##VIDEO ID:XhsYZ5o2s9I## so we are recording uh the Eventing this is the community preservation committee meeting for August 21st 2024 I have agendas on my computer at home need that's I I'll pull it up here uh first thing was news and mail um I don't think we had any mail and um I don't have any news I'll just do that during the member updates I have pull up an agenda here does anyone have any member updates will I exciting so um I was going to report on we did have um mitt and Andrew bartand and I all were at the meeting last night um the clean Lakes committee stakeholder meeting I guess they were calling it and uh it it was interesting um it was Conservation Commission was there the select board uh clean Lakes committee water Commissioners fincom fincom CPC and the the clean Lakes committee was in front doing a little presentation kind of about what the clean LS committee is because like like they said people haven't really heard about them but now they're in the Forefront of everything so just like just like us um so really the the I guess the impetus for the meeting was how do they fund they've lost their funding from the sell Tower funds I mean I'm sure you all discussed this before but I thought the C Tower was solely set aside for water or for open space or whatever yeah I think the state made some kind of a ruling that that can't be done that way I thought the town was going to find at way alternative to that yeah so there were always historically um there was a tower for um water projects water Revenue essentially and then one for open space um and yeah where we kind of got in trouble with zo was that we couldn't have the specialized accounts um where the money was going uh so we're still kind of working on that as far as I know now but but um yeah and I think the problem was is the money from the spec Pond one goes into the water department but they have to use it for activities specifically of water of the water department so they can't like even to give it to clean Lakes is like diverting it away from the purpose or something like that I remember one of the meetings so they don't have that and it's only a fraction of what they would need anyways like half for one year um so the water department has been kind of funding them but they they need more money now so what they were hoping to do um the water department had had requ the Commissioners had requested that they be part of the budget process so that was part of what what they were trying to do but I kind of heard that we probably shouldn't Bank on that that they probably will be looking for other funding sources grants or Community Pres ation so we should be prepared to hear projects from them and you know one of the things we thinking of is like maintenance you know when does it become maintenance but that we know is I mean cpda gray area you can pretty much you you have you sent us those definitions in one of your minutes maintenance versus capital projects or whatever so that will be helpful so like the Eco harvesting you know they do wants to get rid of it but the next time they do it you know how many times can you say well it's just it's a one-time thing before it becomes maintenance and I guess that's kind of the thing we help yeah and I mean you could argue too that it's ongoing efforts to preserve the water Body by um eliminating the invasives that threaten native species and the overall ecosystem there but um yeah it it's all how you word it um so what Jim j and the ta wanted them to do is come up with a three-year plan so they did come up with a budget it's really rough um but I think Fred sent me a little note in over five years they're going to be looking for like $623,000 and that's probably what they're going to be looking at us for a lot of money that's more than even housing has it's not I was gonna say like they' squirreled away some money too did you catch that yeah yeah that they had been saving what they hadn't spent from the years that they were collecting from the water tower so they so did anybody at this meeting come up with other possible funding sources no possibly grants that's always tough gr so CPC is like the only one that's been identified we be seeing some creative applications from about this you're saying and what I'd like to do I think what's Dave da bar bar had mentioned that Westford kind of has cut off some of their funding their SE member yeah do remember so I thought maybe if I maybe I'll email Wester to find out why um not that we would you know use that as an excuse but I'm just kind of curious what they came up with right why they they decided that so um yes so they were just talking because there's so many budget challenges coming up with um you know Shaker Lane coming on that they're already operating in a deficit so whether they can come up with any extra money for Cen Lakes will be a a stretch um so that's what we have to look forward to um I did hear from John fulam um the Eco harvesting has started on Forge Pond this week M and next week they'll be down to Long Lake removing those floating islands perfect so that's going on now and they also had mentioned that Long Lake um has had very little invasive aquatic growth this year compared to mwan and spec Pond I guess it's been kind of calm so that's that's good thing we like that um so that was really all he had for updates like I say we'll hear more in the future um next on the list is the Coalition invoice we got the new the invoice it was 1750 same as last year I do have the paper version in the office if we need it you do the what I've got the paper version of it yeah I printed