##VIDEO ID:RUIcJ7O4A2Y## your church uh calling to order the Park and Recreation Commission meeting for Wednesday August 21st 2024 and um calling it order why don't we start with uh commissioner updates Saul uh I don't think I have anything all right Kate I don't have anything all right I um the only thing I have and Alisha is going to probably talk about this a little later on with our position um we're at the select board meeting um last week and uh that went well so um that's it on commissioner updates and then um did folks uh were they everyone able to look at the July 8th minutes yeah no issues for me I don't think I had any issues all right um can we have a motion to approve the minutes I will move to approve the minutes from July 8th second s um motions to approve seconds um and um when we you have to do a roll call when we yeah we do this um um virtually we'll do a roll call so um starting with salt um do you Kate yes uh Pete Church says yes and we're good with that okay all right so um this one this is a a vote to actually um so we did we talked about the uh a new position the recreation supervisor position um unfortunately the timing of it worked out so that I was able to work with um the Personnel advisory committee and the select board before I got to you guys um but the position was um graded and approved by the Personnel advisory committee on July 31st um and then uh approved by the select board that was the meeting U that Pete was talking about that we went to on August 12th um so I think the last piece of it would be having uh the park commission approve that position um and then uh if that's approved we would like to post internally for seven days any um Bo discussions uh the one thing that the select board had mentioned last week was to make sure that it was not an additional position or not yeah and so they uh I think they made that question yeah no happy to see it and think it's in good step for us creates a good career ladder yeah yep yeah all right do we have a motion motion to approve um the position and the internal posting so moved all moves a second all second eight seconds all right um we'll do roll call again um Saul yes Kate yes yes and Pete says yes okay thank you all right so this one this isn't uh more of like a deep discussion I think this is more of just giving you guys a heads up of what's kind of coming since um the we have to have all the articles in to uh the town administrator's office by September 14th um so I just kind of wanted to go through a through a few of these I know we've talked about some of them um but just to see uh if there were any additional questions that uh any of you had on these um the last one the van that's something it's actually going to be in Spring but I figured I'd threw throw it on there so it was something that you guys were aware of um so the first would be the we have to make an amendment to CPC article for the tennis ports um there's a lot of writing on here so this was the article 10 sorry Saul if it's um so this was the article that was put in um the November 1st 2023 um special town meeting uh and this was the uh article that requested the uh 7 and what was it $734,000 um to be able to do the project um to create create the tennis courts at the high school so we have to amend this article because it's specifically stated the high school so we can't use those funds unless they're used at the high school um so we would have to go back through and amend this uh anyway um so we'll talk about the um activitas a little bit later um because a lot of what happens with this specific article is sort of hitch to what happens tonight um at the school uh board meeting uh when they're talking about locations um that they're choosing a specific location uh to build the new Shaker Lane um Elementary School uh one of those sites is a site that would be included in the the change to this article so WIC come um we would be looking to incorporate um creating a like a pre I don't I guess Premiere maybe is a way to say it um but like the main baseball field in town uh at wickom field um we would need to add infrastructure such as additional fencing um dugouts um full pen pictures um why can't I think of the name of that right now like a warm-up space um so that's something that if for whatever reason the they chose tonight that they were going to actually choose the Wickham site then obviously that would be off the table um the commun and I think they're not they're not actually going to choose a site they're going to choose the the three op the at least three options to be submitted to the msba okay so I think the the most um Clarity we might get out of tonight is that that witam gets left off that list and is eliminated um it may heard that that is probably likely that um when uh they did their calculations as to like what would be the top site number two number three number four um I guess wicom is at the very bottom um yeah I think the that's certainly the the strong preference of the based on what I saw of their meeting of the Shaker Lane building site right whatever committee um but you know there was still some I think some expectation that there would be some push back from somebody um so it if we get clarity it will be that they're they're not including it if they include it then we're still kind of I think somewhat stuck right um we are and we're not so um I think regardless of what happens with witcom we can still move forward with amending this article um because the the site that we're looking at doing the test cours would be the Middle School field which is not a site that's being looked at uh for the the new build for a school um so we could move forward with that and then if for whatever reason you know let's say we weren't able to use witcom then we would have to look at doing the baseball field uh back at the high school which kind of messes up that whole plan of being able to you know put all of the soccer fields out at the high school which would fix a majority of the scheduling issues that we have um because a lot of what's causing the problems with the scheduling is that you know we're using one field for multiple sports right so you can't play baseball soccer and Lacrosse all at the same time um and you certainly can't play baseball and have a so you know soccer field right next to it that's just not safe so you know by moving that baseball field to um Wickam uh and being able to open all of those fields at the high school specifically for soccer um that would be the ideal plan um for us to be able to move forward to um honestly it would take the creation of a new field off of our uh Capital requests because we would need to do that anymore um so uh yeah the timing on this is not super great but um you know we're going to keep rolling with it and and um I know the town administration's been really helpful um on this whole process and trying to um assist us with whatever we