Peterson from njsba and for caring and governance for facilitating that um and we are jumping right to our preschool presentation so I will give it over to Mr Alexis okay thank you we have um we have Dr Jones and Miss Bower on the agenda so we invite you forward and good oh we I brought my Shon love ter Mrs love Mrs okay do you want to see sure she can be click do Mrs love it can click um good evening I'm so used to talking this way with our audience good evening we um thought it would be a great presentation to highlight our preschool this year this was the first year we combined threes and fours we um updated and adopted our new creative curriculum so we wanted to take this opportunity tonight to recognize everything that we did with both of the classes we had a lot of presentations guest speakers Mrs lit actually brought a lot of them in so um we are hoping to have some similarities for next year but we may not necessarily have the same presenters but we will have others so um it's really fun so we'll highlight everything that we um that they did I'd like to also mention Mrs wo who helped put together this presentation as well and um I'll turn it over to Mrs Bower and Mrs LoveIt are you the clicker not yet sorry you can it doesn't matter hi for those of you who don't know me I'm Danielle Bower uh I'm going into my 13th year Gillette I've taught first grade kindergarten and the last few years prek here um as Dr Jones said that um Michelle W wasn't able to be here but we worked on the presentation together our program currently uses the creative curriculum where students learn through various studies this year we studied units on trees pets balls roads and insects due to my amazing team of Paris and generous volunteers we were fortunate to have several presentations for our students my par professional Sharon love it um she was able to provide us with an arborist a dog trainer and dog groomer a world-renowned soccer ball juggler an entomologist and a beekeeper the joke this year became who does in Sharon know and my other wonderful uh par florencio sque helped me to provide us with a visit from our DPW and of course none of this would have been possible if it were not for the volunteers who so generously gave up their time uh to share their skills and their knowledge with us okay you have the tree study okay so the first study that we did was the study on trees through exploration and Discovery we learn the characteristics of trees uh which animals live in trees what food comes from trees the parts of trees how trees change with the various seasons and who takes care of trees you could switch um we were fortunate to have a visit from our arborist Michael middles dorf and he was able to share with us how uh he takes care of trees and the benefits that uh trees give to our lives and we also studied um measurement through uh trees so the picture you see here is US using a string to measure the width of the tree and we adopted this particular tree outside of the Gillette playground and and that was the Ste we uh the tree we studied all year with the different seasons and how the trees change um you go the next one the next study was the pet study and we talked about what kind of animals make for good pets where do pets live what do pets eat who cares for pets and how do pets make us feel we welcomed a visit from dog trainer and you go to the next one jean Rosenthal and groomer Melanie uh suich the students were so excited to meet their dogs and see all of the tricks that they could perform we learned how dogs are trained and how to care for dogs and the students also got the opportunity as you can see to uh come up two at a time and pet the dogs uh the next unit the next unit was the ball unit we explore different types of balls how people use balls and how balls bounce and roll the unit was a a particularly fun one for the students because we learned so much about balls through play and experimentation um although the visit from the dogs was tough to beat as our favorite our assembly with freestyle soccer champion and Long Hill alumni nick uh s might have topped it uh we invited all of Gillette schools we invited all of the other grades to join us for an assembly with Nick and they were dazzled by his tricks and his ball skills and the fun continued when he had uh volunteers come up as you can see from that picture to play games and win prizes and then next one our next study was a study on roads we learn characteristics of Roads how roads help people in their everyday lives how roads are made and how we uh stay safe on the roads and Mr Gallow from our local DPW came to our school to teach the classes about road safety and then they brought us out into the parking lot and we got to see firsthand how potholes are fixed and I think the favorite part for the students was actually getting to see up close the trucks and getting a little tour of the trucks and the equipment and the final season uh the final study that we are uh going to finish the year off with is our study on insects uh we are discussing the characteristics of insects where do insects live what insects we can find in our community how insects help the Earth and who works with insects we had an informative uh an informative visit from jamanta hayatt she's a master student and trolist from Ruckers University she gave a great presentation on a variety of insects and captur the and captured the students attention through quiz games and the many examples of insects that uh she could share with the classes and they really liked the bugs a little too much seen three and foury old sit for an hour yeah they were very fascinated by all the different types of bugs and uh we also had uh just last week yep that's her too we had a visit from local beekeepers uh Karen and Barbara and they did an amazing job sharing with the classes what bees do how they harvest honey and answering all the questions from our curious students the children were able to see the protection gear as you can see that they're wearing in this picture and they got to touch and smell the Honeycombs so again thanks for um to a great team of staff and skilled volunteers who were able to bring to life the many units we've studied this year the visits and presentations made everything we taught more meaningful for the students relatable to their real world [Applause] [Music] experiences thank you Miss Bower and Mrs love it thank you for all your connections and for creating these opportunities for our students but you know what it is I'll say to to all three of you what's so great is watching you know hearing about how the kids are exploring the world around them and doing it in an authentic way and combining that with the curriculum it's great they had a good time this year I think can can we ask any some questions U Mr Alexis I don't know does anybody have any questions well I I'll ask a question so this creative curriculum was this the first year that we used this creative curriculum in preschool or so this was the first year that we used the updated Gold version of it we've had it for years in the past but we used to when the classes were three and four three-year-olds used it more um you know more often than not and four-year-olds used a combination of that with foundations with more pre kindergarten skills but this was the first year that we used it with validity uh the updated program okay including the assessments the progress reports that were not used in the past okay so you didn't have the pre pre kindergarten skills or yes we we intertwined that with centers so it wasn't formally taught like as a whole whole group but we did have Foundation centers yes how many in the prese school I have 17 in my class and I think uh I think she just got new 17 and 18 yeah so um next year because it's it's it's a two-year cycle now with the kids will there be like a different set of you know it'll be rotational between every two years you'll have different SE or I creative curriculum has over 20 units so each year you can pick which units you want to focus on so because we did these units this year probably probably next year they'll pick different units to study so cool it's nice to see you guys I mean you since Co I mean this this is love it I enjoyed your singing throughout Co I have wonderful videos of the kids and it's really nice to see you you guys do a wonderful job Ino yes we are I was just gonna say something my so my son is in the in the program as all three of my children have gone through this program um and I think even my Marcel I think it was creative went back then just starting so this is a wonderful curriculum and it's and the teachers and the Paris all you guys are just awesome so I see everything that comes home to me and you know the cute little beekeeper with the little netting over at the the craft it it was it's just so it's awesome I love it my kids love it thank you can I take a picture of you guys together just to put it sure come on this is very I mean okay thank you give it to the paper okay thank you thank you thank you guys so much very much great okay