it didn't edit together correctly okay uh so I I don't when when you did the kind of the merged edit what do you what did you mean by uh to happen there because I just don't think the words reflect that so let's see for complaints to meet for solution and then if if I can't get to a um satisfaction solution for you um then you would go to zoning enforcement for zoning issues and Town Administrator for um issues other than zoning so it's pursue unsatisfactory results through the Frameworks of I'm just trying to the sentence doesn't parse right yet still right so pursue unsatisfactory results through the framework of zoning and enforcement and or Town Administrator structure and then I think it ends I don't think that if such Solutions fail needs to be in there makes it better yeah so I didn't just tighten it up it's oh I think we know what it means but it's still sort of go only pursue unsatisfactory results well I mean if she if the results are satisfactory resolved I don't think there's any role for us to to do anything but if they the way it reads technically is is if we're happy with the results we pursue the the Enforcement office to to do something and it it's just not quite you want fix it now and then we can yeah yeah Pro it definitely yeah because I it's just a minor one uh there and then I have one more uh there so did you catch the edit on that I don't have live editing on this yeah no I mean in terms of what you're typing on your you so um you'd like to add un to Factory and then just and the sentence after Z after Town Administrator yep right CU that's where I guess we that would be our interface if we're need to pursue uh things on it uh there okay um just a thing uh for documents like this it might be easier to send the document file rather than the PDF because I can't I could only mark up the PDF I couldn't like type the changes to send you the the the the things here uh and the other one is under 3G and then um let me see how it something oh I see I got the no it's 3H sorry it so it says not withhold pertinent information on Municipal matters or Personnel problems uh however Personnel issues are kind of a separate matter uh so I'm not sure again what exactly is meant by this uh piece here right I mean if there's a issue with the Personnel we need to refer it through whatever the personnel management channels are I think is what you mean there right but I'm not sure not withhold pertinent information from other planning board members again I think if there's a Personnel issue we that one is becomes really complex in terms of is it a board Personnel an issue with staff and the this is this is Personnel in the board interacting with the board or the board memb is concerned about a Personnel issue which is handled really kind of a separate thing so I want to make sure that this this is the select board this is a select board um boiler plate and um I don't don't know how we would have a Personnel problem I mean we're not really involved in that that's why that's why I'm bringing that trying to understand what and so we either just you know ignore it or we strike it so Mr chair I think that could mean pertinent information on Municipal matters so if it's something related to one of the applications or one of the discussions that we're having and then I would see Personnel instead of personnel or staff problems if there are staff problems because we do engage with Town staff so okay so that's the way that I was reading it you rather than Personnel say staff because Personnel does refer to like an HR issue yeah yeah that's why I mean Personnel problems to me was an HR issue which really becomes very privileged very quickly and exchanging information on it is may also be deemed inappropriate so that's why I was trying to okay clarify what weily meant by by that so I would say that if we are talking about the staff that work with the planning board that it' be called staff instead of personnel but if you would like to eliminate staff at all then again it it removes that clarification as to what we should do about it but we're not really talking about staff here we're not talking about them we're talking about us right so I'm I'm I'm I I could think that it could be simplified by stri or Personnel problems yeah uh from this and then we're then we're clear that we're not talking about personnel management issues and the next and it refers to members of the board so I I and it becomes clear that we're talking about not hiding information from each other right um okay right Tom it looked like you had something to say yeah no that I I was going to suggest that too okay take that out you could add a new sentence about Personnel matters if you wanted to say personel matters should be handled through the HR function but but I think it says that somewhere else yeah and that's kind of implicit in yeah that's in how you manage that things there anyway that was the last of my things there and based on the discussion here if we agreed to those I'm I'm all set to to just say go ahead okay uh assuming the edits that we've just discussed uh would you like to take a vote on uh adopting the Littleton planning board code of conduct do oh or I move um we take a vote I'll second that okay um darl hi Hanna hi Bartlett I I hi thank you um John Clark has asked that we um just file a copy with her office so I'll make those Corrections and do that thank you okay so the next um board business was minutes of Prior meetings uh do we does anyone have comments on the minutes I have no comments yep I'm glad that the July 11th um revisions were made so I'm goodove uh do I have a motion to adopt the minutes of July should we do a motion for each minute or can we do it you can do it most one uh minutes of July 11th 2024 and August 1st 202 four second or I move it yeah all right uh Daryl yes Anna yes Carla yes yes Jeff yes okay any bills um yes we have one bill um from inis Associates for work in August on MBT communities this is pushing it through the state bureaucracy this is um since since you asked and we have a few minutes um we had heard back from hlc that our application for compliance was complete and then more recently um we got some detailed questions from hlc um so Cooper and uh Town Administrator um had a meeting on remote meeting um with hlc they described their questions to us and we were able to provide a written response um last Friday and we expect a resp response as regarding compliance soon um I'm very confident whenever I'm confident sometimes it's not good but I'm very confident that we do um are in compliance with NBTA communities requirements given um the nature of their questions and our positive response to those I was going to ask Cooper what what was your feeling about the dealing with them uh they their questions were just they want to make sure we could show that we complied okay okay and we have so um Emily and her team went through um a detailed analysis and provided um detailed response that um along with input from uh IA from uh Harrington he so okay pack that together in an email and sent that off to the state was included in our read ahead right I thought that was a very good response I think everybody did an excellent job on putting that together yeah it was great to have the team to to count on to to put that together next item one comment oh so when I was on the school committee we streamlined this to allow the bo the chair to sign and it became part of the consent agenda rather than doing it this way we have done that well we have just you know again it it it has come up and I don't know why we're you know I think the last time it was brought up we decided to all sign Mark you were the prior chairman what was the um thinking on that or do you did you