need so um yeah so this is one that we will be amending um that will be on this Fall's uh town meeting uh any other questions about that one appreciate forward um this one I just wanted to throw this out here um I've been back and forth with our uh HR Director um we need to kind of work out a little bit more we also need to probably go back to the Personnel advisory committee and get their uh input on this as well but um in the past uh our club program um we've had kids that you know I say kids from the high school that have worked for us for say the fall then they take the winter off because they're playing hockey or you know something else um and then you know maybe they'll come back uh in spring or after spring sports are over so there's usually not a consistent you know continuous five months of work so those positions were considered to be um temporary or seasonal um however as we're we're growing that program and we really need to be able to hire staff that's going to be able to be there consistently for the kids um we really need to look at that being uh something else other than that schedule C um so um Michelle vibert and I we've looked at either you know we would put it on schedule a um which is where you know the full-time employees from Parks and wreck uh that's where we live um or we might put it on something like a schedule B1 um which is just kind of listed as like other employees um so we have to kind of figure out where those are going to fit but I think that it makes a lot more sense moving those specific job descriptions onto um those other schedules on the class and Compensation Plan um if we do that it does make them eligible for benefits if they work over the uh 19 20 hours so um realistically I think like the camp lead positions um we would end up calling out the club lead because we also have a camp lead in summertime um so that position probably isn't going to work more than 19 hours a week um because those typically tend to be the high school kids uh but the special course coordinator that we would hire um that position more than likely would uh go over the the 20 hour limit so we would be looking at having to do um benefits uh that position would become benefits eligible which I would that sorry I would think that might make it more intriguing to some people in town that are looking for positions as well yeah I say are are those um are the benefits paid out of the revolving fund or the general fund they would be paid out of the revolving fund so um yeah any any program any positions that support the programs um have to be paid for out of the uh well doesn't have to be but that's what's been you know agreed upon is that uh those positions would be paid out of the revolving fund so yes the benefits additionally will be uh coming out of that as well so we would have to look at um you know what that effect would be and how we would need to increase the rates of some of the programs so that you know we're able to provide and pay for that you think it's it's going to be a significant cost or is it something that we it's hard to say um you know it depends on a couple of things the person that takes the position um they're eligible for benefits but they don't necessarily have to take them right so um you know if they have health care with you know a parent or you know a spouse or something like that um then they may not need health care um so it just it kind of depends on the person and where they're at in their life yeah but we budget to make sure that you know to cover everything in case that's what they needed uh any questions about that one and I'm hoping that we'll be able to well we would have to um have articles drafted pretty far in for the next par commission meeting so that you guys could give an approval to it um yeah because like I said September 14th is the last day we can still and change um but that's the last day that you can actually put in a request for an article are we going back to our regular scheduled meetings um yeah that's on the agenda for old business yeah talk about that I'm just thinking is it something that we're going to meet before the 14th yeah so if we do stick to the original plan um the next meeting would be September 10th yeah okay Alisha question on the jobs yeah for the positions that are qualified as special course coordinator Camp lead Club lead I guess Club lead since we're talking Club how many of those types of positions do we have how many people are in those roles or do we that's a great question um so ideally we would want uh one special course board coordinator uh in the past we have had two people uh switching on and off in that role um so that is a possibility that we could do that um if we did that then if they ended up working less hours then they might not be benefit eligible um so that's just something to consider uh as well um the camp leads it really truly depends on how many uh participants in the program we have um so we have one uh to 10 ratio so and we try to do a little bit more than that since the the club you know sometimes some will go outside some will you know go down to uh castle and trees you know so you need to have a few more staff on hand if you're going to um travel in you know two separate groups so um so typically um it yeah it totally depends on how many people we would get signed up for the program what are we looking like for numbers starting because school starts Tuesday yeah um right now I think we have about like around 10 kids um usually that will pick up I think this is one of those like Summers that's ended really quickly so people are still in vacation mode and not really thinking oh my God I haven't figured out after school care yet um so if you are we have position their spots you can you can sign up um but uh yeah so right now it's a little bit slower um but yeah we're hoping to see uh an increase over the next week yeah because that could be tough to staff for because right the theoretically you could have one Camp lead right now if there's about 10 kids but come Wednesday if all of a sudden there's an influx right yeah so typically um even with a group of like let's just say we only had 10 kids we still would have two staff um that's just a a safety measure um for the kids and for the staff just to make sure that you know there's enough supervision and um yeah if there's any issues you know you've got the staff so um you know we got to um 30 then we could get away with having three people right okay and on the going back to the benefits question if they're I mean is there a a duration like if somebody works 30 hours for two months and then 10 hours for two months what is that how does that work for for benefit eligibility I honestly think that once they've gone past that 20 Mark um even if they would dip down um to like 10 hours or something I think they still would be eligible but I can clarify by that with HR um yeah I I can't imagine giving