statement of compliance with the Sunshine Law this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meetings act and adequate notice of this meeting has been provided as required by a law specifically the annual notice was emailed to the West Essex Tribune and the Star Ledger on January 2nd 2024 and a 48 hour notice was emailed to the West ASX Tribune and the Star Ledger on June 14th 2024 the agenda and resolutions for the meeting are available on www. Livingston certain portions of this meeting may be closed to the public for the purposes of personnel Andor other matters as outlined in the Sunshine Law decisions made and or discussed in closed session will be made known to the public at a later time notice to the members of the governing body and Township staff any use of electronic devices during this meeting shall be used solely for the purposes of Township business and any Communications are subject to the open public records act to the extent possible this evening's Township of Livingston council meeting will be live streamed via Facebook at Livingston Township NJ questions or comments will also be accepted by emailing live comments at Livingston by 4M on the day of the meeting each speaker should follow the rules of order in Livingston code 2-15 uh Caroline roll call please thank you mayor council member bubani here viea present kleene here Deputy Mayor mhart here mayor Anthony here uh can we please stand for a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance there's uh no one for the Essex County updates we have no Proclamation and presentations tonight uh like to make S I'd like to make a motion um for the approval of the minutes of the June 12 2024 regular and conference meeting minutes a second uh all in favor I okay any opposed no okay like to open the meeting uh on public comment on agenda items only second on favor I any opposed no okay any uh comments seeing none I'd like to close I'd like to make a motion to close the meeting um for agenda public comments on agenda items only I'll second it um all in favor any opposed no okay so now we're up to the introduction uh Carolyn of the first ordinance thank you mayor ordinance 15- 2024 amending and supplementing chapter 316 Water of The Code by adding a new article 5 replacement of lead service lines like to move the ordinance on first reading is there second uh second okay um you do roll roll call on that yep um just to also mention that the final reading on this ordinance will be now July 18th ju originally going to be the 15th but uh the meeting just in the last meeting got moved to July 18th great thanks council member BB Tani yes via yes kleene yes Deputy Mayor mhart yes mayor Anthony yes okay and that's July 18th thank you Carolyn the next ordinance ordinance 16224 amending the official zoning map and amending chapter 17088 C conditional uses public garages and gasoline filling stations of the code of the township of leing Livingston like to move it on first reading I'll second it um just you know when you're voting on this you're voting to uh introduce it set a public hearing and refer to the planning board thank you Jaren any comments comments no okay um so may this one will have a final hearing of a public hearing on July 29th okay at that meeting the following one go thank you uh Council M bani yes Vieira yes kleene yes Deputy Mayor mhart yes mayor Anthony yes all right we are up to the consent agenda for Resolutions all matters listed with an aster are considered to be routine non-controversial by the council will be accepted by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the governing body so requests in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda as part of the general orders can we can we make a motion to pass them without reading all of them I was waitting Caroline you usually ask do I want them read separately or can we pass them all can can you I think if we can pull any pulled out is the question right yeah that's the first question yeah any uh member want anything pulled out um 170 and 171 please okay all right 170 and 171 so now I just need somebody to move the consent agenda resolutions yep so moved I'll second okay council member bani yes Vieira yes kleene yes Deputy Mayor mhart yes mayor Anthony yes mayor do you want me to read the pull out resolutions yes this would be four and five on the list right and we just passed 1 two three six s and8 okay thank you Carol uh resolution 24170 authorizing the award of a contract milling and Paving West Oakwood is the first pull one is there a motion I'll make motion is there a second second any discussion councilman yeah I think the reason I wanted to pull that out is really to have some additional uh trans and knowledge on this so this is one of those St streets which we have heard a lot of uh complaints about where uh the road quality Etc it's one of those key roads uh this is next to Kings and what I wanted to just highlight and if Barry you can help everybody understand that the project that goes around it the work that the township did uh in terms of uh you know the water uh Mains that had to be addressed and subsequently uh how we are looking to fix the road and once again to address all the concerns over the number of points we have heard any other comments um no council member bani yes Vieira yes Klein yes Deputy Mayor mhart yes mayor Anthony yes resolution 24- 171 authorizing approval of change order number two with Suburban C Consulting Engineers so one small comment sorry okay c a motion motion second second any comments councilman yeah just one quick comment here uh this is in addition to so Barry this is uh what is in addition to what we have already uh approved this is an add-on right yeah this is a change order for additional $5,000 for engineering oversight inspection fees on the water main project due to uh and they ran into a lot of rock this is the one where they were actually boring underneath the creek to insert a water main uh it turned out to be a much longer project and more complicated so there's additional engineering phase and maybe in uh in that sense uh can you explain briefly as well what is this uh water work about uh how are we improving our our water infrastructure upgrading and replacing our water mains including increasing the size which allows