e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e lctv just wait Wai on Lynn and then we should be good to go e lctv we're good to go Julie Julie's attendees yeah attendees fewer than the last time all right are we ready everybody countdown Doug or are we just going live all set okay okay all right welcome to the July 10th 2024 Middle School building committee meeting uh bring the meeting to order uh we do have a quorum uh I want to remind everybody again as I do before every meeting that this is a public meeting but it is not meeting of the public so there will be an opportunity for comments during the uh public comment period uh outside of that there is no opportunity for a back and forth between the board and any other members of the public um that being said uh I will open up to public comments again for 15 minutes uh maximum three minutes per person that would like to address the committee I would just like to thank everyone that's received something from me I'm s on L and uh for every person whoes something from me with my concern that AR I was just thanking everybody who's taken email and comment for me about um we simply want to make sure I think that we have can you if you could come up to a mic they can they can hear you yeah thank you I just wanted to briefly thank everyone that has taken something from me um photographs of large vehicles on Woolworth and we just simply need to be able to accommodate not just the DPW um the trash the snowplow Etc but other service Vehicles especially Lawn Equipment um things that have huge trailers that you can just drive a vehicle into and out of again and so I am I am assured by various people that you will figure out whether we have a very large circle on school grounds or uh a current street that has clear access through as it does today will continue and I want to thank people for listening to me um and I do hope that the whatever plan if you settle on this school which I don't believe is really big enough I mean I don't believe the property is big enough um that you will continue to keep us in mind with that regard so thank you thank you um name and address for the mic uh Jim Cooper 40 Woods Side Drive I just thank you I want to jump ahead but in the agenda there is a portion where you're going to talk to Mr D Julio's email or letter right and I is that open for open discussion or is it only this 15minute period as far as public comments or any kind of commentary it is only for this 15-minute period okay thanks hi Bill the Julio eight Woodside Drive so I I tried to put some issues together after the June 18th um presentation which thank you for that a lot of effort went into putting that on and it was informative and but for those of us who live on Woodside and Woodworth and duckberry and Terry and and blin it's a little scary because it it does appear that we're forging ahead with just a new school on the Williams Field site and we were really employer to take another look at some of the other locations I mean that there's a number of other locations in town I know some of them have been eliminated due to that Matrix which I had a lot of questions about the Matrix scoring why four categories were given a zero like Turner Russell field um where they would have scored significantly higher um but you know we have a lot of concerns uh safety traffic is is going to be a huge issue um how the school is situated you know at at the uh presentation you had it facing Woodside Drive which seems a little odd to me to to have this narrow parcel of land and then to squeeze the school in you have to turn it sideways so that on William Street you're seeing the back of the school the side of the school you know again I want to reiterate I think the the location I know there are no guidelines in Massachusetts but I think that parel of land is a little too small for what amounts to you know pretty much like a small high school I mean the high school is what a th000 students this school is going to accommodate about 700 students so you're bringing almost 2,000 students to a one4 mile Half Mile Square parcel of town and you know I again I beg you guys to go back and take another look at other locations and I and the reason I'm so passionate about this and I'm sending so many correspondences because I look at your timeline and I know that this has to be submitted to the msba by the end of August by September and once that happens in my mind it's out of our hands I mean it's kind of out of our hands now I feel like we don't really have a say in this and that 15 people who don't live in that neighborhood are deciding the future for for all of us and it's just it's not fair and number two I think you know again back to there are better locations and you can't put a square peg in a round hole it's just the school isn't going to fit there so before this gets submitted to the msba I think you need to take another look at some of these other locations and uh I'll let everybody else give their two cents thank you thank you good evening everybody uh Richard Engel said I live at 31 Woodside Drive people my age we walk I walk the block every day I see the confusion of these youngsters walking through whether it's a Blockland do they look let me imitate what I see every day crossing the street youth crossing the street looking at the phone uh I have one experience a number of years ago I was driving on blin and at the end of blin there's a lot of trees and I was driving slowly and as young youngster was speeding down on the sidewalk my window was open his head went into my car he got up he excused himself and he apologized and he took off knowing the laws I did report it to the police department saying there was a problem I can't see we've see 350 kids 700 on bicycles coming from all directions this is not a safe location I think if we I'll be happy and I would for the location if the Department of Public Safety would say this is a safe location then I'll back off and say yes but I don't see safety in this location then another thing I heard once anybody ever tell me say go on record what would happen to the land on Glenwood nobody ever said one word I heard rumors is this another situation what happened in the 1980s where Congress Street where somebody on the school committee in conjunction with a real estate agent said this school is no longer in need because we don't have the students and what do they do they sold it for Condominiums and then as taxpayers we had to make an addition to wo swamps school and cell school we lost money so I you know if there was another yes I agree we need a new school but the location is not the location I mean is this something uh jamming down our throats you know you got to have another location I believe in it's as I said at the beginning it's safety I walk I watch these kids you know 350 today come up to 700 all on bicycles or the foggy weather or the cars coming no this is not the location I thank you though and I hope you people who put a lot of time and energy sit down and reanalyze it you know because we have to go a step further and somebody above us for accreditation is going to ask these answer these questions I thank you all thank you so any any further comments I'll make it brief Terry to Julio 8 Woodside Drive um so a little bit as to what Rich was saying um you know you're going to spend all this time and energy with this project at this location and all this money when we're not going to go away I mean hopefully we're going to get to a vote one day and we're going to get other people to hopefully vote this down too so you could save a lot of time energy and especially money just trying to look at another site Bliss Park I don't know why you can't go there yes there are wetlands there's Wetlands all over Long Meadow there's no getting away from the wetlands but there's plenty what is it 20 acre or 20 do you know water to no Bliss Park Bliss Park and then you have Turner Park that would be perfect you have so many sites that you can look at can we find out the reasons why the other projects were voted zero is there any way we can find that out this is a cou PO area it's not a back and forth I'm sorry oh okay all right well thank you there any other public comments Mr Cooper yeah um so is there going to be a future meeting where there is going to be a back and forth again I will answer that yes I mean we planned U multiple engagements August uh or the end of August we were discussing time frame that's something we'll discusses the the board uh this meeting or next in regards to what that time frame is um with summer and vacations it'll be hard to do it in August but it would probably be shortly thereafter in September so so I I guess I take it the voting for The Town voting's coming up uh is this something that's being pushed to get on the ballot for this year again there's no back and forth but I can tell you this would not be a ballot issue this this year okay I'll just address one more comment address Jim's question so Jim that there is no voting on this this committee decides where the school goes and the the plan the preferred plan has to be submitted by September so a meeting with all of us where we can engage in September is almost too late because it's been submitted to the msba the only voting the town gets is on the funding for this that's not scheduled until November of 2025 okay so that's a year and a half away the town has the rest of us AB Butters neighbors we have no saying where this this school goes but speaking of that um last time we were here we we talked about having an abutters meeting you know we are at time but I'll allow to go okay thank you um we would like to have an abutters meeting I went to the the planning committee the the building committee and they all sent me right back to you guys so can somebody here please soon schedule a meeting with people on Woodside ww worth uh Bliss uh Williams the people across street Williams duckberry I mean I I think you owe it to the people in the neighborhood before this gets submitted to the msba to tell everybody what's going on because you know we're trying to to raise awareness but there are a lot of people elderly people they don't have internet they they don't can't read the paper whatever so thank you all right thank you everybody public comments are now closed moving on to agenda item number three uh approval of minutes we have minutes from boom boom June 10th June 12th anybody want a motion I'll move is there a second second Motion in second is there any discussion on the minutes seeing none I'll call for a vote Marty yes Nicole yes Josh yes Chris Julie yes Armen yes that's it for everybody right oh sorry Lyn and ly abstain okay we have minutes from July 10th uh is there a motion that's that's today today oh sorry it is today I'm looking at the agenda for today those are all the minutes we have then all right uh moving on to correspondence we do have correspondence recorded um there was correspondence for multiple people uh it will be recorded uh specifically the agenda we have their correspondence from um Mr D Julio and also from M Nas thank you very much for your contacting us and uh I can tell you there was many more emails as well U uh contacting us both uh giving great advice and input as well as great support so thank you for for people for for uh input uh next we're going to go to coler's update y thank you AR so you want to start the presentation you can [Applause] [Music] go to the next slide yeah we can start here um so just schedule real quick we are we're currently still on schedule uh the PDP was submitted um back in May there was comments that we receiv received back from the msba those comments and questions were addressed and then resubmitted back to the msba uh we are currently in the PSR phase um so that preferred schematic report is currently underway and um will be submitted at the end of August um with an October uh msba Board review uh for that uh PSR and then from there we um would move into schematic design um until November of 25 when we would move to a town vote for the project so the schedule for is for a town vote on November 2025 at this point yes correct um so we can and the other thing about the timeline the timeline is us working with the state and so basically from a timeline perspective we are on track with what the state is expecting of us at absolutely yeah so those dates are set when uh the the project is first accepted and to the program and so we like I said these are dates that meet that