it and I think I forgot it um I mean we all we're all veterans here I think coalitions are worthwhile I leaned on Stewart a few times this year yeah oh I I think it's worth it what do you absolutely you think it's worth it Coalition dues he's on mute so should we vote on it yeah so I think we should I would like should I make a motion to we um pay the invoice to community preservation people in Boston Coalition and it's for uh 7 1750 1750 second second uh we'll do a roll call because we have a remote um Andrew hi Bartlett hi Linda hi Carolyn is an i mitt thumbs up yes this is Mitt my yes thank you perfect um further um to just to catch up with the minutes can you um the camera shoots are around from person to person so I'm not sure who was all there Carolyn you are here yeah put this in minutes for our roll call whoever voted it was unanimous right yeah I see Bartlet and Linda who else is there Andre Andrew and that's it no no one else is here okay good I was the quum maker oh my gosh I'm so embarrassed so so we moved and voted and the second was I have Andrew as the second thank you you can go ahead um the next item is just the FY 25 budget um just because I always put it on there so we can talk about it but I don't have I haven't heard anyone with projects at Pro Clean Lakes um oh the tennis courts oh yeah they're meeting on the so the thing right now with the tennis courts is they're waiting to hear where Shake aaine is going to go whether it will be moved over next to the middle school or if it's going to stay where it is and be built either renovated or rebuilt in the back I think what they're leaning toward though is to move shakane back put like three playing fields in the front of that and then leave the Middle School alone so Alicia I would talk to Alicia last night and she was saying it's you know they've got like six things that all have to like pivot at the same time but they want to get the tennis court project revoted I think they just want to change the location and they've got someone else besides the people that did the last one that didn't work out obviously you know they gave us a plan and then it didn't work so kind of disappointing so I think what they're going to do is they're going to try to get um a plan for you know if you're looking at the middle school on the right hand side there's that flat section oh yeah that they have like oh they had the um um it's kind of like a little field right yeah it looks like it's not even big enough to be a football field but I think they're going to want to try to put the tennis courts there hoping that it's a little cheaper because it is so flat and I think they can fit that and then one little field in the back I don't know the way they fit stuff in it never looks like it's going to be big enough um but I think that's the new plan so they're getting um someone else to do the engineering they want to put it through for October I was going to ask you that oh so we may have to tight it's G to be really tight and but the town is going to push it we know it is so we may end up having to have another meeting the warrant closes on September 14th our meeting wouldn't be in until after that but maybe they put a placeholder in and then we voted after so I'm sure we'll be talking um Alicia said she would update me whenever they get something so they were kind of waiting for the vote tonight while they're at their meetings so I don't know pieces oh my gosh yeah when she was talking about last night I think there's like five Fields involved that are all kind of contingent on what happen so so for we will have to I think just rearrange I think think the money won't be any different but I don't know what do we want them to rewrite the whole thing or amend it oh I mean it depends on how substantial I would think that the changes are completely different yeah I mean I'm sure the the surface area is going to be a little different different sites maybe different materials depending on yeah they might have to now I'll have to ask Finance like what do we do do we undo what we did and then they redo it yeah I mean because it's already been wait no was that approved it was approved because that was the one that we're borrowing oh [Music] yeah maybe we could vote to amend the project with but then that would have to be reapproved by Tom anyway it's a substantial change it's not what the voters approved right exactly yeah maybe they'd have to refile and return the funds previously allocated and then revote it at the Vault to meeting I guess yeah I don't know like if they've already they pull the bond or whatever do the bond if that's already in place I wouldn't think that they would reverse that redo that unless they could just slide it over Finance yeah that that's a good Finance question because I mean they're going to have to borrow probably the same amount if not a little more anyway it's just on our ends I mean we we care about the details of the projects um and the money of course but yeah we got to do it properly so yeah all right I'll talk you think the Coalition could help answer that question or no maybe I don't know maybe well maybe they are pretty knowledgeable I can talk to finance and see what they say and then if we need to you know I'm wondering if they would actually sign a note to borrow without a Construction contract and they haven't they haven't gotten that for you good point oh okay maybe they haven't signed yeah if they haven't signed it then that's not a factor right right that's good be something know what I'm talking I mean they may have spent some money to do the surveying to figure