evening and welcome to the pmbc meeting for July 10th uh 2024 uh the first order of business is uh the warrant we do not have one um next order of business is to approve the minutes of 626 I have not seen them Bob do you have you seen them no I haven't I will defer that to the next meeting Shake Shaker Lane feasibility study um Stacy is not with us but I do uh know that the uh Shaker Lane uh subcommittee for um site selection and uh whatever it's called met today and um I don't have an update on that and the next uh um committee meeting is scheduled for the 17th so uh I know that we're moving ahead with the uh requirements of the msba um which is a very prescriptive uh what would marathon of activities so moving on to the Litton High School roof update um I know we're in the close out I think we've received the uh final documentation from uh the roofing contractor and um I'm working with Michelle on the uh billing for that as well so uh we'll go down to the senior center Brian thank thanks Steve um like I said we do not have a uh invoice packet to to provide today due to just the holiday and not being able to get the invoices on time so I'll have that for the warrant in two weeks um I did send out our monthly report um if there are any questions for that just to give a brief overview and then I I figured I would give some some updated pictures from today because um you know a lot those are that are on the call right now had attended the uh the the topping off ceremony and and a lot of those pictures take place prior to that so uh there's a lot of deal going on throughout the month of June um in our monthly report we have spent about 30% of our budget to date uh just over $5 million we've made commitments of about 17 just over $17 million um our total project budget is still at 18.6 um for our next meeting as well we had a change order review meeting today uh Bob was in attendance as well um there really isn't much um to address at this point we're going to vet out a few others uh some coordination and and some possib possible change orders that we'd want to get the feedback from the committee on so I think Bartley was in that meeting also wasn't Bley was there as well that's right I was Y and uh just as a side note if there are other members of the pnbc that want to attend you know that it's open to all we do have a link that people can can join um yeah pretty lot of room at the table too if people want to come in it was a little hot today but and it's air conditioned yeah yeah yeah was better than King Street we can when we get to that project I'll talk about King Street it was 100 degrees um so what I'll do is I will uh I'll if I could I could just share my screen and I will um just something that I wanted to bring the attention to the pmbc because they voted and this is kind of the fruits of their labor um this is the standing mockup that is begun construction on the side of the building the first order of business was getting the sheathing and window and the flashing installed uh and now the Mason is kind of giving some um options on what the stone um base around the perimeter of the building is going to look like so Brian we kind of talked about this uh part of the meeting starting so that that stonework will terminate below the sill of the window correct correct because it I'm not sure that I understand that from this photo so it's what I believe as I I didn't review it with the Mason himself but these are two different options on what the stones may look like around the band around the perimeter of the building One's On Top of the other uh showing the through wall flashing through it there's also um discussions on whether there'll be a a top cap that will sit on top that flashing will go over so I think this is more for the uh The Joint spacing uh and the size of the Rock and the and the depth that it will be behind uh in front of the uh insulation and once a decision is made on that um then they will proceed with the other parts of this of this mockup and I do mic here with me I don't know so it appears to me that the uh if there were two bands there one is a lighter grout one's a darker grout correct uh the darker grout is just fresher so that's the only difference is the one on the bottom was installed yesterday and the one on the top was installed today so the grouts will actually be the same color okay it's just showing the different the the kind of top half of that is stones that are 3 to five inches thick so they're kind of more rough cut and then the bottom is um one and A2 inch M of the same Stone um just down to one and a half inch thick with block behind it um so it's just different um kind of ways to do it so we're waiting for architectural input on that in review a difference in the texture yeah Y and then the cavity behind it and how kind of how the flashing sits on top is kind of the other decision um sorry so who who from the committee is going to make a decision on that ultimately ultimately um you know a lot of the markup is going to be on constructibility and which will be reviewed by the um by the architect if there is an aesthetic choice that needs to be made uh we will note that and have uh Doug and Mike and Matt in the field make sure that it's noted and brought to the to the committee so that something can be made is there any difference in C if there are differences in costs we want to know that before that we're bringing anything with what you're seeing here there is no difference in costs I asked that question uh Brian and they said no there's no difference in the cost correct okay um Mike if you want to just point me in the direction if there's anything that you wanted to touch base on I know it's it's mainly been steel for the for the past few weeks but if there was anything that you wanted to share here's a kind of a good picture of the overall all mockup prior to the masonry that was going in so you can see the the sofit and the eve and how that's going to be tied in and and it gives a good sense on how the constructibility is going to work uh we did talk about at the meeting today that we're going to kind of create a log along with our daily reports that's really chronicling when things get approved so that we can access that going