##VIDEO ID:Hjpj0q2sz68## welcome to the Shaker Lane School building committee for August 28th 2024 uh the first order of business is to approve the prior meeting minutes and I think they were all sent out previously but if we need to uh refresh our memory um I think I have that on the screen here I I can share and I had sent that a proposed motion to for that I saw that so let me uh share my [Music] screen okay can you see that yes yes sir y so the these are the meaning minutes that need to be approved so uh is there any discussion is there a motion to approve uh so moved second okay all in favor uh Bob Bob rley yes for the ones that I was at Kelly Kelly clinchy yes I can't remember I can't see who who else is on the uh call here Stacy I guess Stacy Scott yes uh who else from the committee is on Mike sco Mike scudo yes Ryan uh yes Steen steeny yes okay motion carries thank you oh and Michelle Kane Michelle Kane Michelle thank you yeah Michelle Kane yes and second order of business is to approve the warrant um Ryan can you share the warrant let's see Okay so we've got a few in we've got a few invoices that I sent out earlier today that was actually sent out earlier by [Music] um actually I don't know if I'm sending the right one um Mark help me out did they send um did the uh the accounting department send something else out that you could share uh um I did not get anything from your accounting department I sent you the invoices a week or so ago okay so we can go through each invoice if we you know it may be so okay I I think the total was a little over a million bucks right yeah I don't know if we have the totals I just I just put it in hold so hold on let me try to um um open that I can I can rattle them off if you want Ryan okay so let's see we're going to go I apologize for the uh let's go back on and I can do share my screen um but I don't have the warrant you know I don't I don't have the warrant information I just had right right so we'll go through each of the uh each of the um invoices so okay so first one is um Studio G this is an invoice through uh July for $45,000 um let's see so Mark I assume you went through these and recommend approval of all of them correct okay okay so this is um an um excuse me this is an invoice for [Music] um TT is this tth for the month of that's us that's us for July correct July okay total bill amount $1 14,37 and this is Studio G which we've already looked at sorry and there should be a consultant bill from Studio G with their markup on it right there it is yeah and that's $5,280 um with actually no I'm sorry I take that back it's the yeah 5280 yeah it's $4,800 for 4,800 for the traffic consultant and a 10% markup for Studio G okay and Mark Stafford is that all we have for that okay so it's those it's those three separate invoices that we're looking for approval on tonight and mark what was it what was the total on those the total is 6458 s okay what he said is there a motion to approve so moved second all in favor you just probably do a roll call again I I'll I'll um if it's okay I'll just go through the names because I have a a better View you want it if that's okay it's great because I can't I can't see them all right so um Kelly clenchy Kelly clenchy yes uh Steve Moore yes Steve vudi Steve vudi yes Bob romley Bob romley yes Stacy Scott Stacy Scott yes Michelle Kane Michelle Keane yes Mike scudo Mike scudo yes and Ryan Ferrari yes that should be everybody uh Ryan uh there's a gentleman from our company Matt mccaffery that is online anything being on hold to let in that might be the number that was unknown is that the zoom user yes I believe I think he said he's trying to connect on his phone so okay so I will admit him but uh that's that's the one thing I've been trying to keep him there's a person that say Zoom user which without no name I tend to so is is there a phone number associated with that there is not okay I mean I I can I can let the person on for the um chair's um approval but um it I always get a little bit lary about this but I why don't why don't we not then he can hear us on the phone why don't we just keep it stand stand Pat that's fine okay that's fine then okay okay now that we've uh approved the invoices uh next order of business is to approve the prelim preliminary design program PMP and uh I think uh Mark has his own sub aggenda to this uh uh next steps and uh I'll let Mark take it away yes thanks thanks everybody so yeah we do have some other issues that we want to speak to today but the the the big issue tonight is getting the approval from the committee for us to submit the PDP on Friday to the msba so I think if we take a vote on that get that sort of out of the way first then cogg has some presentation information we have some updates that we want to walk everybody through so I think we can take the vote on the PDP uh then we can get into uh some of the additional information I'd like to um ask a question before we make the uh motion to vote on that um subsequent to our last our meeting last Wednesday we had some push back from a number of uh the uh other committees have we had any formal um input from any of them subsequent to that none that I'm aware of um nothing formal Steve but I did talk to a finance committee member who I knew talked to a select board member and they just kind of felt that their questions weren't really answered um and that there was more to the story that we weren't telling them everything so I think that gets back to the point and I've brought this up numerous times we need to make sure that we're communicating everything properly I mean this is the first time that those people heard anything