find any problem I didn't have a problem with it I think the reason we stopped doing it because CU members of the board wanted to see the bills as they came in inside them all okay so I have no problem let's bring it up to the members of this board uh how do we feel about that do we all want to uh review the bills or um Can it just be a single signature so I the procedure that we had adopted there is is the bills were available at the meeting uh so people could review them to see what they were but we just went with the chair was able to sign off on it rather than individual members signing but they were always available if the members wanted to uh to look at them okay and bring up any issues or I still always prefer to know what the town is paying out I mean we are responsible for that so okay take um the tmbc um has us look at the at each bill individually and vote on it so I'm used to that procedure and I'm happy with it it's doesn't merely make a whole lot of difference to me on this board okay and the difference is we maybe have one or two bills at each meeting so school like school I'm sure it was different um yeah your budget was a little bit bigger than ours um I just brought it up fine um and I'm happy to hear from the rest of the board about how they feel about it um you didn't ask me well I did ask you to the you were the first one I asked you just asked me why we were doing it though well how do you feel about it Mark uh oh no I'll be nice no I don't really care one way we've got nothing to hide Marin it does a great great job putting the bills together and everything else in the old days the clerk stamped them and signed them all most of the time yeah but that stopped when I was clerk what back when I was clerk we had stamp but anyway it doesn't matter if you want to have them available at the meetings for unless there's something that's time sensitive it's usually not so it doesn't matter I don't care what better it's like two or three bills a month it's nothing to worry about not like the school committee okay um member update on projects uh I can't tell you anything about Northern Bank it's a mystery what's going on there which is nothing um Hager Heston is landscaped and looks really ni moving people so real quick on Northern Bank there are um questions from residents as to you know what what is going on so from a timing standpoint do we believe it to be predicated on SE um there their advancement I predicated on I think up to recently it was predicated on the lease of the subway building which lapsed in June uh the other thing I heard was that they hire environmental um uh en Environ demo with environmental con you know considerations which will'll be on go which is how they'll demo the subway building and then I'm just assuming even though we heard that they were trying to get permission to use one of the old um septic septics uh I'm assuming it is the septic issue um which is um you know it's progressing up gry road right now and uh so I don't know but is there something that we could ask or request staff to inquire with bank so that we can find that they so I sorry go ahead so that we can inquire and see whether or not um it's something we can then report out to Residents just so they know and I heard that they' hired a construction company their project manager that okay they're at least moving forward I'm assuming they're probably waiting for um mitigation stuff that they have to do when they knock the buildings down and getting well they've got all the buildings down except the subway building which just looks so pitiful but I'm sure it's a seate actually maybe Nick can give us a better update when it comes so one thing um that I was thinking in terms of these um major projects that require our approval is in the in the approval letter can we request uh as a condition of the approval uh like a six-month up every six month a schedule update as their for their plan so that we can perhaps get around this ambiguity of not knowing what they're doing so just simply having them send us a letter up dating their status of the of their uh project uh as part of the approval process it's obvious you can't do it retroactively to people but something as we consider moving forward uh I think we we could look at doing something like that it's you know it might be worth asking Northern Bank uh you know what's going on and issue a letter like was issued recently with about um King Street 550 King um which was a result of people questioning yeah the town administrator's office is the main point of contact with most of the larger developments um let's let's um PR them to uh ask about that I'll ask the question um at the moment my street cannot take any more Vehicles period so I'm glad they're not working I mean actually wouldn't it make more sense that's the building department what the status building department is in flux right now oh that's not a good thing no um King Street Commons we had an agenda item uh to update us on that and with various other considerations which is been postponed 12 Robinson Road Mr chair yeah um real quick on um 550 King Street I appreciate that you mentioned we are not going to be able to have that conversation today after all but there was something in the last since our last meeting that I wanted to just approach and that is that um uh when Marin called all of us to inquire about a question related to leoi companies I I didn't really like that part of the process and part of the reason why I didn't like that part of the process is because we were each giving our thoughts on the question to to Marin and then she went off to talk to the applicant to or to leoi companies and we didn't have an opportunity to really discuss the questions among ourselves and to deliberate so I would just ask that that not take place again in that manner because I think that it removes us from that process of being able to have the discussions I'm not sure I'm not sure because there was no you know this was the type of thing where we would have F we will decide whether to open a hearing about the proposed changes um I don't know I I don't know if it's bad to signal to the applicant I don't know what do we think well I think from that standpoint if I may if they were having questions then they should be coming before us to talk about questions they would have yeah right and so they I mean my those questions were asked in August and so they could have come to us in August they could have come to us today and so they're choosing not to and so all I'm saying is the process by which the questions were asked I I just don't appreciate it I'd rather that they come forward and ask the questions before the board which they will do I mean I I don't know I I'm not as exercised about that as you are um I don't feel like you know there's nothing you know we don't know what the proposal is now we you know because there is no proposal there's no you know we would have to open a hearing we would have to decide whether it is a material change which I think we would um so I don't know um what we have any other comments Bo MERS well my question when I thought about it was is that are the changing the numbers on those two sites going to change um our compliance with the station rules um well these are the things that would come out in a hearing and and they wouldn't because we only applying 600 to the NBTA community's head um and we're not um but but whatever we don't have a proposal you know we don't this was just a hey what about this um darl what do you think I am um mixed on this right now um you know I'm trying to been thinking about it a little bit uh there I understand the need for staff to work with the developers to you know make sure that you know there's