okay welcome to the Livingston planning board meeting I believe we only have one item on the agenda tonight want to call the rooll Jack and for the record notice of this meeting has been published in accordance with the open public meetings act Mr Ratner yes Mr reer here miss fos yes Mr Lewis here miss fuchi here Mr paron here miss F here chairman CA here all right Mr Diner Mr mhart and our chairman Mr Fernandez are not present this evening we also have our board attorney assistant Township engineer traffic consultant and planning consultant we have a COR Mr chairman thank you Jack can you call the first matter that matter that's scheduled for a special hearing is minor subdivision and preliminary final s plan with variances for 321 South Livingston Avenue block 310 Lot 56 in the R4 Zone application numers 2023 that- 36- msub and 2023-the Senior Living Development LLC the applicant is here this evening seeking preliminary and final major site plan approval as well as minor subdivision slotline adjustment approval uh for a senior living facility located in the 321 South Livingston Avenue District Redevelopment area uh the applicant is seeking to uh redevelop the existing YMCA facility into an independent and assisted living facility that will be 150 units and not more than 175 residents the facility will consist of a four-story building that has included amenity space and is approximately 70,000 gross square feet the um uh project is age restricted to Residents 62 years of age and older the minor subdivision or the lot line adjustment uh portion of this application um is really just to merge a portion of the municipal lot that's adjacent to the Bright View lot uh in order to um give it a little bit more room for uh its site improvements the uh Township counc has already approved that portion of the transaction uh and the township Council has already approved and designated Bright View as the redeveloper for this Redevelopment area uh also as part of this application we will be seeking a couple minor deviations from the Redevelopment plan uh for number one excuse me a Minimum side yard setback on one side of 33 ft where 50 ft is required minimum sidey yard setback to parking and circulation NES of 5 ft we have a couple of pinch points uh that encroach uh a little bit closer than that 5 feet requirement um there's also the requirement that the front facade be oriented towards South Livingston have I think this is what Mr Klein would have referred to as a precautionary variance because we think we are we think we are uh fairly compliant with this orientation issue but at out of an abundance of caution we're going to ask for the variance the building is sort of parallel to South Livingston a but because of the front entrance being a bit of a catty quar due to the port kosher we the the front entrance is not exactly parallel with South Livingston app so had an abundance of caution we'll ask for some variance relief for that um and finally we have a deviation from the requirement of 9x2 parking stalls where we're requesting 9 by 18 stalls um I have a few Witnesses with me that are going to testify in support of this application the first witness will be Mr David Holland he is a member of bright viw Senior Living we have our project engineer Abigail Miller from Dynamic engineering traffic engineer Andrew jafa from Dynamic traffic our project Architects are uh Robert harberson and sotia Cheney from Market Square Architects and John tyina is a professional planner with all things Planning and Development LLC so unless any uh questions uh from the board at this point in time I'll call my first witness just one from me yes U so we could we talked about deviation somebody's going to establish for us what the variances are like under the yeah so I was being a little technical uh deviation and a variance are the same thing when it's a part of a Redevelopment plan they call it a deviation it's the same criteria as a c variance and that's what we're see seeking so when I said there are four deviations those are the bulk C variances that we'll be seeking as part of the application got it identify those and make we will identify those I I mentioned them but we will go through in more uh greater detail as our professionals testify great and hopefully um I know the luse administrator just spoke to unfor because it's a public meeting the door has to say open but there's an art thing going on out there hopefully they'll keep it down oh is that why that'll dissipate quickly yeah okay no worries we'll get through it um if I need to speak up just let me know sure first witness yes my fir first witness is David Holland uh from bre viw Senior Living you want to swear the witness yes I do full full name and spell your last last David Holland h o l l a n d thank you Mr Holland could you please just give the board a a brief General overview uh of yourself and and Bright View seor living happy happy to do it um first of all I'd like to thank you all for taking time to hear our application tonight and as Michael said I just wanted to give a brief overview of Bright View give you a sense of who we are as an organization and what we're proposing here you'll get into much more technical discussion from our other professionals but I thought this would be an opportunity just to get to know me and our organization so I've got a handful of slides here um I'm vice president of development for Bright View I've been with the organization now for almost 28 years and there's a number of folks in our organization that have the same long tenure and the same passion for what we do um I'm responsible for determining uh the markets where we see a need for Senior Living um and selecting our sites working through the entitlement process and helping to design our communities while my role is in development um all of our communities uh Excuse me while my role is in development of our communities as this slide represents we're not just developers but we're owners and operators and have been owners and operators of all of our developments for the past 25 years Our intention is to address the need we see for Senior Living in your community but also be a contributing citizen of this Township and a good neighbor to those around us for many years to come uh today we own and operate nearly 50 communities from Washington DC to Boston and with a significant presence here in New Jersey later this year we hope to be under construction with our 11th community in the state that presence has allowed us to grow our brand awareness and our reputation which is so critical and builds the trust and confidence of our residents and their families um to our Miss mission of delivering excellent service that trust in quality of care has allowed Bright View to be recognized as a great place to work by Fortune Magazine as well as a great place to live by US News and World Report among our Associates and residents respectively I'm extremely proud to be part of and represent an organization that is recognized for his dedication to these uh toward these goals Bright View is proposing to construct as Michael said a senior living community of approximately 150 apartments that serve residents in independent living assisted living as well as care for those with cognitive impairment our independent living apartments which you'll hear about will offer full kitchens washer dryers have patios and walk-in closets in one and two bedroom settings our assisted living apartments will have kitchenet in Studio One and Two bedroom layouts with some having some Independent Living amenities as well while the apartments will be beautiful and wellapp appointed the real core of the community is having a spacious common area amenities which allow residents to socialize to explore old and new interests and experience vibrant programming these common area amenities will include multiple um dining venues a bar theater um Art Studio Woodworking and hobby shop library and so many more including amenities outside for Passive use and gardening our activities will also be enhanced with transportation services for all residents to take to go to shopping or doctor's appointments or cultural events um minimizing frankly their use of their own vehicles and to deliver all of these services Bri view will hire over 100 full and part-time Associates all from this area who will work um across essentially three shifts as most healthc Care organizations do but each shift will have a maximum of about 40 to 45 um Associates in the building at any one time so just in closing I wanted to say briew is really excited about the opportunity to bring senior living and a Bright View Community to Livingston um I'll be available to answer any questions right now but also throughout the night during other testimony as well so thank you for taking a few minutes thank you um you want to Mark those as a package or how do you want to handle them yeah I think we can probably mark it as a package um we can mark this as A1 the slides uh first page is entitled Bright View Senior Living dated May 2024 it is one two three four five six pages a copy for absolutely um okay questions from the board I had a few so how many there's 150 total units how many are independent living about half of those about half of those will be independent living the other half will be mix of the assisted living and those uh for memory care and what's the breakdown of the memory care and the assist uh about 26 and and uh Rob may have a breakdown when he gives his presentation on the architecture but about 26 um memory care which means so Tia do you know the mix off top of your head okay yeah we're we are restricted by the terms of the Redevelopment plan to have no more than 30 Memory Care units so then 45 plus or minus Al yeah that sounds right and I this someone going to just talk a little bit about the parking what you need for the AL versus The Independent Living so in in the 50 communities that we own and operate we're typically seeing about 7 or8 spaces for every independent living apartment and about5 5.6 for every assisted living apartment no no and I I don't know is there any parking on the memory care units so we when we talk about when we talk yeah so in memory care really nobody's driving um when we say assisted living it encompasses memory care because it's all under the Department of Health license for operations so I just didn't make that distinction but correct Barry there's really nobody driving from memory care does that 7 or8 spaces for the independent living include those Independent Living residents who have AIDS coming in privately yeah so th th that's a benchmark we use across all of our communities which generally works but that includes all vehicles coming into the community whether they're guests whether they're private AIDS whether they're other professionals themselves as residents or our Associates thank you sure anything else all right thank you thank you you'll figure it out yeah we'll figure it out okay thank you David uh my next witness is Abigail Miller from Dynamic engineering she's a professional engineer do you prefer here or there it's up wherever you want to go okay okay okay I do sure my name is Abigail Miller my last name is m i l l e r thank you Miss Miller you're a professional engineer yes and you have uh a current license in the state of New Jersey yes and it's in good standing correct and you are uh a project manager with Dynamic engineering yes that is correct and you have uh testified and been qualified before before boards and committees in the past New Jersey yes I'd like to offer Mrs Miller as a profess engineer anybody have any questions we we'll accept thank you Miss Miller if you could please just walk us through your plan uh starting with the existing site and then take us through the proposed development sure so I will mark this exhibit as A2 I believe um this exhibit here is entitled aerial map exhibit and it's prepared by our office dated today um May 21st 2024 so for purposes of this exhibit as well as for the remainder of my testimony North is oriented toward the top of the the page East is toward the Canoe Brook and West is toward south South Livingston Avenue so the property address is located at 321 South Livingston Avenue it includes block 3100 Lot 56 which is where the majority of the development is proposed as well as a portion of lot 55 um the Lot 56 existing area is approximately 3 and a half acres whereas we are proposing a total lock acreage of approximately 4.1 Acres with the dedication of lot 55 which is approximately 6 acres in size overall the site including both lot 55 and Lot 56 is trapezoidal in shape um and both Lots include Frontage on South Livingston Avenue so the existing site today Lot 56 includes the YMCA and lot 55 the portion of which is to be redeveloped includes the skate park area um the site is located in the 321 South Livingston Avenue Redevelopment plan District where assisted living facilities are permitted uses um so just a little bit about the surrounding area the site is surrounded by variety of commercial recreational and residential uses to the north we have the ingelore rehab facility um that is located in the professional building District or the PB Zone to the east we have the Canoe Brook with residential uses Beyond to the South we have the town hall with woods and residential uses Beyond and to the West we have South Livingston Avenue with the public library recreational and residential uses Beyond so in general as I mentioned Lot 56 is the majority of the proposed development this is the northern lot which is currently developed with the YMCA lot 55 a portion of which is to be redeveloped as a part of the project is currently developed with the skate park as well as a cellular Tower and town hall both of which are to remain um to the east of our site is the Canoe Brook which is a regulated water body um and has been reviewed and approved I'm sorry the flood Hazard area associated with which has been reviewed and approved by the D in January of 2023 this Canoe Brook is also considered a state open water in accordance with d Wetlands regulations which has also been reviewed and approved in February 2023 by the D and in total the D or environmental constraints on site Encompass about 20% of Lot 56 the Topography of the existing site is um is generally minimal with slopes