##VIDEO ID:pAYLbtBtXUY## so good evening everyone the August 14th 2024 council meeting of the Long Branch city council will now come to order roll call please Mr dangler here Dr vote here Mrs whts here Dr C is absent Mr Vera is absent um all please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States America and the for it stands one nation indivisible like to read the mission statement for the city council The Long Branch mayor city council and administration are committed to cultivating an environment of mutual trust and respect that values the diversity of our community we will strive to enhance the quality of life for all who live here by making Long Branch a desirable place in which to live and prosper we will treat all members of the public with respect and expect the same in return uh Madam clerk please I hereby certify that this meeting has been published in the newspaper in accordance with the open public meeting act and posted as required by law thank you uh I need a motion to approve the minutes for the July 24th 2024 meeting so moved deck roll call Mr dangler yes Dr vote Yes Mrs whts yes Dr s is absent Mr ver is absent motion passed thank you the motion passes um consideration of ordinances there are none for this evening ordinances for introduction there are none for this evening which brings us to the public participation part of the meeting which is for uh resolutions and all General comments I need a motion to open the public portion of the meeting for all comments so move second on favor I I uh if there's anyone in the audience that has a comment to make please step to the podium and take state your name and address clearly for the record you will have five minutes and may only speak once lore 33 Ocean terus Long Branch requesting one minute notification Mr Martin before Pages you forwarded to me on July 30th 2024 after the last council meeting to my July 17th 2023 Oprah request for peer Village 3 audits are completely unresponsive as well as being nothing short of unintelligible garbage the fact that they were signed by Kushner company's CFO Karen mclan is appalling the four pages have been forwarded to the appropriate authorities and a new Oprah concerning this matter is being submitted resolution 197 for tonight no corrective action plan for the findings of the 2023 audit report you add address over expenditures and the monitoring of them however this Council has the audacity not to address the authenticity of the perer village 3 tax abatements that were not attended to in the audit it's even when mistakes are pointed out to your Council you could care less and worse at the last council meeting you made a payout of 79,900 complete to the auditor for a flaw report junk government resolution 195 tonight no excusing councilman Sy from attending Council meetings until such time as she returns sy's absence has been for over a year now Sy is a very selfish woman putting herself before the interests of the public at large no administrative Shirley public safety director browon at the very beginning of the video recording of the April 10th council meeting there was a conversation on the public record among you and the mayor where the following words were exchanged quote Deborah then there was a pause and then Deborah is facing 40 years in prison end quote Mr brownon could you please explain what prompted that remark we don't comment on Personnel matters you don't comment on what personnel matters you don't comment on Personnel matters but you put them on the public record for 40 years it has now become increasingly evident that Health Department official Deborah Nagel as well as a member of the lbpd were criminally victimized by the corrupt Mammoth County spca's Humane law enforcement division which exists under the authority of the mammoth County prosecutor's office both the lbpd officer and Deborah Nagel pursued an animal welfare call in which was discovered a dead dog in large part due to the negligence of the SPCA I made this clear at the August 6th County Commissioners meeting the topic of that meeting was director Ross L Citra and his conduct towards people and animals as has been evidenced by numerous individuals coming forward over the past several weeks the salitra alone agenda which was also discussed at the county commissioner's meeting has proven to be an enabler to the abuses that have and continue to take place at the SPCA no other town was informed of the incidences of SPCA wrongdoings as was Long Branch over the past two years one minute notification and yet not once but twice colan Council entered into a contract with the SPCA we are fully supportive at this time of animal rights Advocates Colleen Ronco and Steven Ronco which has gained broad support among animal rights groups animal rescue groups and regular citizens Broncos exposed the racketeering of the New Jersey SPCA and successfully ended that criminal organization's existence all stand fully United in the confidence that the roncos will be equally successful in protecting the animals and patrons of the SPCA great thanks goes out to the Ronco family and the fight is going to be a strong and successful fight thanks for the junk government long bran five minutes thank you Mr laor anyone else good evening everybody my name is Murphy Jean Stevenson and the property I'm here to talk about is 150 wmer place and when it was purchased it was on the Murphy Jean tail I'm supposed to be getting the sidewalk when it got warm I'm sorry y'all but it's almost fall again and I still don't have a sidewalk so I'm just