all right guys sorry we thought you guys were waiting no no worries we actually most of us are going to be online so we're we are at courtroom we're good whenever you guys are okay all right five four two one thank you um welcome good evening and welcome to the Tuesday July 16th 2024 meeting hold on there go start again okay all right good evening and welcome to the Tuesday July 16th 2024 meeting of the long medow school committee School committees and other public bodies may continue to hold remote meetings through March 31st 2025 under legislation enacted on March 29th 2023 the statute chapter 2 of the acts of 2023 extends Quorum reductions for remote meetings all votes while there is remote participation must be made by roll call vote this meeting is being recorded and aired live by lctv we will begin with the Pledge of Allegiance pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right cores we begin with correspondence Michaela are you still good to take that there you go the following corespondence will be recorded an email from Miss Katie Hastings dated July 5th 20 24 regarding the new title 9 rule thank you moving on to approval of minutes we have a recommended motion yep I move the school committee approved the minutes to the June 18th 2024 school committee meeting as presented we have a motion do we have a second second thank you any discussion seeing none we'll move to a vote Adam good Julie yes Zach yes Michaela yes Jamie yes and yes for me as well all right public speak we do not have any members here and I don't see anybody online so we're moving ahead we have no business with guests um chair report the only thing for me to talk about tonight is um that we have officially um provided written notification to the select Board of the vacancy um left by Mary Keane um and we um met last week and discussed a timeline for the process for the um appointment so on Monday August 8th applications for the school committee opening will be posted and released um those will be able to be found in a number of places on both the town and school website um we will also then um have applications due by Monday September 9th followed by Monday September 16th we will meet here at 6:00 p.m. for interviews of all candidates with the select board and the school committee and then two weeks later on Tuesday September 24th um we will again meet um at 6: pm to vote and appoint a new school Committee Member so those who are interested in um applying for the school committee vacancy keep an ear out at the select board meeting on August 12th they will provide more information about that application process as well and also um where applications can be found all right um any other school committee members have any announcements or recognitions all right seeing none we are moving ahead student representative report yes um so I believe since my last report the I just wanted to say congratulations to the lawal girls tennis and Lino boys at lacrosse for winning the state championship just huge congratulations to both of those teams and then um children of all ages are currently participating in summer enrichment classes at the high school um cour courses range from Steam classes and culinary courses for elementary schoolers um as well as um SAT prep and uh college essay courses for high schoolers uh classes began last week and Monday of last week and we'll go through Friday of next week all right thank you thank you any other reports um lpvc I know is on summer break um energy and sustainability the same and seal the same if I'm correct right Michaela I'm guessing yes yes yes okay thank you all right perfect so that brings us to subcommittee reports Finance sub we have food service contract which of you would like to tackle that so good evening uh in your packet is a draft of the food service contract Amendment for fresh picks uh if you recall back in the fall we uh participated in a desie prescribed uh Food Service bid process um so they've now also automated the contract renewal process um related to extensions to our contract so this would be our first year extension we are allowed to do up to four one-year extensions um the program increased participation by about 5% we served 200 963118 meals um not including all aart or adult meals those are just meals that were served to students which is about 15,500 over what we served previous year so I would say that was um significant growth in terms of uh participation which was good to see I would say the overall Food Service program is uh operating financially very healthy uh based on the universal free lunch program that will be in effect again for fy2 that is supported through um the state of Massachusetts so what you have tonight is consideration for the contract amendment to renew the services for fresh picks Cafe services for the period of July 1 2024 through June 30th 2025 all right any questions related to this and or possible motions yep I move that school committee approve the food service contract Amendment with fresh pick Cafe for July 1st 2024 through June 30th 2025 as presented and authorize the chair to sign on behalf of the school committee we have a motion do we have a second we have a second thank you any further discussion related to the food service contract all right seeing none we'll move to a vote Adam yay Julie yes Zach yes Michaela yes Jamie yes and yes for me as well all right we have no other subcommittee uh reports um and no other updates so we find ourselves at the next uh task for tonight which is school committee assignments um in your packet you'll find a list of the roles that the school committee