um so we'll we'll get started right now uh good evening everyone thanks for all coming out tonight all right good all right this is the statement of compliance with the Sunshine Law this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meetings act an adequate notice of this meeting has been provided as required by law specifically the annual notice was emailed to the West essc Tribune and the Star Ledger on January 2nd 2024 the agenda and resolutions for the meeting are available on www. Livingston certain portions of this meeting may be closed to the public for the purpose of personnel Andor other matters as outlined in the sunshine decisions made and or discussed in Clos session will be made known to the public at a later time notice to the members of the governing body and the township staff any use of electronic devices during this meeting shall be solely used for the purposes of Township business and any Communications are subject to the open public records act to the extent possible this evening's Township of Livingston council meeting will be live streamed via Facebook at Livingston Township NJ questions or comments will also be accepted by emailing live comments Livingston by 4 pm on the day of the meeting each speaker should follow the rules of order in Livingston code section 2-15 roll call please thank you mayor council member bubani here Viera present kleene here Deputy Mayor mhart here mayor Anthony here is arjin here arjin can you come up for a second can you just start us off on the Pledge of Allegiance the flag of the United States of America thank you uh is Eileen fisherman here tonight Essex County ah Eileen are come on up we we're just waiting for our microphone it's right as I was saying is it on yeah um Happy Spring I guess uh the county has a lot of activities uh happen happening in the month of May and I will list a few of them aside from all of the ones we have at the Environmental Center um like different kinds of Tours and group activities they're having uh computer and electronics recycling on the 18th of May in Cedar Grove um 99 West Bradford Avenue which is one of our DPW sites from 9 to 3 a job fair May 30th at um the Essex County College on Market Street in Newark from 10: to 2 and there will be over um 130 employee employers uh there and uh Essex County paper shredding day which is June 1st 8:30 in noon also at Bradford Avenue in Cedar Grove and last but not least the Essex County family Pride night at the turtleback zoo June 15th 5:30 to 9:30 and there's a $12 fee for person and that is it for us so have a good evening thank you ien appreciate it okay next we have the presentations proclamations uh the first one is for the future Business Leaders of America uh Nasha you want to come up here say a couple of words for her yeah yeah so I think I can say a few our councilman would rather stay seated for the comments a couple of words I think I think let me say a couple of words about you Nisha um because this is no small achievement uh so Nisha is really and I'm not going to steal anything that we have on the on the plaque uh but you have placed first so she has placed first uh in the State uh representing she's going to represent all of her the New Jersey to the Nationals and the one that she did it was career research competition about politicians future business leader of America uh she's also placed third for business etiquette I think that's needed um and for all for all of this doing she is a middle schooler so congratulations n well done n i I was going to make comments there but uh no that's okay we'll come down in a second and present you with uh with this um so Nasha you and my daughter Bella are friends um and in middle school and I've known you for a while now and I can't remember what I was doing in middle school but you are running podcasts which I don't listen to podcast that much but I've listened to your two episodes on um you had a psychologist there with the three types of environments uh it's uh School home and with your friends yes so what we talk mainly about is the three main compon components of a student's life which is obviously their home life their school life and then their outside life meaning their friends parties everything and we try to connect with various teens on those topics so that's and that was the second one I listen to the first one on uh student leadership which was amazing as well um so this uh you are going down to Orlando representing New Jersey yes at the end of June yeah uh for the future uh Business Leaders of America do you want to say anything about uh how you got this far I mean honestly this whole club this whole or organization it means so much to me fbaa it's given me so many opportunities cuz the career research competition it made me realize how I can get into politics cuz it took three months of Hardcore dedication to understand the lives of a politician what they do the responsibilities and how to really get there so from that I was able to understand what I can do for my future so it's been like a whole process but I love that process so yeah that's great you're amazing we're going to come down there and present you with this citation and we have uh the assembly woman do you have a a proclamation as well I do all right a citation the word citation so um Nisha contacted me and said I'd like to interview you for a day in the life of a politician and she goes do you mind writing for me a couple of the things that you do in a day and I said no you have 15 minutes that's my day um ask me whatever you want but I literally have 15 minutes on my schedule um and then she contacted me and she said assembly woman I want you to know that I secured first place and will be representing the state of New Jersey advancing to the National level on a day on the life of a politician and I thought that that was just an amazing achievement for the 15 minutes I gave her so she must have done an incredible job um so on behalf of the state of New Jersey this is not the first uh citation you will receive I am sure um and she also said she wanted to be an assembly woman in the future I said she could be Governor um so um here is a commendation for you from the state of New Jersey and the 27th legislative district praising you for your achievements oh my God thank you assembly woman do you actually call them citations at the state too yes oh my citations proclamations resolutions we have more than you can I just say thank you so much to assembly woman Rosie I could not have done this without your insights everything I was able to understand what a politician is like through you so thank you and I aspire to say well I don't have time you have 15 minutes so yeah oh my gosh don't okay so n uh assembly woman uh my daughter has already said you're going to become the president of the United [Laughter] States no oh that's nice yes which side should come so this is uh a citation the mayor and the members of the Livingston Township Council are pleased to honor you for the first place in the career research competition in third place on the business etiquette exam and for representing the state of New Jersey at the future Business Leaders of America fbaa Nationals congratulations [Applause] my grandaughter come on thank you very much thank you very much sir thank you sir from IND Army come on [Applause] yeah yeah can I yes I love public speaking sorry but I wanted to say thank you so much to all the council members especially our beloved mayor and kth and sir this could not have been possible without any of you guys you guys are always improving this whole town and it cannot be anything without you guys so thank you and I would also love to say thank you obviously to assembly when Rosie and if I could just say a few words to my parents and my family my grandfather is actually feeling old away from India representing my whole family in India right now so it means a lot to me that he's here and my parents did tell me I don't need to say thank you to them but in true 14-year-old rebellious fashion I have to say thank you and go against your word I would be nothing without you guys even at times when I wanted to hang out with my friends or go and watch TV they would strictly tell me no I found it very annoying at the time but I know that you did it for the best of me so thank you for that and I want to say thank you to my best friends Alia and Aria I'm nothing without you guys you guys are the funniest people in the world world and to my aunt Nani I love you son I love it but yes um and to my cousins Neil and Natasha who I know couldn't be here and also to saki I love you so much and to miss cudy my fbl advisor thank you for your dedication towards FPL and FPL would be nothing without you so yeah thank you thank you so much ready all right thank you we now move on to the promotions and we have Chief maruts coming up and I'll let you take it away thank you very always a beautiful night in Livingston with the promotions thank you for having us we really and thank you for LPD being here tonight thank you so much this is new for me first time in 35 years I'm actually nervous about following somebody from middle school she did an amazing job and certainly the pressure's on so where where'd she go where where is she oh that was incredible congratulations to you I'm gonna ask for a little bit of help tonight from Mr Lewis can you just do me a favor and hand take hand of badges for me tonight please so uh quick introduction my name is Gary maruts and I have the privilege and honor of serving as the police chief here in Livingston I want to welcome everybody to Livingston who's here for our promotional ceremony tonight um if you're not here you're here if you're here for the regular council meeting I'm I'm sorry for you you have two a couple hours of council meeting after this I'm sure um so I'm I'm going to keep it short because I was told somebody whispered in my ear that I should use some brevity tonight because they have a lot of uh actual business to deal with tonight um but real quick I always ask for the first round of applause to be for the hardworking Patrol officers of Livingston Police Department so thank you if it wasn't for the hard work of the patrol officer and their commitment their dedication uh we would not have a successful successful agency and uh that also includes our dispatchers and our our uh support staff as well so thank you very much for that so I'm going to go right into that they wanted me to be a little scripted and a little brief tonight because they do have a lot of uh business to tend to so I just want to say under our form of government the township manager promotes but we are fortunate to have a manager who uh creates a process with the input from the police unit and then includes the chief and the captains in that process he's intelligent and possesses a large amount of Common Sense which is what we appreciate the most uh from the start of my tenure the manager and I often talk about succession uh making sure that the department will be in good hands for years to come so I want to thank uh Mr Lewis for that uh also we're going to thank the council but we're going to do that at the end because the council certainly we uh we could couldn't do without their support as well the reason why I'm going to wait for the council to the end to thank them is because after we're done with the families I'm going to have everybody that's got um receiving a promotion tonight uh swearing in tonight I'm going to ask them to come back up and we'll do one photo just with the uh honores tonight with the council at the end um does that sound like a good idea I'm trying to keep this uh a little bit brief hold on I need my glasses all right I'm GNA call up Captain Russell Mueller can you come up also I'm going to ask you to call up somebody to hold a Bible uh my girlfriend Christina please and my family okay so would Christina and family come up to hold a Bible while we swearing Captain Russell merer oh well hold on I'm going to read the bio real quick well you want to do the BIOS first let me read the bio real quick uh so Captain Muller graduated from Stockton University with a bachelor's degree in criminal justice he graduated from the Mars County Police Academy class 52 in December of 1998 he was hired by the Livingston Police Department as an police officer in July of 1999 throughout his career he worked in both the Patrol Division and Traffic Division and has held the positions of Patrol Sergeant Patrol Lieutenant before being promoted to captain in February of 2024 Captain Muller would like to thank his girlfriend Christina and family for all their love and support and that's it we're ready to go you ready who read the O who read the oath the town cler yeah Mr caner you with us tonight who you oh the [Music] mayor I thought it usually it's an attorney but we're never we're never sure all yeah we're usually never short of on attorneys around here so wrong one need 224 that's well just keep up come oh sorry ready put a hand up right hand on the Bible left hand up in the we've done this 100 times yes stand [Laughter] here you ready okay make this easy you can see along with me here I Russell Mueller I Russell meller do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same and the governments established in the United States to the same and the governments established within the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of The People Under The Authority of the people I do further solemnly swear I do further solemnly swear that I will faithfully and partially and justly that I will faithfully and partially and justly perform all the duties of Captain according to the best of my ability perform all the duties of Captain according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations [Applause] Russell I do do oh on wait wait wait let him take a photo see if they want to take a we're going to do family photos and then at the end we'll do one photo with the council Russell I still got a penny on your badge on you okay done got to turn this way so yeah okay congratulations thank you sir good luck thank quick uh my family real quick my girlfriend Christina my mother Louise my brother Larry my nephew Ethan and my brother's wife Lauren [Applause] that's just a family picture and then at the end we're going to just real quick do a photo with the councel without without the families thank you Russell's a little um interested in what the Rangers are doing right now he was a hockey player so he was a goalie in hockey and fortunately for us the net when he was in net it was everybody's net so that's very fortunate for us um okay next up Joe Deandrea otherwise known as duke to us say nickname his father gave him Joe Deandrea Captain Deandrea you ready for this all right then let's call up your family also then am I moving good all right I'm going to read his bio Captain deandrew was born and raised in Livingston and graduate graduated from Livingston high school in 1994 he then went on to graduate from Syracuse University with a bachelor's degree in Business he was hired by the township of living as a police officer on July 11th 2005 he then graduated from the Mars County Police Academy uh his father is with us tonight he's retired sergeant from the Livingston Police Department and Joe's a third generation police officer um I think Joe you retired in 1988 88 so that and I got hired in 1988 so there's a good chance there's a good chance that I took your position so I thank you for that uh throughout his career he he has held a position position of patrolman detective Sergeant detective lieutenant and now captain and uh he also would like to thank his family with him tonight we have Kim Joey Gia Angelo Cindy haly and Austin is that correct did I miss anybody and Mrs Andre I forgot Mrs Andre is here too so um all right we're ready for the oath I think you ready uh I do not have the Bible oh it's behind you he John sirak Cruz yeah me too oh I didn't yeah all right try this without my glasses here can you see you you good okay that close here I Joe Deandrea I Joe Deandrea do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and that I will bear true faith in allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and to the governments established in the United States and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I do further solemnly swear I do further solemnly swear that I will faithfully and partially and justly that I will faithfully and partially and justly perform all the duties of Captain according to the best of my ability perform all the duties of Captain according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations thank you sir what a great family thank you mayor thank you mayor okay do you want to just real quick introduce everybody or I already get it I get everybody okay my mother-in-law down there and then that's my brother-in-law Rob and my sister andbody else we got all right then I'm going to pin on your badge and Away you go oh I'm sorry yeah I'm going to let you so we have a y take that so we have a tradition in the Livingston Police Department if your family member was in law enforcement or in the military then they can pin on the badge for them so uh he's going to have his father pin on a badge for him [Applause] good enough they're just your they didn't get their yet congratulations again Duke we did this once in a park and I forgot who it was for but we asked them ring up his family and we had 25 people come up with I forgot who it was all right next up is Lieutenant Vince daily detective Lieutenant Vince daily you ready Vince all right call up your family Vince who's gonna hold the Bible for you I see Rachel and AA and Amilia and we all have the same bedtime right me and you guys but I get called in the middle of the night though um okay Lieutenant D was born and raised in Livingston and graduated from Livingston high school in 1994 he then went on to serve our country as a marine for four years seify to you um he graduated of Rucker University with a bachelor's degree in Psychology he was hired by the living Township of Livingston as a police officer on January 1st 2008 he then graduated from the Mars County uh police academy through his career he has held the position of patrolman detective Sergeant detective sergeant and now detective Lieutenant he's a former member of the Livingston Police uh emergency service unit team as a team sniper and today he's uh would like to thank his family as well Rachel Ava and uh Amilia that's it got [Applause] it you need a la degree how are you see it here okay I Vincent daily I Vincent daily do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and in the state under the authority of the people and to the governments established in the United States and in this state under the authority of the people I do further solemnly swear I do further solemnly swear that I will faith and partially and justly that I will faithfully and partially and justly perform all the duties of Lieutenant according to the best of my ability perform all of the duties of Lieutenant according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations hi kitties thank you sir oh you want to take a photo take a photo okay yeah then you have a badge on you put a photo right [Applause] the one that's beat up the one that's more beat up that was go figure it out thanks Vince okay next we have John muli please come forward lieutenant John M Julie want to bring up your family to hold the Bible would you like to do that so John sister Kathy is a detective with the summit police department and she's here tonight because she's going to pin the badge on uh lieutenant muli okay Lieutenant muli graduated from Ruckers University with a bachelor's degree in the administration of justice he graduated from the Mars County Police Academy class 53 in febru February of 1999 and after working for the Mars County Sheriff's Department he was hired by the township of Livington as a police officer in August of uh 2000 uh throughout his career Lieutenant muli has held the position of detective patrol Sergeant while both working in the Patrol Division and the detective Bureau Lieutenant Julie would like to thank his family uh for all the support and love and with us is Christina Johnny Gabby and Lieutenant muli likes to also recognize his beloved dogs turkey and wishbone for all their love and support as well and I'm pretty sure this is the second time that turkey and Wishbone got an honorable mention here so if you ever get promoted again I want to actually see them here okay and uh also John is now our uh range master and Firearms instructor for the Department as well and like I said we have Kathy muli here tonight at from the summit Police Department too so all right I think we're ready for the oath uh yep Christina that's it you got it oh got just grab it from me I know how are you good how are you I John muli I John muli do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and in this state under the authority of the people to the governments established in the United States and in this state under the authority of the people I do further solemnly swear I do further solemnly swear that I will faithfully and partially and justly that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of Lieutenant according to the best of my ability perform all the duties of Lieutenant according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations [Applause] [Applause] congatulations take a you guys are good thank you come back up though at the end we're going to do one more [Applause] great I think we're up to Lieutenant Collins now J yeah that's that's 26 right okay can I have Lieutenant Collins step forward Nicholas Collins [Applause] his wife Michelle is here tonight he has two sons that couldn't make it tonight they're a little older and they're a little committed have a lot of commitments tonight so uh uh Lieutenant Collins is a graduate of Sean Hall University with a bachelor's degree in criminal justice he was hired by the township of Livingston as a police officer on January 1st 2003 he then graduated from the somerset Police Academy prior to working here in Livingston he was an officer for the NYPD from 2001 to 2003 uh throughout his career he has held the position of Patrol uh patrol officer detective uh administrative Sergeant Patrol sergeant and now lieutenant and like I said with him tonight is his wife Michelle and he uh is also very much involved with our training traffic and our hiring process and uh he does a lot of work for us on administrative end and uh he's going to set uh the Livingston Police Department up for years to come with the uh caliber of the higher EAS that he brings to us to the command uh staff for review so we uh are indebted to him for that as well so I think we're ready for the oath mayor sir I Nicholas Collins I Nicholas Collins do solemnly swear do swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will support the con the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey now you ask me uh and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established in the United States and in the state under the authority of the people and to the governments established in the United States and in this state under the authority of the people I do further solemnly swear I do further solemnly swear that I will Faithfully imp partially and justly that I will faithfully and partially and justly perform all the duties of Lieutenant according to the best of my ability perform all the duties of Lieutenant according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations all right let me P let me pin you first and then they can take a photo this may hurt don't worry that's close enough congratulations I haven't heard anybody yet too late first time I heard somebody then I'm going to wear the glasses s congratulations make sure you thank Nicholas and Jackson for us as well when you get home tonight all right our last promotion for tonight is going to be Lieutenant Derek Wyatt so I'm gonna ask Lieutenant Derek Wyatt to compose and his family congratulations good to see you Jen who's holding the Bible General all right there you go before we do to oath I'm going to read your bio real quick only the good stuff I got in here so so Lieutenant Derek white graduated from Stockton University with a bachelor's degree in criminal justice he graduated from the Mars County Police Academy class 53 in February of 1999 and after working at Montgomery Township he was hired by the Livingston by the township of Livingston as a police officer in August of 2000 throughout his career Lieutenant White has held the positions of detective and Patrol Sergeant while working in a Patrol Division Traffic Division and the detective Bureau Lieutenant W W uh uh currently serves as the commander of the police department's emergency service unit and Lieutenant W would like to also um uh thank his wife Jennifer and children Evan and Skyler for their love and support as well and uh Lieutenant White is going to be pinned by his father-in-law retired detective Rich uh Mo M vanderton of the prity police department I say it correctly sir okay good and I just want to say something real quick about Derek um you know he's he's definitely has done a lot with us in the way of the Emergency Services Unit and uh he you know came to me years ago and said we really need to do a better job with the officer's training when it comes to active shooter training and um so uh again I'm indebted to to some of these officers for what they've done for our department but Derek has definitely brought our training up to a level where I think we're Second To None right now and there's a lot of other agencies that come to us and uh participate with us and want to see how we prepare our officers if uh the unthinkable were to happen here and uh he puts the officers under training that is is stress related environment so they have forced to make decisions under uh under stress and I just want to also say one thing about Derek too he also studies every every AC shooter situation in a country he debriefs with me within a week or or two so um he spends a lot of time debriefing these situations that are happening all over the country to make sure that we don't uh that you know those same mistakes would never be repeated here so thank you thank you right I Derek Wyatt I Derek Wyatt do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and I bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I do further solemnly swear I do further solemnly swear that I will faithfully and partially and justly that I will faithfully and partially and justly perform all the duties of Lieutenant according to the best of my ability perform all the duties of Lieutenant to the best of my abilities so help me God so help me God congratulations thank thank you s g to let you do the honor thank you for your service [Applause] weuse [Applause] thank you congratulations ER thank you for coming sir thank you congratulations yeah yeah I'm going to call back oh they took uh before I call I'm going to call back everybody who uh was promoted or sworn in tonight I'm GNA ask you to come back up just you not your family so we could take one photo with the council before I do real quick though we recognize promotions we don't recognize reassignments in our department but so it's kind of like an honorable mention I want to mention that Donna Marie is going to be uh reassigned to the Traffic Division on June 1st s Don Marie majori and officer and um