um so we are going to Communications I do not have any nothing to report okay uh board committee and liaison reports uh we'll start with Karen okay Morris County and services the last time we met was the last update that got from the from them um I have a meeting coming this Wednesday um now excuse me um for finance my yeah okay what we had at the last meeting was a presentation from Brown and Brown well I should say not only a presentation not formal presentation more like a big discussion about a little bit the history of the health plans in our district and a rundown on you know what's available to us and what's not available to us because we have a universe of less than a 100 um that's very restrictive in terms of the plans that would be open to us to use utilize part of that reason is obviously because of the size but the other part is for under 150 what they called claim experience is not captured and without that would no other comp you know other companies do not want you so be that as it may uh based upon what increases came this year with the Cooperative that we are working with uh we came in I think second to lowest only a 6.5% increase whereas other in the others in the cooperative for whatever reason came up with like you know you know nine and so on Robin is going to work with brown and brown to look at the Alternatives and you know still look at Alternatives and see what we can do but right now if if I'm not mistaken if I remember it correctly they were kind of like leaning towards staying status quo right now but who knows uh as of the meeting last Wednesday there were 98 hits on the website for the presentation of the budget no questions comments okay um for rfps and bids excuse me uh Katie will go into more about the Gillette fire alarm bid um we had a competitive contract that came in for uh uh after care there were four respondents the the bids were due on May 2nd Robin is putting together a team you know with administrator and staff to review the bids uh our present uh I'll call it carrier or whatever uh came in as well and Work Connection you said came in too no no they didn't all right so then three new ones um there's also Professional Services RFP that went out and this is not because of um any dissatisfaction with any of the services either the lawyers or the accountants or whatever it's just something that by law has to be done every three years um the national for the school lunch program there seems to be a very large volume of training required by the Department of Agriculture and Robin and Dom have already started to undertake you know that training um excuse me they visited Warren to see how their operation goes they visited at two schools so um you know talking about Staffing equipment how it's operated um getting Alternatives um I think you've already talked to one or two of the um aqu suppliers and there are a lot of variations on how we could uh put this into effect so that that we have to rely on Robin to and her team to do the mechanics of the study and come back to us on that um the rod Grant has a certain status again Katie will go into that more detail um we had agenda items for approval you're going to see something about our integrated Pest Management Frank is up on everything um there's a third party that we utilize to monitor the contracts for custodians maintenance grounds and Management Services and we want to you know maintain that um enrollment with mors County at Services Commission uh any District can sign up for any commission we even have to we have to sign up for it or or inter contract rnl data centers which does our uh payroll processing and cdk systems for accounts our accounting and license and support and there was a response to two questions one that came in from Kim regarding the uh the ratings for the township they are a double A so they rent from um they have a positive outlook like like we do and Tom had asked a question regarding um the we we had to approve going over the 44,000 limit and the amount of money was $44 4.50 however there may be there'll be one coming up for a couple of thousand dollars and it deals mostly with Chromebooks so that's coming up with respect to governance we are working on the mission and vision um Anna myself I guess took a a sentence out of the president thing that's on online um the committee did some work and long and short of it is there were uh two or three alternatives to what I would call a tagline that Georg is bringing to the or has brought to the administrative team to get their feedback on it uh the board planning calendar I I haven't checked is it up not yet not yet we're just double checking a few things okay uh like a revised format um following I'll call it the Livingston model and it'll identify you know regular operations and then if there's presentations or executive sessions that will also be identified um Kim George and I are going to hit the stage again putting in a proposal to present at the conference uh Charlene said we should be put the uh proposal in through her and which I will do as soon as we can all agree on what we're doing uh something came up about attendance at committee meetings not that there's poor attendance but uh excuse me a lot of the meetings seem to be happening during the day and just wanted to make sure that everybody because obviously a lot of people work that you know it it really is working to have so many have the time during quote unquote the work day so that's the only thing just as long as all the Committees can agree and it's and it's working effectively that's fine um and for the agenda for the retreat in July um there will be homework so to speak put out you know we're going to give information about the Strategic plan again what the previous goals were uh we're going to ask you to think about what should be on our uh plate for next year for the coming year and so on and um and I you know that it's coming up the board and the CSA and the board evaluation self- evaluation and those are coming up that's it any questions for Karen Karen um going through the budget process I had asked if uh we had looked at a new broker or and a new insurance plan uh the answer came back that Brown and Brown said our insurance plan is good have we looked to put out an RFP on Brown and Brown to see if their prices are still good no not that I'm aware of do you know the last time that was five years I'm not familiar with that I I don't know when I'm sorry can I interrupt that's part of the Professional Services RFP that's currently out okay that so we should be getting that back I believe the date is May 19th don't hope into that but it's coming back in the next couple weeks and it is for all Professional Services okay great okay not with the response thank you so get it we may get a response or we may not so because we Browner Brown is used all throughout New Jersey and I'm I'm not really worried about them but it's always good to just check the price once in a while okay that's it okay Crystal nothing for me this month okay Danielle okay so I'll start with community relations um just because it's quick we did meet on on April 15th and it was just a a meeting real quick before the Sterling Street Fair every everything went well I think I think we were received by the public really you know well and everything went smoothly despite it being freezing cold but and um but it was it was it was nice and it was fun to get involved um and then our next meeting is going to be on May 14th at 12 o'clock via Zoom um and then I'll go to the PTO so may is a very busy month um PTO is hosting the staff appreciation luncheons to honor all the dedicated and hardworking staff for all they do for the school Community all year long Millington is tomorrow um Central is Wednesday and Gillette is Thursday um let me see at Millington this coming month second grade there's environmental day including a guest band bash the trash whose concert is funded through a grant provided through the LGH Hill Township DPW there's going to be a third grade International day as well and a fifth grade colonial day and school assemblies for all grades by kits interactive theater at Central School 7th grade there's going to be Victorian day 8th grade will be Shakespeare Theater language arts residency and sixth grade Writers Workshop language arts residency and sixth grade medieval day uh it looks like the next PTO general meeting will be on Wednesday May 29th at 7 p.m. in the Millington media center and that's it okay any questions for Danielle no okay thank um on April 23rd I had the um opportunity and the pleasure to attend a meeting at Watchung Hills Regional High School um uh and I have a statement from the committee that I'll read that uh should hopefully answer questions and explain uh so with full funding from the state of New Jersey a highly experienced Rowan University team led by former Warren Township Board of Education member Kathleen halua will be conducting a shared service regionalization study covering the Watchung Hills Regional watch burough Warren Township Long Hill Township and Green Brook