good evening the December 13 2023 council meeting for for Long Branch city council will now come to order roll call Mr Vieira I'm here Dr vote is absent Mrs whts here Dr s is absent Mr dangler here can stand for the Pledge of Allegiance please pledge allegiance to the flag United States of America to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all the Long Branch mayor city council and administration are committed to cultivating an environment of mutual trust and and respect that and and respect that values the diversity of our community we will strive to enhance the quality of life for all who live here by making law Brant a desirable place in which to live and prosper we will treat all members of the public with respect and expect the same and return Madam clerk I hereby certify that this meeting has been published in the newspaper in accordance with the open public meetings act and posted as required by law reading and approval of the pre previous minutes I need a motion to approve the minutes from the November 22nd 2023 meeting so moved yes roll call Mr Viera yes Dr vote is absent Mrs Wiis yes Dr s's absent Mr dangler yes consideration of ordinance public hearing and and final consideration we have none ordinance for introduction we have none public portion and resolution for all General comments I need need a motion to open a public portion of the meeting for all comments so move second all in favor I opposed so moved if there's anyone in the audience that has a comment to make please take State please step to the podium state your name and address clearly for the record you will have five minutes and may only speak once vinent laor 33 Ocean turce Long Branch requesting one minute notification approximately 6 months ago I put in an Oprah open public records request and for perer Village phase three audits as required in the perer village 3 development agreement I was recently notified by the clerk that the OPA response has once again been extended now to December 21st Mr Martin why is it taking so long to provide two years worth of audits that should have been routinely performed as required in the Pier Village 3 redevelopers agreement they're performed by the entities and they haven't completed them yet the entities haven't completed them yet it's not the answer I got Mr Martin the annual a covering only revenues and expenses of each of the three unique urban renewal entities at perer Village 3 that I am requesting I simply want the CPA audits why is it so difficult to produce them I'm not producing them the entities are have to get the audits done themselves on themselves they haven't produced them yet Mr Ron is it your position that my Oprah would expose proprietary financial information about the companies that own Pier Village 3 yes or no I haven't I honestly I haven't taken a look at it and I haven't seen the audits yet either so I wouldn't know until I see them Mr known nothing in those audits would expose proprietary company information the financial agreements Kushner and Barnett signed at Pier Village 3 completely detailed the level of profits to be made under the pilot the city issued perer Village three abatements on the condition that the profit loss would be detailed in the pilots Mr Martin how much did the pv3 parking garage pay in uee sales taxes to the city last year I wouldn't know that top my head we'll put an oer in for it Mr Martin is it correct to state that the Pier Village 3 parking garage is a for profit business yes yes Mr Martin why does the city show peer Village 3 parking garages tax exempt okay I think it's because it's subject to a pilot subject to a pilot payment in Li of taxes that's why it's it's tax exempt correct Mr Martin Mr reown and could you please explain why is the parking garage displayed as part of the common elements of the condo buildings on block 222 contrary to the language and the master deed and the bylaws of the lofs at Pier Village Condominium Association which was recorded in freeold on December 29th 2019 book 9387 page 1110 you have an answer what you want me to explain why those documents were recorded in free home after my 5 minutes Mr Ron are you aware that the deed was transferred were you in receipt of a letter from Gary Barnett's Pier Village 3 garage requesting City approval for transfer of ownership I don't recall you don't recall Mr Rong as City attorney you authored the Pier Village 3 Financial agreement I did not and so here excuse me and and and Redevelopment Council handled those I didn't come here until when was it when was it drafted because I wasn't the one who did it you did not review the peer Village 3 Redevelopment I was not the drafter of that agreement no sir and you never reviewed the peer Village phase three Financial I'm sure I have reviewed it over one minute warning I'm not the one who drafted it it would have been somebody from the firm of McManaman Scotland who was the city's Redevelopment Council on that project not me all right but you've reviewed it since then you along with the mayor and the council have allowed non-compliance with the audit requirements so the city council now continues to be financially ignorant of two years of peer Village phase three Audits and yet Council goes ahead and approves Bill payouts for two consecutive years of City audits that are absent The perer Village 3 audits that the city auditor did not have access to analyze our auditor wouldn't review their audit has those are two completely different things uh one is the city's one is uh auditing the city's operations and the other is auditing the private company and if you read the city audit reports Abad properties are in the city audit reports this is total Financial malens by this Council minutes and the palone administration total Malou feasance junk government just complete junk government unjus IFI you can't surpass yourselves every meeting more junk government anyone else good evening everybody my name is Murphy um sorry to be here I have no need to be here but I need to know what's going on in my town now because they tore up on my block and they did some work but um they didn't do what they say they was going to do so I already been down here and talked about it but today I just think I should just say this here I'm 15 W Place Lone BR New Jersey and um they tore my sidewalk and and I don't care who L I had a stump there I didn't didn't ask me could you tell my sidewalker move that stump that stump was something to me and if it asked me I would have say you can take it up but try not to cut it up but they told me when they took that sidewalk down they was going to put everything back that they put now they telling me I ain't had no sidewalk and now they telling me uh they had nothing to do with it CU I they don't work with the somebody somebody I said so why did you tell me that when you took it up I I tell you I just don't like how that work went over their side over there that's just this pretty the left eye was just looking in but my concern is want to with me a place okay I'm sorry I shouldn't be here but I just came here to see what's going on in my town I had been here since 7 1975 I never had no reason to be here cuz everything go along good in my town smooth but I don't I don't like how those people come over and did all