so just to start off with everybody um uh we'll call the meeting just we'll call the meeting order at 7:01 PM uh for your minutes Stacy uh just to let everybody know uh Steve Moore has reached out to me asking uh uh letting letting us know that um he would not be able to attend the meeting tonight so kind of a last minute thing came up for him so uh so here we are so uh we do have a quorum so proceed uh accordingly uh the first piece is to approve prior meeting minutes uh Stacy do you know what what do have we sent anything out or for review yes I did I did just send it out but I sent it out today I'm sorry I didn't realize I didn't send it uh last week because I got sidetracked by the um the survey that we were doing so I did just send that today so my okay all right and and Stacy could you remind me what what was the date on in those minutes um let me take a look hold on one second look at my meeting minutes 18 um let's see it's July 10th right July 10th yeah I'm just looking through my sent I just well the last scbc I think was June 20 June 28th wasn't it no June uh June 18th June June 18th yes June 18th yeah June 18 not the subcommittee meeting Marl The SBC meeting minutes oh okay yeah yeah those were sent out I believe right after we had it um look okay all right I got anything I don't think anyone I'm I'm not sure if anyone had taken a look at them yet okay all right um I should ask the question is is have folks had a chance to read read them or uh should we take a pass what's the general sense from the committee maybe we should take the pass okay we can do that we can pass on the minutes that's fine it's fine okay that's easy enough uh Stacy we take a little more time take a look at that and vote it at our next meeting so that's fine um not an issue okay um one thing we uh moving on to the next item on the agenda one thing we definitely do need to do which is to uh review and approve of our invoices did um did Steve um uh send we did get the packet he that was sent out today to Steve but did Steve forward it to everybody I was in meetings for most of the day so has anybody seen that I sent to Steve Moore yeah we we um yeah so let's see if I can try to get this and and share it so um it was sent out today um bear with me uh Steve should have forwarded it to everybody but uh uh well we we sent a package out to the whole committee last week including the okay okay so let me just take a look so we are are specifically looking at um um at the exact bills um hold on bear with me here okay so all right um I'm GNA try to I'm gonna try to share my screen everybody and we can go and I'll have uh have Marco through it so hold on one minute there we go uh all right me open it um I'm working between two two computers here guys so please be patient with me here um and I'm going to my email all right anybody see that is that U is that coming up as a p202 42475 just like we agenda that's the agenda silly agenda okay let's move off of that then thank you uh Ryan I can pull it up if you'd like right but it's got to be on our invoices so okay you why don't you just just have it there in background for the time being and uh okay let's just this is all right all right how about that there you go perfect y okay all right all right so uh so mark you want to walk us through these absolutely so uh and we can talk later about the cash flow and we can show you the breakdown that we have for umh for T Turner Johnson herey in Studio G but this is Studio G's invoice of $90,000 for uh work in the feasibility study contractor M $360,000 broken down a feasibility study billing of 90,000 and turn town and inh same situation feasibility study um you keep going down 11,000 no you can stay right there I guess 11,000 $1,028 for for June uh for feasibility study for turn and Harry okay so I think these are just the two bills that we' have I just want to make sure and look is the two one okay all right so can I get a motion for uh the would be $90,000 to to approve of the invoices as submitted uh from Studio G for 90,000 and the Turner towns and hearing invoice for uh $1,028 so second okay all right I think I we have a chucka did you second or I did I think Kelly all right so Kelly made the first motion chuck seconded all those in favor we're going to do this by rule call so uh Kelly Kelly yes okay Stacy yes Stacy dearis yes yes okay Chuck Chuck to Coast yes okay Bob romley Bob romley yes and Michael scudo uh Mike scudo yes okay and Ryan Ferrari yes that's unanimous okay very good I'm GNA stop the share there okay congratulations Studio G and tth you get paid this month fantastic uh okay so um next up on our agenda is a report from the design uh site subcommittee uh that meeting took place I believe it was uh was it last Wednesday uh Kelly does that sound right yes uh it was last Wednesday July 10th okay so and and was there anybody else on this call who was uh member of the committee uh who participated in that as well yep mik is here and Stacy yeah I'm here M can Stacy okay all right so um Kelly I'm gonna if I could ask you to take the the lead on it in terms of what uh you talked about and um what the subcommittee learned from that session sure we uh took a look at a number of uh potential scenarios uh uh scenario one was a a Cod upgrade with the keeping the school uh and just renovating it uh we had two uh options for addition rental renovation as well and uh two options for new construction uh on the Shaker Lane site and we looked at another option we called it 41 an alternative site and that was uh on a site in the field beside Russell Street school as well we uh took a look at evaluation criteria so that we we could use a matrix uh to evaluate the options that were presented to us at that meeting we filled out the forms and uh I believe Studio G will be uh looking at the results tonight which was nice about the meeting is we did have time to talk together as a group and and take a look at the various options and even before we uh completed the survey we were pretty well on the same page in terms of what options that we felt were viable so very productive meeting and uh thanks to Studio G for having everything ready for us there's a lot of work that that was put into that presentation do you want to do you want to quickly pull up the presentation merily and just run the committee through it and what was presented I'm doing a a little bit of a summary and recap in our portion of the presentation do you want me to just go ahead and do that now or wait until later yeah I mean I think some of the people here that haven't seen what Kelly just referred to I think if we can quickly go through what the options were and they can get a sense of what was decided upon and then we can um go through the rest of your presentation as as needed okay perfect so as Kelly explains we did look at six options in detail uh in conjunction with this we did get a list of 62 town-owned properties in Littleton and we evaluated all of them uh almost all of them were in immediately eliminated because they are simply not large enough uh some of them we looked at a little more closely and Ryan helped us to figure out which ones uh if any had no um like conservation requirements on them or ones that are uh landlocked things like that and we ended up finding out of those 62 there weren't really any other additional sites so Wickfield was really the only viable site in the town outside of the Shaker Lane campus can you can you zoom out the it's a little um yeah it shared the wrong I thought it was sharing my presentation but I guess not I have it pulled up full screen on another page here so uh yeah but we can't we're only seeing a portion of it there we go that's better how's that excellent so you want to just go through the beginning from like the option yep whatever this works yeah whatever okay so this is an overall summary of all of them we looked really in depth uh looking at you know Place space areas uh can it be made accessible what's the potential for expansion in the future how does vehicular circulation work uh and how does the just the overall building fit on the site pros and cons of various aspects of each one of these uh the nsba requires us to to carry three of these forward into PSR for further study one of them being code upgrade at least one ad Rena option and at least one new construction option so after the meeting with the subcommittee we've narrowed it down to those three we will still be getting cost estimate information on all six of these just to verify in another way that we are making the right decision and then during the next phase uh with the msba will be taking those three options and narrowing it down to one so first option code upgrade that's no addition is simply taking your existing building and doing what we can on the inside to bring it up to code for accessibility for life safety for Energy Efficiency um fire protection Plumbing all of that next option we looked at an addition that is over here to the east