Communications uh there uh I get concerned in terms of um whether implicit direction is being given or not uh or assumed uh there so um you know so technically since we as a board didn't discuss uh you know the things there the board didn't provide Direction Marin's provided some direction and inputs there her polling board members blurs that a little bit to me uh on it I but I appreciate also the Outreach for communications to make sure that we're aware of what's going on so that I'm a little little torn on some of that think one of let me just I got a couple more comments uh there so in my professional job uh I real work uh there uh where my company and myself are often in a position that we're uh we work closely with the government uh we provide a lot of the technical advice and the technical Insight uh but often uh it's technically necessary for our government represent to read a statement that while I'm there to provide feedback in other pieces there Direction comes from the government representative and so because that way the if I meet with them talk to them about some certain things they understand what um it's informational uh there but it's not Direction and I think making sure that I understand what kind of conversations are happening and whether we need some formal statement of clarification that Marin is here to help facilitate communication Direction comes from the board so that there's you know no ambiguity about in terms of well they came back and say well she told us to go do this and that's what we did and we as a board had never formalized that as Direction and I just want to make sure I don't know that that's occurred I don't know of any instances in the past of that's occurred but that's where my my squishiness in the process comes from and I like I said I relate it to what I have to deal with it in my own and that's that's a that's an apt um uh example of what could be done about in in my view is um we don't have the kind of uh situation here where we have Robert Moses you know over here saying this is what's going to happen we're going to build this interstate you know whatever it's what we decide and if menen um what if maren said this you know I'll I'll talk to the board but until we have a hearing there's nothing you know there's you you can't rely on anything um and that's you know an applicant has to make a decision about what to request and uh the planning processes um I I just can't imagine a uh an applicant doing a application based on what you know and assuming that the board was going to just rubber stamp whatever a planning staff may have said I I mean it's just you know we have no obligation to you know follow through with any representations I guess I guess I think it um the reason why an applicant would do that is to streamline their process you know they don't want to you know put something before us that's not going to go anywhere and that's a that's like a reasonable um you know a reasonable reaction to the time and money involved in these applications the 550 King is a you know specific issue but I I didn't have a problem with that because there was no proposal there was no hearing none of this can be done without a hearing where everyone on this board and the public will have a chance to comment on it so can I give my two cents yeah first of all Marin is more than just an administrator she's the town planner yes most of the time people come to her because she's got an office she's here all the time and they come in with questions okay Mar has a good gauge of what this board does and doesn't do she's been with us for 30s something years if you can't rely on M making sure that going to keep an applicant on the straight now then we have a problem um most of the time people come and they don't have a chance to talk to us and they don't have six weeks between meetings or whatever it is to start formulating their answers so they come to Mar and Cooper and ask their opinions of you know will this work and the go to Town Administrator you know this 550 is is the selectman have been weighing in on this with the state and everything else so trying to get an idea of what to do they're if I'm remembering correctly we're the ones who asked the question about for sale units and things like that that opened up Pandora's Box that we're talking about now and if anyone has the answers who who is watches Bo it's Marin so Marin should be the place where they start nothing's going to get decided until they come before us anyway but at least Marin has the ability to steer them in the right direction so I think it should stay there and the other issue that I have is mil's going to be here long after long I hope she's going to be here she's the one to administrate at least past 7:35 ad everything that happens here so oh yeah I'm shoot myself I'm just saying Marin is the is the the keys to the kingdom is right there and we should rely on her to do use her expert judgment she's been here 30 yeah 5 years four years so so I guess what I like to say is is I'm I'm I'm not I'm not saying that we remove that that role because that's a critical role uh there it's relative to making sure that after the discussions the final the people walking away is is this is the sense of where we are today how we've been administering it with 35 years of history and how typically move along and what makes it better to move forward the final they have to know well the final decision rests with the board and it I'll give you I'll give you a that's implicit in the whole apparatus we have I'll give you a perfect example of that at 7:35 tonight the marijuana facility is coming before us to talk about expanding their hours allows you 3 hours Marin asked me my opinion on it I said Marin I think you can handle it you've been at it so long everything else whereas it's on our agenda so you guys have a chance to talk about it because baren is making sure that she sused it all out it should take 5 minutes but it's in front of all of us that's what she does and she does a great job at it that's all I'm trying to say right but that didn't happen what but that didn't happen during the discussion that she asked all of us about I know and and the and so my my point is just that the way that the Cannabis question was or the Cannabis topic was brought up like what you just said that's what should have happened here as well and if they catch us and if they catch us and if they catch us in between timing of our meetings then perhaps have a quick Zoom call with all of us I mean it depends on how important the topic is to the I don't think it was that important that's my point nor think the Cannabis thing was that important this this is I I think that I think that there's no proposal here there's nothing there's not I mean you're you're acting like something's going to happen without our without our board process you're making a bigger deal out of nothing happened nobody's before us there was no proposal there was going to be a discussion that's all it was ever going to be and they wanted an idea before they came in so they could figure out what we wanted so that they could come in and give us information about what we wanted it didn't happen they're not before us so just like I said three hours we're going to meet for five minutes to talk about something that Marin could have decided but decided to make sure the board had input on it she does a great job at it and I don't think we should be worrying about people discussing issues with Mar I think we should leave it just as it is and if M feels it's important enough to bring it before the boards he'll schedule thank you for the discussion Mr actually yeah thank you for bringing that up it would not have occurred to me but I understand where