we're good in good all right let's see good evening everyone this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meetings act an adequate notice of this meeting has been provided as required by law specifically the annual notice was emailed to the West tessex Tribune and the Star Ledger on January 2nd 2024 and the 48h hour notice was emailed to the West tessex Tribune uh and the Star Ledger on April 25th 2024 the agenda and resolutions for the meeting are available at www. Livingston nj.org certain portions of this meeting may be closed to the public for the purpose of personnel Andor matters as outlined in the Sunshine Law you all right all right you're getting picked up on the microphone here decisions made Andor discussed in closed session will be made known to the public at a later time notice to members of the governing body and the township staff any use of electronic devices during this meeting shall be used solely for the purposes of Township business and any Communications are subject to the open public records act to the extent possible this evening's Township of Livingston County council meeting will be live streamed via Facebook at www.fb.com Livingston Township NJ questions or comments will also be accepted by mailing live comments Livingston nj.org by 400 pm on the day of the meeting each speaker should follow the rules of order in Livingston code section 2-15 all right uh Madame clerk uh roll call please council member bubani here council member Vieira is absent council member Klein here Deputy Mayor Minard here mayor Anthony here uh can we stand for a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag unit States of America to the rep it stands one nation okay all right um Essex County update uh Eileen there was a change of the meeting tonight and there was a conflict um for her at 8 o' and good thing she didn't wait because it's like 82 825 or so um so there's no update uh at this time uh next is the public service recognition week um want to acknowledge uh May 5th to May 11th 2024 is public service recognition week it's in honor of the millions of public employees at the federal state county and Municipal levels whereas 260 million Americans are served every day by public employees providing a wide range of service whereas the township of Livingston and its residents are served by hundreds of dedicated full and part-time Township employees each and every day and whereas these Township employees including police officers firefighters Health Care Professionals others risk their lives in the day day each day in service to the people of the township of Livingston and whereas Township employees including customer service representatives to answer questions of out public services and assist residents with problems and concerns nurses to administer vaccines clerks to process and issue permits and applications Health officers to guarantee the safety of neighborhoods and businesses code Code Enforcement inspectors to ensure safe buildings for families and patrons employees to provide Financial Administration and safeguarding public improvements and the laborers to maintain those roads and building improvements Recreation staff to provide people of all ages with social cultural and fitness programs computer technicians social workers and countless other occupations who day in and day out provide the diverse Services expected by the residents of their government with efficiency and integrity whereas without these valued Township employees working together at every level The Continuous delivery of services would be impossible with regular changes in leaders and elected officials therefore I as the mayor and the township council do announce and Proclaim to all citizens and set seal here too that May 5th through May 11th 2024 is public service recognition week all all citizens are encouraged to recognize the accomplishments and contributions of government employees at all levels of government and particularly the employees of the township of Livingston Essex County New Jersey so if you see any public employees uh this month or at any time please thank them for their service uh what's that thank you thank you thank you for all you do uh we we gave a whole list of things you do and there that's just a small smattering of what you do every day that keeps uh Livingston as such a great town Barry is there anything I think during that same 5 to 11th isn't there um ice cream with the police officer I think that's coming up did anyone see anything about that I think it's May 9th I thought I don't remember the exact date um let see if I can find it yeah I think that's it's right smack in the middle of uh the 5th through the 11th I have it on my calendars 5:30 to 7 it's in evening on the on the 9th I have it down here Carolyn you know if the ice cream with the police officer okay it'll probably be on on our uh social media Facebook something okay all right well it's uh that's always a fun event um okay next is in the keeping Spirit the keeping the spirit of this is is Carol is this the first time we've done this all right now let's see does everyone want to read does everyone have this sh have this I'll just pass it along all right so this is a proclamation for the 55th annual professional Municipal clerks week same time frame May 5 through May 11 2024 and Caren