of the existing school this is is classrooms only so this involved demolishing the classroom wing of the existing Shaker Lane School which is the oldest portion of the building it's the one that has the least amount of air conditioning and Fire Protection uh and structural capacity and replacing it with new the other addition renovation we opt option we looked at was doing the addition to the north of the school same idea demolishing the academic Wing the classrooms and building new classrooms any comments or questions on the ad Rena options this 2.1 is the one that was preferred by the subcommittee okay the new construction options these first two are on the Shaker Lane campus itself 3.1 puts it in the upper field the existing Shaker Lane is is right here sort of that dark gray blob that you can see and so this new construction could be done completely while the existing Shaker Lane is fully operational and once the new school is built the kids move on over there and then we demolish the existing school and clean up the site the second option would be using the lower field for the new construction option same story here where the existing school can be used throughout construction move over and uh don't disrupt any of the learning however the main difference that people really liked between these two is that in 3.1 this entire Southern portion of the campus is accessible to the general public uh so all of the fields are Consolidated in the lower portion all of the community use portions of the school are in the lower portion and then everything above sort of this boundary line is is safe and protected for the kids to be outside with no contact with other cars that are driving by and so it's was just a really nice way to divide the side up in option 3.2 it sort of separates the upper field from the rest of the campus and makes the circulation not quite as nice not quite as uh Community oriented as the first one and doesn't fit quite as nicely on the side it's a it's a smaller space to build in so of these two options 3.1 was preferred by the subcommittee any questions on those before I move on um I do merily just a one thing uh this was raised um I think after I had seen this that uh in the option 31 and i' look to Kelly and Steve Mark to correct me if I'm wrong but where the upper field would be I think that would um that's where part of the Wetland is as you come into the building um so if it if you look at one on the Kota upgrade as you enter the um the school current school campus it's that Island uh to the right as you enter yes yes I I believe that's wet pleas you know Kelly Steve please correct me if I'm wrong you're right it is wet I think so yeah driven by it recently right so I just yeah so I can clarify this these are very diagrammatic uh it's for testing the size of things on the site and this little baseball diamond here is showing basically the size of how much space is here this okay a field could fit there I don't know if there's room down here further not shown where another Fields could fit and avoid the wetlands but this whole area could be used for all kinds of recreation it could be soccer fields doesn't have to be baseball so there's a ton of space there without getting involved in the Wetland okay okay just wanted to clarify thank you yep thank you that's a good point another good point about this 3.1 is the egress onto Shaker Lane there is there is a the DPW uses that currently um but that's actually I wonder how much input if any at this point um DPW has had relative to that so just for clarification I think the road that DPW uses is a little bit further down Sho Lane and not in the area um that's shown here on option 3.1 school property does back up to shakol Lane as this picture and 3.1 depicts so there is room to put the driveway there if further up in that picture in the other Corner that you can't see is is the current access that DPW uses just for clarification we have a traffic consultant who's going to be looking at this more carefully some of the things that we will consider is uh the existing road because obviously it's already sort of cleared and it's graded and it would be nice to reuse it but we were hesitating because the access point up here at Shaker Lane is quite narrow and we think it's safer to have a little bit more space there so the cars coming in both directions have more of a chance to see what's going on before the turn happens uh this option would allow either one of those options to be used uh Without Really reconfiguring the scheme so we'll be working more with our traffic consultant and with DPW to figure out the best option for how the site circulation will work thank you anything else on those all right now Whitfield this is over by the Russell Elementary School and this was suggested by I believe somebody on the select board and I'm really glad that we we looked at this we looked at it pretty in depth because this field right here is certainly large enough to fit the new school there is a Brook running along here and some Wetlands uh because this is a Waterway there's a 200 foot riparian Zone that we have to stay out of that's why this uh shape is the way that it is and so it does fit on the site however there were a lot of issues raised by the subcommittee that made this not very desirable first being that this is already a fairly uh congested site the high school students are coming over and using these two Fields while school here is already in session so if you have high school students coming over to use the field at the same time that you're having buses and parents and everybody drop off and or pick up their kids release the kids and as of right now there's only one way in and out of this entire campus that posed serious issues of congestion and safety and impacts on the surrounding neighborhoods there is a little dirt road here that leads up past the library and then ultimately out to shadik Street and there would be an opportunity to add a secondary access into the site uh but even with that that doesn't change the fact that there's going to be a lot of traffic During certain times of the day every day this is going to be an ongoing issue that people have to deal with uh if we move to this site another issue is that this field is currently used for recess and sports by the elementary school and if we take away that field then it really takes away a lot of the play space for the Russell Street School there is an opportunity to build a shared playground here that could be shared between the two schools but it's really not an ideal ideal situation because then you have kids that are really young sharing space with kids that are much older and it cuts the space in half for both groups and it's it's not ideal and then I think the other main point that was made is that there's it's pretty tight around here and so the msba requires us to show how the school could be expanded by adding four classrooms and there's not four classrooms doesn't take a lot of space but right here we're really tight right here and right here in the corners we could add out in this direction but then that really takes away from the Outdoor Learning opportunities that uh is important to the staff at Shaker Lane so for these reasons and all the other reasons that were looked at in the evaluation criteria this site was ultimately found to be not desirable any questions about that one just a comment Mary Le we we also talked about uh the reality that if we did build on another site other than Shaker the Shaker Lane property we would be responsible for paying or paying the total cost for uh demolishing or the sherlan school with with a price tag Mike helped us out with that it' be over a million dollars so that certainly was a deterrent as well yes thank you Kelly I forgotten that msba will help pay for demolishing the existing building as long as you're on the same site if you move the pool and you build somewhere else the msba wants nothing to do with this and so it would be UPS to town to figure out demolishing it or maintaining it or reusing it and so that's a substantial cost so that'd be a net cost of a half a million then right because if if they were GNA pay for half of it it was a million doll to demo we would be responsible for the other half correct I'm not sure about the the half I'm not sure how much be responsible for just assuming that msba just just using 50% as a as a number there so it's a whatever the percentage is that's correct if we're on the same site we'd get we'd get the reimbursement if we go to whitcom we paying the full million so it's a net expense further expense that we would um bear for an additional half million so it be a million dollars instead of 500,000 yes exactly if you were demo in the building correct the time can use for other other purposes if they want to but it's it would be their decision to make right anything else on these and I'll I'll go through the uh evaluation criteria and the results of that okay so evaluation