your concerns come from but I assure you there will be nothing happening at 550 king without the board present hearings public the whole thing so for any folks who are out on Facebook and and understand what the issues are that are coming up um it keeps getting asked you know when are we going to hear the plan for the traffic for 550 King Street and I understand there's a traffic report that will come at some point but I would like it to be very clear so that if anybody is watching they can understand that the traffic in the common what is and isn't our responsibility I think we had this discussion like 6 months ago because if it's not us then who is it is it the highway department so is it simple word who from the town connects to meepa we everybody that cares to everyone it's a process everything we'll all have input in it the department the highway department select board everyone will have input into the Meep it's a meepa process it's not a town of Littleton process so we have no jurisdiction to it we have input to it that's all we get we get to look at the front door mitigation that's all we get to look at and give our opinions on it at the front door mitigation of getting in and out of the building as it as it as they get on and off the roads we get that's called front door mitigation that's what we get to look at meeper is correct me if I'm wrong the State overse State Road State Road the state overseas me but we did so putting it out there on Facebook and stirring it all up doesn't do us any good cuz we have no control and I've seen at the time when the point was um permitted the ne or whomever the highway department did some truly horrific renderings of what could happen to the common if we let Traffic Engineers decide for us can we move on I gu I yes please stop stop with the whole Anna you're asking questions that we've disc I'm asking questions that keep coming up in the public domain and we should provide answers to the best of our abilities hey have given both we have given answers it's AEP process so so you're talking about traffic talking about traffic just want to make sure that the public at large understand whose responsibility it is to tee up those discussions and what I'm hearing from Vice chair marari is that meepa is the entity that will do that and that public comment will be opened up is that correct yes okay I mean there will be um correct me if I'm wrong but site plan review for every aspect of this will be available for public comment comment um the site plan is is the local process for um for each section of development phase of development yes and that's that's of course is a question about how that all works together but um anyway so is there anything else that's what I had on there thank you uh 12 Robinson is looking great um um Town newsletter um have we made any contributions to the town newsletter yes no okay I haven't is there any interested in making contributions to the town newsletter we'll just keep that on the board dist um and then we have 245 fossil treat is there anything anymore I haven't up there on 25 okay the uh Mr dhy I think his name was dhy J yes has withdrawn his application for 24 by fost stre and give the property back to the LA so they now have it and my understanding is is that they're pursuing the definitive of the uh industrial plan that they the preliminary that they filed or they're going to at some point I think they've had enough of a residential comp just want to do what what's allowed there I don't know for a fact but I do know that they got it back so it's no longer talking about see your housing or affordable housing or anything else there it's going to be an industrial site so item e the uh special permit application forms for firearms business did anyone have any um comments on those I didn't have we had any filing at all for those since we did the bylaw no no no filings but um it's wonderful having uh assistant Town planner and a uh Department assistant and they put their heads together they can we have a reduction right huh we have a reduction in the amount of in the number of businesses I heard Mr CH do you have a few comments sure okay so um on the it's called the updated form one and yes thank you for the work put into these so adult uses and I don't know if it's because of the um zoning bylaws being out on the electronic format what is that called the whatever it's called um so adult uses goes from 173 to 203 not just 202 so on that particular application form um the citations for there you go yep go to 203 not just 202 um the Firearms business the December form so we saw these back in December um and that form listed the citation as 173 235 through 246 and now it just lists the um the one single one so I think it needs to be the full citation it starts at 235 and goes through [Applause] 246 um Reg registered marijuana is 186-193 not 85 to92 and then the VC District plus aquafer Water Resource District again adding the full citation of 173 2115 through 225 instead of just the one single one because otherwise it misses the whole component any questions on those will those changes be made we'll check the sections Curr yes okay uh can we what what is the process that we need to do do we approve them is this an administrative thing push it till next be happy to make those changes and bring them back if you prefer that's fine okay um and then on the next form unless somebody has any others on that one so we have a Firearms checklist and then firearm for 1j and it looks a lot the same so I was just wondering why we have two forms that look the same yeah in we had this conversation um in the past the planning board members have often taken a checklist and used a checklist um to mark your um comments on the applicant's version of it it's an optional form so the checklist is for us yeah for the yes for the board's okay not for the applicant okay that's helpful thank you and then um and and could certainly not have that if it's confusing then based off of our bylaw for the Firearms businesses the checklist and again this is for us so you guys you know chime in here so it says that federal state and local licenses um uh need to be in in hand basically um so who checks those licenses cuz it's not us Police Department the influx building um commissioner I guess assure would the board be looking for assurances that those are the state police and and the Town police check into those L okay um so would the board at that point going be looking for for information from the local police department on yeah it should be the process that applications go to you know in the same way the process the applications we should probably have a letter from the police chief that theyve checked the license do with all the other oh I like that right like the fot lier licenses and stuff okay that they for the select board so somewhere then I guess on on that we need to have something that's added for the licenses um also for our checklist um 173 239b at security plan so we can check that off uh 29 239c add to meet with the planning board um and then I asked does a no except language need its own checkbox so I was just going down the list so those are the things that I felt were would would make that complete so we'll um be able to adopt them at the next meeting yeah we can make those upes great thank you the good news is Lucia will be back from vacation okay um the next item um is public input and we're running late and I'm looking I know what you folks are here for I know what you're here for so I'm assuming that there's no one at this time who needs to talk about something that isn't agenda um at 7:00 uh we're opening a continued public hearing for the zoning bylaw Amendment uh relating to um register marijuana dispensaries