o good evening May 8 2024 council meeting of the long BR City counil now come to order roll call please Mr viea I'm here Dr vote here Mrs whts here Dr s is absent Mr dangler United States of America the Republic for which stands one nation invisible and liy andice all the LA Branch mayor city council Administration are committed to cultivating environment a mutual trust and respect and respect the values of the diversity of our community we will strive to enhance the quality of life for all all who live here by making Long Branch a desirable place who live and prosper we will treat all members of the public with respect and expect the same in return Madam clerk I hereby certify that this meeting has been published in the newspaper in accordance with the open public meeting act and posted as required by law thank you need a motion to to approve the minutes from the April 24th meeting so moved second call Mr Vieira yes Dr vote Yes Mrs whts yes Dr s absent Mr dangler yes cons consideration of wces public hearing and final consideration 08- 24 the calendar calendar year 2024 orance to exceed to exceed the municipal budget Appropriations limits and to establish a cap Bank njsa 44-454 ordinance was introduced on April 10th 2024 establishes a cap Bank njsa 48 40- 45.1 provides that provides that in the in the preparations of the annual budget the municipality shall limit any increases in said budget to 2.5% unless unless authorized by the by ordinance to increase to 3.5% over the previous year's final appropriation subject to certain exceptions njsa 48 4- 455a Prov provides that a municipality May when authorized the ordinance appropriate the difference between the amount of the actual final Appropriations and the 3.5% rate as an exception to its final Appropriations in either the next two succeeding years this ordinance allows allows for the appropriation increase above 2.5% I need a motion to open a public hearing on this ordinance only so so moved second all in favor I oppos so move is any member of the ordinance that has any comments to make on this ordinance only please come to the podium state your name and is clearly for the record you will have five minutes and may only speak once on ordinance 24 requesting one minute notification Vincent leapor 33 Ocean terce Long Branch Mr Martin how is it that the council finds it necessary to increase its current year 2024 budget by up to 35% over the previous year's final appropriation ations this ordinance allows for that more so it creates the ability to have a bank and create a bank of excess Appropriations for future years so the question was how is it that the council finds it necessary so because the ordinance allows it that's why it's being done where is the necessity it it actually isn't an increase all your banking is the authorization to do it is that correct Mr Martin this ordinance gives the authorization to bank correct correct so you're banking the authorization so if it would allow you to go to 3 and a half% and that extra 1% is something that we put in the bank so if next year God forbid there's a hurricane and you need extra money you would have the ability next year to increase it but it doesn't actually appropriate the money so it's not actually raising the budget that much then why are we so Mr Martin why are we doing it in the first place if there's no necessity we don't know if there's going to be a necessity like insurance policy Mr Martin in the ordinance are the words to promote the health safety and Welfare of the residents of the city can you please tell me how this ordinance promotes the health safety and Welfare of the residents of the city bud Gage Pi Health Department every single year health safety and Ware the answer is is what we said before which is that this is an insurance policy so that for instance that next year there's a hurricane and we need to spend more money because we need to clear streets and we need to take down trees and we need to repair buildings we'd be able to appropriate in that year so it is it's a hedge against a a future need that's all it is I still don't you ask the same question every year it's a cap bank it's not an actual appropriation it's not like we're putting money someplace and we're appropriating it and taking it from the taxpayers we're just allowing and by the way that would be subject to a budget being adopted at that time after the public hearing but it's not actually appropriating any money the ordinance is needless because there's been a failure this evening to establish quote as in the ordinance the word necessity to perform this the city's in no position this Council to make any decisions on anything Financial we've learned this with three years of Kushner audits not being accounted for the garage ordered for peer Village 3 a piece of financial Mal feasance and this Council thinks it's competent enough to start ruling on financial ordinances besides that it's about time the residents of the Cities start looking at referendums on measures like this instead of leaving it to the council this matter should be put before a rendum for the people a referendum is the way to go I'm requesting a no vote on ordinance 