stand One Nation God indivisible withy and justice for all we b a feedback all right I will be turning the meeting over now to Dr OA superintendent of schools for the reorganization all right thank you my apologies for not being able to be with you in person I'm over at the Long Meadow Adult Center in preparation for for our Middle School Forum shortly after this meeting so uh this is the time annually where it is my responsibility to lead the reorganization of the school committee specifically um entertain motions for the position of chair Vice chair and clerk uh included in your meeting packet is policy BDA uh and policy BDA explains the U requirements for reorganizing the the school committee following an annual election and uh the the policy we should note uh would uh only allow our current chair Nicole Sher to uh continue on as chair if there were a vacancy in any of the of the roles that we will we will discuss so um at this point I would entertain motion a motion for the position uh to nominate someone as chair of the long meow school committee for the 2425 school year and again if I I move to nominate Nicole shener to be the chair the school all right we have a we have a nomination uh Nicole for chair of the long mdle school committee uh and I would is there a second on that nomination second there is a second we have a motion and a second um I will note uh that again this would only be U permissible if if there is a an interim vacancy in other words if there is no other Committee Member who is in a position to um accept a nomination for the chairpersonship and so um at this point I'd open it up for discussion to see if there's any other potential interest in the in the chair role I can one for say I am not interested in it and I am very much uh um do not have the the time or the uh the the you know availability uh to be able to do to be able to do it so I am not interested I will say that from my standpoint and sorry I have a bad internet connection which was why I was struggling to get on so I apologize for that so assuming we have no other nominations then I would uh um suggest that that indicates we do have an interim vacancy and it would allow us to accept the nomination of Nicole Schwaner as chair of the long medal school committee for the 2425 school year and so assuming there's no further discussion and seeing none I will put it out to a roll call vote um Mr Hench yes Miss Morgan yes Mr Rosenblum yay M fitgerald yes and Mr veridin yes all right we have uh we have a motion and we have a a successful um and Oh Nicole Scher I'm sorry OB stain stain all right thank you I'm not used to this role as running the meetings Nicole always does a much better job than I so uh with that successful vote I will turn the meeting back over to the chair for the 2425 school year Nicole shaer thank you all it's an honor to serve the long mle public schools and the town in this role and I look forward to the committee continuing to make progress on all of the goals that we've been working on the last few years appreciate appreciate everybody's efforts on that we are headed into the next um position um and I will accept a motion for vice chair of the school committee for the 2425 school year I move that the school committee appoint Michaela Fitzgerald as Vice chair of the school committee we have a motion I'm so sorry just hold on one second I've lost our feed up here I'm GNA see if we can get back so I can see the folks at home one moment a little spinning pin wheel that indicates they're coming back they're there all right welcome back guys we have a motion um from Julie for Michaela for vice chair do we have a second we have a second thank you any discussion and or other motions for the position seeing no discussion we will move to a vote Julie yes Jamie yes Adam Michaela abstained Zach yes and yes for me as well we have a vice chair I would love to accept motions for a clerk of the school committee for the 20242 school year anyone have a motion to make for the position of clerk seeing no motions I move to nominate Julie Morgan as clerk for the 2425 school year we have a motion on the floor do we have a second we have a sorry I think that was Adam and it sounded like you said I have a second but we lost you for a second there can you repeat uh yes I I reaffirm my seconding of said motion okay we have a motion and we have a second do we have any other discussion and or any other nominations at this time say none we will move to a vote Julie abstain Jamie yes Adam yay Michaela yes Zach yes and yes for me as well all right we have a board in place um we are moving on to our next item on the agenda which is correspondence we have no correspondence at this time um approval of minutes we have a motion um for the June 4th 2024 meeting minutes I move that the school committee approved the minutes the June June 4th 2024 school committee meeting as presented we have a motion do we have a second we have a second thank you any discussion on the minutes seeing none we'll move to a vote Julie yes Jamie yes Adam yay Michaela yes Zach yes and yes for me as well uh moving on we have an option for public speak we do not have any folks here in the room and I do not see anyone online we don't have anybody in the waiting room so we will head right on to um school committee announcements and recognitions um I just want to make a quick note that as many of us know um Mary Keane was reelected on the recent June 11th um Town election um she has since um sent a letter to the town clerk the superintendent and myself um stating that she is um unwilling to accept the position of school Committee Member and will not be able to take the oath of off office um due to health issues um so the next steps are outlined for