about this to that detail and sometimes when you're involved in it um to the exent that we are you kind of take things for granted and you really need to make sure that the audience you're dealing with is is understanding and I know some of the questions that they asked were actually pushed off or weren't answered um if we can't handle 20 people sitting around the table without raising a lot of questions how are we ever going to handle 800 to a thousand people at a town meeting we really need to get our act together and make sure that we're communicating all through this process um I I agree Steve I mean we fed these people with far hose full of information uh within a very short period of time um we did not give well some of them didn't want to hear the information that we gave them to be honest and and some of them um just weren't they weren't prepared for the information that we gave them so I I agree 100% but um so so sometimes Steve I think we just need to spoon feed a little bit more whe you know we have especially with the town once we start to get the public involved in this you know we we have a a newsletter that goes out every month we should be having something in that newsleter every single month from the Shain building committee this is what we did since the last meeting this is what's coming up these are the steps we're going to take these are the public meetings we going to hold we should make sure because this is really a big project and we need Buy in from all three of those boards school committee select board and finance committee we don't have 100% commitment by those boards this thing goes down in flames agreed agreed so we probably should have a a working session um in the next few weeks to uh address all those concerns yeah oh I'm sorry yeah the three people had their hands up um already so Mark Stafford Michelle Kan and Steve Mitchner has have their hands up just to let you know yeah I I just want to uh add to this that um there was a lot of information that was put together last week there was a lot of information that's been worked on since May we have Representatives here for the finance committee and the school committee on this board um I don't know what information you share with them when you you go back to and it's not your task to maybe do that uh we're going to produce a monthly report going forward every at the end of every month that'll talk about everything that's happened the month before previously and then what's going to happen the month coming up but I do agree that we want buying from everybody now so going forward we need to schedule you'll see the schedule coming up that we've added some subcommittee meetings to Etc I think we need to add specific maybe oneoff meetings meet with the finance group meet with the select board meet with the school committee as we get through different Milestones so we don't Cascade all that information on them so um we can we can certainly talk about that offline but we should make sure that everybody is informed of what's happening and um so we don't run into an issue like that again yeah to be sure this was a bit fast tracked and we didn't uh do as good a job as we should have so yeah Steve my question was um off the top of your head and I don't want to make this too long but can you think of the specific questions that we didn't answer not the questions that they didn't the answers we provided that did not want to be heard but what specific questions do you feel we needed to get more in depth about I think there was um some push back on the wickom field they really didn't understand that that whole process and the other thing was um why we're submitting to um new construction which is basically the same thing to MSP and then of course the timing of the meeting why it was so close to when we have to do that and I tried to explain that's the way the timing was we had a way for EST to come back and get that committee meeting going and meet with the subgroup and so it was that was basically timing but I think caus a lot of confusion I think some of that uh confusion with me I should have been clear that the um the prescriptive uh uh elements of uh msba requires us to um evaluate each site um with the same uh criteria and whitcom came out low because on an even playing field uh they didn't meet the mark and uh even though a number of people wanted whitcom in the process to and I know that a couple of people wanted to uh say well you know let's just put whitcom in and um you know let's uh let's modify the uh presentation to MSB and put whitcom in there well that would have negated the entire process and I think I fell short on that yeah there little things like that that we probably take for granted Steve I know that those people just didn't really understand and it wasn't explained properly so yeah I I take I take the blame for that so but um we all should have spoke up Steve I mean it's it's not just you there other committee members there we all should have spoke up you know quite frankly I was a little bit uh blindsided by it and I I should have uh been a little bit quicker on my feet but I wasn't so yeah three people with their hands up so Kelly Steve and shes so up to you where you want to count on next H shes I was just going to make a suggestion which was just mentioned if you can have a l on from each committee like the from Board of Selectmen as well as the finance committee attend the building committee meeting that goes a long way because then they know what's what's happening in the background good idea yeah and uh Steve from Studio G I would just say um one I from my memory I do believe that it had