back in the event that there's any type of errors in installation that we can go back to the approval proc mockup um Mike do you want to speak to this and and maybe the upcoming schedule just the the rough dates on what we have coming up right now just for the for the committee yep uh so this picture kind of just shows the uh metal decking and then also as you see space throughout the those bolts those are the shear studs um which were actually just inspected today so by our testing a third party testing agent so we're waiting for a report on that but from in the field they said it looks pretty good um no real comments on that um and that's the decking there for the second floor slabon deck which will actually we've had a little schedule improvement with the slabon deck placement it was originally targeted for the 2nd of August and now we're targeting um July 9 heat for that placement so we'll get um rebar supposed to be showing up I think early next week and then we'll get that inspected and then the concrete placed with also with testing and inspections on that um and then after that it'll be mostly um rough MEPS will start so the electrician will start later uh start next week actually early next week you'll put up be putting up the temp lighting throughout the building which will be nice for us and maybe not so nice to the abuts but um yeah so they'll be stringing up lights throughout that whole area um as per code yeah it's it's a great Point Mike so to the committee also um we we're drafting a letter um we we've done that on on large Milestones throughout the project to to blast out to the staff and the residents um just kind of keeping them informed on what's coming up with the schedule and of course one of those things is going to be that the electrician is is stringing up the temporary lighting that's required throughout the building so there is going to be some uh some time here in the summer while we're working on the exterior envelope of the building that we're going to have a lit up building um that that you will be able to see so we want to make sure that we're we're informing people before receiving any complaints I'll be even you know try to do our best to inform people of what's coming so have you received any complaints today regarding what anything um we've had a few neighbors ask about trucks coming down um the road we had a uh one wheel uh went into the very corner of the property at the end of the street so we had that repaired and raked out and receded um but not not really I've received probably two calls throughout the entire project just mainly asking a few questions if there was a car on the street whether somebody was parking there or if it was a drop off so complaints have been really down to a minimum and and and kudos to Mike too notifying people about any water shot offs or or when we were going to be getting deliveries great thanks yep so I any other questions um I think by knock on wood that at our next meeting the slab on Deck will be poured at that point they'll be coring through the penetrations for uh mechanical electrical and plumbing penetrations up onto the second floor uh and they'll start shooting in their track for around the perimeter of the building to get the metal studs up so um I did forget to mention they've already laid out for studs on the first floor so that one's complete or for 90% complete so they'll get jumping on that real right after the slab should be good right ran is there any way of shading some of those lights that are going to be in that building good question I uh I talked with with Al about that about the possibility of you know maybe putting some sort of a barrier um we don't want to wrap the building and defeat the purpose of what the temp lighting really needs and for the protection around there but if there's something maybe up at the at the construction house that we can put up as as kind of a temporary barrier if there are complaints of certain houses you know we we'll we'll work with that to try to yeah we just have to be aware of it because we had the problem with that um that one light in the parking lot there that was shining back right right but that but that was shining on the house that they're occupying yeah exactly so I don't think that's going to be a problem good um from a financial standpoint we will bring in we'll have a full review next meeting as well with PCO log uh anything we're recommending and uh the status and health of our contingencies on both sides and any potential credits that we have coming back um but nothing to report we're still at the the same um uh the same threshold that we're at right now which is at um we are at 6% of the contract and change orders so we are trending in a in a good in a good positive direction right now cool any other questions on uh Senior Center so we'll move over to Indian Hill so uh Brian and uh Matt yep uh today we had our we've uh we've been fortunate to get all of our meetings in Littleton on Wednesday so our our mornings are taken up down at Indian Hill school and then we make our way up to the senior center uh and Matt I'll let you kind of take on um some of the stuff that we've done but from an administrative standpoint um we have the Board of Health to check is the last check box that we have for our building permit um we've been kind of pushing to get that over the line and and that should be issued we're hoping by the end of the week um classic has roughly we'll call it soft mobilized onto the site and has uh done some exploratory work uh exposed some beams and columns uh so that engineers and Consultants can come in confirm their design or add or um modify their design as needed um we did an exterior walk around to to identify any spots of uh rot on the on the siding that isn't called for so that we can be prepared for any type of square footage addition that we need um and in talking with the contractor uh they will be looking to do the outside as quick as possible inclusive of the roof and and the the skylights and the exterior siding and painting and trim um so do we have a schedule for that yet we do we have a draft schedule that also satisfied our Builder's risk policy uh he is he's still waiting on a few um trades to get them