criteria these items were uh everybody from the SBC had a chance to give input to this list before the subcommittee met so that's really a way of allowing the full committee to direct the decisions of the subcommittee even though not everybody is at that subcommittee meeting so the way that this was calculated is each one of the sites was evaluated for each one of these different consideration points everybody on the subcommittee voted assigning them a value of 0 to four and then each one of these numbers represents an average of the five subcommittee members so out of the five of them this one got a score of 1.6 on the adequate buildable area then what we did is these were each added up to give a score to each subcategory and then all of these subcategories were added up to give an ultimate total at the top so this top line here where it says totals shows the final score of all these options compared to each other uh the Top Choice by bar was option 3.1 which was the new construction on the upper field second place is really a tie I don't consider those to be substantially different a tie between the other new construction option and the addition renovation option with the addition to the east of the school I thought it was very interesting to see that the witcom site option actually came in slightly lower than even the code upgrade option so the subcommittee really felt strongly that that site would not meet their needs and So based on these results I think we have really clear direction of which two options plus the code upgrade to carry forward into the next phase with the msba any questions on this one all right and I just want to give you a closer look of these two options the addition renovation that was preferred and the new construction option that were preferred uh this was the level of detail that we looked at all of these options uh explaining where things were and generally how the site would be laid out and uh so now you can just see them a little bit bigger and get a better idea of what we're talking about that's the conversation that the subcommittee had a lot of benefits and drawbacks that were uh added on other slides and information that um each one of these options were really reviewed in detail on those those items as well to try to come together with a conclusion one thing that that's missing from the conversation that we we talked about as a subcommittee is we really need to to have an estimate of the cost of each design and uh that could very well if there was a significant significant difference uh May sway the uh subcommittee's uh way that they were voting pretty hard uh to I mean we we we're pretty quick to to agree on the design but uh without having the cost in front of us it made it a little more difficult to to feel confident that we had all the information so I believe that we're going to have some numbers by the end of July is that correct yes we will be getting uh estimates from our cost estimator on July 26th and at that time we will share the results with the OPM so they can sort of do a double check and make sure that the numbers look good and then we will present it to the SBC so you can take the cost information into account when verified whether or not these are the right options that you want to move forward with at this point because it is so early in the process and the options we're looking at are extremely diagrammatic it's really just what is the c per square foot of new construction for this size and this complexity of building what is the square foot for addition renovation and so the value in those numbers is really going to be in comparing the options to each other they're not going to be a reliable number like the this building will cost this much money it's more like a new option is going to cost this much in relation to a addition renovation option and so it's going to be uh sort of just a check that we're moving in the right direction it'll be give us an opportunity to revisit it if we need to and then there will be two more cost estimates done before we get to the town meeting and town vote there will be one after we've chosen a final option out of all of these and then there will be another one at the end of schematic design which is where they have a lot of information is going to be a pretty uh pretty detailed and pretty accurate estimate and that's the number that you'll use to set the budget for the project I would say the cost estimator that we use does this all the time um so essentially they're very in tune with what the market Bears right now so they're using information and resources that are very current as far as the cost estimate goes so we provided the square footage of each of these options and they're putting dollar signs to it we haven't picked mechanical systems we haven't picked envelope materials there's a lot of unknown so it's really a highlevel rough order of magnitude we call it as far as the cost estimate goes but nonetheless it it does it's a comparison so we call it a comparative evaluation of the different costs were those Square footages on the uh presentation anywhere no they are not we are basing it off of the msba guidelines uh while we're going through this process we're simultaneously doing uh visioning and programming with our educational planner and with Kelly and Michelle and a whole team of people at the school and their job is to look at the guidelines and get that into alignment with the Shaker Lane programs so uh it's not uncommon to see schools that add a lot of space into the special Edge programs uh there's a lot more supports than what the msba lists in their guidelines that's usually absolutely no problem getting that approved by the msba as a reimbursable cost and then there's other little tweaks here and there that are being made throughout the program but generally I think we can expect this building to be around 85 or so 885,000 ft okay and that's the number the cost estimator was using I think close to that Marl it's as of right now it's to compare apples to apples we are using the it's it's a dollar per square footage so if we use the msda guidelines we just can scale it up or down depending on what the final program ends up being although it just to clarify it's for options for the ad Rena options and the code upgrade options it's not a new construction so it's more of a renovation materials bringing up to code so there's a there's not the same Universal dollar cost per square foot for the for the exercise and then there's also site differentials too as well so there's that variable as well okay I just like to check things that's that's my my thing I I do estimating and I have five companies worth of databases on projects of this size so oh cool well we're happy to share that yeah yeah including Public Schools Mike yeah Bond brothers does public schools oh yeah absolutely great y the more information we have the the better will come out with numbers and everything sash get your hand up yes a quick one the square foot also Mike would some of kind of vary because under the ad Renault the you know the Renault part with using the existing building the ad could be a little bit higher whereas the new construction everything is more efficient and you get less square footage and by the way say hello to Dave capalo when you see him I I go back I I know him yeah David about 30 years now I don't work there anymore but I still keep in touch with folks okay all right so do we want to um unless there's any other questions about the um the options do we want to get some more information about the educational program update or do we want to get a vote on what to proceed with the options what options to proceed with I if I may I think this is something I'd ask um Chuck about as the representative from the select board how he'd like to handle this um you know uh Chuck the we had also talked about the possibility of bringing this before the select board and and school committee as well um and potentially finance committee so what's your take on it because this you know with the with the recommendations this does narrow um this down a little bit yeah I mean I think if if um if there's something that I think um marily Lee might have mentioned that she was she was preparing something for a presentation I think that if we can um just have a joint meeting at whatever if it's going to be a school committee presentation the select board can be there at that presentation or um it could be at a select board meeting or whatever whatever the case may be but I think it is important for the select board the full body to be Pres to see the presentation and there going to be impact to neighbors and things like that so we want to make sure we're communicating with everybody not just um those that are going to be using the school um so so the short answer is yes I do think I do think um the select board should be um included and probably the finance committee as well yeah that was the intent all along just to get