been discussed that the process was a certain format and I don't believe that that um was acknowledged by the individual that was making their case um but perhaps to Steve's Point stepen Nudy's point that could have been reiterated by other individuals um so there may be there may be certain things that um that people um are willing to hear and not hear that's just the reality of it but um that aside I would like to suggest we had such a great process going into this meeting of everyone preparing the presentation and helping to make sure that the story um was detailed um could we have done better probably but I I think that was a good uh experience we probably had a shorter Runway due to the you know the pace of the project and we might have all have chosen uh but I'd also like to suggest if we could also have perhaps a um let's continue that process but also F have a follow-up meeting with the group so any of this um feedback we can take that into consideration you know at that time while it's fresh in people's minds and we can you know do uh a more complete job in the future that's a good point Steve I think it it was really well presented and it took two almost two and a half hours to do a half hour presentation so there was there were questions and there was dialogue um and some people didn't think there was quite enough of that but that was really not the purpose of the meeting and perhaps we should have had a follow-up meeting to discuss you know the results but anyway it is what it is Kelly yeah that I mean I've been thinking about this a lot since since we had that meeting I we have to remember that the the timeline set by msba is is pretty tight we we really didn't have good information to meet with the public until the week before and then we had to go through the information and create a presentation that that would make sense to the public so I I I think considering the deadlines that we have we we did what we could I I would have liked to perhaps have one more meeting uh before we submitted it but uh I mean we we had to we have to adhere to the timeline we've already extended it a couple of times and and it I mean I I think there's a and maybe I'm wrong a lack of understanding of process in terms of what the Shaker Lane building committee's charges and Clarity and maybe maybe that maybe we have to to uh you know in do a better job informing people of that yeah because I I mean we all know uh we were assembled as a committee to to make decisions uh and represent the the boards that that uh the elected officials are on and as a employee I represent the school committee so I think we did the best we could under the circumstances but it would be nice as we move forward to try to build in some of that time to to make sure that we have a couple of meetings before before a big decision is made or at least one meeting and and they can be very Sim similar to this they can be Zoom meetings they can be you know um quick virtual meetings to make sure everybody you know understands where we are in the process if they want to have them in person we can certainly do that um but but I agree we should we'll we should make an effort to include others that need to understand what the process is and I we'll do that going forward so I think the takeaway from last Wednesday's Mee meeting was great presentation um not well received for whatever reason so anyway uh why don't we move on to um Steve just you got two more Steve vudi and and Stacy have their hands up too oh go ahead I okay um no I just I just wanted to add that you know I think the presentation was good I think we did the best we did we we could do with the time and with the resources that we had um but I did want to note that perhaps even though Wickham field is kind is one of the options that we're not pursuing it may still that we want to incorporate in our presentations um for the town meetings um if that is still something that is that people are are interested in understanding why that we kind of put the kabash on it it might just be really impactful slide just to have so that people understand that that due diligence was done for wickom Fields good point good point and I just want to make make it clear that I thought the presentation Studio G and TR of towns was was excellent I mean it did exactly what it needed to do it's just some people weren't ready for for a project that size caught them off guard if they need to better communicate things up front that that's that's the only point I wanted to make just so so people understood that that's all appreciate that and Mer so I just wanted to chime in I think I'm the only one on this getting an echo are you hearing an echo maybe if a little bit of static ah okay oh um I just want to say as someone who was not involved in the throws thank you to the team who amazingly carried this through as an observer it came off really well so I watched the video um it was really it looked very cohesive there's a lot of information I feel like there was a couple members in the crowd who just tried to steer with their own agendas but at the same time I think you should give yourself some really good credit that it was very um well orchestrated it seemed really very um we presented a uniform front so I think that helped and um I think it's you guys are in the throws of it so of course it's more personal I was a a 500 feet in the air knowing the information but um just observing from AAR and I think uh Kudos is because it came up really well so I think you guys are focusing in on a little the little negatives but it was really an overall positive presentation so thanks okay any other questions