somebody like benefits for like one month and then taking it back that would be odd so um yeah I can I mean it seems like a a strange Arrangement just to for it's hard to understand how it would work and practically so I'm just curious yeah I mean like I said realistically if you know um we look at somebody like we had Greta uh working for us this past year um and definitely towards the end of the summer you know she was doing more than 20 hours so um I think that that's something it would be really easy for that special course coordinator to achieve that um but I think it'd be really challenging for one of the camp leads to okay so is this something that we you you are going to be working on and that we'll need to vote on at our next meeting before the 14th deadline yes I realize I'm like shaking my head you probably can't see me on on um yes so uh like I said I was I've been working with the HR department on this one um I know um she's I want to say I think she's out this week um so she'll be back next week so we'll be able to kind of hit the ground running and um kind of focus on what we need to do next steps um so that we could have something ready to go at least a draft uh for town meeting okay our meeting for you guys okay yeah anything else oh um so this was uh so this is a creation of a prce stabilization fund um so this was something I met with our incom reps um and their suggestion was that you know we create or you you as the park and rec commission um request to create the stabilization fund so um it is something that we can ask um they can create it and that would allow us to have a specific Reserve um that would only go towards Parks and Recreation um so the way that that would work is that the the commission you guys would need to either choose an amount or a percentage um that we earn throughout the year that would be transferred into that uh revolving uh stabilization fund each year um and it's good to revisit it because you know if for whatever reason you know let's say we didn't make any money right we don't want to transfer something we don't have so um that's something that um I think would be really beneficial for this department just because you know there's a lot of projects that are coming up over the next five years really really big expensive projects um and there might not be funds there for us to be able to um you know maybe do some of these last minute projects um or to be able to do any like reports that we might need or you know anything like that so um I think it would be beneficial for us to be able to kind of have that as just sort of That Rainy Day buffer um because as it's in the revolving account um that's something you know that consistently rolls right so there's no guarantee you know um that we're always going to have that that's something if we put it into a stabilization fund that it's like locked in there you know we would have to uh go to town meeting to vote it to use it for a project um so uh you know we were looking at different ways to be able to kind of create this Reserve fund um and that's the only true way to be able to do it um so that's up to you guys if you want to do it um we don't necessarily have to um so at the end of fiscal year this past fiscal year we had a balance of uh 9 145,146 for camp in January right we take those funds some of those registrations go passed into July so you know we earn that money earn that money and it starts to slow down as we get to the summer and then the expenses and the wages pick up so you know it needs to be accounted for that there are monies that have been collected that do need to um support us in fiscal year 25 so that's six uh 68,000 um is that that t price tag if you will um of funds that we collected that should go to this current fiscal year so that's money that you know we really shouldn't touch that that's that's meant to pay for the rest of the salary that's coming um we've got you know expenses as far as like bus bus transportation um we still have field trips and plenty of other things that we still have yet to pay for um so and then the other component is U we'll talk about this activitas report um so that was asked uh for our department to pay for that from the town administrator's office um so that report is 112,000 113 we'll just round that up um so that would leave us with about 20 um 24,000 uh that would just be sort of that cushion that we have um so it's just something to think about um yeah I don't know what are what are your thoughts that you have on this yeah I think it makes sense I think um it it allows us to you know to have a little bit of of excess funds from the programs set those aside not hold them in the revolving fund as you know either for you know for future major purchases or um you know other projects like that I think I think it makes sense to to do that we just need to set up the you the appropriate policies to to go with that right um and I do I did request to meet with uh Steve vudi and um Fred vulner they just wanted to um get an idea of an amount um so you know I think I can go and and show them this information that you know we have it would leave us that 224,000 um so I don't I don't know um I I would like to discuss with them a little bit more on you know their thoughts because I mean Steve is definitely that Guru when it comes to all the finances and um he was the treasurer for forever he's still on vom um so you know I don't know do we do something arbitrary like a 100,000 or do um Are we more specific on what we're looking for so um I you know I think yeah I think it it would be good to have that discussion with them um and and I mean you can have it maybe we have them come to the next meeting and and discuss it further because they just went through this with all the town stabilization funds in terms of of updating that policy so I think they've had a a fair amount of recent discussion about you know how to structure them how to set the guidelines you know targets and mins and Maxes and and those sorts of things okay um yeah so I will definitely I mean I've already started that that conversation with them but um I will follow up with them tomorrow um um and see yeah if we can meet sometime soon um I can throw the two of you on uh that meeting uh as chair and vice chair um sure and then yeah we can hopefully pull something together for the September meeting SOA you mentioned that there's um a couple ways to do it one is a sort of a set Su the other is a percentage base so I mean looking at that number not that my math strength are very good but that's like a little over 20% that's there when we do something a little more conservative and say maybe like a 15% if we want to go the percentage room yeah I'm I I think just because the the revolving so this is like the first year we've gotten like solid numbers on the revolving um I think it would make sense to be a little bit more conservative um it's tough