out that they wouldn't fit right yeah but right that's their problem right think that would have come up in the first part but know anyways all right so I don't have any other budget stuff we hav't really haven't heard anything but may to meeting was the big one last time so went the only thing for um the end of the fiscal year that I'm going to try to work on is uh the Frog at Long Lake I do want to get something in the works to do um the The Hardscape through there the path the walking path and to do some invasive plant control um and that will kind of hinge upon uh that being dredged and uh so there there's kind of like a couple of different aspects of that that are we love our moving pieces but that's something that I definitely want to Target for the spring uh so that'll be kind of like on the radar all right just a question about the Frog P Bond project Andrew does do you have a verb for it um the Frog P pond is it a renovation is it a restoration is it um I would say uh preservation it will have um a recreational aspect because it is a walking path from cobblestones uh the Water Department put in maybe 204 years ago uh it's been a long time but uh it'll be an open space preservation component uh for the invasives the evasive PL uh control and then The Hardscape uh will be recreational so we'll have to work with uh Park and r on that one there'll be a lot of moving pieces still kind of very preliminary uh but yeah excellent good um so the code of conduct I sent that out just again it was I took out that one paragraph that was more select board oriented and then just put in the Coalition instead I know a lot of people are not happy about signing them but we have to sign them well I think or we have to approve it we have to sign it I don't one way or the I don't care I think it's pretty it's pretty much just treat everybody well and be respectful I mean there's nothing crazy no it's nothing like that we'll have to change our ways or anything so I don't have a problem is it about um is it about personal or the the conduct of a person or of the committee the committee and individual members to yeah right both you're right treat everybody with respect that's basically what it is no violence no violence no call right and and to treat your audience with the same respect I it's it's pretty much common sense and like I say I don't think this committee has had an issue with it yet yet we treat everybody nicely once in a [Laughter] while so I don't I like I say I don't mind voting it in I don't have a problem with it do what other yeah maybe we should wait till more is that what you just yeah maybe to let more people are I'm just thinking because we just have a basic quum tonight maybe we should wait so we're only really half of the I'm fine with that I did my part so I don't have to keep working on it I'm good with so we're gonna we're going to table that until um full Quorum but the draft looks good everybody's saying so that's great we have yeah it was all right thank you um the same with the preservation plan um I've been having some issues trying to get it into had a friend of mine helping me and she didn't realize that it was double-sided so she scanned it all just one side so I had page 35 oh no the OCR didn't work too good and I tried it again myself and the the program I used just it I might as well retype the whole thing so I'm want to try again to get it into something that I can manipulate um I just didn't leave myself enough time to buts around with it um so you did not send us a a version just a PDF I wonder if I had is the new version or the old version It's the only it's the version from 2016 okay because I was looking on my computer and that's the only one I found I thought she must have sent us something more recent no I think that's the last that's been done yeah because for some reason I thought I had that in Word I don't know I used some funky free programing it it was like maybe I had it on the wrong language I don't well it just didn't work well you know free program and the program is it's like it's multiple pages so like the scanner at the Museum used to do it pretty well but it's been one at a time one at a time I just just need to take some time to figure it out again you might want to go to Staples and say deal with this do this for me because it's just so much easier there's would be a way to make a PDF or Word document yeah it's any any kind of OCR scanner it's just I got to find a good one I wonder if we have one here you're the person to find out hey I'm on the cas your Todo list for um and I didn't know if we had any thoughts on you know um if we wanted ours is very general do we want specific examples like like air I think I sent out the air I don't know I just think that one's a good one but it's really detailed and I don't know if we need to really make it detailed I was just feeling ambitious T I um I haven't looked at the air one have you I haven't seen the air one I think maybe leaving it less specific might be better um I mean we have kind of like the types of projects that we're interested in and The Guiding documents but maybe it would be better to be less specific just so down the road we're not like well this is an Apples to Apples in terms of like finding certain projects so seems like did you have a problem with the generality of ours or not really but after I looked at airs I thought that's probably what it's supposed to be but that doesn't mean that we have to do it that way maybe we we should try to look at airs and for the next meeting take a look and I think you know putting in the open space and