we just want to uh say what a great job you do um everyone up here really appreciates everything you do every day um us have rotated into the mayor which is just about everyone Kon you'll be there um it knows how how much you help us uh get everything ready um schedule meet with people do everything you do during the day that really keeps uh everything running so beautifully so we are honoring you in particular on this next one so we're going to Kon if you want to take the first two you got the first two paragraphs you want to read that that thought we'd break it up since we're all thankful of You Caroline right yep thank you Caren and okay so first two paragraphs all right there it is whereas the office of the professional municipal clerk a time honored and vital part of the local government exists throughout the world and whereas the office of the professional municipal clerk is the oldest among public servants and whereas the office of the professional municipal clerk provides the professional link between the citizens the local governing bodies and agencies of government at other levels and whereas professional Municipal clerks have pledged to be ever mindful of the neutrality and and impartiality rendering equal service to all and whereas a professional municipal clerk serves as the information center on functions of local government and community and whereas professional Municipal clerks continually strive to improve the administration of the a improve the administration of the Affairs of the office of the professional municipal clerk through participation in education programs seminars workshops and the annual meetings of their state provincial County and international professional organizations and whereas it is most appropriate that we recognize the accomplishments of the office of the professional municipal clerk and therefore I as the mayor of Township of Livingston County of Essex state of New Jersey do recognize the week of May 5th through May 11th 24 as professional Municipal Clerk's week and further extend appreciation to our professional municipal clerk Carolyn mizuko and to all professional Municipal clerks for the vital Services they perform and their exemplary dedication to the communities they represent thank you so much carollyn thank you very much I appreciate it and I appreciate you uh adopting this Proclamation and I just want to say I do have an amazing team so I do not do this by myself at all in any stretch of the imagination there's Liz Peterson Renee resy Casey Kimmel and um yeah this this silly picture is from one of our annual trips down to Atlantic City this was actually just last week where uh the theme was campfire and so that is some of the most amazing wonderful Essex County clerks all there with a fake fire and little gizmos in our hands but um I only shared that just because it is uh it is a great group of people and I you know we we are very humbled by what we do and we you know I appreciate that your Township Council mayor Deputy Mayor are are um doing this tonight for us thank you mayor can I say one thing sure of course uh this past weekend I was with h k and and your interaction with the community the way you presented and you the way you brought in the interest on our Civic duties or rights it's uh encouraging young and adult alike to come and volunteer for po boot workers and so on and so forth commendable job there as well thank you yeah May I'll just all add to that because I had the I had the uh the honor to be with you on the D as well and you did a great job on Sunday uh your trivia game on Sunday was great to get an interactive crowd going um and not only just on Sunday but as the mayor said we've been in this mayor we've been in the seat and obviously you see it all so in your short time as well the amount of work that you and your entire team do so we're very very fortunate and appreciative of you and your staff all right thanks um you want to get a a picture with presenting I know you're modest Carolyn so modest and trying to save taxpayer dollars did not pla up her own press certificate said don't worry about it but we're going to plack this up for you this is this is um but maybe we could get a photo okay thanks Michael all right you want to go pretend it's is yeah okay we are up to the approval of the minutes make a motion to approve the minutes of the April 10th 2024 regular and conference meeting minutes a second okay um all in favor I great all right next is public comment on motion to open the meeting for public comment on agenda items only thank you second all in favor I right any oppos no uh any public comments on agenda items only hi Tim time I'm here just want to make it on record let the residents know that I'm fighting for the residents for this with this ordinance uh I disagree with it there yes there could be some changes that everybody can be happy with uh but again it's my fifth time here and hopefully before the next meeting we'll have a a sit down and and and discuss the issues that are coming up thank you Tim thanks and thanks so much for bringing um you know your point of view and all this information to the light of all of us up here appreciate it all right any other public comments on agenda items any comments from the comments oh okay yes Carol uh the first lift comment I have is from