and officer Collis Ryan Collis is going to be reassigned to the detective Bureau another another one of our officers that pounded the Mean Streets of uh New York City before he got here so as well but from from Livingston so anyway all of our people who were promoted tonight could you please come back up for a photo with the Council on behalf of all of our officers I want to thank the council we we um are truly blessed have a council that's fully engaged with the police department and uh there's a lot of discussions going on they they ask us what we need and they're they're totally a partner with us to try to accomplish the mission and everybody knows what the mission is for uh for Livingston and uh they are fully engaged with us and we appreciate that very much so oh everybody nobody else done over there all right one more hand a round of applause one more hand all right we're going to let them get back to this amazing meeting that they have planned for tonight so thank you very much for coming thank you thank you congratulations everyone oh my God I was so proud to tired spe spe e love spe e all right we have one door closed but there's a noise out there but we'll work through um the next is the third Proclamation presentation is it is aapi month Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month sorry one door has to stay open because public meeting yeah yeah and hence is the [Laughter] problem what's that oh tra all right all right so um I know uh Kon would like to say a few words before we have a proclamation we're all going to read from it but um before you Kon I I just want to acknowledge our aapi community in Livingston is outstanding um you all here tonight um you gave a standing ovation to the uh the police officers uh you guys are amazing your volunteer uh ISM and everything you do in town uh the whole town appreciates everything that is going on so Kon you want to say a few words yeah thank you mayor uh yeah I think you summed it up well uh it's a pretty Vibrant Community uh it's the community that is growing uh now I think it's approximately 25% of our town is aapi um that is folks from subcontinent Asia and Pacific Islanders uh that equates to four one in four residents in town belongs to this community so that's substantial number but at the same time the community is coming up St you know stepping up to the plate uh getting involved in lots of committees volunteerism is is key here lot of leadership positions they they're jumping in uh zoning board uh of Livingston is is a is an example of that you know we have quite a few folks from the community there um and the biggest part is the integration I think what's happening is the community is inviting uh community at large all of Livingston to their festivities uh to sports and everything I think that's that's a a big good Testament U of course our Boe board of education has a several members of uh you know representing the Asian uh American aapi Community uh and of course on the council now as well um but then uh you know the idea is to really challenge ourselves right so I think uh I would love for the community to raise their hand every time there is an opportunity uh there are key departments like first trade and and fire uh you know where we need uh always need volunteers and I think I'm pretty certain that uh that we will have we'll have members of the community coming in there and not to mention Library I see Library uh Committee Member as well so yes everywhere we we have the representation which is great uh more we can do of course and and I can't uh wait to celebrate the the aapi month thank you mayor and I'm looking forward to the aapi picnic is that right Ed correct because they can't close that door yeah they can't close the door sorry we're we got distracted for a second aapi picnic uh May 24th 5:00 to 8 o' I know we have a lot of people here that uh are Blood Sweat and Tears getting that ready uh games uh food um culture kite flying it's going to be amazing so thank you all from the uh picnic committee for all you've done and uh maybe at when we uh present this we could get a photo as well uh I know councilman kin wanted to say something um I did I just you look at on the audience and there's so many friends here we look at on the audience and I we see so many friends here certainly friends of mine um people who I I really feel uh genuine warmth towards um and and the other thought that I have and and uh Kon hit on it is leadership so I look at the at the uh group of people here who are here to celebrate uh aapi month and these are the leaders uh in our community our whole Community you you're I see our leaders here and um it makes me very proud to see you come out in force uh and uh to understand that um that your place in this community is Central and uh it just it's just good to see everybody here in the same place that's all I wanted to say mayor mayor so you know nobody in this community can say that they have not learned because you know what this is a great Community uh we learn from one another and and the Indian and Asian Community you know what they invite everyone to their uh events and there there should be no one in Livingston that says I don't know anything about another culture that's what's very important about Livingston is we share our cultures we share our beliefs we we learn from one another so thank thank you very much eloquently so I don't want to I don't want to not but uh the one thing I like to talk about is the uh the the the welcoming and the and the inclusive town that we live in I've been fortunate to been on this Council for 10 years I've seen the change over the last 10 years 25% I I was waiting to hear that number is really remarkable percent that we have uh we've learned so much we've worked together uh you said it so well okay from the Boe to the um to the library board which I've had the pleasure of sitting on for a couple couple of times now um to all the other committees zoning as well and so uh it's great to see everybody here and uh we look forward to many more years of this cooperation uh and as well as we are very pleased to have Kon this year join us on the council so long time coming so well now we're going to uh read the pro Proclamation which shows our dedication to diversity and inclusion celebrate aapi month we're all going to take a paragraph uh to show our inclusiveness I'm not hogging it like all the uh the Oaths just now uh so uh take it away Michael so whereas during the month of May the culture history Traditions achievements and contributions to the United States of asian-americans and Pacific Islanders are recognized and celebrated and whereas about 18 million asian-americans and 1.4 million who Trace their roots to the Pacific Islands reside in the United States according to the 2019 census estimates and whereas recognition for the asian-americans and Pacific Islander Islander Americans was first introduced by the joint resolution of Congress and signed into law by President Jimmy Carter in 1978 for a week-long commemoration and then expanded to a month-long recognition signed by President George H W bush in 1992 and whereas Livingston is home to more than 8,500 Asian American and Pacific Islander Americans who make valuable contributions to our Town's Rich culture economy and diversity and whereas Livingston is home to many inclusive and diverse cultural events and Community initiatives that highlight the engagement of asian-americans and Pacific Islander Americans now it be further resolved that I Al Anthony mayor of the township of Livingston County of Essex state of New Jersey and the township council do hereby Proclaim May 2024 as Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month in the township of Livingston all right we'll go down for a picture and we have a proclamation here so uh F you want to come up and then we'll bring sure that's fine with me yeah do you the microphone right there sure take it out if you want yeah there you go so I can see my community right of course fantastic hi everyone good evening and Namaste and this is a site to see aapi member sitting on the Town Council so thank you for this incredible Honor on behalf of aapi community I'm grateful to our mayor Al Anthony Deputy Mayor Ed mhart and esteemed Town Council and their entire team for recognizing the contributions and presence of the Asian-American and Pacific Islanders in Livingston and thank you for honoring my request second year in a row uh to give us this Proclamation as an appointed commissioner by Governor Murphy's office I should have given your title that's right commissioner by Governor Murphy correct yes I am very honored to repres Livingston in Trenton as well this Proclamation is for every member of our aapi community is a recognition of our contributions and our presence thank you it is amazing to come to this Town Council that has the very first Asian-American council member bani sitting on the Das this attests to what this town is about Asian Americans in Livingston have been collaborating with the Township for decades under the term Multicultural which included all ethnic groups including Asians the term asian-americans was coined in 1968 by Emma G and ug choka later Pi was added for Pacific Islanders and the term aapi began to gain popularity in the late 1990s and early 2000s it took off recently following anti Asian hate incidences during my 25 years with Livingston I have seen the Asian leadership that pave the way and created a roadmap for people to follow Indian families that live here for 40 50 years have stories to share and many of them I know as uncles and aunties and many of them have come to my wedding as well which took place right here in West Orange sidetracked I have seen Community leaders who are present here and countless others who have worked for decades to forge relationships and friendships in the spirit of service and Duty Vinita Kanna right here the first Asian Asian woman to be elected to Board of Ed she envisioned Multicultural nights for Livingston schools 20 years ago and I met her at the Harrison school at the Multicultural night that I attended for my little ones many people including Council man bani Geor Shen and others stepped up to serve in committees Board of AD and townwide initiatives it takes hard work sacrifices vision and more importantly uh big heart to build this platform of aapi in Livingston Next Generation stands on the shoulder of the previous ones I never lose sight of that I have seen the Chinese Community working closely with Indian Community for years today I want to honor that friendship that trust and togetherness I want to honor all those people of our town who who have embraced Multicultural Fabric in our town I want to shout out to two current Board of head members parl kka and Fang Wang once again thank you to our great town for this recognition I like to invite George Shen to join me here to share his perspective Namaste yeah thank you very much thank you for for the invitation and uh thank you all for attending today I want to spend a couple minutes to uh express my thinking uh it's a great town Livingston uh we all come here uh join this community uh and aapi definitely it's a Next Level bring the Chinese Community Indian Community and all the Asians together um I want to say um China and India they all bear uh 5,000 years of the history if there's anything we want to share uh to the community nowadays we live in US is the strongest country nowadays but if there's some wisdom we can share to the current Community uh I would like to uh give some throw uh give some shot um probably you will think I'm going to talk about education uh so let's talk about education so before I come to United States uh actually I attended the City College of New York um some friends told me about some story about the the the the US campus and uh one of the story is about uh one of the universi is located in a pretty rough neighborhood and uh when they try to figure out the the the challenge of the safety there are more there are several proposals one proposal is talking about uh let's uh reinforce the law enforcement the other proposal is let's build the war and after 20 years if you go to Columbia yeah now you can see cross the street within the campus they are very very safe the student is very safe this is predominant for the for the University to grow the second example I want to give you is a a couple of days ago a couple of months ago I talked with one of my friends they said recently rugus the education is uh the ranking is going up a lot and uh he said the turning point is about 10 years ago what happens 10 years ago their conclusion is 10 years ago when the proest walking on the street he got robbed then the police show up and he figure out you know that's something we need to solve first we cannot have our teacher faculty feel unsafe on this campus only by that we can improve our education so after that problem solved we can see ragus has the good foundation in build building the education up and up so my point is uh you know today it's a coincidence that we recognize the police department here and uh you know Chinese Community Indian Community we have uning support to the police department uh but from the legislation point of view uh I want to to uh suggest you can think from the legislation point of view the safety is the preum the the most important things if you ask any of the Asian Community member of if you ask yourself that's how we build the community uh it could come from the law enforcement it could come from education legislation by all means let's let's improve our safety and the education will follow um I really want to use this opportunity to acknowledge uh to thank everybody for your time and uh aapi the uh the mon clear will