88 no I need a motion to close so moved second all in favor I oppos this is the second reading of ordinance 0 8-24 made a motion to adopt on the second and final reading and advertise according to law so move second roll call Mr Vieira yes Dr vote Yes Mrs witth yes Dr Cel is absent Mr dangler yes ordinance for intruction the first reading of ordinance 09 -24 entitled an ordinance authorizing the sale of one property on 200-202 Belmont Avenue font Avenue Long rench known as block 280 block 15 to I AJ Belmont LCC pursuant to re development agreement the ordinance authorizes the the city of Long Branch to vacate the property pursuant to to the Redevelopment agreement I need a motion to introduce introduce on the first reading advertised and posted according to law and set for public hearing on May 22nd 2024 so moved second roll call Mr Vieira yes Dr vot yes Mrs Wiis yes Dr Su is absent Mr dangler yes Mr first reading of of ordinance 10-24 entitled an ordinance authorizing the purchase of block 43601 blots 29 and 31 in the city of Long Branch from the New Jersey Department of Transportation the purpose of this ordinance is to authorize a purchase of block 43601 Lots 29 and 30 in the city of Long Branch from the Department from the New Jersey Department of Public Transportation and incorporate incorporate said properties into a pocket parking Park location at block 43601 L 27 in the vicinity of Ocean Boulevard and Atlantic Avenue I need a motion to introduce the first reading advertised and posted according to law set for public hearing for May 22nd 2024 so move second roll call Mr Viera yes Dr vot yes Mrs whts yes Dr s is absent Mr dangler yes ordinance 11-24 this is the first reading of ordinance 11 11-24 entitled an ordinance of the city of Long Branch approving the adoption of Redevelopment plan for non- condemnation Broadway and 6th Avenue Redevelopment area consisting of block two 268 blocks 1 2 3 4 5 67 32 and 33 the purpose of this ordinance is to adopt Redevelopment plan for non non condemnation for Broadway and 6th Avenue blocks 268 LS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 32 and 33 need a motion to introduce introduce on the first reading advertised and posted according to law and set for public hearing for May 22nd 2024 so moved second roll call Mr Vieira yes Dr vote Yes Mrs Wiis yes Dr Su is absent Mr dangler yes this is the first meeting of ordinance 12-24 entitle of an ordinance amending chapter 296 storm storm sewers of the code of the city of Long Branch by creating an article three privately owned salt storage the purpose of this ordinance is to establish requirements for privately owned salt storage and other Di materials on the property not owned by the by the city in order to prevent said materials from being exposed to storm water I need a motion to introduce first reading advertised and posted according to law and set for public hearing on May 22nd 2024 some second call Mr Vieira yes Dr V yes Mrs whts yes Dr Su is absent Mr dangler yes public participation for resolution all General comments I need a motion to open the public portion of of this meeting so moved second all in favor I I opposed if there's anyone in the audience that has a comment to make please step to the podiums state your name and address cly for the record you may have you will have 5 minutes and may only speak once questing one minute notification Vincent laor 33 ocean terrorist Long Branch resolution 100 excusing the absences councilwoman s for meetings for a period of May 8th tonight until such time she returns to city council council president dangler where's councilwoman s currently residing where she residing residing I believe on MAR 7 she's actually said I believe I don't that she lives on MAR I wasn't told different does anybody on this Council know where Mary Jane C is living nobody and you're going to vote on this 4816 d3e of the New Jersey statutes States it would be the determination of of the members of the governing body should a council member be physically or mentally incapable of serving she hasn't participated in an electronic meeting in quite some time has Council moved for any type of judicial determination to fill her seat no no all right 4816 d3c New Jersey statute she no longer resides in Long Branch she can't be on this Council she's had a healthc care facility in tinon Falls at West Long Branch it doesn't count to be a council person she has to actually physically be living in Long Branch that's not true yes it is it's by the state statue well there a question of what residency is and what domicile is but if you're in a h it's the state assuming by the way I don't know this to be true but if you were in a hospital that doesn't mean you no longer live here God forbid Mr leor you should be in a hospital for a long time wouldn't mean you're not a resident of Long Ranch it' mean you're in a hospital that's a horrible thing to say you should be ashamed of yourself no this council is withholding from the public a seat of a representative by catering to a council person who no longer is residing in this city so so Mr that's wrong I don't want to hear your comments I don't want to hear your comments