##VIDEO ID:x05O_PZ9WfQ## [Music] check one two uh before we get started mayor Pia is traveling today so uh I'm filling in for him um Megan would you please read the uh statement of presiding officer in compliance with the open public meetings Act of New Jersey adequate notices meeting specifically the date time and public information were included in the meeting that was electronically sent to the echool and posted on the township website the inm public handouts for this meeting can be viewed online at www.il.gov a public comment period will be held in the order it is listed on the meeting agenda I'll rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands na God indivisible with liy and justice for all Megan would you please take the role committee man dorsy here committe man ray present committe man valza present Deputy Mayor lavender here and mayor Pia mayor may not be attending via Zoom as of right now he is not on very good all right um so first thing up um we have Scott Everton uh from psng he's the senior public affairs manager uh he's going to do a presentation for us uh Scott uh Megan you got the uh microphone and do we have slides that we're showing I can put up the map that they handed out to you guys [Music] okay just put it up anyway welcome thanks for coming gentlemen problem thank thank you so much for having us Deputy Mayor I was hoping that mayor pasera would have been here I known guy for about 30 years and uh we've always worked closer together I'm very involved in Morris County I've been on the Morris County planning board for about 29 years and uh moris tomorrow uh and uh the moris leag of municipalities I've uh seen guy at many other meetings so I know him quite well so tell them I say hi when when you see them my name is Everton Scott I'm the senior public affairs manager for pscg with the lill township as a part of my responsibilities and I just here to frame for you the the just a background as to what we're doing in terms of our Capital Improvement plans for Long Hill Township um last year the we had a settlement with a Board of Public Utilities and um they they approved uh about 92 million dollar for us to spend to Mo modernize our aging gas infrastructure throughout the state we serve approximately about 300 municipalities and this has been done throughout all the municipalities uh that we serve and um so we're enhancing safety and reliability and helping New Jersey customers uh meet and and US meet meet our clean energy goals now um like I said we expect to spend about $92 million o over two years the uh extension of of the program allows PNG to continue to update its existing gas distribution system to improve reliability and reduce greenhouse gases by approximately about 54,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide um by and then also by replacing about 400 miles of age pipes with modern ones so that's just the extension so right now we're aiming to do um a 50 red 54 metric tons of CO2 and replace 400 mil of H pipes with modern pipes although nearly 1,800 miles of cast iron and unprotected steel Ms have been replaced in recent years we Remain the nation's utility with the most cast iron gas Mains underground bar none those cast iron um Mains and and and service lines uh are about typically about 70 to 100 years old and it's gotten to a point now where they have to be changed in fact we uh had a an agreement with the uh uh Google and the uh uh the um environmental defense fund where we actually outfitted a Google car and at the Google car dri through at our service territory to look up what we're getting in terms of me same leads and when the results came back we were surprised and so we went to the BPU uh with this and the BPU says yes uh with the uh energy master plan and with the clean energy goals that the governor has that we really should uh um um make it of our plan to uh to change these pipes out now natural gas has been the most affordable heating option for millions of New Jersey customers for years and we're pleased to continue a balanced approach to decarbonization while meeting Today's Energy demand so what are the benefits of this gas System modernization Program or gsmp well one first we will be prioritizing and replacing pipelines most prone to leaks leaks mean excavated roads leaks mean a tug and war between myself and Megan in terms of and and Randy in terms of coming in to get permits to to go search for leaks and then to repave the roads and so on and so forth so we're trying to move away from that by being proactive and replacing the the the lines we also um um as a result of the higher pressure so right now the uh where no I mean where we're going to be we're going to be doing the the upgrades right now it's high pressure okay but in in most instances with gsmp we go from a low pressure to a high pressure so we go from about 7 pound yeah s to about 15 pounds and so for example it allows customers to go out and purchase High Energy Efficiency appliances and for example if you wanted to in the past if you wanted to let's say buy a generator backup generator uh you'd have to come to us we'd have to go out take measurements uh get an idea of of what your needs are and then run new Mains or new Services based on your needs with with the gsmp program and with the higher pressure in the lines there there's no need to do that um we're also um um um well we the immediate reduction of leaks by installation of new pipes that can also deliver uh emerging lower carbon alternative fuels so for example we're looking at putting hydrogen through these lines if it ever comes to that right now it's just natural gas but if it ever comes to hydrogen we'll be using hydrogen also and um we we're ensuring that customers power sources remain affordable and diversified and of course we uh we're employing quite a few New Jersey natives and and and contractors and so we think that that's good for the E for the economy uh just to close in 2014 PSG uh began to accelerate the upgrading of its gas system by replacing Edge pipes in state of the art gas lines we're about a third done having replaced 1,450 mil of gas lines we have reduced methane emissions by 30 ,000 tons of carbon dioxide from 2011 to 2022 and that's the equivalent have taken 65,000 cars off the road and so the uh uh second phase of gsmp was completed last year and of course again we went in we followed with the Board of Public Utilities they agreed to have us spent 92 millions dollar on the extension uh for into this year and that's going to carry us a two 2025 when we'll go into them and have another discussions about how far they'll allow us to go so that's the program in a nutshell in terms of what's happening in in Long Hill itself I'll turn it over to Eric and Eric can uh explain that to to the governing body my name is Eric Adams senior gas instruction supervisor uh eron went over the program but if you're looking at the map that Megan has up here also Megan is it a way that you could split the screen to put the street list Eric what do the colors mean on that map so the colors mean this is going to be so if you're looking at the key at the bottom the black lines mean that we're going to be installing 2 in the red line mean we're going to be doing 4 in the blue line means we're going to be doing 12 inch so if you look at the street list that we provided you you can look the streets that we're going to be working on we're going to be installing about a little bit over 36,000 ft of Main and services in Long Hill so only on the streets on this page yes and so so it'll be the street that we actually working on and they'll give you the two in between streets the two intersections all right what's the what's the time frame the time frame should take us all the way until like June of 25 okay and when would you start I'm looking to start next month tomorrow ready to go yeah so let me give you a little background on how we get started so we to have an Outreach team Outreach team I can give you a number the number is 1833 661 6300 so this line is manned all the times and within 24 hours someone will call you back so before we start a project we do mellers we do door hangers we do reverse 911 calls and we also give all this information to the town so let me let me ask you a question just so I'm interpreting this correctly um I'm looking at um row number four Long Hill Road between Basking Ridge Road and division yes and so does that include that route plus all of the Spurs off of that no okay so we're going to on that road we're going to be installed in 12in main yep about 2,220 ft okay so it's just down that main drag just down that main drag got it and so all the Spurs are going to stay as is and where's which road is that on the map well I'm looking at like Cross Hill Road and and uh Church Road Taff and Sunny Slope