timeline from the very beginning any questions for Adam good so the next couple slides are just more kind of scheduled updates the next one is the handout that I handed out it kind of goes over what we just talked about this is more of a high level yeah we can stay on this one that's good um so again this is just more of a dialed in schedule that we talked about the only other piece that's in here is the um on September 11th or the 25th uh depending on when the msba is schedule there's going to be an msba facilities assessment subcommittee meeting um that will attend and that's after the PSR is submitted and it's kind of a um a precursor to the board meeting uh so they'll do a review we'll meet with them they'll go through any questions or anything that they might have prior to going to the board so they've been in the schools before they're going to come back out and see them again they're is what that is or no they're going to review the PSR okay yeah and so they'll do a full review of that and then we'll set up a subcommittee meeting um and then they'll do similar to what they did with the PDP except it's going to kind of be in person it'll be a subcommittee meeting before you move on to the board and then schematic design that's their subcommittee that's their subit yep yep we used to go to Boston for those but I think now they're everything's virtual with the msba now yeah there won't yeah we won't be going to Boston are those meetings that members of this committee attend as well or those meetings that the msba has and we just kind of no whoever the district chooses to have you know similar to what we did with the PDP um you know if there's members from this committee that wish to join and listen in and provide comments or answer questions a lot of what happens in that meeting is we're presenting an overview of the design that will go into schematic design and they'll have an opportunity to question uh the project team as a whole about that so you have a real range of people on the committee who from Architects to builders um and they'll they'll kind of probe a little bit and explore what we've done there's an educational specialist who ask questions about some of the educational thinking um and it's it's friendly but useful to the to the town as well as to us yeah like I say it's a precursor going into that msba more board meeting before they provide an approval okay any questions right moving on to the uh followup to the community meeting and uh the survey Dory is this you yeah that's me great thanks um so I I want to just start um so the board this is our first meeting since that meeting so just to understand the process um because of open meeting law we cannot discuss anything um in a quorum uh until such time as we have a quorum in open public meeting uh so uh this is the first time the board has gotten together to uh talk about uh the the feedback from the meeting uh from the community uh from uh surveys that we have given out and any input that was into it so um behind the scenes um jwa and cers and Marty and Lynn the town uh have been working together to uh look at some of the issues uh the mitig mitigations that are available to us for that talking to uh meetings with Public Safety uh both fire uh DPW and uh police um and uh this is just a little bit of the followup um to those meetings and uh potential discussion here for the first time since that meeting so just wanted to clarify what this what what what and how we discuss things y go ahead Dory right so just to back up again that to remind the committee that we recommended doing a survey at a point to allow more residents to participate not that it becomes a vote process at all it's it's not a referendum but it does help to take some of the issues that the committee is having to make the decision on and gather more input because there will be people who will come to community meetings and people who won't so it's really just kind of a helpful check-in and and it can happen later as well we did a lot of surveying prior to this within the district as you know as a part of the visioning process so this is a chance to reach out Beyond uh Beyond this group to the larger Community uh so we have now 96 responses to the survey um I sent you all a copy uh digitally of all of the results um just wanted to share a sort of a summary of of what really jumped out and again for us as designers this is really helpful as well um there are often things that that that come up I I frankly like the ideas and the commentary section specifically because they can it it sometimes the outlier comments that help us to think about where things are going and really this is a very long design process so you you know I think people will be surprised to realize how much we actually do respond to those those comments along the way so uh 96 responses mostly from uh uh Town residents with children in the school district uh and uh you can see um former former residents as well but a good response overall um so as a whole what was noticeable is that only a very small percentage of uh 12.5% viewed those existing schools as acceptable as they are um and that 12 five later tracks quite clearly also with uh the number of people who found uh the idea of maintaining the existing schools desirable so that's the percentage breakdown we have there um but 55% and these are again 80% of the people responding in this survey are people who go into the school fairly regularly with their children or uh recently had children in the district you know found the the the setting unacceptable or poor um we had a a long list of about 10 issues that we were curious to know uh what people responded to as a reason why they were interested in uh the town investing in a new or renovated School design and and quite clearly over time it always stayed the same that those top three issues stand out as the most and have consistently and that Echoes what we heard in the very first Community Forum uh which was uh focus on safety specifically very strongly coming from Glenbrook um but also the efficiency of a single school over time in the town that has changed right that at the community schools have have evolved it's become more clear that there's been a been an equity issue and differences between the two schools so that a large percentage here Rel you the single School option positively um and then air quality uh and healthy conditions and that probably is also Arisen with covid response equity in that we were speaking about the fact that there are different uh conditions at each school um and the desire making a more consistent experience and that did change over time as we watch the survey uh produce and then stem and science spases are a concern um we asked what resources uh Community Resources would be important to the project potentially and this was actually I thought quite a slight that really reinforces what we've talked about this exactly what you all have said so it's one of the situations where it echoed you know um multi-purpose field was something you all spoke about strongly in all of our early meetings um the idea of a multi-purpose Auditorium you spoke strongly about and how how that would be an interesting challenge for the community because it has cost implications and then that concern about a larger gym than the msba standard for middle schools uh which we know is quite tight um and then uh community use of classrooms noticeably not a a major driver so that reinforces what we have discussed here as well um sustainability we had two questions on that uh in general um and uh in general uh this varies town to town we did see this community has a strong interest in uh a sustainability as a driver for the school design if you can go to the next slide you get a little bit more granular there we were kind of curious then about being sure people think about sustainability relative to costs not that all sustainable decisions are costly but there are some um so here you know we see the majority really favors that that issue of balancing um upfront costs and long-term costs um uh and uh only 7.4% um prioritized lower upfront cost over um over the long-term operational costs and sustainability issues um and then this to me is interesting simply because it's it's relatively the same that uh from both a fiscal standpoint and an educational standpoint of the options that were presented in this survey which were after the PDP was submitted so the options were um really trying to get at the question of um the code upgrade versus the ad Reno versus new you know which people favored and you know over 80% favored um the option of a new school over adad Renault or code upgrade so and to add that we asked these same questions at the time when we were developing the statements of Interest originally and uh just to sort of take the temperature of the community and the results were were similar so that you know we've seen that that type of distribution for several years now um on the next slide I just wanted to to summarize some of what stuck stuck out really in terms of shared sentiments um and again it's really important to hear you know Discord in many ways as well um but you know again the concern about security and safety and healthy environment um uh the support for some level of community spaces and and and what those might be even if they have some impact on the project um it's the the there were a lot of comments about air conditioning that came up in the optional speaking uh as well as um Wellness sensory and counseling spaces um those are obviously things that we've talked about this a new school will be air conditioned or innovation will be air conditioned but it it's a strong impact people are are really noticing the the Environmental Quality and concerns Wellness sensory and counseling spaces to hear that repeated so often uh by uh people participating in the survey was interesting um and then some of the outlayer comments that I just think are worth noting you know concerns about the impact on Staffing and size of the school um you know consolidating to a smaller school um and then also concerns relating to Staffing and student impact of the process which we know obviously can be a challenge so just being sure that we're responding to that frustration with how long this process is taking in general right from we you all spoke about it right away but just the there's always a lot of of animosity about how the msba process that we go through seems to take a really long time I'm concerned about the traffic at Williams and the loss of the school at Glenbrook as a school for those who are already uh living nearby um concern about the cost of the project and emphasis on stem um uh and tax impact on seniors awareness that proximity to the high school May mean that some of that those Community spaces we asked about maybe aren't necessary so Community classroom is is that necessary if the high school's nearby you know which is a good good commentary um and the the tax impact on seniors is important simply because it it does start helping the committee think about the the conversations that will happen in the override and those things can be addressed sometimes ahead of time um then we had the meeting that uh the community meeting and many people here um following on that um that meeting had a very different uh profile and response uh a lot of um concern about the William site neighborhood uh being the location for the proposed school um desire to hear more about site selection process and way the sites are deemed unfeasible so we will bring that back up in our PowerPoint tonight um to allow you to speak to that further um we heard concerned about circulation safety and impact on side streets um and have had follow-up conversations with the town and we'll continue to do so around those issues um we heard concern about a two-story Building height um which is obviously Fair concern to residen is uh at the same time it is um it is uh just to explain you know economically more feasible um more affordable to do a two-story building it's a more efficient building um and it is allowable uh within the uh parameters of the building dimensions in this area um and I think that we are set back far enough from area residence is that that concern will be layed and people will see more of that as we evolve but I think here um desire for more multisport playing field um rather than I think I referenced it as a football field and we we heard that and wanted to respond to that um desire