that work and how they treating us on this side but my main thing is I don't excuse my expression I don't like how they lied to me and when I called they word and when they didn't do it they laugh and say they had nothing to do with it I have to talk to the county they have nothing to do the county did that work and found out they hired those people um tell the truth everybody I'm sorry I work hard for what I get I work hard to do that and I was told I had to put down a sidewalk when I when we build there so what right did they have to take it up and that ask me and tell the story they're going to put it down it's time to put it down they did nothing I'm sorry but that's that's all I came here to say I'm unsatisfied with their work and they mged up the street and I even put all the payement back down street is that excuse me ma'am what is your address what's your street address I'm 150 woodor Place Long Brand New Jersey zip Cod 07740 I'm saying it wrong it's w i t m e r Place Whitmore Whitmore okay that's me 150 that's what I'm concerned about 150 it was wrong first of all they didn't ask me anything I just came home one day they was tearing it up I and I first I came home one day and the lady was knocking on the door saying this this this but I have to get out at anytime I have a very sick daughter I have to get out or I might have to get a first aid anytime I can't have my drivew walk while my driveway to them they toore it up then I had to get ask some of the men to come and help me to get way to get my car in and out to get my daughter out and I was talking to the three men and they was very nice everybody I don't know to say Sir ma'am what but to everybody they was very nice they was helping me and this lady came up and said you don't have to ask them nothing if you need anything come and get me I'm in charge of all of this well she had already told me everything they tear down they put it back so the so so when it came for me to call her and then she was telling a story and she said then she told me later when I called her word in she said I don't have nothing to do with this she laughed I don't have nothing to do with this we not the cting we can't tell them people what to come and do and what to fix on nobody problem that's your problem I said why did you tell me that when you was tearing it up it's wrong it's wrong I've been here since n ain't got nothing to do with it since 1975 and I worked I came here on a Saturday and I went to work on a Monday I only been out of work three years a whole while I been here okay so everything I got I work for it now if they responsible for my driveway can I say this be done I'm sorry so if they going to take over that part portion of my land how much tax they going to pay everybody that's what I would like to know it's wrong it's wrong people don't even treat their children like that before they give their toys away they ask them first then they take their toys and give it to somebody else or do whatever with it is I'm right we don't take our children toyss and just give them away we don't take down the S set and just give it away or lesson is a haard to their help then we take it down and put in the goar if we can't afford to buy another they just have to go to the playground do that it's wrong but I didn't mind them taking up that sidewalk with that acent me up okay it's under something even so I don't know I understand it but I don't understand why they want to tell a story and take it down when it was time to put it back they going to laugh and say they had nothing do with it so why they take it up I don't understand it I'm sorry but I didn't I really didn't come here to say anything cuz I think the problem is taking care of I came here to see and hear what going on in my town this age I need to know what's going on in my town answer you know so so ma'am like like I had said to you during the week it's it's going to be resolved in the spring as soon as the weather changes the sidewalk will be put back that was the contractor you were dealing with but our our our city engineer has verified to me that they're going to put it back okay okay you're welcome I don't know who she was but she was wrong she works for the contractor we spoke with her oh okay now whatever she say she did for me she didn't do nothing nope we'll take care of it okaying outside on the road help me get my car and thank you I need a motion motion to close public portion so move second all in favor I opposed so move Madame clerk were there any changes to the list of resolutions no changes were made we can take the list list of resolutions as a consent agenda we have a can we have a motion please so moved so moved second roll call Mr Vieira yes Dr vot is absent Mrs witus yes Dr s is absent Mr D anger yes applications we need a motion to to appoint the following members of the uh Long Branch fire department so Mo Kevin Kevin okay Mr Viera yes Dr vote is absent Mrs witus yes Dr s is absent Mr dangler yes I need a motion to approve the list of applications renewal of various taxi taxi cab owner license for 2024 so moved second roll call Mr via yes Dr vote is absent Mrs Wiis yes Dr s is absent Mr dangler yes Mr laneous business for the good of the order Mr Viera good evening and thanks for coming out Chiefs thanks for coming out and ma'am please come out every time you feel like you got to say something you're welcome here anytime and as our business administrator said it will be taken care of in a spring and thanks to come out for your Expressions we appreciate you coming out thank you with that good night councilwoman witus yes good evening that I'm not able to make it this evening um I uh just wanted to wish everyone Merry Christmas and happy Hanukkah and uh wish everyone well and thank you for coming out this evening have a good night thank you mayor palone thank you council president uh just had a few notes Here I wanted to mention the Long Branch fire and history museum is in its final stages of Renovations we'll be having a ribbon cutting in the very early part of 24 uh the new Long Branch senior centers is also um getting near completion and should be opening in mid 24 we look forward to both of these projects being completed uh for the holidays the holiday home decorating contest is going on right now three winners will be chosen and both residential and Commercial entries are accepted to find out more information please go to our website long branch. org and finally the Christmas toy giveaway is this uh is this Saturday December 16th starting at 12:00 noon at 199 Union Avenue please call Recreation with any questions that you may have and uh I also would like to wish uh everyone a Merry Christmas Happy Hanukkah and uh all the best thank you to you and your families thank you mayor um ma'am I'd like to thank you for coming uh and you don't have to apologize for coming to to be to have your voice heard uh we we did hear you and we're glad that it's been really been resolved but sometime you need to still say what you have to say you did a fine job thank you um and as the holiday season is here please everyone be safe enjoy families and uh if you're going to drink get an Uber thank you God bless you all may I have a motion to adjourn so move second all in favor I good [Music] night thank you