as well as um Can can you point on the map it's it's Megan can you show me on the map it's the it's the upper upper top the long road that goes into Basking Ridge and all the way out to yeah directly in the middle of the map uh right where those two uh red vertical lines kind of meet oh no those are all done so if you're looking at the map if they're not bold that mean they're already done got it so they their stand as is they stand that is got it okay Co I would need to do work in those intersections I would need to tie them in into the new main yeah but no no other work involved got it while this is being done how long say for example it's Bank up a road I live on on Clover Hill road I live on Clover Hill road while you're doing that work how long is my gas off for well your gas is never off until we make an appointment so what we do we install the main first after we install the main we make an appointment with you to transfer your service to the new Main and then that's when your gas will be off probably about four hours okay then up to four hours but everybody knows when it's going to be done yes we need to make an appointment with you first perfect thank you and so many residents are getting notices that pscg wants to come in and change their their meters and stuff like this is this related to this project no it's something totally different okay so those meters being changed that's selected sampling so they just need to be changed just because of their age it's a totally different program okay yes so a lot of of work is trench work so will we do work but in the road and behind the curb and we're going to relocate most of the meters to the outside if we can and the reason why we need to bring them outside is the more that as far as it's not safer but it's it's more in compliance so if you do have a gas leak we can shut it off from the outside and so for a resident who maybe has been in their house 30 40 years um should they be concerned if service to their house through their lawn was never upgraded yes we will upgraded when we come through okay so when we come through we would lay the new main we would replace your service and relocate your meter to the outside so some folks may have some digging going on through their property yes got it yes and we do follow up with Landscaping got it okay and you also have that number so if they have any questions this is not this is only for our program that number so if they have a gas leag please don't call it okay well thank you that's very helpful all right and one thing that I want to want to add because you'll see um a road on here called Northfield um Public public we met with these gentlemen about a month ago and we said hey uh we got a problem you guys got to get into Northfield yesterday to get that uh done so they're rearranging the whole project to get Northfield done first yes we're going to start on because they understand we're going to be going out the bid for reconstruction of that road so they they understand that and they're working with us to get that done uh ASAP and this work will be done by our contractor but we also will have a PS supervisor overseeing the project for the project for the entire like June 2025 M so for any particular stretch of road like if you're a resident you want to know how many days or weeks construction is going to be on in front of your house how quickly does it move down the street usually it it depends on the size of the main like 2 in I'm usually able to get like 250 ft a day 12 in is somewhere like 120 and 4 in I'm around the same 200 100 Mark about 180 MH okay so we'll also do Outreach like two weeks look ahead when we actually start the project so everyone will know exactly where we'll be at any moment we make sure that Megan and Randy also gets us schedule of where're to be uh with a look ahead schedule so they'll know they get called in terms of you know what's going on with the project right so so public service will do their uh customer Outreach uh they'll give us information where we we'll do our Outreach uh posting on the website and and uh other areas that uh will let the public know what's going on yeah yeah yeah um first thing was to as far as the schedule is concerned if we could uh have that communicated to the to the emergency services because some of these roads are are going to be closed or or difficult to pass so we need to we need to know that um so that's more of you to Randy and then Randy I guess I'll you'll you'll let us know in the fire and um uh Squad right then the other the other question just came to me was some roads are on moratoriums um and so is there going to be full restoration yes immediately after that yes any road under the moratorium before restoration okay and we also work closely with PD we're doing traffic control right so Y and any road that's not under the moratorium will be curb to Center Line okay a curb to Center Line a curb to Cur right unless Randy wants to work something out we so my my my last question this is really just curiosity you mentioned many of these U pipes are 700 years old and you're putting in new pipes um capable of hydrogen so that's very interesting is that that potential green fuel in the future I mean hydrogen burns the residue is water when it's left over we do in in Woodbridge right now we do have a pilot program uh where we're we're working with h uh where right now the results aren't clear yet but um it's something that we're pursuing with a Board of Public abilities and it's something that we're looking into if the uh State ever takes a position like um California did where you can no longer s natural gas I do not see you J Jesus I get you continue yes but um yeah so yeah we're working in hyrogen right now and uh I I Believe by the end of this year we should have some idea as to the direction in which we would move forward and what's the material these pipes made out of it's plastic plastic yes it's a composite plastic it's rubber it's something between rubber and plastic yeah it's it's it's it's flexible non-breakable not going to rust it's subject to compression all that stuff yeah Hightech material great and and you know it's funny because you have cast iron bared in the ground and because it's iron and there's chemical reaction then breaks the pipe down and so with with this plastic it's found that that those kind of chemical reactions don't happen and so the pipe tends to stay U you know safer more durable for for longer so I'm hoping that for the next hundred years we won't have to come back into Long Hill and do anything or maybe years I won't be around but just just out of Interest where where's that pipe been used like what kind of History do we have in other parts of the country with that with that pipe it's just a just just just a point of Interest have we used you know all over the world yeah yes IND indal is the name of the company that we use right so any any new installs have been using this for a while I would imagine yes yeah uh we've been we started using this in well way before 2014 but in terms of of uh you know in Mass we we started using this in 2014 but we were using it before before that I think somewhere like 87 somewhere around that okay interesting you learned something new every day thank you it's about 87 we good any more questions I think we're good thank you very much this is very informative appreciate it [Music] okay next up we have our annual audit presentation uh Andrew kachinsky from NIS vakia come on down good evening everyone um so I'm here to present on the results of your 2023 audit um you all should have gotten your big giant green books with all that information not yet not Matt oh oh well all right um but I did give Megan and she's handing them out now uh a little two-page synopsis of of the results of the audit that pretty much give you the financial highlights that you need to be aware of as well as the management suggestions and recommendations um so if you just look on the first page of that handout that I provided uh you'll see that the current fund for 2023 had revenues of $ 48.8 million included in that was $1.9 million of fund balance that we used in the budget and we had expenditures of $47 million so current fund balance decreased by about 200,000 from 20 thou in 2023 from $3.4 million in 2022 uh to to$ 3.24 million in 2023 um our tax collection rate once again came in excellent we were 99.19% which is wonderful anything over 99 is is great um so great job there for the tax collector um and the parking lot and Facilities Utility Fund uh for 2023 we had $163,000 of Revenue which included $42,000 of fund balance and we had $102,000 of expenditures uh so the fund balance decreased there by about $40,000 um in 2023 from $35,000 in 2022 to $264,000 in 20 uh 2023 uh on to the next page we did have two