uh Justin Albert a resident of Lon he says Dear councilman with respect to the 55th annual professional Municipal clerks week in this era when we see so much suffering across the state under single Party Machine governance by elected officials and their appointed bureaucrats it can often be the town clerks who the last line of defense for good open governance coming off of this spring Statewide Grassroots political Uprising against gutting the open public records act thankful that the day comes to realize the importance of conducting business in the open and making records widely available to that extent welcome the recognition of Madam clerk for all the work she and her staff do to make records available to the public whom the councilmen were sworn to serve it is a vital sometimes tedious and important role the recognition is well deserved thank you so much for ensuring that the electorate knows of the services of the town clerk so that they may exercise responsible oversight and control over their government Jer Albert the next comment I have is from Step gilberg also resident says Dear members of the Livingston Township Council I hope this letter finds you well I'm writing toess express my sincere congratulations on the recognition of the annual municipal clerk week and to extend my appreciation to town clerk Carolyn for her dedicated service over the past two years as our town clerk and her years as Deputy clerk before that Carolyn's commitment and professionalism have undoubtedly contributed to the functioning of our Township and her efforts are truly commendable however I would like to take this opportunity to address a matter that has of concern to many residents particularly in light of recent discussions during the January 24th meet the mayor event hosted by the Livingston League of Women Voters during this event mayor Anthony conveyed information regarding the transition from Zoom meetings back to in-person meetings stating that he had been informed by our clerk that towns had implemented Zoom during the covid-19 pandemic and all and had reverted to in-person meetings only reget regrettably this statement is false and does not accurately reflect the current situation as as many are aware numerous municipalities across the county and Country have continued to offer virtual meeting options even as they resume iners Gatherings many of these municipalities are also served by attorney caner so perhaps he can explain why this governing body is operating without remote capabilities for its residents despite their asking repeatedly for the same this discrepancy between the information provided and the reality of the situation has understandably caused confusion among residents and it continues to cause conf confusion without any steps to implement the protocols and procedures for an open and transparent government that Livingston residents have been promised deserve and come to expect mayor Anthony it has been more than 90 days since this question was raised and the misinformation provided has continued to perpetuate as members of the community we value transparency and accountability in our leadership and it is essential that accurate information is communicated to Residents there therefore I respectfully urge mayor Anthony to address this matter now and clarify the town's plans regarding the continuation of virtual meeting options without further procrastination or delay many residents have come to rely on the accessibility and convenience of virtual meetings and it is imperative that their needs and concerns are taken into consideration once again I extend my congratulation to town clerk Clarin on her tenure and express my gratitude to the Town Council for their commitment to ethically honor and openly serve the community for for more information on the benefits of virtual meetings please visit bringback zoom.com again please visit bringback zoom.com Stephen gilberg is that it count okay great thanks and thanks for those comments um I uh had I meet the mayor or the leag of Women Voters um I was asked about uh that issue um and I I promised look into it I just want to take a quick poll up here as has any of the uh council members uh been approached by that other than Mr gilberg uh about meaning uh Zoom the zoom yeah I have not had any requests okay to me have have you Deputy Mayor I have not okay thank you I have not okay all right so um I will continue to look into that uh any and no other comments there okay motion to close the meeting and public comment on agenda items second it I'll second all those in favor I I any opposed no okay so we are now up to the passage of ordinances uh Caroline ordinance 52024 amending chapter 274 streets and sidewalks and I we're looking for a motion to table yeah we're a motion to table this someone want to Second it second K you want to Second yeah I would like to Second it but let's let's draw a line I think it's we should we should bring it to close yeah that is yes I had spoke uh with Mr Foley about possibly adding it to a conference meeting so we could talk about it a little bit yeah and I can certainly get the engineer and people to provide whatever report but I agree at some point should be a decision one way or another so uh yeah I don't know if you car it's the May 13th public hearing we put it on for the conference yes