with the the line of work that we do um it's not like the the Light and Water Department right everybody needs light everybody needs water I think and I feel that everybody needs Recreation but not everybody feels that way or or the weather plays a part and the weather plays a part too um so there's a lot of different things um that uh can affect um when we look at the end of the year finances you know there were uh some projects that we did that we weren't expecting to do um so you know those kind of things pop up over over the course of the years and um um yeah so I think it would make sense to be a little bit more conservative and then see how we're doing and that can always be changed um increased amended yeah um in future years yeah Kate's got Kate got her hand up okay yes yes sorry I didn't want to interrupt but I did want to ask yeah for my own knowledge it would be helpful to understand too are there tax benefits to having money in the stabilization fund first thing re versus a revolving fund is there a better interest rate or is it both of that and it might be easier for us to get the town to allow you know vote to allow us to use money and stabilization fund for projects versus revolving fund so that I don't know the answers to those questions um those are some I would have off the top of my head as to I'm guessing that's why we would want to do the stabilization versus leaving it in the revolving but I don't know the answers I mean the I guess the difference between the two is that if it's in the stabilization um it's just it's locked um I don't know about the uh can you invest that uh that is a question that I definitely have um that I would like to to know if that's a possibility on that um because that would be great to be able to you know have that money set aside and then you know grow it right I I don't know if that's available to us or to those specific types of funds um and I uh being Municipal I don't think taxes is really anything that's that's going to you know affect uh either way um but I think that's the the big one is that a it's set aside and can't be like commandeered or used for anything other than Car Pro you know uh profit I think yeah I think the other thing is just the revolving fund is not intended to be a um a savings vehicle right it's a it's an account to bring in revenue and pay out pay out expenses not not really a storage spot so I think that's kind of the if you want to if you want to hold money you need to do something else with it it's more checking versus savings but we're not sure it yeah something like that yeah yeah so and then the other thing would be in terms of if the hopefully that would mean that the town would be supportive if we had this money and this stabilization and it was proven that parks and wreck needed to spend that money that it would be easier to figes cross get that P pass through in a a meeting to be able to purchase well that's that you know when you can go to a town meeting and say hey we've got this project and we can put x amount towards it like I think that's always going to be appreciated because you're trying to be fiscally responsible and and saying you know hey we're we are trying here here's you know what we can offer okay cool thank you yeah no problem okay um so yeah I will get back to you guys on um what comes of that conversation um and this one I'm just going to go through this really quickly because this is going to be a spring town meeting so um typically we let's see so typically uh if you've had money for three years they'll usually ask for those funds back if you haven't spent them so I feel feel like we're kind of uh we're not quite at that place but we are getting there close to uh with the van funds so we did receive uh 37,000 to purchase a 12 passenger van um at the spring town meeting in 2022 um at that time this is when I believe like Ford had those fields of vehicles that had been created um but there were no chips to go into anything so um there was a a huge shortage um these Vans apparently have to be like special ordered and specially built and they're always so we were on a list for probably about a year and a half and still never got to a place where uh we came up for uh being on a list to be approved to get a van built so at this point 37,000 honestly is not going to buy us a 12 passenger van U vehicles have really gone through the roof um so I think it's something that we will need to look at coming back uh whether we amend or um you know give that money back I I'm not sure but the the concept that we've been throwing around we had jokingly been throwing around but now we we serious about it is you know do we need to purchase a bus um is that something that makes more sense especially you know if we're going to be moving to 36 King Street um we do need to follow up and and have a conversation about uh a memorandum of agreement or understanding about the usage of 36 King Street um and maybe that's time to talk about potential busing if that's something that could happen through the schools in that case then obviously we wouldn't need to buy a bus um but you know if it gets to a place where you know they're not going to be using shadik Street at all anymore for Town Hall um and we do have to get into the business of transporting kids we you know really truly need to to figure that out and figure it out ahead of time before it becomes like an absolute necessary where it's like we just can't run programs because we can't get the kids there so um this is not we don't have to get into it deep deep discussion on it tonight it's just a like a heads up that um this is something we'll have to look at U moving forward into 2025 SOA can I ask um have you has there been any more communication related to um anou with the school department yet no um no so yeah that I think so overall right there we had theou um years ago about using space you know us maintaining the fields and being able to use space internally um but now that we're you know gaining this building that we're going to be using together um I think it's you know even more important to really make something happen um and whether they're two separate agreements you know that's a possibility um perhaps it can be combined I don't know but um yeah I think before we're going to move in there we really should have something you know drafted pretty heavily yep yeah okay uh any questions on that one okay all right so this one I don't know where I really want to go with this conversation um I think ultimately um we do have have a uh a contract with exhibits um that we can sign we can go into agreement with um they are on state bid list so this isn't something that we would uh you don't necessarily have to go out to bid um so the contract I did send it out to you guys um I don't know if you got a chance to look at it or not but um essentially the scope of work would be you know looking at um the engineering for