hold their next aapi uh meeting which the first session is the uh killing Vincent uh chin which is the uh in uh it's a tragedy uh 20 30 years ago uh it's about the the the society um bias but uh definitely you know that broughts to the attention that we need to pay attention to the safety uh and the education will come next thank you for your attention thank you drew thank you I like to invite Vita paru Fang hsh uh let's um have pictures with yes sure for the proclamation I saw Al's faces like is everybody speaking yeah can we can we call up everyone and yeah we got the picnic committee here sure yeah any any member of AA Pi come on up think going going more minut make a [Music] y [Applause] thank you thank you thank you for all you do are good nice to see you thank you e FL has like a whole pile of them I made itat than e e e spe e e e e e uh is anyone here for ALS awareness month or no no okay so it is ALS awareness month which we all know is uh L Garrick's disease I'll just read a couple of the there's like 15 paragraphs here so I'll just paraphrase a couple of them um it is ALS known by many as lug G's disease is a progressive fatal neurodegenerative disease in which a person's brain loses connection with the muscles slowly taking away their ability to walk talk eat and eventually breathe every 90 minutes someone is diagnosed with ALS and someone passes away from ALS as right now ALS has no cure there are clinical trials playing a pivotal role in evaluating new treatments enhancing quality life and fostering assistive Technologies for those living with ALS whereas our commitment to accelerating the pace of Discovery remains unwavering fueled by the hope that one day ALS will be a livable disease for everyone everywhere until we can cure it we are therefore Al Als Awareness Month increases the Public's awareness of people with als's dire circumstances and acknowledges the terrible impact this disease has not only on the person but on his or her family and the community and recognizes that research being done to eradicate this disease is being done to eradicate this disease so the township Council uh are declaring May 2024 is ALS awareness month and we call upon all Americans to join in supporting ALS research and advocating for increased funding and standing in solidar solidarity with those affected by this Relentless disease thank you okay now uh we're up to the P remediation efforts in the township and we have Nathan and J Janette here I think they're there they are thank you so much for coming in and um sharing your knowledge of of this um chemical and this situation with the rest of the town and for those in the audience and anyone watching uh Janette Hardy is a Township engineer and Nathan kiroff is the township utility engineer thank you bar is it on oh there we go had a lot of activity tonight battery may be dead as Barry said my name is Janette I'm our Township engineer and I'm going to start with just some very brief information on P so that everyone has a basic familiarity with the subject uh then I'm going to go into some of the regulations that have come out recently and then Nathan's going to give all the details on how we're managing posos in our Livingston water system so the first question is obviously what is this and posos is a very simple abbreviation for a very difficult to pronounce group of chemicals per and poly floro alkal substances pasos for short is an umbrella term for a group of man-made chemicals so Dupont 3M those are two of the big manufacturers that come to my mind when I think of posos and you have pfos which is pero otine sulfonate and PFA pero pero octanoic acid are two of the most common posos so you can think of posos as this bucket and the bucket includes pfoa pfos pfna and others just like if we had a bucket for the Livingston Public Schools I could put Harrison Elementary School in the bucket I could put rer Hill Elementary School I could put the Middle School in the the bucket and it would be a general term for a bunch of different things where do we find these P we find them everywhere uh manufacturers are beginning to search for alternatives to them uh as we become more aware of their harmful effects but they're still critical in a variety of Industries this weekend for example myself I got Dunkin Donuts for breakfast um I painted my toenails I cleaned my bathroom I got pizza for dinner floss drank a lot of water and that's a lot of posos that I'm encountering in my daily life so why should we be concerned the problem is that Posas are very mobile and they're very strongly resistant to degradation that's exactly why they're called Forever chemicals studies show that they're bioaccumulative which means that they can build up in the human body so we just said that they're resistant to degradation so if they're not really degrad deading in the environment they're likely not degrading in in us either it's been found that the four most common posos have been found in the blood of more than 98% of the United States population I'm not sure where the other 2% live it seems like a nice place to move uh multiple studies show posos all the way in Antarctic marine animals and in the rainwater there so again this is just a very mobile group of chemicals for this reason the we've started to regulate posos uh now all the way back in 1988 Dupont was the first ones on this Dupont yes the chemical manufacturer set what they considered a reasonable safety limit for posos in drinking water and they set that limit at a, parts per trillion in 2009 the EPA started to get on board and they set their first provisional Health advisory for pfoa at 400 parts per trillion now a a a uh provisional Health advisory is not enforcable it's just a guideline you can see as time goes on these limits are going to get lower and lower in 2016 the EPA lowered this provisional Health advisory to 70 and then in September 2018 New Jersey makes history and they set one of the first mcla for pfna at 13 parts per trillion an MCL is a maximum contaminant level means we take a sample of water we test it for pfna and based on New Jersey standards anything over this 13 parts per trillion could start to have cumulative health effects so in this parts per trillion is simply a concentration if I had a bucket and I put a trillion drops of water in it and I put one drop of red food coloring it would have have a concentration of red food coloring of one part per trillion so in January 2021 New Jersey made history once again and water utilities are required to begin sampling for additional pasos chemical compounds and they set their mcls for p pooa at 14 parts per TR trillion and P at 13 parts per trillion and those those um mcls go into effect but then very recently in April 2024 the EPA kind of blew in and changed everything they set new lower mcls they set them to four and 10 parts per trillion that won't just apply to New Jersey but will now apply to the whole country so very quickly Livingston due to the size of Livingston's water system we sample four times a year we sample quarterly for these P for for pasos and if I take four sampling results if I sample in February May August and November and I come up with 0 three five and seven we're going to measure our compliance based on the running annual average so we'd add up all those numbers we'd divide by four and we'd come up with our running annual average would be 3.75 come February 2024 that February 2023 drops off and you re you know you re re average it out to come up with your new running average running annual average so these new EPA regulations while they do set lower limits on posos they really require Livingston to do the same thing that we've always been doing um in by the EPA requires that we complete sampling by 2027 which check Livingston's been doing since September 2019 nothing changes here the EPA requires public notification on posos Levels by 2027 as well but check Livingston's been sending out notifications to Residents since September 2021 we send them out quarterly we're going to continue to do so um until all of our construction is complete the EPA regulations require us to implement solutions to reduce peos by 2029 as you know we're in progress are well projects that are ongoing in that are uh under design are designed not only to meet EPA standards but to exceed them so I'm going to hand it over to Nathan and he's going to give you an update on what treatment Technologies we're going to be implementing and how the Construction and design is going hi uh again I'm Nathan kirov utility engineer for the township of Livingston and so there's a lot of different treatment Technologies out there but there's really three um that are commonly used and talked about in terms of POS treatment that's iron exchange media granulated activated carbon and reverse osmosis uh reverse osmosis is really more of a small scale technology um you see that a lot at uh individual homes or places like that uh there's a lot of uh complications with that in terms of trying to scale up to large scale treatment so it's not really used at a um commercial level we'd say uh it's more just individual homes that kind of thing smaller scale operations iron exchange media and granulated activated carbon are kind of the same treatment process um they filter media similar to like a refrigerator filter or a brda filter or something like that but when we're using it at a large scale facility they're put inside of a large steel vessel and I have some pictures we'll show of that later uh called a pressure vessel and the water is pumped into the vessel and uses as it runs over that media it removes the posos so ion exchange and granulated activated carbon are similar in that regard but there's a couple of key differences one you need a larger uh volume of media for granulated activated carbon so the vessels have a much larger footprint for granulated activated carbon um and the other key difference is that granul activated carbon can be used to treat certain other substance depending on what other elements are happening within the treatment process at that particular facility um but ion exchange because it doesn't require as much volume those uh media are much smaller and you don't need as large of a a vessel for that so these are pictures of those pressure vessels I was talking about um they're large steel vessels they're a lot of different shapes and sizes for uh uh larger or smaller facilities um they can be many like 10 15 20 feet tall uh between six and 10 feet in diameter they're quite big um this is just an example of one before it's installed anywhere and then this is an example of an installation at a facility in California um we don't have any I don't have any pictures of it actually at our well facilities yet they haven't come but I just wanted to show just an example of what it looks like uh one thing to note with this since this is California the weather is very good there so there's not a concern with freezing so all of this can be outside the vessels we're proposing are going to be in indoor facilities um it's a little bit more complicated to do that but then you don't have to worry about the weather elements and freezing and certain other conditions that you have to consider when it's outdoors if it's inside that that removes all of that consideration so we have uh currently uh two phases phase a and phase B that are ongoing in Livingston phase a is to address uh issues at Wells 1 2 4 8 and 11 and we're proposing ion exchange vessels there uh and new or expanded buildings at three of the well facilities 1 4 and 11 Wells 2 and8 we are not uh building new facilities there we're actually extending water mains to connect them to a centralized facility at well one so it's a little bit different those are being addressed in a different manner it's not at that specific facility it's combining it at a at a nearby facility it made more sense to run that piping rather than build additional buildings at those places this project is being funded through the New Jersey water bank and we'll talk a little bit more about what that is later but uh it's a 8.75 one million project and it was awarded last year in June 26th and we had a kickoff meeting on July 17th last year and we have an njd completion deadline for this project of December 31st 2025 and here are some pictures of the ongoing activities uh at well one so uh this picture here on the left is uh before there is any construction happening and then this picture here on the right it which actually that door there is the same door I know it's a different angle um but they're here they're putting in the under drains that are going to go under the concrete floor of the new building and um they're doing some other excavation and Foundation prep work there and then here um they put in all the rebar for the New Foundation they're actually pouring with this concrete pump truck up and down into the uh the rebar and they you know this was an all day pour I got this picture pretty early on in the process but they had to fill in all that concrete and then here's a shot of um after the concrete was all poured and dried and they actually removed the forms here and you can actually see uh these uh wooden squares here are where those those vessels are actually going to be bolted down so they have to get little concrete um stands to put the the bolts down for those eventual vessels and then last this is just another shot um showing as they're building the walls some masonary work and then here's uh some work that's going on at well 11 so this is uh before any work was done um the building's going to go right here uh but this is the preconstruction photo and then here's um that same area they're putting in the under drains here here they're pouring in the concrete and