M answer that you want to bump it we should put it to the conference but maybe well next meeting is 5:13 but if we're going to do it to the conference maybe it would make sense to have um either the engineer or the assistant engineer present at the meeting as well right I can I can confirm their availability okay yes so seconded yes great thank you uh council members bani yes yes kleene uh yes but again we we need to get this taken care of one way or the other it's it's not fair to people who are waiting on a decision Deputy Mayor Mard yes mayor Anthony yes and I share the same sentiment as council member Clin okay uh what do we have next Caroline uh two ordinances that are both going to be carried to May 13 the first one is um ordinance 12- 2024 the only reason this this is on the agenda was because we had announced at the last meeting that it was going to have its public hearing at this meeting um it was uh noticed according to law but it's ordinance ordinance 12224 amending chapter 170 section 17087 General zoning requirements by updating the terms for issuing a non-residential certificate of occupancy that will be heard on May 13th and the next ordinance 13- 2024 amending zoning map to reflect the merger into block 3100 Lot 56 in the PB Zone and subject to the 321 South Livingston Avenue District Redevelopment plan um this one will also need to be carried as we do not have a quorum to vote on this eligible areused right because uh mayor is recused and so is the Deputy Mayor so both of those will be on May 13th for their final hearing great thank you Carol so we have the uction ordinance 14- 2024 amending amending chapter 110 construction codes uniform moving on first reading have a second second it okay all in favor any any oppos no good all right comments okay uh council member bani yes Klein yes Deputy Mayor manhard yes mayor Anthony yes Final on that car next oh yeah this will be May 13th also sorry excuse me no no problem okay we move to the consent agenda for Resolutions all matters listed with an aster are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the council and will be approved by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the governing body so request in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda as part of the general orders does anyone want anything removed mayor if you could pull out uh 142 oh sure all right do I have a motion uh for the remaining resolutions so moved second council member bani yes uh we don't we don't have to I want me to read on my will okay I'll read them um so the resolution uh 2443 authorizing a contract extension with Fair cut Services LLC resolution 24-1 144 authoring authorizing purchases under the Educational Services Commission of New Jersey purchasing program and resolution 24-1 145 emergency building inspection program um again resolution 24-42 was pulled council member BB Tani yes Klein yes Deputy Mayor mhart yes mayor Anthony yes and Carolyn can you read the one we pulled resolution 24-42 appointment to Zoning Board of adjustment Mahir Shaw great any comment on that yeah I just wanted to uh thank you uh thank Mr sha for stepping forward and serving on our uh in board uh it's really an important body in the town um it's a quasi judicial body I I served on it for a few years I think a whole bunch of council members here have uh served on the zoning board um and uh it's a it's a it's an important body and we really appreciate uh all of our residents who step forward to serve in those kinds of uh functions so thank you Mr sha I would like to Second uh councilman clein's comments here as well um it is always great to see uh Town residents come step forward and serve and especially this is one of those important appointments which the council does zoning board planning board and a few others uh these are extreme time commitments as councilman Klein said and my fellow council members many of them have served on zoning boards planning boards these are realtime commitments hours and hours get spent so we do appreciate that uh and yes Mr sha stepping up to the plate uh is is appreciated thank you good okay Ed agrees with everything that was just said and I I agree as well and I had the pleasure uh sitting in this chair this year to uh call Mr Shaw um and uh just thank him very much for stepping up and volunteering and that's what makes our run our town run and I thank uh all the zoning board members and the planning board and every all our volunteers but the zoning board did have a turnover about four or five members this year uh one of them joined us here um but uh and and we're I think at full strength now so that just shows you um the wealth of uh volunteers we have here and that I think that makes our town special so thank you uh Mr Shaw all right we're now up oh do we vote on that you have to move it'll take a vote so moved I'll second am I allowed to Second council member bani yes Klein yes deputy mayor Reinhard yes mayor Anthony yes like to make a motion to open the uh meeting the public portion three public portion any comments second all in favor I all right okay anyone here for public comment uh two quick things uh Tim Foley PS um sorry Tim Foley 6 M Pleasant Parkway um again thank you the let's follow up on that issue behind my mother-in-law's house that'll be great and uh second what