running around Mike we good what time is it 5 o' okay and me will begin this meeting is being conducted in compliance with the open public meeting act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by advertisement in the cape Mayar and wave on the township website and posted on the bulleon boards of township hall we request anyone wishing to address Council please wait for the mayor to recognize you please state your name and address for the record and please remember all comments must be kept to three minutes or less thank you please stand for pledge of Lance moment silence I pledge United States of America to the stands indivisible roll call please council member Conrad here council member M here council member Roy here Deputy Mayor Perry here mayor sippo here okay today the work session we have a presentation of the creditation to the police department we have the O of office for Captain Mike bang we have a presentation of the Girl Scout cleanup volunteer award program and also we have a Department of Public Safety update by Chief Kevin Lewis to to the public and and Council so this time I ask Mr Dado please come up here and take the podium thank you mayor members of the council um I trouble quite a bit to get here today but for good reason I come to recognize the your Police Department as one of the best police departments in the state of New Jersey and I'm just saying that I bring proof so the uh just to add context of what I'm about to say the lower Township Police Department has been in accreditation for over 10 years in fact this time was the fifth time that they went through our program so if if I just by way of comparison 54% of all the agencies in the state of New Jersey have made it once to our cred agan program 32 2% I made it twice 19% I made it three times 8% I made it four times but when you come to agencies such as theirs that such as yours I should say that made it through uh the acction programs five times they fall into a very elite group of law enforcement agencies of less than 3% in the entire state of New Jersey so that's quite remarkable that they have actually um assimilated the accreditation uh process as such so if you indul me for a couple of minutes I I'd like to share with you the uh sign significance of the achievement so the lower Township Police Department has once again made a commitment to adhering to best practices at the state and National level in a highly regarded Statewide law enforcement accreditation program this program administered to the New Jersey State Association of chiefs of police and the New Jersey Law Enforcement creditation commission has s to transparently demonstrate the professionalism and preparedness of state's law enforcement agencies the New Jersey State Association Chiefs police law enforcement accreditation program is purposefully designed to enhance professional ISM and transparency in the state's public safety system now during this uniquely challenging times and a threat to health and safety encouraging law enforcement agency to follow standardized practices and policies is potentially life- saving and coste effective investment of time and resources now accredit accreditation gives an agency a preparedness plan and a ver a verification of Excellence accreditation status represent a significant achievement in the lower in Township Police Department following best practice has become part of the culture it's just simply the way they deliver Police Services to their communities remarkable uh this March 14 2024 the lower Tang Police Department received this prestigious re accredited agent status for the fifth for the fifth three-year cycle it demonstrates Chiefs Louis firm commitment to maintain him accredited status to remain on track with State and National standards and the contined expectations for Quality professionalism and ethical policing so the lower Township Police Department to achieve this again um believe in the foundation of accreditation which lies in the adop of 112 standards in the state of New Jersey many of which require multiple proofs of compliance uh they have been carefully measured against an established state of state and National standards and as I share with you in many instances exceeded what other ones have been able to achieve now government officials can be more uh confident in the agency's ability to operate efficiently and meet Community needs and offices in accredited agencies I I see many here today one is about to be promoted can take pride that they have been objectively recognized for their professionalism and adherence to the highest standard in law enforcement now out of the report that is generated after this three years let me just share with you and paraphrase just a couple of things that we found in the report so the law enforcement accreditation process continues to benefit the entire agency under under the leadership of Chief Kevin Lewis the men and women of the lower Township Police Department through their hard work and dedication fully embrac their accreditation status specifically in the areas of policy development best police practices internal compliance technology and equipment and Community engagement now I read through the report and I was pretty impressed uh how Progressive this agency is on his leadership so Chief Lewis initiative and future