traveling from west to the East toward the Canoe Brook the majority of the runoff which is generated by the site is also conveyed to the Canoe Brook with a small portion being UND detained toward South Livingston Avenue just going to zoom in for a moment so access to the site to the existing Lot 56 is proposed or I'm sorry exists via one Ingress only to the South as well as one egress only to the north um towards South Livingston Avenue and there are a few easements that exist on site today there is a 65t brook easement located along the Canoe Brook to the east as well as a 15t sanitary easement along the western Westerly property boundary along South Livingston Avenue as well as a uity easement along the Northerly property boundary is this still the same exhibit we were just blowing it up and that's the same exhibit so I don't know I think we need to mark this as well uh2 yeah correct is it is it pre-marked no just when I started I introduced it as see you guys are paying more attention than me it's aerial mapping exhibit and it's prepared by our office dated today May 21st 2024 May 2st 2024 today so for purposes of the proposed development I will be introducing a new rendering so this rendering here is entitled site plan rendering and will will be marked as A3 um it's also prepared by our office dated today May 21st 2024 no this is a separate exhibit so for purposes of of this exhibit similar to the previous exhibit North is oriented toward the top of the page East is toward the right toward the Canoe Brook and West is toward the left towards South Livington Avenue so we are here tonight seeking preliminary and final major site plan as well as minor subdivision approval for the proposed assisted living facility which is a permitted use in the 321 South Livingston Avenue Redevelopment plan we do have the architect here tonight to discuss the proposed building the floor plan as well as the elevations um but just to provide a quick brief overview the assisted living facility is four stories um to the east as well as three stories to the West um the Western Wing has one less story than the Eastern to create more of a tiered visual impact from South Livingston Avenue the gross floor area is approximately 46,00 ft and the total area is approximately 172,500 ft I'm sorry the gross floor area again was the gross floor area is 172,50 Ft the proposed Building height is compliant with the Redevelopment plan as well so the Western portion of the building which is located within 150 ft of South Livingston Avenue has a proposed Building height of approximately 49 ft whereas 50 ft is permitted and the remainder of the building toward the East closer to the Canoe Brook um the re development plan allows there 60 ft for a building height whereas 57 ft is proposed there are Courtyards and amenities throughout the development which include patios water features Community Gardens as well as additional on-site amenities for residents in general the site has been designed in compliance with the Redevelopment plan standards to the maximum extent practical we do meet most building setback and all coverage requirements with the exception of a few so to start we are requesting a sidey yard building setback variants we are proposing 33 ft for from the building to the Southern Property boundary um adjacent to lot 55 where the cell tower is located whereas 50 ft is required we are however complying with all other setbacks for the building um more specifically to the residential to the east as well as to South Livingston Avenue to the the west and and just to clarify uh Miss Miller that that variance it's only in that corner where uh I guess there's that little carve out due to the irregular shape of the lot that is correct so there is only that 33 foot setback to um The Cellular Tower on lot 55 so that that stretch is about 55 ft of that overall property boundary um which is about 10% of that property line that is also the same location that we are requesting a variance um for the sidey circulation aisle setback which we propose at 2.7 feet whereas 5 feet is required um so similarly that is only along a approximately 55t stretch of that property boundary or 10% of that southerly property line where's that so the 2.7t dimension is located to the south of the building um adjacent to lot 5 where that Cellular Tower is located um that's the same location that the 33t set building setback is located as well so just to clarify aside from that 55 ft stretch the building is otherwise compliant as far as sidey yard setback and as far as the driving AIS is concerned yes that is correct we are also requesting variance relief for the orientation of the building the Redevelopment plan requires that the front facade be facing south Livingston Avenue whereas the front facade faces more toward the southwest corner um believe it meets the intent of the requirement as it is still facing south Livingston Avenue it's just not directly parallel to South Livingston Avenue and overall we've designed the site to limit disturbance to actively Disturbed areas on site with minimal disturbance to the to the east along the Canoe Brook where the stream and the DP constraints exist so for access to the site we propos two 24t driveways similar to the existing conditions the southern driveway is an Ingress only and the northern driveway is both an Ingress and egress driveway we are compliant with the Redevelopment plan requirements for the maximum of two curb cuts on South Livingston Avenue overall circulation throughout the site is proposed via a one-way Drive aisle that circulates the perimeter of the site with continuous 60° angled parking this drive aisle varies between 18 to 20 ft in dimension and meets the ordinance and the Redevelopment plan requirements for the width um I did just want to note that the only portion of that one-way Drive aisle that is 18 ft is located to the West along South Livingston Avenue um and this is just due to the fact that the other three Drive aisles are used for refuse and for all truck circulation paths so we provided the additional 2 feet for circulation purposes I'm sorry where was The Loading and then and refu so the loading and refu is located to the north of the building is located to the north of the building along the northern facade here you can see the the proposed masonry trash enclosure as well as the generator so the generator is against the building and the trash compactors Beyond correct So you you're taking the garbage out of the building into the Nook and put it in from the front so this enclosure here um which is more of like an open air structure does house the trash and the recycling compactor and that generator that is located there is proposed to be recessed so I'm just saying the you're taking it out from one of the show which where does it where do you roll the garbage out from I guess the garbage room we see from the architect yes the trash comes out of these rear doors here located in the same location as the the Mason re enclosure is the grease trap in the ground the grease trap is underground yes and is proposed in that area for maintenance purposes um with two manhole access points right so you'll we'll see when we bring our architect up that right inside that door that's showing uh where it says grease trrap right inside that area is the proposed interior trash room where they're going to have some interior trash so they'll roll it right out of there into the uh got the the dumpsters to be picked up and you'll will we'll show that when the architect gets up here so I did just want to touch on a couple of other items for the circulation of the site there is also a one-way 18t Drive aisle proposed adjacent to the portic coare the main entrance drop off of the site and we have provided refu delivery as well as firetruck turning templates which demonstrate sufficient circulation throughout the site and have been reviewed and approved um by the fire chief for the fire truck we also maintaining the existing can we just stay there right there for one second so if you come in off of Livingston Avenue you go through and then through the pork your share and then you make a left back out you can't go right in the front correct so that would be a left turn only and then you go back around the building correct and there is signage proposed there um explaining that it is a left turn only can you elaborate on the the need for the the entry the Ingress from the north driveway as opposed to only having Ingress from the southern driveway it just seems that it it's would be somewhat underutilized since you're only hitting a small portion of your parking whereas from the southern entrance you could hit all the parking so our traffic engineer can provide sorry additional testimony on that right yeah we we have a traffic engineer that's going to testify about the overall circulation and traffic in the area um so we'll make sure but that well just to be clear the southern entrance is ingress only correct the northern is ingress and egress correct okay so yeah I can I can hold my question until the presentation that's fine no no that yeah I appreciate it we we'll make sure it's answered and adequately and um when when Mr uh tra codes up here I I have questions about the Landscaping too should I hold that as well or can I ask that now no you could I will go into a little bit about the proposed Landscaping on site if you want to wait until that section I can wait okay right right winess though so overall we are proposing 101 parking spaces total whereas 95 are required per the Redevelopment plan this includes six Adai compliant parking stalls to the south of the building four electric vehicle charging stalls two of which are to the south of the building and two of which are to the west of the building as well as two van accessible stalls for employee use which are also located to the south of of the building um just real quick on that I know I think Mr Klein our traffic question whether six was enough for ada8 spaces given the clientele and was that in your memo yeah um you guys are comfortable that 68a spots are are good or yes per our experience at other Bright View Bright View facilities meeting the the ADA Compliant um requirement is sufficient for the for the proposed development the parking stall sizes are proposed at 9 ft by 18 ft and they are angled at 60° um as I mentioned with one-way circulation aisles around the perimeter of the parking area we are requesting a variance for the parking stall length at 18 ft um the parking stalls that are adjacent to sidewalk areas do have the extra 2T overhang with 6ft sidewalk areas adjacent there are just a couple of locations to the north as well as to the South where the parking stalls are adjacent to landscaped areas that are behind the curb line um which is why we are requesting that variance relief for the 18t Dimension we also requesting design waiver relief for the Ada stalls as the Redevelopment plan and the ordinance require 12 feet for each Ada stall width we are proposing 8ft wide Ada stalls with 8ft wide access aisles adjacent per the Ada regul ations however the dimmension of the Ada stalls will require a design waiver pedestrian access throughout the site is proposed via a network of sidewalks as well as Ada accessible routes in accordance with Ada regulations and there are additional sidewalks and Pathways that are provided for residents throughout the landscape and the courtyard areas we are also proposing sidewalk connection similar to the existing condition from South Avenue there is one designated loading area proposed along the northern facade of the building for loading and for trash pickup this area is approximately 40 ft by 45 ft in size and I did just want to provide some information regarding the operations of the site so we do expect deliveries for food and supplies to that loading area along the northern building facade during daytime hours to minimize disturbance to Residents we expect about two deliver per day with ups and USPS and FedEx expected daily using the front door near the portic coare entrance moving trucks are expected daily as residents move in and out at the initial opening of the facility and any oversized deliveries will be routed through the loading area again toward the northern portion of the site along that facade will fed and UPS be able to fit under the is that you're saying yes that's correct can you just point to the Loading area on the pl sure it is here along the northern facade where we were the trash enclosure and the generator and the greas Traer located where do you move your furniture in so this is more for um deliveries and drop offs for I'm sorry for the operations of the facility once it is is operable the moving trucks um believe that is not the same location that the moving trucks will be will be parking for Mo for residents to move into the facility yeah so Sor uh Mr Holland would be able to address the move in move outs speak into the mic me here hello nice uh almost all movein will happen actually through the front door so we have plenty of accommodation there we have plenty of elevators freight elevators that are easily accessible for moving furniture and things like that so typically movein happen at the front door and what about food deliveries food deliveries happen uh at the back of house area uh that uh Abigail has been talking about right there in the center on the north um because as you'll see when we get to architecture all of the kitchen area and the preparing area is right inside that door where the grease trap designation is so food trucks come in both for fresh produce as well as uh other Supply and it comes right into the what we call backup house area for storage there's enough room to back a truck in there without it sticking into the the axis aisle so we have a an exhibit that we can present that shows the WB 50 truck that is parked out outside of here um within this drive aisle and it does provide I believe there was a review comment on this um sufficient bypass area for a passenger car to to pass by as that that truck is unloading so you're loading from the access Drive yes yes how many times a day or week is that so so typically I think AB Abigail mentioned this we see maybe about 12 to 14 service Vehicles a week so about two a day so none of them can back in or only garbage can back in garbage