adult use marijuana establishments uh we're removing outdated Provisions meet current state regulations and limit the number of marijuana cultivation facilities that may be cited in town and so I I brought up toor I mean the Cannabis control board is in significant disarray um and I said well do we want to do this now um yes okay um but the main goal of this in addition to uh conforming our bylaw to uh the state regulations is uh to put in place at special time meeting um a revised by law that will limit the cultivation sites in town so we have been at this for some months uh we have have um a uh 10 page tiny little spaced uh thing and uh it's more or less final and uh are there any final comments that people had on it I had just a few it's more to what one of the main one of the main things we added from last meeting was the Odor Control uh which I think is you know given that this is the main problem with cultivation sites we definitely appropriate so I do appreciate all all the work go over here yeah Tom Harrington is Our Town Council hello everybody okay so um last time on August on the August 1 version it did not include craft marijuana cooperatives and now it's back and I just wanted to confirm why is it back again I think we had this conversation and we did have this and and so I just want to confirm it should be on here should be there okay all right that's all I needed to hear I just want to make sure it was in a typo from a previous version and if I'll just 30 seconds sure um so we are pretty much down to I think the the last Strokes of this and one of our kind of main marching orders was to get together with um uh the health agent and with Marin and with Cooper to see if the health agent had some ideas on Odor Control that we could Implement in here and kind of the corollary to that was for us to take a look at the sanctuary permit to see if there was some ideas in there that we could incorporate in here and so I think what we've Incorporated and there's only one change and I I I went away from the redline version so you guys weren't looking at you know like an electrical map and so the only change is on page four and I put it in highlight yes and so and that adds in the idea that um an Odor Control plan incorporates the best available control technology to ensure that emissions does not violate 111 and 173200 J so that so I think that language is more strident than what is in the um Sanctuary permit and in our conversations with health agent he didn't he he didn't have any great ideas for specific language to build this so what we found on on those um hearings were we got a big education on Odor Control and there was um you know there is advancing technology and we should not put something in here that relates to um whatever technology is using used now yeah we agree since it's the basis for almost every complaint that we've had for for you know about growth facilities to reference in here is totally appropriate um we were able to you know require conditions for sanctuary and uh anyway so are we I I agree with with that being added and I appreciate it I had one question and that is when um uh mgl chapter 111 was cited which is public health yeah it was cited as the entire chapter or as the entire yeah chapter even though there are 244 sections sections right so it can be any one of those sections that are violated from public health why go why go narrow when we can go broad yeah it's okay it it just surprised me that it was so broad that okay yeah that's that's the public health you're just making work for yourself that's all cut it down Jeff okay it's going I think it gives us the most flexibility for unanticipated things we don't really understand at this point and we can use the whole law uh as the framework for the discussion I'm bored with that okay I just thought there was maybe something missing at the end of I wasn't kidding when I said why go narrow when we can go broad it it gives you more author um but I think the you know the the back the best available control Technologies is is a key because we don't want to get locked into technology we want to see what's out there we want to see what kind of what's available to solve the problems that we want to solve and I think this does give the board a lot of authority flexibility and leeway in trying to accomplish what I know you're trying to accomplish so that being said um at this meeting uh I'd like to uh have a motion to vote to recommend this to are you Mr chair well well hold on because we also had the map well I had some comments about the map yeah so um I mean my my two comments are a I appreciate that we did merge the the two maps to try to create one I just wanted to point out that the two little pieces coming off of like The Point area is Russell Street I believe and maybe even it's the it's one side of Russell Street yes yes exactly those two little things that stick out maybe we just remove them if possible because that is all residential and and um then the other places would be over by the train station because when the original overlay District was there that was a tree farm as I understand and now we have residential there so so these were based on zoning boundaries um so the proposed District the cross-hatched one the dated um August 16th 2024 on the top mhm yeah um so that's industrial that one that's industrial Aid District except and the police department site except for some industrial Aid that's off a new town Road and that's similar to the retail District but not exactly the same because we've had some changes to the industrial a district recalling that 550 King Street um was recently reasoned from part of it being um uh industrial a to being the King Street common District um so King Street common shows up on the retail map and doesn't show up on uh this proposed map um you have the option of amending this map before you before you get to town meeting floor so yeah my my comment was on the um the overlay District retail uh it came up when Sanctuary was looking for a site that the town common is actually Park and so that there's a 500 foot buffer this is not I I realize that this is based on zoning zoning yeah so I just want to verify that these other requirements um are not subsumed by this map or right the process would be that an applicant would come in with a proposed site the planting board would go and and provide the information on distance to um parks at and daycare facilities Etc um at the time of the application so yeah just like we did with collaborative they came in based on the map and then I you're right it was collaborative not Sanctuary yeah yeah did I answer your question yeah okay no I mean it didn't it doesn't reflect on the map but it I just want to know that the map and the bylaw work together and I mean I understand your process was just taking the zoning um uh anyway so that's all and yeah so when I looked at this map I I assume that that's what you were doing is taking what was already in place and converging It Down based on the discussions there and that we weren't opening a discussion about changing the overlay districts or CH or or looking in terms of sub subsi of changes to the existing districts this is a almost in my mind an administrative consolidation which is why that's the whole point of this yeah this special town meeting thing yeah but the reason I bring it up is is because that that little extension that goes all the way down Russell Street to towards the school when I was on the school committee and I saw this I didn't the school committee didn't have input as to why are we building or allowing marijuana Distribution on the road that leads to the school that's a good point uh but I didn't want to bring that up at this point because