issues actually out there with many other agencies but they actually they're getting it done they is to continue to educate train and prepare the Patrol Division for the anticipated driving effects of leg legalization decriminalization of marijuana in New Jersey to Foster and promote juvenile resiliency through increased positive interactions with law enforcement and contined utilization of the deployment of bike Patrol to increase offer visibility and accessibility to members of the public as well as business owners so under the leadership of chief chief Kevin Lewis I say again the laer Township Police Department demonstrates a high level of competence leadership and professionalism so it is indeed my honor and it's opinion the assessment te that the lower tan Police Department is a highly regarded professional and committed agency which exemplifies all of the tenants of law enforcement accreditation at the State national level so therefore on behalf of the State uh of the New Jersey State Association of chiefs of police and the New Jersey Law en foring commission I'd like to congratulate Chief Kevin Lewis he's accreditation manager Deputy Deputy Donald vanaman their assistant accreditation manager and Shai uh the lower ton Police Department the mayor the council and those citizens that they so privately serve for achieving their fifth re accreditation joining a very I'll say very and I can say five times very clusive group of law enforcement agencies in the state of New Jersey that have made their commitment to uh excellenc in Poli so to all indeed congratulations this is when you get the class [Applause] the association like to to come down join you guys there's big team effort way I'm surprised Kev you let him bump you I'm just want to say I do have okay before we move to the uh promotion of Captain Michael mjan I just like to uh congratulate the police department for their accreditation and you know I would I like to say that with the best police department in the state of New Jersey but I see some other Chiefs of police in the back room there so I'll say we're one of the best okay so uh I want to thank the dignitaries in the back the senior staff and Chiefs of police for coming out uh to uh um be here for accreditation I'm make sure you're here for sergeant uh Lieutenant to be promotable to Captain Michael mjan okay and if you want to hang out after that Chief Lewis had given a briefing to council so that being said I ask councel join me down below and we'll promote uh Captain mine me the Bible in that let the chief do ready sir y Captain Michael mjan started his police career in 2000 as a class two officer with the city of Wildwood he was an employee the K May County Sheriff's Department for 6 months before becoming a patrolman with the lower Township Police Department in 2001 beginning in 2003 Captain mjan became an instrumental part of the Cap May County Police Academy as an instructor in the areas of method of instruction vehicle operations physical conditioning defensive tactics expandable baton Firearms Patrol rifle Milo range from 2005 to 2016 he was assigned to the Kate May County Regional SWAT team and was previously a member of the lower Township SWAT team in 2010 he was assigned as a detective while assigned to the detective division he was trained in the following areas Top Gun narcotics investigation investigative photography and video crime scene at Advanced crime scene investigation Advanced interview and interrogation Internal Affairs investigations Captain mjan was promoted to detective first class in 2013 while in detectives he was the Department's evidence custodian and assumed the role of supervising Firearms instructor at that time he was also certified as a Glock professional and Colt Defense M4 armor and he remains to date in two in 2020 he was promoted to the rank of Patrol sergeant in February of 2022 he was promoted to the rank of Sergeant First Class and shortly thereafter promoted to Lieutenant in June of 2023 on May 6th of 2024 he was officially promoted to the rank a captain throughout his everchanging 24-year career in law enforcement his wife Aaron has been a constant presence and his strongest supporter Captain mjane married Aaron in 2013 the couple welcome their daughter Aubrey in 2015 the family is proud and excited to start the next chapter with the lower Township Police Department Captain M Jane's mother Dolores and daughter Aubrey will be holding the Bible and his wife Aaron will be pinning the badge okay place left the Bible raise your right hand please I state your name I SW support the Constitution on the states support theit United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey the constition of the state of New Jersey our bear true Faith be true faith and allegiance to the Saint ALG to the Saint and the governments established the government established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in the States from the authority of the people the authority of people of will Faithfully fa and partially partially justly perform justly perform all the duties of all the duties of position of Captain position of captain for the township of lower Police Department for the township of lower Police Department according to best my ability according to best my ability so help me guys congratulations Captain