building that tennis court on um the middle school property and then the Amendments that we talked about to Wickham field or if Wickham field is thrown out then you know that would move over to the high school um so again this is kind of like a a poor timing thing um you know we really need to get this this report done so we can figure out what an exact amount would be for the article that we would need to change at town meeting um because um I'm kind of under the impression that since we would be now using a site that's completely flat um it's not on a slope right we're not trying to redo any sort of storm water management when it comes to you know reorganizing a parking lot restriping a parking lot so there's a lot of things that were specific to the high school location that will not be issues here so my hope is that the ultimate build for um those tennis courts would be under that 734 th000 that we've already um obtained through um the CBC funds at um town meeting so um but we need to know what those costs are going to be so creating this report um with activitas uh so not only will they do coming up with an actual design um they will also create um uh a cost estimation of what both of those projects would be um and they will also assist us in setting up um the RFP and getting uh contractors in to start that work so um it's a it's a there's a lot of work that they would be providing us that would really give us a leg up on um being able to get this done in a Tim manner so um you know if we had the ability to kind of wait and you know we weren't too worried about um not having enough tennis Sports you know we technically could wait till you know um the next town meeting and say you know um sorry I kind of lost my DET TR of thought here my apologies um ask for the design funding at the next town meeting for yeah the design right but right now we kind of need that um we need that amount to be able to move forward at this next town meeting so yeah we're kind of stuck in this place so and this is why they're saying that we need to pay for it as opposed to bringing it to town so um you know we there are funds in there to be able to do it um it's not ideally what I'd like to use those funds for um you know but if that's if that's what's going to get the the project back on on track then you know that's something I think that we should consider that um another suggestion um I know Tim has been working uh with Jonathan at activas to to you know create this um contract uh another suggestion that I heard from um Stephen nudy last night was you know maybe we just focus on the the Tenn tennis courts now get a cost for what that's going to be pay for that and then we can follow up and do um the the baseball field um but I would hate like I would hate to put that project farther behind too because it really is if we're going to come up with this thoughtful solution for the fields we really do need to consider both of those projects um yeah so thoughts SS questions concerns kind of like the chicken of the I know it really is many concerns yeah um yeah yeah I mean at this point I'm really I'm still struggling with this being our project I hear you yeah I was yeah thinking the same thing and you know I think maybe maybe there does need to be some discussion with the TA and and I don't know if it's the the school board or the administration but you know essentially along the same lines of if we're going to front this and you know take the lead on supporting it then you know we kind of need the same arrangement with the tennis courts as we have with the fields where we can manage the time obviously giving them the time they need for for school programs first but um you know that we can manage that and and get some you know Revenue back with programs and other things um to to you know replenish These funds um and and not have it go the way of other things where they take complete control and then we're right you know we're sort of Stu yeah so I think you know sort of with that caveat you know I think you know it's a it's something that the town needs to do and I don't want to you know sort of turn it into a a petty Turf fight over who does it how but but I also do think we need to make sure we're you we're able to to make use and and you know get some of these funds back eventually okay um do you have time next week to potentially meet with um either Ryan or Jim I can see if I can set up a meeting I think so okay because time is kind of the essence on this one right yeah my my life has been a little bit terrible lately but um I think I am back in town next week okay nomadic s i' I've not seen a lot of my house that way okay um so I I'll check in with you um I'll send out an email tomorrow to all the parties and see if we can get some sort of yeah sit down okay okay all right um but yeah I think I think sure be at least in my mind you know as long as we can can get some assurance that we we have a path back then yeah I think I'm I'm okay with it um as you say it's not not the ideal use but right if it if it clears Road and and makes things better for the town then I think it's it's the right thing to do right exactly are there is there a human cry right now for from the town about getting courts again I mean I would think that people it concerned about it's like it it comes and goes in in different waves I think um it we heard a lot about it um when they started building obviously when they destroyed them yeah um we heard about it then and I think people just found other outlets um but you know one of the big issues with um removing those courts is that you know it does affect the schools where it's a uh MIAA requirement that you at least have for tennis courts to be able to hold um any sort of like competitions with other schools and right now we have two yeah so you know realistically this should have been included in the whole senior y you know Center project and figure out okay well we're going to take this so we fix it that's there um but unfortunately that was not is the school I mean can school help offer up some money for that um we we've asked and you know typically we get the you know our budget set we don't really have anything um and you know I know the towns definitely in that situation too so that's kind of where it comes down to but you guys have a little bit of money um so yeah yeah the tricky one it is yeah so um yeah we'll follow up and we'll we'll do that uh conversation um with Town Administration and see um what yeah what we can done with that especially tricky when we could be easily looking at that type of money or more for a bus correct yeah yeah if if you know and that's one of the things it's like if we're going to put this in for you know essentially this is helping the school department like you know I would imagine they would maybe try to help us out with the transportation costs you know or a transportation issue that we are now having