[Music] we are live uh good evening everyone Megan would you say the statement of presiding office of police in compliance with the open public meetings Act of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting specifically the time date and public call and information um were included in the meeting that was electronically sent to the echo settin all Morris Daily Record and post on the township website the agenda and public handouts for this meeting can be viewed online at www. Longhill nj.gov a public comment perod will be held in the order it is listed on the meeting agenda thank you Megan would everybody please rise and join me in a of Allegiance i al to the flag of the United States of America and to theic for which it stands one nation un God indivisible with liy and justice for all Megan would you kindly take Ro please one second Scott just hopped on as a regular okay she she committee man dorsy here committee man ray present committee man verza present Deputy Mayor lavender present and mayor Pia present so um and I believe I see officer Langer back in in the back Doris uh hello there and I know you have a photograph hopefully Vic were you at the game which game is this where uh the was the devil's game I was at that game yes I was at that game did that was a nice surprise did they win [Laughter] no there we go all right so what we have is a photograph up here um from that new New Jersey Devils game and I'll read uh a statement we have on March 5th the New Jersey Devils hosted their annual gender equality night at the presedential center they honored one of long hill Township's officers as the credential Center's Heroes amongst us officer Dolores langenbach and hopefully I say it correctly was honored and we could not be prouder uh officer langenbach is a third generation first responder and has been a member of the Long Hill Township Police Department for over 24 years during her 24 years with the department officer langa has received several savings award saving Awards and recognitions for Township residents officer longabach is on the narcotics task force operations and the auto theft task force she was the PBA president from 2021 to 2023 and we as as we said we could not be prouder so thank [Applause] [Applause] you do you want to take a picture in front of the screen with the background can we do that just over here sure and you have the your camera as always all right can't pronounce Robinson Robertson but he gets did I say it right yes you can't pronounce Robertson but you get Lang and Bach right true yay that was awful out do the one I'm looking for it that explains what the presidential award is all right so Matt's going to have fun on this one hey want me to read it all right so I want this is a tougher name for me to pronounce okay um Zoya zo zo I did I leave my glasses over there Zoya Zoya there you go all right there we we go in 2003 the presidential the president's Council on service and civic participation found that the president's volunteer service award to recognize the importance and the role of Volunteers in America's strength and national identity this award honors individuals whose service positively impacts communities in every corner of the nation and inspires those around them to take action too so tonight we have a a proclamation Zoya Zoya we're going to do that all right we're going to get that right because your name is going to get said quite a few times whereas the entir work and dedication of volunteers while while certainly appreciated too often goes without adequate recognition of the valuable contribution that is made and whereas Zoya Pasha has demonstrated the true Spirit of volunteerism with her exemplary volunteer work at the Long Hill Township Library earning the president volunteer service award gold medal where Zoya Pasha has diligently served 120 hours in the Long Hill Township Library over the course of one year whereas Zoya Pasha has assisted the children's librarian with story times and after school art and stem programs whereas Zoya consistently showed up and assisted with tests big and small all contributing to making the library a bustling Community hub for literacy and F fun whereas Zoya we we are proud of you and look forward to watching you continue to contribute to your community and World therefore be it proclaimed that on March 13 2024 the township Committee of the township of lill in the county of Mars state of New Jersey on behalf of the residents of Long Hill Township does hereby extend deepest thanks and appreciation for zoya's service to the Township library and we wish Zoya all the best in the future sign Guera mayor Long Hill [Applause] Township oh oh okay cool okay all right so did you want wait microphone sure I'm just going to say a few words I don't think I need a microphone does anyone need okay okay so I'm Alby with the library and we have Jessica our children's librarian and we are both so thrilled to be honoring Zoya who has uh just done uh a great job being a volunteer at the library we're proud of her volunteerism her dedication to the library and her community is impressive and we can't wait to see what this smart kind reliable civic-minded individual does next Jessica's going to give her the gold medal that's what we need a picture of yay I have something else too and uh congratulations and thank you so who's taking the pictures that's yours you got it you got to show the metal too oh yeah the Metal's impressive how do you want to do that that's good there we go all right two all right congratulations okay looking as zo Dad thank you two thank you sir congratulations [Applause] [Music] so find your classes in your pocket I thought they were oh now we go now we all right here we go all right thank you everyone all right so item number five if you're keeping score at home on the agenda or ordinance 533 d24 this is second reading for adoption an ordinance concerning security at public meetings and supplementing and amending chapter three of the Township Code entitled police regulations um if I could jack maybe you can speak to this a little bit yes this ordinance was recommended to the police department by the County prosecutor's office if we want to have security at meetings uh what this ordinance does it allows the tallent committee uh planning board and the board of adjustment to request Poli security at one of their public meetings if the request is made all members and of the board and visitors are subject to a search by a magnetometer um in additional bags Packages Etc will be searched by members of the Longhill Township Police Department those who refuse to submit a search will not be permitted to enter the meeting room it's permissive it's not mandatory it's up to the discretion of the CH committee or for one of the boards thank you Jack uh any questions or comments and I know Scott you're listening uh virtually Matt no Vic no it we will get to the public you've been to many meetings you know how this works right uh Scott he's probably on mute he's on mute all right okay um so now what we will do is open uh the meeting to the public to discuss or comment on this ordinance ordinance 533-2496 Council and I was wondering why the people that work here how come they're not entitled to police protection and a metal detector when they're here doing their job it's only for the Town Council that was the question want know why he doesn't have detector out there all day well for the people at work in town you know maybe somebody's upset about their tax bill a little deranged they come in here and there's poor Megan without any police protection or a metal detector but all the Town Council and planning board zoning board and the elites of the town they get that protection just thought it was odd no comment well I don't I don't think it's very unusual for town councils to have