to explore start end time scheduling issues that's something the district has talked about further um and then well you will see here in this presentation and and future presentations we'll continue to explore that question about Woolworth and the impact this site has on Woolworth um the alternate loading dock locations effective screening we're very early in design so that will that shouldn't really be the screening isn't the moment where we are now but we will certainly be talking about that further um studying of queuing and turning Lanes um figuring out traffic calming beyond the site um we have started to have those conversations and then talking about other restrictions some of this is commentary we can pass on away from this committee to be talked about elsewhere um separation of pedestrian bike and car routes that will get much more detailed as we move forward um and then sight lines from residences and and being conscious of it so just wanted to be sure uh we we spoke to the things that stuck out the most in that conversation anybody on the committee feel free to ask questions along the way yes Josh uh I just want to make a comment on this I thought I thought it was a a good meeting I'm glad there's a lot of people there I wish we'd spent time on the school itself it it was we didn't really talk about anything besides location I think that was uh kind of a missed opportunity um and I I hope we can if anybody's watching this I I talk to people who were who were were interested in that and we're are in favor of the project they want to hear more about what the school is going to look like so if anybody's watching now I would encourage them to reach out to us and send your feedback on because you can look back at our previous meeting see the slides and I think we had four three or four designs if people have feedback on that I think it would be really helpful to hear because we didn't get it at that meeting move on so in order to uh respond to those questions about the selection process uh uh the district asked us to revisit those priorities and the conversation that occurred um so to explain you know we have found that that Matrix is helpful for trying to illuminate the values the committee had and the discussions that were held so it through a series of meetings we evolved with you these questions or essentially um priorities that were waited by you as a Committee Against the options and again that didn't necessarily mean that the highest number you know was going to be the selected site but it gave the committee an opportunity to kind of look at the different options that were presented so these continued to be the priorities we're in a different phase and we could alter those priorities differently for the options we're looking at now but in general I think this reflected that it was a weighted scoring meaning that if you generally if you look at this what you see is that those things relating to education were deemed by the committee as of Greater importance than issues like sustainability as important as sustainability is education got a greater weight as a whole um with that uh multiplication process um and then you know following that were those things that related to the complexity of the construction process the grant potential um site um issues they relating to you know outdoor useful space um parking Etc so it it it's a a way of kind of trying to synthesize some of the the thinking the committee had shared next slide um so also just to help in this conversation we placed all the sites that were formally discussed there were other sites that were uh you know discussed as you see this includes um water tower site and will swamp field site which we you know discussed and raised as possibilities but we not asked to um to explore uh uh because of the committee's conver discussion about that uh but this shows uh those two sites on a map because it was raised at the community meeting it' be helpful if we could steal these sites at once um so that as you discuss circulation in relation to them you can see it a little bit more clearly um so uh we can refer back to this if it's if it's helpful in anyway so this is that overview Matrix that we reviewed multiple times through PDP um and uh if you it it shows the kind of ranking and again we actually changed those points like between a couple meetings because you know the committee reviewed um in uh in one meeting March 27th uh uh just after March 27th actually April 2 uh the committee um um formally took off the table the 345s the options for a single school at Glenbrook um Glenbrook or Williams but the the the real discussion was about whether to invest in this project on a single middle school for half the population or pursue a project uh that would address uh all of the students in the district um next slide so then later um on the 17th we had brought up and discussed um Russell Russell and Turner in a meeting and then we reported back on Russell and Turner just to because we wanted to be absolutely sure that we thought about other sites so uh we brought some information forward at that point um and as a whole because of the the point values and where the emphasis was all of the new 665 options score super super high you know um that was based on the emphasis you you placed on things as a committee um but that doesn't necessarily mean that they went forward because in that conversation you know the conver ation really related to Russell being a site that would be significantly congested um uh and would take out existing Sports fields and then would leave the the town with two schools um that it would have to pay for the demolition of without any support from the msba um so that those were the strongest drivers that we noted in the minutes um I don't know if anyone wants to speak to Russell um the committee um in terms of speaking about Turner um will we'll we'll show more about Turner because I think that was the one that we heard people wanted to hear the most about um but the conversation there had to do with site control Wetlands um and its location um uh and uh and the committee made a fairly quick decision regarding both of these sites in that meeting so yeah the only other thing I would add to that is that the intersection at Redford and maybe you're talking to that with the traffic the intersection at Redfern and Williams would be a choke point for 80% of the traffic going to that school at Turner um it because there's only one way to to get there from that into town or we guys going to talk about that all I heard okay traffic engineer and we're adding a 30,000 foot retail environment at that corner as well so it was just from that perspective the traffic at that particular intersection was one additional thing could you underscore the maximizing the mspa grant po potential and and how a site other than the Glenbrook site or the Williams site would compromise the the grant potential meaning again the demolition is the thing that jumps out the most that if building on the Williams site means that the demolition of the Williams building if if you pursu new um would be part of the project cost in the msba would reimburse a significant part of that demolition um uh building a William site and not at Glenbrook means Glenbrook is is a cost that has to be borne by the town separately or it's it's reuse um building away from either School site then leaves both projects both schools as as white elephants for the town to address so that's that's one area the other is the development of sports Fields right so if it was on either Russell or Turner you would eliminate Town Sports fields and then have to pay for those to be placed elsewhere whereas if it's developed on Glen brook or Williams you know reinvigorating those Sports Fields is part of the project cost so again helps with the msba reimb msba wouldn't participate in the recreation of the sports fields that you would lose if you if you built that at the Turner site exct so on May 1st uh uh we met again that was uh really as we headed into that final phase of the PDP um and uh in that moment the committee really narrowed to the base code upgrade option the ad Rena at Glenbrook um and new at Glenbrook and reaffirmed that decision I'm sorry you know this is where we decided sorry to move away from Glen book Because at that point we were looking both Glenn Brook and Williams for the new or ad Rena 665 um and that was the final discussion about that which had been a kind of constant source of discussion throughout the face and like you just have here on that I mean a lot of the conversation on that was because of the central location being able to bike and to walk centrally and then also because if we were to do at lindbrook we were going to look at modular uh which the state does not reimburse us for anyway from a a cost perspective and again from a traffic perspective that far into town um you know coming up Williams is is going to be a clog at that Williams red for an intersection and it was increased busing cost too just want to make sure all all of this is on the the the videos that that are out there but I just want to make sure everybody's aware that there was deep discussion about all of these things yes Nicole um just to add in that in addition to the cost related to the modular if we were to move forward with the Glenbrook site another concern was that we'd be looking at a significant amount of time um multiple school years of time where students would be in modulars which also has an education impact and is very disruptive to the educational environment um could you remind us um Mr Ray when did we first begin um videoing meetings when did we first start hearing them was that early April or was it oh was far far before that I mean we've been meeting for over close to a year now right and and we started right after our first or second meeting so yeah yeah so those are all available all of these are definitely available yes okay so each of these meetings is also just um available on on the um Long Meadow tv YouTube page for folks who are interested in more detailed um look at the conversations surrounding each of these particular decisions as well yeah and thanks to Tracy Doug and Brian for that yes um I'm just wondering if Dory could speak to why we are keeping the base repair code upgrade in there if it breaks so low so that people understand why yeah that's requirement of the msba and it's a requirement it works it functions ultimately as a touch point for the community to understand uh the cost of doing nothing essentially because a code upgrade doesn't make any educational changes to the project um but it it is the value of of bringing this 65y old building in some cases up to today standards without any any improvements and that the financial cost of that which you've seen in the cost estimates then is a good comparison to the others it is an option and it sort of in a sense reflects uh if the project does not go forward you know those are the costs that the community will be bearing without um participation of the msba and the costs um uh generally speaking that's the general thinking it's indicative of how much building codes and standards have changed since those schools were built right so um I think a lot of people Express concern over the cost and think that they're inflated but if you really think about it in terms of we're not just adding elevators which is very difficult uh in an existing building but at this point we're wrapping the entire building in new insulation new mechanical systems new electrical systems new Plumbing Systems um would all be required just to bring that building up to code so the cost do increase rapidly yeah good sorry just to really I want to underscore this because that base repair code upgrade price is for one school that's the only one that's been costed out it's potentially the same or around the same ballpark at Williams and actually um the msba uh I don't think they anticipated that this would swing to Williams so quickly because the school of Interest was Glenbrook um in our PDP response from the msba they asked that we uh establish a code upgrade cost for Williams as well and carry both of those forward um informationally so the community could see both of those great thank you we will be doing that can I just oh yeah sorry I just ask you to clarify one more thing as well um when we're looking at a code upgrade um I know one of the larger concerns with Glenbrook is the open floor plan um and also the