the recommendations put together and then the next part of the meeting you'll see at the end where we want to schedule that meeting you know just sit time to make sure everybody's included good I guess it's the question though uh Mark is to say whether or not we would actually you know we'd want to do we does does the committee wanted then take a vote saying that's the recommendation to the select board and the and the school committee that's that's the question and the AR of the finance committee as well so um well Ryan that was the charge to the subcommittee to review everything and come up with a recommendation so now the recommendation is option one 3.1 2.1 I believe are the recommended options that's not to say that the presentation can show just as we discussed here here's everything that was looked at here is the recommendation from the subcommittee for this project um and then give us enough time answers you know questions back and forth there's anything that needs to be looked at again we'll have time to do that but their charge was to come out with a recommendation that's exactly right Mark I think that the select board would take the recommendation of of this this body and um endorse it correct okay so um so then we can um take the take that recommendation and ask for a vote of the full Shaker Lange committee is that is that how people would like to proceed correct the subcommittee is making a recommendation to the SBC the SBC is accepting their recommendation oh well you're voting on accepting the recommendation um for the options that they're presenting okay okay so as I understand it um then um the three options that we would be recommending is uh option one option 2.1 and option 3.1 is that correct cor all right so uh can I get a motion uh to make uh um to approve or recommend msba um options one for code upgrade options 2.1 for Rena renovation and addition and option 3.1 for new construction so moved second second that was yeah moved by Bob romley Bob and seconded by Kelly okay we we'll do a roll call vote Kelly Kelly clenchy yes Stacy uh staris yes KCK have to CL yes Bob romley ROM yes Michael scaduto Mike scaduto yes okay and Ryan Ferrari yes hey that is unanimous so with the understanding that we're going to be presenting to finance select board school committee everybody's going to be involved in this as well so okay okay and just just a flag for those of you for everybody on the meeting I know Chuck and I were in a meeting earlier today and still talking about Wickham so just um you know be prepared that um there I think there are some people uh who still look favorably upon that option but maybe don't understand all the other components to it so it's just something that um it's an important thing to message as you go along um in this exercis so okay uh next up is the uh educational plan so uh Mark did you want to talk about that well I think meril meril Lee they're going to pull up their pres the balance of their presentation now they have a lot of information that these guys working very hard and very diligently with all the staff and all the educational planners to get as she mentioned all the programming done all this information so marily is gonna go through that right now and just uh update everybody where we are all right thanks Mark um this is where we are in the PDP schedule uh we're here on the 17th we've gotten we're right on schedule where we thought we were going to be and we are plugging along and we have our path clear ahead of us to have the PDP voted on by thec on the 21st and then we can submit it to the msba on August 30th so everything is rolling right along uh in terms of presenting these options to the select board and the finance committee and the school committee uh sooner rather than later is probably good I'm ready to give that presentation at any time in the next two weeks is probably good so we can talk about scheduling that later on but uh we're we're on board and happy to help all right so we are continuing our visioning and working on the educational program uh we are right here we have two more sessions left and by the end of these two sessions we will have the educational program draft done for the district the msba has us reexamined it a couple more times during this process so that's the only reason it's a draft and we will also have the space summary template which is the msba guidelines for the square footages compared to what Shaker Lane actually needs so the customizing of this project to your District's needs so that we'll have that uh very quickly and then on the 31st we'll be presenting some interior uh options early options diagrammatic programmatic options to the subcommittee on the 31st so we've had looking at this we've had three four five five visioning events and programming events happened so far uh the most recent three we had we went to the school we we walked through some classrooms we saw teachers teaching in action and then we had uh what's called an initial listening session where we met with this group of people who are the visioning working group and by the end of this meeting our our educational planner guided them through this there was a lot of discussion and questions asked and he had people go through exercises to really get at what the district needs and so by the end of this meeting uh Michelle and her team of Educators had come up with these initial project goals uh establishing these early at the beginning of this process really gives us a road map of how to make decision going forward and reminding ourselves of what are the most important things and what sort of evaluation criteria again do we want to look at as we're developing the design marily can can you go back to that for one second can I just can I just say that picture with Michelle in it here in the top is like um worthy of like a brochure it's like you know going forward to people saying hey this is how we do educational plan it's such a great picture you know that you can use that sometimes in the future I just wanted to comment on that your audio sounds really weird to me is it just me or is it everybody did you hear me no it's not good oh sorry okay forget it to me yeah you're good with us yeah we can hear you is it me or is it yeah I think it is yeah so anyways that was just a funny comment I think that's a great picture Mary you sound clear do we we're sounding okay give me a sec yeah yeah I I'll take this moment to appreciate Kelly and Michelle because their team is absolutely fantastic they've been working with just with what they got right you know so it's really just been a great um exercise and I think the Education team is really open to this process and making a really um making the project fulfill the next Sherling generation of of program needs so it's really been really eye openening to watch just the just the process it's really to watch it unfold Kelly you want to add to anything you've been to a lot of these and theyve just been really um magical almost to watch the the process has been you know very welld designed and and thorough and uh I mean it's really for me as a superintendent uh to be able to be part of this and and not only witness the growth in our Educators but uh their ability to see the future of of what our our K2 students need and it was very evident during uh every Workshop that we've had so far I mean they they know where we need to go and and certainly aligned with with our vision aligned with our curriculum revisions our instruction theology reviews Etc so was for me it was just nice to see that alignment and and the uh the emphasis of of you know what future education can look like School Mary Le has your audio did we buy enough time for you maybe because we can keep talking about how great the visioning is been can you hear me yeah you're a little faint maybe move if you're using your camera mic I'm assuming yeah yeah maybe just either yell or I'll try to join on my phone okay I would I'll take this moment as well um to just also say essentially this Ed program and these goals that we're going to be reviewing later on in the presentation those are the those are the things that we keep front and center to say oh if this is a decision that we need to make these were our priorities so it's really going back to make sure essentially that we're meeting these goals and and fulfilling the program to make sure it's a it's a robust project for the district all right am I good yeah that's perfect okay do we sound weird to you though or no no you sound great you sound great okay all right we bought you some time carry on so uh the other we had a visioning session number one and this was a five hour meeting and at the end of this we came up with guiding principles for the Ed program so now we have uh project goals guiding principles and then the program Workshop is what came next and so we took those those guiding principles and we took the goals and we use them in the back of our minds while we're talking about