Township School Districts The wung Hills Regional and wat Chung burough school districts applied for the $135,000 grant under the state's School regionalization efficiency program which funds the full cost of studies with no cost to school districts or property taxpayers the study will be conducted over the next year with input from an advisory committee that includes representation from all five school boards wung Hills Regional wung Warren Township lill and Greenbrook along with school administrators and Municipal officials the study will an analyze educational programs for students from preschool through High School within the five districts including curriculum coordination special education program and transportation costs provide a demographic analysis of future enrollment for the five districts forecast state aid based on those enrollment projections and evaluate future budget challenges based on this analysis the study will provide recommend ation for the educational enhancements and potential cost savings through various options ranging from the expansion of shared services in specific areas to free uh to full prek-12 regionalization the Rowan School regionalization institution team includes helaa I apologize I I believe I'm mispronouncing all these names but a Warren resident who has previously served as a senior manager of field services for the New Jersey Schoolboard Association former State education commissioner Lucille devie uh G keny green former president of the New Jersey Association of school administers Mark magar a principle author of The 2022 uh School regionalization legislation and a school Finance consultant Brian falowski there will be ongoing opportunities uh for Township uh members uh valuable Community involvement throughout the study process beginning with an informational Zoom session on Monday May 20th at 700 p.m. meeting recording will be posted on District websites following the session registration information will be forthcoming uh so that was the report for the April 23rd meeting uh and then if I switch a moment here we also had a student achievement update so we had a meeting for student achievement on April 17th um myself Kim case uh Katie mclennen uh crystar and uh Dr Alexa Mr George leis was in a attendance uh we discussed um the curriculum writing projects that are being planned for the summer uh including uh an enhancement to the earth science curriculum uh in grades K through 8 uh and also uh curriculum writing for grades uh K5 Ela uh that's looking um just to fine-tune some elements of the curriculum that have been recently placed uh last year grade seven through eight ELA teachers will be adjusting curriculum to to align with the High School curriculum and avoid overlap of uh materials and stories used uh the district will be transitioning to a new uh program to present the curriculum so we're currently using Rubicon Atlas to uh share our uh curriculum documents but we're going to be moving to a Google Drive for that um there's uh beginning discussions uh at some programs at Central including the cycle courses uh we had an update on the summer instit just to touch base with the attendance and the enrollment numbers and the invitations um we had a brief conversation uh revisiting the parent teacher conferences from this year to check in uh for those of you who might remember this has just been something that has changed a few times over the last few years so having um returned to a certain setup in November just to check in with the administration on their opinion on uh moving forward with the conferences uh we had a check in with the I ready communic ation with uh parents um and the way that the district is just keeping that information uh you know the the parents so that they understand the program and how they can access it for their students we had an update about the shared services agreement for the special education uh summer program with esy with Wong uh burrow School District um and then uh there was also some conversation about parent communication uh in grade five and um the alignment possibly with the way we communicate between grades six through eight so grade five is a little bit of a outlier because it is in the mid uh the elementary schools but in some ways it's it's more aligned with those secondary uh classes in the middle school so just that conversation our next meeting is going to be Tuesday May 14th any questions for Ann I have a question the fifth grade used to be at Central oh I never knew that Karen yeah my son was the first one in the class where it went back to went to Millington wow uh my question is on the feasibility study when they give that information like is there a home for information about it on the Watchung Hills page or is there someplace so how does that information get out to people our valuable input how will we know that we can give it um it it it is posted I believe on everyone's website who it's and it's the same message so I I believe the Town Council has posted the message have we posted the oh uh then we'll just touch base with them they are linking and they they were that was the question at the meeting so the um the focus and the goal the committee and I don't want to talk too much about it for this reason they want consistent communication with all school districts and all townships uh and so that's why we had the the message that we were reading um so we'll ask and get back uh to you on where but it's definitely posted on the watching Hills website at the moment uh I'm fairly confident it's posted on the lill township website um what is posted the message that I just read that information George just said no it's not no on the Long Hill Township Long Hill Township is is involved as well got it right so we can check base to make sure our yeah well we'll reach out and check you okay okay you're saying though there might be I mean I think I don't know when they're how they're going to publicize at this moment but I know that they're consistently communicating with all stakeholders in there so that we will get the information at the same time but at the moment we have that meeting uh I can go back to it well I guess my thought would be that we wouldn't post their message we would post a link to their website because that should be the place where they're updating otherwise we're going to be responsible for updating no they're managing that so uh I'll just George we'll just do a check in to make sure that we're we're with it uh yeah but right now um the next update will be there will be an update coming I haven't gotten it yet uh but the meeting is Monday May 20th at 700 p.m. and that's for uh Community involvement in the process that's a virtual meeting a virtual meeting an informational Zoom session so it literally say I I can read here a meeting recording will be posted on District websites following the session uh but we will check in with them about that and I'm sure more information will be forthcoming this was a first meeting to just kind of get along what do you give feedback my feedback would be that they start a web page I think they I don't I mean I'm looking for it but if they have one then I'll find it okay sorry Tom thank you uh on May 2nd at 12:00 the technology committee meeting met via Google meet the attendees were George Alexis myself Mr Justin Foster m Kim case and Mr Jack hartnet um in the meeting minutes which will be coming out shortly uh he Jack has informed the those in attendance of the following that we're const we're uh currently going through annual technology recycling the IT department has been trimming the number of PCS due to achieving a 1:1 Chromebook ratio uh inventories to be submitted to the board of a board of ed agenda in June items uh include desktop monitors keyboards mice etc etc um reviewing we're also reviewing options for Chromebook buyback programs Chromebook plus um is something something that Jack's working on and it uses Computing Hardware actual Computing hardware and is cloud manage while representing a lower cost for purchase a new line of Chromebooks that uh they're more powerful internal Hardware than current it will be deploying these devices to a small group of staff to gather feedback uh and we'll see how that works out edtech management platform for the upcoming school year it tracks all of the edtech apps and tools used in the district provides tools to identify apps with data privacy concerns I won't me you the words the letters here uh especially useful as the district has limited Manpower uh it provides the district with the data needed to make data driven decisions when purchasing edtec applications so that's excellent it infrastructure updates a brand new battery backup is installed in millington's primary data room and District updates are now wrapping up as for in infrastructure Millington steam iPad refresh 13 devices were retired and replaced with new iPads and cases 25 new ninth generation iPads have been obtained 13 via a grant from lhf and the remainder from District funds all devices are I believe that's correct is that right jack