or comments before we proceed so we'll move on to Mark and uh take we need we need we need the vote Steve for the PDP you jumped in with a question before before we actually voted uh let's see preferred schematic so uh I'm looking at um while you're looking at that St I have something from from Mark I didn't read this 100% but I was flipping through it and looking through it and on page 130 I think the heading is wrong 131 okay it's in the section for option one but the heading says option 2.1 okay jully noted yeah I sent a couple of uh suggestions to Mary Lee today as well great people that did some good summer reading nice night it's great to know people reading this so the is is there emotion to accept the uh uh PSR um or the PDP as amended um to submit to the uh msba do we want to just say what what the what the options are and specifically the titles too um just um I'm not sure what this is an official vote so I'm sure that we want to have the minutes reflect that so uh Mark staffer could you just maybe outline that for us what that should be so um hold on a second so you're you're you're voting on authorizing the owners project manager to submit to the msba the preliminary design program for the Shaker Lane Elementary School on August 30th 20 24 and identifies three particular options what are those numbers Mary Lee do you remember uh yes option 2.1 which is the ad Reno to the east option 3.1 which is new construction on the upper fields and option 3.2 which is new construction on the lower field perfect is there a motion to approve can you do a roll call right so let yeah we'll just I'll say so moved and if I we get a second on that second okay all right uh and I'll go through the roll call on that because I have the list so first up uh Kelly clenchy Kelly clenchy yes Steve morm yes Bob romley yes Mike scudo yes Steve vudi Steve V yes Michelle Kane Michelle Kane yes uh Stacy Scott yes and uh Ryan Ferrara is a yes so that is the unanimous vote to authorize the OPM to um submit the preliminary design program and the three um Affiliated options so thank you congratulations yeah that's a in the whole msba process says you're all well aware of and I think that video explains it quite well this is a big milestone this is the foundation that we're going to build everything off of so thanks everybody for your incredible amount of work to get us to this point really in a short amount of time so congrats and by the way I here the best news for the last the msba board did approve to go ahead Matt can you Matt you're gonna I keep on muting you you keep on getting off the mute that's where the feedback is coming on so okay thank you so the msba board did approve Pro to go ahead for projects coming after octo January 1st 2025 at $645 a square foot this morning so this morning the board of director's meeting yeah yeah it's not $1,200 a square foot yikes anyways that that was that was just here say so thank goodness shed between a few of us but uh anyway all right great so so moving on if uh I don't know if you guys can take control so life after PDP if you guys want to talk stud you want to pull up your presentation so we can walk through that yep I will pull it up right now awesome all right do you see that as full screen or do you see the that's perfect full screen okay great so uh three things we want to talk about is the work plan of what we have next no time to take a break we got to dive right into the PSR then we need to talk about community outreach which is now going to include those other committees and then we'll talk about District action items at the end so here is the calendar you're used to seeing it's been updated for the PSR we are right here school started yesterday uh and so what we have coming up is we are submitting the PDP to the msba on Friday you guys just voted we can check that off and then what we really need to do is use September to focus on design so we will be working closely with the design and site subcommittee to look at developing the interior so that we can really make a good solid decision by the end of PSR which one of these options will move forward into schematic design this is also where we really need to start community outreach and I have uh on one of my later slides a bunch of suggestions that we can talk about together and brainstorm of what to do in October we have the special town meeting on October 29th where we will be doing a approximately 10minute presentation to update the community and uh I think Ryan has suggested that we reconvene that joint leadership group again sometime before the 29th and we talked about this internally a little bit today to try to figure out when that could happen and based on the the design work we have to do in September and we would really like to get the next construction cost estimate in before we meet with all these people again so we have updated numbers and we need to give our estimators enough time to go through it and come up with good numbers so that means that this week of the 21st I towards the end of the week would be when we have that second Town leadership meeting what day what was the were you think again okay so ideally it would be October 23rd 24th or 25th but if it had to happen earlier in that week we could make that work too okay who uh who pulled together this last one was it Brian it felt like that came together really well on short notice so hopefully we can do that again so ju you know just for everyone's consideration the second and fourth Wednesday of every month is the pmbc meeting so we do seem to I know I guess we're okay here never mind the 24th we have a committee meeting that's right