the various parts of the program and so these are the categories that we looked at pretty in depth and uh came up with talking points and trying to get the big picture of what are the adjacent sees how do these programs work with each other what does each one need and it took um it always takes a little bit of effort to sort of Break Free of the of the existing school that you're in right and try to imagine how it could be and not just focus on what you're doing in your existing classroom and so these exercises that the Ed planner Mike pero took us through I think we're really successful in getting everything into this mindset of okay how are we going to move forward how are we're going to build the best possible school that's going to last decades into the future all right so I'm gonna skip all this there we go now the community survey uh it has been live for quite a while now and it's still going to be open until August 2nd but I checked and we had 370 responses by uh last weekend or this weekend and so that was a a really high number actually it's it's 4.7 % of the adult in Littleton which normally we get closer to around two or 3% so it's plenty of data to go ahead and start to analyze it we'll keep an eye on the responses that keep coming in to make sure there's uh nothing else that changes but at this point with almost 400 responses uh we we pretty much have a good feeling of the way the wind is blowing so the survey is intended to be a tool to help us figure out what should happen with the new school it's not a survey that is going to tell us whether or not there's broad General support for the project and it turns out that the people who filled out the survey were the exactly the people that we wanted they are people who have a personal connection to the school most of them are parents of Shaker Lan students or previous students or students who are going to start in the school soon they have been in the scho School recently so they are informed about what this current School looks like uh presumably what some of the strengths and shortfalls are of the existing school and uh they're exactly the the right people to be commenting on what we want for the new school we had asked them in the survey uh to just share their aspirations for the project and of the 370 responses there were 10 really clearly defined topics that kept coming up over and over and over and I found it really interesting reading through the responses that this is a really sophisticated group of people they seem to really understand education and what is going on with the children and what a 21st century education really looks like so I give you a few direct quotes here of things that people said and it feels like a really solid survey response and and really great results from this one we asked people to prioritize educational spaces and educational experiences we intentionally did not ask people to rank each one on a scale of one to five we sort of forced people into comparing them to each other because otherwise everybody's just going to say oh they're all important fives down the road and it wouldn't really give us any revealing information uh what this first one showed is that by far people are listing the library and the media center as their top priority for the school and that aligns really closely with the work that the visioning and programming people are doing uh they talk about how they want to infuse books everywhere throughout the school they want the library to be the Hub of the school they want little mini libraries in each of the grade levels and just access to books everywhere there's a lot of initiatives to get parents reading to their kids at home and it was really nice to see that fall completely in alignment with the members of the community uh just interestingly there's an sort of a inverse relationship between library and visual arts you could sort of see how people were prioritizing those and then everything else as expected it's hard to prioritize these things against each other and uh as you can see it's sort of you know you know your top priority you know your bottom priority and the others just a fall in the middle educational experiences again strong preference right here for indoor and outdoor play people are recognizing that kids of this age group really learn through play and through movement and it's so important to give them movement breaks throughout the day they learn better when their body is moving instead of just sitting in a desk and it was great to see that this is in alignment with what the program envisioning people have been talking about as well all right this one was a little tricky we wanted to hear about Safety and Security outside of you know security cameras and uh security vestibule things like that we wanted more of these concepts of you know mental health aspects of it and do children feel emotionally safe going to school here and notably everybody believes that bullying prevention is the number one way to keep kids feeling safe at school interestingly uh this honoring diversity came in last and what I suspect happened is that it's possible that people don't really understand what this means and so if you're ranking priorities of all these if you don't understand what one means then just put it last and move on so I suspect that's what happened because based on all of the free answer responses it is it is obvious that there's a lot of support for support supporting children with uh neurodiverse needs and abilities so this did not align with the rest of the responses and I suspect what happened is This this term is just maybe not familiar to everybody this quote here somebody wrote this uh word for word and I think this really speaks a long way it it seemed representative of the feedback that they were getting people did not like having to prioritize among these because they felt they were all really important all right we asked about any Community Values and local history that people would want to be included and again this really goes a long way to show that the town of Littleton really values inclusivity and really values sustainability and values community and the feel of community and making this school a community school there are some other ideas about including uh information about the indigenous peoples that were here before and the farming history of the town as well as the beautiful nature surroundings so this is this is a really great feedback to get and uh we'll certainly be able to incorporate aspects of these moving forward with the project marily can I jump in for a second about that last slide so something that we've been talking with the district with Kelly and Michelle about is what's the story what's the story that Litton what does Shaker Lane School want to show what is this kind of message about the school that we want to share we being you that we're we're conveying through building so these type of nuggets of information are we're going to hone in on something and really make it about littl tins because this building is essentially reflective of your community so making sure that we're embracing what your all of these values Community Values and history that's the heart of the school so I just wanted to jump in that these are these are not going away anytime soon so so these will be patterns and communication methods throughout that we've heard and it's they're beautifully documented and they're not going to be throwaways these are definitely going to be stories that we're going to tell going forward about the building so thank you Merill yeah all right we asked about sustainability and here is another example where people listed all electric building as the lowest priority but that does not align with the ments that people were making so I think this was another issue where it's it's pretty even across the board and so people were just having trouble prioritizing these and I think that reveals that people find them equally important I think that this identifies that there is some opportunities for education for the general population uh about what these terms mean and what is attainable for this school and how we can be sustainable moving forward both environmentally speaking speaking and financially speaking all right we asked about uh people using the fields because if we're intending to build a new school on one of the fields or or make one of the fields smaller depending on which option was chosen we wanted to understand how the community was using these spaces and if it was going to become hot button issue for some reason uh we found that of the respondents about a third of them use the fields which is a large number like a third of people that's saying a lot one and three people are using the field so this uh this pie chart should be read in that way but yes these fields are important uh the size of the words here is correlated to the number of times somebody mentioned something so a ton of people use it for baseball uh Camp tea