close enough thank you sir um all the devices are up to date with current generation Hardware website project update the website project is started with a vendor and a theme being selected currently the website template is being built by final site final site will standardize policy issues and crowd sharing while allowing for the cancellation of unused contracts so if there's widgets out there that we're not using why are we paying for them gone and currently still on track to launch late summer of 2024 I believe you said August September still summer so thank you sir Millington Wi-Fi service it was brought to uh my attention uh by Miss Daly that people have complain that there's poor Wi-Fi service in Millington and it has determined that there's currently not a lack of Wi-Fi service as there's been no tickets entered regarding any issues uh it may be possible that possible that users have had access problems with cellular service which the district does not have the ability to enhance and items for the good of the order were we were working on uh committee goals which are not final they will be in the agenda but I won't read them into the record tonight and that's it from me any questions okay no questions okay Justus nothing to report all righty Melissa policy committee met on April 9th um and we met through Zoom we went over uh another group of Pol policies uh that you'll see on tonight's agenda um some are also for second reading uh our next meeting is uh next sorry give me a second on uh May 14th it's going to be8 a 800m and we're going to be reviewing a whole another set of policies and then um you the whole board should be receiving the agenda probably tonight for NE our meeting next week um and that's it okay any questions for Melissa all right Katie okay um the buildings and grounds committee met April 23rd um at 2m on Google meet uh myself Mr Alexis uh Karen nist Tom grov and Robin and Robin buer and Frank margar and Adele Valentine attended um I'm going to have to give a high level because my notes were left in my office so please forgive me um on this meeting we had uh we went over the the spring break projects that were done they did a lot of extra cleaning at all the buildings um they also painted I think it was at Millington they painted the the um doorways so um they took advantage of the time time that they had and they they repainted all the uh doorways in there and cleaned everything up was it just Millington or was it also I think there was some work done at Jette too yes and um they also um there was a water infiltration through the the nurse's office masonry wall that was addressed um Millington school um they're doing landscaping and one of the things that they are looking into is instead of putting um mulch down they're they're looking into um putting Stone down to redu the amount of um maintenance over time so that's something that's going to happen soon um and they're currently talking to different um landscape companies and and addressing that um they addressed the heating and cooling in room 10 um and The copier room and um also there was 20 unit of ventilators that were replaced is that accurate No or identified identified identified excuse me for for um the address and also at Millington they also replaced two windows yes they replaced two windows that were off that were broken um and then finally um at Central uh there was a replacement of the fire alarm punch list so the the fire alarm at Central is now completed and as a resident around there I can say there's been a significant drop in the fourth pulse alarms that have been going out and waking us up and going off for the I've lived there for 10 years and there's definitely a dramatic difference um since that's been done so I can appreciate that on on both both as a district and also as a resident so thank you um then let's see um also the uh renovation of the staff Laboratories has finally been completed so the punch list and the final inspections are all done um there was a hold up with the locks and that has now been addressed so that's great news um in terms of Maintenance and operations um School dude has been fully implemented and there has been an increase in usage and and it's been very effective having staff you know trained and and using it more and it's been going really well um the preventative maintenance on the HVAC has been completed um there's been some tree work um Millington they had safety inspections there's also um two trees where I think we talked about it last meeting halls and uh Rose uh florist and Rose Valley uh Nursery um donated to trees that are at Gillette and they've been installed and they look beautiful um also um there's an ongoing issue with roof leaks districtwide and um there's been state they're kind of addressing that in our budget in terms of looking at you know they're actually contacting the roofing company to kind of get the time of when everything was installed so they can slowly but surely do The Replacements in the appropriate amount of time and also address the leaks um because it's just an ongoing thing but obviously they're not leaving the weeks to go but it's also Sena of Maintenance as well um let's see what else the uh sale of the dump truck the dub truck is still ongoing integrated Pest Management there you know there's been a the routine service calls and inspections have been completed um there is noted that there's been um Rising calls for ansom M but those have been addressed and um so that should be less of an issue going forward um for our Capital Improvement um projects the jcpnl is going to be working with us to do the direct install HVAC and that should be a cost saving measure because it's going to be ongoing as opposed to all at once um Robie could go further into that um if necessary and then um we did our pre preliminary Capital Improvements plan the um fire alarm as as um Karen mentioned the bids were collected for the Gillette school fire alarms um and we uh did this the winning bid was actually the person that installed um the company that installed both at Millington and and uh Central which is great because there'll be continuity um we've had a really positive experience with them at the other two schools and also they came in very slightly under budget so um probably when it's all said and done it'll probably come at budget but uh that's always exciting when when things you know we planed appropriately for that um because everything seems to be getting more expensive and this kind of came in online and then um I'm going to defer to you with the rod grants um but also the Millington School library renovation I mentioned it before um one thing that they were doing is um they are um they they got feedback from the staff when they were planning in the purchases of the furniture and the Furnishings that are going in the building um which is great because the teachers really you know they're the ones they're are users so they they know what the kids need um so that's they're trying to make it a more flexible space there's going to be um the the movable tables there's going to be flexible seating and what's really exciting is they're putting in a Lego wall so the kids can kind of Be Inspired to like put make messages and do all different things on the wall um so that's really fun and then also they're doing room 34 at Central and um in the past that was a that was a was used by our techn Department it's actually kind of a double room and um it's going to be used for meetings it's a flexible space they can have presentations in there and again they'll be flexible um movable Furniture so they can use it for a variety of needs and and what's necessary um and that is all I have okay and um actually actually I like because now the lill Ed Foundation um um when it comes to force um we're we're no longer having the second session this year just because of timing um where the breaks were um we couldn't have the additional session however um a bit of news after about 10 years or so with our district Jessica Walsh our um Force coordinator um is moving on um we're going to miss her terribly because she's amazing and she has done so much for us and I mean as someone who's been working with her for the last three or four years she's going to be sorely missed but we're excited um a Long Hill mom um Carolyn Bustamante has um agreed to be our Force coordinator so she will be rolling out um the classes next year I'll be working with her and um so we'll have a new contact new contact email and she'll be coordinating all the classes um for next year so hopefully um that will go up smoothly I have every confidence in Carolyn she's a real go-getter so that should go really well um the next bit of news is we have the um color the the Color Run which is on um May 17th it's a Friday um believe it starts at 5:45 um our pre-sale ends tomorrow so you can go on the Long Hill um at Foundation website and purchase your tickets today and tomorrow otherwise you can pay on at the day of and it's $25 at the door it's $20 if you buy online up until tomorrow um one thing we've