the rebar forms it's the same uh concrete pump truck right there pumping and then that's all the newly poured concrete um and it's all getting ready to dry there and then uh last this is um the water main uh extension part of the project has actually largely been completed we we started that back in February and into March there's still a little portion that due to some other considerations with school traffic and things it's going to happen later this summer and that that water main extension part will largely be done at that point but this is just to show some of the ongoing piping activities um and you know just some Valves and stuff that are there in the road um you know not everybody gets to see underground pictures so and this is just uh some more of the construction activity so again that's largely complete at this point um just a small section remains for the summer phase B Construction uh this is for ION exchange treatment upgrades at Wells 10 and 12 and new and expanded buildings at both locations um this is a $ 3.34 million project it was actually awarded just a little bit earlier this year March 11th and we had a kickoff meeting just last week on May 10th and this is an njd completion deadline of July 31st 2027 and there we have since we just kicked it off last week we I don't have any um construction photos of this at this time I'm hoping to have them maybe a little bit later this year Nathan can you just comment so if you you know all the wells are not being done um so how come we why are some wells being addressed and some are not uh the wells that are being addressed at this time were ones that exceeded those uh NJ DP numbers so that's that they were the ones that needed to get focused on um through all this and are the other Wells that are not being addressed through phase uh through a and b or they going to need to be dressed down the line or we feel like we don't we're not going to have to do that because they're in compliance so that's what this slide is about okay that three four because it seems like there's more Wells than just there there's there's some like six seven you know there's some that you have not been mentioned yeah yeah there's there's other um so just this uh last slide here is about funding and future phases um the township is receiving funds again from that New Jersey water Bank we talked about uh that New Jersey water bank is a state revolving fund program jointly administered by the njd and the New Jersey infrastructure bank and uses a combination of funds provided by the EPA the njd and the njib to provide very low interest interest loans to borrowers for environmental infrastructure projects so through that funding mechanism we've actually gotten in addition to the very low interest loans um some principal forgiveness as well so that's been a very beneficial part to help us get these projects moving along and we're really grateful for the funding that we got through the njd and the EPA and that's why you'll sometimes see the big sign that has uh President Biden's name on it because it's it's partly funding uh Federal funding so um just separately from all this the township is also actually part of a class action lawsuit that we're getting um against 3M and Dupont a lot of water utilities across the country of our participant to this and we're getting a lot of funds um uh expect to get some funds through that so that that I think it's 3M was in the billion dollars range um and Dupont might have been in the upper hundreds of millions of dollar range so many different water utilities are getting a payout to help uh uh for this posos treatment um so we expected to receive some funds from that um the final numbers haven't come in yet but we're we're very optimistic about that um Wells 3 14 15 and 16 are a set of wells that we actually already have a project in design to address um councilman Klein's question uh you know we're doing a design for GAC treatments there and then last uh we have a phase C that's currently in development just looking at additional wellth facilities that may be affected by these new EPA regulations um that phase C is is going to just look at those additional Wells if we have to do any further actions uh with those so we already have that in the pipeline to just get a you know get ahead of that because we know these forthcoming additional regulations are in place and uh that's the end of our presentation so Nathan I have a I have a question Wells 2 and eight is that considered what you're you're doing there is blending the water it's not BL I mean blending is is would be like if you're trying to dilute the concentration um we're not BL we're blending it but it's it's all be going into a single point of treat treatment and all of the water will be you know treated for posos once it merges together and and leaves that facility so in regards in regards to those two Wells is is there going to be uh do we need to dig up a lot of area to to divert those pipes to another well I think you were diverting up to well one so we we've done all that work that was all on the roadway um you know we we there's a trench if you drove along those roads that are near that site um that's that pipe work's already been laid and completed and so you know there's some constraints at those two locations that we decided putting a new building there would be challenging and they're not particularly far from that well one site which has a lot more room to work at so that's why we evaluated um it was actually more cost effective to bring piping from those two locations rather than to build uh three whole new buildings there because the the building is quite offensive on its own as well Nathan I I just you know obviously all New Jersey is doing this um and now uh the Biden Administration is asking the country to do this are we anticipating delays in construction because materials are going to get harder to to uh to get or is budget you know are material is going to get more expensive and our budgets are not realistic how do we feel about the likelihood of all this working out so I feel with you know the phase A and B the ongoing construction ones that we described we're ahead of the game because a lot of places they don't even have designs ready any it's not a shovel ready project yet so we're well ahead of the the curve with those two projects um some of the ones that we talked about that may be underd designed later may be subject to some um stresses from that it's it's hard to anticipate exactly where that will fall um there's a lot going to be more and more demand for those vessels but you know I'm optimistic that should we be hoarding some should we be buying some extra for the side uh I'm optimistic though that we're still really ahead of the curve with you know um some of the fact that we're you know anticipating that and have some um designs in progress for the one facility that will still be ahead of a lot of these other utilities that you know again most of the rest of the country hasn't had any regulations whatsoever for this so New Jersey is well ahead of the curve in that regard and and been thinking about this a lot more than other places who are probably completely unprepared for that thank you mayor I just want to um say thank you to to Nathan Janette and everybody here Barry because you you use two words ahead of the game and ahead of the curve and yes we are ahead because in 2019 when we first learned about this we started on this right away and I just want to thank you and Janette and everybody who was uh involved especially the funding uh trying to get some some uh principal uh free loans um also they they laughed at us when when we wanted to join that class action lawsuit who's going to get a class action lawsuit yeah we did and we got we got millions of dollars for it to offset our um our property taxes which people would originally have to pay for so I just want to thank everybody who was involved from from Ann to to Barry to you guys thank you very muchy Jared also yes Jared caner for making sure that we uh found that who found that lawsuit for us I'm sorry Jared but yes Jared so you know we are ahead of the curve and and this is not just happening in Livingston it's happening all over the place thank you cman VI yeah I'll just I'll just Echo couple of points I want to stress them um so first of all thank you great presentation I think one of the things I do hear from our residents a whole lot is about the topic and I think the the education about it the current status where we stand well by well you know what will be our Target what are our numbers these are very important questions uh that people don't have knowledge about so thank you for sharing all of this I think the transparency is key that we share this information it's a public forum I'm sure you know people can roll back and reee through all of the videos as well and learn from it I think this is this is the key part so so thank you and it helps transparency in the government thank you thank you Nathan I had a question on the ion exchange the residue or resin how do you dispose of that and is that costly or um there'll be a you know the media itself is going to last um one to two years depending on the site and the level of the amount of water that's being run through it because we don't necessarily run every facility 247 365 days a year so there is a long life for the media itself um but there will be additional costs in our operating budget you know eventually that to to exchange this media periodically and um it's there'll be haulers that take it off site and then bring New Media in um that process will be become more familiar to us as we uh uh you know start to renew these facilities okay have someone in my ear over thank you Nathan thank you Janette uh any other questions okay if I could mayor just uh what I'd also like to thank uh Nathan Janette and has been very involved with the ibank our outside Consultants Mount McDonald our ibank uh Attorneys at McManaman Scotland certainly Mr caner for his involvement with the uh um class action lawsuit and and Kevin Madonna whose firm is involved in it has been helpful um for the benefit of the public the slideshow that was just shown will also be on the website and then of course the live stream which includes the entire presentation will be archived on our Facebook page and our YouTube I guess it's on YouTube right um so it'll be out there so certainly encourage you anyone who's watching to to take a look and share the information great thank you so much thank you yeah and thank you for waiting all this time to do that we really appreciate thank you for your patience tonight all right what do we up to here all right we're now up to approval of the minutes right motion to approve the minutes of the April 30th 2024 regular conference and the 20 April 30 2024 closed session minute a second okay um in favor all in favor abstain which one one yeah both all right yeah good like to uh make a motion to open the meeting to public comments and agenda items only I'll second it all favor yes okay FY 16 M Parkway uh I do appreciate the meeting uh before uh allowing me to really Express about the ordinance uh uh 05 2024 and uh the conversation between all of us uh I really do appreciate it so thank you for listening and making that decision that you guys are going to make tonight thank you Tim and thank you to uh Chris who came in and uh Y and Janette yep so appreciate it and I'm glad we kind of Workshop that in conference hi Justin hi Mr Mayor Justin Albert 56 Amer place um I had to look it up a trillion drops of water is 20 olympic size swimming pools so 13 drops in 20 pools and you go figure that out um yeah what a great presentation uh for these kinds of engineering projects and other large projects we ought to be getting kids from that fbaa program in there as paid interns to learn what's going on there and you develop the institutional knowledge in the town it's invaluable and and it's good jobs for returning college students we ought to be developing leadership from within the community there um and you know especially with the uh fbl students and that was the most mature 14-year-old I've ever seen uh good for her we ought to be involving these kids in uh running the numbers on our uh property appraisal and the appeals and see what The Faults Are cuz ASI is not going to give them to us anytime soon so we ought to be doing that um with respect to the ordinances uh resolution 24152 authorizing preliminary investigation to determine if block 60 the the Livingston Mall uh is in need of Redevelopment um congratulations to the township right good for you guys let's pull this from the consent agenda and have a conversation there if you're moving to condemn that mall property let's do it let's forcibly depreciate the improved value let's take the value of the land the problem with all the construction that we've authorized over the past five years is that the appreciated value of the real property flows right out of the community if we can get control of that property that would be huge and all the political support that you need to get that done we can make that happen in this community so please pull that from the consent resolutions and let's have a second conversation the flip side to that is the non-condon condemnation that we're doing for Bright View uh across the street here not even across the street next door here um that non- condemnation the that's the developers taking advantage of us that has not worked in this community ever Mr opert that's not on the agenda tonight oh it is I'm sorry I apologize keep going I apologize it is not worked for this community ever it's just a setup so they could do whatever they please and it's a setup so they could get a pilot you know uh in