##VIDEO ID:X## New Jersey notices were filed with the Township Clerk and notices were mailed to all persons who have requested individual notice pursuant to the open public meeting act roll call please Mrs Butler oops Mrs daily Mr Foster here Mr grov here Dr Mah here Mrs mclenon here miss Nyquist here M rubo here Mrs case here um any Communications nothing to report okay uh board committee and liaison reports let us start with Karen okay there was not a meeting uh in July of the Morris County Ed Services Commission but did get a mid mid meeting or between meeting update uh two things as we've mentioned before the enrollment in the school is um declined to a point where they do have to do a staff adjustment excuse me we set the uh goal for the superintendent for the coming year and a big thing is there is a it's out of middle County it used to be called the middle sex ed Services Commission but now it's called the New Jersey Ed Services Commission and they are being studied by the New Jersey Controllers Office for two major discrepancies in their audits and uh it's very unfortunate because it casts a real bad shadow on the escs in general they been charging fees when you shouldn't have excessive Surplus Etc uh so I just want to assure you that from what I can remember for the past minimum four years we've had absolutely no audit recommendations whatsoever at the Morris County ed services uh with respect to governance um we did discuss the board retreat and there are number of things that we discussed like the length you know its structure um repairing for it um the the materials that we use for it uh the big thing was thinking of it in in terms of time frame uh when it took place and that it took place with the goal setting subsequent to our meeting I had an opportunity to talk to Charlene there is basically no guideline on the time frame for when you have to have the evaluation done or have to have you Retreat so we have some leeway or Liberty to in our scheduling and we are going to be putting out a survey we're going to final the governance committee will finalize it at the next meeting and among the items that we're going to ask about is do we want to split that into two sessions and you know just take it from there we want to use obviously we're going to use your results uh to help us frame for the next one and it was brought up um although I wasn't there it was brought up about more frequent get togethers uh I don't know if you remember it something was brought up earlier this year and I had schedule with Charlene she's coming in in November and in April for a review our goal review so and that those will be two-hour sessions they're scheduled on our calendar already you know for two hour sessions um one of the things we also talked about was there's this conf you know concern about strategic goal board goal goal District goal uh committee goal and one of the things that came out was basically um there's a lot of administrative input to several of the you know to all the uh committees except for community relations by that I mean that you can get more gu the Committees get more guidance in terms of goal Direction so that's something that I guess the you're going to work with Danielle about right okay uh board training I think you got a couple of emails from me regarding uh education opportunities as they stand now and um just to let you know today uh I got an email from Charlene that we have reached the Pinnacle where we could be we are recertified as a master board so it will be uh quote unquote announced at the October 2nd County meeting okay now the really juicy one um the finance we met last week and we discussed our goals uh one explore additional Revenue sources including potential Grant and shared service opportunities that align with District Operations successful implementation of the food lunch program and assess Define and support the committee's role the committee's being finance committee role in qac um so we're going to finalize that finalize our goals at the next meeting hope hopefully all the committies are going to be looking at finalizing their goals too uh with respect to the lunch program I think we all got an email from Robin regarding the snafu that came with the lease agreement we had and it was a nice um a 5.45% lease lease to purchase agreement on unfortunately somehow we were linked with the township the library and some some a nasbo contract a nasbo contract and it messed up our rating Robin's working on that but we could because of timing she had to go out for another lease so lease purchase so we got one at 6.81% now previously we were going to start not having start to pay on the lease until June of the following of the following year you know will be June of 6 but to save some money uh Robin initiated that we're going to start paying in January so okay uh food days um it'll be the ordering and this is all going to be brought out to the public in terms of a a webinar a webinar that's that's going to be coming out at the end of the month um they're going to still use the platform of my food days your ordering you know basically will be the same you know you're not going to see anything different and obviously except for the menu choices um it should be a very very easy transition um it's going to be linked to the board of education and not linked to PTO um there was always there was a big question about pizza