can back in or front loed but if they're not not all of them some are box trucks much smaller they can back in but she's designating the larger vehicle is what she was referring to in terms of the circulation exhibit right we'll show day or week is uh twice a week right it's less than yeah correct right I was talking about all service vehicles coming into the site over time right the exhibit that we'll show is a w b50 it shows the worst case scenario not as frequent obviously but we wanted to make sure that the board was confident that the largest vehicle could actually make its deliveries thank you David sure one second so I mean you guys have done this 25 times you know what you're doing but it would seem more logical to have a loading area that could be furniture and food and into some sort of back elevator I mean you must have a pretty significant turnover right I mean the folks are not so so not necessarily not a nursing home yes so this is not a nursing home where there's a short-term rehab going on like it is next door um so typically our independent living residents have a length of stay of say four years assisted living two to three years dementia can be 10 years so we don't see a tremendous amount of turnover um I think what Abigail was referring to is the vehicles will be coming in as we lease up the building initially so there will be some level of activity I mean God willing and hopefully uh we'll have that kind of activity in the first few months but for the most part we're not talking about that many movein on a weekly basis okay okay thank you okay so sticking with this back of house area here the trash area is proposed at about 430 Square ft to house the compactor units that are required for trash and recycling and this that enclosure area will meet um and match the architectural of the proposed building it will also be less than 12T in height per the Redevelopment plan requirement trash pickup occurs approximately three times per week and recycling is approximately two days per week does the Redevelopment plan require a loading area I mean the ordinance would I think the underlying ordinance I believe a loading area is referenced however quantity is not specified are you concerned with the size you concerned with the size of the vehicle blocking well I'm concerned if we need another variance for starters just to make sure we're covering all of them could you limit it to a smaller vehicle that can always fit in the out Cove and then it becomes a loading would that I don't think they're going to be able to do that no I don't believe that the Redevelopment plan requires a specific quantity of loading areas we can look at it later let's just make sure we identify whether or not we need a variant or if we can call that a loading zone I mean it will fit a box truck for sure and step fans correct I believe the intention is for delivery and drop offs that can use that loading area or that designated concrete pad area I should say four drop offs will do so however um like Michael mentioned the worst case scenario the WB 50 we have provided an exhibit that shows that it can park in that drrive a there with sufficient um bypass withd for a passenger car to pass by so that is the intent of that overall area is it possible to see that image now while we're talking about it before we leave that was A3 yes that was A3 yes we call that the rendered version of the site plan was that the landscape plan A3 was the site plan rendering A3 seems to be a colorized version of the majority of page four of the site correct but it had all the Landscaping on it correct so it does include the version of the Landscaping plan It's a combination of the site plan and the Landscaping plan with the with the colorized okay for the record that's good so this exhibit here I believe will be A4 and this this exhibit is entitled delivery vehicle circulation exhibit this is the exhibit that I was referencing that's dated uh May 21st yes so this exhibit um demonstrates the WB 50 circulation throughout the site its entrance on South Livingston Avenue as well is its staging near that loading area in the rear um the back of house area which is on the Northern facade and it shows sufficient bypass width about 11t for a passenger vehicle to pass by should a WB 50 be staged there for drop offs or deliveries what are the dimensions of that area the overall Drive aisle width there is 20 ft so the WB 50 takes up about 9 ft and then the remainder the 11 ft is used for bypass what the depth the depth of that loading area I believe is about 40 yes it's about 40 ft by 45 ft that overall concrete pad external of that trash enclosure area 40 ft is that you're saying 40 by 45 in this General vicinity excluding the trash enclosure and the generator space how long is that truck typically there when it comes that might be a question for Mr Holland yes I think that would be best answer by Mr Holland if he could yeah um so generally speaking that truck is probably there about 10 to 15 minutes and you said there's a design waiver for the length of the spaces right for the length of the parking stall spaces the back of the parking stall is 18 ft and then you got 11 you already got a two foot waiver on the SP space lamp that's really squishy back there so the 18 to 20 or I'm sorry here is the the 20ft width for the proposed Drive aisle so is meeting the Redevelopment plan and the ordinance requirements 18 ft is actually sufficient um for the ordinance and the Redevelopment plan so that 2ot additional is is also um provided there as well as there is an overhang adjacent to the curb there is just some Landscaping um proposed adjacent to the north but I'm confused now you need a design waiver for the length of the parking spaces or you don't need a design so we we do need a variance for the length of the parking we have 99 by8 when 9 by 20 is required but just so the board is aware we do have Mr jafa who will probably be better to better testify as to turning radius and whatnot this is his exhibit I don't want to steal all of his questions okay but um we we'll certainly answer all of them I just think he might be better equipped to discuss some of the maneuvering in the back there yeah so if we can talk a little bit about the drainage Miss Miller sure so for purposes of the drainage explanation I will go back to the site plan rendering so in general the drainage is compliant with the local ordinance standards as well as the state standards under 7 col 13 further the design has been reviewed and approved by the njd um and has its necessary flood Hazard individual permit approvals overall the site disturbance does dictate the site as a major development um due to the fact that we are disturbing more than one acre of land we are disturbing approximately 3.7 acres of land and we are therefore designed to meet the stor water runoff quantity standards as set forth by the township of Livingston as well as njac 7 colon 8 the project is exempt from the water quality requirements as it results in a decrease of Motor Vehicle traveled surface on site it is also exempt from the groundwater recharge requirements as the site is a Redevelopment within the Metropolitan planning area the site does meet the storm water runoff quantity requirements through the use and proposal of two underground infiltration systems both of which are rain tank systems and I did want to note here that we will comply with all of the requirements listed in the engineers review letter um as it pertains to those basins for maintenance access inspection ports um and manholes and cleanout connections as well the utilities for the proposed building ma'am sorry can you just show us the drain there underground is that what you said yes there are two underground infiltration basins one is located in the Northerly parking lot you can see the the dashed outline as well as a solid black outline here there is also an underground infiltration Basin proposed to the east of the proposed building within the Courtyard area Okay so those are the hexagons on the drainage plan so they're they're a dashed I believe they're a dashed line they may have a hexagonal um cross-hatch on the drainage plan though and just out of Interest under the old rules or the new rules this is under the new the new rules as for utilities um all utilities are proposed with connection to South Livingston Avenue sanitary sewer service is provided and proposed to connect to the existing main along South Livingston Avenue within that easement that exists on site via a dogghouse manhole connection water service is also provided and proposed to be connecting to South Livingston Avenue um and I did want to note that there is an existing fire hydrant along South Livingston Avenue that we will be proposing to replace um in accordance with the fire officials request electric and gas services are also proposed and provided via the connection points along South Livingston Avenue as I mentioned before in that back of house area along the northern building facade there is a proposed concrete pad for a recessed emergency generator and to the north of that across the the access aisle parallel to the property boundary to the north is a proposed 10t X 10t concrete pad for a proposed transformer for electric services what is the generator power if it kicks on I do not have the specifications for the generator at this time um the architect might be able to comment is it is it like exit signs and the and the the elevator or does it power the kitchen and it is right uh just for the record the events was a transcript could you identify yourself yeah that's a good so with marus square Architects Mar I'm SOA chinii with Marcus Square Architects that's good and it's actually important because during Sandy we had a lot of our senior facilities emptied out at the High school gym because they either didn't have generators or they only had emergency generators that ran out um that was a huge operation from our health department and everything to try and keep seniors safe and warm and charging their phones and all kind of stuff so yeah it's a 600 KW so it's a whole whole house system thanks okay so while I'm on this exhibit I also did want to talk about the proposed landscaping and the buffers so as previously noted it was important to us when laying out the site that we preserve the existing Woodlands along the easterly property boundary adjacent to the Canoe Brook as this is also the existing buffer to the residential Zone the Landscaping was designed by our office's in-house landscape architect and we are compliant with the planting requirements for the township ordinance all Landscaping will also be maintained as required within the site triangles for the driveways along South Livingston Avenue there's extensive Landscaping provided throughout the residential amenity areas around the building at the site perimeter as well as screen plantings proposed adjacent to the Transformer Pad Landscaping will be irrigated with the proposed water services and we are compliant with the tree replacement calculation as required by the ordinance 46 replacement trees are required for that ordinance calculation whereas 67 are proposed on the southern boundary next to the high school I mean I'm sorry next to town hall where the skate park was are you able to preserve any of the mature trees that are on that site now the Landscaping here is all proposed adjacent to lot 55 along the southerly property boundary can we ask you to look at that if there's a way to Poss possibly preserve a couple there's some really nice trees there sure not sure how far north they are into your property but we can look at the proximity to the the proposed curb line there I know you're going to be grading over there right we can certainly look into that yeah if if there's a chance for us to preserve trees we will make it a condition that we will do our best to do that so the Landscaping along South Livingston Avenue along the angled parking a lot of the species are rather low you have dwarf species I look Shamrock and the munchkin um cultivar as well they're not going to get very tall so my concern is about Headlights pointing at oncoming traffic due to the angle parking I'd like to see a commitment if possible to install at least three and a half foot to four foot tall plants on day one since those are slow growing plants that will have a mature height of four feet that take a really long time to get there and to block the headlights okay yes we can certainly look into replacing these proposed shrubs along South Livingston Avenue with higher shrubs um as long as it's complying with the site triangle requirements yeah uh we'll just have to double check with that we could probably work with your engineer to make sure that there's no you know uh unintended uh issues that arise with like she said site triangles of visibility right on that South Livingston a strip um otherwise what is that setback from so that's the existing sidewalk that you're showing there is a portion of the existing sidewalk as well as a portion that is proposed so the distance from the edge of sidewalk to the curb line of the parking lot is what is 5 feet consistently it does increase to a dimension greater than 5T closer to the South toward the Ingress driveway I apologize so you can get the in the in that five foot strip you can get a three to four foot shrub on day one that will satisfy the yes we can look into proposing the 3 to 4 foot as long as um it doesn't interfere with the site triangles there's a small portion I believe that will have to be lower for the side triangle overall our total landscaped area is approximately 22% of the site we are proposing 21 shade trees which is requirement with which I'm sorry which is compliant with the ordinance requirement to plant one shade tree per 6,000 ft of paved area 23 ornamental trees 27 evergreen trees approximately 460 evergreen shrubs 72 deciduous shrubs 389 Ground Covers 581 perennials as well as 324 ornamental grasses I did just want to touch a little on the proposed lighting design for the site so the parking areas are proposed to be illuminated um as well as shielded to the maximum extent practical from adjoining streets and properties all lighting is compliant with the ordinances requirements lights will be downward facing and dark sky compliant there are a number of pathway and