I thought this was a an administrative administrative convergence of existing zoning of existing districts not CH bulk discussion about the districts themselves uh there but I would like to maybe put that as a future topic why can't we change it now well we don't that that sounds like to be a much more involved process because we haven't had a public hearing on on that particular type of topic that seems to me I'm bringing it up not to change it tonight I want to maybe cue that up for are we will have since we will have a goal at the Springtown eliminate any more cultivation whatsoever we can do that at this time are we losing fact sight of the fact that what we're trying to do is get rid of any other cultivation s so the map all this other stuff is going to go by the way side in another two two Town meetings we're not going to allow it anywhere well but but this these Maps also relate to retail and we only have we have one more a potential license potential I mean there could be a potent you know that corner could be but the basic concern of this whole thing has been the growing of it not the retail facilities that's all we're trying to restrict we we we are trying we we will do that and we will conform our bylaw to the state regulations but we already have a second site already approved so our biggest concern is the growing of it and if we everything we're doing changing the maps and everything doesn't matter cuz we're getting rid of it starting in November and then finish it in April so that being said can we do we have any more discussion on the maps can we then recommend a vote to recommend this just want to make sure that um the way the um byw amendment is written now the retail district will remain the same as it was when it was adopted in 2018 and that's reflected up there and then this new district is all other adult uses plus all um what am I trying to say the um registered medical uses except for conservation and that'll be the the new District um so do I can I hear a motion to vote to recommend to town meeting um this zoning by law close the okay can I have a motion to close the hearing motion to close the hearing second I an i i i Mark okay now uh can I have a motion to uh recommend to town meeting um the proposed marijuana by law um that has been prepared for the town um and its related Maps I make a motion that we move forward to town meeting with the revised bylaw second hi Anna I I still disagree with everybody that I think this is an opportunity to change the maps appropriately but seeing is that that's it's not something that you all want to do you want to keep them as is so then yes hi hi hi thank you thank you for thank you so that moves it forward to town meeting floor can I presume that your report to town meeting would be recommend I mean that you support we support this I I assume one of the next one of the other steps that will happen within the next few weeks is they usually usually send out some kind of like little summary uh of this and I saw in the um web page here you have like a paragraph describing our two-step approach you know so I assume one of the next steps is you're going to some somebody is going to draft what the uh what that little paragraph um description of the piece is here because I say you got a nice start of it in in in what you have in the on the web page here so that happens in the um Town meaning book it'll have the that's what it's right it'll have the warrant article and it'll have a um brief description and I'll we'll be describing just what's in this one if you want additional information about what you might do at a future town meeting that would be a separate yeah I personally don't think that that's necessary for this part I I just want to make you know ow you know I'm doing that you're probably putting that together right um that for for the zoning yes because new to this part of the process uh there okay uh we're a little L thank you Tom uh we're a little late uh next up is uh ton sewer with um thank you Mr chairman um we do have a quorum here so I just want to make sure that we open our meeting properly we have a quum so so quum with the Water Commission here as well okay uh that was some opening it for us um so Marin had asked us I think a couple months ago to come in here and be good opportunity to update uh the community and the planning board on the progress of the sewer project and also talk about capacity issues that I think we've been discussing for a couple years now but probably is a prudent time to get back in front of you um I tend for this to be extremely informal and more informative um so my thoughts I give you a quick update on the project sure talk about capacity constraints um but if there's any questions please this is a great time to to get them out I I do commend both the planning board I know Anna and and mark have been part of a lot of meetings in minin as well so uh your your partnership in this project has been has been crucial so we appreciate that um you know one one part of the project is extremely visible right all the work all the work in the roads um hopefully they're hoping to finish that part of the project uh late fall early winter uh the state has a cut off typically November 15th for working state roads it's highly weather dependent uh but sometimes they're stringent on those dates anyway even if there's no weather which happened last year last year they got shut down off state roads right around November 15th so we anticipate that that we Vol be shut down around then uh most their their hard work is done they have a little more work to do on Great Road cuz that line extends to uh dck and donut uh right past opan oh really all the way down that's what I wasn't sure Y and then all the way um up to act Medical on the um King Street side going towards West um where they are right now are some of the toughest digs which why it seems like it's taking forever because the The Depths are are quite extensive you know they're at 20 to 30 ft down because yeah because the topography and slope of the pipe that's needed it's mostly a gravity fed system is that on Great Road it's that deep or is it King no King Street yeah King Street uh Great Road there the issue they run into there is more um there's a lot of stuff on the roads so they're just trying to and they're doing a good job I know we're really gets a bad R in this town but they're actually doing a pretty good job for the most part it doesn't mean they had there's no issues but they're they're managing a lot of conflicts in that road um as as they did especially on Great Road there's a lot of services lot a lot of gas multiple water lines um and you know they're deep there as well there not as King Street is really deep um they they did they they that part of that project was also the pump station so there a pump station at the high school that now pumps sewage from the high school to the treatment plant at 242 King Street um before it's in the same spot that the existing treatment plant was at um so that's being renovated with Roy is responsible for that part of the project and also upgrading the pump station at the Middle School uh and the Middle School pump station is complete for the most part there's some instrumentation that has to happen that's actually online right now and running and the high school is is um slightly delayed but not delayed to the point it's going to impact schedule again that's a small piece of the puzzle U so we're thinking hopefully mid November for the most part most of that work is done um they will so the way State Paving works is they has to settle and uh be temporary paved for three months before they can do final Paving so there will be final Paving that has to happen in the spring