literally the widths of the doors in many cases are not wide enough for any students who might be needing wheelchair access would those either of those things be addressed in the code up we included both of those in the in that cost um uh on the grounds that the acoustic ratings required today for classrooms would not be met under the current conditions and that the accessibility of the school would be addressed so accessibility in particular is obviously very important um because that can be a liability to a district over time so thank you yes Josh I just want make a general comment on these last few slides I think this is very helpful um and to kind of go back through our thought process again and especially that the map of the sites I thought if you look at them and I I don't know if I'm not trying to change any Minds here I I know that may not be possible but I hope you'll realize that we understand that there are problems with uh all of these sites there will be traffic problems there's a lot of them you can see we'd be moving access to a different side street Williams had does have a main side street and I recognize that everyone is worried or concerned about the traffic in the area but a lot of these sites would be moving traffic to somewhere else or creating horrible bottlenecks like Turner really only has one access Wolf Swamp would have one access that's in the corner of the Town you'd have you have choke points all over the place there uh and I I'm not a traffic engineer but I I read a lot of traffic reports and that is that's a big concern um so if we do choose the Williams site what we can do is work and do our best to make it feasible and Safe And Timely and so we can get the kids in and out of school quickly safely and we can plan around that and that's what we're trying to do I understand the concerns and we did look at other sites we we've been meeting for a long time we had public meetings where we talked about these things I know that I've spent a lot of time thinking about it and uh I whatever choice we make I think we're we're making the best choice so it's a it's considered thing we really are trying our best um so that was if I if I was at the front of the meeting I would have said that last week um but I I know that that's a it's a tough thing to uh to put into words and I think that this showing it helps to show that there are major problems with any other site and we have to work with the best that we can get Marty yeah I agree I think this is such a helpful visual for me to think about location and I I think it's sort of the best way to think about this in in a real quick way is if you build anywhere other than the Glenbrook or the William site you lose the Investments that you've made in the Turner Fields or in the Wolf Swamp Fields And they're they're beautiful Fields you lose that investment that's been made you lose the opportunity to have the msba participate in the cost of the demolition of one of the buildings and then you're adding the cost of recreating athletic fields which we've heard over and over and over um is a really important um concern of the residents of this community so um I think when you factor in there's so much that we have to balance and I I really believe that we have to be responsive to the concerns that we heard at the last meeting at thought I thought the the community Forum at the Council on Aging was excellent and it really helped sharpen my thinking about what we need to do and how we can potentially mitigate the the traffic concerns uh that we've heard and so it was a very very helpful meeting but this is a very very helpful slide and I'm glad we had the opportunity to sort of go back and and sort of revisit the the site selections process it's it's really helpful gosh I just want to I one followup point out in the fields if we we're moving them you're taking away fields from a generation of kids there's a prime time when kids will be using certain fields and if they're gone for three years they'll never use them and uh that's we have we have a lot of fields in town we don't have enough we had a Parks and Rec study that told us that and if we take some away we're in uh a worse position and there's a specific cohort of kids that would be affected by that and that would be a shame okay go back tell me when that's where we that's where we are if you could go to the next slide actually uh so just turner Park we' got a lot of discussion so we and and it's a little hard to see the contour lines here but we wanted to bring this back just to to clarify because it's it's very easy to sort of assume you know this is a much bigger site it's it's a very large site um the wetlands issues um and we had shown you all as a committee a little bit grungier because we had to more quickly map showing the Wetland boundaries um and why those Wetland boundaries really cut the site in a way that was quite challenging and we have a copy of that if if you want to revisit it but just in comparison you know the the buildable area prior to the wetlands is only 11.9 Acres compared to the 16.7 of the Williams site um and while there is area beond beyond that the the um it it begins to slope up very quickly and it's it's an extremely expensive Prospect to cross the wetlands and get um you know D approval and citing approval and the expense of doing that is both a time and cost issue we don't know those times and how much time and cost because the committee um it was quite clear that they they didn't want to continue to explore that um uh but looking at it that these were some of the reasons that really jumped out um it's also as a Municipal Park um it's less under your control that was one of the things that we talked about uh when you reviewed it is uh it's a Municipal Park and therefore could be subject to the article 97 restrictions um that uh the state put in place where the state essentially offered that if you permanently protect a Municipal Park you can't undo that without an act of uh the State Assembly and how and and Senate um voting to allow you to do that so that creates on projects a multi-year headache trying to just get permission to do something with that property again so it would have to be vetted for an article 97 clearance um which you'd think that the state had a clear website on that but they don't you have to actually apply and and request that information and study um and it has tripped up school projects um in the past so so just site control and the constraints physically were the things that jumped out to us but I know you had other reasons that you spoke about already tonight yeah I mean this just additional uh considerations that we had during the process and I'm glad we're just as Josh had laying them out so everybody can see what the process was as we went through multiple iterations um any questions for Dory all right so we'll move on to uh agenda item 7 review of the current PSR design Explorations and a lot of this was good from input that we got from the community from correspondents uh emails calls and the community Forum right and and we really are very much listeners and we'll continue to to have conversations and I it's funny because even after schematic design when we're in document development we're still having conversations with the butters about uh tweaking things so this will continue um just to the if jump to the next slide U Marty just um this is sort of a a list of tell us tell the community what PSR what the PS are so we're in the preferred schematic design phase where we're just narrowing to the option that we will then spend significant time developing all the materials for in order to get a more precise budget um after schematic design when the town has voted to approve the project then we go into the document development phase so it's it's an elongated version of getting to the document phase longer than you would think but because it's a public process um and so when we're doing the conversations prior to the vote people will be seeing a fully rendered building with all the materials established and clear not detailed enough to build but detailed enough for everyone to understand you know um so we're still ways from that yeah and at the end of that schematic design is where an estimate is done and that's where we develop the budget for the total project budget so these are this is more like a laundry list of things that keep coming up in our conversations with you all and with uh with uh public officials here in town that are continually being reviewed by the commit by the design team so that idea of parent parent and Bus drop off separation continues to hold um the idea of entering from the southeast allows the safest drop off for cars but is not the only option that we're looking at um so we we'll revisit that again and in new options um fire and police we did meet with them and did confirm that they wanted access around the building that doesn't mean that it's a road around the building it's a it's it's an available access for them that can across the the paved area or the playground area so we've addressed that in these plans and I think I would just point out on that that meetings with uh Chief stock and chief Dearborn are ongoing they are integral to the project plan I can assure you and I heard comment earlier about uh Public Safety both from a public safety perspective would be have to sign off on uh the project and the safety aspects of it and are an independent voice into to the the safety whether the plans and the mitigations um would would meet their their approval so in our discussion previously there was a positive response to the idea of splitting the visitor parking from the larger bulk of parking where faculty um in community Wood Park Community after hour parking so we've continued to pursue that idea um the idea of a preferred maintenance of the Woolworth connection so that large Vehicles can move through the site um that we brought back that was really helpful to hear from the community so we could respond to that um exploring outdoor spaces uh around the school that can be multi-purpose um connections to Fields um and safe separation of sidewalks bike areas and drives that's going to continue to evolve um that's sort of as you get deeper and deeper you get into that further but certainly we're looking at it um looking at improving the Turning lanes and uh the the traffic controls around and Beyond the site and this is where having a traffic engineer in the room is helpful um for that conversation potentially but that will also get more detailed um but we did have some positive feedback about from the um Police Department about um adding the school safety zone slowdowns and other things that could be done um vegetative screening at the perimeter will continue to explore um pedestrian routes to high school Beyond Williams I think are a larger topic for the town to explore um we heard and we showed different options on the parking spaces and are settling at 200 is a design load for parking that's um more than the district asked for less than the the max option we showed which was D40 the advantage of dropping to that is it allowed for more comfortable Green Space around the sports field that so that the field could be more multi-functional um and then exploring optional um um amenity improvements to that field to really improve it um including you know lights and uh drainage and um irrigation um Marty can I just know so much of what is on this list is is great to hear because so much of it we don't have right now when I think about even the the vegetation around vegetative screening around the perimeter I mean right now we don't we don't really have that benefit on the on the Williams site and the improving turning Lanes the separation of of parent and Bus drop off I agreed with our our uh resident earlier who said that kids today maybe not aren't as attentive to how they bike and walk to school as they should be because they're distracted by their phone so having these safety features is even more important nowadays so um this is great it's a great list any other input okay next slide so for those of you who are more attentive to the educational plan on the inside of the building uh uh the evolving building ideas that we've been talking about um uh that single visitor entry but multiple entries for students uh so that that we can ease and speed the access into the school that's been an ongoing discussion uh appreciation of massing that breaks the building up so that uh as