or public meetings to have uh a metal detector at the door we never had one before 33 years I'm living in this town never had one until yeah I think I said this once before Plato said to donius in Sicily what harm have you done that you need all these body guards history repeats itself have a good night gentlemen you as well Megan any other member of the public who's present here you guys are done MH is it the public comment at the end you guys are great oh it's not no public hearing for ordinance oh my apologies I'll see you later on any other member of the public who is present in this room seeing none Megan anybody at home CA would like to speak uh whoever CA is would you please state your name and address for the public record hear me yes Charles aritz Millington I've got two recommendations revisions to this ordinance 53324 given the fact that at township committee meeting since June 7th 2023 that's over nine months ago we've been a in a security threat that the prosecutor's office in the county sheriff has no knowledge of and we spent so far $1,600 of taxpayers money to support the magnetometer so here are the two changes I recommend to this ordinance tonight 5324 one the board committee who's requesting the service notify the County prosecutor and the county sheriff of the threat go ahead I'm sorry Chuck go ahead number two if a member of the board committee employee or a professional consult consultant of those boards and committees feels un safe for some reason I'd like to include in the ordinance that the individual be able to participate in those meetings from home via Zoom where they feel more safe those are the two recommendations that I recommend to ordinance 5533 d24 thank you thank you Mr rtz any other member of the public who is at home if anybody else on Zoom would like to make a public comment please raise your hand now I don't see anyone mayor thank you Megan uh so I'm going to close the meeting to the public and look for a motion regarding 533-2496 so moved Megan uh committee man lavender oh sorry committee man dorsy yes committee man verza yes committee man ray yes Deputy Mayor lavender has no voting Privileges and mayor Pia yes thank you again all right so item number six consent agenda uh that's resolution resolution numbers 24-85 through 24- 095 uh and I know Brendan I'll s you thund a little bit you have to abstain go ahead uh 249 24- 093 especially I guess and 24- 094 thank you Brandon anybody else uh any anybody want any member of the township committee would like any resolution pulled for further discussion see Scott well if speak up if you want to uh otherwise looking for a motion to approve 24-85 through 0 uh 95 Su moved second second mman dorsy yes mman Ray yes comman Vala yes Deputy Mayor lavender has no voting privileges mayor Pia yes all right so liaison reports I'm going to put pressure on everybody else by going to Vic first all right for the U leison report I'm ready I gotta get the Gotta Wait for Megan sorry I should I should have tipped you off there Megan we'll go left to right how about that no no no I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm good right right to left if you're looking at home or in the the audience all right our liaison re ah the rec liaison report is as follows just before the meeting tonight the recreation department held an early St Patrick's Day themed virtual Bingo contest congratulations to our lucky winners we are busy getting this year's dog days of summer concert series locked and and rocking the recreation advisory committee made their selection of six bands for this year's Concert Series in addition we have added another band for flight Rock to our National Night Out festivities which will be held on Tuesday August 6th mark your calendars now as all of the other bands as soon as all of the other bands are locked in with dates we will post the schedule the recreation advisory committee is always accepting new members looking to volunteer in the community come have some fun with us contact the Parks and Recreation Department for more information registration for the summer for summer camps and the Sterling lake is scheduled to open on April 1st no fooling anybody get that one April 1 no fooling all right um slide two don't forget to register your entries in the winter snow sculpture contest by 3:15 on community pass that's this coming Friday and last chance to send in those photos slide number three becoming a volunteer youth sports coach can be one of the most rewarding experiences are you considering coaching a sports team this spring or in the in the near future if so you want to make sure you have the ruter safety Clinic training after completing this three-hour class you'll receive certification from Ruckers good for your coaching lifetime the lill class tomorrow night is now full Longhill residents who missed out on getting a spot in this class please contact the recreation department to review future options for this certification all right we are hopping into spring here in Recreation download our free spring activity packet from the website or stop by Recreation and pick up a packet while you're there be sure to stop by Recreation and take a guess how many jelly beans are in the jar the winner will be announced at our annual spring egg hunt don't miss out on this sweet deal okay mark your calendars for our annual spring egg hunt Saturday March 23rd at caner Park at 10:00 a.m. sharp Rainer snow date is March 30th the egg hunt for children eight and under there's a petting zoo and pony rides along with light refreshments and an adult egg hunt sponsored by The Long Hill Chamber of Commerce this is a free event bring your egg hunting baskets don't forget a very special guest with long ears and a fluffy tail will be there to greet the kids please take advantage of this great photo opportunity new this year Springfield hockey game schedule designed to keep our fall field hockey players in shape to continue in the fall register by 329 on comp on community pass and the fee is $40 per player spring yoga session just announced beginning April 8th please register on community pass and moving on to slide 10 looking for a summer job we have lots of opportunities in the recreation department please check out all the information on the website and apply online by 41 and that concludes my Recreation update thank you everybody thank you Vic no fooling right no fo no fooling Brendon uh thankfully nothing from me after I I couldn't follow that up tough act to follow I Adent Matt dorsy yes all right both fire companies 53 calls to date they've been very busy this year luckily nobody's been hurt and no uh everything's been under control but they've responded to 53 calls um the good news is some exciting news is that two of the three new trucks should be arriving in the next couple weeks I believe the lad trucks coming what a couple weeks Brandon it could be here as early as next week how about that and the engine and Sterling same timeline maybe the next couple weeks that's exciting news I'm sure they'll have wet Downs or parties for all the new trucks at some point in time and strolling fire would like to thank everybody that attended and helped out with the venison dinner the local businesses that plugged it all the community came to support it the men and women that donated their time Andor Venice and me to uh make the project so successful they had 190 people there which is really is that is that not the record is it no but 190 is still pretty good turnout so look forward to next year be about the 25th 25th next year big prizes big news thank you thank you Matt all right so first aid Squad much like the uh fire companies uh has been extremely busy this year they're up about6 170 calls for the year um well no that's not true it's about 100 uh and change because I don't have March's