decorative lights proposed throughout the landscaping and the sidewalk areas we are proposing a approximately 42 pedestrian I'm sorry LED pedestal Foundation area lights at about 122 to 14 and a half mounting height can you just review the lighting on the back because that's really the only concern where you're facing the neighbors yes so lighting along the rear I apologize it won't let me zoom in however there are two area lights proposed along that rear curb line to the East toward the Canoe Brook and there will be no light spill over to the Residential Properties to the east so those are like box LEDs facing down like Street like lights and what about mounted on the back of the mounted along the building facade um I believe the architect can speak more to that the the requirement um we currently don't have any lights modeled along that that rear facade and I believe that the area lights in that vicinity um do provide adequate illumination for that area there will be some ball lights sorry continue I apologize for interrup that's okay there will be some Ballard lights proposed throughout this Courtyard area as well so can have a security setting for the parking lot lights at some point that work for you like at 10 o'clock we turn them down think about it you don't have to answer that I'm not sure just concerned about the the residents that back up to the brook obviously the town hall is here the police siren so they're sensitive to what goes on on the other side of the brook overall the the proposed lighting levels are relatively low and uniform throughout the site um which is by nature of the area lights that are proposed throughout as well as some of the baller lights that will be proposed throughout the courtyard areas we are proposing one Monument ground sign at the Ingress driveway um along South Livingston Avenue that is compliant with the Redevelopment plan requirements the proposed ground mounted sign is 27.3 squ feet whereas 71.5 ft is permitted it is set back 15 ft from South Livington Avenue which is required for the Redevelopment plan the height is approximately 76 in whereas the Redevelopment plan permits 78 in it is 8 ft in width excluding the supports whereas the Redevelopment plan allows 11 ft and just a touch on our Outside Agency approvals so we did have a pre-application meeting with Essex County in December of 2022 and we will be submitting a formal application um should the project be deemed deemed approved we'll also be submitting to the Hudson S6 mic Soil Conservation District upon approval we have Willl serves from the gas and electric company p and we are in the process of obtaining well serves from Livingston water and sewer department as I previously noted we do have our D approvals in hand we have a flood Hazard verification from January of 2023 a flood Hazard individual permit from May of 2023 a freshwater Wetland line verification from February of 2023 and I believe this concludes my testimony on this application from a site design perspective um so if there are any other questions that we didn't touch on throughout my testimony I'd be happy to address those at this time um I just want to Circle back and I I'm not sure whether the traffic person would address it or not but I just clarifying because I did go back and read Mr Klein's memo the I believe the plan in the town ordinance on the parking space is allows 18 ft where you have an overhang so the as I would understand it all the ones along the southern boundary that have an overhang all the ones on the Northern boundary that have an overhang and all the ones on facing Livingston Avenue that have an overhang the 18 ft would be permitted because of the overhang so the the only concern I think was the where the handicap spots are and then the angled spots along the rear uh that overhang a sidewalk and the question uh Mr Klein raised I think was with a two- foot overhang and it look I don't know if there was a modification I think the memo said it was a 5- foot sidewalk which would only leave three feet but the plan I'm looking at shows a six foot sidewalk was that done to accommodate the twoot overhang and still have a 4ft sidewalk yes that is correct along the Eastern side of the building as well as the southern side the sidewalks were increased from from 4T to 6t to provide that additional 2T overhang okay great thank you one one thing in the back corner did you have a question CL just real quickly in the back corner what's the the um in the upper North I guess uh east corner of the parking lot oh that just says R4 Zone okay I see it now so back to the um WB 50 delivery vehicle if it's only going to be there for 10 or 15 minutes those angled spaces you're not going to be able to back a car out while the truck is there are we able to make those employee only spots so we know they're not going to be visitors turning over well we certainly have the ability to make some uh designations as far as employees versus non- employees um I mean I'm happy to work with uh you know Dave is happy to work with you I mean does that solve the problem could we just make those employees I mean we we know that shifts are you know the site operates on shifts and deliveries are scheduled so we certainly have the ability to make some modifications if necessary all right that's I mean I just want to make sure somebody doesn't come visit and then they want to leave and they have to sit there and their agreed I don't the only reason I'm a little bit non-committal is because I want to make sure it works and that I don't say 100% employee then we realize it should have been modified slightly differently so we'll work with you and we'll we'll make sure it's acceptable to you on that um but I just think we want to get the most the best input rather than me just saying okay and then realizing I made a mistake yeah no I understand and Mr jafa can talk about the utilization of the parking visitors and yes yes absolutely I just have a question too um by the cell tower compound you know in the current situation that's a connection through so now we're taking half that away I just want to make sure that often the cell tower is um accessed through cranes and stuff they still have the ability to get you know access to their cres in there so that landscape area is nice but also I just don't want to create a problem you know the sell our service sure so we've maintained that existing access aisle there that's approximately 24 ft in width to the limit to which it would be required to be accessed by cranes um for maintenance purposes as well as proposed a concrete walk there about 12T by 6 feet um so I do believe that the access to V Cellular Tower is still adequate um as it exists out there today in this proposed condition so I would just look at an aerial because they do sit in the middle there and I just can't I want to make sure this the actual Towers in the center of that compound um I just want to make sure they have room you know so if that has to get increased you know just uh we're happy to work with them we we've committed internally to make sure that that's not going to become an issue because it'll become our issue um but certainly we thought we designed it in a way that um addressed what is the existing access to it and what is uh required pursuant to the terms of the easement that is currently existing but if they're doing a little bit more and they need a little bit more we're certainly happy to work with them I think um there's not well maybe that one tree but um if we had to adjust a little bit of the landscaping that's not going to be a problem for us and the other question I had is uh do you require do you need a tww bwsc permit from the state for water sewer Rocco just speak up a little bit J do you need a permit for water and sewer from the njd is that one of them so if those approvals are required we will be seeking them um we are in the process of confirming the existing demand for the YMCA to confirm the increase in demand as part of the proposed development okay um we just have to work through that with our water and sewer department obviously because um you you need to sign off on those permits and go through that process so how are they um how are you handling the affordable housing so it's 10% of the license beds right I don't recall I don't know that that's for the engineer and Mr Allen certainly it's the Medicare requirement and those are Medicare eligible so what about Medica Medicaid I stand correct right that would but that would be for the licensed 75 beds right the Al and the memory care what about the independent living you off the top I I I'd have to look it up if you know off the if you know handy um so we we are abiding by the Redevelopment plan and that stipulates all of that yes fair enough um so for the Assisted Living which includes memory care you're correct in our license there's a 10% requirement of Medicaid eligible residents in the community uh once we get to three years uh after certificate of occupancy on the independent living side we're paying the 2 and a half% non-residential fee associated with that and that's a stipulation that's in the Redevelopment plan got it because I know that's always an issue right is it commercial or is it residential same as a nursing home correct okay thank you you got it and um just following up on the um loading area the Redevelopment plan does not stipulate a specific number just says that it should be in the side or rear yard and landscaped um I do note that the underlying Zoning for commercial uses requires a space that's 10 ft in width by 26 feet in length anything else for this witness or I actually looking for an answer to something I'm no no does anybody have any else questions is there anybody here from the public by the way I forgot to ask before that might have questions of the witness seeing none thank you very much thank you thank you so my next witness is Andrew jafa from Dynamic [Music] traffic if you're settled in I can swear you in yeah you got down here excuse me uh do you swear to testimony about to give this matter would be the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth I do all right give us your full name and spell your last name please uh Andrew jafa last name j a as in Frank O L A thank you Mr jafo can you please provide the board with uh some of your educational background and your professional qualifications sure I'm a senior principal of dynamic traffic I've been a traffic engineer participating in the Land Development Community for 17 years now uh my career um I have a Bachelor of Science from Ruckers University also testified in front of numerous boards throughout New Jersey uh several of them in this area as well and all of your licenses are current that's correct I'm a professional engineer I always forget that one professional engineer probably the most important one and then it's licensed and then good standing any you have any questions being none we'll accept thank you thank you Mr jaf if you could please uh I know you did some uh site investigation if you could please take us through some of your findings and conclusions also address some of the board's questions that have been raised before for as you're going through it sure um so I'll do my best to hit all the questions as we go through it forgive me if I forget at the end I'll I'll cover anything that lingers um just from an overall traffic perspective the way that we would look at sites uh especially in this case is what is the existing use and how does that existing use compare to the proposed use um so for this site uh we uh we did prepare a traffic impact study that was uh submitted and reviewed by the board dated June 22nd 2023 um and we took counts at the existing driveways for the Y that's at the facility uh to get an understanding of what the trips are that are coming in and out of that site uh during the peak hours uh we also in accordance with standard practice in accordance with the Institute of Transportation Engineers projected the trips that would be associated with the proposed assisted living facility uh and in general uh what we find is that the proposed assisted living facility you're going to end up with a net reduction in trips associated with this parcel about 30 to 40% depending on the hour that you're in um and it makes sense I was out uh at the site today during the School dismissal period uh as well uh in the afternoon um and the YMCA is busy uh you have uh people uh students that are walking across uh in School dismissal from the high school over to the YMCA so they're Crossing at the signal um at the at the park entrance um and then you have parents it seems like it's being used as a the facto pickup shopall fairies you have parents coming in and out of there as well as you know all the various activities that are happening at the one MCA uh so it's it is an active site today um and and when you relate that to the site that is proposed um you know really it is related to uh staff coming in in the morning uh you heard that there are shifts associated with the staff but that's that's not the whole story uh you have you know the the shift based staff and then you also have staff that are 9 to-5 and that is generally your traffic associated with a facility like this in addition to the residents that are coming and going uh throughout the day so you don't have those concentrated periods of traffic um that you might have with the YMCA where you have um kind of a lot of people coming uh to drop off for a certain period of time or maybe they're they're leaving because an activity ended so they're all leaving the site at a singular time um do you know the shift rotation times yeah the shift rotation is um 7 uh to 300 p.m. 3: to 7:00 a.m. to 3 p.m. 3: p.m. to 11:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. and and just and speaking uh with Mr Holland uh it's about 15 uh people that we're talking about during that shift change uh there are other staff on site but they might be uh you know doctors coming in for certain periods of the day or maybe there's a permanent staff that are just working a typical 9-to-5 shift and those sorts of things uh so from an overall traffic perspective and just speaking about the driveways and how we relate the existing site to the proposed again you're looking at 30 to 40% reduction um so this is really going to be an