their official schedule but he has provided me um a draft which is in line with what the contract was for the duration um we will be looking we're still waiting on schedule of values as well so that's why you don't see a requisition here as well oh Matt sorry I didn't want to uh step on you but if you want yeah if you wanted to give a couple couple updates about from today sure yeah one thing to to uh build on what you were just talking about there on the on the exterior of the building uh we've been getting great um assistance from the DPW um who has indicated that they're willing to step in to assist us in clearing back some of the weeds and vegetation away from the face of the the building uh to enable um to enable classic to uh get there and do their their work on the siding the repair work as Brian mentioned the trim work uh and painting on the on the building uh as well as gutters uh so just in terms of physical uh progress as Brian mentioned there's been uh exploratory and enabling work um sort of looking over and I can share a few photos from some of our uh initial um walkthroughs if if folks would like or can I um let's see here can I share [Music] screen so just um briefly go through some of the uh some of the items here uh we have uh this was from a meeting back on the 13th where we did a um a walk through uh discussed technology security um with the school department with Parks and Rec uh and with a um with Nancy um Glen cross just looking at at some of the things that needed to happen in advance of uh anything getting opened up um so that was certainly helpful there's a variety of things that were looked at as far as existing conditions um this is some of the early exploratory work Brian mentioned where they um gone in and tri to understand some of the existing conditions a little bit better uh looking at uh some of the uh The Columns uh footings uh and just you know begun to just open things up uh with the uh with the blessing of the The Building Commissioner I would add U so they're trying to get as much of a a head start as they can before they're able to kick it into high gear once they do get their permit yeah Mike I think one real quick back to that one picture if you guys can see that that uh gentleman kneeling into that hole that is actually about a 1 foot by 8 in by 8 foot piece of granite that's been used as the structural post down in the basement and um what we're what is owned per contract is those are being removed we'll be speaking with the town if there's any use for that we don't we're not even sure right now the contract is not sure how they're going to get out of the building uh but new structural footings and pads and columns are going to be going in to to shore up the the basement that leads up to the to the first floor the structural engineer was very keen to understand the condition here uh because that will help them uh to you know design something that that is uh is appropriate for the new condition and the new configuration uh down in that space so then uh we get into again sort of taking things open cutting out pieces of the floor I think this next one will show that a bit better uh sort of removing pieces of things to understand how the structure goes together what some of the conditions are that you weren't immediately apparent uh from the um from the outside as far as behind the the sheetrock and looking at how things are are um framed uh and then moving forward one last one these are are some photos from uh the end of June uh when we walked around uh last time to look at some of the conditions of the ex exterior trim uh and some areas that are going to need to be repaired as part of the exterior work that classic is looking to get started on as soon as possible yeah looks like my house this one in the middle actually was something that we talked about today and and classic has a recommendation to take a a trim piece if you can see my cursor here that would sort of complete this condition along here with a new board and and I think correct a um the the flashing detail in the process uh so again we've just been identifying a number of things uh that uh that we can get them to start on as soon as possible uh as far as uh just um I think that's all I have in terms of pictures here so we stop the the share here but um as far as the administrative side I'll just add that um you know this the submittals in the RFI uh process is ongoing and a number of things are are started in draft form uh until at the schedule of values that isn't able to really sort of kick into into full gear but uh classic is is definitely trying to uh to advance everything that uh that they can one of those items is the schedule of values um and one is a final version of that construction schedule that Brian indicated we have in draft format uh so we're definitely looking to uh to have a look at that compared to the draft and and evaluate what may have changed as it's Come Together Matt is that wall being moved or is that coming out of there completely uh it is being moved that's I understand that Nancy identified the cat five cables have to be replaced with cat six yes and that that scope is being um I think Brian may have touched on this but that uh we're working to coordinate the execution of that scope between um bright light electrical who's the filed sub bid electrical contractor that classic uh carried for the filed sub electrical work uh as well as uh as Randy who's the um the house doctor electrical contractor has some scope in this as well as does our uh security consultant who is NSI nooba who's also working at the senior center you'll be familiar with them um so there there are a number of of folks who have at least some portion of the you know data security electrical scope so we have a follow-up meeting uh that will be scheduled as soon as we get nisha's revised quote uh for their scope just to you know again try to make sure everybody knows who's doing what there so that ties into the uh card access as well exactly yeah so we've got we've got three players there we've got access control and security we've got uh miscellaneous a uh low voltage and we have the filed sub bit electrical contractor and so we have a budget for all three and it's just a