yeah Kelly and I may not be able to to make that one work or alternatively we might want to set that as the date and do it as a combined meeting too Michelle that is music to my ears to not meeting so if the boss can make that happen the boss can make it happen can I can certainly conversation uh we do have pretty heavy agendas as well so uh if need be we we'll see what we could do but again I don't think we want to repeat what we just did waiting a little while and getting three groups together we might want to think about meeting the finance group on their own meeting the select board on their own you know meeting the school committee on their own and and there could be times when all three can get together and that's great but I think the Outreach we need to show a little bit more as I said earlier it could be quick Zoom meetings whatever just to keep everybody in the in the loop okay yeah we'd be happy to do that as as well and I think that's a broader conversation you do have the finance committee chair on this meeting um which is you know that's um there is something to be said for trying to have all those me all those groups together at the same time true but you know uh uh but at the same time I I don't know I would defer to the chairs of those uh those groups as to how they'd like to handle it the only thing I would comment about waiting for the week of the 21st to show the presentation for the town meeting of the 29th you might get the same push back where it's is a rush thing they're giving us information three days before town meeting now if we could do preliminary stuff earlier in the month maybe not have the exact presentation for town meeting but at least go through some of the things that you plan on covering we could do that the big piece second week yeah the big piece we really want to talk to about though is the updated budget number and it's going to be really tough to get it before that week we can still have that joint meeting in the week of the 21st with the updated budget number but just to say what the progress is answer any lingering questions that we may have yeah I agree with that get those in that the first two weeks of October that will probably be the better alternative okay joint or just finance committee I'm open to either one well we should have most of the information that would go because we're going to give that to the estimator that first week of October so we could at least basically show them pretty much everything that we have without cost information right to sort of prime that yeah you know that would wouldn't be difficult to yeah and then share the cost information as early as we possibly can prior to the special town meeting just so there's no you know sticker shock again at that point if it comes in the week prior at least we prepped them telling the process of Steve was just saying you know what we're going through and then we're waiting for numbers to come in and get the numbers to them as soon as possible and then get it off to the public so yeah I think that's doable so how how long does it take the cost estimator to uh put a estimate together is it like three weeks two to three two to three weeks two two to three weeks yeah and we're going to be doing it concurrently with um Studio G's group and our group so we um and remember remember we're looking at three options there there's three options that are being uh estimated so um again it's it's going from PDP to PSR is a little bit more development it's kind of looks like a building now and they get an outline and there's a little bit more information it's not the full schematic design yet but there is more information so uh we're going to push them as quickly as they can get it but at least two to three weeks is the uh is the ballpark yeah I used to manage a scheduling uh or a estima group and uh you know the sooner the you get into the queue the better off you are exactly y Stacy has her hand raised yeah I was just wondering is there a reason why we have to wait until October 1st to have them start these estimates because we have our three options what's what's the hold next four week the options get further yeah they get further developed Stacy yeah we need time to do design work yeah the options that you saw in in the PDP are very preliminary based on square foot cause size of the program educational requirements that got everything together um with the designs that they showed that would they were just quick models they were not exactly what the building's going to look like now when they proceed into the preliminary into the schematic preferred schematic report those three options are now going to be fine- tuned more okay not a full schematic design but to a point where it'll look like a building they'll color color code all the space and they'll make all these things work they'll do a lot of work with the site to make sure all that that works and that information at a minimum is what we need to send to the cost estimators it's that and it's also the work of our uh subc Consultants right so there's going to be test pits and borings and other further site investigation now that we've narrowed it down yeah and structural and haac and you know more traffic stuff there's all all those people have to weigh in um with information to a point where an estimator can give us a you know a good range of what they're looking at so by that time by that time you're going to have feedback from msba right from the review period right correct yes yeah yeah we'll talk about that in the schedule we have it towards the end yeah actually that's a great Point Steve because Mark will we at that point would