management suggestions so one of them is an old one we'll get to that one next but the first one is uh new gby statement that's come out regarding compensated absences and the way that that Hall has to be accounted for and and and AC crw going forward um really not a big change for us honestly um we're pretty much already there but it's just something that now they formalized the standard so we wanted you to all to be aware of it um we're going to have to do a a little bit extra next year I guess when it comes down to doing the compensated absence testing but like I said we're pretty much already there already so nothing really to worry about just wanted to give you a heads up that that is something that has changed and the second one as I said is just reference back to co uh Federal funding which I think this has been in there now for what feels like an eternity for all of us I'm sure but it's just saying that all of that covid money that was sent out that was granted um that they are sending out and they are doing reviews of the use of those funds and especially now that we're coming to kind of the the end period for the American Rescue plan um we thought it was pertinent to keep on leaving this in at least for the time being seeing as we're going to have to uh we're going to have to spend the rest of it in in all municipalities anyone that was granted it in the next uh two years and we have to have it fully encumbered by the end of 2024 so again it's been repeated it's been there for a couple of years now so nothing really to worry about um you did have two recommendations in the report this year the first recommendation has been there for quite some time and we're all familiar with it so I'll just briefly say about the segregation of Duties um out of 100 clients 99 of them have this um so it's it's very common it just has to do with the the duties that are with authorization recording and Reporting um that being the size of a municipality it's held by by more people having having those duties than uh than than would would the standard like to say um so again it's it's nothing it's no issue we do have compensating controls in place for this we don't have any issues that we've seen of anything regarding uh segregation of Duty issues um we do have some mitigating controls but again being that they're not fully segregated we do have to include it uh the second one is in reference to the tax title Le of the township so we've had a little bit of difficulty getting the tax title lean dollar value that's in the financial statements so back to what's in the tax collector's records so we've been sorting through that a little bit um and it's kind of something that I know that like ry's been working with it a little bit already um but it's something that came to our attention and we just feel like it should be they they should agree the amount that we have on our financial records should agree to the tax collector now that being said it doesn't have any real Financial Financial impact on the town per se the amount that goes onto your balance sheet for the tax title leans is directly offset by what's called revenue account receivable so it doesn't have any effect on your fund balance doesn't have any effect on your cash it's fully offset that asset of tax title leans receivable by this reserve for the receivable so it's just in out both sides of the balance sheet I know it's it's probably simple for me a little bit more complicated for all you to just get that one I'm sure ry's on the same page with me though at least that much I get um but other than that uh really uh good job by all of your staff in your office um you know ry's always extremely responsive um work really well with him he's always uh getting our requests to us as quickly as possible so I just wanted to say thank you to him his staff and of course Megan as well um and if anyone has any questions I'd be more than happy to answer them I said two were any employees making any Facebook Marketplace purchases in 2023 not that we saw and were any employees using personal credit cards for purchases in 2023 not that we saw thank you any other questions um before we um thank you Andrew that's that's great really appreciate it um Megan once we adopt these will these be available by PDF on the website are they there now or is it like in a few days well most likely tomorrow at some point it'll be okay this week yes okay all right so um given that there's no questions on that uh then uh we have two uh are these resolutions or or these are resolutions 24-18 9 which is the governing body certification of the annual audit and 24-19 which is the audit corrective Action Plan before I go there Randy do you want to just um uh summarize our corrective action plan and this is the corrective action plan for the two recommendations maintaining s segregation of Duty and the tax title lean yeah that as uh Mr kazinski said that the segregation duties has been there uh it's um actually it's it's probably my whole career it's been in my audit because I work for small municipalities relatively speaking um and most municipalities they they weigh uh the cost factor with the benefit factor and and 90% of the time the cost Factor far exceeds a benefit Factor um so you know we we put that in in the writing that and we do try to mitigate that by um I do uh a couple things we did actually just just recently and we're working with the banks uh we I review the um financials each month the bank reconciliations the check registers I review on a on a bi-weekly basis when the meetings um and review sporadic things at different times we have set up a a what's called a positive pay program with the bank where we will send them the check listings and they will only cash checks on those listings and if there anything comes up uh um that's not on the listing they send uh myself and um Deb Gupta an email saying hey this is a discrepancy what do you want us to do with it um sometimes it's it's just that it's on the list it comes in at a at a different amount or something like that so uh but we're working with that we also have a a twers uh um verification for wire transfers and naacs we do very minimal wires and and even less A's uh to uh correct that the second one um with the um tax title leans actually uh Mary and I have been working on that for a period of time because we've realized that this dates back quite a while um we we think what happened when we made the a change from Edmond to a a different program for tax collection back in 200 I want to say 14 there was errors that were brought over okay so when we went back to Edmonds this recent two three years ago it it became very apparent that there there was mistakes and we were doing a research I um Marana and I have mostly maryan have come up with all the discrepancies now we're working with Edmonds on how to get it into the system apart from going back 20 years ago and putting it in quarter by quarter because these are very small amounts but you know they do add up and and like Andrew said we want to make sure that that all the all the numbers are in the same balance so we will be correcting that as soon as we get the guidance from because admins our computer company is working with us on try to figure out the best way to do that good all right any questions for Randy all right seeing none can I have a motion to approve resolutions 24189 and 24-19 so moveed second committee dorsy yes committee man ray yes committee man vza yes Deputy Mayor lavender yes Andrew thank you very much as always we'll see you next year water Bott all right happy night take care okay um moving along uh ordinance 54824 this is a first reading and introduction amending an ordinance that amends section 146 of the township land use ordinance to include requirements for maintenance and repair of storm Water Management Systems Jack can you um offer an explanation yeah this I'm sorry this this was actually prepared by the township engineer I believe but what it does is it includes things in our ordinances required by updated D regulations the only change that we're making to it is ex uh getting rid of the $50 fee so we had done this previously the only change that we're doing was the recommendation at the last meeting striking the $50 fee right got it so so just uh you know additional caller on that previously uh a resident that had um one of these storm water systems on their property they would have to pay a $50 fee uh since that's a benefit to the neighborhood we're taking that fee out and so we're not charging the resident for it so right Jack Jack yes correct should Vic abstain yes yes since he has okay I'm sorry right um so any discussion from the dis nope all right um can I have a motion to approve ordinance committee man dorsy yes committee man ray yes committee man valza