it's the uh July 24th meeting of the permanent Municipal Building committee um on the agenda tonight is uh a warrant for $793,000 we're just waiting for a member to sign on so we can vote on that um we this is going to be a real short meeting we have a shelan feasibility study and um Stacy's not in for that um Brian you want to um you want to talk on the senior center while we're waiting for Steve to come on yeah I can give a quick update on the senior center uh things are moving along great we had a uh our two members are usually at our our weekly meetings we've poured our uh slab on Deck as of last week um and the um exterior framing uh metal light metal gauge framing is due to be uh on site this week uh and they will start the exterior walls uh we've been making decisions with our mockup uh and we are currently still tracking uh slightly ahead of schedule um with our weekly meetings we're also tracking any of the FF um other items that we're coordinating with the town uh but currently things are going well we're bringing the site contractor back on site he's going to be digging some duck banks for our communication tie-ins to the building uh and we're also working with the uh the senior center director uh about any donations and how the town is going to handle those and how the recognition is going to happen in the building we did go over uh two change orders or potential change orders um that we are recommending for tonight and maybe when Steve comes on we can vote the warrant and then uh if anyone has an issue with those um I believe both of you were on uh on the call today we had um a coordination conflict uh once we did our our our building modeling uh it was determined that the the kitchen Hood the grease duct uh we needed to make some steel modifications there really wasn't any hbac up charges but we needed to add it Steel in order to create a parit uh in order to conceal the um the duct work that's going to be coming above the roof uh that go ahead Steve and I okayed that this afternoon we just right okay great so we have one and I'll just say the other one is just a uh a drip pan that's in our MDF room um which is really a belts and suspenders for protection against any of the uh expensive electronic equipment that's in that room it's going to create a uh a pan that in the event that there is a leak uh provides more protections uh before things can get um uh adjusted and corrected uh so the total for that change order the owner change order uh would be two $2,338 48 I will say that with that uh included uh that still leaves over $460,000 in our construction contingency uh and we're tracking uh to being approved roughly around 15% of our contingency so uh we are we are at a very healthy position with our contingency we do have some sizable credits coming um but we also have some ads that are coming as well that's still being vetted by the project team so Steve mentioned to Al on that um that drip pan there that we see if we can put something in there for a temporary um not not a complete drain but just a temporary so I completely agree that's something I brought up as well maybe there's something that we can do to divert water if there is in the event we have that caught in that drip pan that it's exactly somewhere safely yeah get some condensation there or something so you need front off yep um so that those are the updates that we have for the senior center all right so you're saying that a drip pan cost $20,000 no no the drip pan uh the original number that came in for the drip pan was around $88,000 it's a sizable drip pan and it's being fabricated in the metal shop and then the Labor uh in order to install around the Mechanicals is going to be a little bit more labor intrusive we pushed back on it we said we weren't uh in agreement with the labor it came down to $6,800 uh which was reviewed by by the engineer record uh and agreed and recommended for approval at this time you know what the square footage is of that Brian yes it is a uh it's a two-part system it looks like one is a 5 by two uh the other one is uh 10 by four as well so I'm sorry excuse me that one is 14 by3 and another one that is 5 by two so uh 10 and 39 so about 50 square feet is what we have all right Steve just signed on can you can you just hear me yeah we can hear you Steve okay good got um we're going to go back to the uh warrant now we have um two line items for King Street one of them is 9,648 uh $684 rather than. 50 the other line item is18 1,723 and then we have um one the first one was vertex the second one was LLB Architects you want to vote on these separate Steve or vote them as one whole one uh they were presented as two two invoices so we ought to do um got to do uh Senior Center first and then the uh King Street second okay the senior senator is um vertex for $ 4,222 LLB 17,8 7815 commor Builder $697,000 189 um professional testing is that one Brian yes that's the third party tester that we have at the senior center that uh we have the PO open with the town so they're paying direct they're being paid direct that was $3,610 and then uh wsp us building $7 77360 for a total of that one um the warrant cator Steve I second all right um vote Bartlett Bartlett yes Steve Moore yes and me yes Bob romley yes the second um warrant is $ 28,38 180 and that's for uh the King Street building a motion I'll make a motion to approve that second Steve Moore second all right B yes Steve Moore yes okay and yes um Steve one other thing while we got you we can put off doing the um minutes but we need to get the um um stuff for the senior center the the um cosos yeah the change orders yeah yes y Brian you out of the change orders yes and I I I