a two-story building it doesn't appear overwhelming uh around uh relative to the residential buildings around it uh appreciation of varied outdoor spaces near the building for educational and recreational purposes um interest in more exploration of that gymatorium and cafetorium option so we brought that for today and we'll sh talk about that um preference for Clear Sight lines uh that was brought up by Nicole uh talking about security within the school and and that was why one option really stood out it seemed to our Educators specifically um desired relationship of the gym to the recreational spaces but also to the cafeteria which I I heard in that meeting the value of having those spaces near each other and then the value of having the Community Access close to the cafeteria is important um uh desire for the cafeteria to be near Media but also for Media Center to be near stem that came through in all of our visioning conversations um desire for good classroom daylighting so classrooms that have both North and South light rather than east west light um which is also better from a sustainability standpoint uh appreciate uh varied outdoor space types um uh the committee likes stacking the seventh and eth grade science classrooms over the stem so we've continue to do that um where we can and like the uh that idea of an intact specific um sixth grade Community for all sixth graders so two communities together in a wing of its own um and then um we have updated since we presented last um based on conversations with the msba and based on uh just made some small square footage changes that will continue to do up until the point where we send it out for estimate again based on reviewing the space summary over and over again but we are showing two Health classrooms now um and are reducing the alt PE uh to uh a th000 sare ft rather than 2,000 squ ft um and we've also um reduced the sixth grade science room slightly those are the major major changes this far um so before we get into the options I did want to just give you a visual of what cafetorium gymatorium and Auditorium might feel like and look like um so this is a gymatorium oh and I'm sorry I mised uh titled that this is actually Grand b elementary it's one of our projects and I wrong so uh you know it's about a 5 to 6,000 foot gym right Christian yes um uh there's a door that closes that stage off so that it can function as kind of a music classroom mediocre it's one of those very challenging doors that nobody really wants to use but it does exist um um and it's helpful to allow that space to be utilized in two ways um and uh you obviously are bringing chairs out putting some protection down and putting the chairs out when you're doing a large uh uh event um using that is the stage a uh like a standard size or is it like does it vary by project it varies by project so so the I think on this project 1,600 square F feet is the es and that is smaller it's an elementary you also see the lighting you see the cages for the lighting above so it's a very limited lighting um and it you know for an elementary school or even Middle School I mean we're not doing any like exotic lighting yeah yeah yeah the one of the benefits that this District have they put all of the bleachers on one side of the gym right so to the right of this Photograph so you can seat quite a large number of people by so they purposely at this size you could barely squeeze in a high school sized gym or you could put in a middle school sized court and then have much more room for seating around the edges and that uh bleacher stacking bleacher so that was the approach they took and we did invest in a pretty significant door because they were planning on trying to have music in that room while Jim wild jym was in session I don't know if that was ever a huge success but we did the best we could and the stage in a middle school gym gymatorium would be bigger than what's seen here a little bit Yeah so these are cafetorium um uh the one on the left is uh from um colleagues of ours out west at Hazel wolf K8 and on the right is an elementary school we did with sfma in Templeton uh and you can't quite sense the size of the cafeteria on the right hand image but what you see there is the stage is really just it's more it has that that you ramp up to it walk up to it so you you couldn't really use it for dramatic purposes um so it's a way of making use of it more as an assembly space um uh and you still have some of the acoustic treatment uh and and again uh loose chairs and seating is brought out and and placed in the room um and that's true in both of these and in uh I think you have a longer approach there on the Hazel wolf rather than the wide approach we have on the right um in Templeton the gymnasium of is on the right and there was a d the door system that opened so that you could extend even farther um to get more but your view lines were horrible from that area they're really pretty good in the cafeteria space um so any questions or comments on those before we start looking at that and then the these images are what you would expect for a new um auditorium today um you know similar to what we're doing down the road um at at East Long Meadow High School um middle sex looks like Bel town like I I thought I was bter to at first yeah yeah um so are those much bigger than what we have in the middle schools now um your uh Middle School at Glenbrook is pretty it probably doesn't have as it's more like the one on the left which doesn't have as much seating doesn't have um uh but yeah you have uh these are probably both seating about 500 and I think that um the West Springfield one where those um wooden lines are at the at the bottom of the picture goes as well so similar in style I think these are uh the the Glenbrook is a very wide space um it seats it's got very high capacity but it's a it's a broader space which is a you know it's kind of an interesting design in that way CU it I like the way it can work to keep people closer um uh this had these have higher Loft space um Glen Brook also has some fly space actually was pretty good um so I'd say that what we again have been carrying is the size of the Glenbrook Auditorium which is a little bit smaller than these um and the configuration you know hasn't really been determined in terms of width Glen Brook is the hottest chairs I've ever saidt SL yeah yeah and the auditorium has the advantage of being fixed seating and and having a you know dedicated uh you know lighting Booth space and things like that so the flip is hard um uh sometimes in the other spaces um and the acoustic treatment can be challenging but you know it's a it's a significant um savings to take uh you know uh 4,000 square ft um out of your project so any uh I go back to D's question then is there any thoughts or on the the any of three of the concepts they definitely looked they looked they looked different than I expected in a good way I think the cafetorium ones um seemed the most like they would have a simpler time transitioning to Auditorium um based on the way the structure of the room is um height of ceiling the way the sound equipment Etc lighting it seemed like it might be a little easier but both of them seem very um very doable maybe slightly more Innovative on the cafetorium side than the gymatorium side but Josh is there any reimbursement if you do a cafetorium gymatorium any difference between them I know if we do an auditorium there's no reimbursement right that would just be on the town is there partial re urement if we the 1600 ft stage is a reimbursable expense so whether you stick that on the cafeteria or gymnasium or uh you know science classroom they they don't that's up to you yeah I guess I this looks better than I the left is interesting looks better than I thought I I grew up with cafetorium but I think it it would be hard in this town to get rid of two auditoriums and go to zero at the middle school level um but I'd be curious to see what the cost uh difference would be at the end of the day and I would recommend that we actually cost them both out and that you not make your decision about the schematic design until you have a hard number in front of you um and we can we could there won't really at this stage of design be a difference between the gymatorium and cafetorium cost-wise I mean we I thought about it and thought well you know probably isn't going to make a lot of difference right now cuz that you're you're looking primarily at the square footage right um so we can certainly do that be sure that's available I do like the cafetorium concept I think from a music family perspective the Acoustics definitely would play better than the gymatorium um I like the fact that we're going to build a cafeteria anyway so adding the stage on to it becomes the embedded cost as opposed to one we take on our own um yeah the seating might not plush chairs but you know we make it work for town meeting and other things so I think that I think that's a really good thing to pursue the other thing I like about the cafetorium is in the final I still want to see the numbers but it does reduce the building Envelope as well on that site which you know based upon what we're hearing may be something we need to take in consideration um you know from from mitigation perspective I I I'll go ahead and add two comments here one in in favor or one argument for why the cafeteria is a good idea uh and why it is the msba isn't reimbursing an auditorium it's about utilization of space so you have X number of students in the school and x amount of square footage they can't be everywhere at once so so if you can utilize a space up to you know 70% of the time that's a lot of air that you're not that's not empty and being conditioned all the time you know so it's a it's a more efficient building if you can have these spaces utilized in multiple ways that's that's the largest argument for it um I'd say The Challenge on the other side about the idea of combining them is that when you have cafeteria use it's middle of the day and it has to be done for that reason so you you cannot easily use that stage for another purpose um because you would have a sound bleed but in your case you have opted to have three music rooms uh a band room course room and a music room so you don't have the same obligation to use the auditorium for music class the way you're currently using it at Glen Brook so that's that gives you some support um I guess I would be curious to hear from other communities who have done a gymnatorium or cafetorium after being in there for a year is it yeah doing what they wanted it to do that was some of the feedback on the East Hampton tour yeah was that the gym it wasn't really working out as well as they had hoped it was great for performances but as you mentioned during the day when they're trying to practice up there and you have gym class at the same time it's it's we did end up installing a wall similar to what we did in grany um but you still get that noise that's coming through nothing's 100% um where you know somebody who's used to an auditorium where it's you know essentially perfectly quiet um and they can practice um but for performances in East Hampton I know you guys went through East Hampton it was it was great you know they the bleachers that could pull out so you could plenty of seating the gym was or the stage was plenty big enough and it functioned as they wanted it to but during that day that D mentioned that they run into the challenges either with a cafetorium or a gymatorium in this project I also want to be clear that the cafeteria size is not enormous I'll I can pull up and check that so the gym has more space to it that's one of the advantages of the gym over the cafeteria as a combined space depending on what you expect your community um event load to be there that that could have some impact um probably too early to ask what the seating capacity cafetorium would we can do a quick calcul while we're sending your Christians right here Nicole I'm just curious also from a um use perspective um when we're talking about shows concerts um events Etc with either a gymatorium or a cafetorium what would be sort of the plan for seating um how many staff members do we need to help set up seating what does that look like what what's the investment when it comes time to host an event in the evening yeah where do we store it all yeah where does it all go how easy is it to pull it back out how many people does it require how many hours does it take