is the uh traffic study for that's happening in town there's there's cameras in front of the firehouse uh and there's other issu it's the one I saw but there's other it looks like traffic study on alsoo I'm guessing it's either by do or the it's not by us so I'm not sure Circle I know they're doing or looking at some significant improvements at the Circle so that's probably Department of Transportation if F on South Livingston Avenue are you talking about the firehouse by the circle no Firehouse fire headquarters uh right on the corner where s usually is I'm going to guess that must be the county uh or it may be associated with uh the development at the Blockbuster site they may be doing it in advance of coming in for a site plan application I don't know def anything to Bottle King in Walgreens area well that's what I'm saying it may be Associated Blockbuster so that was that's Circle the old Bottle King yeah um I I'm guessing it could be the applicant because they are required to submit traffic data additional I mean didn't they do this before they had yeah there's there's a more in-depth and a detailed presentation that they will have to make at the planning board so I'm going to guess that's it we have not uh the planning board has not yet retained because they we we don't have our the board's traffic expert doesn't do anything until they get their report because they review that and do it I'm going to guess it's probably that again like I said i' noticed multiple cameras around town so all right thank you thank you hi everybody Ena yich um Livingston resident I just wanted to uh invite everybody for May 14th uh Israel Independence Day day and Livingston celebrates Israel is a big event in this town and it's uh supported by the diversity committee and we're working hard to put that together now it should be a really fun event uh it's 400 p.m. to 6:15 at the community center a Comm and uh the flag raising is at 700 p.m. at the town hall right here so please come and with your kids it's going to be really really a fun event it should be some fun surprises for kids too so that's all I wanted to say thank great thank you very much Mr F Allan F 23 Maple Avenue Livingston I'm just concerned about uh baying the property if I don't know if anything's being done or I don't see anything on the agenda I don't hear anything uh yeah so I I you obviously the council heard from you last week I know there are concerns about and we had already talked about that um consolidating all the parcels and creating an essentially an oversized parcel in a established single family neighborhood and the potential of a two acre parcel being coming the target of some multif family type development I know certainly you've indicated that that was not your intent but you also indicated uh your interest in consolidating it to sell it um so I you I I think we're at a point where we need to look and see if there's any way to control um sort of against that possibility in in connection with that and uh so I think it's sort of still under advisement okay so at some point uh potent I you know I think if there's a way that we are satisfied that it could be done I don't want to speak for the council and I don't vote uh but that would protect us from the possibility of having a two acre parcel created because we we have obviously got we have experien with other multi-acre Parcels becoming multif family housing and that's something that I think we're all very concerned about given the last three years of uh affordable housing litigation okay so it's forthcoming it's just not necessarily it's going to happen or not happen but the first step was to see if if it's understanding your desire but balancing that against protecting ourselves from creating a parcel that could be the subject of a developer saying I want to come in and put in multif family housing okay thank so do I I do I need to come back to another meeting or is I I will certainly keep you in the loop uh you post I've got all your information okay thank you thank you thank you Alan um any the ice cream uh it's between 12:30 and 2:30 um on the 9th so between 5:30 and 7 it's at headquarters there will be a good humor truck there uh baseball trading cards kids can see a police car meet police officers uh ice cream with a cop well this on their their Facebook says the LPD Facebook says Thursday May 9th 5:30 to 7 so I don't know where you Barry you and I have the same info Carolyn gave me a different time but that's for the emplo Facebook page yeah oh yeah the ice cream is the employee truck that's different yeah Public Public Employee recognition week we have an ice cream truck that uh yeah Alex comes out so one it's May 9th May 9th 5:30 to 7 at headquarters will be an ice cream truck in the parking lot they also have some police cars available that kids can look at and and maybe climb into some police officers are there to meet with the public and the kids and also um this is the kickoff for the latest batch of the police trading cards where each officer has essentially a trading card and those are usually pretty popular items as well great thanks Barry any other public comment uh any you have one okay one on line okay um this is from um a fellow named Brian Bradley I'm not a resident of Livingston he writes I've been paying attention to all the talk