if she could read your mind to be good enough might be too small there we [Applause] go hold on for a second before we do all congratulations I want to thank uh Mike you know I refereed the basketball games with his father's Loris you know that and Frank drove back and forth to a lot of meetings with myself and uh I was telling Mike the story not too long ago you know we actually get promoted to sergeant lieutenant captain since I've been here so you're doing pretty good either I've been here too long or you're going pretty fast I don't know which one it is maybe a little bit of both but you know I I have to tell a really quick story uh Frank and I would drive back his father to the high school on Sundays for high school basketball before the zoom stuff started and uh Frank would get up there and his meet would start at 7:00 it' be 7:05 7:10 and the meeting hasn't started yet he would get so mad fall just get up and he says why can't we start at 7 o'clock all the time you know you people live around the corner we drive an hour any where I'm going with this it's called the Franklin Jane rule okay so now at 7 o'clock at a basketball meeting they blow the whistle they say Frankin Jane rule sit down we're starting so your father get a starting on time okay so anyway congratulations I'm happy for you your dad's looking down he's very proud of you okay okay okay get one big picture come on one big picture everybody come on Kev you're not done yet come back over here good [Applause] job thank we'll take it 2 minutes session so those connected the building want to leave the [Music] meeting you taking pictures these kids okay I ask oh the kid yeah [Music] okay oh yeah yeah yeah yeah be right I mean M family we got aops coming I mean I could just do I can too but it'll be a better we can start it doing individual or all together one at a time almost ready to start waiting for a photographer to come back in from taking pictures outside so when the girls come up to be recognized for their work well we can the pictures with the the girls yes yeah he he knows Chief you want to grab him's fine but if the chief tells him he might come sooner is true yeah yeah chief he may listen to you he doesn't listen to the manager I don't think all right sounds good but uh as the as the girls come up and the parents uh um are welcome to come up with your child and uh we'll get some pictures together and if you reach out for the township we'll get your contact information we'll get the pictures to come back out to you uh if you want to save them or not issue the certificates all right I'll read uh the certificate um all the say the same thing so I'll read one and then we'll call the names one at a time uh for a picture with the mayor and councel uh volunteer certificate this certificate is given in recognition to those who have proven to be an outstanding citizen of lower Township by freely giving the generous gift of time talent and energy as a volunteer on behalf of the New Jersey clean Community Statewide litter cleanup okay the name's Lily shy [Applause] Charlotte Lin oh s [Music] eron [Applause] mcgan Genevie peoples [Applause] Abby [Applause] McMullen Joey Simmons [Applause] Amelia [Applause] [Music] Grimes and Noella de Jesus [Applause] family MERS want to come up come up the you great [Applause] job yeah nice okay okay chief Lewis you're up bud I have to apologize in advance I was uh my lack in planning didn't allow me to get over here in time to get the PowerPoint working so I apologize for that just so happens ironically today this came in the mail and I wanted to share it with everybody that's here from the off Office of the secretary defense employer support of the garden Reserve recognizes the lower Township Police Department as a patriotic employer for cont contributing to National Security and protecting Liberty and Freedom by supporting employee participation the America's national guard and Reserve forces and it's we were we were nominated by corporal PFC PFC um Kevin Bole says Dear lower Township Police Department my name is Bob SMI I'm the southern area chair for the employer support of the guard and Reserve acronyms esgr it's a Department of Defense program established in 1972 to promote cooperation and out an understanding between Reserve component service members and their civilian employers to assist in the resolution of conflicts or questions a service member Kevin Bole has nominated you for a patriot award as a supportive supervisor he request the request was approved by the Department of Defense and thus this award is issued so there's a picture of the award and it just happened to come in the mail today so it was perfect timing to share with everybody here good timing Chief and I'll say this that yeah we'll give a clap on that um I I don't think anybody or any of the other police departments out there to support the military as much as lower does I know you and some of your senior staff deputy chief here in the mil you retire from the military and the deputy chief still in the military I guess he's going to retire soon but uh and also the members of council have always been very supportive to the military if I'm not mistaken um patrolman for class boy is deployed right now correct and uh we wish him well and um I think the VFW just mailed him some packages too so