stain Deputy Mayor lavender yes okay next this is a second reading of ordinance 54124 for the calendar year 2024 the model ordinance to exceed the municipal budget Appropriations limit and to establish a cap Bank um Randy this is uh pretty much um standard procedure year to year do you want to open on this yeah this is a standard procedure where we um take the appropriation cap each year the state determines what you can increase your expenditures by and it it's directly related to cost of living increases um the the highest it can go is 3.5% um so we we if it's not at 35 3.5% you have to uh do an ordinance to increase it the 3.5% then you allowed to bank the difference in expend expenditures for that year to 32% and and that stays in your bank if you will for 2 years now the phrase bank is very misleading it is not money it's not cash it just it's a safety net that if uh something uh for instance disastrous happens next year where we need to increase our Appropriations uh above the cap allowance it gives us room to do that um so far you know we we haven't had any any kind of uh issues like that in in since I've been here since 2018 um you know you the instances we've had uh where we've had hurricane Ida uh that was already after the budget was adopted and what we did was emergency Appropriations uh that is allowable and we we took care of that in the following year budget but this is um part of the procedure to uh to allow us to uh bank that extra money okay extra Appropriations if you will so it's standard operating procedure Year bye it's Financial Prudence it's a safety valve and we've never tapped into it right yeah we've never okay um I don't know about never I don't know about 20 years ago but not not in our rec how about that okay um any any comment from the the DI MH all right I'll open the public hearing if there's any comments on ordinance 541 -24 all right um seeing none um Megan if uh there's anybody oh I'm sorry if there's anybody on Zoom if anybody on Zoom would like to make a public comment please raise your hand now I don't see anyone M mayor okay I'll close the public hearing can I have a motion to approve uh ordinance 54124 so moved second commit dorsy committee Ray yes committee man valza yes Deputy Mayor lavender yes okay next ordinance 542 d24 second reading and adoption salary and wages ordinance um Jack or Randy do you want to comment on this well the the change in the salary ordinance is to provide um the town to have an option of hiring a police officer traine so what does that mean that means that somebody that is not a certified uh police officer or a licensed police officer I should say nowadays um to allow the town to send them to the academy to get licensed um at a lesser of a salary than what's uh in the PBA contracts to add to that mayor I believe the township committee was also going to change the title of one of the employees yeah that's right so um sha Brown uh was hired as Executive Administrative Assistant reporting to public safety director Mike peoples um there's been a little bit of confusion as to Shawn's role uh both in the public and amongst employees so we're going to clarify that um not changing his role per se salary or anything like that but his title will be Deputy deputy public safety director and I believe we can make that edit in the context of this second reading right jack yes we can under Police Department the current title is Executive Administrative Assistant uh as you said mayor we're changing it to Deputy public safety director so if we could have a motion to that effect then you can vote on the ordinance as amended this evening right and that also is symmetrical with the fact that he's also Deputy OEM director so it kind of cleans things up so can I have a motion to um accept that Amendment as read so moved I will second committee man dorsy yes committee man ray abstained committee man valza yes Deputy Mayor lavender yes okay public oh I'm sorry yes we need a public you're you're just amending it right now and then you can open up the public hearing okay all right so at this point I'll open up the public hearing uh if anybody in the public would like to uh make a comment hi please uh state your name and address for the folks at home Charles Rena with Millington I'm glad to see you're doing better CH thank you for your concerns in my emergency surgery and things are going along slowly with your just Amendment does that mean that we've got to modify any of the other ordinances or resolutions where we now have identified that we've got a assistant deputy director of Public Safety I guess that would go to Mr pigeon yes in fact later this evening that will be discussed for ordinance number 54 724 so it will be discussed during that there will be changes made to that ordinance great thank you thanks CH you all right any other comments in the in the in the room okay um Megan anybody on Zoom anybody on Zoom would like to make a public comment please raise your hand now I don't see anyone Deputy Mayor okay I'll close public hearing can I have a motion to approve ordinance second committeeman dorsy yes committee man ray abstain committee man RZA yes Deputy Mayor lavender yes okay ordinance 543 this is second reading and adoption establishing a construction records clearance certificate and supplementing and amending chapter 29 of the Township Code entitled uniform construction code and construction requirements um now I also o understand that um Jeff Heist our construction official weighed in on this and we may have reason to carry this but uh before I go down that path Randy can you just explain to U the folks at home what the intent of this ordinance was hey the the intent of the ordinance is to uh make sure that when there's a um property being transferred uh by ownership that all outstanding permits are taken care of uh so um you know we did talk to uh Mr Heist and um he and I talked a couple time a couple different times uh regarding some concerns we have if if people want to buy a home as is that are willing to pay um take care of the open permits and and pay a change uh a fee that changed the name on the permit you know so be what you know they should be allowed to do that which wasn't really addressed in this ordinance and so I think by having uh by if you guys will consider to table this until the August meeting when Mr Heist is here uh we can make any kind of appropriate changes before we adopt this ordinance to try to take care of any issues that may come up obviously I don't know if we can take care of all the issues but at least try and take care of most of the issues sure good table it any comments no all right so can I have a motion to carry the public hearing to the August 14th 2024 Township committee meeting so moved second committee man dorsy yes committe man ray yes committee man valza yes Deputy Mayor lavender yes uh next ordinance 544-2488 this yes mayor this ordinance merely changes the references to the chief of police in the disciplinary process to the appropriate Authority it also changes the uh the ability to appoint the hearing officer changes that from the township committee to the appropriate Authority and that's a change we probably would have made even if we had a chief of police uh it also provides that the hearing officer shall conduct the hearing and make recommended findings and conclusions to the appropriate Authority shall forward them along with his or her recommendation to the T committee which will have the ultimate authority to take disciplinary action against police officers okay so so my understanding is that this then is in sync with state law regarding the responsibilities of the appropriate Authority and the appropriate Authority being the hearing officer applies to cases of minor discipline not major discipline that that's correct in a case of major discipline it goes to an outside hearing officer exactly okay all right so so the the net effect of this is getting ourselves in sync with um state law so um any comment from the Das I just have a question for example typically wouldn't it be in most departments It's usually the appropriate authorities in the hearing officer not the chief of police that that's correct that and we probably would have made as I said we probably would have made that change even if we did have a a police chief at the current okay so this comports with I guess the AG guidelines correct correct okay anything else okay all right see none I'll open the public hearing all right see no comments in the courtroom anybody online anybody on Zoom would like to make a public comment please raise your hand now I don't see anyone mayor okay so we'll close public hearing can I have a motion to approve ordinance 544-2488 [Music] [Music] vacating paper streets known as Carol Lane Emanuel Street um Jack do you want