Recreation people said just we go there to play we go there to just run around so the fields are definitely heavily used and so that is really another verification that if a new construction option on the upper field is chosen giving all that field and Recreation space uh making it available to the community would be heavily favored all right and then finally here's some more uh summarization of the top 10 things that kept coming up over and over again in these in these comments and it was really remarkable to see that there's a large a large amount of um consensus among the people who were filling out this survey and even more remarkably these 10 things align very closely with the project goals and The Guiding principles that the visioning committee and the programming committee came up with so this makes this really simple for us to create project goals that uh everybody's in alignment with the school building committee the community at large and the Shaker envisioning and programming and staff so we use these project goals as our own road map of moving forward and making decisions now about what's important helps us make decisions down the road because we'll refer back to this over and over and just remind ourselves of okay this is what was important let's focus on meeting these goals and that will help us make decisions so this right here is a draft of project goals we do project goals for all of our all of our projects here in the office and uh we found that it it really helps to focus discussions so I would like for us to take a minute to look at these and discuss them and uh just just give feedback on these and see if we're happy with them moving forward into the project these can also change if we find that something's not working we'll revisit them and we can change them but this is important to make sure that we're we're understanding what you want and getting buy and and consensus from everybody okay does anybody have any comments on on the the project goals I don't have any comments other than just in the meetings that I've been with this seems like it's very much in line with what everyone has talked about so I think this is a really great overall representation of kind of what our objectives are um it looks it looks good to me I don't know if anyone else has anything else to to add to it but it looks like a really good summary of what we've been working on like to Echo what Stacy has said I mean it it it really did capture the the conversations that we were involved in throughout the process and nice to see it put together like this uh very easy to read and and and understand and the directions very clear can I ask where we say uh the second bullet down be a community resource for the town um then you know so is there something more specific about that like different people might Define community resource in a different way or different ways I should say I mean speak to that a little bit just that's kind of been a little bit of my platform in regards to making sure the school can be a community resource for everybody so having feels accessible understanding how Park and wreck is using the school buildings as well very integrated into our park and wreck programs um and I believe there is going to be a meeting with Park and wreck to identify how they are using the schools and how they vision and vision using the schools um so that's kind of been a lot of what I've spoken to I think it also will help us as well when it comes to voting to ensure that we have some Community use of the buildings as well just so effective and efficient within the community they're not just being used from 9 to three um for students um it's a pretty big investment and resource for the town to so if we can use it as much as possible I think that will really help move the along we're really looking at at Shaker Lane School uh continuing and and uh being more of a of a community school and that makes great sense I think it just I think the bullet can better reflect that because the local history and Community Values well um Port are a little squishy compared to I think what you were saying Stacy is is is great I think that'll help um I think it's a great value and certainly something we want to shoot for with us so um but just a small recommendation to Studio G so I will reward this and uh I'll just probably email you Stacy until we are happy with the word with the wording and then send it out to everybody on the SPC right anybody else have any other feedback good um all right um don't think if if everybody's satisfied with that list and maybe reversing it um uh we should be okay um let's see was there anything else marily there were two more slide anything else to show part presentation or okay yes this this is useful for you to know we ask how people prefer to get their information about updates of what's going on in the town and it looks like by far everybody prefers to just get an email about it or see it maybe on the Facebook page uh we have the newsletter and the project website down here but I suspect that's a function of these being pretty new means of communications people aren't used to them yet so I imagine these numbers will grow over time and while these were not favored I believe that these are probably more important among other populations maybe the seniors who weren't necessarily filling out this survey so I think this is just good feedback for the town to be aware of uh let you know that what you're doing appears to be very successful we'll make sure not to let our colleagues at lctv know they've been beaten by a bulletin board so thank that's uh want to hurt any feelings unnecessarily so yikes okay and then the last is just the action items and we've already uh talked about the presentation to the school board select board uh we can add the finance committee to this oops jeez and one thing we would like to talk about is additional additional community outreach the survey is really just the first thing that we've done this community outreach is going to be about uh helping you educate the town about the project and you'll have some time to sort of build support among the community and this is how we'll be helping with uh producing any graphics helping you with marketing we can't directly by law advocate for the school project it's a conflict of interest but we can help support you in your efforts so community outreach if you have suggestions of things you would like us to do and things that we can prepare for this is an ongoing effort that's going to be uh going all the way from until Town vote and Beyond Mark do you have your hand up yeah just real quick um in in other projects other school projects that I've worked on now that we're you know sadly in the middle of July in school a month that you was you to get ready to get back to school uh any of the open houses that you have at the schools um we had pres we didn't make presentations but we had a table with some renderings and information about the project at some of the school open houses so be at the high school be at the middle school elementary school if you guys feel comfortable with that you know we're not advocating as marily was saying but we're showing we're just having information there that if people have questions about we can certainly provide that an answer so that's one thing that I found successful in other communities but that's great so would certainly take you up on that opportunity and any other any other way to get the word out to the community at at as a whole um you know let us know if there's other meetings we we joked before about the the Carnival and but anywhere that you think the community as a whole might be around and you may have a little booth or a little table or a little rendering or a board or something just you know about about the project and if people want to come by and ask a question have a little flyer to give them or anything like that if you can come up with just let us know and we'll we'll work on scheduling and getting people to be there to do it I know tomorrow is third Thursday uh Mark uh which is um we're um every every month the Parks and Recreation Department does a Community event um I think it's at um uh fa park so uh I know it's short notice but you asked so what what time and and what does that entail uh I don't have it in front of me right now but I was reminded by one of the staff members that it is uh going on this week so I think if you um you know in the absence of me running the meeting and doing that you might just want to check the town website and see um uh whether or not that might be an opportunity um for you or Ming your staff to um you know to uh hand out some of the flyers for the I know we did postcards I think for um the uh survey I I don't know if this is the survey no it ended right are we at the end second yeah till the second August 2nd that's right so that's possibility U probably the best um you know way to reach the other members of the community um for this