whatever they basically whatever they're doing now they won't have enough time to settle and um be ready for final Paving so some of that some of the pavement will work have to wait until the springtime on so that should be the final pieces of that project come come spring they'll be back doing finished Paving um any questions on rol's piece before I jump to methan but since they're working all night basically in front of my house they they work pretty hard yeah I mean sadly we can hear them all night but you know it's it won be forever we are extremely appreciative of the impact the residents for this project the night work is Miss is big machines it's loud lots of Lights um impact with the roads and um it's a disruptive project for sure will be over y um just one question on the roads uh I understand about the settling because usually they need it to settle over a bit of time there but as it settles um and then the ruts become deeper over the over the winter who's who and what the process is to make sure that those are attended to Y um so we always responsible for that but please let let us know you can let me know directly at the light light water department uh they've been pretty responsive to those issues even throughout the winter last winter they came out and fixed a few uh so if there's specific issues that we have just let me know where we lay that message to volley and they it's mainly in terms of if anybody's actually watching our thing here for the public to also understand there's a process absolutely that we don't just watch the Gully get all please communicate that directly with us and we'll communicate with roli yep so Nick the the big question is the construction of the water resource recovery facility um how's that going look like they've started yeah it's actually starting to look like a like a site right okay yeah um so the first uh year of that project was basically digging a hole in porn cement uh which was a lot of work um but it didn't seem like they were doing much but that project's on schedule uh we anticipate startup for that project to probably start I would say March April of uh 20 start up in operation yeah starting up the the pumps the all the processes make sure things are working the way we think they they're going to work uh we do that first with clean water right cuz you don't want to do that with with waste water so there be there'll be a startup process in place place to make sure that everything's operating the way we expected to DP is a big part of the process right cu the department ofmental protection wants to make sure that things are working before we start treating sewage uh so we're hoping uh March April in that time frame that um of next year or 26 25 25 yep okay um and we're anticipating June they're done and it's Trend over but I would caution that and say we saw working M watch re implant things happen during startup so I would say fall is a safe thing to guess to wait for but it could be as early as June I mean it's it's not an overly complicated plan uh so we're hopeful that between June and September that plant's online and we're we're moving and this is what you're telling the various projects that are basically linked to this project yeah Ian I think Daryl had mention he caught on our website that we didn't have up-to-date Master schedules we had very good twoe schedules uh our website now has the master schedules on there yep um so our Master schedules are online uh there's a few known projects you know Northern Bank for instance uh very active in their in their process they've been communicating directly with us well can you tell us what they're saying about well they're not tell us what they're doing they're asking us what're doing asking what you're doing okay and same and same with Lao companies have been in contact with with our progress they don't really tell us what they're doing so what's your so you think September 25 is when um yeah you'll declare that it's ready for hookups yep yep we and we want to us the sooner we get that online the better I'm just using the outside that you get yeah because the more the soon as we can start accepting flow now we have now we can start covering our operating cost and and stop becoming solvent so I notice like on Great Road you're putting in the stems from the main um and how do they terminate do they terminate the property line or how do they yeah for the service connections yes yeah so we go into the property line and leave have a connection point for every property we we did have a few cuz remember this was an opt-in opt out for residential customers um when we inherited from the select board that was where legislation was written there was only I think don't call me an exact number there was like three or four residents that opted out but even for those residents we we left the connection Point okay I mean that's yeah it's a lot easier we don't want to cut the road later or cut or cut into an active sewer plate yeah well after they do the repaving after you get it all done there so yeah every every property we pass we're trying to think for the future even the even the infrastructure in the ground is made for the the full-term vision of the sewer um on on Northern Banks project are you uh because I'm thinking about how that's organized are you putting stems for each building or how does that work no but we we've coordinated uh their connection directly with them okay so they have what they need to to do their project okay uh the next question people are wondering about his capacity yeah yeah everyone is right I think last time I was here we had about 30 people well the more capacity you have the more proposals we'll have into yeah so capacity is tricky and and it's and I hate to say it but there's no home runs for us out there uh there might be a few singles of expanding it uh we'll keep Chas no down it's not a today problem but it's definitely I would say 10 air problem mhm uh which is right around the corner right yeah uh so the first thing we're going to do and I think we talked about this before but but for those that maybe weren't listening I'll say it again um the high school discharge site that we have now that we've been discharging at for 20 plus years um is permanent for 241,000 gallons per day which is enough to do the existing load in the common enough to do the town resources and enough to do 150 ,000 gallons at uh 550 King Street or the mill however he decides to utilize that 150,000 gallons per day which is not enough of the PO companies they I think they requested I forget what it was but it was a lot more than that another 125,000 gallons per that he needed to do everything uh the Commissioners had denied that um you know because they were they were trying to balance funding and getting this project built but also serving the needs of the community um so which was not an easy thing to do because as you guys know this was A45 to $50 million project which was extremely tough to get off the ground so we believe and and again this start with the select board they actually did the first hyd hydrog GE geological model uh for the High School site which basically tells you from a modeling standpoint what can be discharged in the ground up there and they used Weston and Samson at the time to do that model uh very good firm very good hydrogeologist done that did that and I I think at the time he thought that that site was good for 300,000 maybe 318,000 gallons per day um DP didn't agree because they wanted to see real flows real numbers and they're conservative that's the I me that's the nature of of regulators right you're saying the study was modeling it wasn't an actual well there was some flow bre we had whatever it was 15,000 Gall St they had marit