here to see if I'm getting a sidewalk or not yeah ma'am I remember your case I this is the first I'm hearing of it I'll look into it tomorrow no this my second time here no I mean I I just haven't seen you but they they I can't get down here I got a very sickly CH no I'm just saying they had they promised they were going to do it I'll find out what's going on well I I asked them not to tell me promise I asked them was I going to go get it I'll find out for you yes sir thank you so much thank you thank you man' good evening Joseph Italia 551 High Street Long Branch I would like to know if somebody could tell me what the protocol is when an animal gets hit on the street and killed you call the police station and then what so the the depending on what kind of animal is so what type of animal are you talking about a cat or a dog yeah so so what happens is they notify the sbca they do a scan of it if there's a chip in it where they can identify as someone's bet they'll collect it um if not DPW will collect it okay um is there a difference for the weekend Saturday or Sunday uh well the difference would be it would be dpw's next shift they don't get called they we wouldn't call someone in to do it I I honestly think that's horrific DPW but in the meantime we have um uh with the SPCA we have a um a contract with them and aren't they supposed to come and pick up the animals no that's not part of theirs it specifically says not so what if you call the police station and you tell them that there's a dead dog on the side of the road like I said you they're supposed to come and scan it if they can identify the owner they will handle it if they can't then they so what if 3 hours later the dog is still there and you call the police station and there's a new dispatch and she tells you that unless they're in the street or domestic which would be a cat or a dog the SPCA doesn't come out that it's DPW correct why wouldn't it was a domestic animal well it's their definition so like I said after the SC the definition of a domestic animal is an animal that has lived with humans long enough that they are no no longer considered wild that is a cat or a dog this dog laid there for 24 hours and nobody came to pick it up and I have to tell you that when you call as a concerned citizen the police department and you're told that DPW is going to pick up that animal I'm sorry that's unacceptable it was tactless it was cold I think that they and I saw that you're looking for dispatch and I understand why because when I call on the weekend they choose what they're going to do and what they're not going to do you do not matter and I'm sorry that I feel that way but I called 1:00 on Sunday I called 4:40 on Sunday I called the SPCA right after I called at 4:40 the police station and then in the morning when I called that when the dog was still there the dispatch said to me it's a dog I'll call the SPCA they'll pick it up I said why couldn't they do that yesterday he said I don't know ma'am I didn't work I am horrified was this Sunday this was a Sunday this sun the 11th no the 4th the 4th August 4th I called the police station at 1:00 4:40 I called Mammoth County SPCA and a um a volunteer answered the phone she was very nice told me that she would do what she could to help me I never received a phone call back dog was still there at 8:30 dog was still there 7:00 Monday morning okay we'll look into it I hope you do we will Jill I didn't I I this is news to me but that shouldn't be honestly I mean if you have kids walking around and seeing a dog and so we'll we'll see what we can do about them what if this little dog belonged to somebody around I I I hear you you know they walked up and saw this dog and believe me when I tell you I would have told them I called Long Branch twice I called SPCA This Is How Long Branch fits a bad name yeah no we we need to address that if that's what's happening for sure I would appreciate that and then she said to me it's Animal Control do we have animal control oh so obviously we have an animal control officer but they're currently on suspension so what are you doing to replace that off officer nothing at this point well perhaps you should consider it because maybe this wouldn't happen okay I'll get I'll look into we get back to you I would appreciate if you if you would get back to me on this too Absolutely I'll get back to you thank you thank you hi my name is Gail nisman I live at 436 Riviera Drive and um I'd like to talk about the traffic be on brighten between Ocean Avenue and the boardwalk um I understand that this was uh brought up at a previous um meeting and um I did see a police officer there on the street on the weekend in for a couple of hours but um there were some changes made to the traffic pattern on Ocean Avenue the removal of a no exit sign that I think is could be contributing to the additional traffic that we're having but it's really very bad on the weekends we have people making K turns all over the street urns all over the street double parking because uh they're dropping off all of their uh uh stuff for the day at the beach and there are Walkers there are bikers and it's just it's not a large Street and it's not a very wide Street as you must know and it's just really bad where do you think the No Exit sign's missing I'm sorry the No Exit Sign where do you think that's missing from okay so what happened was there you made a or the township made a change to the traffic signal and the pole and that sign which was not really very big or very bold but it was totally removed when you