us in well a few places on they're outlined on the town code um in our Charter and also in our policy BBB um that talk about what happens next so um we have that letter of res or letter of um non-acceptance that has been um sent to the town clerk we will be informing the select Board of the vacancy within 30 days and under the chart of the vacancy will be posted by the select board for 15 days all interested applicants will apply through that application process um once those applications are received the select board and school committee will decide on a joint meeting date we will give one week's notice of that joint meeting date um where we will interview all potential candidates um and then we wait at least one more week but no more than 60 days after that last interview and come back together again with one week's notice to make an appointment um more to follow on all of that once the next steps are taken but the next step will be informing the select board and writing of that vacancy um and then we will work together with the select board um and town officials to begin the process of filling the vacancy um in the school committee and again reiterate our um thanks and appreciation for all the work that Mary Keen has done in her years here on the committee I have no other announce or no other announcements do any other school committee members have any announcements or recognitions seeing none we will keep going into the superintendent reports and other administrative reports I see a note that there are no reports I'm guessing you might want to just quickly remind anybody at home that we're oh that's right we're not aired live today never mind the uh meeting that is happening there is an open Forum on the Middle School building project tonight at 7 o'clock over at the adults Center um any reports from other groups um lpvc Zach no report energy and sustainability Adam no report and Michaela no report all right um subcommittee reports we have a spot here for a finance subcommittee report because I know that we're still working on the food service contract is that still in a paused yeah we should be prepared for our next meeting to bring that forward for consideration okay still working with Jessie there all right there we go um Middle School building project I have a note here for Dr OA to give an update on that process certainly uh thank you uh we as you as you indicated we have a middle school building uh Forum this evening at the adults Center uh looking forward to that event uh We've communicated it frequently to constituents hope we get a good crowd our design team um and the administration will be represented as long along with our project manager uh the next big milestone for us is the submission of a preferred schematic report at the end of August so the msba has received our preliminary design proposal they have provided us with some feedback and some requests for additional information and as we work towards a preferred um preferred design we will provide the msba with the feedback that they're interested in so uh looking forward to tonight's Forum that's all all right wonderful um that moves us into new business um great three at Wolf Swamp Road School we'll open that think that's Dr sh you again oh yeah certainly thank you um this is for your consideration this evening uh you will recall during the budget season uh that we had on the sort of the watch list the rising third grade at Wolf Swamp um the you'll recall that in January when we had presented a proposal budget we were looking at a class size there of about 22 or 23 students per classroom and so that that's uh clearly on the high side of where we historically have been with our Elementary class size um what the committee can consider tonight is whether to uh or not to reallocate a section from kindergarten at Wolf Swamp to the third grade at Wolf Swamp we're confident that the four sections that we had projected for kindergarten at Wolf Swamp will not be needed and that we can run comfortably with three sections uh and 54 students so we have the opportunity to address that lingering budget concern that the committee had that the community had if we were to reallocate uh that position from kindergarten at Wolf Swamp to third grade wol swamp for the 2425 school year uh the end result would be that in kindergarten we would uh have 17 or 18 students per section at Wolf Swamp and at third grade we would lower the class size from 22 or 23 down to 16 so uh that's more in line with where we are at third grade and the at Blueberry and Center School so uh that has our recommendation uh but wanted to wanted to give the committee an opportunity to uh to make that final decision I'll open that for discussion if there's anyone who has any thoughts related to that change and as you're as you're preparing your thoughts uh we did include an updated projected enrollment spreadsheet for you in your meeting packet Amy yeah I I'm sorry I thought I was actually going to be there in person but with the meeting change it kind of threw me off a little bit today uh so what can you throw that up I don't have I can't really see that that's that was going to be my question is what does it look like over there uh if you give me a minute I will I'll pull that up for you okay right how's that is that visible yep perfect so you'll see that we have you know class sizes I'd say that are sort of fall within where we've been historically uh the range is from 15 or 16 students at the at the K level we also have a small uh fourth uh third grade section at Blueberry so anywhere from 15 or 16 students up to uh 21 or 22 across all schools all grades okay so this is basically taking us from 23 potentially on average down to 16 at that third grade at Wolf