to offer an explanation yes we we've received this request for a number of years and it's been put off uh what what it does is it vacates the the Public's interest in using the paper streets known as Carol Lan and Manuel Street which run off Long Hill Road down near the chadam Township Line uh it vacates the Public's right of way in those two streets so the title will revert to the abiding Property Owners probably half and half okay and this is just that property no other paper streets that that's correct it's just these two streets Carol Lane I believe runs off Long Hill Road and then it it intersects with manual Street neither one of them uh goes anywhere uh and none of them will ever be needed for public uh for Public Access okay any comments from the dis all right seeing none I'll open public hearing on this would anybody from the public like to opine okay um anybody online Megan if anybody on Zoom would like to make a public comment please raise your hand now I don't see anyone Deputy Mayor all right we'll close public hearing so can I have a motion to approve ordinance yes committee Ray yes committe Vera yes Deputy Mayor lavender yes next Capital ordinance 54624 second reading and adoption providing for various improvements in and by the township of lill in the county of moris uh and appropriating uh $2,570 th000 therefore from various funds of the township Randy can you provide an explanation of this yeah this is our um 2024 Capital program uh in it it it will take uh in consideration of our 2024 Road overlay program there is money to uh for police equipment there's money for some fire equipment uh there is uh Recreation uh one of the big larger ticket items is the uh uh rehab and and um fixing of the tennis courts in Canter Park um and we also have uh two uh two Road Pro I say road projects we have LGH Hill Township Road which is a DOT project um so that we'll be funding that and we'll start doing work on that to get the uh specs done and we do have a uh parking utility project of Paving uh we paving Millington um parking lot uh with the with the parking lot and the cafe parking lot and that's paid out of the um parking utility okay and I and I believe we went into this in detail during the budget presentation last around right correct okay any uh any comment from the Das no all right I'll open the public hearing on ordinance 54724 would anybody like to say anything Megan anybody online anybody on Zoom would like to make a public comment please raise your hand now I don't see anyone mayor okay I'll close public hearing can I have a motion to uh approve ordinance 546-2491 4 second reading and adoption updating the police department organization chart by clarifying the duties of the public safety director and the law enforcement executive and amending chapter 2 of the Township Code entitled Administration um I'll take a swing at the explanation on this um the original impetus for this um for this ordinance was based on some guidance that we had gotten from the mors County prosecutor's office that um was seeking to clarify the separate ation of Duties between uh the law enforcement executive and the public safety director um while we didn't get direct guidance on how that um ought to be uh taken care of we took a we we took an attempt at that with the ordinance that's in this package but on further um guidance from uh the the prosecutor's office uh they weren't completely satisfied with that and there are changes that it recommend to us that we're going to I'm going to recommend some amendments tonight um that uh we'll make to this ordinance and then send it back for another reading uh in August so we're not going to vote on this tonight but what we are going to vote on our um amendments to this to align to what the prosecutor's office would like to see and um we can we can reserve um our decision on it until August so what those changes are um they prefer that we remove the position of Chief and chief of police and change the name of law enforcement executive officer to officer in charge OIC and the reason for that is to comply with um a ruling that was made in North Brunswick which set some precedent as to you know how those duties and responsibilities um flow when a public safety director or Police director is involved this doesn't change any of the intent that we have of ning naming a chief of police because we can just as easily go in and uh change this ordinance back in the future when we're ready to assign that position but for the interim period while we're still in that uh phase of of figuring it out we're going to take it out of the ordinance uh or at least the changes that we're going to make or going to recommend taking it out of the ordinance so to be very clear um I'd like to make a motion um that we amend this ordinance um removing uh the section on Chief of Police and editing the section on the positions where it says one chief of police one Captain two lieutenants we cross out chief of police we do one Captain three lieutenants right so we're increasing the number of lieutenants we changed the uh the wording of law enforcement executive to officer in charge and um Jack did I cover all the relevant changes I think it covered everything one minor change we also made deputy mayor was that we more closely track the language of the North Brunswick decision right because that's the case that the prosecutor is hanging his hat on right and I believe you've had some conversations with um Morris County and that that's correct I've spoken to assistant prosecuted napar on several OCC and it's kind of interesting because we did not get written um guidance when we put together the first um version of this and our inclination was to leave that chief of police title in there but when they made it clear that according to the precedent of that particular thing it was best that it came out well then we got written guidance so that's good yeah and that was their main point they they said the position of Chief cannot be in the ordinance even though the attent committee intends to reestablish that position in the future right so so Vic and and Matt I know you feel strongly about you know our intent in the future um to have a chief as I feel the same way um I just want to be clear tonight what we're voting on is to amend the language in this so it comes back for a vote next month so we're not asking you tonight to agree to this we're just asking you to agree to the amendment voting yes to amend and reserving our right to vote no in all and I understand you want to do your due diligence and you know that's what correct yes the wheels of government grind ever so finely all right so um can I have a motion to amend ordinance 54724 as stated I will make the motion and also we're continuing the public hearing on the ordinance as amended until August 14th and Megan will publish uh the Amendments right all right I made the motion so moved okay second committee man dorsy yes committee man Ry abstain committee man valza yes Deputy Mayor lavender yes I'm sorry Chuck there's no there's no it's a procedural question Charles V it's milon procedural question if the prosecutor's office gets the opportunity to review this um ordinance at his proposed second reading why can't we comment on it prior to n comment now as well as in August I mean why why do they get priority over over the taxpayer so can we comment tonight on what you just discussed that's question you can comment in in open public session please no what I'm asking is the prosecutor's office has commented on this correct the prosecutor's office has talked to us about it yes okay why can't we talk to you tonight about it you can certainly do that at the end of the meeting that's not what I'm asking I want to do it now because I only have three minutes there all right no we're going to do it later according to process because M Jack the motion's already been adopted so the motion's already been adopted to carry this you're going to have plenty of time next month you have plenty of time at the end of this meeting but understand my logic I understand your logic I don't agree with it that's okay I just don't agree with it so they take priority over the taxpayer is that correct they they supervise the police department they supervise the police department correct they look at more than just this all right we we paid taxes I think I don't know okay thanks CH all right moving along resolution 2024 budget um so let's see two resolutions here 24-1 191 2024 budget to be read by title only at public meeting 24-1 192 adoption of 2024 budget Randy do you want want to comment well yeah procedurally uh we should uh do the resolution 1 191 so that we don't have to sit here for two hours and me read every single line item in the budget uh the this is required um the nowadays obviously