##VIDEO ID:FCDbOtnRNsQ## good y this meeting is being conducted in compliance with the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by advertisement in the cape Mayar and wave on the township website and POS it on the bullon boards of township hall we request anyone wishing to address Council please wait for the mayor to recognize you please state your name and address for the record and please remember all comments must be kept to 3 minutes or less thank you please stand for pledge of lead a moment of silence pledge Alle flag the United States of America to the for it stands one nation indivisible and jce for all roll call please council member Conrad here council member Coons here council member Roy here Deputy Mayor Parry here mayor SI here okay we have nothing on the work session we move that Cass agenda anybody from Council want to comment on Cass agenda nothing com nothing Council anybody from the public want to comment on the consent agenda only we'll close the public portion approval of the minutes from August 5th 2024 and resolutions 2024 270 through 2024 4 281 is there motion move forward make a motion second a motion council member Conrad yes council member yes council member Roy yes Deputy Mayor Parry yes mayor SLE yes okay we all had a chance to look at the engineer report does anybody from Council have any questions on the engineer report for the township engineer answered no questions thank you okay we're move right down to public comment anybody from the public want to come up to comment and address Council on any issues and so it's open to this point yes sir you want to come up yes if you go to the microphone and state your name and address for us please yes um my name is Alex philipov 117 Town Bank Road or 38 stle Chas Drive Turnersville New Jersey um I'm hoping I'm at the right place for this but I've had several discussions with various um police officers and they suggested that I come here the issue is there's a serious speeding problem on Town Bank Road it's to the point where I would say it's a safety concern of many of the people that live there um I've on at least six occasions seen cars going in excess of 70 miles an hour that's usually on Friday Saturday night I'm assuming those are your people leaving Harpoon Henry's that want to have a little bit of a Yahoo um it is worse on weekends it's bad sometimes in the mornings I you know I really don't see any of a enforcement of the current speed limit um and and there's really no deterrence on this road of any kind with the amount of traffic on this road you we're I'm really surprised at this um there's I sit there and watch for days sometimes just so I have facts that I present um there's different categories of people that are that enjoy this um I'm not I really don't know what I don't want to say too much but I think I'm I just want to get this point across and ask for any kind of uh recommendations or just maybe some things that can be done um it's definitely an issue I've spoken with many of the PE other residents on this street I received all kinds of responses in you know where people have said 60 60s nothing around here I've talked to a deputy that said Town Bank Road has been a mess for a long time um i' I've seen comments from officers that have told me that they uh greatly reduced the number of tickets they write because it's frustrating to them to go to court and have them thrown out um because it's their personal time that they spend so you know all these things facts that I've gathered you know I'm just I really don't know you know what what I should do or is there anything that could be done you know I drive around and I observe other roads where they have all these deterrents and the amount of traffic on some of these roads and I compare them to where we are and I'm just I'm just amazed at times if nothing's ever been done or brought up before I understand something was brought up before according to want a person down the street but um it it's pretty bad you know I would gladly I you know said to the one of the officers I'll sit here with a radar gun and just film it all night and come in with with what I see if you know and I don't think there's any disagreement with what I see so that's my um that's my big concern um it's only a matter of time before there's going to be a f fatality on that road uh much as I hate to say it and it's it's been close a few times these cars come flying down there at night while people are walking up and down the street like nothing there's no concern for any limit there I'm not going to describe the kind of vehicles I don't think I need to okay sir the uh the first step is for a manager we contact the chief of police tomorrow and look into it and see what measures we can take to make it safer over there okay so uh we've done this before of course uh but that's his contact information so maybe if you gave him a a couple days call the manager up and he'll actually tell you what we're doing about it to try to help things out yes I've spoken with I think four different officers and the last one suggested that you know any kind of deter it's all you know he said well they all work for the chief of police so he'll talk to the chief we'll figure things out okay thank you so much all right okay thank you thank you for coming mik to just to touch on the speed limit on that road we had it reduced it's 35 um from from bashore road to the Bay it used to be 40 uh we requested it to be reduced uh through the county Engineers office and they reduced it to 35 deputy mayor when did they do that speed speed study yeah it's it's it's a County Road sir so we don't really have control on that all many not many okay we'll look into it okay um anybody else from the public want to address Council I see none we'll close the public portion we'll do the council comments I have a just a a couple to put out just a reminder tomorrow at the ferry is the children's assistance fund fundraiser starts at 5:30 Amish Outlaws is the band there and also we had a b fat Mees rescheduled to August 28th we had to move it because of the rain um we recently were're dealing with the New Jersey pack SL the new D rules as far as flood zones and those kind of things just as a reminder we had a presentation from L Max Consultant Group here at one of our council meeting it's post to online to be viewed we sent out a letter in the tax bill for the township to try to get information out to the residents we also sent a letter from the township went out last week so shent the mailbox I think on Friday actually on Saturday or today the clerk's office has put all this information online on the township website uh there's ways to go in there click on there you can email the governor directly on this we also have maps of the projected flood zones for for lower Township post it on the website uh the county also published a flyer with a QR code you can take a picture of that and send your comments to the state too if you choose so that's all I have and I'll pass it to Deputy Mayor Perry I have really no comments tonight councilman Roy nothing to speak of councilman nothing to add councilman Conrad people please listen to the thing about the DP regulations it's going to affect this Township greatly we're trying to push it out as much as we can and mayor's been covering it and trying to stay on top of it as much as he can and I thank him for that thank you councilman uh that's all I have is there a motion for a Clos session resolution number 20 24-28 a resolution providing for a meeting not open to the public in accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey open public meetings Act njsa 10 4-12 this is attorney client privilege all right thank you now do it again is there a motion for make a motion second council member Conrad yes council member Tom yes council member Roy yes Deputy Mayor Perry yes mayor yes y Wednesday