number yet February was for nearly 50 calls so a big shout out to the first aid Squad as always um and even though the calls uh were a little less in uh February I noticed I think we all noticed that some of those calls are coming in in the middle of the night when uh a lot of us are sleeping so thank you for your dedication um one thing Megan I'll probably work with you on this our two of our Volunteers in town uh Daniel Rogers and uh Tom grov came up in an idea that uh it became apparent to them that not all the volunteer groups kind of knew each other you know so there members of the planning board members of the board of adjustment uh shry commission uh Rec committee and the recommendation the suggestion was maybe we can have once a month once a quarter once whatever uh we can all meet a town hall not required uh send out an invite uh to the chair chairperson and say the chairperson the vice chair anybody any member of those groups just to come in and maybe uh talk and meet each other because I think the only time these folks are in the same room is at the volunteer dinner and then they tend to congregate with the folks they know uh it was also suggested that the mayor provide pizza so that might be an enticement uh so what we could do Megan I'll work with you to send out uh an invite across the board uh we we'll pick a night that seems to work conveniently and anybody who can make it please by all means uh do so that's it so now I think we'll turn to the administrator's report thank you mayor just a couple things um as I stated uh last meeting uh in June sometime in June we'll be sending out uh letters to private storm water um uh fixtures that that people own on their own property uh to let them know what the storm water requirements are and and maintenance requirements that they would have to file a report to the uh Township committee uh Township of long hill uh prior to April 1st of 2025 um we have a new requirement that uh people may or may not be aware of certainly uh landlords are aware of it as they've been coming in and talking to the clerk's office lead abatement requirement these are um on for houses prior to built prior to 1978 there are one and two family rentals and Megan did you want to just go a little more into detail about what uh is require what is required of the landlords sure thank you administrator bar um so this was Public Law 2021c 182 which was proposed July 18th 2022 and went into effect May 1st of 2023 um it requires all rental units built prior to 1978 to be inspected for lead based paint the municipality will handle the one to two family homes while the state will handle anything greater than that um L Hill last year adopted ordinance 511123 and 5323 and resolution 23-11 to abide by the regulations um we do not have a housing department and have contracted with a DCA certified lead evaluator contractor called Bay Hill environmental um if you are a landlord you're not required to use uh lill Township's contractor Bay Hill environmental and are able to hire privately from one of the 126 DCA certified lead evaluator contractors listed on their website um which was last updated March 11th of 2024 um if you're working with an outside DCA uh certified lead evaluator contractor you can discuss the three following options um lead free meaning that your rental can be deemed lead free and you wouldn't have to complete the lead safe inspection every 3 years or upon any tenant turnover whichever comes first um you can do lead safe only using visual inspections um Long Hill is only required to do visual inspections however Hill environmental working with the municipality does require uh dust wipes um and then lead safe using dust wipes just like the municipality option so again if you have questions concerning this you can absolutely reach out to me in the clerk's office um and we hope to get letters from the municipality going out to registered rentals who have filed landlord registration form or have been identified through tax records to have rentals um by April 12th right now we're listing about 114 rentals in town thank you very much um uh two more things uh register your dogs before April 1st um there is a late fee uh now after April 1st anybody that has not registered their uh dogs or licens or dogs will receive a summons if you no longer have your dog and you receed the LI uh a renewal please let the clerk's office know because uh they don't necessarily know if you have if you no longer have the dog um late late today we got notice uh very good news actually that we had applied for grants for the Sterling Volunteer Fire Company and Millington Volunteer Fire Company for um turnout gear and we found out that we were awarded $40,000 to sterling sterling fire department and 30,000 to Millington fire department so that will go to Great use in updating a turnout gear that is outdated um and in need of any new volunteers and that's all that I have mayor thank you Ry that reminds me what Matt brought up the the uh emergency vehicles that were purchased thanks to the residents of long hill uh the sale of the sewer system is the gift that's going to keep on giving for many years so I don't know what was it 2.6 $2.7 million in in vehicles at some point 2 2 yeah somewhere around there 2.5 2.5 million so uh thanks to the uh the residents of long hill uh for recognizing the need to sell uh the Wastewater system we are in a very uh good financial position and we will be protected by our men and women Volunteers in the uh and the First Responders of course as well our Police Department uh all right so discussion the food truck the food the food truck special event permit and I promise we're not going to go for 30 minutes on this one tonight thank you thank you thanks M thank you we're gonna let Jack explain this yes mayor this is the food truck ordinance that we've discussed at length at the last two meetings uh made a number of changes to it uh I'll just go very briefly through they're allowed in any non-residential Zone uh they can be on the location three times a week for not more than eight hours uh can't operate before 7:00 a.m. or after 10 p.m. uh shall not operate within 200 feet of a uh restaurant basically uh which is while it is open for business without the written consent of the operator um shall not operate within 500 linear feet of a residential Zone boundary and I think that's probably the one remaining issue that wasn't resolved uh they can park on Street subject to traffic regulations parking regulations uh can't interfere with the flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic uh they can't seled business can't have Amplified music or loudspeakers uh no lighting except for uh decorative lighting and menu illumination decorative lighting was added um shall not display any signs except they can have one Sandwich Board sign not exceeding 12 feet in area uh they can only sell food and beverages can't sell alcohol have to provide trash receptacles uh everything has to be self-contained except oh no that's all um they have to maintain 10 a 10t separation from any combustible object including other vehicles and buildings uh they have to have on display at all times a valid uh food truck license a valid Board of Health license and a valid fire safety permit the following things are exempt Frozen confection vendors to use the term from the deputy mayor uh construction sites um special events and at block parties in residential neor neighborhoods so that's basically the the gist of the ordinance okay so we're not introducing that tonight just want to have uh comments from the township committee or but I think we kind of beat that one up the last meeting it's kind of my encouragement let's not beat it up again but uh any member of the township committee would like to discuss this or comment some of the distances could be