it's much easier to see the budget it's been online for a month um people have had the opportunity to look online to get copies of it from the clerk's office and so forth to take a a good look at it so if you if I will mayor I would ask that the uh Township committee consider 191 uh before we talk about the uh adoption of the budget and public hearing of the budget okay any comments no it's good idea so can I have a motion to approve well no we have a public hearing motion to read by title motion to read by title so moved second committee man dorsy yes committee man Ry yes committee man valza yes Deputy Mayor lavender yes okay so now any comment from the Das on these two items no at this point I'll open the public hearing uh to discuss these two resolutions anybody in the room oh all right seeing none anybody online Megan anybody on Zoom would like to make a public comment please raise your hand now I don't see anyone Deputy Mayor okay so close public hearing can I have a motion to approve resolutions 24-1 91 and2 I'm sorry 24192 so moved second committee Mand dorsy yeah committee mon Ray yes committee man Vala yes Deputy Mayor lavender yes okay now I got to catch up here all right so consent agenda resolutions um so first I think we have one that's not on here 24-23 right Megan corre and What's the title of that resolution ratifying summary of benefits amending and extending collective bargaining agreements with PBA Local 3 22 and SOA local 322 and uh Randy do you want to comment on what that is yeah that is um basically the uh Township committee agreeing to the uh PBA and SOA contracts we've been under negotiations uh for this year um they have uh approved the the um agreement at their last meeting which I believe believe was uh July 9th um and so we're we're ready to do our side if you will uh this resolution will give U The Authority for myself as the administrator and our labor Council to uh go and draft up the detailed uh contract for the PBA and SOA and authorize the mayor and clerk to uh appropriately um approve and sign the contracts okay all right um so first off um for 24-1 193 through 24203 I think there's a number of extensions Brendan I think you I've got 24-1 196 24-21 and now 24-23 what about 197 197 I don't usually uh I haven't abstained from those in the past right jack that's never happened okay and I'll abstain from 24-1 199 and 24-20 since someon Elks member anybody hear an Elks member Vic you're not a m of the Elks club no just guy not currently just guy okay so I'm gonna obain for those two Megan any others no I just like to comment that it's nice to see the body own the grant was done in a timely manner this year yes okay all right um would anybody like to pull a resolution I think we just kind of pulled one um outside of that um can I have a motion to approve resolutions 24-1 93 through 24-23 with the for stat stated um extensions so moved second committee M dorsy committee man ray yes committee man valza yes Deputy Mayor lavender yes okay all right moving along committee reports um Matt let's start down at your end see on I much report just that the uh I was asked by Shane let everybody know that the uh National Night Out one of the big sponsors this year it's usually it's been a big help for several years is the watch on Hills municipal Alliance so thank them for helping get this program going okay anything else I think that's it okay Brandon uh nothing from me I mean other than just to kind of follow up on the national night I was at a meeting um earlier this week uh it was uh all the main stakeholders were there and uh you know really uh once again uh Lisa scanland director has really uh stepped up and um I think we're uh all the plans are there for another successful National Night Out so we're looking forward to it and and Mr Ray if I will I think it's 6 to9 on the first Tuesday which is August 6 okay so vote out there uh it's located here at the municipal building everybody come out please great pick all right are we ready Megan all right the rec yeah V your job is safe after the last meeting the up tap for July 17th is as follows the heat has been challenging but we've been keeping cool at Sterling lake memberships are still available special August 1st through Labor Day memberships are available now pickle ball continues to be a popular Pastime for long hillers our registration system is working well and the court is getting a lot of use sign up for the court times on community pass for free more information on the website along with a calendar so residents can see availability swim lessons with Lee continue with Lee into August registration is on community pass all right moving along to slides four and five summer campers are having a lot of fun week two campers participated in a holiday mixup week which of course included trick-or treat in July and finding gold coins that St Patrick's Day leprechauns hid in the camp during week three we visited Iceland Spain Ireland Hawaii and the Caribbean islands at Camp during the around the world themed week this Thursday night you won't want to miss the big band songs of silver the silver Starlight Orchestra in the park this 19-piece band will be here again to Delight the audiences with an amazing presentation also the urban cone will be on hand serving up ice cold ice cream including the Rock and rebel Sundays will be for sale and finally slide seven Tuesday August 6th from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at caner Park will be the National Night Out you will want to bring your the whole family for a free family night out bring your picnic dinner and spread out on the grass field Emergency Services demonstrations you'll get to see all the trucks lill Library will present sing one at 6 p.m. and sing 2 at 7:30 p.m. in the library and we'll host lots of activities on the Plaza forf flight Rock a classic rock band performs from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Bounce House face painting games contests relay races uh Chamber of Commerce businesses will be present along the walkways so and so much more you don't want to miss this fun event thank you for our sponsor the wung hill uh Regional Municipal Alliance and that concludes my re liaison report uh beautification the uh utility wraps will be underway over the next week or so uh we had to make a few changes but it's underway and um open space can we get pictures of those utility WS I think uh could provide some for the next meeting right no problem and again who designed those wraps uh some of them were I think the majority of were designed by Long Hill residents either by photo I think most of them are photos yeah so photos taken by folks in Long Hill yep great all right and uh open space is meeting on Monday a lot of good things going on there too excellent anything else that'll be it all right administrator's report Randy uh yes I just wanted to um go over some things with with regard to to the summer um obviously we've had a lot of heat um and I wanted to uh just discuss a little um if you will um maintenance uh so when people are looking at the garbage it's the heat uh obviously creates a lot of smell in the garbage and so forth uh be conscientious of what you throw in your garbage do not throw any liquids in the garbage we have um food waste composting recycling at the public works department I would encourage everybody to go on our website and go on DPW for the recycling to see what we offer in recycling you may be surprised that how far ahead we are of other municipalities and so forth and also a very good link um that we have on ours is the Morris County Utilities Authority that will help guide you in in what can be recycled where you can recycle it um even if we don't take it at our public works department uh County does offer houses this waste recycling every so often so please be be good neighbors um try not to throw stuff uh especially liquids into the garbage truck CU they do leak out of the garbage trucks and during very hot days it it can leave an odor until it rains so uh please please please um take a look at that and be conscientious yeah I'll add to that too is um you know oftentimes you know there may be gar garbage cans that have holes worn in the bottom of them and and those can leak as well and so if if a garbage can is defective it should be replaced as well okay anything else Randy uh that's it all right any discussion items I think we covered a lot tonight um how about old or new business I think we did a lot of announcements too any announcements that anybody would want to reiterate if you want to say a National Night Out you'll have all the committee members saying it so National Night Out um August 6 Tuesday August 6 Tuesday right what time 6: to 9: 6: to 9 and where here at Municipal uh building Canfield compx Canterfield for