he'll get some surprises pretty soon that's correct and and theg family rers group is what uh his wife is actually the president of great Jenna is a president of the FRG so she knows a lot as well all right thanks Chief and her his brother Kyle is in the back yep I know Kyle and Coach Kyle when he play hockey many years ago all right so pretend like I'm a TV Slide one all right my my first true slide is our Uh current departmental Staffing we currently have one Chief one deputy chief one Captain three lieuten Captain M Jane just got promoted tonight three lieutenants two Sergeant First Class and we'll be down to one in the very near future with the pending loss of Ryan hansbury who'll be retiring we have four Patrol sergeants one Detective Sergeant five corporals and we're also pending a loss there as well um somebody's taking advantage of the 20 year and out option we have one detective first class we have four patrolman first class Kevin boy we just spoke about is currently deployed and we have another one who's uh out for an uncertain amount of time for medical we have one senior detective four detectives 22 patrolman one class two and one recruit or uh one recruit and we have she's in the academy starting May 27 she's got to finish she's got five days she was doing defensive tactics and uh actually broke her wrist so she's got to go back and finish the last five days at the Academy and we have six records clerks so that's our current Staffing while I'm on that page I just want to touch on the the class twos very difficult for us to to man and maintain um it's a Statewide problem um Avalon Wildwood Ocean City usually has 70 between Class ones and class twos and I think they're down below half of that I think they have 25 or 30 this year Wildwood Chief Joe Murphy was here tonight they usually have 40 and I think they have 12 this year so it's an issue there's so there's such a need for full-time officers that the class tw's realize that and they're getting hired full-time so that's why we're down to one we do have a good poll of candidates uh my detective Sergeant Corey Shai told me that we have nine total is that right Kev yes nine total that are still in the queue and that's after the PT test we uh we did the your analysis waiting for results for that so we have a good feeling about the the future and four of those nine are civil service candidates and the other the rest of them are are class two candidates so hopefully we can uh increase our class two numbers because they play an integral role in our department I I shared the upcoming special events um it's it's very extensive just to give you guys an idea of on top of our Patrol responsibilities and our investigative respons responsibilities we still have to attend and man man and manage all these programs as well and this this is to date this doesn't include everything we've already done this year this is this is what we have starting May 24th going forward so it's very very extensive and it keeps us busy any questions on that my next slide is our 2023 accomplishments uh we procured and fielded multiple stationary automated automated license plate readers also known as alpers we fully implemented our unman aerial uas or drone program we expanded training and Personnel for the V life saving program we currently have seven licensed I don't think anybody in in the county has seven licensed Pilots we have seven licensed Pilots uh we increased our ATV program with uh 12 additional train license operators that's our our quad in our side by side we implemented a patrolman first class position and a senior detective position and promoted four patrolman first class and one senior detective we implemented the deputy chief position and promoted deputy chief anaman into that position as the first ever lower Township Police Department Deputy Chief and we underwent as you heard tonight for Mr Delgado our trianal re accreditation for the fifth time that's probably one of our our proudest accompl accomplishments that was a it's a daunting task um I don't think Susie shy got enough credit but she is she's she's the hammer for it she keeps us year by year instead of letting us get behind and trying to make up for it at the end of our three-year reassessment she keeps us on track throughout the years and make sure that we have the proofs we need for each year so she's uh she's definitely an asset when it comes to that and my last slide is our I think it's my last slide yeah my last slid is our 2024 goals we want to implement axon air to manage our our uas or drone data collection storage and pilots and it also allows us to integrate better with the uh County prosecutor's van you just literally send them a link or if I'm away or the mayor manager anybody from Council wants to know something that's going on if we had a critical incident we can send you the link and you can watch the live footage from your phone so that's one of the benefits of of axon air plus it's unlimited storage for all of our videos it tracks our Pilots hours and it also collects all the uas data that we need uh we'd like to procure a command trailer for use on a critical incidents such as the Drone something somewhere to house that something where the patrol people that are first on scene can hook it up to a vehicle and have it on scene for the Command