about security concerns in Livingston my heart goes out to the Livingston residents and also to the east over East Handover residents who have been appearing at Town Council meetings I moved my family out of Livingston partly because of similar concerns while I'm sure that the residents appreciate blind assurances about security I felt the need to write in because Buri in all of this talk about security is the Kevin Kevin meany whistleblower matter how can you talk about security without mentioning Kevin melany residents have asked for updates on Kevin but the council hasn't given any so I've been forced to do my research by following the case via everything I can find online while it looks like the case is progressing the town has repeatedly tried but failed to get it dismissed and more recently Kevin even fil AP part two which includes even more abysmal treatment he's been subjected to the people should know that Kevin is the one who runs school security Kevin is the one who came up with security plans lockdown procedures and emergency drills for our temples Kevin is the one who wrote grants for the temples to receive more security funding at least he's supposed to be however if you read just some of the basics of the lawsuit Kevin has been stripped of his security role Kevin is a division one swimmer and coached most of the kids in town but he's not on the water rescue team Kevin has a certification as a law enforcement sniper from the FBI but he's being deprived of an AR-15 that wouldn't make too much sense to me if my child was still in the school system LPD is also apparently working with significantly fewer sergeants than budgeted for while Kevin currently sits at the top of the sergeants list it's clear they don't want to promote him so now no one is getting promoted remember that the next time there's a burglary or car theft the lp is purp purposely running under staffed this is this is an objective fact also I saw on Facebook the other day how people are outraged that Hobby Lobby is coming into town there are all sorts of posts about not wanting to support a business that supposedly has homophobic and racist ideals why is it that residents are so vocal about a business yet when a homegrown kid who spents years protecting us being retal retaliated against for contemning homophobia everyone is silent I'll conclude by saying the council is on the wrong side of this the town management and attorney are on the wrong side of this and there are clearly corruption problems in the police department that need to be flushed out Kevin grew up in this town and cares deeply about this town it is just devastating to see what all of you were allowing absolute shameful if I'm being Oz Brian Bradley formerly a 46 Ashwood Drive but now a non-resident Elon any others count that's it okay great mayor just for the record um Hobby Lobby I believe is coming to East Hover not to Livingston I think they're correct thank you great yeah not coming yeah so that was incorrect okay that was incorrect thank just it was just incorrect that it's not coming to our town not coming town thank you all right we are motion to close public portion second okay all in favor I all right um we're up to report of Township officials and council members an great thanks an Adam nothing for this evening y Barry uh just briefly I want to join in I I think the like thank the council for the proclamation for Public Employee recognition week uh personally like to thank all of the staff of that we have a really great team we've assembled here and everybody does a great job and then also I'd like to all these sentiments uh a municipal Clerk's appreciation week I've come to know Carolyn had the pleasure of uh bringing Carolyn on as our Deputy clerk uh almost over five years ago almost six coming on six now and uh she's been a great asset she's got a great team Elizabeth Peterson came on board recently as a deputy clerk uh Casey Kimmel who's got long family roots in the community and Renee resy who's been here forever they do a phenomenal job uh very very professional responsive and so so thank you Carolyn and to your whole staff thank you Barry uh Russ we filed our T gr oh nice okay oh your mic's not on the municipal tonage Grant you filed we filed our Municipal tonage Grant today for the uh mounts that recycled in town from 2023 great how that goes all right thank you Russ um Council or anything no good no mayor okay great thanks for filling in tonight um Carolyn nothing for me okay great uh Kate sure uh thanks mayor uh yeah once again congratulations carollyn and and great job uh from Township employees perspective as well uh uh all the Professional Services uh folks uh a few uh events coming up I just wanted to mention them acknowledge them I think it's the springtime uh we're looking at a lot of outdoor activities but prior to that uh before we meet next time uh we're going to be celebrating sinin Mayo so happy sinin Mayo there's an orthodox Orthodox Easter as well um and I think before we meet it's going to be Mother's day as well so well in advance happy Mother's Day to all moms uh a few events coming up uh on May 5th we have um I'm going to take away some of the bullet points of my fellow council members but on May 5th we have uh Temple bed Shalom tribute uh pick me up I think that's an let's clean up