the most part yes any special special events people parachuting out of Skies firewor anything like that not like that we have a band good band very good band and someid activities that kid movie kid activities so Refreshments are there will be Refreshments yes and a good time will be had by all absolutely okay that's all we need to know Brendon anything you want to add to that no I'm I'm good all right all right so with nothing else I'm going to open the meeting to the public um rep remarks and statements pertaining to any matter comments and remarks will be limited to 3 minutes uh feel free to up um please state your name and address hi my name is Jessica Alan um and I live in Gillette um this is more of a planning board matter but I know that the planning board does not have a um time for open public comments and I know several of you are on the planning board um and it's a situation that I think you should all actually be aware of um Vic I just want to let you know this does not pertain to you although it might pertain to a piece of property that you formally own so I don't believe you need to recuse yourself um from this comment and I actually think it would be beneficial for you to hear um so to get some my point I'm going to try and as quickly as possible just go through some like factual history um so in May 2022 there was a planning board meeting about a major subdivision um next to my property that runs the entire length of my property we had approximately 35 neighbors attend to object to the plan and after 4 hours of testimony and questions from the public the planning board was in disagreement with the the plan and asked the property owner to come back with a new plan September 2022 there was another meeting with approximately 25 residents again in attendance objecting with concerns after about two hours at the planning board meeting um the township engineer Samantha anello Who was the engineer at the time um and the public continued to find many flaws in the plan um in particular there were significant concerns from the planning board the township engineer and my husband and I regarding the significant flooding that would OCC her on our property if the plan passed following the September 2022 meeting my husband and I began Consulting an attorney and hired a private engineer who specializes in storm water management at that point we began to have regular meetings with the property owner um and the engineer for the project our private engineer provided many plan improvements that would protect our property from significant flooding in 2023 the plan went before the planning board again it was again a three-hour meeting and there were host of questions and comments from the public and much discussion from the planning board and the township engineer the planning board the township engineer and my husband were finally satisfied that the plan would protect our property from flooding all plan improvements that our private expert engineer provided were accepted and memorialized in the final resolution as conditions for approval for the variances so fast forward to today um the property was sold several weeks back the contractor who owns the property um submitted new plot plans to the planning board many of the strategies that were in place to stop water from flowing onto our property were removed from the new plan the new Township engineer who was not a part of the many hours of review the questions the testimony approved uh the questions and the testimony approved the new plans without knowing any backstory he has no idea that we were Consulting with an attorney and still are he has no idea that we personally hired an engineer who specializes in storm water management to help design the plan he had no idea that the planning board was completely dissatisfied with the plan until our Engineers sorry our Engineers suggestions were taken into account and included in the plan and with one stamp of approval many of the things that satisfied us the planning board and our engineer were all thrown out the window leading to potential flooding for our property so I don't think that these 17 variances for this property would have been approved if they had not put in all of these conditions to stop the flooding so those were complete conditions of approval like yes you can have your I think it was 17 I don't remember 17 variances but you need to do X Y and Z to stop the water from coming onto our property and now those conditions have been removed and we still have 17 variances so the entire process is like completely asinine that you all had and I I know that you're not aware of this but this is why I'm making you aware of it um that you had your planning board volunteers waste hours upon hours upon hours of time sitting here listening to testimony questions discussions um you wasted money on your engineer on your um engineer on your planner on your attorney all for this to be thrown out the window if I can say it would probably be me specifically who spent that money out yes think it's not fair to again the prior property owner who worked so hard to not it wasn't appeasing us it was doing the right thing and revising and revising and revising and he knows as well as anyone who was aware of the situation the planning board was extremely dissatisfied with the plan until all of those water mitigation efforts were put into place so now you had 35 residents you know angry at these meetings about this plan and finally people were satisfied I spent my own hard-earned money to hire an engineer to better this plan and now it all went out the window okay so my question to you is who's now liable when my property floods out when my neighbor's property floods out when these conditions of approval were thrown out the window and we still have 17 variances so can can I ask you a few questions absolutely all right CU um I don't even think this has come in front of the planning board yet it's not going to right it's all done it's done one stamp of approval from the Township engineer he approved it and changed it that was it this is the first time hearing of it by the way I know no one's hearing about heard about it and that's why I felt like I had to come here tonight and so Randy you can see I'm makes me very angry let's let's sort it out together because you know it can definitely feel your frustration with this so Randy is there any kind of an appeal process for something like this but Jessica obviously has a point well my understanding is that any any uh project moving forward on that property has to meet the plan Board of site plan approvals so it you know so whatever has been approved by the planning board they have to meet or they call it resolution compliance they they whatever is built there whatever they do there has to meet those those compliances so um again I I don't I don't I'm not aware of this uh but can I just give like a few examples of what they thrown out the window because I know some of you guys are on the planning board so it might help before you go there um so so who was the person that stamped it was it Joe Vu yes okay and so Randy I mean is it is it possible to kind of put your thumb on this and slow it down and I mean it's done it's done it's not slowing down it's done just just so it we're clear there were there were stipulations in the resolution from the planning board so so like one example there was a lot of critical um critical areas and steep slopes on the property so one thing that we had asked for was was in an area of steep slope it's a 15t drop from gates to my property so all that water is going to come flooding down onto my property when it rains as Vic knows it was like a forest now we're putting two 4,000 square foot houses there um so we had asked for staggered walls with Planters so that as the water fell it would fall into the planter and it would absorb fall into the next planter absorb and not flood down those walls are gone right but was that memorialized in the resolution yes yeah then I think Randy can talk to the engineer because as has been said numerous times the engineer can't overrule conditions that are in the memorializing resolution we had we had a BM and a swell we asked for rip wrap in front of the swell I remember it allly I I know more about BMS and swells andow than I've ever entire back of the property by the way so let's let's let's let's kind of move towards you know fixing this so has any work started um the day after closing they basically tore down everything on the property and now it's been sitting for 3 weeks but I don't even think that's right because there was something in the resolution saying only a th000 square feet of critical area were to be disturbed at a time and they basically took down like 3ars of the property so I already think that that's not right so