we have like uh know from msba what they would be considering for reimbursement I mean not the number but like the the other the stuff that above the Baseline I don't believe that's I don't think a No usually comes out of a PDP it's going to be their checklist of things that they were looking for uh in the submission that they'll say you did or you didn't do um they'll probably agree with the three options that were they may have questions about the three options and maybe the other options but they take their 21 days and we take our 14 days to reply um but i s I don't know if you get add onto this I it's rare that I've ever seen them say unless a PDP was not done well it's for that they're going to say no you can't do these you're gon to say no develop them whatever yeah usually they it's at the PSR level that you start getting more into details and comments back on the on the square footage right now they're just going to do a preliminary review yes do you meet the guidelines of the programs you know that's what they be looking for but they're not giving you full detail comment on that so they're not deciding how much square footage that they're going to cover whether they accept that extra 30,000 sare ft not at this not a PDP but more towards the end of PSR when you make the PSR submission that's when it goes to the board for approval further what I've seen in the past is they'll give an initial approval and say yes we're okay with this because we really need it it could be a large impact so if a district is asking for three extra classrooms they really need an answer from the msba about whether or not that's likely to go through because if they wait until right before schematic design is not going to work so what I've seen the msba do is say yes we have no no objections to these or they'll say give us a little bit more information or we don't see this covered in your educational program or they'll give that type of feedback so we should have a pretty good idea when we get their comments back uh how the the 30,000 square feet additional square feet was taken okay not full idea that's that you after PSR level but you will get some ideas back on Steve Moore uh Kelly clenchy and Steve Mark have their hands up I just wanted clarification on that meeting uh prior to October 21st the purpose of it and if we are going to meet I would strongly encourage us to meet with the three boards not just the fincom but I'm not sure what the purpose is so maybe that would that would help me I would say it's just another update was that just an update so meeting on the 24th would be very different is that correct correct okay so I still feel strongly though that if we're going to meet with one board we should meet with the other two boards just to keep them in Fr agree that that's fine agreed yeah thank you yep and Steve Mark also had his hand up yeah so quick kind this probably a Studio G question um at what point in time in the design do we start looking at what the square footage is from the initial design versus like what can we what can we cut out what can't we cut out in order to reduce the scope of the project and therefore reduce the cost of the project potentially just have those conversations yeah we should really be 99.9% certain by the end of PSR but the absolute set and stone deadline is the end of schematic design so uh just to let everyone know what PSR is at 30% for I'm sorry 30% of what what schematic uh design is that 30% close enough I would say close enough more like 25% for schematic design well 25 30% okay and then we go into ve correct right right it's at the very end of schematic design that the board votes for us to move on and the the Project funding agreement budget is set then at at that point you're going to know from the msba the the project cost what they're going to reimburse that there's a forum called the 31 that we put together for them which is a very long detailed budget and we spell everything out for that and those are going to be the numbers that come at the end of schematic design and that's a year that's a year from October right we we've got some time to go through that the next module P module four schematic design so that's at the time when you really really got to know the numbers but up through PSR there will be tightening of things as much as they can based on their comments we do have what they call a facilities assessment subcommittee with the mspa that we meet with and have discussions with them about the three Alternatives we're reviewing and the one that we're looking at as the one alternative we want to push forward so there is you know comment from them on square footage you know all those things will be discussed okay um Steve Moore uh Ste Steve M has his hand up yeah go go ahead Steve from Studio G you're muted Steve um yeah I just wanted to Steve more I think you said the word ve is that correct value engineering right yeah yeah um I just want to address that um the there will be along the way so when we during the schematic design process can someone refresh me how many estimates we'll do for that for schematic design there'll be two there'll be two right yeah so as we go along I would say sometime in schematic design we'll be earmarking of course we'll be looking for efficiencies how things come together we make everything that the that everyone has uh deemed required for this project through the educational plan so we're we're making sure that we provide spaces for all that but we'll look for ways to to do that is efficiently as possible to make sense for expansion there will also be so we'll have cost estimate check-ins during that process