you know between now and the second so something to think about Mark okay absolutely and initially I thought you said Thursday Thursday and I said I'm in they do serve beer Mark there is oh all right well what time we're there yes there is alcohol there I don't know depending on what the schedule is I don't know if that's going to be doable for tomorrow but uh if they have another one if they have another one in August but obviously that's beyond the time when the survey is but let me talk to my let me talk to my colleagues at Studio G to see if there's any possibility we could do something by if it's in the afternoon or something that might be uh that might be doable where do they have okay well I I'll look it up I'll look it up okay sure sure R from 5 to 7:30 5 to 7:30 at one of the fields I think it's Fay Park I believe so okay all right all right we we'll we'll talk about it and see if there's something we can pull off um but anything else like that that anybody can think of just let us know um and we'll certainly try to um we as we said many times we don't ever want to run into a situation where someone says I know nothing about this project and you didn't tell me anything you know we want to cast a wide net make sure we touch every place we can you're always going to have you know some people that won't be able to see things but uh any suggestions you have would be great okay all right um I would know Chuck did have to pop off uh to get out of the meeting uh we still a quum so um which is good I think the next question is really just trying to fill in some of the elements of the schedule correct and uh so um if if the team can remind me the MS ba um review uh well when is the when is the msba vote again is it is it can I um can I bring up the schedule so can I share yeah thanks huh can't see that can you guys see the schedule NOP not yet what is going on here oh Ryan can I just ask while um Mark's looking that up do we still have a quorum if I have to sign off um if if you leave uh then we will not have a qu uh but I don't know if there's anything else that we're voting on this I don't believe I don't believe there's anything else we're voting on this is this is just an update this is a schedule update uh I reached out to a couple people today we just we we got some information from the msba that we have to carry in an 8-week um submitt date for the p uh the PDP to the PSR different time frame and in reality it was 12 weeks so it modified the schedule a little bit uh we just wanted to update everybody to where where we are at this present date so we are still shooting to get the PDP in on the end of August on the 30th um then they have their standard requirement review times so all these numbers will and times will Cascade Down based on they have 21 days to review and then they send any comments to us and then we have 14 days to respond to their comments um the and then we move into the preferred schematic once we come up with the the option that we're looking for then we move into preferred schematic the first board meeting I think you were asking for um Ryan is the re the approval of the preferred schematic which based on the schedule is g to be um in the the February of 25 that's the board the board vote from the msba would be there so we have a series of Milestones that we need to meet um going going through that point um getting the the the PD the PSR completed move sorry getting the PDP submitted and completed moving on to the PSR developing that schematic um getting the milestones for the meetings for the school committee getting approval by the school committee for those things but so we can present to the board uh for their approval so that that dat that 12 weeks modified some of the time frames that we initially had we were hoping to try to make the May town meeting um but due to the due to that change in the board of directors at the msba meeting every other month we missed one of the months so we had a you know you're not going back in for another couple of months we're we're now looking at schematic design um ending at around the 25th of of um September and we're looking at and Ryan you and I spoke perfectly about this today getting approval town for the town meeting in October so we've got a little bit more time to you know promote the project once we get into PSR um like um marily said earlier or Marl said earli about at that point we'll have concrete cost estimates we'll know exactly the the um option that we're we're working on and that's the one that we're going to promote uh to the community to the town as a whole um so we have a a date of middle February of 25 and then a date of uh June of 25 of the two board meetings for the MP that we have to hit and then we're looking at town meeting in October all right Stacy again I don't think there's going to be any vote if you need to go um understood uh I mean that's well if we're not voting I don't want to I don't want to mess anything up with the notes but we still have oh yeah yeah this is this is I think pretty much it I mean we look we can look at the cash flow really quickly but this this is pretty much it this was the update we wanted to make sure everybody understood because now these dates will Cascade Down based on these changes so we're looking at construction starting somewhere around September mid to end of September 26 being completed uh sometime in January right now of 29 so obviously you know with school and everything that's not ideal but right now that's those are the dates based on that and this is a living document this will always change there'll be things will come up that will modify this but we'll update everybody when we have a committee meeting of where the schedule is but that was the most recent change that we just wanted to make sure everybody was aware of so am I right to say that our our key date that we're trying to do right now in terms of getting um the you have the school committee and uh Shane School building committee vote on the 21st of correct August yeah okay yeah and then then the submission to the msba for PDP on the 30th there is no board there is no msba board approval of the PDP uh it's just the school committee and then it goes to the msba for their internal review uh and then we move on to PSR um but PSR is the is the the board meeting that has to be approved okay uh and there's a facilities assessments that can like once we start getting into PSR there's a couple of internal things that we have to meet within the P within the msba but once that's all taken care of and we have the estimates we have the the PSR already then it has to be approved by the board uh on on on or about the middle of February their their schedule for 2025 isn't out yet but we're just using that for based on what their dates were like last year it usually the middle of the month um so we'll we'll look at that if that changes we'll certainly change it as it goes forward um so Kelly would you want to do the 14th as a joint meeting then we we certainly uh Ken let's uh send it out tomorrow and see see what we is that August August 14th protraction yeah at least on the schedule yeah yeah we we're hoping to try to do something earlier because we you know unfortunately we is summertime and I think we're going to lose Studio G to a couple of awesome vacations um and I don't know if there's any way we can try to do it by the end of this month or maybe the first week of August we could do something special to have that conversation because clearly they're vital to be there as part of the presentation so the P the PDP no sorry I'm sorry I'm talking about the president this this presentation yeah the joint presentation I'm sorry did I yeah maybe my mind was you know focused on that educational plan maybe it was me so we could try to go earlier and and see what happens here what are you thinking Mark um well I know the I know Marilyn Mary Lee are GNA be gone I think the first two weeks or so of August or the into the middle two weeks of August so if there's a possibility of of doing something let me see if I have the uh schedule here the calendar Mark that the one that has yeah there you go oh yep so where one go back one which has the yeah all right so we we're here tonight I think you guys leave here right I think these two weeks you guys are pretty much gone yeah we can meet if we can do it uh by August 2nd that would be great otherwise it's going to be tough to do it until the 19th will be good again so any any the next three three weeks if we possibly could schedule a joint meeting of the school committee select board Finance to make this presentation or a truncated version of it or whatever just to obviously keep them in the loop and keep them identified in case there's any changes that gives us enough time to modify that before you have to vote on the 21 you make the vote on the 21st and that's and then that's the that's the PDP that gets submitted on the can I clarify oh sorry Kelly go ahead just a a