added a DJ so there'll be a DJ there to kind of introduce everyone and also play music and you know make it a more enjoyable atmosphere we also have three um uh food trucks coming we have Kona Ice we have a um Mexican food truck and also a uh barbecue truck so that should be really enjoyable and um you know come out with your family get messy you know the parents don't have to run unless they want to there's a small Run for the toddlers which is much shorter and then there's a full just lap of the um of the F of the grounds at at um Millington and um that's where we get to throw throw a powdered on on the kids it's all washable allegedly and um but it's safe and I'll for the children that buy a head we'll have glasses so they can wear sunglasses while they run in case anyone's concerned about their eyes but it is perfectly safe if you want to send them in with goggles by all means um but it should be a really fun time and it helps our um Ed Foundation um buy things for the district um and also um we have the first day uh school supplies um um fundraiser as well and that you can go online there's plenty of emails been going out I think there's been stuff sent home um it's from grades prek through 5ifth there's too many classes in in the Middle School um and it was just easier to do prek through five um you can purchase um online and it's open until July 1st and as someone with three boys I can tell you it made my life so much easier last year and I highly recommend it so that is all thank you so much Katie one point I I think uh in buildings and grounds we spoke about adding a a name plaque to the two trees that were donated yes yes so um I don't know if that's I think Frank was going to look into price see if that was mention it possibility yeah that's something but the one thing I think you um yeah I don't know if I heard you mention the new floor in the Gillette Media Center the new VCT Floor yes sorry about that it's okay I left my form was pretty good without notes that was pretty thank you okay any other questions for Katie okay um I will uh mention so we had a Personnel committee meeting on April 18th um very high level topics uh staff we T discussed Summit of evaluations renewal list open positions and potential changes for next year um also central office non Affiliated contracts leaves of absence and the um results of that substitutes and uh our next meeting is April 15th at noon because we meet quarterly um also watch Hills does have a feasibility study website um so if you want to go to it if you want to just search like Watchung Hills and feasibility I'm sure it'll come up it's under the board page um and it it does already have the link to register for the May 20th meeting if you want to do that so just to recap okay any other questions okay okay superintendence report okay uh moving fast through the year we're in early May and this is the time of year which is really a nice time for our staff uh Danielle mentioned the PTO sponsoring the staff lunch and we really appreciate that but it's National Nurses Week uh this week it's Teacher Appreciation Week tomorrow is Teacher Appreciation Day um and so on behalf of the board I just want to acknowledge and praise our staff uh we're very thankful for their dedication for talent and for their caring approach to everything they do putting students at the center of all their efforts uh the njsla is moving along at Central tomorrow is the last day it's uh the second day of science Testing uh then we move on to makeups but Millington begins testing on May 9th and that will go through the 20th uh we have uh the shared services agreement with Watchung for the extended school year program which was mentioned during a committee report that is on the agenda uh also the aeds that I mentioned last time have been installed at each school's field and thanks again to the Long Hill Baseball Softball Association for splitting the cost with us it's very generous we did have an issue uh here in town today which caused a little bit of a disruption at Millington school there was apparently a bad car accident on Long Hill Road up near Skyline and um it knocked out some of the power lines and the last I heard heard uh this evening was that the police expected the power to be back on at about 10 or 10:30 tonight um Frank mergatroid is and his assistant are going to be uh looking into that make sure everything is ready to go first thing in the morning and we'll uh report any sort of problems that may have occurred at the school when we have a better idea but for the most part everything went fine uh the lost power triggered the emergency generator the lights were going uh if affected some of the um uh the technology connectivity uh but everyone was safe and we moved through uh dismissal safely and and efficiently okay so now we also have uh something special on the agenda uh and that's the what I call the um uh the puppy pilot at Millington so we have this partnership sort of informal partnership with the Seeing Eye association from Morristown uh they recently did an assembly and I think they do this frequently uh each each year or every other year um and we have a we have a teacher who's fostering a puppy and we are uh putting together a pilot program where we're going to allow the teacher uh to bring the Mr Simo uh to bring in the puppy uh and keep it at school um we think it'll be great for the students and the staff we saw pictures of the preschoolers and how much they enjoyed having a a therapy dog visit this is not a therapy dog it's really um a puppy and training to be a guy dog and they need to be exposed to public places while they're young uh so we're also providing a service uh to help help the dog raise the dog so um I think that covers everything I wanted to mention uh before I just want to repeat some of the highlights of the budget now Robin's going to go through the presentation for us in in a few moments um but we're very pleased with the budget as I said you know back in March when we presented the tenative budget it's aligned with our district and board goals in the district strategic plan we placed an emphasis on instructional needs of our students and the professional development of our faculty we've added a steam teacher at the middle school we're excited about that and made it significant investment in instructional resources including making sure we could maintain I ready uh and an instructional consultant that we're exploring to assist us with the mtss intervention process uh the budget also makes a significant investment in technology allowing us to move much closer to the full onetoone implementation implementation districtwide uh we have the as Jack reported uh last month we do have the one:1 Chromebook uh initiative fully implemented in grades 2 through eight we added the second grade this year uh and we're now turning our attention to the iPads for our K1 students um which will be a multi-year process but we will have a full implementation of uh one to one and the iPads are clearly better from an instructional perspective for our youngest Learners we also found a way to keep the summer Institute in place despite the exploration of the ARP Esser funds uh and we as as Katie mentioned we have funds reserved to transform the media center at Millington again to make it a place that's attractive to students that is a place of exploration and inquiry uh place where it's flexible uh in terms of sea and opportunities uh so we're excited about that we have our eye on the central Media Center for next year but you'll hear ongoing updates about that uh in the coming months we um we also have the new website platform to enhance Communications and we have pursued the shared service opportunities so I want to thank Robin and the business office staff our administrative leadership team the finance committee and the entire board for helping us create and and support this budget that is very instructionally focused and strategically aligned and fiscally responsible so with that I'll turn it over to Mrs Bower thank you that before we go into the budget I want to just mention a couple other things on the agenda in the finance section that the first is we are getting a uh donation of one pingpong table from Nancy and John hanran um here in Long Hill and I just want to thank them for their donation it's very generous and I know Central's going to enjoy it I also want to mention that we are uh we have three resol Solutions on the agenda for our Architects pet sjin to start work on our Rod grants and what they're doing is preparing the necessary plans and paperwork um to submit to the Department of Education I double check this with the state even though we the grants have been filed with the state we don't actually have a contract with them yet but the state said it's fine to start this work we just can't award anything until we actually get the contract but so we are doing that before we start I just want I forgot to mention that the bills we approved the bills at the finance meeting oh one more thing um number 19 that I am Vigilant about our outstanding