you're reading from I'm against resolution 100 no she should not be further excused Mr Martin since the last count council meeting have you had the opportunity to review the 2022 Pier Village 3 audit of the garage no no you had two weeks to review it why I had more important things to occupy my time you have more important things to do to occupy your time than to review the garage audit of perer Village 3 and to pursue Charles Kush perer Village 3 3 years worth of aordance that wasn't the question you asked me well that's what it's coming down to you know Mr Martin as a CFO you're exercising Financial Mal right now severe Financial malas Mr Morton The perer Village 3 Financial agreement required that the audits be forwarded to the New Jersey DC have you conferred with the DCA that indeed the audit has been forwarded to them I did not forward the DCA this time no that the audit was forwarded by Barnett to the DCA it did not confirm that no great government Council great government Mr Martin did you make inquiries after the sale of the garage in June 2022 with the mammoth County Tax Board one minute notification as to whether a redetermination of the garage tax exemption was warranted I did not you did not Mr Martin it should have been cleared to both the Long Branch assessor's office and the mammoth County Tax Board that upon the sale of the perer village 3 Garage in June 2022 that a redetermination of the garage as a wholly owned part of the common areas of the lofs should have been undertaken and that the tax exemption should have been cancelled as such Mr Martin shouldn't the garage now carry both a land and Improvement assessment I do not make assessments or value land that is not my perview Mr Martin as the CFO you have exerted nothing but Financial malfeasance this evening don't you think it's about time you stopped covering her incompetent Mayor John palone and start standing on your own two legs and upholding your oath as a CFO for the people of the city instead of perpetuating the palone junk government need a motion to close the public portion of meeting some mov second all in favor I opposed Madame clerk are there any changes to the list of resolutions no changes have been made thank you we can take a list of resolutions as a consent agenda I need a motion so moved second R call Mr Vieira yes Dr vote Yes Mrs Wht yes Dr Sy is absent Mr dangler yes applications we have none misscellaneous business for the good of the order councilman via good evening and thanks for coming out to night I appreciate when we have some people in the in the audience out there I'd like to thank the Chiefs for coming up and supporting us here and and doing a great job they do and thank you and good night Council vote thank you council president uh so I want to give a shout out to uh the whole team of people who put together our disability Fair um which happened last weekend on Saturday the the weather didn't cooperate too much was freezing cold but we had a very nice turnout and the whole parking lot the whole area that was set up was filled with tables offering services for people with a whole range of disabilities um we had a nice turnout of people who were seeking services and so kudos to uh to the whole team uh May if you could pass that along to the folks that uh put that together was very very well done and um last happy Mother's Day to the those of you that it applies to enjoy and we'll see you in two weeks Council WT hi good evening and thank you for coming tonight um I also would like to wish everyone a Happy Mother's Day and also I we just got this for the bands that becoming to Lawn branch and uh it's in less than a month so Summer's going to begin and I'm excited about that and with that wish everyone a good week and see you in two mayor pal thank you council president i' just like to thank everyone for being here this evening just had to make a couple of announcements for some upcoming events um this the city is having a free citywide yard sale uh next Saturday uh not this coming Saturday the following Saturday May 18th and Sunday the 19th from 9:00 to 5:00 p.m. no permits are required for this event um we're offering more free art classes and events continue with the long bran Arts and Cultural Center uh check out our website for the latest exhibit in class and event schedules and finally the um Long Branch free uh fire I'm sorry the Long Branch fire and history museum is is now open check uh again our website for the schedule admission is free is there as well and you know we have quite a few pieces of equipment including a 1880 Babcock chemical engine and other vehicles uh on display so uh whenever you have a chance please check out the website for the schedule thank you all for coming again this evening and have a great week I would also like to uh thank everyone for coming out and wish everyone uh Happy Mother's Day and including uh possible few of the fathers who are stepping in as uh mothers for whatever reason um and enjoy the weekend and see you in a couple weeks you need a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second second all in favor I see you in two [Applause] weeks hey Charlie I think after