a problem yeah the 500 that that's why I said that's the one issue that remains for sure that's the only one the 200 ft we kept in there but we said uh the restaurant has to be open for business and uh and they can give their consent if they so choose wasn't there wasn't there some maybe I'm missing it about how far it could be from the front of the building or something yeah we changed that oh okay do we just get rid of that we changed it we just got rid of it okay that's right okay um this isn't addressing the um type of food trucks or giveaway trucks that um Scott had brought up from a resident in the last meeting mean the weed Truck Yeah correct the Canabis truck as Dennis would call it how could we put that we we can add that but aren't they prohibited by state law can't you only sell licensed cannabis premises well they're not selling we they're selling other items you get free weed with the item as a I think that's the police matter one of my clients was doing that he said it was legal so I don't ask well it was always rumored that good humor man were doing that years ago so but but I think that's more of a police matter than so we can't put anything to prohibit that well it was just a concern raised by it in I I understand but I think it's already covered by state law okay so I have a question we have the like in town we have um the lobster roll truck we've got the um scream truck and then we have uh what is it the oakflower brewery we we have that situation over there right is there any way that we could hear from some of the food truck you know owners or something to give their comments on what they think is that necessary not necessary could they give us some ideas of I think it's more important what the property owners want rather than the food truck but that's up to you all or maybe you know if the oak flour uh Proprietors could come here again they take yeah they oh they've been involved in this in fact they just won it one night and at your suggestion we made it three yeah so awesome all right great so again because if we're going to do it and we're going to really review it and this is something that's going to be I just want to make sure that we have all the necessary input possible to try to limit uh any disappointments well and we can always amend it if we run unanticipated problems all right we'll go back and amend it great because we can't anticipate every problem that's going to come down the pike I guarantee it our ordinances are living breathing documents that's right that's right they're not written in they work in M they're not Constitution are we limiting first page under puts it special event B with more than act anticipated oh that's on the special event ordinance that's the other ordinance two okay yeah so that one we'll introduce next time Jack if I can send you a few comments sure oh sure and we can put it on for discussion next time and put possible introduction no I think we should put it on for introduction introduction okay we've had enough discussion yep fine by me so we I next meeting we could do it for um introduction but I'll send my comments to Jack and we can briefly talk about it yep you're the one has to for introduction you're the one has to implement it so yes thank you Megan thank you Jack all right so um parks and wreck policy change do we want to do special events because Matt raised that one question about sorry about number no it's on it's it's combined with the other one well the only the only question I have is it goes to special event with more than x number of anticipated attendees right that's tough to I don't know I can show up there be 100 people there and then two hours later be five people in the truck or whoever can still be there so I don't know want a limit the number the same thing on e um would say post take place in park the number of attendees exceeds X number of persons I don't know I don't know how we police that I I think um Lisa has also put it in ironically the other part of the discussion that we're having for the Parks and Rec policy changes she kind of put that it was the discretion of the um uh Rec director if a special event permit would be required we we we can try that the problem with that is it's vague and could be applied arbitrarily and somebody could challenge it on that basis you know the thing is if we put in a number we obviously not going to go out and count every special event uh but if it gets out of hand uh you know it can be enforced um you know it's up to you all but that I I looked at a number of ordinances and that seemed to be the only way because what we're trying to do is just regulate those special events that will have an impact on traffic and things like that uh you know if it's just a small gathering there's no no reason for the town to get involved thank you Jack okay we still don't have a number but that's okay yeah so special event permit any more questions H just one um whatever you talk about the on page four at the bottom I it's a small point but um the sponsor an nonprofit entity which has been granted maybe just say tax exempt status by the IRS because there might be some other well then it's actually brought that to my attention uh and I checked and 501c3 and 501 C6 seemed be the only two that would be applicable I think did I it is that copy a 501 C6 I think we're at 501 C4 I think the fire company is oh okay so that's why just to make it a blanket statement but rather than go through all the Dennis also mentioned a 502 C6 and a 170 C1 well 170 is the town so we don't have to get a special event license okay so anyway it's a small point but you know just yep do and then it would also be at 3A I guess as well okay Megan's killing a lot of trees tonight thank you thank you H those at home just heard Megan scold me all right parks and wreck policy changes I don't believe Lisa's here so Jack did Lisa run this by you or she did not so um Lisa submitted this to me um uh tach please find the proposed new packet for anyone interested in renting one of our park recreation facilities highlights this incorporates the new Myersville pickle ball um Court the fees um the process to permit revie reserve the court and the facility rules uh while I was updating uh I decided to update some additional language within the pack packet to try and marry it better with the special event permit which I know you are currently updating all suggested edits are highlighted in yellow so it does have in there the language that says okay the rec director can require a special event permit there there was no change to the fees themselves the only fee that was added was the pickle ball but it says na so will will there be a charge for pickle ball that we know we don't know okay that's fair we can ask leis sir so um well everybody has it now and I know you're just going through very quickly um and of course the two multi-purpose fields are at Matthew G caner which was formerly known as Riverside Park so it's Matthew G Canon Memorial Park well looks like the tennis courts are hourly rates are out of town people but I don't know if that's going be same for I think the intent is not to have it um available for out of town for non-resident resident commercial or non-resident commercial okay only available for residents at this point yeah we'll have to see how popular it is and I know Vic you're you're pickle Maestro and you know uh working with the the rec recre Recreation advisory committee Etc and with Lisa of course um we will have to look into that uh in the future all right so is that good everybody Lisa did say that there is no charge to the pickle ball courts Thank you Lisa okay so moving on to the next one uh emergency purchasing I don't know we have here we go somewhere a tree weeps yeah this has to do with uh authorization to utilize the emergency purchasing rule uh it