checklist I don't know if you recognize that or not but I am um we have one check in payroll um that has not been cashed it's over over 10 months old we tried to contact the person about about it and we just it's not going through so we are uh um mentioning it as stale we're going to take it off our outstanding list that is the only check that is outstanding for the district which is really a nice thing okay so tonight I'm going to be presenting an overview of the Long Hill Township 20 uh 20242 final school budget at our March meeting I presented the tentative budget to the board for their approval and submitted it to Morris County Superintendent for her review and approval it was advertised to the public on April 25th and tonight the board will vote on the adoption of the final budget I'd also like like to take the opportunity to thank our board members and a special thank you to those who sit on the finance committee as they are an integral Pro integral part of the budget process budget planning starts in early November with a need to project what will occur as of June 30th 2025 we use our very best efforts to anticipate at that point in time where the D district will finish in 20 months this year we held budget meetings with our admin team and supplied them with budget worksheets and historical budget data from which they provided us with their proposed budgets additional information was then added and refined by myself Mr Mr Borgo Mr Alexis and the finance committee in addition outside sources such as our Insurance Advisors auditor and state sources were consulted to arrive at the budget that you're going to be viewing tonight this slide shows the audited budgeted per pupil amounts of neighboring districts as well of those in Morris County with 751 or more enrollment we currently have about 830 enrolled Long Hill is nicely positioned within the grouping neither over or UND spending districts of similar size in our area the total school budget for 2425 is 22 m938 N9 which includes three capital projects that Dr Alexis and Katie uh mentioned this slide prevents prevents provides a detailed representation of the costs as they are submitted in the NJ Department of Education in the budget Software System I'd like to take a moment to highlight a few areas that we haven't presented in other presentations if you look at the figure for outof district tuition this includes public and private special education out of District tuition as offset by anticipated idea funding this year out of District tuition is presently calculated at $1,730 from which we are required to subtract the anticipated Ida funds of 191,000 if you look at transportation services in the second column of 1, 178,000 this includes Aden L regular education transportation and special education transportation employee benefits right under it 3.8 includes the board share of pension plans Social Security and Medicare Unemployment Insurance Group and long-term disability and our medical premiums and dental premiums as well as tuition reimbursements and cash incentives such as uh benefits waivers and sck payout lastly if you look at the last number of debt repayment the debt the district issued Bonds in 2012 in 2014 the 2012 Bonds were retired this year the 2014 Bonds were refunded through the issuance of 2021 refunding bonds and these bonds are being repaid with payments of interest and principal that are made each July and January so this pie chart is important as it shows a visual representation of expenditures in the budget you'll note that 88% of the district's expenditures are allocated to fixed and contractual costs in encompassing salaries benefits maintenance and operations Transportation special education tuition and Debt Service so once we get done with looking at expenditures the next thing is that we have to look at revenues to figure out how to fund those expenditures in every budget revenues must equal expenditures so let's look at revenues in the following chart the source of Revenue in any school district the local tax levy is the primary source of funding representing 81% of our operating budget this year state aid which is res represented in light blue comprises 6.2% of our revenues the governor awarded us an extra1 15 5,322 in state aid over last year the next highest source of revenues is our own budgeted fund balance this fund balance is a number that is plugged into the 2425 budget and it's derived from excess Surplus that was generated in 2223 this means that some combination of cost savings or unexpected additional Revenue occurred in 2223 while we always hope to finish the year with excess Surplus it's not reasonable to believe that we can generate this amount of money and therefore we don't want to become Reliant upon fund balance to pay our our expenditures we also have anticipated federal aid of $272,000 which includes our titled and Ida money and these are used from for to fund basic programs supporting the development of teachers and principles multilanguage Learners and special education tuition and services the district will be funding three capital projects the funds for which will be taken out of our capital reserve account and will no have no impact on our tax levy the capital reserve account is where money is set aside specifically to support the district's long range facility plan Katie already outlined as did uh Mr Alexis the project so I'm not going to go into those so where does that put us financially the district is not us utilizing any adjustments or waivers in this budget the district has $17,000 in Bank cap from prior years that's not being utilized as well the 2% tax increase over the 232 24 budget is approximately $362,000 the tax levy is derived by by dividing the total tax levy of 9,312 573 by the assessed valuations which are provided by Longhill Township this amount is then multiplied by the average assessed home value that is also provided by the township for the average home having assessed value of 5963 $57 you'll see that in column two um that four from the bottom this will equate to an additional $ 22012 per year it's important to note that the average assessed valuation of a home in lill increased from 2324 so if you go across that forth from the bottom line you see that the average home La uh in 2324 was 560,000 it's now 596 th000 you also see on this slide The Debt Service tax in the last column the $ 5320 that's gone down because we've retired some of our debt the total tax levy increased from 2425 by approximately $362,000 the average home having an assessed value of $596,500 $7 will equate to an additional $222 for the year or $18.34 a month this graph shows you a historical look at the tax levy over the past 15 years you'll notice that the last four years the tax levy has consistently been at 2% so that's been the goal we want to try to hold you right around 2% we've done it again this year and if we can stay within that green bar we think we really hit our goal okay and if there are any questions from the board I'd be happy to try to answer can can I just recognize you so we go in order Melissa go ahead well I just want to say so when you look at the fact that we have to increase with well not increase stabilize ourselves at the 2% that's actually below the increase in inflation correct MH so so although it looks like we're we're maintaining that 2% we're constantly as a finance committee I can say this we're working every year to make up for all the incre the inflation costs and the increase in expenses so increase in salaries incre increase in transportation because when you think about it the 2% is not as much as what inflation is so it requires us to cut every year or find additional Revenue sources which you done which has been which has been excellent um to stay at that 2% right so I you've done an excellent job thank you very much you and your team thank you yeah it I want just want to say to the business office we have an excellent team this is one strong District as far as what we're doing in the business office you have a lot to be proud of you've done you've done very well in what you've looked at and who you've hired and and just the the goals that you've put in front of people and I have to say the way we were all plotting inside about gold stars that's how the business office looks at things too I mean we we see gold star and we want it okay other questions I always like to point out that um you said that in our we get 1% of our federal funding which is supposed to address like a many many different things and one of the things that's included in that Federal funding is um special education tuition and that 1% of of our bud that's where we get our revenue from it's 1% of our budget but almost 4% of our budget alone goes to um tuitions for sending students out of district and that's if nothing changes next year and you know if someone comes in the district I want to preface this it's their right you know it's part of of of being a citizen who pays taxes in this community and we we we support that but it is a very large portion of our budget and to see that we