Yiddish the word is hutzpah you know they came in they took this property we gave it to them in perpetuity to private Equity Fund who's going to be running adult facilities you don't need private Equity to do that that should be a function of the community um if they're coming to us for pilot say no to this let's not do this um yes condemn the mall area let's grab that that's the right thing to do this it's not the right thing to do thank you very much Mr Mayor thank you Jess motion to close public hearing second comment all in favor I I okay all right that brings us up to the passage of ordinances the final hearings uh Carol thank you mayor ordinance 5- 2024 amending and supplementing chapter 274 streets and sidewalks by adding a new article 11 damage to structures and improvements within the right away mayor I'd like to make a motion to withdraw ordinance 05-22 second certainly and a second thank you councilman kin uh we do a roll call I don't think there's ton yes Viera yes kly yes withdraw Deputy Mayor mhart yes and mayor Anthony yes uh well we had a conference hearing um we went through it and we uh figured out that it was really Barry this was really or Jared this was really just kind of um codifying or making an ordinance out of something that uh we really had the right of way anyway so I you know we we there was some comments on it being over legislating um and I think we can do without it uh Jared did you have any comments on that uh so mayor so um the ordinance that was uh introduced and that was going be on for public hearing tonight um simply was putting the public on notice as to what the law is regarding the public right away um the public right away is different than an easeman the public right away is actually property owned by the township um and there structures should not be built on that there is no permitting process for that or any variance process for that um and this ordinance was simply uh and by its own definition was putting the public on awareness as to the public right away um so this so the governing body decided that it was not necessary to uh adopt an ordinance for what is already the current law yeah just I would also add I think part of that discussion was that uh since a large part of the intent of this was to provide notice and information to the public there were other avenues to do that through the website and other means to to communicate to make sure that residents are aware of their rights and and uh responsibilities in the right away yeah and and I think it's important to note that what this ordinance has in it is is actually in place so by not voting on it it doesn't do away with what's in this ordinance the township is still within its rights um for everything that's in this ordinance great thanks for that explanation any comments on that oh I thought Michael was putting on his microphone he was shutting it up okay so we are now up to the next one Carol ordinance 12 did we vote on that we all pull it right yes okay next it was 5 mayor yep that's right ordinance 12-22 24 amending chapter 170 section 17-8 7 General zoning requirements by updating the terms for issuing a non-residential certificate of occupancy you need a motion on the public hearing here I'd like to make a motion open to public hearing second all in favor the hearing is now open on this ordinance seeing I like to make a motion to close the public hearing I'll second all in favor I mayor need a motion to adopt the ordinance is there a motion to adopt the ordinance I'll make a motion to adopt ordinance 12 d224 second is there any discussion roll call council member bani yes viea yes kleene yes Deputy Mayor mhart yes mayor yes ordinance 13224 amending zoning map to reflect the merger into block 3100 Lot 56 in the PB Zone and subject to the 321 South Livingston Avenue District Redevelopment plan mayor like to make a motion to open a public hearing we uh Jared you want to run this we're recused on this this is bre view right yeah right okay yes so the mayor and Deputy Mayor are recused um as we did in other meetings I'll just I guess uh councilman V had a motion to open the public caring second all in favor yes being that uh two council members are recused that creates an opportunity and an obligation to do a deeper due diligence here uh we didn't do it with everything that we authorized um the council should uh uh do a deep due the unconflicted members should do a deeper due diligence here thank you motion to close the public hearing I'd like to make a motion to close the public hearing second all in favor I I i' like to make a motion to move the ordinance second any discussion uh yeah a couple of comments uh I think uh just to reiterate um this is the part where it involves a couple of properties and I think it's worth reiterating what it brings to the town um it has an involvement of couple of ideas which is to get a modern state of art Y which moves from current property to the next uh you know across the street it creates an additional taxable property it uh also prevents uh bringing in approximately 70 apartment units I was uh speaking with the town manager the estimation of getting the credits for fair share housing is about 14 uh so that equates to about 60 to 70 apartment units uh bringing in kids additional labor and load to our potentially to our schools and so on um that is the list of benefits you're talking about um the other part of it is about pilot you know we are talking about capping um and in fact uh additionally adding another percentage Point uh you know protecting us for inflation um the numbers that come back are are significant uh creating again once again a a an an additional taxable property good good set of Revenue comes to the town um these are all an important components of what we have thought through have paid U have spent time and effort and I can speak for myself I've I've spoken uh in depth and studied the the models um deliberated that negotiated that so I think I think it's a it's it's a it's a pretty good uh set where we are uh for uh for this ordinance just want to add those comments no further discussion roll call yeah I just also want to um first I want to thank I said this before but just just coming up again Council bani because um I I think as uh and I said this before but it's it's worth repeating your negotiations on this have save the town you know tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars down the line and um uh from all the financial modeling we've seen we know that we're going to end up uh doing even better uh down you know than we would have otherwise um if we hadn't done a pilot here um and uh it's very clear that the use of this property uh now that it's going to become a rable it's also going to allow the Y to transfer over uh to another property that will prevent uh dense housing um this is a a this is a very clear and good choice for us to make um and I'm glad we're doing it thank you conman roll roll call council member bani yes via yes Klein yes we have a quum all right thank you Carolyn next ordinance 14-22 24 amending chapter 110 construction codes uniform motion open the public hearing motion open the public hearing I'll second second all in favor all in favor yes the hearing is now open for is 14-22 24 motion to close public hearing second all in favor I I motion to move the motion to move I'll second any discussion council member bubani yes Viara yes kleene yes Deputy Mayor mhart yes mayor Anthony yes okay mayor ordinance 15-22 24 was pulled from the agenda that was pulled the introduction okay great so we're on to the consent agenda for Resolutions all matters listed with an aster are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the council and will be approved by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the governing body so request in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda as part of the general orders does anyone want to remove any of these items no anyone okay all right Caroline do you want me to read them yeah resolution 24-48 authorizing the award of a contract to Mt McDonald LLC resolution 24149 authorizing the award of a contracted tnm Associates Inc resolution 24-15 authorizing the sale of surplus property resolution 24151 Professional Services to serve as the designed profession for the new DPW facility and resolution 24-1 152 authorizing a preliminary investigation to determine if blocks 6 6002 Lots 1 1.01 2 and three constitute an area in need of Redevelopment like to move all the resolutions is R I'll second faor council member bubani yes Viera yes Klein yes deputy mayor mhart yes mayor Anthony yes like to open the meeting the public portion I'll second it all in favor I hi Mr Mayor Justin outper 56 Amer place two quick questions one uh the firehouse on the circle there's a facility that's going up next to it is that have to do with the pest that we just saw or is that some what is that facility yeah that's a basically a covered parking area for some of the doer DPW trucks that we've invested considerable sums in all right thank you and and two uh we see a large construction going on in the corner of Northfield and Livingston I was hoping you could speak to the uh wisdom of building high density housing out of wood yeah I I can't really necessarily speak to the wisdom of it but um it is certainly being built in compliance with the New Jersey building codes uh for that height and size of construction that's a per should we be pushing on a going forward basis especially when we're building in the center of town to build with a more durable substance you know and it's for the long-term value of the Town rather than putting up a high density facili think that's probably preempted by the state and if they meet the state code I don't know that we can adopt a yeah but I mean A lot's wrong with the state if we notice that something's wrong should we be the St La I understand that but if we notice that something is wrong in the way we're building high density housing very cheaply um should we be pushing to change the law in Trenton certainly uh if we feel strongly you you but these are my elected representatives thebly woman assembly woman was here an hour ago you should have talked to her I did okay and what did she say I didn't talk to her about that I'm talking to you guys because you're in charge of because because you charge of construction in this town you you just we just informed you that it has to do with State and the state the state representative was sitting here and you are my representative with respect I'll be happy to send you her email address and would you send an email on my behalf please all right we'll do thank you thank you hi Scott celle 14 Mansfield Court hi um fourth mayor I'm dealing with on this subject so I'm excited about it um right so we have a uh the planning board put together a nice little article 18th of last year in July I just need to understand what's my level of patience for this all to get done when it was supposed to be done in 30 days there's a whole list of things that an establishment was supposed to complete uh at their property um and it continues to not be completed so my question is and i' I've sent several emails about it um how what's my level of patience and what's the next step to Simply have somebody who the town has put together what they're supposed to do to complete their obligations in writing that the town has signed off on but mayor you're looking at me a little confused I don't know if you were here if this is the whole well I don't want by yeah no I'm looking you're looking at bar and I was looking with you so probably the one of the things that's really is they're doing garbage pickups still between 11:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m. about three nights a week I haven't really noticed cuz our bedroom's on the other side but now all my kids are back from school so they love love being woken up at 12:30 at night with a huge bang and a beeping song Sound our neighbors love it too the dog likes it a lot too that's even better to get woken by a dog at midnight one in the morning so I just I'm trying to be patient it's been 10 months there was supposed to be massive fines for not completion nothing a day yeah Mr uh what what what do we do here director Mr Cher lonio has been out there he's issued notices a violation I can get you the dates that he doesn't have the actual dates that they were issued although was at least over two weeks ago because that was the email uh after which 30 if if within 30 days and so at least two weeks of that has passed summons has be issued at which time fines I believe in this case um the enforcement matter may have to go out of town because if I recall there was a conflict between property owner and our judge um I can get you the exact dates and shoot you an email uh I know we also passed along the garbage in the videos and I know he's sent him notices on that as well um looking to see if I have a date on those so so this is where it gets really frustrating because I feel like my hands are tied and I'm going go over my my three minutes here I went to the police they say they go well you know you got to call us and we'll go there I'm not going to sit outside on my backyard waiting for the dumb truck to come okay non-emergency line you have 35 seconds to a minute and a half to get here you missed so and they can't they say they can't do anything so I just now I'm just looking for a little help here we went through this it's been about 5 years that I'm going through this with you guys you're like and I'm back I know you saw me back then you're like no no bar I have a question you and I sat you and I sat many meetings on zooms together and you know I feel for you I I you know I tried I know Sean started I took