um so yeah I don't know um that's yeah okay um what else let's see um just a really quick Sports Council update so they did meet last week whoops went too fast um and all of the Fall field schedule is sorted out so we're all good for that um and they have been talking about this this project the tennis sports baseball field project and um you know everybody is is very supportive of that and would like to see that so I think that's something you know when we go to town meeting um we should have you know constituents from those uh Sports organizations that will be there to support that um project if you know we're making those amended changes so um that's just kind of a nice thing to to know and um you know it's extremely appreciative that they they've been so supportive of all this um so updates on um 36 King Street um so some pictures here I know they look a little little kind of funny here um so that very top one there is a stone column um and a wooden part um so all of those there were four of them that went down uh in the basement of the building um so in that bottom uh photo they have all been removed so um uh they're going to be putting the footings in uh and placing steel within like the next uh I think it's next two weeks so um that will all be fixed um which is amazing like the transformation of some of the stuff there is is just unbelievable they've done such a great job um they're estimating the uh approximate move in to be around the end of February so that's up a little bit more uh with March in the past um have completely redone the roof that's already done checked off the list um and the exterior siding and trim is taking a little bit longer they're finding a lot of um uh rot in some places um because the gutters were the gutter structure was very interesting I'll just put it that way um so there there was definitely places where uh water was just you know falling from the gutter straight down uh you know going through the Rock and then you know sort of drilling right into the wall um so you know that's one of the things that they will amend is um putting you know proper gutters up around the whole building um but it's taking them a while to sort of dig in and see you know you pull back a little bit more and you find a little bit more and um so you know they're kind of in that process um with the siding but um as far as the schedule goes they're looking to do that exterior paint um uh as soon as they possibly can um and then that would hopefully finish by the last week of September um then that means they can kind of focus on the inside of the building um and and you know fix that so um yeah it's been really interesting week after week to kind of go in there and and have the meetings and see everything change um it's it's definitely a fascinating project um and as I mentioned earlier you know just setting up a meeting so we can discuss an mvu for that building um sooner than later so I'm guessing yeah school's probably pretty busy right now but like beginning of September may need to do that yeah um yes so schools will start uh 27th so next week um you know I think if you give them a couple weeks just to sort of work out all the Kinks Kinks um then yeah might Mak sense to something um tennis court we talked about that so um yeah all of those things we've already gone through U nothing new uh that I haven't already mentioned um special events so um every year we have the Denise FY uh pic fundraiser um it's a cornhole tournament that they do at the TV bar um over at the Mich ski hill and um the benefits for this uh go uh some of the the funds will go towards helping the youth scholarship um so this is a a really great um uh event it's a lot of fun um it's been going on for quite a few years um Ivan uh Ivan's wife had pass that was Denise um and Ivan used to be one of our our commissioners um so uh it was really important for her to to definitely get the kids involved in sports and um so it's just a a really nice way to be able to celebrate her um and hopefully give back to the community as well so um I know they're doing registrations for that right now um so you know just get that information out there FKS are interested in wanting to do a cornhle tournament it's a lot of fun um yeah what's the I I can't see the red what's the yeah okay um so it for a to do um cornhole and to get food for a team it's $200 um if you uh just want to take the kids and you just want to do food uh it's $50 for an adult and $10 for kids um so if you just want to go hang out and you know watch the tournament you can you can do that um there's live music um cash bar all that stuff it's a activity for the kids it's a it's a good day it's a lot of fun um we do have our date locked in for October Fest so that's kind of the save date so um it'll be S SE sorry Saturday September 28th um and it will be at 5:50 king um the old IBM parking lot just where we had it last year um so it'll be nice to maybe get one more year in there we we'll see um but uh yeah so definitely put that on the books um and we're moving right along with the planning of that um and then the last special event that's uh upcoming is um we kind of took over uh this whiff King tournament so uh Joe Knox um resident here in Littleton uh he's on the Light and Water Commission uh used to be a select board member um he used to do this tournament all the time um and so uh it's something that kind of you know died out over the last couple of years and um he had talked to Cass about kind of bringing it back so um we're going to give it a go this year uh we're going to do it on um Columbus Day and um yeah see how it goes again this should be a really great time um it's you know all fun and Recreation it's it's you know we're not looking at uh you know little league uh super uh I don't know super I can't even think of the words I'm looking for but um yeah it's just a fun day so um registrations for that are open and um yeah you can purchase teams um uh I think there might be individual as well um that's more of kind of C's question but um yeah so we're excited to be able to uh bring back this tradition to little it I think it'll be a good time what's the size of a w football team um I should know that and I do not this is like where I need c um hold on I will ask no no no that's quite all right Google I mean grew up playing whiffle ball and depending on how many people we had um to play so yeah I didn't even realiz like you just play baseball with a whiffle ball right and he's like no like that's not how it works there's like there's like zones um it's kind of it's just like a totally different sport it's interesting um yeah this up how many players one to five it says I can't imagine playing by yourself how would that work yeah so we'll go with five yeah Wonder all right there you go um okay um director update so um just three things to kind of go through um so the the post cards are completed they're in