improvement when you talk about traffic here uh in addition um just talking about kind of what the existing site is doing um again with the students that I observe crossing that's something that you're not going to have with this facility you're not going to have something that's really attracting students at the school dismissal period um where they're Crossing Livin Avenue a busy road to get over to the YMCA um so I think that's a positive uh so that's the traffic impact just talking about externally on Livingston Avenue um uh I'm going to jump into circulation I think there are a lot of questions I think I want to answer the you know you heard about the driveway the Northerly driveway is going to be entering the souly driveway will be in only um we did consider uh the Northerly driveway if we wanted to make that exit only uh instead of allowing both movements and the consensus in speaking with the team looking at it internally and also speaking um you know with how the operations go is we really want to have the ability for someone who's visiting the site to enter the nor LLY driveway so they can find those front and center parking stalls right away uh if you did not have that entrance in the Northerly driveway they would need to enter the southernly driveway um you know they may park on the side uh or they may circulate around and it it creates this a little bit of an unknown for someone who's new to the site who's a visitor if they're forced to enter the southernly driveway um that being said you know for anybody other than a visitor the people that are using these sites are people that are familiar with the site they're employees or the residents uh and they're generally not going to park in the front uh they're going to park around the side so they're naturally going to gravitate towards the southernly driveway um anyway for entering traffic so I think there was a comment that it's it's going to be maybe not used as frequently on the norly on the inbound I would tend to agree with you but we still want to have it because we do want those visors to be able to find those stalls upon answering rather than having a circulator on the site so that's the reason for that so to that point quick question sure there's a reason but why couldn't you angle the front parking spaces the other way and then when you came out from under the porer you could make a right and park right in front after you drop somebody off and not have to go all the way around the building yeah I had the same question uh you're the traffic engine well I know but you know I I do bounce ideas off occasionally um and there's a good answer I promise you is if all of those stalls are filled you have to exit out to the street to to come back into the site that's the reason so we want to make sure if there's filled up they can come in they would make a left and and find a parking sauce around the side reverse um so that's that's the driveways that's the story on the driveways and what we're doing up front with the two-way um I'd like to talk about the deliveries uh and just talking about that loading area so um you heard from your board professional that a loading area um would be required and that Northern or back or if it's provided my understanding is it would be provided on the North or the rear um my understanding in speaking with the team is it's not explicitly required here uh but if it were it would fall to the ordinance standard which would be 10 x 26 um and that is uh correct oh that fit in the the back yeah that would that would be able to fit um within that back of house area that concrete pad uh if we needed to designate something so to the extent that um it's required it could fit in there uh but again um I don't believe that it is required um and speaking about the tractor trailer I'm going to go to sorry what exhibit is this this is a A4 hold on a second yes A4 so uh A4 is the exhibit that was previously presented showing the tractor trailer um sitting and allowing a vehicle uh to bypass so um I I maybe this question is answered but I'll just say it again uh we do have the um ability to designate these stalls that are in the immediate vicinity of where a tractor trailer uh would load um to be um staff only um and that's no problem at all uh and speaking to the 9 by8 stalls it seems like there's some concern about the 9 by8 versus the 9x2 I just want to put a you know 9 by8 is is really the standard it's very rare that I come in front of boards and I see 9 by2 stalls they exist out here but it's a it's a rare community that has that and to put that in a context I'm just going to go down some common vehicle sizes Rav 4 uh that's about 15 ft long uh CRV that's about 15 ft long um Toyota Sienna minivan 17 ft Honda Odyssey 17 ft Honda Civic 15 ft Audi A6 uh it's about 16 ft um so all of these dimensions are very common Vehicles they're they're below that 18t uh threshold usually the cars that you you you find um is trucks right those are the trucks those are the ones when they have the long beds uh or the double cab with the long beds that they're going to exceed that 18t variety um so again we have no problem designating those stalls as as employee only to help control that uh you know who uses those stalls in that immediate area do all of the uh stalls have a twoot overhang yes um so that's the circulation I'm going to pause there is there any question on the circulation and deliveries that I I left outstanding I'd like to answer them now before I move on to the next thing how many cars comfortably fit in the driveway the main entrance with the p cocher oh in here um I haven't looked at that explicitly frankly but I mean in width you could fit one and bypass one no I know but I'm talking about lengthwise like if you have a moving truck and you have the the the bus or whatever you call the transportation vehicle for the facility and you have people visitors coming or dropping off residents or taking them to the grocery store or whatever I'm just curious about the length not the width the width seems fine but I'm curious about the length of that driveway yeah I'm going to get a measurement here for you in a moment but I would expect about three maybe four to five vehicles could fit in that on the length if they're stacked one behind each other I mean that being said um I don't expect it to have that level of activity typically um just I mean knowing how I've interacted with assisted living facilities I have family in there I I very rarely see the pork shars used I mean for me personally usually walk in you would pick up the resident and you would take them out not to say that it can't happen um if the uh the if the the transportation that the site is providing if that's jammed up they they could use a uh they could pull along the curve line uh in this area as needed uh wait for this to clear out before they come in right um there's a lot of different options but in my experience these things are not heavily utilized and heavily trafficked um they become more of a feature of entering into the site you see a drop off area the practicality of I shouldn't say the practicality but the commonness of using them is maybe not as apparent as it would seem thank you and the uh the entry way there by the Portico Shar I think it's 18t width that's adequate to address the UPS or FedEx guy leaving the truck there and people can still get by no problem yeah if they were to pull over they'd have to pull over to the side if they're pulling in the center they're going to block it up but again they're they're usually very quick because they have a lot of deliveries they get to they don't like to linger and just because it wasn't clear I think the testimony was that the furniture gets moved in the front door but I don't know that we confirmed where the truck would be parked while that moving was happening and I and I assume obviously the um facility would have the ability to schedule those movein they just block off certain other parking spaces to allow to yeah so in that case they would typically schedule these types of deliveries uh they're going to do it in periods of time when they wouldn't expect a lot of visitors so they could um again like the delivery vehicle is stationed on this side they could station across parking stalls block them off and block those stalls temporarily during the move in but again this is a temporary at the beginning of the facility as it opens you wouldn't really have that need can I ask you the rooms are one bedroom two maybe I don't one and two bedroom units my mother was in brandy wine we're not talking about Mac trucks coming in with Furniture this is I put it in the back of my SUV and I was I was okay so we're not you hired somebody to we decorated it our s right St you know now she's at my house but uh you but but yeah they not Mac trucks coming and uh leaving it there all day I think we agree with you and I also think based upon the testimony of Mr Holland as to the frequency it seems like it would probably be less than your average apartment building or condominium building anyway um I mean unless there's anything else on that the only other thing that I would cover is is parking and I keep that very short the Redevelopment plan requires 95 parking spaces this project proposes 101 so we do comply with that requirement uh you've heard uh from Mr Holland uh they've also reviewed it internally for their own operations based on their experience and they're comfortable with the number of parking stalls so um that really concludes my testimony uh if there's any questions I'd be happy to answer them well just because it did come up the uh parking spaces so the the code specifically allows the ones in the periphery with an overhang and I think concern was the ones that overhang a sidewalk uh but is it generally wouldn't overhang more than 2 feet so if it's a 6ot sidewalk that's still LE 4 feet that's correct yeah there was a revision to to increase the width of that sidewalk so that you could maintain a 4ot sidewalk if there was a two foot over CU that car typically wouldn't overhang more than two feet I yeah I don't expect them great thank you can you address the electric vehicle parking please sure so the the site proposes four electric vehicle saws which is in accordance with the requirements um I there was a request to uh designate one of the accessible stalls as uh electric and and we're able to do so so what we'll be doing is during resolution compliance uh designating at least one of those accessible SS as um EV as well so there would end up being five SS at the end of it four required though for show on this plan um and one additional EV stall will be provided for one of the accessible stalls okay be that guy but think about the 18 foot wide underneath the port cocher only because it's got so many turns in it if if the UPS truck is parked at the curve then you can't get p i mean 20 would feel a little better maybe I I think the columns are far enough apart I think we're just talking about Shifting the curb slightly maybe you just want to run like a turning template or something just to make sure yeah I well I wouldn't want to adjust it for the sole purpose of having a bu pass for a delivery we can certainly look at it I'm not sure if it can be accommodated but um I I don't want to commit to providing it cuz I don't think it's necessary from an operational uh for an operational reason okay um but again we can look at it if if the plan lends itself to doing so um but again I I I don't want to commit to it simply because it's not needed for operational reasons so this is like our fourth or fifth Assisted Living so you could tell we're kind of no the drill here um so a a lot of time was spent in the other applications about ambulance pickup and drop off so that's going to happen under the porir also yes so is there any no parking like I'm coming to see Mom and I want to pick her up for lunch can I drop leave my car there and run upstairs and get her or how you handling I think that's why keep the traffic moving under there well we're going to have that's part of the reason why we want to have accessible stalls in the front you get to them quickly um yeah that's just not going to be permitted you know that's something that you're going to have to take care of and during operations running allow unattended vehicles just no you can't do that there's always the balance between over signing up and making it look a mess it marked I'm I'm trying to remember from the track is it marked as a fire lane I would imagine the chief would have would concerned about that it's not presently marked as such no but the fire chief did look at this plan um and verbally said he was okay with it um during the track review we had brought up the fact that some of the parking in the rear was in like the flood area uh yes there is some parking in the rear that's in the flood area uh there have been discussions about maybe reaching out to the uh during the track about reaching out to the YMCA or how parking would be accommodated should flooding occur to the rear of the property um so so there are signs that are proposed back there that will designate will will state that those parking spaces are in a flood zone uh no I understand it's just um so the parking is uh precisely what the operations need at this point uh but if there's a flood in that area that eliminates the parking where there any considerations given to having a a separate parking area or an agreement with a neighboring property uh to permit parking if those spaces are not available we don't have one in place but we're certainly open to trying to find Alternatives if they're available to us um I don't know did you I I didn't quite hear did you propose like a specific I thought during the track meeting forgive me it it was it was a little while ago it was a little while ago I thought uh maybe Peter I brought up talking to the YMCA or the new right right yeah and that's certainly something we can do uh we have no problem with that we I that now that you mentioned it it does ring a bell we did have those internal discussions following probably following the track meeting um that we would reach out to see if that if there was anything available in the off chance that we had long-term flooding in that area and we could do that um we just need to make sure number one that site gets developed and