Swamp correct okay okay nope I think I think it makes sense based on based on you know what you had chatted about at the original budget meetings and the concerns around this and you know the fact that there were big budgeting uh constraints uh but if it loosened up on the kinder G that this this is what you were going to do I think you've mentioned that a couple times at those meetings so um I think it makes tons of sense other comments or feedback on that I know this is an issue we looked at a few months ago do you need a vote particularly on this tonight I think I think uh so long as you give us the consensus we can bring forward a budget amendment to move the money at a later date I think we want to be able to move forward and post the positions to get somebody hired okay all right any other concerns then or thoughts related to this see if we can build some consensus One Direction or another it looks like if we kept four sections right now at the kindergarten they would be 13 maybe 14 students per class and this would move it up to 17 to 18 her class correct Tom okay um and then moves the third grade group down insense all [Music] rights all right seeing no other discussion um if everybody is on board with that we'll say post and we'll wait for a budget amendment at a future meeting great thank you all right thank you so much next up we have um the school physician um Dr Judith Tapper um sent a letter um resigning from the school physici physician that she um has shared with Dr Carrie um federo um we wish Dr Tapper um a lovely retirement um and Dr fedo is interested in filling the full position so we have a um note here with her um just a reminder of her um resume available to us um in our packets and and a note that she would be happy to take on the full position on her own um and a possible motion if anyone is interested in making that ask your question y why do we have to vote on this one so with Point yeah this one is it is required by by Statute uh that school committees appoint um lead Physicians and Lead nurses for the district Dr fr go as a long metal resident and a long metal parent and it's been a great resource to us along with Dr Tapper for a few years now so cool all right any other questions related to that discussion Andor motions I move on the recommendation of the superintendent that the school committee appoint Dr krie fedrigo as the district school physician we have a motion do we have a second we have a second thank you any further discussion related to this so just as a reminder we've historically this has been a one person position it's really only the last couple of years that it was a shared position as one person was heading out and another one was coming in now we're returning to a single person for this position correct yes all right thank you so we have a motion we have a second um any other discussion seeing none we'll move to a vat Julie yes Jamie yes Zach yes Michaela yes and Adam yes good and yes for me as well all right next up is our meeting schedule let's tackle the calendar um so some possible meeting dates that are out there would be um July 6th we typically tend to meet a little less frequently in the summer um once maybe twice per month so the suggested possible right now are July 16th August 6th and August 20th we'll start there and see if any of those work for folks and or do not work let's begin with the first one does July 16th seem possible if yes and you're at home do a little thumbs up symbol and or turn your camera on and thumbs up I've got a yes from Jamie I've got a yes from Julie that works for me as well m Zach is a yes as well I'm good with that yeah all right July 16th it is um so that's the first one um the next one is August 6 do we have that as a possibility for folks that's a yes for me as well Julie is saying is a yes Adam is a yes Zach is a yes all right so we have enough consensus there um and then next up is August 20th yep that works for me as well Julie yes Zach is a yes Jam is a yes I don't know if I can make that one okay I think as long as we've got a good number of us and right now we've got five so we're so we're good all right so those are our dates for there and then our first one in September Begins the 10th if I remember it correctly right okay um so that'll give us another little pause there as we get our feet under us with the new school year um all right next up school committee assignments um so we don't have to do all of these tonight and knowing that there is a middle school building for beginning really soon um and that folks are heading over to that um if they can make it what I'd like to do is make sure that we a have a chance to review kind of what the different committees are and also um who has served in what committees over this past year um and then um we do have a few that we need to appoint for functioning of the board um pretty much right away um so the ones that we have to make sure that we do in advance are um or in advance of a future meeting are um payroll uh warrants payable warrants um we also have to make sure that we have somebody for um oh I'm forgetting the other one Warren payroll oh lpvc um and I would say that it would probably be a good idea to do Middle School building as well because they'll be meeting again before our July 16th meeting um so since those are in place so we'll we'll focus in on those for tonight and then when we meet on the 16th we can return to all of the other subcommittees since they won't be meeting until after July 16th anyway um so we'll begin at the beginning um warrants and payroll they're often done by one person that has I have I yeah I have no problem continuing that I usually uh have availability TimeWise to stop in there whenever odd times it's