##VIDEO ID:bwo7Qo-L15o## conducted in compliance with the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by advertisement in the Cape May star and wave on the township website and posted on the bulleon boards of township hall we request anyone wishing to address Council please wait for the mayor to recognize you please state your name and address for the record and please remember all comments must be kept to three minutes or less thank you please stand for pledge lead a moment of silence I pledge flag United States of America roll call please council member Conrad here council member kums here council member Roy here Deputy Mayor Parry here mayor sippo here okay we'll move down to the CATE agenda there's nothing on the work session tonight so any Council comments on to get S agenda no comments no no from Council is anybody from the public want to comment on the consent agender only not yet no just I see I'm close the public portion is there a motion to move forward this motion second um approval of the minutes from September 4th 2024 and resolutions number 224 291 through 2024 313 council member Conrad yes council member kums yes council member Roy yes Deputy Mayor Perry yes mayor Sipple yes engineer report Mr Hansen thank you mayor and councel uh this evening I'll be presenting the report on behalf of De Blasian Associates just giving an overview of all the capital projects currently underway in the township First Capital project is Rotary Community Park Renovations this project is being completed in two phases uh phase one has been complete and a 400,000 small D small cities DCA Grant was uh utilized for that phase phase two includes a new bathroom building additional playground equipment Pavilions and an additional parking area um design is well underway for that we're working with the Architects and the uh site me on that and that we're working to get that out to bid soon the bay outfall extension project uh the proposed work includes designs and permits to extend 15 Bas Bayside outfalls to improve drainage along the Delaware Bay uh the permit plans uh were completed some time ago and our office have submitted for a waterfront development permit and cfer permit application to the njde um and we're awaiting approval for those the third Capital project is the 2024 NJ doot Municipal aid program reconstruction of Ridgewood Avenue the proposed work includes milling and Paving Ridgewood Avenue from bashore road to the Western end of Ridgewood Avenue uh so an application was submitted on behalf of the township to the NJ doot for municipal aid for this project that was granted by the NJ do in the amount of $200,000 uh the township then elected to apply for an additional grant for this road um via the NJ do local aid grant program we've submitted this application so we're still waiting to hear back on that um the Project's been surveyed it's 90% designed we're just waiting to hear back on that Grant application in order to put that project out to public bid Capital project number four the 2023 stormwater GIS mapping Services the proposed work for this project includes updating the existing lower Township masterer drainage planed to include all storm water infrastructure improvements today a $25,000 Municipal storm water assistance grant has been awarded to lower Township by the njd to fund this project our office has been working with the lower Township Department of Public Works to complete this project and that uh that's been going well the Francis Avenue storm sewer project the proposed work includes connecting the existing stormwater system on Francis Avenue to the existing palum station on Ohio Avenue to all alleviate flooding on Francis Avenue uh all the piping work has been completed for this project the project area was base pay ped last Thursday there'll be roughly a 30 to 45 day settlement period before we final PVE the road the David Douglas senior senior Memorial Park Renovations the proposed work for this project includes reconstruction and expansion of the existing parking lot to provide more parking relocating of the existing Memorial and redesigning it new site amenities new decorative footpath new seating area along the K canal and an observation deck um we are currently going through the K May County open space um process for funding we submitted an initial application that earlier in the year that received a lot of positive feedback uh we're working towards a final application at the moment U the most recent update is last week we met with the Douglas family and lower Township and um a county commissioner down on site just to talk about how we're going to memorialize David Douglas that that meeting went really well um we have some great ideas so our office is working towards getting the final plans together which we should be submitting to the Open Space Program pretty soon the lower Township Public Works building design the proposed work includes uh new Public Works Administration building and Associated utilities and also a new site layout including the elimination of the Southern entrance to the site a concept designed for both the building and site layout was presented to the township and now we're into the final designs uh we're we're working on them uh towards putting it out to public bid hopefully in a couple months the Corson lane roadway resurfacing the proposed work includes resurfacing Corson lane from Wilson Road to the southern end of Corson Lane this project uh went out to public bid last Wednesday this isn't in your report but it's being awarded it was on the consent agenda the low bidder was South State in the amount of $163,600 the proposed work includes replacing the storm sewer from homes Avenue to the Hughes Avenue and Scott Avenue intersection resurfacing the roadway and the installation of concrete curbs and sidewalks in various areas uh this project area has been surveyed and base mapped um currently we're in discussions with the MUA as they're doing utility work there so they're um we actually had a meeting with them last week which went well and they've decided to do some work in that area so we have a game plan as to how to approach that project moving forward the lower Township ipal pool building evaluation the proposed work includes uh in evaluating the current municipal pool building