those are all factors as well because if it becomes like we have this but also we really use it like twice a year because it's a huge pain in the neck to use well then it's not worth as much as us investing in the auditorium so those would be factors as well okay mve on okay so the reason why we we shared this is because we did want to show some uh Footprints of buildings that were uh adjusted um so you'll see that in the sequence now so again this is we've tried to remind you of some of the slides you've already seen just to keep them on the table that the uh the code upgrades are in front of us as well so this is uh The Carriage forward code upgrade on Glenbrook um you can jump to the next slide this for I wanted to be sure we were thorough enough that anyone reading it later could could review all of this detail um per mba's request will now carry uh the code upgrade for the Williams uh as well uh in the estimating process and this just listing what are the terms of that and expectations and advantages and disadvantages of that um so this is the ad Reno Williams scheme for new 665 at the back where you see the gray area that's a part that would be retained from the existing building that keeps the cafeteria and Auditorium um it stretches the cafeteria into um some of that existing space um and then adds new uh construction Beyond it um we've talked a little bit about uh about uh the advantages of new 665 one of the advantages of an ad Renault is that you get probably in this case um 1% more reimbursement from the msba um I I'm guessing they give a couple points but it depends on how much and we really wouldn't be saving that much of the existing building and that's kind of a relic based on uh on the fact that you they give you a little bit more because you also want to carry more contingency on a renovation because there's a lot that you don't know that you could discover um so uh it's just to kind of help out in that in that situation where you may not have that much uh funding for well thanks um so we talked a lot about the fact that msba will not cover the cost of modulars can we put some context to that like how much is a modular how many do you need how long do we have to like roughly have them for Let's see we have a school of 665 we priced modulars for hoio for a school of 600 and we had that at believe it or not it was it it relates to the duration of construction but at $2 million I would say you're probably three and half four now yeah you're within a a window probably of you know two to two to three and a half somewhere there and that's again yeah s unreimbursed great that's helpful to know thank you um in this site you know you would be also deciding whether to put the the modulars on site or you could conceivably put them at a different location and and Shi the entire School elsewhere um so anyway this uh again focuses on some of the the the challenges here you would retain the auditorium but it's a small Auditorium um and it's then a small Auditorium for a school of 665 students so that Auditorium is serving its current population it would be undersized um and it can't just be simply expanded but it was a valuable space and that's why we we approached it this way um uh there would be some compromises in building energy performance simply because no matter what we do with that renovation there are still some constraints to it um so slightly less performing less well performing than the new school would be but not significantly so because it's not a huge portion um uh there would be some constraints on our selection mechanical systems um as we talked about a great deal earlier um part of the challenge of the code upgrade and the ad Rena is that the existing classrooms anything built in 1950s and 60s has a really relatively low floor to ceiling height so adding new mechanical systems and expecting air conditioning to get into those spaces you'll have to drop ceilings lower so part of why you find that this is getting trickier to do Renovations is because now we have code obligations to bring a lot more air and ventilation into these spaces that requires um uh um ceiling space um you could sometimes do things above the the the roof but that gets not as well performing and and complex so typically you're looking at taking up some of your your vertical space but also some you have more chases as well so you're also taking up some of your um floor space so and in this case that would only be in the ad Rena section the new section would be designed and and construct the way other standards um the site would still allow the geothermal Wells um and it it has the other advantages of the the new Option so um going forward we have a couple more slides on each of these so just to give you plenty of time to look through all these we're going to jump to site and and we can talk about these but we in all of the schemes you're going to see that we're trying to show some of the potential circulation assuming uh 200 parking spaces assuming an outdoor field that again has area around it now that we can adjust the field size um and showing that um how that would generally work throughout the site as well as on the right trying to show as was requested the queuing potential not the queuing that you're planning for because we're only talking about four buses but you know you could um conceptually show more buses here without any conflict um so on the right hand side the yellow reflect the buses and um the white reflect um cars to give you an ability to see the difference between these uh these options as we go through it um how many cars do we know uh yes at the top 60 cars I'm sorry 200 parking spaces 60 cars and seven buses are shown and again that's that's mainly because of the breadth of that area it doesn't mean that seven buses be there um so we're showing um a primary what might end up I would say being likely faculty parking space on the upper left um visitors might uh might also be in that area and then you have um the parking wrapping and extending around so some of the parking is a ways off from the building um and generally uh I don't know if uh the the thinking is still that the safest way into the site is from that um Southeast Corner uh but in this case uh you also have Woolworth continuing as a as a as a road opportunity so you have traffic also going in on the um on the west Corner Southwest and that traffic would continue to move through the site to ww worth and back so this for those who were asking uh at the meeting really kind of keeps that as the primary axis um but it still does um provide the loop on the alternate side to allow us to create the queuing and improve the safety considerations and drop off this is just a underscore it this is the ad Rena option this the ad Rena option even though it says new school on sort of just I want clarify that yeah right the clar simply trying to say that portion of it is new is right um I think service and loading is still a question on my mind on these uh options so on the new ad Reno um but that's a detail we'll work on further um if you go to the next slide uh this just to give you a sense of the plan um so the cafeteria again is extended uh more broadly we would we exploring that you would put the Arts together around the auditorium space so music and art in that end of the the building um we would um the admin spaces are currently small so you'd be expanding your admin but stretching it across um and creating a new visitor entry closer to the heart of the school um that's debatable you could put the entry if you wanted still where it is um but then what we're trying to do is show a similar equivalency of um academic Wings you have a sixth grade Wing um and then um half of the 7th eth and then the rest of the 7th eth above um the gymnasium is placed here to get it closer to the fields um and allows the media center and stem to sit sort of in the heart of the the connection point between um the uh existing and the proposed um it's it lacks kind of integ kind of Integrity but it's viable you know it's it it's stretches out a little bit um uh in some ways but I think that we feel it's viable it does open up and create some great space to the rear that could be utilized as Outdoor Learning space um uh keeps your solar orientation uh as we want it uh and then gives us an opportunities to explore some of the front of the school which would be to the West as kind of um Hardscape entry um Plaza you know as we've seen elsewhere in other designs okay this option we showed you three options I believe last time of different configurations for the new construction three or four um and this one we wanted to uh I think there was a a question about efficiency so we wanted to take one of those schemes that seemed you know kind of Tighter and try and explore that a little bit more partly to show a cafetorium option to you um so that's taking the one we called uh angled wings I think um that uh shows you that with the stage attached to the cafeteria um and you'll see this in plan a little bit more um so all of these options ahead are ultimately have the same benefits in terms of that original list of priorities that you had um that you could uh keep students in Williams while this is being built um the cost of Glen book demo would not be eligible for reimbursement but Williams would now you you lose the concerns about um compromised educational spaces or ceiling Heights um you get some better daylighting um and uh it does meet it it allows us to work with the district to try meet those adjacency goals the district had throughout rather than having to kind of compromise them um go to the next slide this is also you'll see 12,476 Square F feet that's uh important to note uh because that shows the difference when you include the auditorium um in site plan this uh again takes from what you saw previously where we're again trying to do 200 parking spaces but all the the we would be redoing completely that field area at the back um it's hard to see because the underlying building there is in white but that area around the field would all be green space as well as the the far north east corner um and you can kind of see that what this does is it puts a very um twostory wall pretty much towards Williams that was one of the things that we found in our conversation was a challenge you you'll see that but it brings all the classrooms to the front puts all the community spaces to the rear and allows you an access um uh directly through a plaza into the building at the rear for uh nighttime events or basketball um Etc and then you see that dashed line around through the green is that um sort of soft line that reflects um the fire and police access that would only be in emergency conditions and that that would obviously get designed based on what we do back there but that's simply to imply that you have 360 support around the school hey dor just the one question I have they all show a central Corridor which I know they said they wanted I mean from a safety perspective does do we have like a a safety consultant who signs off on that okay right right right yeah you'll have a safety consultant who'll be very involved and okay y I just think the line of sight can be good and bad different perspectives yeah it's actually really controversial question you know okay thank you yeah um at this point these are pretty schematic you how how undulating that is is is ahead um so just in plan view you see that uh this separates a calf and media center a little bit um because we have to get those um those classrooms around the gymnasium and all the support spaces around the gym gives a Gym North light and capture a North light which can be really nice um uh it gives the classrooms the lighting they need um and does have a very very strong central axis and it's a probably from a traffic flow it gives you this like point in the middle here that a lot happens where we we're showing sort of un unli stairs it keeps the admin to the front of the school facing towards Williams um so I think it has a very strong read as being a school from Williams as you drive by um which some people may prefer um uh otherwise it does have those spaces around the school that can allow for Outdoor Learning and particularly focusing on stem so across from the media center are this stem space spes um and then we have um music classrooms near to the cafeteria in order to be adjacent to the stage and it keeps a loading dock to the West um this option is the extension of uh furthering of