the office um we're going to be mailing those out next week so hopefully they'll be in homes by August 29th um and the digital brochure for fall and winter uh will be uh available to the public August 29th uh we do have a lot of programs open right now so um you know if anyone's interested in registering prior to that um all the programs are up in and are open right now but um the the brochure is usually where we kind of like you know do our big push of trying to um advertise the programs and and get people to sign up to them so um yeah so that's um should be completed within this next week um so our fiscal year uh 2024 so um I said in July we'd come back in August and kind of look at the the overall for fisal year 24 um so this is about as like tight as it gets we're like right on 5050 um so ultimately um we did come under a little bit um 14,32 uh 52,000 14 14,000 my numbers are not coming out tonight sorry guys um so um we do still have funds um in uh that are going to get rolled over uh in the revolving so you know we'll be able to cover those costs um but you know some of the reasons that we kind of came under was you know we did have some of these unexpected costs uh we paid for the beach walkway that was kind of like a a passion project you know we we pushed through um that was just under 30,000 um and then we had some electrical work at the beach and Town Hall that kind of popped up um so you know that was 2,300 and um we had some Plumbing issues um over at the beginning of uh opening up the lake for the summer um so you know with that essentially you know we had uh 31,000 almost 32,000 in unexpected costs um you know so if we hadn't had those costs we would have made a net last year um but overall I mean to to come in you know 5050 is is it's tight but that's pretty close to you know what we have done in the past as well as being really close as far as um uh you know we're not overcharging for our programs you know we're paying the staff we're getting the supplies that we need um so it is it's a pretty good balance um obviously going into next year we want to be in the net uh we don't want this to be a trend where we consistently are down like 15,000 every year so um you know we're really going to be monitoring everything and and making sure that um we definitely come out as positive for the the next fisal year but um yeah there like I said there's those the funds that um are already in there so you know at the end of fiscal year um we rolled that 9 145,000 UM into um over into fiscal year of 2025 so um yeah so we're still doing okay but like I said earlier the there's about 600 um was it $63,000 that's dedicated to fiscal year 25 um so yeah I mean there's there's money there but we do need to be really careful and cognizant um as we you know move on into the future um any questions on any of those um this I just wanted to update since we did thatou sorry I was I was muted and started talking um yeah what you got no I just say I mean I these are these are hard numbers to make sense of and you know I think one of the things that we should should do sort of as the programs wrap you know because what we're looking at is basically the most of the expenses for summer of 23 camping activities and the revenue from Summer of or spring of 24 camp activities balancing out and right I think over you know as we sort of close them out it would be good to do you know the the balance sheet for for Camp te for this year and for the for the for the beach and and things like that um just so we can have that picture of you know or because it you know saying that last year's revenue and sry last year's expenses and this year's revenue balance is not really a fair to anybody so we just got to make sure it works out okay um yeah I I can have um I know Cass has all of those so I could actually have them come to the next meeting and do a presentation if You' like okay yeah okay all right um so yeah we had uh you guys had signed thatou with uh the TA um so I've been meeting with him on a weekly basis um and these were just uh four goals that he added on to um uh my uh goals for the year um and I mean he and I talk through the stuff I just figured I'd threw it out here so you guys could see um but you know most of the stuff we already do or I've been in the process of creating uh working with the treasury to create tools that will help me do that um so to reconcile my Rec uh Revenue to Unice every month um so that's a tool tool that um I've been working with Kim and Robin on um so uh we're we're doing that making sure that we're balancing that out every month so we are doing that um analyze all programs uh for profit and loss so that was something that we were doing before with um the spreadsheet that Steve the nudy had given me um so we'll get back into the habit of doing that um especially as we're doing um the the rec conciliation um that will be really helpful to to look at that um reviewing the expenses uh for the year on a quarterly basis um and ensuring the spending limits are voted uh at town meeting or FID I totally agree with that so um I think that's something you know we'll happily do that um I think that's the only one that's a little bit different and then um the the payroll um that something we already have been doing um we did actually uh work with uh Kim to create a new tie out sheet so uh we have been implementing that over the last uh few payrolls um but it says on here you know have two people in the department capable of entering payroll but we've got Kelsey's able to Mel myself and Tim so we've got four um so um yeah I think we're we're they're all reasonable goals and you know we're either uh I'm either making strides towards completing them already or um you know we're already doing them so um yeah I'm okay with those any thoughts from uh any of you guys did were you sort of in your meetings with um the TA were you um talking about these and that's how we formulated them or did they come out of the blue and say he just kind of yeah uh had sent me an email saying hey these are the the ones um goals I'd like to see from you um so you know we can discuss it time that we need and in your meetings have there been discussions of the goals that we set out um no not yet yeah I I I did send him the my um evaluation from you guys so he does have a copy of that yeah I I think it it probably would be appropriate for either he and I to meet or the three of us to meet and and discuss those yeah yeah absolutely so again when I am can can stay at my house for more than two days at a time I will try something Fair news all right um so the new business um clean Lakes meeting uh with last night um they were asked to review their estimated budget for the next five years um Pete I did make a copy for you um because you're physically here um the rest of you guys I can actually scan it and send it over I didn't feel like it was right to just send it you know I just