Staff to fall into so we can operate that out of that successfully um we're want to continue to procure and Fu additional Al bars uh we budgeted for that this year uh the goal was to have 13 throughout the township so there isn't a way you can come in or go out of the township without us knowing at least that vehicle came through this this point so we can track thefts and and deter crime in in the township I know this has been a four or fiveyear plan but we're looking to push forward with digitizing and our archive records I know that the Township's involved in that too so we're hoping we can get through that process this year uh this year for those that don't know is the first year that all New Jersey police officers required to be licensed through the police training commission so we we're going to get familiarized with that process in January of this year every officer in the entire state was given either a one two or threeyear license I was given a one year so come June next month I'm supposed to be getting something from the PTC that I have to fill out and then it's got to be reviewed by the Admin staff whether there's IIA issues or any kind of issues and then it goes up to the PTC for approval so that's something we have to work through and we're hoping it doesn't cause us uh any any issues with Manning you know we hoping we don't lose any officers due to the licensing and the last thing is continu recruiting and retention efforts to ensure adequate Staffing levels uh we we've been to several colleges we have several events of our owns our you our youth camp um we're working with the uh no limits Academy just trying to get our name out there the best we can and make our agency a place where where some of these young men and women may want to come serve and join our ranks and my last slide asked if there's any questions anybody has any questions Chief I do have a question the the license one two or three years what's the difference how they once once you get your license renewed like when I get renewed this year my next license is going to be they're all they're all good once they're renewed for three years but the state didn't want that burd to be they they broke it up they didn't want every agency to have to do all of their officers in one year so they staggered at one year two years and three years so a third of our department got one year licenses a third got twoyear licenses and a third got threeyear licenses okay and I don't know there was I don't think I studied a little bit and tried to find the Rhyme or Reason where they how they picked that I figure maybe the newer people that just went through the academy and had backgrounds but I don't know how they selected it they just randomly selected one two or three for about a third of our our agency each got a license of that time frame okay the U and also I just want to go back to accreditation um you know the top 3% New Jersey departments get that and you know I was surprised to hear that I wasn't aware of that I'm famar the program itself but I didn't know that lower toship fell into the top 3% for the state so I congratulate you and the entire staff and all the officers of the police department you guys do a great job for us and I thank you for that thank you I will say he mentioned my name quite a few times during that but my accreditation manager deputy chief vanaman if it wasn't for him I think you were part of three of them this one in two PR he's been a he's pretty much the one that taught me what I know about accreditation so he's the guru and he's going to pass out on to somebody below him so when we go off into the sunset there's somebody here to carry the torch because it's important and it's uh it's it's a huge accomplishment we're proud of it and people don't know how extensive they're looked at with the records and everything else on that and the training that takes it's it's very extensive yes I remember yeah and they come they come and actually do an on-site as they they take all of your records everything they call them proofs we have to put the proofs in there and docum am them and highlight what part of the proof we're trying to identify and it's not just a proof for a year it's one proof for each of the three years so there's one for 22 one for 23 and one for 24 if that was our three-year cycle and they they they look through all that stuff and then they come do a two-day on-site assessment and then we still have to go all the way up to North Jersey for a hearing with a panel of 15 20 people and one guy just kind of has has our packet and goes over with us and ask a few questions so it's it's definitely an extensive program but it's worth it any question yeah quite spectacular very nice thank you awesome thank you Chief thank you okay we'll slide down to the consent agenda anybody from Council want to comment on the consent agenda no comment com anybody from the public want to comment on the consent agenda CL we close the public portion approval of the minutes for May 6 2024 and resolutions 2024 170 through 2024 184 is there a motion move us forward I'll make a motion second council member Conrad yes council member kums yes council member Roy yes Deputy Mayor Parry yes mayor s yes ordinance 20243 this is the bond orders providing for various roadway and drainage improvements by and in