over Michael got involved I barely got involved I I was lucky yeah I was kind of Lucky right you're absolutely you're absolutely right and I I but but to hear again with 30 more days now I have to wait another 30 days for fines these should be imposed like shouldn't have to go to court you made it very clear if you don't meet these requirements fines will be assessed back in August of last year so that's my question Barry do we is there an ordinance on the books that say what time garbage uh there is and there's and there's specific conditions in theirs um I did in recognizing that our code enforcement is not generally here at the times I had emailed this to the Chief and asked if he would whoever's in that Patrol District uh assign them to specifically watch for this uh and and he had indicated that they would do so so I will follow up with chap Mar shoots which they are cuz my security camera is picking up the police going through the parking lot between like 10:30 11 at night and 3: in the morning they just miss it okay uh you got a small window or maybe it out drive they have enough to do I don't need them for truck do they come every night or do you know what day the week the collection is I keep sending you the emails I'll keep I'll look at the date but is it like once a week no it's like three times a week three times a week I'll get the dates correlate them and and they'll just have somebody just stake it out they're on duty anyway in the meantime can we send somebody down tomorrow just to give them another reminder I don't know whether it's Livingston Mart or orado who who contracts but can we just give them a a a a courtesy reminder it's not just the garbage the the the huge flood lights that are 20 fet in the air those were supposed to be removed the fencing That was supposed to be put up to block the lighting for our other neighbor he decided to park a truck there I guess that was his decision to do that that's not in compliance so it's not just that we did notice tonight my neighbor Tom's here they did put some plants and burms up that only took 10 months so he did do that but it's just I just need I just want it done so I don't have to come back and I did learn about the water which is great I will uh I'll follow up with Marty tomorrow and he he certainly got marching orders to be as aggressive as possible and I will follow up okay I'll get back to you all right thank you thanks thank you my own Toman for Mansfield Court I'm going to reiterate some of the points that Scott made but from my from my own edification when the resolution was made and a few of you folks actually Rudy's not here anymore right so I know you here Barry Rosie as well as a few of the of the members um including um Meritus Klein mentioned th000 in debt so we're up to a quarter of a million dollars in fines that were referenced in the resolution of which he still has time to fix things and do things so does our block need to hire legal council to get this enforced because I'm just trying to get a better understanding about what is going on exactly from a legal perspective nothing is getting enforced half of the folks on this Council are in the same Democratic political organization of which I am as well and there's pictures posted on social media on yours Mr Klein of the council member I can't brani miss council member mhart council member kleene all celebrating together in one photo of five people so clearly Sam is connected is that what's taking 10 months and a quarter of a million dollars in potential fines that is basically air to get enforced further and I'm going to to just keep going further the last time we went through this two years ago Barry you want to mention the the sweetheart deal that the judge in Short Hills referenced of $7 per day that was assessed someone in this Council approved that right no we we have no Authority in fact there's we were as disappointed a ple deal that was made to turn off the red lights and it came out to $7 a day that he was F to have a red Spotlight on our houses currently 10 months after a resolution was made there is a 20 foot Spotlight that is still up how is he able to operate a business in this town if a resolution is made 10 months after and a gigantic Spotlight is still up facing the residents and Illuminating the corner I have no idea and when I email Barry and Barry is lovely to speak to I've emailed probably 13 times between that range since the resolution has been made I received one maybe two responses of which Barry said there was a miscommunication and he thought someone from the town I.E Mary who is clearly not enforcing anything of the resolution that's gone on and I wish I didn't know any of this information I'm asking for a spotlight to be turned off garbage K pickup not to happen between 11: and 3: to wake my entire family up it's not a lot to ask turn a light off and stop garbage pickup and maybe the town could enforce the resolution that was passed 10 months ago of which we've gone through four Mayors I mean it's not a lot what is the resolution is a planning board resolution planning board resolution has very specific so I just want to I want to be clear about this I I I'm going to guess because I certainly didn't know and this has not come up in council chambers okay that this was still happening I'm I'm actually you know disgusted that this is still happening to you guys frankly and we I can tell you that we're not we were not aware of it if it was something that was being addressed at the planning board that is separate body that does not report to us um Rudy was on the both councils he may and Rosie right uh right and her job is to to act as an intermediary between this Council and the planning board right yeah so I'm not been brought to our attention let me just be clear about this we I have not heard about this in a very long time and and it's very upsetting to hear that you guys are still having this problem let me say that I I can't tell you that I I am on the planning board and we has not been brought up so far this year on the planning board so Barry has disregarded 13 emails now because the planning board is not I have brought it up and I forward them to code enforcement who are the who reports to you correct and I'm as again I I will be following up with him tomorrow that's not good enough like that's the thing here we've been going in circles for 4 and a half years I have written Barry 12 emails since this has happened at the 30-day Mark I wrote an email and then every two to three months I let two months go in the winter and nothing has happened we have to call the cops to get the garbage trucks picked up and a spotlight how is he able to operate a business in this town how no comments yeah know I I I I hear you this is this is not something because no one does this is not something I've I've seen I've heard because this is after I joined the council this is the first time I'm hearing but at the same time thank you for bringing this and you shouldn't be going through this uh thank you for bringing this this over you I think you're making it clearly two points so the SP we back every Town Council from now until it's fixed so we making two two points clearly Spotlight and the garbage trucks and The Stockade Fence just disre he planted the fence his car that's three things thank you thank we are aware now thank you for coming everyone has it record yeah you been you been here for 4 years you know we didn't know the problem was ongoing that that's what I'm saying to you we have not been we have not been told this the people on this Council have not been told that that was an ongoing problem no he's not he's not an elected official of the town we we had the five of us have not been told that this was still an ongoing problem just to be clear to be clear and the town attorney has not been aware I I I was not aware no okay thank you and by the way I joined the council 3 months ago and no but I appreciate it no I appreciate it I I don't me sorry no thank you but I I I don't mean to say that I will wash my hands I thank you for bringing that up and that's why I was specific about it that these are the three points you are you are bringing right one again is Spotlight the garbage trucks and the fence right so thank you thank you 16 M plus Parkway Tim Foley hello again um we talked about my mother-in-law's issue with the dumpsters blocking a driveway and also 2 o'clock in the morning 3 o'clock in the morning those dumpsters are being picked up that's the new thing that she just told me so the garbage pickup is way too early in this town for for thumb I mean it's it's not I'm what kind of first time hearing of this too early but this is not but but I can't I have a feeling at least the first incident that we heard about behind the Livingston Mart is not our town I assume it's a private it's aiv it's private that some yeah exactly that some so I just it's not the town I don't know I don't know about this situ if this is private or not I assume it's probably private as well because it's on a commercial property it's on commercial property and there's it's private there's three there three small dumpsters and the and the rollof yeah it's not the company that we use for the resid corre corre so again I mean it's a mess back there uh again the the four dumpsters are they blocking a driveway it's supposed to be a driveway there cut and curve for a driveway that there's a driveway around that that garage back there and it's overflowing the same garbage pallets and a toy ship that that that somebody disregarded I mean she hears it all the time her unfortunately her bedroom's on that side of the of the property that is there but it's it's getting a little out of hand and again Tim I don't mean to eat in 10 your time Barry have we sent have we sent anybody out there and and is it legal for the the dumpsters to be in the the dumpster well I have we have sent people out there I know they've been out there the timing of the pickup it's the first time hearing of it the first time my mother-in-law told me about no my question was is it legal for those dumpsters to be there I well I haven't seen where the dumpsters are they're allowed to have dumpsters um I'm not sure what the driveway you're referring to is it is it whose driveway is it that it's blocking or it's the it's it's actually the sign the uh the billboard sign that piece of property right there on South Mitchell and Livingston Avenue uh Mount Pleasant it's but there's a driveway that goes in towards Livingston pizza and then there's a garage that Livingston glass used to use but now it's the the PO the the flooring guy and it's supposed to be a exit and an entrance that's how it was for years dumpsters always used to be near the buildings then the the uh the floor guy brought in this rolloff dumpster and they just threw it next to the other three okay um I'm read Mr larner has has shown me uh an email from Marty from two weeks ago he had been to this site the owner did not do what he was going to do he supposed to relocate the one dumpster remove the this and place a regular size and color dumpster um the one is doesn't sound like he's still done it so I will make sure Marty's aware he hasn't done it and go summons him all right I appreciate it I mean again I mean it's lime green I mean the other ones are green normal color dumpster but again it's it's blocking the driveway it technically it's blocking the driveway cuz we used to I mean I've been in this town for 50 years and it was always an entrance and exit and for the past 10 years for some reason because a lack of Maintenance of the property uh they shut down that one driveway but technically it's still a driveway and that would be the furthest one in that's right next to the house right next to the house yeah gotcha so okay all right and again just this just this past weekend she told me about the early morning pickups so again that's that's something I think is possibly townwide issue you know not just uh my my well it is commercial properties no it's not residential it's all it's all commercial absolutely no absolutely but Deputy Mayor I'm sure that there's some sort of ordinance where where dumpsters uh should also have fencing around them or something like that and not be permanent structures it sounds like this has been Prett permanent lately cuz Tim I like seeing you here at the council meetings but I'm kind of getting tired of it at the same topic same topic so uh we got rid of one of your topics tonight we got we're getting one down one to go one down one to go but Barry can we can can you at least share the the the the ordinance with the council regards to dumpers and times and all and pickups and all of that so at least we're we're aware of it t Tim what what is the I guess you should tell us what the who the commercial property is unless you did I wasn't I'm sorry I was talking to council M patani for a minute because those are the people those are the people I think that we need to send the um the so so the the property next to my mother-in-law's house I got my mother-in-law's house here I got the synagogue behind us okay all right and then we have the billboard sign that has in the corner they actually own that whole strip from Mount Pleasant to my mother-in-law's property okay and then you got um uh I can't think going to name it a the barber shop the the barber shop and Livingston Pizza is is and and the floor place is another uh partial and then you have sorry but Harry's Hardware the Old Harry's hardware and then you get the synagogue so you got four different three different owners right there so again the corner building uh just got sold not too long ago say within a year just got you know because they they painted it you know they painted it all up and