so excuse me Steve but Mark at what point do we have to make a decision on the uh delivery method are we doing GC or we doing C risk yeah that's something that has to be decided during it's schematic design I believe I think we said schematic design modu four we have to know at the end of schematic design that's gonna have a big impact on value engineering absolutely I I believe we discussed that we would do that uh before schematic design that we would Target at least a discussion further we we can certainly discuss it but it typically happens through schematic because you're dealing with one one option now you're you're you're developing the one option and you have to decide whether it's pragmatic efficient based on the one option to go see in risk or go design bid build so it's typically through schematic we can certainly have those conversations as we're developing those options through PSR um knowing that we're leaning towards a certain option but yeah typically it's through schematic yeah we we don't want to do three uh cost estimates uh until we go through the value [Music] engineering well I I would say that um I just want to put a finer point on that and and there are a couple different ways that we have that we would approach the ve we're looking for efficiencies all the way along we get a pulse during cost estimates and we identify sort of uh we have we identify the absolutely necessary to have and perhaps some areas that could be options for that be should we come to that and I think the uh School building committee will identify act you know items that we should not identify in ve um so that's a discussion for later on down the line but anyway let's uh hey Matt Matt you had a comment Matt mcaffry hands up yeah just that um back to Steve's question about uh CM at risk or or dbb uh other things like soil soil investigation some of the things that are going to happen here shortly are gonna are gonna weigh on that decision you know if we have more things to deal with in the soils and sight situation of the of the of the options right um traffic type things those things those things will have an impact on the decision of CMR or dbb that's a good point good point Thank you I'd also just one last thing I would like to mention that during our last presentation on the schedule on the um schedule that we showed sort of the the modules we did say that there would be I believe on that it says that we'll be dis discussing which procurement method to do really between December and February sort of at the beg those early stages of schematic design I mean that's what we said in front of all those folks if we need to change that we should well right during schematic design yeah okay yeah not PSI yeah okay correct correct PSO all right do we any more questions on the schedule here do we have any any other thoughts going forward on the dates that are shown here we didn't come to a consensus on the meeting that we're going to have before the 29th correct can we maybe ask the the representatives from to those committees who are on the SBC to go back to their respective groups and just set a day during the first two weeks of October for when that meeting should take place and we're happy to show up during a one of their regularly scheduled meetings so they don't have to do an extra meeting or anything like that but the sooner we get this scheduled I think the happier people will be I think we can we can do that I think ke we between Kelly representing the school committee myself is representing the select board and Steve finance committee could be okay did we pick a date for the week of October 21st or we still discussing that I heard that we could do either individual updates with those three committees or we could do both sort of come back to them and do a final uh State of the Union before the meeting on the 29th I think we want to do a joint meeting earlier in October in a joint meeting on the week of the 21st agreed right yep I I would say just as an observer it did feel like there was kind of a um Power in numbers that started to happen a little bit that I think could really benefit than this group talking amongst themselves this group talking amongst themselves so it might be benef official and again just as an outside Observer watching watching it go down on on Littleton TV but um so that kind of I don't know if those in the room felt the same sense but it definitely seemed like a more pow in numbers um to to keep this moving moving along and the importance of it but in order to make sure that they feel like they're being communicated with them we're gonna have to do it more often than not yeah yeah we're not we're not that's why I was suggested if we if there's a finance committee meeting we meet with them and meet with the other people and then have a group meeting and then continue updating that you know maybe the group meeting is another one in person these other separate meetings we just join their meeting on Zoom or whatever give them all an update the individual groups and then together get together with them then do it again and do it again before so there's no you know surprises come the 29th of October I I would suggest as many times as we can talk to these folks because clearly what came out of that meeting was yeah great presentation you you you Landslide at us like there was way too much we should have seen this stuff earlier you know we need to do a better job doing that so I think let's do a better job doing that Marl I hear what you're you're saying about the smaller groups but I think it's also important that everybody hears the same thing and we know everybody has