came up several years ago and it was decided to make it the mayor um Matt has asked that it be reconsidered uh you know we discussed it during CO as I recall yeah it was during the attempted coup right so I should go back to the administrator I think cuz the administrator people that work in town are here all the time they get paid to be here they're here 40 hours a week whereas the mayor whoever it may be who knows where you are you get a hold of the person whoever it may be and we pay these people to be professionals and understand these rules and laws so I think should go back to them to make these decisions go time yeah the statute is very wide open you have unlimited discussion do we ever have one before this no okay so so so Mt you're saying it should be it should just be the the administrator go back to being the administrator yeah administrator C probably CFO administrator CFO or something they can consult with people but it should be whoever's in that position I don't care who the should be the position not the person I don't care who the person is yeah I I'm trying to remember it's starting to sound Vaguely Familiar I don't know if Co I think Co was was a now I'm remembering this Matt your your objection at the time was exactly what your objection is right now correct the rest of us uh having foresight and Care well at the time our our motivation was because of Co that of course is no longer the issue and it's not utilized very often 2021 it was after Co yeah I know but it was kind of like a end it right in that time frame yeah yeah yeah if we could have we would have made him in 2020 thought of it it was in there it's because Ida said during and after tropical storm Ida blah blah blah so it's from Ida that's what that's what prompted all this that's correct all right I mean oh right this is something I know you've considered what what what Matt's saying seems to make sense to me uh do you have any yeah it was uh it it goes back to a September 2021 meeting where um the the qpa at CFO at at that time uh had some concerns about emergency purchasing being done over at Police Headquarters right and uh okay not that uh and that person was me just for full disclosure right um not that I was uh trying to prevent anything from being done but certain things are emergency purchases certain things are mitigation and uh the the U the emergency purchasing situation was getting blurred and cloudy by including mitigation all within the same aspect so and that's when the um committee asked Jack to take a look at it and and as you can see the following from in October they transferred it to the uh mayor yeah we had no policy before that really correct and you know of course we had emergency purchases and it was a CFO that uh took care of it and and processed the the emergencies uh during any any either uh FEA govern uh Governor declared emergency or any other type of uh emergency purchases that came across okay I mean Vic I I don't know if you have any comments it seems to me it's outlived its purpose um I I Brendon I don't want to put words in your mouth but I think that you that's what you were saying as well it's yeah I mean I I I I remember it I thought it was Co now I now I remember exactly what happened so yeah I mean they were very specific circumstances at the time I was last discussed so I mean I'm fine with I you want you want administrator or CFO yeah the interesting thing is would be qpa one and the same person um well the qpa is not on site no at least now but some sometimes well maybe but CFO probably I'm curious what the CFO thans I I think um whether whether on either both or one or the other the CFO is a statutory employee right uh which makes more sense there they would be much more familiar with the purchasing laws and so forth of uh and and determining what's an emergency where funds can be charged how you can do an emergency the percentage of uh percent that you can do an emergency compared to the budget and so forth so on so it it makes sense to to uh or if you want to put CFO in um in uh conversation with the administrator of qpa something like that you make it too complicated I think CFO because it's a statutory position it must be here right must be filled because there have been times in the past too and the qpa was not on site as so the CFO I think more available so Vic let's start with you I I I think the suggestion or recommendation is that would be the CFO uh it makes sense to me Brandon I'm good with that yes yeah and I and I agree so next meeting Perfect all right uh all right old this is new uh new business I guess although it is old it's something we've uh looked at in the past uh noise from the train uh f NJ Transit trains uh the whistles and I know some towns do have quiet zones but uh it's a little bit more complicated Jackie when I spoke about this at length uh maybe you can kind of fill in the residence uh on on what one what the concern was of one particular resident and then of course the conversation you and I had yeah the concern is It's Not Unusual uh the whistleblowing as the train approaches the station uh it's a very complicated and expensive process though to get a quiet Zone established in that area uh Burnsville looked into it for two Crossings uh they spent initially on Engineers fees about $3,000 uh the engineer came back and said the total cost to go all the way through the application process and the approval process with no guarantee of approval would be close to $300,000 so they abandon the idea yeah I mean the challenge is of course we know we have new residents moving into town and and maybe they were a little surprised uh we do have three train stations in town yeah uh and and we did have a death at the mington train station number of years ago there were some other circumstances there but nevertheless I think and another and there was one in Berkeley Heights just across the long border and and I think um you know living near the train station and hearing them I mean they they they do tend to uh use the horns a lot you you you hear them but I mean I I I think they're aing on the side of safety and you I've learned to live with them well you live very close and as does Scott Lavin did to the Millington train station I I mean I must admit growing up in Jersey City it's not but even here I i' I've come to look at it as a soothing sound yeah me too um maybe not soothing to everybody but I think over time and then in light of the cost yeah I mean it's and and and the and the uncertainty whether it would succeed it's not like you we can spend the money and then we know it's going to be approved right there's a reason why they sound the whistle and I think the vast majority is it's safety so yeah I mean there are some state regulations aren't there or yes so they must probably Federal yeah I think I was just going to say I think the're Federal Regulations Federal okay yeah and they Federal Regulations is to how you can get it quiet so and that's why it's so expensive to meet all the the standards and like I said there's no guarantee you're going to satisfied I I hate to sound callus but I just think that's something you have to take into consideration when you buy your home and it's right by a train station just like if you move by a park you're going to expect some noise from children at a playground um or an airport you know what I mean so I I again I don't want to say sound callous but it just yeah it's kind of one of those situations it is what it is it's part of the charm yes Matt I I've had that discussion before in the past it's the same discussion we've had two three years ago yeah yeah yeah it's unfor I mean it's unfortunate it's something you live with and uh and as I said I I hear it and I sounds comforting to me for some reason um any other old or new business seeing none uh we have an announcement