the design that was um pretty strongly supported um previously uh there was a request to look at how that might create a kind of a if you'll see in the site plan um if the queueing goes up and back um that perhaps there needs to be an entry to the West rather than to the South so this actually allows for both accommodations again um this option includes the auditorium can you hold on for one second so I'm looking at that plan again that plan cues 100 cars versus the 60 that we had in yes okay so 100 cars in the queue yeah okay yeah thanks um so you can see this is a larger footprint this reflects all we've done this with the gym um an auditorium and also then with um a a gymatorium but it could be a cafetorium it's just we just wanted to differentiate a little bit here um so I think that you now know the values of the new versus Beno going to the next slide uh so this is just a small revision of what you saw relatively speaking on this one we tightened up that parking so that they were all consistently 200 um this shows 100 vehicles in queuing and it shows the potential for as many as seven buses queuing um and it shows that play area with that circulation going around so those are the major changes again it does keep the the width of a of the road widens road really to allow um the circulation through from Woolworth through the site but not as a direct path um and uh it it becomes kind of separated from the parking going to the east side of the site rather than the west side of the site and then in uh plan just uh keep this concept in mind as we shift to the next one but it shows the cafeteria having nice outdoor uh space but also connected to the gymnasium um and uh and allows the auditorium and gym still to have that strong Community Connection to the rear of the site um where that larger parking space is um and again partly based on conversations with the district that idea of visitor entry and then a second secondary entry around admin um uh so that again from the from Williams it the school would not feel as overwhelming driving by it wouldn't kind of close the site off because it's a narrower front um and you instead um break the mass up into chunks um which I think also potentially has uh a more positive relationship to the scale of the neighborhood um yeah sorry on that design so you mentioned that you get a nice light on the cafeteria if it was on the uh the north side is that so is the cafeteria be kind of dark here a little wait it wouldn't be dark it would be west facing because the ceter will have super high ceilings but it is more west facing um and we we're concerned about that as well we sort of played with it two ways I we kept it there because the principal liked uh having the ability to sort of supervise the cafeteria easily from a main axis it would also be possible for the for this to be designed such that it would be more within that second bar and have more North light instead of West or a combination of north and west so it could be configured in different ways and and kind of getting reactions is helpful um but we were trying to um support their desire to have the gym calf connection and the calf media center and Corridor connection and have it be kind of essentially part of that that end of the school and and easily accessible to everyone roughly the if you add the auditorium it adds roughly how much square footage all things being equal if you add if you add an auditorium 4,988 4,980 okay more or less more or less and again you know those become the rules that we we try to live with yeah no so um uh so this this option then you're moving now into the next option where the stage just to explore the option uh we put the stage at the end of the gymnasium um so you you drop that square footage down um going into the next uh slide here um you don't see a lot of difference in the plan because it's it's a relatively small change um what's actually happening I believe is that top bar is is kind of shifting a little a little bit is what you mostly see you know the next slide I think we're going see that laid out there right so you see that purple chunk um so circulation into the gym and that in a sense kind of is different than than the grandby where it was on the side um and it if I would say if the stage were in the gymnasium then we would design the gymnasium to feel good as as a presentation space it would it would put a different Challenge on us to do that but that just becomes part of the challenge um that you see the the cafeteria here has that position I was talking about where it's north with a little bit of West so um shift there um cafeteria has its own access through on the interior so all things that we can explore um so I just thought we'd pull back to this slide which we used in the community meeting to remind you what we're looking at here at the moment for cost estimating pending your decisions here so Glen Brook code upgrade and Williams code upgrade are required um to be estimated and carried forward um one's already been done the other will be done um now we're looking at the ad Rena Williams 665 um uh the um New Williams so the 3700 Square F feet is the size of the Williams Auditorium um the difference of the new um auditor full Auditorium is gets a little bit bigger um and then the cafetorium and gymatorium options just you know as you've seen uh new option um so at this point we could take all of these in or just essentially you know eliminate in our minds one of the the green uh is is your call really because they're going to price out the thing um and then you can there's no real need to we can stop and talk about these but this just puts us back here and then this is if you want to as we did before where we had a matrix and you all talked about it you talked about wanting to communicate with it we can do that again if you go to the next slide we now eliminate that and try and then take us to what we're looking at here in a numerical way and again this is up to you all to to to revise further as you like yeah I mean I think at this point we need the numbers yeah to even go any further yeah anybody disagree or no it's kind of arbitrary there Five Points one point swing on Space needs Envision we have to decide if it's worth how much that's worth right and if the 1% reimbursement or whatever else yeah me I know it's on 100 million so 100% is a lot of money right yes all right great then you uh this is just uh I'm not going to speak to it because it's way out of my Lane little uh so we know that there are C issues is on William Street right now um so we looked at adding a eastbound left turn lane on William Street and this would be entering a proposed driveway um that was that was shown in the the concept plans um and now the site would be or the uh the brand new buildings would be designed to accommodate cues within the site um so we would hope that that would mitigate the queuing issues experienced today um but we thought that a left turn lane uh would uh further limit any potential cues on William Street um so the the red lines I don't know if you everyone could see those okay but those are the RightWay lines um so we able to fit this within the existing rway um with a little bit of widening on the north side of William Street um and we held the southern curve line because you do have steep slope there that we're trying to avoid impacting um and yeah so this turn lane would accommodate about six vehicles um a little bit less if there's a bus or two in there but we feel that um this would definitely help with the queuing issues under a new school this definitely taking the design beyond the PSR phase that we're at but we thought with interest with this specific spefic issue um you know thanks to time bond for really getting into more detail than we're used to getting into at this phase of the project but wanted to evaluate the possibility of this uh uh since we're hearing from time Bond what's going on with what's the plan on any of these with wber are you at that point are that is that expected as an entryway at all or is that exit so as part of the traffic study we looked at a single access point where it is today at Williams and closing off W worth that was kind of the worst case scenario you're you're bringing all the all the traffic to a single point um so we expect to see uh better operations if you're adding um the two driveways on blam Street plus an additional access point on Woodworth you're just further dispersing the traffic headed the school I think it's really important that we keep Walworth open as an entryway it would help this side immensely and people are going to drive that way if it's closed off anyway and so uh if we take that into consideration and this I think this this would be very helpful as well be a good idea yeah I I just want to clarify though just you ran multiple scenarios one of those scenarios was closing Woolworth it was a possibility it wasn't a decision there was nothing made it was a what would happen if we closed it off on the site then we looked at multiple other scenarios of wiing the road making the the loop I just want to make people understand that there are multiple scenarios that are being looked at so that nothing can be said that they didn't look at all of that the committee didn't look at all of the opportunities that presented itself with the traffic is that a fair yeah that's correct we we were only tasked with looking at two scenarios I mean we could have come up with you know 10 scenarios to look at um and the reality is when we get to the the town approval process in I guess 202 um we'll know the exact um access to the site and we'll really nail down into those details to reflect what's really going to be happening out there and then Christian let me just qu like be careful what you said and make sure I State this correctly yeah is that at this point in any school building project this is far deeper than you would be expecting for a traffic study and or traffic schematic until we got to sight selection and then we would do a a far more detailed uh study of all of the options right exactly right okay thank you I think one thing that's interesting about this is that I think in the community meeting you actually said well you know turning lane it's only going to hold a small number of cards and it's not going to be helpful and you're right at the moment when you have a lot of parents trying to get in it's not going to make any difference but there's a lot of the day where you know I drive now down to uh through Long Meadow often and I find myself at waiting you know for somebody to get out of the way on a two-lane road and it could be a while so so it it helps I think keep things moving uh the rest of the day when you have that turning area so it you're you were right about that but we did think it was helpful to as as whenever we can we try to visualize it so people can see it um and that that I think helps the conversation no this is awesome I'm glad you guys pushed this forward um Nicole no you actually said what I was wondering is that there is much more traffic studying to come um which was my I wanted to clarify that as well um that this was earliest stages and is it accurate to say what was said at the top of the meeting which is as far as Woolworth either you keep that open as an access off of bliss or you have to create the large turnaround to for vehicles yeah I mean at this point all of our site plans are looking at connec ww through in one manner whether it's straight down or curving around the site and we would make sure that all those turning radiuses worked with you know various vehicles and we'll do that for the loading dock and for drop off and pickup and bus dur radiuses will run all of those calculations so yeah the idea of a turnaround there was just taking up so much space it was it would it wouldn't have helped the project it would have just compromise the site further um so it was agreed you know keep being open seems to be the preferred solution police and fire felt that way also any other questions for our friend from time B do you have anything else to add or um do we want to talk a little bit about the circulation on site sure or or if if there are I mean we went through it quite a bit before so and in terms of our previous meeting so I I think this group's already somewhat familiar do you if you have any specific questions about any of those options and the circulation issues there my only question you so the plans for the most of them show the ability