heard the same thing yeah yeah no I'm that's that's the direction I was going could all three groups meet together because that's where the power that's where I think it kind of the the Dynamics seemed to shift a little bit when everybody was in the room and you had positive input and it kind of tamed everybody else so at least that's what I observed but I I I see this at work where we have multiple stakeholders you have the same meeting with all the stakeholders and they all Come Away with a different perspective so to Steve B's I think we need to have joint meetings and not you know one-offs yeah all right we'll work with you all to schedule joint meetings in in that is it in person or virtual or either or or hybrid or we we we'll work with you on that I mean the meetings are the meetings let's if we could just keep this moving so we we'll we'll figure something out guys and we'll report back to Studio G and and Turner towns and eie what we want to do perfect great guys I'm sorry but I have a hard stop at 8 so I have notes up until um 8:00 but I do have to um get off the meeting my apologies okay moving moving along to budget update that's the end no they got just C has a few more few more slides to talk about Community yeah all right so Community engagement we we uh have a list of suggestions of people we could reach out to and include uh I'm not going to go through this list for time but it's a suggestion for a starting point uh I do want to say that if you don't already know this legally Studio G and tth are not allowed to sort of campaign on behalf of the project it's considered a conflict of interest but what we can do is support you so if you need us to show up and talk to people or you need us to create Graphics or host zooms or give informational talks or whatever it is we're more than welcome to do that but the actual Outreach is really up to uh people on this committee so here's a a few more suggestions things that we've done in the past we've gotten students involved and that's always been really positive and being able to use images of what the students did really helps Garner enthusiasm amongst everybody else uh we already did the community the initial community outreach survey we can do more we already talked about putting an FAQ on the website so we could even go into pretty detail a lot of detail about why witcom site was not Chosen and uh just a few other suggestions here so what we would really like to have happen is uh perhaps a subcommittee is formed for community outreach um just because it's going to be a lot of work and we've got our work cut out for us I think we had this conversation a month ago and I believe Kelly correct me if I'm wrong but you're you're you said your office was going to handle that well I think this is a little broader than and I knew we were going to do this I I was just thinking of the basic circulation of communication Etc okay but in terms of the meetings uh I mean if we're going to do something like this we would need a subcommittee uh somebody from the school obviously and and uh I certainly can help out as well and and you know it would be helpful to have somebody from the sherly other somebody else from the Shaker Lane building committee as well I mean there are other events too that we're going to have to think about in terms of town events that are going to be really important to get the word out as well so would it be helpful to have uh any um you know Community individuals involved in that Outreach committee yeah I think it would be so if we could identify some I'm just talking through my head at this point no there's if there's anybody in the community that's willing to help get the word out on this project I think that as a volunteer I think they'd be more than welcome you know who was the the the woman that was two Janine y school committee member at that last meeting she was she sounded ready to go on this and sounded very enthusiastic so you may consider her sure see Steve uh Steve Moore I just I I don't want to we're going to lose Stacy so um I I don't know if there's other things that we can push off to the next meeting or we can just try to you know wrap this up because I well you you I sent a budget update to you all and it was incorrect so I follow up with the correct one after this meeting it's just a a tally of where we are what we spend today uh and then we just had another schedule uh overall master schedule to look at but marily Le and Studio G pulled a lot of that same information and put it on their calendar so you always have that master schedule to refer to that was the last two things that we wanted to to jump on so we can certainly move on yeah and I don't want to guys I have to relisten to this meeting anyway to do notes so have anything else to to vote on and I think we have a quorum so yes we're done with the voting yeah I think we're done um is there a motion to adjourn so yeah do I'll do the roll call um Kelly made the motion I seconded uh so Kelly clenchy Kelly clenchy yes Steve Moore yes Bob romley Bob romley yes Steve vudi Steve vudi yes Michelle Kane Michelle Kane yes and Ryan Ferrar yes uh oh sco is he still Mike sco yes Mike SC I didn't okay sorry yes sorry Mike my apologies good excellent thanks everybody we'll send you out an email on Friday when the eagle has landed at the msba I hope I don't break my back as I carry it there because it's so big and heavy um but we'll let you all know that it's uh it's been delivered safely and again thanks everybody for tremendous amount of work thanks for you thanks everyone Thanks for participation have a good uh have a good flowing weekend yeah yes everybody