needed so all right perfect those are two separate motions um one to review and approved warrants and one for payroll sheets um if there's anybody who would like to make a motion to appoint someone to that a backup too yes um oh who would like to do backup I did that last year and I'm happy to do it again but if somebody else would like to they're welcome to as well okay I move at school committee designate uh Jamie Hench to serve to review and approve the warrants and to and to appoint Nicole sh is back up we have a motion do we have a second second thank you any discussion on this seeing none we'll move to a vote Julie yes Jamie stain Zach yes Michaela yes yes Adam yay and yes for me as well um next up is um one person to sign payroll sheets I move that the school committee authorized Jamie Hench to sign payroll sheets we have a motion do we have a second second any discussion being none we'll Mo to a vote Julie yes Zach yes Jamie abstain Michaela yes Adam yay and yes for me as well all right next up we have um two appointments for the Lower prary Valley education collaborative um there is in the packet a list of their um meetings calendar of their meetings for the next school year um there are two positions for that the Board of Governors or corporation that meets at 6:00 p.m um and the board of directors are a collaborative that meets at 6 30 p.m. um I do see a note that says it can wait until later in the summer Can it can can they don't meet over the summer so if you want to wait and just move on to let's see what F open is there anybody who would like to say like I definitely want to do one of these for sure please nominate me now and otherwise we can Circle back to it on July 16th all right we'll Circle back to it on July 16th sounds like plain okay okay um next up is Middle School building committee um that does meet between now and July 16th so I'd like to appoint that um we have had two we need to have at least one um but we have had two myself and Julie have been doing it for the last two years right have you the year before now I'm not remembering for as long as as long as we've had one we've been doing I'm still happy to do it if you're still happy to do it but if anybody else is like I would really like to try that out um and jump in there then happy to support that as as well if there's anybody who would like to make a motion related to Middle School building committee or anybody who would like to tag in for that we don't need a motion oh we don't need a motion for that oh yeah that's right it's just a okay okay seeing nobody else raising a hand at home everybody seems like they are on board with Julie and I continuing okay then I will appoint myself which is a weird sentence to say and Julie to continue with Middle School building committee and okay did we do the ones we have to do then yes we're good for now okay um so reminders um that all of the other committees are left for next time so next meeting we will be appointing um for lower Pioneer Valley Corporation and low lower Pioneer Valley um collaborative position um so that's two of those um people who served in that last year were Zach and Mary so if you have questions about them you can reach out to Dr OA you can reach out to Diane myself or Zach um to find out a little bit more about that um we will also redo appointments for energy and sustainability and seal um those were Adam and Michaela respectively last year um if anybody's potentially interested in those and would like to know more information same folks but reach out also to Adam or Michaela to find out more um and then we'll have our regular subcommittee appointments as well Finance policy negotiations evaluation curriculum I think that's all for this here yes um at the moment um and um a couple of um appointments as representatives to different schools so look over the information available about all of those different subcommittee roles if you have questions about any of them reach out to folks um in the interim and then we'll go forward on the 16th yes Julie are you are you trying to fill the slots that Mary occupied and then reassign later or do we no I think that we will start with the blank slate for for appointing folks oh but I mean I guess I mean would we be filling three slot like filling all the slots and then re correct so for example for curriculum last year it was Mary me and Michaela um Mary will not be able to be here but that doesn't mean that Michaela and I have to be um we might want to but if somebody else wanted to jump in then there could be three completely different people or there could be one new person and two people have done it or any configuration thereof I guess the reason I'm asking is because while we're down a person then people will take on additional assignments but then you'll you'll reassign them yes so we have to have for each subcommittee at least two people in order to be functioning so if we have a subcommittee that we don't get a third person for yet that's okay um that will almost certainly happen um and that's okay um because when we have our new member seated at some point in the next few months they will be able to jump into the open spaces so as long as each subcommittee has two people that will be their Quorum and they'll be able to meet as needed and over the summer it tends to be pretty quiet so hopefully that will be a little bit easier as well all right any other questions okay so we have no executive session and oh look at us ending with time for everybody to get over to the Middle School building for if they're able to um and I will entertain a motion to adjourn I move the school second thank you any discussion not I said the pig Julie yes Zach yes m yes and yes well than see you again on the 16