actually just gave a um a kind a quick synopis of those so Steve if you have any questions let me know the total of those for change order number four would be $2,338 47 and for the record uh Bob and I were at the uh progress meeting this afternoon and we went over these so I'm I'm good with those great motion I'll make a motion to approve the change order and what $20,000 and whatever yeah Steve Steve Mo second Bartlett Bartlett yes Steve Moore yes Ry yes okay we can let you go back to your potty if you want thanks we we'll do the meeting minutes next time okay the project teams very grateful Steve that uh that they're getting paid so thank you very much well you know that's uh payment is sa safety number one payment number two right that's right thank you thanks thanks Steve all right Brian the um King Street Building yep I'll kick it over to Matt he's been uh spearheading a lot of those a lot of that work and I can give you a quick update on where we stand today sure I'd be happy to U let's see could I share a screen here for a second I do have a a couple of snapshots from our our monthly report that was issued earlier today that I wanted to to share if possible kby can you share the screen for him I just guys you're a co-host so you can do that okay like I can Okay can folks uh can folks see it yeah you may recognize the uh the formatting of this report from uh it's adapted from what we have been or how we've been presenting the uh the senior center to date uh couple of of key updates that I'll I'll take us through um so we'll start with a highle schedule update uh we um have a formal notice to proceed uh that will follow the issue of the building permit and uh Steve advised us earlier today that the uh the permit is uh that classic has the permit now uh so we're on we're still on track uh we're tracking uh March 11th as a substantial completion date I have a few dates on on page two of this um which I'll I'll touch on in a second uh in terms of uh the project budget I think uh folks may know the uh the overall total all-in project budget is a little over 3.3 million uh of that we have 78% committed to uh the uh the contractor to the design team uh and we are still carrying uh some construction and owners contingency uh to address any change orders that may come up in the process of the uh the project and should we have money left uh there may be some elective scope items that we're able to uh do while we're here doing work in the building as well uh so a couple of items that have have been in progress here uh FF uh technology and security um some of the uh the tech and security items go hand inand there's sort of a lot of of uh pieces to this as well as the overall electrical scope uh we'll start with FFN uh LLB Was preparing a uh a proposal uh for the town to review and we received that that back uh from LLB we're sort of going through that at this point but um but LLB is uh is is working through that we're looking at that as well just to make sure that we have all of it uh all the scope in it Matt is he F FN going through um WB Mason also uh I anticipate that it will LLB is putting a package together for that okay yeah it's going to be off of the state bid list Bob uh we have the WB Mason quote for the senior center uh Jessica may have used a couple other vendors just because the specific usage of that whether the teen room some of the uh the the kids furniture come can come from better vendors that are on the state bid list so um we'll get that package and we'll see who the vendors are like in the library we use several different vendors for for different [Music] Furniture okay um so let's see we'll talk about uh technology uh and security uh we've done um a number of walkthroughs uh with Nancy glenross and with ogrady electric who's the town's on call electrician looking at uh low voltage scope uh and um and what has been requested in terms of of technology in different areas of the building uh so we did just get a quote uh back um from sorry we're awaiting a quote back from ogrady we did get a quote back from nishoba on the security item uh that you know we'll that we're we're working on and Nancy has a a few questions that she's put back to nooba about the scope that's in that uh so that initially came back a little bit uh higher than we anticipated so we're sort of parsing through um what's driving the cost of that trying to get that back down back on track um beyond that no sort of issues to report we're still in pretty good shape uh in terms of a we have a narrative here that um was as of last the end of the month actually come quite a bit uh further since then uh the building permit uh is classic has that today uh following receipt of that we'll have a formal notice to proceed and classic will really be able to to kick it into high gear uh and start work uh we did coordinate with DPW to clear some of the weeds and the uh the landscaping around the uh the building uh to provide classic with some access to the exterior so they could begin their siding repair and uh and painting scope that's in their contract uh so that has been completed so classic can start on that now that they have the the building permit we anticipate that's going to be something that that uh they start on pretty much right away uh some of the exploratory and uh administrative work that we mentioned in uh in this report as of the conclusion of last month has been continuing we're getting good responsiveness from both LLB and classic uh in terms of processing some of the documentation we have a construction schedule uh that's been submitted uh and that was just returned today approved that outlines these dates here so we have the building