Robin spoke with Nels so there will be Pizza served on Wednesdays um but they will be it'll be served as part of a quote National lunch along with the lunch program it's not just going to be a piece pizza so it's going to have to come with drink fruit Andor vegetable this is very important like this may be the most important the the big thing is if somebody wants a second piece of pizza you got to purchase a whole second lunch so as this as we move along we'll see what we can unravel with this the lunch pricing has been set at elementary $475 Middle School $5 adult that's the central or the middle schoolers is 550 and you can buy purchase milk or juice for 75 cents uh basically I if I understand it correctly the difference between you know for the adult is that the portions are bigger portions bigger okay food service position has been advertised um the Gillette sign looks so good I love saying that what the Gillette sign it has the posting for the job oh I haven't passed okay good um on this side of town Karen yeah oh okay yeah yeah yeah I'm up the hill I'm up the hill um so uh it's not only the position of the AIDS but there also will be a need for volunteers unfortunately the PTO is not in a position to provide any volunteers so got to look at other avenues to get help for that program because they're going to need it I mean checking off and making sure that you know the child gets what they ordered and that they out right and that the uh the the real lunch Personnel worry about how you know taking care of the meals are they keeping them hot keeping it cold and all of that stuff uh Hudson Way moving ahead with that there's no contract typically technically signed yet but tuition of $14,000 for six students to attend science for one period a day for five days a week now depending on the number of students that take decide to take Mandarin that will be offered as an after school activity an inen program then the tuition will be adjusted accordingly and dusted downwards because that'll pay for that person teaching um subscription busing is presently sitting at 61 subscription students uh Rob has been working hard and I I think Jack too five central Roots have been shorten there'll be more staging for pickup and drop off all all students that are 04 miles from Central will not be provided subscription busing and Central students right middle that's what I said did I say Central you said all students all students all Central Avenue students middle school students who are 04 or closer oh all right all students okay all right sorry the Aiden L has was increased from 1165 to 1170 um and okay you'll see a number of agenda items uh treasury report board secretary the extraordin aid Transportation Aid non-public state aid PTO activities and you know the thing where we have to sign for per vendors over 44,000 and at the meeting all bills were reviewed and approved so that's that okay thank you you're welcome any question any questions one question K the the adult lunch are teachers able to purchase or or staff able to purchase through this program yeah so the elementary lunch is $75 Middle School lunch is $5 adult lunch staff 550 okay so it include so anybody could get it anybody open to everybody good news and they will also be providing you know an extra lunch or two in case uh somebody forgets uh to pay or you know just well for any kind of problem that can come up so and those will go to the nurse's office right okay Katie I know this might not be answered just yet but um in the past food days if you walk food and you didn't show up to school you were sick there was no recourse for that it was just the breaks and is that the same now no there's going to be no pickup of lunch like there was before where if you order two slices of pizza you're out sick and they came to the front office and asked for the pizza now what happens and this will be part of the um Food Service Aid position at the end of the day after they' marked off anybody anybody is absent will have the money refunded to their account and the lunch will just be an extra lunch that's wonderful and then my second question is um how far in advance would you have to order the menu will be provided um 10 days in advance it will be a full month's menu you can order for a full month you can order day by day up to 48 hours in advance [Laughter] you are going to have a lot of happy parents who in the past have forgotten so many Happ yes that is that a game Cher and said and they will be bringing a couple extra lunches to each school so that should mom forget to order no child's going hungry there will be a couple extra lunches available for that too we're we're hoping the parents have an account because they'll just be built like then we don't want to do that often enough the money that's being refunded to the parents which I'm I like but who's who's absorbing that is it going to be a school district or is it the vendor vendor vendor is going to absorb it beautiful as one of the extra launches there okay any other questions okay green all right crystal um yes so um since Miss Butler couldn't be here this evening she just asked me to give the report for student achievement committee we will be meeting tomorrow at noon and the agenda was disseminated earlier this week that's it great um Tom uh nothing to report at this time other than a public service announcement that tomorrow is National Night