and then any member of the committee because I I was going to look for my phone I don't know what we have coming up uh but the first thing we do have is a retirement party I'm announcing this right Megan I'm not inviting well you you can it's for you guys but uh Lucy is our uh want to show up Lucy's our um Health officer uh all right yeah okay so this was just given to me and I you almost well we congratulate exactly Lucy foron uh is retiring which I didn't know by the way um and so big shout out to her for the work that she has done over many years with Long Hill Township through some challenging times uh including the aforementioned uh covid situation so Lucy thank you and congratulations and I got an announcement there you go go ahead Thursday Friday and Saturday 700 p.m. Pippen at the high school script and Q it's going to be a good show tickets are on sale it's also Saturday MAA at 2 o'clock the kids have been working hard so go out and support the uh local thesbian thank you Vic no Brandon no nothing from me I'm looking at two things all right so the Myersville Presbyterian rumage sale is March 15th and March 16th so that's Friday and Saturday 9 to4 p.m. 9:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. so the Myersville Presbyterian rumage Cale um our hometown hero uh Grace Eline there's an event you can go on with Grace initiative.org uh and there's an event with Grace swirl sip and support that is March 22nd um I think that closed out yeah but we we know people the isn't it the spring Easter egg hunt we Vic and Vic got that covered next Satur well let's do it again though spring Easter egg hunt March 23rd 10 a. to 12: p.m. why don't you give another shout out go ahead don't read it say don't miss the Easter egg hunt to caner field next Saturday 10: a.m. sharp um that's I do have another announcement next um Friday uh the 22nd at the senior center is our second annual pasta night that's right so uh if you're a member of the senior center please join us it is a free event we will be uh cooking um uh different types of pasta some people were concerned it's a Friday uh about the uh meat being in the in the gravy or the sauce and we're going to have a a nice marinada sauce we'll have meatballs and sausage for those uh who who want it and we're going to do Cavatelli and uh uh with poese so there's no meat in that so there'll be non- meat choices it's a free event homemade wine come on down and join us next next Friday at 6:00 and I I I believe sometime back the pope through the powers vested in him by by God the uh senior if you're 62 and above I believe you can no no no you don't have to fast I thought it was 6 yes is it age fast but you still have to abstain from worried about Oh I thought you got a pass all right that's a one team merited again don't miss it and everything is homemade from scratch so the food will be good and food will be good Vick is quite the chef I have to admit um all right so moving on so item number 12 meeting open to the public I just want to say uh brief comment before we open it up to the public there seems to have been some confusion uh typically on social soci media which is not uh my favorite place but I do monitor it we don't tend to answer questions on uh social media we have we have these public meetings for a reason uh they're taped you can view them uh at any point at your leisure probably forever I don't think we ever delete any of the meetings but to my knowledge I don't know of any other town uh you know was introduced during Co and in every town I know of uh that had public uh participation uh both to observe to watch but also to uh participate by asking questions and making comments we still do that uh the place to go for information is not Facebook um and so this confusion that gets out there and and sometimes it gets a little traction um and none of us really uh like to answer questions on Facebook we prefer to answer it in public so every member of the public uh can say it and hear it um our local paper can report on it um so I mean it's a free country you can go to social media uh but often times I've said it in the past I'll say it again uh social media is where truth goes to die uh if you want to know what's going on in your town this is the Forum to do it everyone uh on this uh uh committee their emails are on the township website uh I've received emails well I receive emails all the time I receive phone calls all the time as does everybody up here uh we spend probably more time on that than we do in in the bi-weekly meetings that we have so if you have questions uh and I'll give an example a couple weeks back a resident had expressed concern about uh a call that happened last summer uh about somebody who had had a a health issue and you know we take that very uh seriously and and I reached out to uh the first aid Squad and it sounded familiar turns out uh and and it was concerned that it was a delay in response so I reached out to Captain English and he said it sounded familiar but he wanted to look into it uh and he looked at it with uh uh members of his Squad turns out it wasn't last summer it was the summer before number one and number two uh our our F well is it police our bravest finest finest quick within two or three minutes it wasn't an extended period of time uh and uh the first a squad was was there within 15 minutes which is standard because they have to go get the rig outfit it and get there uh and our police are trained uh they can do everything in most cases what uh an AMT can do at the first aid Squad my point is the email was sent to me we took it seriously uh reached out to the first aid Squad they took it even more seriously uh researched it found that it wasn't in 23 it was in 22 and that the police had arrived within 2 or 3 minutes in the first State Squad had arrive within 15 minutes uh so that's just a minor example of what this entire committee does we we take your inquiries seriously we're not going to respond on Facebook we're just not uh 90% of the time what I read on there is is uh not based in fact um and I I had a full statement I was going to read I'm not going to read it um um but uh I probably would use it depending on where we go what direction we go in public comment so with that I'll point out uh we'll open the meeting to the public three minutes we don't debate you can ask questions or you comment but this is not a debate I'm still Joe farino from 623 Chestnut Street um since you know the uh I agreee with you things on Facebook shouldn't be uh taken as gospel truth and I think that people seek out Facebook because they feel frustrated when you come here and they don't get answers to that question so I have a question that came about through Facebook and I would like to be clarified um did in fact Randy resigned his qpa because the Town Council handled the contract of fixed the police station After the flood the Town Council did not go through the bidding process and therefore it was a violation of Law and Randy being an attorney and the qualified purchasing agent may have been in hot water for that is that in fact true he's not an attorney he's not an attorney no which firm does he belong to that we just paid 244,000 to does that's not a law firm no okay that's that's you personally no no no okay it's a it's an auding firm it's a what what you why don't you ask the question because I just I want to know if if in fact because you know it still sticks in my CW that we still have Nancy Malu on the payroll because she's the qpa because ry's not and was it in fact that he resigned his qpa because of a problem with the not going out the bid to repair the police station there was a difference of opinion at the time we did go through the legal steps required to do an emergency purchase at the time disagreed yeah and I think I I think I just said that earlier in the