the township beler County of Kate May state of New Jersey appropriating $3.6 million therefore and authorizing the issuance of 3,42 $20,000 bonds or notes of the township to finance part of the cost thereof this is the second reading of public hearing of this ordinance this ordinance has been published posted and made available to the public anybody from Council want to comment no anybody from the public want to comment on this ordinance close the public portion is there a motion to move forward I make the motion second a motion council member Conrad yes council member kums yes council member Roy yes Deputy Mayor car yes mayor s yes ordinance number 20244 this is a bond ordinance providing for various 2024 Capital Improvements by and in the township beler the county Cape May state of New Jersey appropriating $ 4,870 th000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $4,625 th000 bonds are not of the township to finance part of the cost thereof this is the second reading of public hearing of this ordinance this ordinance has been posted published and made available to the public any Council comments no no any comments from the public on this ordinance close the public portion I make a motion to move forward with this I'll second a motion council member Conrad yes council member Kon yes council member Roy yes Deputy Mayor Parry yes mayor C yes engineer report thank you mayor and councel uh this afternoon I'll I will be presenting the engineers report on behalf of blasion Associates giving an overview of all the capital projects currently underway in the township the first capital project is the Diamond Beach Park improvements the proposed work for this project includes new playground equipment fitness equipment pickleball court shade structure and a bathroom building uh construction is commenced for this project the bathroom building shell is being constructed the pickleball fence post have been installed curb has been installed and the playground is beginning to be in installed this week uh the reason I know you guys asked for a finish date on projects so the the contractors asked for a contract extension of three to four weeks on that project citing rain days and permit delays so we've been working with the contractor along with the township um to have that revised so uh it should be opened by the July 4th weekend that's the so July 4th is anticipated completion tell me June 28th is but it should be open by the July 4th weekend the second capital project is the 2023 NJ doot Municipal Aid Local transportation fund program reconstruction of Wildwood Avenue the proposed work includes the installation of new drainage infrastructure along Wildwood Avenue and the resurfacing of the road from Bayshore Road to the Western end of Wildwood Avenue this project is largely being paid for by two NJ do grants which is great for the township Paving plus LLC is completing the project construction has commenced for this project uh they were out there last week digging test pits for utilities uh they're going to be installing utilities at the end of this week and construction is set to be completed the week of June 24th 2024 the third Capital project is the resurfacing of Bay Drive the proposed work Inc includes resurfacing Bay Drive from Wildwood Avenue to mow road so this project is being completed in conjunction with the Reconstruction of Wildwood Avenue and it's being completed by the same contractor no work uh has commenced on this project as it's being completed by the same contractor they're doing the utility work on Wildwood Avenue first the concrete work there then they're going to come through and pave both roadways so that project is also set to be complete the week of June 244th 2024 the fourth Capital project is the beach access pathway project uh the proposed Capital work for this project included the construction of five new Timber Pathways at various Beach entrances as you guys probably seen those have been completed and open to the public which is great to see one timber access pathway has been added by the township on Brookdale Road we have had to seek a permit modification from the njd D to um include this within the existing cfer permit our office submitted this permit application we've been working with the njd who's indicated to us that that could be approved um by June 30th so all things going well construction for that pathway should commence July 1st that's what we're shooting for and it should take about 3 to four weeks to complete the rotary Community Park Renovations the proposed work includes new playground equipment shade structures a single youth bath bathroom parking area and it all being Ada accessible uh the project will be completed in two stages construction for phase one uh has been completed apart from a few minor punch list items which we're working with the contractor on our office received final Wetlands permits needed from the njd to commence design for phase two of the project so that's great news um we've already started phase two of the design and we'll be working with the township on that we need one final permit for the bathroom building from the njd a flood Hazard verification so we will be submitting that soon and simultaneously while designing the project so we should have everything permits in place when we're um when the