um fills um we have had a little bit of time since our last meeting to look over people who filled those roles and to think about which ones we might want moving forward I have a blank grid ready to go I'm guessing Diane has the same over in front of her um and we are ready to um take some notes and figure out where we are um so why don't we start with um lpvc that one is up first we vote on our representatives for that um lpvc has two positions that it needs um one for the Board of Governors um the Board of Governors meets approximately once every three months um on a quarterly basis um those meetings are typically about a half an hour in time period um and then we also have an appointment for the board of directors um those meetings are monthly and there's a calendar for those posted um also in your meeting packet is there anyone who is interested in taking on one of those lpvec roles Cole this is Zach uh I've served on both the uh lpdc entities I'm happy to continue to serve in either of those capacities though it's my understanding that I cannot serve in both so if anyone has any interest in one or the other I'm I'm happy to fill the opposite position all right Adam I see you're unmuted as well would you like to take one of those maybe try out corporate op ation one uh or were you just done again okay sorry I usually defer to to you guys for trying to fill whatever role uh needs to be filled um wherever put me in coach wherever you want to put me all right is there anyone else who wanted to tackle either of these okay then why don't we say um if you're up for that then Adam we can have you do um Corporation and Zach if you're willing the um collaborative does that work for both of you sure all right um so those are both um positions that need to be um appointed which means we will also vote on those um so we have two recommended motions um Jamie can you kick us off with the corporation one no problem Y and we're doing we're doing Adam for correct for the okay I move that the school committee appoint Dr Adam Rosen Bloom to the school committee representative to lower Pioneer Valley educational collaborative board of directors Corporation Board of Governors yes I'm sorry Board of Governors sorry we have a motion do we have a second second thank you Michaela any discussion seeing none we'll move to a vote Adam of State y j Julie sorry yes Zach yes Michaela yes Jamie yes and yes for me as well um and then another one yep I move the school committee appoint Zach veran to the school committee to be the school committee representative to lower Pioneer Valley educational collaborative board of directors all right we have a motion do we have a second second thank you any discussion seeing none we'll move to a vote Adam yay Julie yes Zach up State Michaela yes Jamie yes and yes for me as well all right thank you gentlemen appreciate your work on that I'm correct that those are the only two that we had left to actually appoint right okay um there we go okay so now we'll dive into the um graph that is in front of us and maybe we'll just start at the top of that and work our way down um since the rest of them are some of these are not currently in practice um the diversity Equity inclusion advisory council is a town board they are all set wellness policy review we do not have anybody for um and I think that's all of the ones that are out of commission at the moment right yes okay all right so then beginning at the top Finance who would like to jump into Finance thank you Jamie I'm fine saying on it love that okay I'd like to St one all right Julie thank you Julie is there anyone else who would love to try out Finance I haven't done it yet so I would love to I haven't I think that might be the only one I haven't sat on yet so that'll be nice new things to learn love that all right um policy who is interested in policy I'm happy to stay on py all right oh reminder and Michaela as well okay thank you um reminder because I didn't neglected to say this at the beginning um that we we can leave some of these no now that we have the ones that we needed to actually vote for it is okay if we only end up with two people on one of these committees because we will have another person joining us um by the end of September and so we will have some space for that person to jump in as well is there anyone else who definitely wanted to do policy okay so we'll leave that one open for now then um evaluation subcommittee anyone who feels strongly on that one I'll be on the evaluation sub commmittee again all righty I'm more than happy to do that with her it's not problem oh we don't have naming that's ad hoc actually um um curriculum who else is interested in curriculum I love doing that Michaela loves doing curriculum okay anybody else who would really like to jump in on curriculum got room for I think I need two I don't know where you guys want me on that up to you I forgot the ones that um policy eval and curriculum both have open spots on them now do you have a preference for one over the other uh I would I would defer to your expertise on on where uh a scientist is best um maybe policy it looks in a lot of fine details I don't know I have no idea where the science past would factor in it kind of fixs in everywhere good attention to detail is good on all the commit so really whichever one you're most interested in I'm happy to put your name down for we can also Circle back you can think about it and let me know that's totally fine too okay um School building committee we already have myself and Julie um negotiations um we will need a team for for sure um I'm happy to do that