meeting that's why I wanted to know because that was brought up the emergency purchasing I think it was also discussed in public at the time itely yeah yeah there was a long discussion in public as to whether or not emergency purchasing could be used and it was a feisty yeah it was a feist discussion that's correct and and please understand my concern because after watching the the the show that went on during Co how all normaly and constitutionality was thrown to the wind the same thing now you know what's the sense of having rules and regulations and uh codes if you know somebody got a called and we don't have to follow any rules no that the difference of opinion as to whether or not the emergency purchasing regulations applied okay the the rules were followed to a te in implementing it some people thought it went too far everyone thought that emergency purchasing could be used for at least part of the project the question was how much of the project okay so it was all deemed legit correct okay thank you very much thank you Joe thank you and I and I would say Joe I think all of us agree while no problem I think all of us agree with you you know but sometimes the federal government or the state government trumps what we can do up here we're we're not as uh powerful as you might think we are we have to follow guidelines that not according to the doctrine or lesser magistrates we are the people we are responsible for our own destiny we the people I hear you hi I live at 269 Union Street 269 Union Yes and your name is I'm Diane mentes Hi how are you good so my concern is there's Wetland across this street at 255 and um I'm just a little concerned because my husband um lives on special machines okay and sorry to hear that but thank you and thank you for your I what I do I say I don't respond on Facebook but I do look at it thank you for your morning uh kind words that you say to the community oh of course oh thank you so um I'm just worried about the fumes if you you know what's going to go on there I'm not sure but I'm just worried with the um the fumes from the traffic cuz I'm I don't know what's going to happen with that property so I'm just worried about that Wetland yeah I'm not familiar anybody familiar with that property exactly which I'm sure that's why Paul's here too I'm guessing he was I'm worried because my husband is very sick so where's that P next to the American Legion if you're facing the legion to the left fetus bought it he owns a property to the right I don't know what he's doing with it they cut a bunch of trees down and it's just sitting Cascade at the End of the Street yeah okay so I know I know the property I thought the my husband lives on machines very serious machines so I just but is anything happening that's concerning at this point in time is are they putting anything in there they just they cut everything down so I don't know what's going on but I'm just bringing it to your attention it's wet lands then they probably can't build there and if they can they would have to unless this a single family house they have to go before one of the fors so I'm just bringing it to your attention we'll we'll look at that actually I don't know they shouldn't be clear cutting a wetland no so that's my concern is my husband because he's life support we'll take a look at it thank you for bringing it to thank you so much thank you so much and and sorry about your your husband and thank you for your morning uh kind words Paul wouth 255 Union Street concern is the same property uh I have it in writing I can just give it to you and be done with it if that would suit you is that something you wrote or something yeah oh okay sure right is there like a summary though you can tell us what yeah I'm just going to give you a quick summary okay perfect it's a lot that was for all time has been registered as as residential but the zoning committee that looking at the township and making plans for the future planning board I guess you call it looked at it and thought that maybe there's two lots there that they could make Light commercial did I several concerns I don't think they know there's a drainage ditch that goes through the middle of the one property see drainage ditch is going to need maintenance whose responsibility do that become the ordinance that's just the N I'm sorry I actually Jack could you say because yeah it the planning board just adopts a master plan that doesn't give permission the town committee would have to adopt an ordinance changing the zoning in order for that to happen and for anything commercial they'd have to go before the planning board well the the planning board has put up that it could be rezoned for for Light commercial and that's our concern yeah well that would have to then come to the township committee as I say and the township committee would have to adopt an ordinance rezoning that property to Light commercial and to the best of my knowledge that has not happened now no it has not happened yet so the best of all worlds is if it's if it's Wetlands that solves the problem well because we you say that but we can't Zone some something that's Wetlands for any development you say that but there's property right down the street from there that's very wet that now has a structure on it there's a single family home down towards humph no it's it's it's you meant the other side yeah it's where Dave Welsh used to have his property you all know you all know Dave Welsh you're right if you're looking at it it's you're talking about the house not a house it's a pole barn down there it's a pole barn I think you're allowed though P Barnes on Wetlands or something like that flow through so it can so it it fits that but he kept his trucks there but he was a small company and nobody even knew he was there that was the nice part about having Dave Welsh there he was a good neighbor and quiet and you know you barely heard him leave in the morning you barely heard him knew he was coming back at night but uh the new owner is you know a um far more ambitious with his plans on business and what have you and I understand that I praise people who are are interested in having their business grow and particularly in a small community such as Long Hill to have a prosperous businesses quite a handful and and and quite a compliment but I also say that on doing that that there's we have to be careful of the ordinance we already have and support the or ordinances we already have before we move forward too if there ever is an ordinance that comes to the town committee you'll get notice yep for sure I mean in the immediate sense though let's look at what it's uh yeah if if it's Wetlands yeah it's Wetland you know I I often tease you know when people think the town committee oh you know how much Authority the reality is this this is how it works in the state of New Jersey you have you know the puppets up here you know so we're the lowest life form in in government structure then you have the County Commissioners then you have the assembly and the Senate then you have the governor and then you have the DP nobody tells the D what to do as we learned the reality is the D is there through Democrat administrations in Trenton Republican Administration administrations in Trenton and they don't give it a hoop about either certainly don't care about us so if the de to get back to your proper D if that's a wetland yep it's even it's even more difficult now more than ever more rules recently came came to pass um the machine D will not allow um gas diesel trucks it be near my home because of the Wetland because of my husband because of her husband because oh okay no additional vehicles that burn diesel going going traffic from my house that can't go there because when I lived in north planfield and Millington Savings bank owned the property next door and they went to