designs are complete ready to bid the bay outfall extension project the proposed work includes design and permits to extend 12 Bayside outfalls and improve drainage our office uh did design plans or sorry permit plans for these 12 outfalls and submitted a cafer permit on behalf of the township the township uh elected to add four additional outfalls to this project and this was as we this occurred because we reached our permit cap so it it made sense to add as much work as needed as the township needed to the permit to save on permit fees so we've we've jumped on this as we know it's important to get this permit in we've already surveyed them base M mapping is going to be complete this week and we're aiming to have those that permit resubmitted as soon as possible within the next couple of weeks the seventh project the 2024 NJ do Municipal aid program reconstruction of Ridgewood Avenue the proposed work for this project includes milling and Paving Ridgewood Avenue from Bayshore Road to the Western end of Ridgewood Avenue this project has been surveyed basement mapped and it is well into the design phase so we'll be submitting that to the NJ do once designs are complete for approval the 2023 stormwater GIS mapping Services project the proposed work for this project includes updating the existing lower Township masterer drainage plan to include all storm water infrastructure improvements to date and digitizing that map um to submit to the D our office has been working with the lower Township Department of Public Works on that project and it's been going well the Francis Avenue storm sewer evaluation the proposed work includes connecting the existing storm water system on Francis Avenue to the existing Pump Station on Ohio Avenue to alleviate flooding on Francis Avenue our office did a final a final design has been completed by our office for this project the project was declared an emergency by the township due to the persistent flooding on Francis Avenue our office on behalf of the township sought bids from two contractors and the project was awarded to Fred m own construction in the amount of 582 8,800 construction is set to start in the next couple weeks once materials have been procured for that project and there is a 60-day contract time for that project the Ohio Avenue Pump Station emergency storm sewer replacement the proposed work for this project included replacing the defunct corrugated metal pipe from the Ohio Avenue Pump Station to the creek across from the pump station this project has been fully complete the reason why we left on the report is there's still final Paving to occur out on the roadway we're going to not pave this section until the Francis Avenue storm sewer project is complete and it's going to be paved all in one shot so there's no seams or anything like that the David Douglas senior Memorial Park renovation the proposed work includes a reconstruction and expansion of the existing parking lot relocation of the existing Memorial new site amenities new decorative foot path along the Cape May canal and an observation deck the Delaware River Bay Authority is planning to expand Beach Drive and install a footpath connecting Lincoln Boulevard to the David Douglas senior Memorial Park our office along with lower Township has been working with the drba to coordinate the two projects uh a concept plan was prepared by our office um in order to submit a preliminary application for a development Grant from the K May County open space board that was um submitted on March 4th 2024 our office along with lower Township presented the application to the K County open space on March 19th 2024 I received a lot of positive feedback we were invited to submit a final application so our office along with lower Township has been working towards that final application the lower Township Public Works building concept design and site remediation investigation the proposed work includes preparing a concept designed for a new Public Works building at the Public Works facility on Seashore Road and inves investigating the soil underneath the building for potential contamination as previously reported there was no contamination found during the um investigation process the concept designs have been completed for this project and submitted uh to the township and a concept concept site plan to Red redesign the layout of the facility and eliminate the southern entrance to the site to improve Traffic Safety has also being provided to the township the 13th Capital project the Corson lane roadway resurfacing project the proposed work includes resurfacing Corson lane from Wilson Road to the southern end of Corson Lane this project area has been surveyed already and is currently being base mapped being prepared so we can get designs underway the homes Avenue gorm Avenue and Scott Avenue storm sewer and roadway Improvement project survey phase the proposed work includes replacing the storm sewer from homes Avenue to the Hughes Avenue and Scott Avenue intersection to alleviate some flooding that occurs in that intersection project also includes resurfacing the roadway and the installation of concrete curbs and sidewalks in various areas project area has been surveyed and is also currently being base mapped so we can get designs underway The Village Road bulkhead the proposed work