notice that this meeting has been provided by advertisement in the Cape May star and wave on the township website and posted on the bulletin boards of town chapal we request anyone wishing to address Council please wait for the mayor to recognize you please state your name and address for the record and please remember all comments must be kept to three minutes or less thank you I please stand for the pledge of leading some moment silence and uh please remember Sergeant Rivers Sergeant muffett Sergeant Saunders three soldiers recently killed in the Middle East pledge FL flag United States of America stand na indivisible andice roll call please council member Conrad here council member J here council member Roy here Deputy Mayor Perry here mayor here okay uh the first thing on the work session is the uh word of the value or veterans community word to the township um it's a special day for us I want to thank uh retired s major Marty Soder Department of military veterans affairs for coming here today to present this award and Christopher chin from con conman Andrew's office also for coming here to present the award to the township want to also thank Colonel retired Bill peace who assisted with this award and the VFW Post 5343 to villas who has stepped up and help throughout the township provide many service to our veterans uh without the support from the VFW this would not be possible and a special thank you to Tom simple and Bill Howard they go over and Beyond every day the week to take care of the veterans in the township I like to also recognize some elective officially here today Commissioners bar Colette um Mary Hayes county S thank you for coming uh some in Eric simonon could not make it he called me before the meeting started he's Ted up at work but Eric never misses a meeting in the township he's a big advocate for a veterans I want to thank ER for that it's important that our elected officials attend these types of functions they must always know how much our veterans have sacrificed and need to continue to advocate for veterans like to I like to challenge the county to do the same thing ler Township has done uh commissioner dear Colette if you want to get involved with this program uh our clerk's office would gladly send you information to uh apply for this award but the folks I really want to thank and recognize why the veterans and friends are here today the ones that could not make it less than 1% of the population joins the military and wears uniform to to keep us all safe many in this room have missed the birth of a child and many birthdays while serving to protect us I salute you so before we ask Mr SAR to come up and present this award I'd like to talk about a few things the township has done to receive this award we we provided Reserve parking for Purple Heart recipients and disabled veterans to W the township we changed the name of one of our streets from station way to Veterans way we've asked businesses attention to provide military discounts to our veterans we hope corly Round Table meetings to help veterans we honor veterans at our Council meetings we have veterans speak at schools we hold annual Memorial Day and Veteran Day ceremonies we List veterans resources on the township website we honor remember PS Mia and Ghar families we list veteran businesses on the township website our staff volunteer and veter several veterans events throughout the year and we hold the annual Day Parade the only Municipality of the county that has this parade so this time I'll ask retire s maor SAR please come to the podium and uh present this award to the township mayor simple council members on behalf of the Department of uh military B affairs I'm here to present this award I read the citation for you the New Jersey governors we value our veteran Awards Community Awards present sented to lower Township in grateful appreciation of your extraordinary efforts to promote a military friendly environment for the veterans of our great state as governor of the state of New Jersey I commend lower Township for the dedication to the values of our state and ensuring our veterans are recognized honored and value for their bravery given under my hand and the great in the sea of the great state of New Jersey Philip D Murphy Governor State of New Jersey thank you Mari thank you you Christopher representing Congressman Andrew's office thank you mayor council unfortunately the congressman couldn't be here this evening uh he's back in DC today U voting on the floor um but as a veteran um it's it's an honor to be here to represent the congressman like the mayor said we spend a lot of time away from home we miss a lot of birthdays we miss a lot of anniversaries we miss a lot of parties most important thing when we come back home is to know that we have the support of our neighbors and our community and there's no doubt with the amount of veterans that are here in attendance and everything that the mayor has said at lower Township has that support of our veterans so on behalf of Congressman van Drew I have a congressional Proclamation here this is issued by the House of Representatives this is the highest honor that he is allowed to give uh and to recognize lower Township uh for receiving this award so congratulations thank you Mr chairman at this time I ask Council to come down with me with the dice to receive these Awards I'm going to ask all the veterans to come up and have a Photoshop with us receiving this award because this awards for the veterans it's not for the township Council it's for the veterans I should say the whole room come [Music] think are you vertical stand [Music] still I don't know P of [Music] don't real nice turn [Music] we if I had to do it again I think I I regret I my father was so H one of us first like all my cousins to go Toge it was kind of I I didn't have any dire I was the first guy in my family to go too like I didn't know anything about R fraternity brother yeah two them made life careers my my best friend from my school ended up going toal Academy you know I didn't know what getting senators all that I didn't know anything about [Music] it I don't know it did look good never seen yet not my entire life break the streak no but I mean don't worry okay we're going to have a two-minute recess and we'll continue with the meeting good to see him you know Mike you could have got cheap loans cheap in if you made it hey CH it was not a hot time I F I had an uncle K Chu take care the Pacific K I think he wants you we'll move down to consent agenda any Council comments cend agenda no comment no comment anybody from the public want to comment on the cend agenda there we'll close the public portion approval of minutes January 17 2024 resolutions number 20 2465 through 202478 is there a motion to move forward I'll make a motion second council member Conrad yes council member yes council member Roy yes Deputy Mayor Perry yes mayor s yes ordinance number 202 2401 an ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a cap Bank njsa council member Kon yes council member Roy yes Deputy Mayor Parry yes mayor s yes okay we move to the public comment anybody from the public want to come to the microphone to address Council you already start moving so you must come up now okay we'll close the public portion we'll go to council comments we go with councilman con R first no comments tonight okay councilman KS nothing to add councilman Roy no we're lucky nothing really to make mention okay Deputy Mayor same here well I got to break the street CU I I got I got a few things in put house sorry about that but uh great night tonight with the award uh want to thank all the veterans that came out here uh for the record but there are a couple things I want to put out here um on February 18th is Remembrance for Dave Douglas was killed in action at 30-year tribute uh to 10:00 a.m. to town bank Volunteer Fire company on Town Bank Road um just a reminder uh K May issues free Peach tags for veterans there'll be a public information meeting given by the state of New Jersey to all residents of the township and outside the township on higsby beach project that's on February 8th at 5:30 in this room next council meeting as a reminder is February 20th it's on a Tuesday because of the holiday holiday so again February 20th Tuesday's next meeting and that's all I have we'll move down to the closed session resolution number 2024 79 a resolution providing for a meeting not open to the public in accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey open public meetings act this is to discuss attorney client privilege and a negotiation update is there a motion for this motion I'll second uh coun I'm sorry council member Conrad yes council member kums yes council member Roy yes Deputy Mayor Perry yes mayor seppo yes so it may be a while but