permit uh which is now in hand um they're looking to basically be completed with with demo I think this was anticipating about 10 days of of demo so this is going to be um completed shortly we anticipate uh looking to get the exterior uh scope completed by the end of uh of September I think they mentioned that they're trying to have uh all of the exterior they're still tracking pretty close to this date right here um so we're confident that we're generally on this schedule um they're looking to have rough inspections done by the end of October uh interior work totally completed by mid-February uh and then this aligns back uh with um the March date that was on page one of the report they're looking to be totally wrapped up by then so let's see here is that stripping the roof on Monday that's what we anticipate yeah classic has been been eager to get started um and we know that that you know Kyle has this right in his his crosshairs is ready to uh ready to be released um so I did mentioned we have some um construction contingency this is um touching on that carrying about 10% of the Construction contract value uh in contingency uh we were waiting on the submission of a formal schedule of values for um classic to formalize the manner in which they were going to be billing for the project and so as of the end of June we had not finalized that so there are no um no um invoices to date and we have not been able to um process any adjustments yet then there may be some there are some PCOS that are have been issued and are uh currently being reviewed and evaluated by our team but as of yet there has been no expenses um or draws from the contingency ran is classic aware that um all everything has to be approved through our meetings and we only meet twice a month yes so we know that we're under a limited budget and a limited contingency that we have we've put out we we told them that you know things are contingent under the building committee's approval so if something comes up we're pushing on the architect to release a proposal request so that we can get pricing and we can vet it as turn and turn around as soon as possible uh we made that pretty clear during the meetings okay uh there were a few photos that were included um I'll just Breeze through these I think you may have seen some of these before um exploratory excavation was completed around the uh the footings we've gone over or based on what we found classic has determined how they're going to approach the um the the footing modifications are do it basically per plan as designed originally um and I think they had another idea of how they might be able to simplify that detail but um but we've resolved that with the design team uh and then these photos here sort of document some of the level of of exploratory demo that was completed uh so far as classic has been opening up um pieces here and there to um to sort of understand how things are um currently and uh what they might encounter as they you know begin to complete the rest of the demo the other thing I guess I would say uh is that um as um one other item that we had came up during our one of our OAC meetings for the project was that there was a piano that was left on site worked with the school department and that has been stored um offsite gotten an out of Classics way um I think they were concerned about damaging that in the course of construction that issue has been resolved um so we coordinated that last month um yeah Ryan anything else you think I ought to touch on no that's thanks Matt I think that's about it we're just getting uh we're just getting kicked off here um if you everybody drives by there during their daily commute you'll start seeing some of the exterior stuff really take shape next week uh stripping of stripping of the roof installation of the uh the new skylights and the exterior repairs for all of the siding and trim that's going to be repainted so they want to get that done this summer uh before the fall turn so um yeah I think the the monthly reports are going to are going to start taking shape and and showing a lot more progress in the upcoming months so Ryan just to keep it um on the agenda we talked about the police station today yep for the police station uh since we spoke this afternoon I've talked with my uh forensic team about getting a rough order of magnitude about getting somebody out there to possibly take a scan uh and do some cause and Analysis on this which will better help uh us and the committee um have an understanding about what's happening whether it is due to um the work that had done previously or whether it's another another cause of where this moisture is coming from so I hope to have that to you guys by the end of the week somebody big from your office going to try to contact them yes a little pressure yes that's all we got on the agenda other than member input Bley you got anything no I'm good thanks I'll be back in town next week next meeting you're welcome in the you're welcome in the construction house too I'll be back there too I'm sorry to miss today great all right Steve I guess I don't know whether you signed off or not but well that concludes the meeting then thank you guys for showing up I'll make a motion to adjourn I'll second it thanks everyone okay good night all roll call thank you roll call vote oh a roll call vote Barlett votes yes Bob's yes St if you're still on we're still here yeah no Steve should vote by roll call if he's still on he's not on no okay he's not listening he's he just came on to do the voting he probably left his computer on yeah thank you all right I two two out of two is a majority so okay good night good night good night thank you guys