Out and between 6: and 8 or 4 and 6 it's over here at the town hall there's a get together with police and firemen and Gaines and rides and a band nice okay any questions no okay Justin nothing to report all righty policy committee meeting met on July 16th at 8:00 P.M via Google meet special thank thank you to Justin who did the minutes for this meeting because I was not in attendance um and uh a special thank you to drar and uh Mr Alexis who also went to the meeting there are a lot of policies and what you'll see is that I'm going to make prior to introducing the policies a couple Mo a couple motions to amend a couple of the policies just to make some minor edits um we are on track to do our I think contract to review 100 policies this year and um I'm in the process of making a policy committee manual for future policy committees as to how we review everything the schedule for 2025 is already laid out in advance as to um the policies that need to be reviewed for every meeting so the policy committee is hard at work and our next meeting is on sorry our next meeting is on October August 13th at 8:30 p.m right correct and um we'll be reviewing a lot of other policies for that meeting awesome any questions no okay Katie um nothing to report on the uh buildings of grounds committee um but uh the lill Ed Foundation um is on resolution 21 um there is there is a um for three donations that we made for a total of 88955 for wind turbines and hummingbird kits for the steam the Middle School steam program this is really exciting I I wish I could go into how cool these projects are I think kids will be really excited we're so thrilled to contribute to that um the uh translate live tablets um there'll be one at every school I think we're donating to two schools this year I'm not sure if it's all three but um this is a great way for parents that use that English language Learners who might not be able to communicate well with office staff or uh teachers Etc it's a two-way tablet situation where they can type to each other so there's clear communication and that's a really big issue right now so we really excited to contribute to that and then um last year we donated a kaga kit for Gillette school and unfortunately because space is such a um premium ulette um it wasn't really being able to be used to its full capacity so we worked with Mr Mano and we are going to contribute mats that um allow the Gaga pit to be on flat ground outside all the time so that'll be part of their playground which is greata is so fun and it's a great way to incorporate a lot of kids so um that's something we're really excited about so there's that and I wanted to um kind of put together what we donated for this this past school year um including those donations um we donated approximately 24 to $25,000 this includes the long HX robotics team um we pay for the um the teacher who um runs the program uh the fifth grade Newark Museum field trip video camera and communication devices for Central Middle School theater Productions um as I mentioned the steam equipment um sensory incl materials for Med Millington school students um and also um the playground equipment the translate live and finally um we purchased school supply kits um for the children that are in need um we covered that cost as well through the back school so we're really proud to contribute to the school and um keep your eye out for our fundraisers and we are currently um in a sponsorship drive to the local businesses and if there's any parents that would like to sponsor us we really appreciate it I believe the translate live is going to all three schools so so yeah very generous nice Katie for that 25,000 that you distributed was that the goal for this year did you like hit okay all right nice we we actually went a little bit over but it's hard when you're yeah yeah no I mean that's our goal is to to um we try to keep as little money in our bank I mean we obviously have to because of our fundraisers and things like that but our goal always to spend as much as we make or at least you know we have we keep like a reserves but yeah um the point of fundraising for the schools is to spend the money on valuable things so this was a really good year and we feel really proud of um what we accomplished and it was thanks I mean so many parents um businesses in our community teachers came to one of our fundraisers and helped us out there it's it's a team effort and um it's exciting to see it in in fruition so thank you great job um any questions for Katie no okay we are going to superintendent report Mr Alex okay thank you good evening everyone so at first uh we've been hard at work our administrative leadership team has been out their recruiting staff for filling vacing positions you'll see these appointments on the agenda tonight uh we look forward to welcoming our new hires at our new teacher orientation on Tuesday August 27th and to welcoming back our full staff on opening day Wednesday August 28th uh I want to Echo a few things that Karen pointed out during her Finance report we have the resolutions adopting the national school lunch program Robin's been very hard at work coordinating all the details she's done a great job with that because she wants to make sure we all do that there Su successful launch of the program in September so Robert and I will be scheduling as Karen mentioned a virtual meeting uh to discuss the lunch