everything so um okay I'm not sure who the owners are I because those those are people like you know obviously with the other situation we kind of know who who controls the dumpsters I I just don't know well the one the one the one dumpster the the lime green one unfortunately that's that's Dave the uh epoxy guy the flooring guy uh I mean he's just been there for six months but it's always overflowing it was there was a bigger dumpster there at one time I guess they brought it a smaller one but now it just seems like it's always overflow so so on some of these dumpsters Barry if I remember correctly um I don't if they still have to but at one time they actually had to put who owned the dumpster not the commerci not the not the commercial owner but actually the garbage company that owned them some put their dumpsters put their names on those dumpsters right I think I do believe they so so I think that would be a way at least to maybe contact the owners of these um the dumpsters and see who's pick because they're picking their own garbage up and the same way be through no even behind that fence that says 6 to 11 okay yeah okay because I know when I have my own business we had the the like like Waste Management who own that used to put their own stickers on there with the names and their phone numbers on there that's why I was so Barry why don't we just find whoever name is on the dumpster good question but I I tried that path so the at an AFF four dumpsters there's three different companies okay so maybe we got to reach out to all three companies that's very simple you got was you got Waste Management you got direct uh Waste Services and then the other one is been there dump that so in there dump that so maybe you need to send those names and phone numbers leas the names on to barrier or on to so we can with the copies of Marty and have these we have to really contact these people and tell them what the rules are that's a way to start if we don't know which company is the actual um you know the one who's causing the issues right okay but the main issue was all those dumpsters being right on in the in the driveway right on the property line yeah so great thank you thank you very much y thank you anyone else on public comment like to close you anything no Ena yeah come on okay good you can to yeah sure negative hi everybody hi uh Ena 10 Wildwood Avenue tomorrow we're celebrating Israel in the community center at 4:00 I know that some of you are coming so I'm very excited as I'm one of the organizers um I know it's going to be fun it's going to be a little more structured this year and the music should be a lot more fun more food options and if everything goes well we'll even have a bounce house and uh obstacle course so which is going to be a nice touch yeah so please join and if whoever is listening course say it again is that an adult size obstacle I'm going to raise I think I'll think I'll fit you yeah I think we could all use it um my direction is food there's going to be food yeah y food yes and 7 o' is the flag raising at the Town Hall so thank you looking forward to seeing everybody oh thank you thank you so much and as I said with the API picnic thank you for all your blood sweat te that has got into the planning and all of that and we look forward to a fun time thanks like to uh close this portion of the meeting public comment second all in favor I I all right I what are we up to uh reports of Township officials and council members so we'll go around the horn here and anything yes I think you got an email today from Lori about about some scheduling for the budget hearings oh okay please yeah there's three dates the 22nd of May 23rd and June 3r okay so let us know some of you have already responded and thank you I think I've already responded yeah thank you we we'll figure it out yeah okay thank you yep appreciate it Adam nothing at this time all good at this time 10:05 I'm gonna have very little at this time too Barry good we actually had a very successful pick it up Livingston day even though the weather wasn't great but we had a good turnout oh good all right and we celebrated somebody's 75th birthday uh while we were picking up garbage yeah yes happy birthday R Russ you got to sing a song then I wasn't going to say the number but it's out of the bag already um let's see uh Jared thank you mayor no report tonight great thank you Carolyn just that the town hall is going to be open till 9 o'clock tomorrow night to accommodate uh late night voter registration so Livingston will be open great yeah thank you thanks uh Kayon right thank you uh thank you mayor uh I I just want to start with a couple of shoutouts um one is uh we had a remarkable remarkable very unique event uh last Friday conducted by LD lcdi it's called fashionably for special needs uh kids and the way they walked oh thank you thank you for sharing some of the pictures there um that was just so inspiring um and you know it was was amazing to see that the biggest part was the collaboration between LCD lccd how they came together you know sort of broad lot of energy so thank you for those uh the two organizations great job by hsh uh Andrew that is uh you know lcdi co-chairs and and Bob uh for the LCD and of course the team um I was there with uh assembly woman um boli and it was it was a great turnout the other shout out is uh to our veterans fantastic Loyalty Day uh the deputy mayor I was there uh great coverage by our Township newspaper Tribune that was that was really nicely done uh very good event there um and then I think the couple of other events were just to just to remind uh the residents you mentioned about AI picnic mayor so that's um 5 to8 uh p.m. on 24th but prior to that of course Ena mentioned about Israel day so I'm I won't repeat it very excited ganis Carnival I think that's that's the exciting part that's starting that's that's awesome there is a lacd talent show I think yes it's a special needs talent show at senior center 700 p.m. May 16th um the other one I'm looking forward to is the holy celebration May 18th if there is rain it's 19th uh and of course before we meet um by the way another shout out on the API picnic mayor is the aapi youth Alliance in school they are quite active in that uh in that effort effort there and of course the parade looking forward to be on my first parade there yeah and good weather thank you thank you Ken um Michael thank you mayor I may repeat one or two things but I do want to congratulate all the lieutenants and sergeants who were promoted today um uh this week is National Police Week and I want to just thank all of our uh our entire police department with uh um our our police chief Gary moroes and the new um lieutenants uh but uh if you see a police officer this week just thank them as you should always be thanking them they also also last week had a great um ice cream with the police uh officer uh that was a great event um I do want to congratulate uh Pat campanil for being selected as Livingston unico's unikin of the year um I think uh next meeting we'll be recognizing um Pat here um as councilman batani had mentioned um uh D quanas Carnival starts Tuesday through Saturday hopefully no rain rain and everybody comes out and has a safe and enjoyable Carnival um while I'm mentioning other the town service organizations uh rotary Summerfest will be held on Sunday June 9th at the Gazebo area uh Ena I'm looking forward to also um Livingston celebrates Israel and the flag raising tomorrow night um I believe we're at the community center at 4 o'clock uh and flag raising is at 6:30 oh 7 I'm sorry 7 I got to change that on my calendar uh the Livingston golf outing is uh this upcoming Monday um as Council matani also said there's an Indian holy celebration of Festival of Colors on Saturday at the Gazebo from 12: to 4: I believe uh this Thursday the council is invited to the volunteer fire department's annual inspection um I just want to say uh thank you to all of our emergency uh service volunteers and the last thing I want to say is um you know I want to congratulate my son Michael and I know he's not going to be happy by me mentioning his name but um I'm so proud of him um on Friday uh one of his co-workers was choking and he did the heck maneuver and U the person is is okay now but I'm just proud of my son Michael so way to go [Applause] Mike that's it thank you Sean busy time of year I guess huh um so first I want to congratulate again the history Bowl team from the high school The Varsity history Bowl team team was number one in the nation they beat out 130 something other teams uh in the National Tournament so again national champs uh May or maybe we can get them in because I think we should that certainly sounds like something worth celebrating again Livingston is uh just incredible um I want to just talk about just that mention pick it up again Russ thanks for your leadership on that um again hundreds of people out there cleaning up tons of stuff thank you so much to uh the police who work on the Sunday to help make sure everyone stays safe thanks so much to the um uh to the DPW who go around on Monday and pick up all the the uh enormous amount of trash that gets picked up on the sides of the road and thank you so much to everyone who organized it and participated um this is a great event and everyone should uh should do it next year if you didn't do it this year uh for everyone who is uh commemorating and celebrating Israeli Memorial and Independence Day um uh that's uh we're going to be celebrating it as we said in uh in Livingston tomorrow um so uh come out to the flag raising at 7 o'cl um I want to also extend another congratulations to the uh LPD promotions that we uh that we uh took in tonight um I think that uh you know a cere ceremony like that where you can see so many police officers coming uh coming here to support those who are getting their uh promotions it just shows you what kind of police department we have uh you can see from our chief what kind of leadership we have uh and you can tell from um how this town government runs that Public Safety is our highest priority it's always our number one budget item and we're always looking to see what we can do uh to improve on that front thank you mayor thank you Sean uh bed I'll keep it I'm going to keep it short everybody said everybody said a lot of stuff but um just two things I want to add on uh councilman batani was talking about the lcdi fashion show big shout out to town resident Mindy Shire who runs an organization called Runway of hope uh with uh who also participated in that program she had a representative there while her daughter was graduating University of Texas that evening um she's a national company who got picked up by um I think Tommy Hilfiger for the clothes that she puts out and I know she participated in that so I just want to thank Mindy for that um I also going to congratulate the all the police promotions but the one thing I noticed when the chief read the bios of everybody everybody has been here for I think almost everybody's been here for over 20 years there everybody who got promoted tonight I think that really says something um for the town of Livingston uh for the police department that long long time serving people I think that's really important and it's a very good quality of what goes on in Livingston and for our police uh Chief so we congratulate him for keeping his people happy and for the town as well um and also uh the Memorial Day Parade everything else was mentioned but since I am the um uh representative this year on the delays on for the Memorial Day Parade I'll throw an a plug for that as well so thank you great by the way it was a great presentation on that fashionably that she did it was about ableism yeah that's what that's what she exactly and yeah she they make cloth yeah it's it's unbelievable it's amazing how they how they boost their confidence and and and pride yes she started this here in Livingston she lives here still in Livingston and I got ped I think I got picked up nationally by Tommy hilfinger as well so okay I'll try to be brief uh 10:15 uh we uh thank you everyone for coming out tonight uh it was really a a great meeting uh to be here tonight with the future business leader of America the police department the promotions aapi month uh AOS andp fast the presentation so I thank everyone involved um in all those presentations and proclamations uh again uh the aapi picnic and Israel Independence tomorrow which should be fun I think my fellow council members have gone through the calendar uh pretty well uh one other thing from things we passed tonight I I think um and I thank Barry and everyone involved for moving on a couple things that we mentioned on January 1 uh to try to best utilize larian stamman and 20 open Acres uh there for the best use for residents I thank you Sean for being on that committee and picking uh tnm uh at for our Landscape Architects and also uh Barry on um appointing a for the design professional for the new DP DPW I think that's a great step in the right direction for getting that built and getting a shovel in the ground this year so I think we're making Headway on our resolutions and um just a feel good night with the proclamations and presentations so with that said I think we have a little bit more in conference yes mayor so we'll move to what do we do again Mr Robert rul is this Contin we're Jing the regular meeting probably 350,000 on my list of priorities but yes what are the Robert rules so uh we'll be adjourning the regular meeting and we'll be uh re resuming the conference meeting there'll be no further formal action taken by the council tonight great thank you so much chair appreciate nothing in closed right I don't think so no nothing yeah going to go around the table