when the township changed the traffic you mean like no outlets on it in other words telling people once you go down you're in a dead end is that what you're saying that's what it said you are at a dead end no I know but that's the sign you're talking about yes okay we'll look into it the county did that road work so with this we didn't remove it they may have okay and the other issue was when the traffic pattern was changed at the uh Renaissance um such that no longer could you make a uh a a left turn going out of the um uh guard front guardhouse now there's additional traffic on Brighton because everybody that wants to go south is going out the back gate and going down Brighton and then making their left turn at the light so it's just traffic coming from all directions in addition to foot traffic okay we'll look into it thank you thank you I didn't use my five minutes can I no you you can't go back your minutes even if you didn't you have to speak one time sorry this is the second time I've come and I wondered why I was coming now I know why I shouldn't have come is there anyone else who would like to speak okay I need a motion to close the public participation portion of this meeting don't move second all in favor I opposed um Madam clerk were there any changes to the list of resolutions no changes have been made okay we can take the list resolutions as a consent agenda I need a motion move second a roll call please Mr dangler yes Dr vote Yes Mrs whts yes Dr C is absent Mr Vera is absent motion passed thank you uh applications there are none for this evening that moves us to uh miscellaneous business for the good of the order and councilman dangler let's start with you yes yes thank you uh I believe uh what it Lieutenant um Mooney retired don't don't remember how many years that uh he was on duty uh but but I just want to wish him well and uh thank him for his years of service uh trying to protect the citizens here of Long Branch and congratulations on the retirement thank you good thank you councilman dang dangler councilwoman witus I'd like to thank everyone for coming this evening and for expressing your concerns and um hope everybody continues to enjoy the rest of the summer and that you stay safe thank you good thank you councilwoman wit us uh mayor plone thank you council president the uh I just had a couple of upcoming events so the uh the fire and history mum is open uh on August 25th from 1: to 4:00 check out our new Museum if you haven't already uh there's a great event coming up at the Arts and Cultural Center on August 29th at 6 PM with special guest speaker Greg Kelly who's going to talk about the old Long Branch Pier as well as just history of a couple of the peers that we've had um and this is you know particularly of interest because as you as you may know we're now uh in the process of building a new pier um and this is at our lifeguard and surf culture exhibit which is still running until the end of the month and finally our uh summer concert series are still continuing check out our website for the full schedule this uh Saturday night uh is the West End cruise night in West End August 17th so that's uh I think from like 6:00 to 10:00 if I'm not mistaken right and thank you all for being here this evening have a good week good thank you mayor palone um and I would just like to make an announcement about um an event that's going to be happening at our next Council me meeting which is August 28th and that is recognition of Overdose Awareness Day overdose awareness day as many of you um are probably know is in recognition of the people who we have lost um during the opioid um through the opioid epidemic the day itself is actually on uh August 31st but we're going to include it as part of our council meeting so the whole Council and the mayor will be there and uh it will be right outside on the front steps of City Hall it'll start at 7:00 from 7:00 to 7 30 we'll have the ceremony in recognition of O overdose awareness and again the the people that we have lost um to an overdose and from 7:30 to 8:00 will be a candlelight VI vigil for those who want to stay after the ceremony just to uh support each other through some very difficult um moments um the program itself is going to include our first graduate from the uh recovery diversion program some of you may know that this is a program that Assembly women uh Peter Lan Peter Paul brought to Long Branch and it's an alternative to incarceration for people who have a first charge for drugs and they go through a program that's at least six weeks long in terms of uh teaching them how to deal with with some of the challenges that they are facing and certainly moving them further into recovery so the first graduate of the Long Branch program will be speaking as well as Assembly women Peter Paul as well as the mayor and um we'll also have representation from our he's group and some of you may remember that our he's group is the mayor's local task force on substance use abuse um we've been in existence now for six years and uh been uh very very committed and have had a wonderful relationship working with the city and bringing awareness to the op epidemic and bringing resources just like the diversion program um to help help our citizens move towards recovery so that's our next council meeting August 28th 7:00 um right out outs side so if you can come early for the council meeting please join us for that event and with that I think we have covered everything and so I need a motion to adjourn second thank you good night everybody good night