there's available parking to us and I believe knowing that project uh having worked on it I think um there will be adequate parking available to us okay just wanted to bring that up no I appreciate it I'm glad you refreshed my memory took me a minute but then I it clicked with me so thank you thank you do we know if it's ever flooded back there I can't ever remember it I don't I didn't know of it but I believe someone said well the municipal I think maybe it was Barry definitely floods in our lot Barry said that that it was floods in your lot was the answer had some employees and police officers didn't know to move the cars yeah I don't know about our lot but that's right anybody have wait actually we we we had marked this right this is the back trailer exhibit this is A4 okay great anybody have any further questions for the traffic engineer seeing none everybody want to take a five minute break do we want to just quick open it up to the public oh it's good idea I didn't see anybody come in anybody from the public have any question questions for the traffic engineer seeing none now we can take a 10-minute break so let's come back at 20 after thank you very much I know it's well it's not for for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's do this all right we're back in session um Livingston planning board May 21st U new witness counselor thank you my next witness is Robert harberson he is an architect from Market Square Architects Mr harberson you raise your right hand you swear the testimony you given this matter will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth do okay please uh give again your full name and spell the last name Robert Harbison h a r b s o n thank you Mr harberson can you please provide the board with your educational background and some of your professional qualifications yeah went to undergrad at University of Delaware uh engineering and art history grad school at University of Maryland graduated in 2001 um moved to New Hampshire um was licensed in 2006 um and I am a partner at Market square architects in Portsmouth I believe I'm licensed in I think eight states uh now our office operates in 30 we have an office in our primary office is in Portsmith New Hampshire we have an office in Austin Texas and in St Louis Missouri uh we've worked on a number of projects for Bright View thank you and you've been uh qualified before Boards New Jersey before uh not not in New Jersey it's my first time in New Jersey I was licensed in New Jersey in uh 2021 our office has worked on a number of projects in New Jersey but this is my first time presenting in New Jersey well you have the license that's qualified never actually a question you don't know the answer to does anybody have any questions seeing n we accept Okay thank you Mr harberson if you could please just walk us through your plan so the image up in the screen right now is a rendered perspective of of the project um I think in general the first thing we do on all of our Bright View projects is we uh we drive around the neighborhood we look at what's here and that's the that's the Genesis the starting point for the language of the architecture that we use so hopefully you see some things that are familiar like the classical forms um we definitely focused on providing promise um to South Livingston and the street Frontage um we wanted this this entire uh length of the building we see as really being the front of the building facing south Livingston so even though the entry is in this inside corner um you'll see these vertical elements these classical forms uh the Koopa these Tower forms in the corners this is where we're using masonry um where we want to relate to the institutional buildings around but we also have a lot of residential and where this is a residence for a number of folks as well we do have sort of a blend of those two things uh one of the other features that we've seen in town is that there are um there's a lot of warm tones there's not a lot of white um bright white is very Stark and also makes things seem bigger everything that we see in town is sort of traditional traditional brick and these warm sort of Sandy tones uh so we focused on that the building steps from back to front so it's four stories in the back three stories in the front portion it tear down and even in the back we've used a mansard roof form to drop that visual Eve line down which helps to bring down the scale of the building um and from Material transition standpoint makes that upper portion feel more like roof so all of that is to kind of bring this down to a more pedestrian scale we also have a very strong base on the building um really in terms of color and material pallet that also helps to bring that that building scale down um and then there are a number of features as you approach the street um off of the sidewalk that does connect back uh these pergola forms that provide covered entry um as you circulate into the space just this was the part of the submission the architectural submission this this is sheet one of the architectural submission you want to do them all in one well we already this is part of the submission to the board already been submitted yeah you have this package this was the architectural plan set Mark a one I think right we I I don't I'm looking for it I don't see it oh okay I apologize this was added though I guess page one you're right so there's two the first two pages I'm being told were added the two renderings this one and this one well how do you want to Mark Mr lar A5 and A6 yes please A5 and A6 and I'll just identify them again uh for the board I apologize for you don't have copies for us do you right now we submitted a digital copy um so we'll just have to call them A5 and A6 there's no real designation other than it says Bright View Senior Living Market Square Architects uh the first uh pages I don't know what direction you want so we'll call this one Livingston Avenue heading north and the other one is Livingston Avenue Ving South that makes sense yes and renderings are never perfect but we have tried to um line this up align this generally with the Landscaping plan as much as as much as possible so you can get a sense of where the sidewalks and and where the grass and planting beds are so you see some of these forms that are providing that sort of residential cover at the front and bringing down to pedestrian scale's jump back um before we leave this image so the other image I'm sorry living s Heaven this is great coming north so on the south this the second Bay what is the the little patio or porch there is that a door underneath there is an egress store here that um has a covered entry and part of this was just to provide a little bit more of a a street presence onto living living location like a fire exit correct and this sidewalk connects you back to if I jump back this pergola that does bring you into the front entry area and and a lot of these changes that you're discussing now these were made in response to the comments at the track hearing yes yeah so actually that was one of the suggestions that came out of the track hearing was to was there anything we could do here to bring some of that pedestrian scale around to the front and where we had an opening there um was there a way to create a canopy for that so the sidewalks all sort of bring you back to that uh this destination and this is a covered walkway in here as well and then as we go back in the building and I'm sure you saw in the the floor plan as well there's a lot of undulation in this building uh all that shade and Shadow when you're out in sunlight helps to break up the mass of a building a lot um all of those spaces have a lot of landscaping as I'm sure you've seen on the Civil plan as well and then we also have a number of Bays on the building so all these vertical Bays where we get that break in color and a change of depth uh the same thing they help to break up the length of those elevations so where it turns to four stories like heading west right here um where the we see the white P so there's windowed I would imagine Beyond The Brick here yeah and and all the way to the back of the building yeah so this is basically it's a mansard roof so it's a shallow it's a sort of a shallow pitch roof and then we do have essentially Dormers in there that create so we can get those window openings to those units and all the windows are very residential in scale but by bringing down that E Line and changing the material and having that slight slope visually it brings down the scale of the building a lot so the windows at the base as you head West those are just apartment Windows correct Ence from a residential correct any other questions on this image the second image is you know showing a lot of the same types of things just the other direction um so you can see this is where you start to get some of those interior Courtyards so that's where the building jogs back at the edge of that bay you can start to understand some of the change in depth of the bay and we're still carrying around those traditional forms um you start to see some of the balconies that are in the back on that side within that um sort of Al Cove of space down further down that's where that service Bay that we were discussing before is located on that side so just as you head West again there's another aisle of parking facing the building yes on the other side aren't isn't that where the handicap spaces are this right here is that what you're asking about yeah so those are facing in correct and are you worried about the headlights in the the apartment Windows ground floor um not not really I think you know in general the times that cars coming in in and out of here um work pretty well operationally for the building and I know shifts are planned around that as well so it's not a heavy concern visitor visitors come you know mostly in daytime hours and then um Staffing is easy to control in terms of when shifts start and stop and where they Park on site so any other questions on that one or these first two renderings and I can return here at the end as we go through the sheets so I'll just give you a quick overview of um just to interrupt apology so all these sheets are in the plans we're going to cover now so we don't have to mark anything yes okay there's anything that you didn't let us know I think it's just the renderings just the renderings is there a rendering from the Canoe Brook there's not a rendering from from that side at this time there's an elevation yeah there are elevations um and I think you know one you have the sepc just because of the brook itself but as I go through the layout I think you'll see that's kind of the quietest part of the building right um so just really kind of to oversimplify this everything to the left of this line here this is independent living everything in the back is assisted living at the ground floor this is where we have the memory care which is um self-cured independent living assisted living Memory Care each have their own amenity spaces in general we've clustered the amenity spaces for the most part um around those Courtyards and then the service spaces around that um service area that we discussed earlier on the Civil plans uh the courtyard itself has an 8 foot fence and that's secure as well so um the folks in um in the memory care get a walking Loop through that courtyard space um which which helps them to you know get some outdoor and some walking which is great um this is the this is the most active floor most of the amenity spaces and primary uh operational spaces are on this first level at the uh at the entry and out to this um amenity Courtyard kitchen trash room we talked out before has is a straight shot right outside to that dumpster area so all of those Services uh that operate the building are kind of essentially located obviously for operational reasons and also so that we can screen some of these things both for the town and for our residents um and then this is the Assisted Living portion in the back generally that organization follows as you go up through the building so that basically holds independent living on the left assisted living on the right and so that's where I was saying as you as you go to the Courtyard as you get out to the uh the brook and the the residences this is all the Assisted Living Wing it's these two short ends are just residential windows as you go up um if I actually going to jump back one sheet these are egress stairs I know there was a question about lighting before each one of them will have a security light at the door that's required by code um everything else was basically described uh by civil in terms of the parking Lighting on that out side balled Lighting in the courtyard um there is an amenity deck upstairs but again that won't be operational um uh late that's question that probably we should probably asked um development so the independent living units are designed for the residents to eat in correct the rent is the meals are covered in their rents each the independent living apartments have a full kitchen so residents can cook in their Apartments but they will get one meal a day plus a continental breakfast so we often don't find that many residents actually cook many meals inside their Apartments but it's an opportunity to stay as independent as they choose to do and like can they go downstairs for coffee anytime they want absolutely it's all day dining um opportunity to have a snack in the middle of the day um pre- dining at the the pub I you know yeah pre- dining experience and social activity at the pub um that's all included in the rent that's all included in the rent even for the independent correct got it sure I think the way breit view described it to us when we started designing for them was people like the idea that they could cook they don't want to necessarily do it anymore that's correct like the fitness center exactly exactly which which we have as well that first week of January it's amazing picture yourself on that Shad um that's I think the majority of what I wanted to cover in terms of the Aesthetics and the organization of the building and at this point I think I'd rather dive into your uh any specific questions you have and I also you may see me turn to sotia Cheney in our office FEMA before who's the uh primary project architect on this as well a