sell it um DP came in and said you cannot sell that property to um a painting company because of my husband's machines I I think it's safe to say that right now we are going to find out exactly what is going on on that property and we're going to pay attention to what future intention what the future intentions are and and and I have two phone numbers and two names on there I wrote in my husband has pulmonary fibrosis coronary heart disease failed kidney failed liver I'm so sorry I'm very sorry to hear that but I honest quite honestly we are very grateful for you to bring this to our attention I honestly did not know this was going on in that spot I thought that the Elks own that property by the way no no Elks don't own anything but the township owns that property it used to be the El it used to be the American Legion yes I know exactly and and and when the American Legion folded then it the property went to the township corre that's right and the township releases it to the Rel the Elks and so if that's the case then how how is somebody doing something on that property right to the left of it don't know that's why we're going to we don't do we own it or not no they purchased it from who that's why Al would you mind orer behind the American Legion oh okay okay it's not right next door it's the one behind Okay have to take a look we did get a uh a registration for tree removal there that was owned by the M SOS that Drew fetus had bought that property uh we we approved the tree cutting uh except for the few trees roadway but there is a a lot there with a structured building that is I guess approved at one point back in the day so I think he's going to build a garage his intention is to build a garage off the the pad that's existing there and put parking for his Vehicles don't hold me to that but that's what I was told when I went out to check the trees so let me ask you Jack thank Al thank you let me ask you a question if something had some kind of pad or whatever it was and the structure is gone but it now becomes a wetland and they can't rebuild that's what I would have thought right so that's what we need to find out if it's a a case in point this property across from us is 80 acres that we purchased and then it stretches back to a wetland that goes behind a Sterling Hotel but when we purchase this property only eight and Lord knows the D regulations are getting more strict I would think 50 years ago that entire 8 ACR could have been built on then it was 60 and then it was 40 now it's eight and Lord knows if we don't get moving on something y uh we may not be able to uh to to develop the eight into a park or something we're not going to put a small nuclear you say something that many people many The Neighbors on Union Street would say would be fine if it if went to the owner let's find you know I I can talk all night that's for conversation I I am Italian so I can talk for the next hour with my hands moving thank all of you very much thank the reality is let's find out what it's what and then that solves the problem and what the plans are whether they need board approval yep so thank you thank you again uh meeting still open to the public and let me guess you're still Tom grov uh as far as you know never convicted your honor Tom pardon me yes that is true uh I have something yeah ah back about trees thank you good night everyone good night good night thank you that one's for you thank you do you want it back no it's for you if you need it for any reason looks like it's an an ash yeah I had that same issue this is a tree that's on Mitchell and previously I'd complained about it years ago a couple of times uh about 3 months ago it caused two power outages on the same day because a branch fell took the power lines down they repaired them we were out three hours sure enough come comes back on an hour later we lost it again I was told uh the tree is fine it's some bad branches if you look that's rotten to the core how fast does that happen on a tree I don't know hm is that an ash it it turns into Ash when you put in a fireplace no I'm only mentioning I I honestly I don't know because it looks I had a tree removed on my property and it had that same type of pattern of of of Destruction by the ash boes mhm yes but um and I know Monday we happen to lose a tree on Valley Road Long Hill Road as well yeah Long Hill Road just after my family drove through mhm you don't want to be that same story that was reported by the echo Sentinel where the branch went through the windshield yep that was on that was I think on East part of long hill from Myersville this was the Treaty of the day was between Myersville and the and the shrine I think so I I just show this to you just to keep dead and dying and diseased trees on top of mind there's there's always something to look at in around the town and I don't mean just trees there's good things bad things whatever and if you forget about them things like trees will fall off from the to-do list which we all have right so please keep an eye out for these things because like I said I've complained about it a couple times it was all right and then it's not all right and the only thing I would say is residents like you uh Al and his team have limited resources and hours in a day that's not to say they won't look if they see something but please if a resident sees something not this similar to uh a pothole you know Al's not going to see every pothole on how many miles of roads that we have here somebody told me one time but how many well no but I'm saying just roads I mean it's we we can't know where every pothole is and we can't know where every uh challenging tree is um and this one looks like it's close to the curb so that would have been could have addressed if we had known about it are you on this one now this is are you aware of this one does it need further I don't know who to I don't know who took it down does this need further inspection for the the for the for the trees that looks like the other trees are alive uh I don't know who took it down I'm I'm assuming it was the homeowner it must have been something that they addressed themselves address it's on Mitchell it's in the the first house on the corner there oh yeah contract that down us so the town did it yeah there you go so somebody maybe you do you know how you how did you did something you observed no that res called me the resident called okay on unforunately contracts am come out Co so there's delay on that that was but there's a a classic example of why we need resident input uh there's just no way to monitor every uh Tree in town so let me turn my reminder to all of you to to watch out for this and keep it as a major topic to a thank you to Al Gallow and his team for staying on top of this and taking care of our trees we need to keep it up thank you TJ thank you all thanks Tom any other member of the public guess I consider myself a member of the public Tom Jones Gillette it's just a PSA I just wanna recognized the lill police department uh we were out of town for four days and I used the uh vacant house and they came by multiple days and checked on the house and did a perimeter check as well as a door check so just want to say thanks to the police department you left or yes we did y we called it in went right through the menu logged it and they came by so resident should use that thank that's it thank you Tom and thank you to the Long Hill Police Department as always um anybody else present if not I'm going to ask Megan if she would kindly look at the residents at home if anybody on Zoom would like to make a public comment please raise your hand now I don't see anyone mayor so moved going back to exact right with no further action and thank you for everybody um thank you we really appreciate your input thank you good night all thanks for coming out good night