comment do we need to have that design meeting on the 31st prior to to meeting with the other boards no that's that's a separate issue uh it it doesn't that doesn't affect the timing of the presentation to the select board and the other people I guess my concern would would be if if we have those cost comparisons or whatever phrase you would like to use I think that would be helpful because I'm sure that that would be part of the conversation during the evening yeah already a meeting scheduled of the select board on the 29th um there is there tentatively we had it as a as a bonus day we've already had other meetings that um so it's a possibility but uh I think maybe in the interest of time um I think maybe Kelly you and I can take this conversation offline about it uh chat about it later so what we could do and what works for your board as well as the fact that too I think that maybe it might be prudent to add the fincom to this as well as uh with and pnbc to the broader committee so it's just something I think we need to be strategic about I I respect the fact that Studio G is trying to go on vacation but um that's a tight thing and we've been as a board U I mean Jack and I met we had another meeting today as a retreat so um I don't want to you know beat that drum too many times so Kelly would it be okay if we just talked about this offline yeah I have a a couple of meetings in the morning I should be free by around 11 o' so okay why don't you call me when you're when you're free and we can we can chat about okay okay since I'm since I'm still here so we're not getting those cost estimates until August 31st or July 31st is that correct July 26 and then we have to we're going to share them with and you guys have to review them then present them what day 31st we have a meeting the design site meeting subcommittee meeting we can that that meeting on the 31st is going to focus more on the programming and stuff inside the building I believe we should be ready to discuss the cost stuff uh at in the evening of the 29th so that so we have from the 29th I'm just so we have from the 29th to the 2nd to try to get all of these committees together is that what were you guys are trying to figure out right yeah I mean if they can do a joint meeting if if it's impossible and then there's one group that's separate and maybe there's another night that has to happen I mean I know it's hard to try to get everybody together in one spot but we don't want to exclude anybody we want to be able to present to everybody that we can it seemed more efficient to have Representatives together from each Committee in one meeting but if it has to be maybe two meetings but we're up against you know people not being available so we want to try to be as uh effective and efficient and as quickly as possible so what weeks are Studio G gone is it this the uh fifth to the 16th I'm out the 5th through the 16th Merill is out the 12th through the 23d the nth yeah the 9th through the 23rd yeah it's really the 12th through the 16th where we really just okay are not available um yeah okay Mark can I ask you with the fact that we're moving it back that that it's moving back in terms of when we'll be um in front of the msba again can we in terms of when you were going to submit does that change anything in terms of when we have to submit this information it it doesn't but the way that everything's been structured now and you do saw the breakdown for the schedule we really want to keep the 30th as the day for us to submit it you know we had a conversation with Studio G and the whole team this morning about you know could we move this to the middle of September can we do whatever and um I think a lot of the items that we've already scheduled and put together are just based on the 30th uh we don't want to um extend time and spread the work out if we don't need to you know so I think the 30th is what we're going to try to hope to continue so yeah that's fair to say it's just that it it um adds a lot of things in in terms of the we talk about trying to appropriately bring the public into this too so that when they about so all right well Kelly you and I will talk about this tomorrow that's fine um and um Mark could you remind me of the when the vote should is going to happen for the school committee and the Shaker Lan building committee the vote for the building committee will be on the 21st of August August 21st for the PDP that that's the school building committee will vote the information that has been put together as the PDP the big packet will we put together we it with you and that's the package that you're going to vote to be submitted to the msba is it the school committee as well or just the no no no no it's just the school building committee okay perfect just wanted to clarify that yep so the select board does not vote the schol committee does not vote the finance committee does not vote so it's really only the SBC that's voting on right prior to the 21st however this could work out we want to make sure that all of those committees and the general public as much as possible uh want you know is informed of what the process is yeah that's helpful thank you okay okay s you got your hand up there sir yeah quick one we let me just reconfirm with the mspa sometimes they want the uh school committee vot but that can follow a week later also so it's like that's the word to follow or you know or the school committee whenever they're meeting saying they authorized School building committee to review the final design and they they would agree with their you know their analysis so something to that effect we can we can talk about that offline okay I I do have a question if we're at that point sure um sure I had a conversation with Steve Mark today and somebody was uh looking at the Shaker Lane septic field I know we've had this conversation before as a as a group and uh I don't know who maybe Steve can can help clarify but there was a suggestion about a a Title 5 inspection completed on that I'm not sure whether that was from uh Umar or Studio G or or where it's coming through from uh I guess the the question I have is is if if this is covered within within the budget that we already have that that's fine but if it's not uh it's really important that that I have an idea give additional costs I I have not budgeted for any additional costs so I just my responsibility legal responsibility to make sure my budget comes in uh where it needs to by law so I just want to be cautious here that I don't have additional expenses that that we don't know about and we can't shoulder so I'm just not sure and and if we're going to get I don't even know what a Title Five inspection uh cost is so it's not that that bad Kelly it's you know maybe you know it's less I mean I people know the answer better that than I do in this call but it's not outrageous okay well Steve marks Ste Steve marks still on the phone Steve Mark's the uh septic expert based on the meeting the other day right I'm not the expert but I have title not the expert but I was part of the meeting and I'm um gonna call Steve llin uh tomorrow who is the expert uh and he's supposed to be sending me a proposal uh and an agreement for that title 5 inspection um and then we can then then we'll know what the cost is uh I've been working with DPW on getting the uh current septic field accessible uh it was pretty over overgrown I emailed a bunch of pictures to everybody uh we walked through there it was literally up to my waist with weeds and Poison Ivy and everything else so uh um so we went waiting through it um and it was pretty bad so um I got DPW to promise it would be done before the end of the month uh and then they ended up getting in there uh I think today um and we'll finalize it tomorrow uh cutting down all the weeds in there so um my point is uh Steve laan um uh should have access to do that title 5 inspection at his convenience excellent I think that I think that came out of the meeting the other day did it not that the suggestion was made to yeah hey Mark I we got so we're about to lose our minutes taker so we got to start wrapping this up so okay any other any other questions any other questions for the committee we're um any anything else anything else tth anyone no we're good I'm good okay all right all right with that said um do I hear a motion to adjourn so moved second okay second uh Bob Bob made the uh initial Motion Kelly seconded okay so uh Kelly in favor say Kelly yes okay Stacy's gone I'm Bob romley Bob romley yesik Mike scudo Mike scudo yes okay all right and Ryan I yes so we are ending at 828 my sorry I apologize for having to uh and so brly guys this is if I had again it's kind of hard we have the person taking the minutes needing to leave so so so with that said Kelly and I you and I will have a conversation if you can give me a call tomorrow after your meetings uh please give me a call my cell phone we'll go from there so that said I hope everyone has a pleasant evening thanks