for better flow and and also just more reliability older mains yeah it also uh Deputy manager Jones reminded me as well this also provides looping uh which is a system where you you never want dead ends and water lines because then all the sediments go to the dead end and this connects and and provides looping so you get circulation throughout the system which is another enhanced benefit great thank you uh one other thing I I I read in this when we repay and redo this this road uh like we have on Falcon uh we have cheros and we have uh pedestrian friendly components and bike friendly are we looking to add all of that in there uh I will confirm with engineering but I know that has been the direction going forward on all our New Roads wherever we can uh consistent with our complete streets policy and and now we've recently adopted Vision zero uh I know they're incorporating pedestrian friendly sharos and things but I'll confirm thank you very that's all I have thank you thank you K council member bubani yes yes kleene yes Deputy Mayor Minard yes mayor Anthony yes all right we are now up to the public portion to make a motion to open the meeting to the public portion on any subject second okay uh all in favor I I any posos no okay public portion is open great uh hello how are you tonight good good my name is Matt McKenna um I work for asend wellness Holdings we're a cannabis company um I was just wanted to touch base with you guys I'll give a little bit about us but just to see where you are I'd read through some of your meetings I'd seen that class 5 retail had been discussed in the past but Ascend is a multi-state operator we have 37 States across the country including three stores here in New Jersey uh we have 37 total we're fully vertically integrated in all of our states so that means we do everything from seat to sale we cultivate we have that facility in Franklin um a law passed last year that basically allowed us to have partnership stores so that would let us partner with someone who could be a local entrepreneur someone who's a social Equity applicant who was looking to get a license from the state and we would control 35% of that business and they would control 65 we find that that's something that for people who are trying to get into cannabis is a really good way to do it because of the regulatory burden on a small business um so I just wanted to introduce myself I have a small one pager about things we do within communities that we participated in uh tax benefits Etc if I can drop that off with someone that'd be great um I have my business cards if you guys want to get in contact but just wanted to introduce myself and see if there had been any further discussion that I wouldn't have been aware of on the public uh meetings um do you w to give it to yeah you want to give it to Ann thank you thanks and you said you're your Ascend is the name okay and Franklin is in Warren Sussex we frl in Sussex Sussex okay all the way all the way up all the way up yep thanks any other questions uh any other questions no no okay thank you Carol are there any comments no no okay any other public comments motion to move motion to close the public portion second second uh all in favor I any oppos no all right we are now up to the reports of the uh Township officials and council members we had an extended conference meeting uh today uh a couple hours so I'm just going what came out of that I'm just going to read uh on behalf of the whole Council just a few items um and announcements uh we did have upcoming we have the sanskriti yoga day which we celebrating the international yoga day that will be 6:30 uh p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Gazebo on this Friday June 28th okay great um we uh in the last few weeks we had the juneth celebration which was a beautiful event uh I'd like to thank the lcdi um the and and harsh and Andrew as co-chairs for putting on a great event the library had a film which was terrific I had a chance to to watch that and how Jun juneth came about um and all the work that went into it uh we also had some great speeches uh by the LHS uh black students union uh NAACP and Bridget Roberts all did a great job that was on obviously June 19th this past U Wednesday I believe it was we had the diversity in music uh which uh councilman bani went to said it was a terrific event great event that was on last Friday that's correct Friday night yep uh was that the first one by the way that was the first one yeah very very different okay great uh and then we had the Flag Day which was June 14th which the veterans always put on a great event there a commemoration of flag day just great speeches um the flag is more than just a a piece of fabric and what it symbolizes and um they had various um different veterans speak there um I think that was everything that we covered in the back so I think that brings us to the end of the reports of Township officials and council members uh we don't we have anything for closed so is there just motion to adjourn motion to adjourn you sorry sorry sorry you want to mention mayor July 4th which one oh yeah well we have thank you we have our big uh July 4th uh bash coming up on July 4th uh it's going to be as good as ever better than ever uh what do we who's you you're on the committee you're on the committee want to quick we got Auto Show we have the auto show we have the kanana swim Carnival uh we have funny games for the kids all day and uh we have a couple bands playing Beer Garden beer Wine Garden and uh we have fireworks fireworks um band Billy Joel cover band or Billy Joel cover band I believe it is right yeah there are three bands actually oh three bands three bands starting at 5:30 all in the beer the all at the o two in the beer garden one in the uh yes on the main stage main stage and also we'll have free shuttles between Norland and then uh Northland has a couple of events there's a pickle ball uh tournament going on over there sansy has up um some Cricket in the morning I imagine exactly and there was there's some shuttles going back between Northland and um and uh the oval y okay great great thanks thanks for serving as members of those of that committee too uh is that it good good yes all right motion to adjourn second all in favor yes all right you opposed no good