wall there marit what they could but there wasn't enough volume and pushed into that site for them to be confident in the 300,000 plus per day uh but the model the model shows that we we believe the model is correct they want to see flow at 241 they want to see they want to see significant flow I'll get get you up to those so um so we we've been working with them um really since the businesses and the folks in the common uh Express concerns right there was a lot of concerns that came out that they felt forgotten uh which they weren't but I could understand where they were coming from um cuz at the end of the day if we if we didn't um incorporate the needs of 550 King Street this project was not affordable to anybody and those those the Reus you know so one Ru is basically a residential house uh that right now are costing $40,000 G $40,000 per Ru were up over up over $200,000 per Ru so it wasn't econom iCal for anybody the town a resident a business uh it wouldn't it would have caused a lot of Heartache so uh the 550 King stre project solved that problem financially um but it it it potentially could cut off the needs of the rest of the common so the the board was extremely concerned about that because um you know they believe in the master plan they believe in serving the small uh businesses that have built the common to what it is um so they they encouraged us to quickly look at expanding that discharge site with theep to see what we could do uh so we've been talking with DP for probably over a year now on how to do that we've we developed a what they call an INF infiltration test and it's bringing 200,000 gallons a day probably for about two two months uh to that site and then going to those Barry Wells and seeing how how water behaves underground um and then they can fine-tune that model and confirm things that we think are true doesn't mean they're going to be true but it's it's what the model believes is to be true as of today so we're hopeful we're going to start that in October um and we're hopeful that you know come end of this year we'll have the data that supports a 300,000 gallon per day discharge at the high school site uh with very minimal work to be done it's really most of it can can the ground handle that much water uh there might be some additional piping we don't know yet but hopefully it's minimal could we just dug that up and um put that that that in so by this time next year you'll have an operating sewer system but you will continue continue to pursue additional capacity yep so by this time next year I'm hoping to have an operating sewer system and I'm hoping that we have the answer to that first question um and which which uh time um I know our board's committed to serving the needs of the common the businesses the common first um I think we'll be a little bit more methodical uh because we have the the ability to be with how we fill those needs so I think it' be a joint process with you folks some period of time we open up in a uh an application period let the let the people in the common know about it communicate this to to the business and the common give them time to engineer you know their properties and then maybe between the planning board and the Commissioners we can figure figure out what makes sense uh moving forward but 60,000 gallons per day should be enough to fulfill all the all the needs in the in the common area I I think our Engineers predicted maybe needing about like 40,000 gallons per day so it should be enough to to fulfill the master plan and give everybody what they need to well even the PO you know talks about their project as being a 10year to 12E project and um so but he wants more discharge today well of course you know but yeah Soopers are in the their job is to push push push so yeah so that would be the next phase of it so as part of evaluating the discharge site um we did a highlevel GIS analysis with Weston and Samson on the whole Community similar to when we bought the Cy for you implant was a whole Community look we did the same thing with discharge site um and again there's no home runs there's no piece of property that we could say that's it let's go buy that piece of land there half a million gallons discharge that doesn't exist but there are there are potential sites and we're going to start doing because GIS analysis is one thing actually GIS analysis on the High School site shows that's not a good site but we know it is so it's not a perfect science uh but they've identified you know five properties that need we should do soil borings that and um do some further analysis hopefully one of those comes back and maybe it's 200,000 Gall day maybe it's 300,000 Gall day but another one of those sites would be enough to um keep that ball rolling and keep you know building out that infrastructure remember the plant's good for over half million gallons a day so discharge site right now is our is a limiting uh Factor even though I guess you know mainly because of my history on the school committee are you what's the school committee's involvement in in your updates and things there since they occupy that site and we have a school there but bringing it up to capacity and possibly failing could tremendous partner tremendous impact uh just want to make sure and they they've been they they're involved heavily in our you know we get our Communications quite often and they're on that Loop and they've been a tremendous partner of the whole project thank you thanks very much and I you know as a citizen this has been how many years 20 yeah maybe yeah and um to have it come to poent you know close to completion y great yeah there's been a lot of people that worked on this over like you said I know there are a lot of iterations and uh um anyway will there be any sort of we'll call Celebration to say it's done sew cele but yeah we can do one yeah you want to flush the first toilet you might want to ask when of the residents one of the residents who's been you know having put a big toilet on the yeah I mean I think it is a huge um impact for the town economically and you know brings us into the 21st century so to the degree that there can be um a real positive outlook on it I think would be really good yep yeah look at one you know we did we did one at wi MAV uh in memory of me Frasier which was a special day for us we're doing one at Cedar Hill uh this Saturday for the neighbor because see that project was amazing to me we built a a a water storage tank in the middle of a very tight neighborhood and we didn't get one complaint and that's how good that's how good this this community is so we Pizza 11 to1 up in a Long Lake neighborhood for those that are interested well and and to the point of you know asking residents to participate in any sort of Celebration if you will the residents who had to deal with this on Russell Street the residence on Robinson Road and you know other places I think they really appreciate the acknowledgement that they had to suffer through this that's a good point Y yeah great thank you yeah all right thank you have a good night you for coming thank you all for coming questions a minute I think we're I think we're going to close now right yeah yeah great okay we have one discussion about the Cannabis Collective additional 3 hours I didn't have any problem with that good okay I'm fine I'm fine okay so we're fine make a motion to accept the uh modified uh hours yeah we I think we asked them before we did not have a hearing on it we just um uh approved it so um okay that being done uh we are ready for adjournment can I have motion to adjourn okay do I hear a second second I was going to say Mark you're not quick on that second there I'm texting I'm walking out hi hi okay thank you everyone thank you