to hold 100 cars on site how quick do you turn those over I guess is or or do you anticipate it I mean it really comes down to the operations of the parents and the teachers and I think dor you had a good example at a magnet school maybe right yeah and we've talked about that with the district about about the possibility that you actually have a sequence where you know your parents queue up and you have staff there and they you know everybody has a a sort of parents are told long ahead of time this is exactly the minute at which we will out take students that students will come out of the car and the cars move forward you know in chunks and we do it and the longer you have that Quee the easier that sequence becomes which is kind of what one reason why that long Plaza area sort of is is an intriguing one because it could speed that sequence more so as part of the plans though for the school for schematic design and traffic study we would try and marry those too like we're going to 10 cars through boom Another 10 cars another 10 cars whatever the process is exactly no um this might be a question for you but it also might be a question for Lynn um as well um when you're doing down the line the more involved versions of traffic studies um is there a number of cars what's sort of the Tipping Point where a decision might be reached that it would be wise to have um a traffic officer on site during drop off and Pickups to facilitate the turning right and turning left out of the lot is there what what are the criteria that there criteria I mean if if there was a safety issue that the district found and thought an officer might be helpful that would be up to them um so there's not a set traffic standard for that sort of thing I'm just thinking down the lines of I mean right now of course we have far more students leaving the high school but they're turning on to a side road whereas this would be funneling cars at both drop off and at the end of the day at pickup back out onto what is already a main road um in town which means you might have a lot of backup happening from people turning left out onto the road so I'm just curious if we've had any discussions with the police department yet or if they've had any thoughts about if there might be a need for an officer to kind of keep that traffic moving what would be there to we haven't talked about that aspect of it um I since you're asking me right now um I would hope that whatever design we come up with the solution does not include having a traffic officer there as part of the long-term plan okay yeah the financial aspect and then the logistical aspect of scheduling that every day twice a day for the full school year is would be challenging okay did you have something else to add when get further into into design we can look at warrants for adding turn Lanes like You' have a dedicated left and dedicated right turn lane so if you're okay taking a left you're not so if you're taking a right you're not waiting behind those folks uh turning left onto onto Williams that might be waiting a little bit longer um whe you know it might be quicker to take a right go on the the lock to get to your back to your house yes um so i' I've observed and been caught in the traffic issues at all of the schools but what I'm not again this is I guess a context question at each site do we know how many cars drop off or pick up approximately every day like how many is 100 cars going to absorb all of that or is that like where is that in terms of where is 100 cards in terms of what we see daily now I I don't have a good I was out there on a right day and I you know I don't know if that's indicative of the you have 100 cars in que where are the other cars where's the the I'm sorry it's out of water just um I guess to reframe my question did we do any traffic counts or maybe it's premature right now for Williams or Glen Brook to know how many average car drop offs there are for morning or pickups in the afternoon we did not do uh pickups in drop offs we just the traffic turning into the site um but I mean knowing there's only there only one bus currently so we could we could tell you how many vehicles are turning into the site over a 2hour span when we did our our traffic counts so that that would give you a pretty good sense and we have all that data we can provide okay and that is part of the detailed traffic and site perspective we which we will get into with schematic design correct yeah and you know the population change in terms of number of siblings and how many families so not every individual student comes in a car so it's a it's a different number than that and the district gives us information that we work from at this phase you know and and you're you know the the greater detailed traffic study will get more granular and and it's a hard number hard number to know four years from now because what will our busing policy be and you know what will you know how much access you know will families want for busing um and I think you know we could know the number that that Lynn's talking about but again you can't compare how we currently absorb 100 cars to how we would absorb 100 cars on a new campus Because the way we currently absorb 100 cars is terribly inefficient and the way we currently on the current site the way it's currently operationally set up and the way the roadways are set up we don't load and unload students very efficiently and so in a redesign site you're able to move cars much more efficiently you're able to extend the drop off zones and we would have to pay really significant administrative attention to how we um what our expectations are for unloading students from Cars you're also creating potentially additional entry points for kids to come into the school so there's way to there's certainly ways to make it a more efficient process and with better safer more efficient roadways it no doubt will happen yeah Josh while we're thinking about the design building design options I the scores are the same except for the difference seems to be Auditorium versus a cafetorium Gori is there I from an educational stand point and as educational Architects and Consultants is there any it's either designed better educationally I know that's a maybe a dumb question but are are there advantages to either one uh over the other um that's a tough question because there's so many things to it um we've tried to to apply the same rules based on the visioning process uh to to each of them some are easier than others like that's why I was saying that I can't say for sure that um in the ad Rena we have to place certain things in the existing building and and those will be compromised for sure um they they would not be as nice art rooms or music rooms as you would get in a new school and we we put them together in an area which could be very nice to have a neighborhood of art um there had been a desire for steam stem and art to be kind of adjacent related um otherwise a lot of the things are are are really kind of similar we've tried to keep the same neighborhood strategies in place for all options at this point um like the curved spine does that separate the kids differently or is it generally the neighborhoods it's doing the same thing part of what of what's a Big Driver here is that you have a larger first floor than second floor and you want to keep your second floor efficient and so we've tried to do that in every scheme um uh the the connection point in the ad Rena a challenge which is why we kind of pushed it off a little bit to make it somewhat uh it's a little less efficient than it might be but it's actually more structurally feasible um but between the two new options the I I think there's a kind of um uh a density of all the the of the Wings being kind of coinciding um that that is you have basically all your academic together and then everybody goes someplace else whereas the the spine kind of has a little bit more I think social relationship that I think would be a little bit more successful um a little bit more overlap um and I think it gets daylighting into the building in a more interesting way um so it can can be beneficial that way the other thing you'll notice I'd say in the more efficient version we actually think it's probably ultimately a bit smaller because if you look at it we've positioned the classroom such that the the window is on the narrow end of the classroom so those classrooms will not have as much natural lighting um they'll still be the same size um we'll still try and create the same feeling but um in I'll talk about this goal as an example of that right so it's got a great sense of neighborhood but it does have long narrow you know classrooms with a window at the end which means that you're artificially lighting more of the room um and you're getting a little bit less natural light so that's a a classroom distinction that we would we typically try and favor getting more light on the long wall of the classroom where we can any further question other thoughts right let's move on to the site survey investigations yeah um just an update we shared the the Hazmat information at the last meeting uh just to give you an update the site survey is completed and being compiled right now which is really exciting um and the geotechnical report uh hold on one second I just want to make it clear to everybody about the Hazmat that um to the best of my knowledge and L you can get me on this that that is in totally encapsulated has those materials at this point it's not exposure but it does remediated if we go and this to take down the schools right thanks cuz I have heard a couple comments in the community in the last couple weeks about there being asbest in the school and I just want to make sure they understand it's encapsulated ASB bestus as opposed to free and loose yes it's often underneath the floor tiles and places like that yeah so it's it's it's very much intact um um but it's important to note that those figures reflect costs that are a part of any demolition of either of those two buildings uh and any AD renovation project as well thanks D um uh so just as the site survey is complete um and it's coming our way soon um the hydrant and flow test is still scheduled for July 17th the Geotech report is uh we spoke to them today it's not come to us in writing yet um but we have class D soils it's viable for construction um we'll do more testing uh when we get more specific as where in the site we're going to be uh building so we'll do more tests in the next phase of design once we narrow to our our our envelope location um but generally positive results so far um the ground Source well test has not yet um been done so that's still in front of us okay all right upcoming we've got next steps um Adam I'm looking at you on this one we have our next meeting schedule for the second third second week do we need an additional one at the end of the month for the submission review yeah so if we're looking at the end of [Applause] August I'm looking at the committee is anybody gone what's our next meeting again our next meeting the 14th of August right I'm when is our cost we're looking at our cost estimate window right and then being sure that they respond after that right um and it is possible we would ideally have a a second meeting to affirm the vote it would be great to to plan for a second meeting and it would be probably a fairly short meeting between the 14th and the 29th um so like on the 26th or 27th is a Tuesday 27th doesn't matter to me I mean whatever people think works best for that first day of school the what day is the first day of school 27 that's huh 27 everyone we'll schedule a second one for 27 we go anybody on the board have anything else just a quick question yes L um when are you closing the survey that's up to you all um when would you like to close it it's I think we've reported out on it I mean just my opinion it's kind of like okay now we've reported out on it why would we keep it yeah it's definitely slowed down so I yeah it's a tough time of year just curious just curious I won't promote it if we're going to close it yeah I'd be inclined to for the reasons Armen identified I'd be inclin to close it that's that makes sense that does not foreclose the possibility of posting of another one when people might be more available all right is there a motion to adjourn so Move Motion adjourn is there second second moved and seconded Marty yes Nicole yes Josh yes Chris yes Lenn yes Julie yes Armen yes we are adjourned here e