also again um who else is interested in tackling negotiations this year that one just as a heads up might be a little bit um more frequently meeting particularly towards the beginning of the year because I think we are well beginning is of the year um we are entering into negotiations again so um I'm Nicole I'm happy to participate if needed awesome thanks Zach anyone else who knows they would like that one all right we'll leave that one for now um energy and stability who's interested in [Music] that Micha or actually let me I'll keep moving down the list um so people can just kind of jump in wherever um seal sorry who's interested in that one I'm sorry can you say that again I couldn't hear you yep sorry seal oh yeah I I'd like to beet the seal up again okay that works all right so um where are we now we've got Zach Adam can both jump in somewhere else I think we still need somebody for um well if we bring a new person we've got one two three four spots still um okay so we have room still for one more person in policy evaluation curriculum or negotiation ideally two of those we will fill tonight so that we're leaving two for whoever our new new uh appointe is is there anyone who has any interest in any of those eval policy curriculum and negotiations Julie I see you're unmuted if you're trying to tell us which one I cannot quite hear you but no I was going to ask a question I'm just looking what which ones did you say um yep policy evaluation curriculum and negotiations which one do you think well you're already on policy I think right yes so not that evaluation curriculum and um yeah you're kind of already on two sorry all right um why don't we say for um where are we what we have here we can do um Adam are you up for do you think um policy sure and I can put do okay I'll put my name in for eval because that one's kind of a really occasionally and then and then a little Scurry right at the end there and then we'll leave curriculum open for our new appointee um and then we can either see if our new appointee is interested in negotiations Andor Circle back and reorganize that if needed does that work yes okay um oh and energy and sustainability um Julie Zach would one of you or anybody else interested in tackling that one this one is is joining the meetings of a different correct yes and I think they meet who was them who did that last year they meet what once every couple of months right how often do they meet then uh no they they meet every month every month thank you they're very invested all right so yes it would be representing the school committee on kind of like with Middle School building um but once a month less I can I can do that one you'd like to do that one all right yeah I think if middle school building need up a lot need an alternate for that fair okay we can also see too we might find that that might be we don't have to fill that one tonight if you're not really sure that might be a great fit for the next person coming in we can leave that one open for now we don't have to decide all of them right now keep it open me in until you have someone that have the new person or something whatever you want okay well we'll say if you want to take on the September whenever their meeting is for September and then we'll we'll Circle back after we have a new member seated and see if they're interested in in taking it over at that point and or if it works for your schedule then you can keep going with it okay all right I think we are good um for the top committees right we have three for finance we have three for policy we have three for eval we have two for curriculum for the moment we'll see if the new person would like to do that uh School building committees good negotiations we have two for at the moment um warrant payroll lpvc are good energy and sustainability and seal are good and now we're down to schools um we have six schools and six of us at the moment so we can each take one um and or we can leave one and find that out then um so if anybody would like to be a representative for any of the particular schools um speak up and let me know which school you'd be interested in I'll be the representative for blueberry all right Jamie do you have one you'd like um I've never done that I'll do the high school if that works all right y can I do um Center yeah absolutely we have Wolf Swamp Glen Brook and Williams remaining Glen Brook last year oh all right Adam you'd like Glen Brook Zach were you saying something sure wherever you need me okay you want Williams or wolf swan swamp you have a preference Wolf Swamp Wolf Swamp all right all right and then I'll take Williams for now and if the new member coming in maybe has a connection to Williams they can take it and if not I'll hang on to it okay all right sounds good okay I think we are good we have done that um and we have a nice short meeting with us um so I'm pretty sure that brings us to our last we have no other new business other than a quick reminder that we are currently scheduled for a meeting now on August 6th um that one was the one that we penell in we're we'll see where we are if we don't have much on the agenda then we'll push till the 20th we are scheduled also for August 20th um and we have no executive sessions so we are ready for our final motion I move the school committee adjourn the July 16th 2024 school committee meeting we have a motion do we have a second second thank you any discussion seeing none we'll move to a vote Adam yay Julie yes Zach yes Michaela yes Jamie yes and yes for me as well thank you everyone for your work tonight appreciate getting this sorted out and we will