matter of all this coordination making sure we don't have any double coverage on anything and making sure the scope is correct um and making sure that what we paid for by the contract we're getting all of that before we kind of release these Town vendors in order to do their work perfect thanks looks like we have a handup yeah quick Matt Kirby olak here is there a display signage strategy um similar to what we did for the library or the senior center because I'm hearing low voltage low voltage but I'm also thinking about if they're doing displays in there and have a display a signage strategy I'm thinking particularly about the uh Rec Park group in particular wanting to show what schedules are on and things along that line can you enlighten me on that one or isn't there a plan for that thank you do you mean digital signage Kirby run that one by me again I didn't hear you sir I'm sorry do you mean like digital signage like on a screen that's going to be running like some sort of a uh information that's needed from Parks and racken throughout the town yeah we have locations for screens I'll have to look at the um our Tech drawings on where those locations are but um we haven't purchased anything from a a you know actual material yet but I will let's follow up with Jess M find out where those locations are and yeah Kirby maybe we can maybe we can use your experience too about um I'm thinking about keyco media similar to what you're doing for the senior center ker yeah right I mean I didn't know whether it was budgeted because I know this is a lowbudget program so to speak so didn't want to introduce something that wasn't there no no understood yeah we have uh we have some technology and and uh and low voltage budgets that we put into this into the into the overall um project budget as well as some small owner contingency so um let's get let's get us an itemized idea of what we have we'll get that to you no problem thank you hey Bartlet I have a question for you are you with the British Beer Company am I at it no I'm not I'm the background looks like it anyway just all the buildings in Maine look the same oh you're in Maine yeah okay good for you yes he question I think it got up to maybe 75 here today oh nice okay that concludes my question I got a question for Matt yep Matt along the roof line there are they going to use is that going to be um wood that's being placed back on that are they going to go with the the plastic board ER ASAC or whatever it is yeah they they mentioned a product at our our OAC meeting earlier today that is um something that is similar to an AAC uh they're looking for something that's inert weather and rot resistant um but that would be you know once painted would be I think hard to tell or hard to distinguish from from wood and and the such products are are very um once painting are very convincing at this point they don't look fake so we we're eager to see the submitt on that good presentation anything else on the uh Indian Hill questions we'll move over to the police station a brief update from Brian yeah it's very brief I uh I've reached out to both uh principles on both sides um I'm start making some calls to owners of both projects of both uh firms both uh sonot and uh the Waterproofing Company to to explain our problem I've reached out to uh both of our reps and their bosses that's on this project I've also spoken in-house at vertex about what what we're seeing right now um and we're our plan is to go through uh my pictures and the report that was generated prior to us even starting any work that vertex did that the town asked them to do so we have that set up now my plan tomorrow is to reach out to some of the um the owners of these companies to explain what's going on and what our issue is um and and start like we said last week or a week and a half ago about um you know what their expert what their expert recommendation is why why this is happening to us and you know why the fix that was presented to us is going to be fixing have having rearing its ugly head again and getting moisture inside the building so um you know I I uh my opinion changed when I did a walkthr with you guys I thought we were going to just be very humid inside the building and and it really didn't seem to be the the the um right the the reason so um more to come and I'll I'll make sure that I keep uh everyone involved uh um informed because I know the chief's going to be out for a little bit of time now right okay um member input Bob um I see that in the meetings and um bot will see it as we go along at the uh the meetings for the the seni are getting more and more interesting with the the material that's being done and the the information that we're getting that's basically all I got to say I think we're getting some feedback kind of kind of uh understood about half of what you said Bob did did everyone else get it okay uh Bartlett um yeah I I was in the job meeting today I thought it was um really good I mean the big issue seemed to be um the gutters along the edge of the roof um the the drawings show one thing the roofing contractor showed something else they're planning to have a meeting to get a Commodore and those two parties together to figure out what what the right answer is so seemed like a really good job meeting yeah I'll say barlot that that if that's our big problem then uh we're doing the the projects are pretty good doing pretty well right now so no I have full confidence we're gonna get through this gutter issue it just kind of the the sticking point today that we couldn't that we couldn't really figure out it was the issue of the meeting but I mean that's a sign there's not any serious problems so yeah Bartlett if you can uh attend these meetings it would be very helpful I think well I I'll try and my it's difficult to remember what's going on in the real world I know your input is certainly valuable appreciate it and um I have no input at all so is there a motion to adjourn so moved second I'll unmute myself second and all in favor Bob Bob Rama yes uh Bartlett Bartlett yes Steve oh yes yes I I approve and uh that concludes the meeting for tonight thanks for everyone's participation and we'll see you in two weeks okay thank you thanks byebye thank you