only get 1% of our budget in benefit from that and it's 4% it is a I think it's 880,000 I think I saw on the thing and that always grows and it's always very important to see that you know when people see where their money is going that is an expense that is constantly increasing and um as more and more kids are coming into the district with needs it's something to be mindful of that we're only always like one kid away from you know $180,000 right I mean like the tuitions are crazy that in addition to the tuition transportation is also and it goes up every year it's not going up 2% yeah it goes up more than that the cost of an aid the cost of the bus the cost of the school goes up more than 2% the transportation cost is in the transportation line it's not in the special ed line so that 880,000 you got to you know add on the transportation and the AIDS and all now I didn't mention here we do also get um x a extraordinary Aid uh it is not budgeted you T typically do not budget x a because it's it's a variable you don't know what you're going to get so you do get yeah you do get you do get a little bit back on that and um that's that's part of the reason that we do get sometimes get fund balance is because the XA comes in that and we can do that okay Tom did you yes yes please can you uh kindly explain to us how you get the $119,000 per child um per capita cost for the child because if you take the raw numbers the $23 million budget divided by the number of are you talking about the first slide where we showed by District that one the cost per child well you showed the different districts right and you had okay so that is calculated by the state you can find all those figures in the New Jersey taxpayers guide if you go to the doe website under finance and they calculate all those that's why I believe the numbers I have up there are 20 2122 or 22 23 um because that's where they're up to they don't have the most recent we are within I'm sure within the range for the most recent but the state C calculates that and that is off audited figures so what numbers would you use now to to figure a per per child cost that I would I would not do that myself I would use the State numbers to do that we can use the budgeted numbers there's a whole bunch of numbers that go into that that as as to what they do they add up part of your also part of your your um electricity and you know all that they don't just it's not just it's not just expenses divided by pupil it's it's a much more intricate formula they call it a low bre and the low takes all the overhead you add that to what you would might call an hourly work rate so it would be Insurance costs like they said electricity gas maintenance all that that gets loaded on so that's what's included so that comes out of the number then that had what that comes out of the number to to get a per child rate of no no that's how you get to that number yeah it's considered you're adding more to our budget and you get a lower number no not to get a lower number it's derived from all those numbers and they step I can show you come into my office I will show you I'm actually doing it for the I'm asking for the public in the um well I think she answered it though she said you need to go to the State website and it gives you the number that's that's the answer right any other questions just a statement uh Robin and Mr Alexis will be presenting the budget at the the township committee meeting I believe on June 12th okay and uh I I I plan on being there uh and it might be really nice if other members of the board can come to support usually do the presentations right in the front you know in the beginning of the meeting so you're not talking about having to wait till the end or anything and it'll take place right up front what time does it what is it 7 o'clock the township committee meeting 7:30 73030 yeah on June 12th any other questions okay I think everyone's saying thank you for all of your work absolutely uh Robin George and the team on all this and the finance committee um and the board members for asking questions and I think that this is really reflective of a community that is investing in the education of their students and I'm excited about all the things that we got to fund and I looking at some of those improvements like the Millington media room and may maybe we could do some sort of ribbon cutting maybe we can do a little ceremony to celebrate these things because um it is exciting yeah it is exciting so thank you and and I'm sorry one this was with no cuts at all to staff and yes we actually inre ST which is not what you're seeing yeah in many oh yeah many townships now so I think you know to have this budget with r i don't know how we're doing it but to with Rising costs and well obviously I know how we're doing it your team but um Rising costs increasing our staff and not cutting what you're seeing happen is it's it's very un uncommon unfortunately it's great it was a team effort I will say that we are adding staff but we're doing it very strategically um and you know steam is is you know we currently are paying a a we're paying a science teacher to pay Teach an extra class so bringing in um another teacher gives that gives the science teacher more time to prep for for the other classes and also brings in A New Perspective so the science teacher is teaching science and then the steam teacher is giving a new perspective on science technology engineering and Mathematics and it's good to bring A New Perspective to kids they'll be really excited about it um it's a very popular class um so it's great that we're doing that but um I just want to say like we're not just growing to be you know to grow we're growing for a purpose okay if we're into board discussion on the on the budget is that correct that's what that was I'm just making sure yes I thought was a question then now discussion I just would like to quote Tim sty of uh wung Hills Regional High School where he was uh sorry that he had to increase taxes by a mere 1% and he did he was quoted when he was here before the township committee saying that we have to do what we can to help the local taxpayer and I think that we should keep that in mind for next year's budget as well okay um can I make a point there um while like I think we we demonstrated that we are making less than the 2% brings in less than um the necessary amount and if Robin showed that that slide we have gone to under 2% in the past and then had to go up to 6% so it might look good on paper to go lower but it always ends up biting everyone because you go lower one year and then you're not doing that um you're mortgaging your future you're mortgaging your future compound you're not you're not comp compounding your surpluses which is as a taxpayer and if you look at the numbers uh this District takes 1% of uh home's assessed value every year so if you're here for 20 years that's 1/5 of your home value you paid to this school district which is nice but we need to remember that that it's it's money but it's everybody's we meet on the streets money and we have to treat it as Guardians I'm not saying we're not doing that I'm not saying we're not doing that invest in your schools your home value will go down so while we are custodians of that money we have to be mindful of spending that money but saving the money by doing less than to 2% I think does a great J TOS service to the community because you're mortgaging the future and a a taxpayer that who was on the school board when we were doing less than 2% and saw the the lack of um care for our buildings and the and the the cuts to staff I strongly strongly strongly wanted to make it clear that that 2% going below it is a dangerous proposition and that you really you know I I encourage any Town's member to come to a budget needing to look at the budget they have questions ask the questions because we have had to go to 6% in the past just to to to keep the lights on and and that's we don't ever want to do that again I don't ever want to vote on a budget that's 6% tax increase ever and I just want to make that clear so sorry for the Soap Box Karen did you have something well no I was just going to say that I mean we're taxpayers too I mean do you think we we're saying oh you know I don't care what we're charging people and mean we're thinking about it it's coming out of our pocketbook too where I think in terms of a I'll call it a fiduciary responsibility I think we excel at it I really do and in terms of when you use the word Surplus it's not like we have money to burn and we're not using it you know it's like it's in a normal budget that you would have there's always you always want a cushion for things that you don't know upcoming for the future for the unexpected you a budget is really a forecast and you try to make it as a as close to what actually happens as you can and as you get more proficient in your forecasting the error that you make will get less and less and that means that you're learning how to really use your finances and that Surplus like I said is just not money that is not going to get