Recreation plan I mean that's got some specifics to it but whether we want to just attach it or if we want to pull from it I don't know how easier to tach it yeah I know I think I I watched one of Stewart's um boot camps and I was all like PA so not so how do people have all this time to do all this I mean we all do tons of volunteer stuff and you know that's probably part of it too like I say I was feeling ambitious one evening um so I'll try to get that so we can get it out and maybe just dress it up a little bit update it at least put a a current date on it not that anybody has paed since now but um there's nothing else on that we don't have any public for public input a minutes to approve minutes I thought most of them were fine I just had a and not these are not like my usual grammatical or whatever comments but I did have just a few okay you know not many three comments which um which was the first date of my comments or my comments oh what oh I have to log in sorry um actually might not even need look April ail 1st oh yeah maybe this one I want to look at the April 1st minutes um towards the end I have to find it sorry let's [Music] see here okay so towards the end on page four um the paragraph the paragraph after the red text yes where it says Jeff so so we have here that someone moved to amend it someone seconded it I think is that what it says here but then we no nowhere does it say we then voted you know we had a vote to approve it as a committee oh which she was this this was uh you need that definitely to amend oh yeah oh yeah well yes we do I'm sure we did vote for you but it's not in this paragraph that's that's all just add a sentence if we need it we probably do yeah I had another comment on that same paragraph that in the last line it says the transfer will be voted at the November 2023 town meeting I guess that we that was 2023 wasn't it oh yeah because this was yes because we were amending the minutes from October 23 okay so that it would have been the November town meeting okay so it would be the 2023 [Music] yeah actually I have that Linda you seconded and we approved it 7 to nothing yeah so that just needs to be so if I can yeah so I can do the amendment you actually have the text that's look how fast you found that if I ever lost this second and okay so I will add that in um then do you want me to go on y the February 21st minutes on page page two at the end there's a a hanging phrase there D what do you call it hanging anyway say hanging chad a phrase that is not a sentence I forget what that's called says the historical commission also had did you also have I don't know but I think we should just delete oh did I did I finish these look at the affordable housing there was there was another page after that I which I didn't print because it was only an incomplete sentence on it over oh really oh really yeah because the next page I have it says affordable housing track but there's nothing under there's nothing under it and then there no but then later it says minutes to approve minutes were approved to the committee before the meeting Jeffy Yates made a motion so there is something on the next page yeah but is that from before maybe a page is missing in mine or something no oh no yeah got the same thing it says the hisorical commission also had don't know I mean if you can find the text grade if you can just delete it or you could just change whatever's dangling to say something like was discussed period Well it doesn't even have a topic there's no subject all it says all it says the historical Mission also had oh it's not even a bullet or yeah delete delete delete I think delete unless you know I imagine you don't have that in your nice notebook there but um we could just delete it commission and Jerry um yeah does it might be smart just to look at the whatever the agenda was if the if the historical commission was mentioned in the agenda specifically yeah that's a good idea it was because I do have a note here that we voted something oh I'll have to go back and watch the meeting yeah let's sorry let's yeah let's skip over that yeah okay um and then one last one minor very minor June 25th I think uh I don't have here but my name wasn't in the list of who's present but it it might I'm discussed in later in the minutes so you probably add my name to who's present that's it no more comments the rest of the all the rest of the meetings I thought or I would approve anything else from anyone else no no all right so we would have um April 1st with Amendment May 1st June 25th with Amendment and July 17th I make a motion to approve the minutes and some as stated with amendments second and I hi Lind hi Carn is I mitt I thank you m you're sinking there you go Wilson was it Winston from uh what was that TV show yeah Tool Time the tool oh Wilson the fence be like uh how many sets of minutes was that okay so are you ready I I'll read these off to you it was April 1 April 1 with amendments uhhuh May 1st okay um 625 with Amendment okay and 717 and was the May 1 okay or was that no that was fine May 1 and and 717 no amendments to those okay so that looks like five sets of minutes uh four because we're not going to vote on 21 until we get that fixed 221 right 221 221 okay April May June and July okay thanks okay uh future meeting schedule our regular scheduled date would be it's September 18th 7 o' 103 we'll do hybrid again just in case you said September 18th yep September 18 any last minute stuff are we all set think we're good motion to make a motion to adjourn second andw I Bartlett hi Linda hi and I hi 752 that may be the shortest meeting