for ADA compliance so we did that in order to apply for a 2024 njdca small cities Grant to replace the building uh we submitted that Grant it was approved and the township has received a $400,000 Grant towards that project the final Capital project Capital project number 11 is the 2025 NJ do Municipal aid program reconstruction of Beach Avenue the proposed work includes milling and Paving Beach Avenue from Spruce Avenue to Maryland Avenue uh similarly to other n Grant projects we're awaiting news on that Grant um but we're ready to get working on it once we receive uh the status of the grant back um thank you mayor and Council I'm happy to answer any questions if you guys had any any questions no all right thank you good job thank you okay this time we're open up to the public for P public comment so if you want to come to the microphone state your name and address for the record and it'll be for public comment only not question and answer period you're it Walt Rosenberg 103 apple blossom North Cape May I just have some questions about about the uh a movie that was being filmed down in Douglas Park a couple weeks ago or you folks aware of that uh yes sir this is a public comment Port part of the meeting so it's not question answer uh but we all familiar with the the movie was being filmed and answer your questions yes okay and I'll just ask questions then uh no this not a question answer period okay if you have any question for the film you want to be answered you make an appointment with Mr lafy come in and we'll be glad to answer any kind of questions you have okay so do I ask him questions or no no no just make you uh schedule meet with with Mr lafy the manager and we'll work through all your questions that you have though okay my commentary is pretty simple okay um I go down there every evening walk my dog go down on the beach I observed three two RVs in a trailer that were sitting there and most interesting I also observed two Polaris uh UTV Vehicles sitting right next to them on the beach um the next evening I went down again as soon as I got down on the beach I noticed that there were ruts in the beach was about half tied ruts in the beach from the water to the dunes and we were there a little late so as I'm walking back it was getting dark so I see these two Polaris vehicles coming from about 900 yards to the Northeast down the beach side by side so that they could Converse back and forth and uh that was interesting to see and then the next day I took a walk down there and I gather because the tide was high they found it convenient to take these Polaris Vehicles up on the dunes which I then walked off what they had done there's a rut all the way through for about 450 yards to the Northeast all the dun grass is torn down where they rutted it out my curiosity is a how did they get a permit to do that b how come nobody was down there to supervise them to stop them from riding those things on the beach which I believe is not allowed but that's a question so I guess you can't answer that um just want to know how that could all happen with no supervision it's a mess and I know it's extraordinarily expensive to replace all that grass seems odd that there was no supervision or no rules laid out as to what these people could do or not do they're called wozy Productions LLC they're part of United pictures if anybody cares to Google that group my advice would have been that before they got a permit did somebody Googled that group and found out what they were all about I'm being very careful here as to what I say or don't say but anybody who cares to Google those two entities especially United pictures which is who they're doing it for um someone might have been a little more cautious and asked a few more questions of this group as to what their intentions were on our beach okay I'll say this sir that um I want to thank you for coming out today to bring to our attention uh we are aware of it uh the chief the police is involved with it uh there's investigation going on right now and the manager is also involved with this investigation so as as far as we can really talk about this point uh but we're fully aware of it and we're taking our next step that's great I'm glad to hear it yeah thank you for coming out today I'm not a cranky old dude no no I mean we need we need people that could come to the council meeting okay I want to thank you for that well I I appreciate the time and I really care about about our environment in a lot of ways sure and Mr I'm not crazy about it you know yeah no but you're also willing to come in talk to Mr Lafia manager any issue you want to talk about with the film crew down air uh but as far as the investigation it's an ongoing investigation that we really can't elaborate this point on ah Come on can't do it I won't tell anybody I know no but they guy in the front row over there will Jack and thank you for wearing the Eagles hat to the meeting today oh absolutely where's CS I already know where he knew you were coming that's why he took off tonight I don't blame him for he's here he's on the he's on the telephone he called in I know where he is okay jeal thank you again for coming in anybody else from the public want to comment I close the public comment portion uh we start with councilman Conrad you anything nothing tonight councilman comes no comment councilman Roy no comment Deputy Mayor no comment okay I have two items to put out one is I want to thank the township staff for putting together probably the best 9911 ceremony in the county I'm told close to 400 people came out to the ceremony which is a which is a good thing for the township um we had the Run for the Fallen it's a 4-day run of honor to honor and remember the Fallen service members from New Jersey the Run begins at 7:35 a.m. at Sunset Beach on Thursday September 26th and then Sunday evening at the Vietnam vet Memorial Homedale New Jersey they'll be running through lower Township between 9:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. stopping at the Sam in school approximately 9:35 a.m. and lower C Regional at 10:00 a.m. with the honor of Michael Sosa a graduate lower C Regional who was killed at combat Outpost Katon in Afghanistan so uh that's all I have uh other than that I'll make a motion to adjourn second all in favor IJ good