got last night you know and say hey make sure you review this for the meeting tonight um so I can said it over you can peruse it um when you get a chance but um you know the the big overviews are that you know the select board is supportive of being able to try and to work them into the budget um we just the town needs to work out how and how much they're going to be able you know to help um lwd um they've been uh providing staff assistance um for the committee um and also fun projects that involve any areas that have wells that affect you know drinking water so um and that's something that they've um uh agreed that they will continue that support into the coming years um they have said though uh they will be using CPC funds for projects in the future um I think the the big catch there is just making sure that they're actually projects and not ongoing maintenance um so so um yeah that that'll be uh interesting to see but um yeah it's I would say the the budget that they gave is not like massively detailed um it just kind of gives an overview of you know uh fiscal year 25 overall like they're expecting to spend uh almost $286,000 um and that's you know between spectacle Pond Lake mwan Long Lake mil Pond and doel pond um and then there's overall things such as like water quality testing and and things like that um so yeah it seems like the costs will sort of go up and down over the years um I think that you know they brought a couple other projects that they didn't include on this that seem important so it would be nice to see them add those in um so I I think this is just a start of conversation it's not something that you know no decisions were made no commitments were made um it was just sort of a you know hey where are you at what do you need and then we'll go back and try to figure out how we can help you so um yeah it was a pretty um just high level view of everything uh any questions on that one is there a select board member at the meeting yeah there were three um so Mark ronacher was there um Chuck to coast and H Karen Morris Morrison Morrison I think it's Mor Morris moris thank you um so yeah the three of them were there anything else no the only thing I would say is you know if there is a a place for us to be helpful particularly around Long Lake I think right um You we should should look for that um since keeping keeping that a healthy lake is is fairly critical to our activities and Mission so yeah absolutely okay I ask um Muk Island removal like so is that um a spot of um kind of an island of mud somewhere yeah it's really it was interesting hearing them talk about it because it sounds like um there's gases that are escaping um and then uh collecting that uh matter around it so like if you would actually like if there's like a small little blob and you touched it um it would probably like the gas would escape and then the silt would go you know back to the bottom um but a lot of the ones um they're more on um not Lake Shore it's the other one that goes that way um so the the ones that are along um the side of that road um there're just a more dense it's just going to keep growing yeah so unless they actually uh do something um you know those will just keep growing in size um so you know that they do want to be able to focus on um completing that work and and getting it done um and hopefully you know the the question that came up is like well when will they return you know will they return um and I don't think anybody necessarily knows um but you know we don't do anything then it'll just keep growing and take over yeah gotta anything else on that one um and then the last one is just uh reviewing the schedule for um I did all the way through fiscal year 25 I mean typically we kind of come back in January um or December and do the rest of the year a year you know we might as well just look at the rest of this fiscal year and and see uh what makes sense um so you know if we stick with our our regular schedule uh we'd be looking at the second Tuesday of every month um uh which is listed here um so yeah I just kind of wanted to throw that out and see if uh there's any issues or questions um did I put is there is there something on the eth that you yeah that's what I wanted to look and see oh oh that's why um so um I've got to go to the UK uh for a wedding um I will be back on the 6th um I'm fine with doing it on the eth I don't think there's any problem but it doesn't give me a whole lot of time to turn around to you know uh Tim would have to put in the the agenda um and then like minutes and stuff i' I'd have to try to get that done way in advance but that's all doable so it's up to you guys if you want to do the eth or the the 15th what is colums day the 14th 14th yeah I don't I don't have a strong preference either way I don't think um yeah I'm looking at my what's that I'm looking at my calendar to see uhhuh I don't think I would have a preference either okay um and we can you know just revisit this at the next one if you know hopefully we have Kevin and Scott um say yeah we should we should check in with with both of them um to make sure that you know Tuesday at 6:30 is still a good time for body because we're yeah certainly I mean The Summer's a challenge we've been struggling to get everybody there so it'd be good to get a few meetings with the the full group yeah um all right so I'll send out um just trying to think if it makes more sense to do like a survey or Dole po I'll figure it out or I mean just maybe just send this out as a 10 list yeah I could do that and then let me know what you're thinking yeah yeah ask for feedback okay I um I like the 630 and I mean yeah are you guys good with 6:30 as well I I am yeah I think for the most part as long as I remember to stop working in time it's a good reminder we need send send you a little yeah meeting coming in half an hour stop working okay all right so I'll send that out to you um right then that is every year at the end of the year we take one big photo of all the camp tea staff um so that is our um summer 2024 Camp seap um yeah uh it's crazy how fast this summer has gone I just can't believe it um um but yeah it's been a really great summer and you know all these kids are just you know really fantastic with you know the youth that are in the program and yeah it's just it's a very special thing for sure oh I yeah now that you now that you put that up I do have my commissioner update which is ah I stop I stopped in at the um end of season and awards and it was great to see the uh the energy and support of all the staff for each other um it seems like a really great group Tim put on a fantastic show with the food so it uh it was a a great event for everybody that is all I have my friends all right I will make a motion to adjourn I will second that all right guess we have to go view the the virtual votes here Saul yes Pete yes Pete is yes all right thank you all have a wonderful evening