used it's an important cushion that we need in this District it's I like I said the Prudence that the that Robin and Mr Alexis and and Dan before him and it's they Amaze they amaze us at what they have pulled out of the hat so to speak in terms of what they've done really to go those years with all we've been through I mean right I'm on Social Security the year we got 8% increase in Social Security that was because of inflation we stayed at 2% case closed I mean like we're good okay any okay Melissa yeah the way I see it was in 2022 the infl the average inflation rate was 8% we stayed at two so we somehow cut six to try to say at a at something more affordable last year I believe in 2023 I think the average inflation rate was four so I think it was 4% so we stayed it too so it every year requires constant cutting and creativity and um I mean I was here when we had to go up to 6% that year that was brutal that was we had to go up 6% and make significant cuts and um you know I the individual students felt that you know it was undeniable the individual students felt that so I see this I don't see this as an increase by inflation alone I see this as Cuts every year that have not impacted the students because of everything going on because of what you've been able to do with the budget that so I also wanted that when you talk about Surplus every budget you you can't I can't budget to exactly what we need right because should a special education student move in or should should something happen with Transportation right we have to have a little bit extra we pray that we have that amount extra at year end I mean I'm watching it every time we run a bills list the next thing I do is the next day I'm running to find out where's my Surplus how much Surplus do I have because come June 30th one of the things that you're approving is that we're going to take some of that Surplus right and we're going to divide it up and we're going to put some into maintenance reserve and some into capital reserve if we don't put that that money back in that million dollars that we're saying is having no effect that I don't have to budget you won't have that amount right and there will be no Capital which I think is probably what happened to you in past years your buildings went down if I if the roof is leaking we're talking about replacing the roof we have to have something in the capital reserve to replace the roof and if we don't have Surplus we have an an issue that same with maintenance if we we have to be able to pull out for maintenance if something breaks that that we didn't anticipate that is more than we expected we have to have that maintenance Reserve as a cushion that and there is a allotment as to how much we can have in maintenance reserve and we're trying to always fund it to the max to make sure that keep that maintenance Reserve up there so that we have a cushion just in case which protects the district and it allows us to do something like make a million dollars worth of improvements and have no impact additional impact right on the taxpayers when we stop funding that that's when we have to start increasing what we going to charge the taxpayers because we won't have the money to do it okay any other thoughts did okay thank you everybody um any comments from the public on agenda items at this point the Board of Education welcomes comments from any member of the public on agenda items only please note that as per board policy number 1120 a total of 15 minutes is allocated for public comments at any single board meeting in order to provide residents the opportunity to comment individual speakers are limited to 3 minutes each at any particular board meeting the board meeting May extend these limits at its discretion any question should be directed to the board president and depending upon the nature and complexity of the question it may or may not be answered during the meeting by the administration if so the response would occur after this public portion of the meeting has concluded everyone has the freedom to speak but please be advised that anything said in public may have legal ramifications and there is no protection regarding statements made by the public please state your name and address before you begin hi I'm Lauren Franklin I'm president of lill Education Association I have a question on number eight on the agenda it is the uh Advocate School support solutions for monitoring the the contracts of the custodial maintenance grounds and Management Services we've started this a couple years ago when we had a part-time when Mark was here part-time now we have Frank here full-time you have somebody that oversees Pritchard so I'm just wondering what this money is being spent on when we have our own people as buildings and grounds now yeah Advocate is a service um and they monitor our custodial they are absolutely excellent at looking at the payrolls looking at overtime um they monitor they come in and do a checks um and give us a five or 10 page listing of all the different things that have been looked at on four times of year um we talked to them almost weekly if we have trouble with Pritcher they are the intermediary they double check that all the correct certifications are done on our all our custodial staff that the boiler licenses are correct they tell us how many custodians we need per building how many black licenses who has a black license when they're getting tested if they've been tested um just a a host of things um that that are are difficult to to to watch over and when we didn't have them that we certainly did not have the responsiveness and the equality of custodial that we have now well true because we had totally privatized Pritchard so now that that I thought that was the point and we all thought that was the point of hiring Frank to oversee all this so I guess the question could this money be money better well spent elsewhere since we have our own Personnel thank you thank you okay resolutions Karen will you move in the minutes number one so move second any questions roll call please hold on I'm sorry who said second I did okay okay Mrs Butler yes Mrs Daly yes Mr Foster yes Mr croff yes Dr Mah yes Mrs mclennon yes M Nyquist yes Miss ruo yes Mrs case yes um financials Crystal will you move in numbers 2 through 19 so move second questions roll call please this is Butler yes Mrs Dy yes Mr Foster yes Mr Groff yes but abstain from two and three Dr Mah yes Mrs mclenon yes M Nyquist yes Miss rubo yes Mrs case yes uh Danielle will you move in Special Services numbers 20 through 31 so moved second questions roll call please Mrs Butler yes daily yes Mr Foster yes Mr grov yes Dr Mah yes Mrs mclennon yes Miss Nyquist yes Miss rubo yes Mrs case yes and will you move in Personnel numbers 32 to 52 so moved second that was Justin questions question on number 40 uh I see that the person here is using up using up their sick time and their uh FMLA New Jersey FL uh but then we have continued for a half of a school year um this person's out for that long um is this not something that we would consider hiring a replacement I'm not sure what this position is so I'm not going to say I'm not sure I understand the I mean is someone going to be hired for this position uh if the person's out past the medical Evac and without talking about anything specific in terms of this staff member it all depends on the nature of the position so if it's a classroom teacher we absolutely do if it's something that we have to uh if we can't find someone to fill on the spot because it's because of the nature of the position so we look at all those factors fantastic thank you roll call please Mrs Butler yes Mrs Dy yes Mr Foster yes Mr Groff yes Dr Mah yes Mrs mclennon yes M Nyquist yes M rub yes Mrs case yes uh Tom will you move in curriculum number 53 so moved second questions roll call please Mrs Butler yes Mrs Dy yes Mr Foster yes Mr grov yes Dr Mah yes Mrs mclennon yes M Nyquist yes M Ru yes is his case yes uh Justin will you move in policy numbers 54 and 55 so moved second questions roll call please Mrs Butler yes Mrs Dy yes Mr Foster yes Mr grof yes Dr Mah yes Mrs mclennon yes M Nyquist yes M rugo yes Mrs cas yes uh Melissa you move in other numbers 56 to 59 so moved second go with an I thought Danielle got me there go with Danielle okay go ahead uh questions I I just I'm amazed that they scheduled Panera all the way through the March for their fundraising I mean they were they're really organized you going to thank Adele for that because they wanted just one and she has what other dates and then she was able to get it just just through through the school district and she just put all the dates on there right away so they didn't have to contact her over and over oh okay amazing yeah okay uh roll call Mrs Butler yes Mrs Daly yes Mr Foster yes Mr Groff yes Dr Mah yes Mrs mclennon yes M Nyquist yes M rubo yes Mrs case yes okay thank you um any items for discussion any unfinished business any new business okay any comments from the public okay can I have a motion to adjourn second all in favor I any opposed exstension thank you