couple questions is it like one main dining hall or you have different restaurant Concepts this Vis I can't there there are different so there's a primary dining hall but there are other locations there's a there's sort of a pub uh in this area there's a cafe and then um the different sectors Assisted Living has their own Memory Care has their own as well so there are different locations that you can go to and you may choose to go to something different if you have family visiting or if you're getting together with your friends in the building and so it's sort of in that sense like a Hospitality location where you're giving people different options in landing spots so will the Assisted Living folks eat meals with with the independent living people no never what about the other amend the fitness center the movies they cross-pollinate that wrong um so so just to correct a little bit Assisted Living can have the opportunity to dine in independent living if they choose but most of them are typically dining in their own space um just because there's more care needed for many of those residents um all all of the amenity spaces including for those with memory care can be accessed by all residents all the amenity spaces in the independent living obviously some people need additional assistance need more monitoring but the whole idea is the community is made for everybody so just a little bit of color on that I think what you find is these seniors get comfortable eating with the same people they go to the same they can't going bopping around don't don't we all that's my experience is they just they know their table they know their roommates there or they their table mates and that's where they stay that's operational I think it's like Junior High School yes yes operationally I think what we've generally seen is that for dining people tend to stay in their own zones for amenities that's a little bit different there's more crossover thanks then are you I'm sorry do you have anything else no that's the general organization of the of the building and the Aesthetics approach so after that it's really questions one can we see the back elevation yeah I know you don't have a rendering but I wish we did two 2D always looks I know these are tough to look at I hear you yeah so these are the ends and so what you're looking into here in the center is that's that's set back in that courtyard space Al Cove so you're looking this is the arrows you see right here you're looking in that direction so that middle part where you see this Bay with the balconies that's set back in to that Al Cove these two ends are the parts that are closest to that parking on that side can you just identify what sheet you're referring to this is a 2.01 what's that fence material or is it a wall uh there is a fence there it's usually rod iron fence with Landscaping okay you said 8 feet tall okay thank you that's yeah and this is like I said this is the memory care on the lower level where that courtyard is that it's specifically the courtyard for memory care uh so I don't think they're having a lot of late night parties there police are right next to our if they do um above that this is the Assisted Living wing and the left side of that rendering where there's the facade sort of blank is that an elevator Carter why how come there's no windows the windows don't continue over here yeah let me just jump back to the plane real quick like on 13B it says it's b 28 half of that these are both the stair cores here and here so those are units so see I'm I'm going to have the same fun you did with the zoom [Laughter] in yeah the floor plans look like they have there may be an error in terms of how it's printing on the PDF um it looks like on the floor plans if you look at the back of the floor plans there are windows shown there so I believe that's intended for some reason it does not appear to be showing up on the elevations and I think that might just be a printing to PDF okay essentially I think this carries across the windows continue yeah I think this this essentially carries across there should be residential windows here okay and I'll just jump back again you can see it on the um on the plant sheet you see the windows are located on their on the plants so I'm four floors all the way across the back yeah so I'm not sure why it's not showing up on that elevation that's isn't that the end sorry I'm sorry I got turned around go back up apologies oh yeah it's the top one I I said the wrong elevation where's the ele oh they're back the pl sorry went the wrong way there it is yeah sorry I pointed to the wrong one it's this elevation so then what is that bottom elevation that is the north yeah the north side of South Livingston and so to Mr Santa's point is that a Elevator Shaft yeah so let me jump back up it's a stair this air Tower I'm sorry which facade is that that's oh it's that's six I see on the drawing to the right but it still has the recessed I mean looking at the floor plate where is six is that the bottom one that's this this is living Avenue this is no we want from the other side of the brook that's this that was the top one I put it to the bottom I should I should have pointed the top I pointed the wrong one oh I see that so the other side the other to your point that 2D just doesn't work this image at the top that's recessed in the middle correct and so there's just the two Wing just the two ends yes right where's where's elevation where's El that shows the dumpster in the generator in the AL Cove last because I don't think you're showing that right but that I don't see that I see balconies above the generator and that's not right go to the last page 17 the middle one right there bottom one there that to the right where five and six come together to the right that should be where the dumpster and the generator are in front of those windows right so there's people with balconies above the dumpster is that right in the generator above the generator that's what we have right now yeah is there a roof over the dumpster not not over the dumpster so special garbage view unat we often have them we often have them over the generator and you're set back from the dumpster enough where the trash typically is coming out of the it's being held in the trash room inside and then coming out ahead of pickup but this is often a debate that goes back and forth throughout until we get towards construction there are some folks who want the balcony units there and we have done it successfully it takes operational diligence I'll say um and a lot of people it's worth it to them to have the balcony um no matter what the view is to have the outside space what are they going to get that beep beep beep at 6:00 in the morning when the dump dump truck is com I think that's a question with Windows there anyway right so it's um they're not the most desirable units in the building but that's something that we often go back and forth on in the design process but you are correct that's what's there right now is there a reason that only those units have balconies uh there are more units that have balconies as well so um these units also have balconies in that Al Cove so South Livingston is to the right uh this is that first out Cove those units all have balconies as well um and there is sort of a limit to the number of balconies that are desired for the project as a whole so there's sort of a proportion this is an amenity balcony um in the back and that's sent in set into that Al Cove so anyone has access to that uh and then you have the balconies over here um this is above the entry PCO uh porker share um so there are there are some other locations with balconies Beyond just those when and the unit balconies those are only an independent living I assume for operational reasons correct correct thank you does anybody have any further questions for the architect can we get a breakdown of the one and two bedroom apartments in each category do you want to speak to typical or yeah well we also have a requirement that we we have no more than 150 units and 175 residents so I guess that would make so generally speaking with that math we'd have about 20 to 25 two bedrooms in the in the whole mixx you haven't finalized we're yeah we're not to that stage of full design inside the we know the footprint works and that's what we're uh testifying and walking through with this plan but we haven't gone through that level of detail that will be our next step if we get approval here we'll be getting into our schematic design through construction drawings and we'll have a more accurate mix so if you look at this floor plan you'll see we've sort of generally allocated square footage boxes that we know can work for different types of units but we haven't designed a mix yet it's generally in the proportions that David described so in this demogra what would be your standard 2 to one bedroom ratio yeah so in independent living we're probably doing about 25% or two bedrooms and then the Assisted Living we might have a couple of two-bedrooms but most of them are going to be one bedrooms and Studios and a two-bedroom just to be clear they still is that usually like a family unit I mean you don't have like do you have two totally unrelated people in a two-bedroom unit no no it's typically for one household it's typic sometimes it can be one person or or it could be a couple correct could be two sisters a lot of that determination probably depends on the square footage that you're coming from great thank you I will say I was on the phone for the track and the improvements that you made are are definitely positive I mean the the Redevelopment plan you know for a reason said the building should Orient towards Livingston AV right that's sort of been a mantra with the business improvement district like most businesss since the late 80s um so to have a major building on Livingston Avenue not comporting with that I think was a concern for the business improvement district as well as the people on the track so you've you've made a a solid effort to try and accommodate that I I appreciate that comment I think um you know I think I'll speak for the whole team I think that process was really helpful I think we tried to incorporate most of those comments I think um that was a useful really useful process for us and there's a lot going on on Livingston Avenue it's in a transformative phase like a lot of municipalities with multif family housing affordable housing so there's yeah the new why further down the street so we're trying to keep our arms around as much of the design as we can absolutely all right is there anybody from the public that has any questions of the architect seeing no one still nobody no one's arrived late um I believe you just have one more witness yes uh my Final witness is John tyina he's a professional planner with all things Planning and Development LLC I like the leave the pretty one all right you you swear the testimony given this matter will be the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth I do thank you give us your full name f the last name please my name is John tyina T is in Thomas a i k is in Kelly i n is in Nicholas a I'm a licensed planner in the state of New Jersey have been since I completed my studies at rord University in 1992 he was he was speaking loud enough to No One noticed yeah we're good keep going we're good um uh since 199 too had the pleasure to keep it for the last 32 years they tell me that's the challenge um most of the time I do this testify before planning planning and zoning boards throughout the state of New Jersey and around the country um I've never I've actually been here once but I didn't get heard so I don't think that counts so uh this would be my 157th different board that I've been through around the state and happy to be here anyone have any questions for Mr teina seeing none we'll accept him your professional planners that what we're a planner plan 529 I just just paid for another two years can't wait um so I'm here to talk about uh a little bit of the um some of the deviations that we're talking about I think the team has done really a great job and the town did a great job with putting together a uh a Redevelopment plan that um set forth what you wanted and I think the team has done a really nice job of um of stepping up and and giving you uh what you asked for uh which is uh which is great and looks like the track uh program uh worked out really well considering I've been on the team for about four days I can't take any credit for any of that um so we do need a little bit of relief uh the first is a sidey yard setback um that Abigail talked about uh it is in the area uh where the lot kind of takes a funny shape around the existing cell tower um the setback is proposed at 33 feet 50 feet is required um as we said this is uh in that area where the uh proposed um where the cell tower exists and the building uh and the lot lot juts in secondly we also have a a uh setback for parking there again where the where that lot juts in and it's just for that 55 ft along the um along that edge uh we do need a waiver for Ada parking stall with uh your ordinance doesn't comport with the Ada regulations so that is the definition of a of a practice hardship uh that we can't comply with um doing so uh would put us out of compliance with Ada when nobody's going to do that so um it is adequate and it complies with Ada it just doesn't comply with your ordinance um we uh also need a uh we've talked about the depth of the parking space uh we actually think we probably comply now with 18 feet with a twoot overhang all the way around uh we if you want to grant us the the deviation we're happy to take it um but again again we think the plan as it as it exists now complies um and then finally clarify that issue I don't think anybody has a problem with 18t spaces in length the concern was where the truck was parked with the two foot chop off and then being able to get around it but I think we beat that issue to death but I just I don't think anyone was worried about the 18 foot space with the landscape hangover we approve that all the time right so I believe we addressed the sidewalk in order to comply um so we're happy the only thing I don't want to get stuck with down the line when there's resolution compliance is someone to say you didn't get a variant for this that's the