program and bus transportation on Tuesday August 27th at 7:00 and we'll be sending out a message about that uh also uh with regard to the shared services Arrangement uh with Hudson Way principal Vella was sending out a message this week to gauge interest in the after school extracurricular program in Mandarin Chinese so that should be going out this week uh and again we're very grateful for the lf's generous donation it's really terrific uh they're really helping to enhance our programs also on the agenda we have state required resolutions approving the chapter 27 emergency virtual or remote instruction plan the district's English language learner three-year plan the mentoring plan the district's professional development plan the rubrics for teacher administ and administrator observation and evaluation and the student handbooks and code of codes of conduct at each school at next month's meeting the district goals and action plans uh and the board goals will be on the agenda we placed the proposed District goals on tonight's agenda uh so the community could see them the first goal has been revised to incorporate the suggestion to use the students typical growth according to I as a way to measure our progress we appreciate that input I thought it was a great suggestion and that's it for my report this evening thank you okay any questions all right uh business administrator report Mrs bmer thank you uh Karen covered a lot of what we are approving tonight I just want to go over a couple of things our extraordinary Aid figure for this year is five I'm sorry is prior 43 I'm so sorry I've got the wrong number here um anyway what I want to tell you about the extraordinary Aid figure is that they have the state always um gives us a certain number that we anticipate getting this year it was only funded at 62% last year was 72% so that's why we never budget extraordinary Aid because it's anticipated we never know exactly what number we're getting um I apologize it's in the agenda Robin it's 469 278 so 469,000 which was an improvement you know an increase from last year I remember the prior year was 43,124 per. um we also got Transportation Aid of 35,3 the prior year was 22462 so just a little bit more there um we are also approving all the PTO activities if you recall from back in like January when we talked with the insurance rep we're doing this to to um allow the board to give the PTO supervisor that the insurance coverage that they are now going to supervise the activities for us and that's an insurance reason um and that's what I have for tonight okay any questions yes uh Robin thank you for uh speaking with me this afternoon and of the 469,000 you said that's going to be used to uh fund for a grant correct uh no so the the extraordinary Aid that we get is always after the end of the year it's last year's money it's 22 I'm sorry 23 24 funds right so it goes in as a receivable and it just goes into our excess fund balance excess fund balance then is used to fund our capital projects right through capital reserve or maintenance reserve and we put it there so this is part of that little pot that we try to keep so that we have money to do the projects we're doing like the mington Library the central um steam room the that you know the next the money for next year will be used to fund projects for the next year okay but didn't you say there was a grant that we needed to have enough money for and this was part of that or no it's not part of the grant no it's not part of the grant what I was talking about is that our capital reserve that is going to go down with the number that you see on your Treasures report that right now and you have a preliminary Treasures report is approximately 2 million in cap Reserve that so that money we have um to put aside for the rod Grant so in July you're going to see an entry that is going to move a lot of that capital reserve into fund 30 that which is our Rod grant money that because we said that we are going to fund a portion of that so a lot of that capital reserve is going to go away this extraordinary Aid is going to go back into the capital reserve to help us do do projects that make sense just kind of follow along with what he was asking I think we kind of is for the eight is basically a reimbursement from the state for our out of District placements and things like that so we've already spent that money so it's replacing it so that's why it's put in the fund Reserve because we need that money but we spent it already in this column and so it's coming in and since we need that money elsewhere it's moving into that so it's it's money we budgeted for and have spent um and then now they they reimbursed us so that we choose suspend it the way we want so it's not like we're using extraordinary aid for something that not supposed to be used because we already spent right you a lot more than that on exp yeah and the sad part is they say on the out of District placements there there's three different levels so one is 80% One is 75% of what they're they say they're going to reimburse but then they come back and they tell you over that 80% we're only going to reimburse 62% of it that's and our on our ad I always I always Point them out on our budget because they are startlingly high percentage of our budget um usually it's like two you know it's l it's always high it's very high it's going to be lower next year million we