let's let's do this Randy if you could take an action item to connect with Joe yep right connect with Deb kind of piece the pieces together the site plan what Joe's talking about the engineers on vacation this week but I'll start with uh Miss Coons tomorrow right and I think do you does the construction official can he slow slow things down as well well again I doubt they even have permits from the construction official yet right because they would have to they would have to supply the plans for the house remember construction official does not control outside they control the the building and the the inside should be happening if there's no permits issued well they could do they could do uh work on the on the property but they can't start building a house or anything until per and they start digging if it's if it's related to again resolution compliance yes I believe everything was applied for though already everything's applied for May and I was also now the construction official can deny a permit based on prior approvals if in fact correct the developer is not complying with the planning board conditions the the uh construction official can withhold issuance of the construction permits that is correct and I was under the impression that in order to do the project and be have it approved it had to be done like we all agreed agreed to that that's it depends on the language of the the resolution mean I'm not I'm not sure and I think Joe V does a great job I I'm not I again but this is the first time hearing of it they all unfolded with I mean you Clos two weeks ago I OA the plans last week so we just saw the plans so why don't Jessica why don't we why don't we proceed this way ry's going to start on this tomorrow um why don't you stay in touch with them let's say on a daily basis every two days starting tomorrow like end the day find out what happened and let's just track this and find out where it went off the rails okay and I have contacted the property owner on my own and said we need to see X Y and Z back in these plans um yeah we'll honor that something's happening that shouldn't be happening then we have to stop it happening that's what it comes down to and and and it's good that you're coming in here right rather than firing off an email so we appreciate that yes or social media I figured this was or social media the place to start planning board matter thank you right no longer planning board matters so you came to the right place well right and I know there's no there's no way to contact the planning board without going through you first so it felt like this was just the right Avenue to you know go about it all right so you're you're going to stay talking to Randy yeah all right good thank you thank you thank you hi um please state your name and address my name is Robert Keta and I live in Berkeley Heights she's my daughter um just I don't want to beat this up Vic can I call you Vic is that of course yeah we had meetings on his property and Jessica's property everything was agreed upon I mean we we were not trying to hurt him he knew that we weren't even the new Builder said when when I met him one day he was putting up a silk filter he had cleared all the land and didn't put a silt filter up so Jessica pushed him he came out on Fourth of July I think it was and put a Sil filter up but he says I saved a lot of money on this project that's what he said I saved a lot of money I got rid of all the walls I got rid of the well I got rid of he he admitted it but he had no clue what went on like your engineer he had no clue what went on we met several times and we assured Vic that we were going to work with him he assured that we were going to you know he was going to work with us so somehow this process is flawed right it's definitely flawed this may been the first time has ever happened there there's fixing this but then also getting the root cause is to why it Happ exactly and I don't think I'm an architect I don't think Jeff Heist is going to be able to stop anything because there's no construction of anything there's no foundations there's no retaining walls there's nothing so all it is is Landscaping which is going to be when I say Landscaping grading topographical stuff is all going to be in the engineers hands Jeff is out of it he's out of the pitcher all right you know so from that standpoint he's not going to be able to to do anything you know um all right so for what is worth I mean maybe maybe Vic you you were a previous owner maybe you become the leaon or something to help us you know uh we had the relationship and a good relationship you know so uh for what it's worth you know uh I'm appalled by it like I said I've been in the business for a few years to say the least and uh I've never seen anything like this before ever you know all right we're going to get to the bottom of it thank you thank you thanks hi please state your name and address please Kathleen Zoro 8 Dary Avenue Gillette New Jersey um thank you for hearing us tonight I truly appreciate that um to put this in perspective you've got a a rectangle Gates Avenue development Jessica's property and we are right behind her so we're further down than she is so we have a very vested interest in this I do want to thank you for acknowledging um something that as a 76-year-old woman I was struggling with my memory over this because I was definitely under the impression when we left planning board meetings that whoever purchased that property in the future would have to abide by the agreement that was struck with Mr Vala who was very accommodating of all of us so thank you for reinforcing the fact that I'm not totally losing it yet um I appreciate that and I guess I'm a little bit calmer at my age than maybe I I would have been younger but but I came in here already to say I just want to know who's liable for this if I have property damage but I am very uh gratified by the fact that you appear to be taking this seriously and you are going to address it and hopefully come to a resolution that is very helpful um the alons are the best Neighbors in the world and I have watched on some occasions when the water has poured down onto their property so um I just want to thank you all for that we all live here we all have the same kind of thing so thank you okay um come on back up Chuck Charles of Rena wz Millington two comments tonight no questions first comment I wanted to comment on candidate petition submitted for Township Committee in last year's primary two candidates had two Representatives solicit signatures there's no problem doing that but the problem arises that the signatures gathered by those two individuals were never attested to in front of a notary public notary public excuse me these were invalid petitions and they were never challenged this past primary 2024 only signature pages were left in mailboxes without any of the other petition Pages use of the mailboxes other than for US mail is a fedal offense again [Music] these invalid petitions this invalid petition was never challenged so we've got two two sets of petitions maybe three over the last year and a half that were never challenged however in June 2024 a petition for Township committee was filed by an independent Frank liberado the petition had a clerical error by the notary public now after the prior petitions weren't challenged this petition was challenged by mayor pip I asked the Long Hill Township voters where is the Justice in this Township to let the voters decide the elections instead of petition challenges comment number two 11 years ago comment number two goes on I'm sorry 574-4174 24 we're going to reestablish the position of Captain and the way you read tonight we're going to have three lieutenants so we've got a director of Public Safety reporting to the township administrator we've got I guess a captain now reporting directly to the director of Public Safety then we've got three lieutenants and then we've got eight sergeants if you pass this ordinance on whenever it is on August I'd like you to consider the fact we've got some straight line management positions and levels of management I don't think we need we didn't need them 11 years ago nothing's much changed we don't need them now thank you thank you Chuck anybody else like to make a comment in the courtroom would anybody online like to comment anybody on Zoom would like to make a public comment please raise your hand now I don't see anyone Deputy Mayor okay I'm going to close public hearing um I will make a comment just because a position has been created by ordinance does not mean that that position will be filled and so often we create positions so that we have flexibility um and uh you know hiring recommendations go up to the committee who either says yes or no so with that said can I have a motion to adjourn so move