reason why we're asking for it it was rais in the beginning we we think it you know it certainly me I mean for our professionals are we satisfied now that they don't need that right because they have 18t with a twoot overhang and wherever there's a sidewalk they still have four feet left thank you okay and that was my fault I told John to throw it in there so that we didn't have an issue down the line but if we're all in agreement that we don't need it we'll take it thank you likewise the last one is for building orientation uh the uh Redevelopment plan requires the building front facade shall be oriented toward South lingon Avenue I think A5 and A6 are pretty clearly demonstrating that we are clearly oriented towards uh South Livingston Avenue um we have a great articulation we have uh several different um articulate entrances we have several different uh portica shares and covered porticos um to get us in and out of the building um that really animates that entire uh South Livingston Frontage so uh again we we think that uh we would comply if the board makes that determination or we certainly think that this is an adequate plan um and would be entitled uh to the relief um that it is more beneficial to have this uh portica share arrangement in that southwest corner uh to provide for adequate circulation and all the different uh things that may wish to use uh the main entrance um so um again the deviations uh they they're the same thing as a c variant um in this instance we think that they would all be C2 variances where the benefits outweigh the detriments or the flexible c um all of this uh would be addressed under the polling case and again poing the most important thing was found in Poland VAP playing field was that you balance uh the overall Ben benefits of the entire project against those very minor deviations that we talked about and I think that overall uh the implementation this Redevelopment plan uh those benefits far substantially outweigh the detriment of having a 33 foot setback along that uh one short stretch of sidey a uh 2 and 1/2t uh setback for the uh parking area along that 55 ft and uh the parking deviations and the uh front facade deviation if it's determined to be necessary in terms of the positive criteria um I would propose to you that we meet several of the purposes of the municipal landus law uh notably purpose G to provide sufficient space and appropriate locations for variety of uses both public and private according to their respective environmental requirements to meet the needs of New Jersey citizens I to provot a desirable visual environment through creative development techniques and good Civic design and Arrangement l to encourage senior citizen housing and M to encourage construction the coordination of various public and private procedures and activity shaping Land Development with a view towards lessening the cost of such development and to the more efficient use of the land um again uh we talked about uh Mr Holland talked about the need for this housing uh in the area it was certainly evidenced by the municipality stepping up and providing for it in your Redevelopment plan um I certainly think that uh the entire design team is done great job of of creating a desirable visual environment um obviously providing for senior citizen housing and I think Abigail did a really nice job of talking about all the all the coordination that needs to be done uh to get one of these uh projects built and that's really what M's talking about is is can you coordinate all of the requirements uh the aesthetic requirements of the municipality with the circulation requirements of the county with the environmental requirements of the DB and have bring all of that together uh to have an effective project and I I think this is really a wonderful example of of doing that and doing it efficiently uh in an infill Redevelopment site uh in terms of uh in terms of your Redevelopment plan um we are advancing many of the purposes of that uh which uh specifically mirror the ml um we also have provided for again we meet uh the vast majority of the requirements of the Redevelopment plan so I think that in each and every instance since uh we're implementing it and we're certainly uh not going to be impairing it um that would go specifically to the negative criteria uh first would be um are we having any substantial detriments public good uh I think that by implementing Redevelopment plan uh a Redevelopment plan is specifically provided to advance the public good and the public welfare so I think by implementing that plan we are certainly not having any detriment and the second uh is to impair the intent and purpose of the Zone plan or the zoning ordinance and once again we are specific specifically implementing uh the 321 uh South Lon Redevelopment plan um in this instance the minor deviations in no way uh harm that implementation and certainly will not impair that plan in any way so for these reasons I believe the board has the ability to make the findings uh they're necessary to approve the project I'm available for your questions you think C1 applies to the deviation along the cell tower since the lot juts in there so we could P the cell tower very well could yes it is that is a specific condition related to this property um and it is a unique uh property condition for shape so you could find for C1 there as well for both the setback and the parking setback th off my planner's license very very impressive Mr does anybody have any questions for Mr right it's inherently beneficial we go on and on and we can I I can I had 10 pages I did in four minutes come on I I have a I have a concern um we haven't heard one word we haven't asked for any variances and in the you know we're missing Richie Diner here is that your only sign there's only one is that your only sign that yes it's not a single sign we need to have variances we need to have lit up signs that we can cut down actually though there I what is it we have no signage here well but there was a uh there was a reference to a monument sign and there was something in one of the reports so have we seen it and satisfied with it and it meets whatever size limits and everything so I I was lucky enough to sit here for the kabad application I was in the back and I heard all this so I was I made sure that David was well aware complied with all the requirements okay that we were going to comply with all the signed requirements and the Redevelopment and the Redevelopment plan so we are consistent with all one of the one of our professional reviews called out that we didn't hadn't seen the sign yet and I don't didn't see the followup that that we'd seen it and we're satisfied okay anything else we're good on the signage but is anybody here from the public that has any questions for Mr seeing no one thank you thank you you care to sum up sir I will I will be very brief because I think our professionals and our plan are summed up pretty well as ridiculous it sounds confirmed that there's no one here from the public that wants to offer testimony or evidence of their own seeing no one okay thank you so again I think our professionals did an outstanding job of going through the the um the site in our planner did a great job of wrapping it up um you know typically I put together a little outline of things I want to say in closing but just like you guys I sit here and I listen to the application as well and all of our professionals so uh for me my biggest takeaway was that I think you guys or Livingston is really has a good opportunity to get a a real quality nationally recognized partner in Bright View um you know in in this town and that's a rare opportunity they don't have too many in this state and as you could hear from Mr Holland and all the different things that he said about this project and and his company you know this really is a one-of-a-kind type of of uh facility um you know again nationally recognized facility uh nationally recognized place to work so I think this is really a great opportunity for Livingston to partner up with a bright view um I think it's going to be a huge benefit to the community and um you know I think if you vote favorably on this application is going to be a significant upgrade and Improvement to the South Livingston a corridor so that's all I have to say and I hope that you guys vote in favor of this application thank you um quick question Jack do we didn't get 11 by 17 here is that still the was there a reason or we did we end that policy no okay but you encourage everyone to do 11 by 17 because we can't we're all fighting up here and no I was just looking on my computer I wasn't wrestling with any big I just wanted to make sure we didn't change Cent didn't change the policy on the way out the door or something all right um Richard before we get a motion do you want to address the conditions that a motion would entail do you want to address the conditions that a motion would entail that you have I got four I my transcription service can an hour before the hearing microphone well you can have a transcript prepared from the order I could watch you guys do you want a transcript Bridge well it's always helpful but U I mean I I was taking notes uh let's see what the board says in terms of their I had the uh applicant agreed to uh visit revisit the park spaces behind the loading area for designation employee only any that would be obstructed by a a loading car or truck um the applicant agreed to work with the township engineer to review the uh easement area for cell tower access and whether that need to be increases um I think the applicant agreed to revisit the Landscaping along South Livingston Avenue with the idea of planning uh more mature uh plants at a height that would obscure the headlights of the cars parking one of the Ada stalls will be electric vehicle those were the conditions I had and I had you you were going to review um the mature trees at the skate park and see if you can preserve some of them in this land that being conveyed right and there was a discussion about the lighting yeah the when we can turn the lighting down to it you know security lighting level instead of a you know 7:30 p.m level uh was there going to be any condition regarding reaching out to any adjoining property M uh properties like the YMCA for backup parking or did you just want to so just quickly to address that I mean we're happy to do it um I prefer not to make it a condition because we don't know when the YMCA will be built but there are six spots that are in the flood zone and we are overp parked by six spots pursuant to the ordinance so technically if we lost those six we'd be compliant with the ordinance um if you want to just a generic uh we'll make good faith efforts to develop a contingency parking plan yeah because we will yeah okay you know we don't I have a feeling what happens is people park at the library across the street and they're not driving it's hurricane right let's hope um and then I I I just add have one can we just revisit the parking under the POR aare and whether the fire chief wants that because I know at the hospital he's crazy about no one parking there and having that be a fire lane so I don't know whether we missed that at the track but if somebody could just reach out to him and see how he wants to handle stopping standing parking under the pork share you are going to have ambulances coming through there and emergency vehicles and that's the fire department right yeah the fire he he he'll handle the first aid Squad comments as well well do do you want to put most of these uh in Rocco's jurisdiction for review and approval yes it's all you Ro yeah I can meet with your fire chief I usually do as part of resolution compliance and then obviously all the standard conditions that we tached all them sure there'll be the standard conditions outside approvals if you do any blasting yes you've seen our standard I know your standard conditions the only one that I don't know if there be some inconsistency is a developers agreement because we already entered into a Redevelopment agreement so to the extent that's a conflict yeah well you'll still probably want a skinny one with the bonding amounts and I think that might be covered in the Redevelopment plan the r development agreement that we've already entered into with the with actual bonding amounts and escos and stuff I believe I think it's covered PR yeah I just don't want it to be I don't want it to be internally inconsistent no no I don't disagree with you but yeah the um okay we you you'll figure that out uh does anybody have anything else that they thought of as a condition does anybody want to discuss any of the application before there's a motion or should we make a motion first um I'm happy to make a motion um first I'd like to thank uh Mr leari Mr Holland the entire team uh for the application particularly Mr Holland and Bright View for their patience throughout what has been a long process to get it to this point they' they've um demonstrated exactly what he was showing up there on the on the slides about the company so I'm uh very proud to make the motion um I think they've uh submitted the proofs to justify I personally believe the facade would qualify as being oriented to Livingston Avenue but just to the extent it's still an open issue I think they've satisfied uh the standard for the variance uh and then similarly I think we're on all the same page the parking is no longer a needed variance so the two uh bulk variances in the rear uh the 33 feet building setback and the 2.7 feet um I think they satisfied both C1 and C2 so happy to make that motion any conversation no I I would just say I disagree with you Barry I think that the the facade didn't Orient towards the front but I think you've mitigated that as best you can taking into account what the track it talked about um so I don't have objection to it but I think it should be listed as a variance for your own protection be on the safe side sure roll call Jack Mr Lois second yes Mr Reber yes Mr Ratner yes Miss fos yes Miss GUI yes Miss partan yes Miss new yes s I'm sorry Jack who was that Mrs CA yes thank you motion cares thank you all thank you all appreciate it what's going they're doing both it's virtual Trials of the anybody well you got to go on L online that's a pain in the ass you got berer in the side room