our town it's a great event I like that uh and there'll be a event at the O at the Gazebo Holocaust Education Foundation is doing that one other event I'm which I'm super excited about is um is actually in the uh coordination with lacd and lcdi it's called fashionably on May 10th at 6: p.m. uh at CA Center uh that's something unique I think uh it'll be interesting looking forward to that I think there'll be several more events which I'm missed out but that's all I have for now that's great all right thank you K uh SE um so just to emphasize appropriately uh we have got Livingston's pick it up uh this coming Sunday I like to pick me up that's tiasu in Italian you know that right he said pick me up not it's pick it up right pick it up Livingston is actually the full title this Sunday if you go on to the web page uh for the township you'll see information on uh signing up go to the web page go take some friends take some family members take take some neighbors and uh go sign up it's this Sunday from 9: to 11: uh you and hundreds of other people in Livingston will go and clean up this town make it keep it beautiful it's a great way to get outside um and make yourself feel great about keeping the town beautiful uh so hopefully uh looking forward to seeing everybody there at 9:00 on Sunday thanks great thank you Sean yeah so it's pick it up it's pick it up pick you said pick me up pick it up Livingston pick it up Livingston pick it up Livingston I'm not I'm not appropriate to but may I just in advance I want to thank uh the DPW and the police who do a wonderful job uh for the township on a Sunday morning uh closing off roads protecting everyone from traffic going around and picking up all the bags of trash after everyone's picked them up so uh you know just a really a wonderful effort by not only the members of the town uh but also uh all of our fantastic uh public servants in the police department at DPW thank you Sean Ed all right I think there's one I think so first of all I'd like to thank uh councilman batani for for all the events that you uh highlighted I agree with everyone um wishing everybody happiest of all the events including Mother's Day one other event I believe is this Saturday I believe the LCD is having a party I think um at the community center Bob gabo yeah it's a spring party the spring party at 12 yeah so I want to thank Bob gabo for all the work that he does uh he he also did the shine in autism this past week is it I think it's a Saturday at uh I think I have it on my calendar right you have it on your calendar yeah it is 2 to 12 to2 12 to2 at the community center I just wanted to thank Bob of the Saturday yeah I just want to thank Bob in advance um couple other thank yous uh we are just coming off today's the last day and today's the last last night of uh Passover want to thank the uh the Livingston Police Department for all that they've done keeping um all of our synagogues and all the house of worship safe it was um very rewarding when I went to synagogue this morning to see um police officers in the parking lot I know they do a great job for all the houses of worship so just a special shout out for them um this past week I also we had our first 2020 meeting uh that we've hosted in a while thanks to Alan carpus and Steve Kow for all the work that they've done as co-chairing we have a lot of exciting things that they're going to be studying for this town um want to shout out and since I am on the mic I get to welcome uh former Captain uh our friend John drum who just walked in John it is always a pleasure to see you so thank you for coming as well great thank you Deputy Mayor um I think everything was covered going prospectively uh except for I I do want to join in Happy Mother's Day everyone uh I hope you have a great restful day um and going back just couple things we had in town which were really uh well attended and really uh ni well done and for good purposes too we had shine a light on autism on Wednesday uh we also had a ribbon cutting for EXL martial arts on Thursday on Friday we planted a tree for Arbor Day on Saturday we had Girls Talk uh which was a a great event at the community center and the robotics at the Gazebo outside uh that's why I couldn't make trest and bagels this week or at least briefly um and we had I thank you uh Deputy Mayor Kon for attending the Chinese um Association uh and and going forward I think Kon covered it uh we are going to go back into conference may can I sorry a couple of uh events that we were at so we were at the baseball and cricket season opening I think that was that was a good one that was a great one uh I think uh honoring our previous mayor council member Rudy was an fantastic event you were there last time for Uno for Uno yes um anyone else any other no good uh yeah I threw it high and outside uh that you're talking baseball Cricket we hit we hit we did all right right you don't want to talk about my softball pitch mayor it was good I think we all threw made it made it across the plate Sean yeah you don't want to bounce it I purposely threw it high cuz these guys are Relentless if you bounce it um but anyway so I we hiding outside I think uh we're going to go back into conference now so uh we're going open conference yes good thanks all right thank you everyone we'll be back over here thank you