don't have as many next year it's going and so you know in 2020 million um budget you see a good portion of it going out um it's nice that we do get it back but it is distressing when it's only least 62% but take it is what it is and every district is facing the same oh everybody yeah everybody got 62% it's not like we're like they looked at us and said that yes everybody okay so any other questions okay thank you oh I did have one question um sorry we got the aid the aid went up for the busing um so you said went up like a little bit from last year but our busing expenses have gone up quite uh it's not our busing um they reimburse us for non public busing the amount that we spent to bus nonpublic students okay okay thank you uh to our public out there comments from the public on agenda items no okay sorry okay so let's go to resolutions um Karen will you move in minutes number one and financials numbers 2 through 22 so mooves second any questions on number 20 it's through 22 correct yes uh I would just like to make a comment on 22 very happy to see this I'd love seeing all this math especially after we took it took a look at the I ready reports so this is great good stuff thank you thank you okay roll call please uh Mrs Butler Mrs Daly Mr Foster yes that Mr Groff yes Dr Mah yes Mrs mclennon yes but from 21 M Nyquist yes M rubo yes Mrs case yes thank you um Crystal will you move in Special Services numbers 23 through 26 so moved second any questions okay roll call please Mr Foster yes Mr Koff yes M Dr Mar yes Mrs mclenon yes M Nyquist yes M rubo yes M case yes okay um Tom will you move in Personnel numbers 27 through 44 so moved second any questions roll call please Mr Foster yes Mr grov yes Dr Mar yes M mclennon yes M Nyquist yes M rubo yes Mrs case yes Justin will you move in curriculum number TW number 45 so moved second any questions okay roll call please Mr Foster yes M mcov yes Dr Mah yes Mrs mclennon yes M Nyquist yes Miss rubo yes Mrs case yes uh Melissa I'm just going to kind of turn the floor to you for policy all right so for number 47 I'm going to be making a motion to amend um this policy to permit two revisions and those two revisions are the policy should be marked as a mandated policy and the reference to grade 12 should be changed to grade 8 so I make a motion to amend 47 um to make those adjustments so moved second or no you're moving so be second yeah yep just in second there you go I okay then we're going to have to go back to 46 because you said 47 well so you want okay so first uh before any pre any other revisions I 46 in oh wait don't we have to approve um 47a first well so I thought we're going to do them as a lot oh okay but oh that's actually a better idea so do you want me to make the other motion then with the yeah why don't we just go through all of them and then we can just move it all in I think that would be okay yeah okay so you have 47 for 47 I'm also making another motion did you have a second okay okay go ahead Melissa I'm also making another motion with regard to policy 411 9.26 that's under number 50 and the references to director of Technology should be changed to the head of Information Technology okay and with that said do I have a do you need a second for that one too so moved second second with that said I'd like to move policies 46 I mean I'm sorry move resolutions 46 through 52 in with the Amendments just noted to 50 resolution 50 and resolution 47 second okay any questions okay roll call please okay Mr Foster yes M Mr Groff yes Dr Mark yes Mrs mclenon yes Mrs Nyquist yes Dr Mrs rubo yes Mrs case yes okay Katie will you move in other numbers 53 through 58 so move second that was crystal okay sorry okay any questions roll call please Mr Foster yes Mr gr yes Dr M yes Mrs mclennen yes M Nyquist yes Mrs rubo yes Mrs case yes okay um any items for discussion any unfinished business any new business um I'd like to touch on the new business item okay I would um how can I do this I guess does it have to it doesn't have to be a motion does it don't know what it is Tom I'm wondering if it's possible if we could get the agendas any earlier then Friday afternoon Friday morning is helpful even Thursday evening is helpful um just if it's possible if if it's too much on the staff and we can't do it and that's the reason fine but I noticed this last weekend we got it like around 1:00 instead of 4 uh Christmas week uh we got it a week early well well yeah it all depends but right now we're on Summer hour so Friday the office closes at 1 that's why we've been rushing to get it out um and we can try to get it out by 1:00 uh during the school year but the typical process is that we send it to the board president vice president on Thursday and give them some time to look at and see if they have questions or anything and then we uh just finish finish it on Friday and send it out so we'll try to keep to around one o' but I I don't know if it's going to come out any earlier because sometimes there are last minute changes and then it avoids if we make those changes on Friday avoids having to revise the agenda on Monday okay um any comments from the public okay exciting next time we're back it'll be after the start of the school year how did that happen but we're excited so enjoy the rest of your summer uh can I have a motion to adjourn so second second all in favor any po post exensions okay thank you all right thank you