includes providing a bulkhead and stairway at the Village Road Street end extending the roadway to meet the proposed bulkhead the proposed work requires permits for the NJ from the njde The Village Road The Village Road bulkhead will be included with the bay outfall extension project permit package which will save the township on permit fees the project area has also been surveyed and is currently being based that that wraps up my report if you guys had any questions alol pipes we're still looking possibly the fall for for construction yes yes so my goal is to my next report have that permit in and being reviewed so that that's the goal Rotary Park phase two what's the projected completion day for that so probably to we're looking to get it out to bid in in the fall so it'd be completed I'm I'll to my head probably around January December January for a a two-month construction you say Rotary Park or David D Park Rotary Park rotary yeah Rotary Park you talk about Rotary Park right Rotary Park yes oh rotary okay yeah and um we're going to I know I I talked to Mr raffy we went to somehow put signage out there to let folks know that we're not done yet there's a base two coming MH those kind of things we have signage ordered right now to put in two locations on the back side of the playground we'll cordon off that area shone's going to come in and remove that that orange fence and push it back to secure the area behind the playground that way we can open up the playground sooner phase two which hopefully will be in the next few days actually okay some type of ribbon cutting and open that Park up January and number nine the Francis Avenue what's the projected completion date for that project I I would say about three months just because there's a long lead time on the on the pipe and the manholes they're they're really big manholes they've had to order so it's a 60-day contract time we're going to issue the notice to proceed um they've shown us that they've ordered the materials so we're going to issue that probably in about two to three weeks so end of August beginning September you're saying yeah somewhere around there anybody else I just got a comment about the beach access Pathways uh the timber ones in particular I've gotten emails and um I saw on social Med I've seen things on social media too that everybody doing the work is doing a fantastic job and they look wonderful and kudos to whoever did the work that's I I appreci you know good job on all that cool yeah I'll pass that on that was Fred Shone does a lot of nice work yep it's good to hear all right thank you thank you councel okay now we open up to the public anybody from the public want to come up to the uh microphone to address Castel anything hey guys uh Bill Greenfield vas yeah I had a chance to uh speak to Mike real briefly before the meeting but uh with the bond ordinance for the uh Street improvements you just passed I was just wonder if you could evaluate the intersection of New Jersey and Columbia because you have two dry Wells there and there's a lot of stand in water and the the whole intersection I mean it's beyond patching uh just if you could evaluate that maybe include it I think the whole thing needs to be repaved uh around the grates it's the asphalt's crumbling and go take a look at it and you'll see what I mean just because the ordinance was you know that Bond was on the agenda tonight I wanted to mention it so okay we'll take a look at it all right thanks guys thank you anybody else want to come the microphone to address councel the girls C want to come up talk to councel no okay we'll go to council comments and we'll start with councilman congrad first I want to thank uh we had a lunch in yesterday to who thank all the volunteers in the township and for all those that attended thank you for coming those that couldn't wish you were there but thank you and for those that set it up wonderful job here at the township um it was nice to being at the Naval Air Station again but it was a beautiful little event and it shows appreciation because without our volunteers this Township is nothing thank you thank you C CS uh just want to remind everyone June 2nd escape the cape's coming up um so be wary of the uh traffic in the area and such uh if you want to try to get through lower Township in that section so thank you thank you cast Roy nothing further Deputy Mayor yeah the only I'd like to uh touch on is that pretty exciting time in in lower Township right now with all the projects going on from storm sewers to Road uh repaving uh to the playgrounds uh to the parks there's a lot of things happening in this town that has been put off for a long time and we we're getting there and uh it's a it's a really good thing that we're making improvements and putting people's tax dollars right back into their town where they can see and enjoy the improvements not only for stop the flooding and and get better roads but also for quality of life uh with the parks and the recreation that we have going on so I think it's a really good time in lower thank you Deputy Mayor and I I agree 100% with a lot of work done uh great place to live the I did get notified from the state and I know I I didn't see in the report the engine report you guys probably your started yet but we received a $400,000 grant for the pool North K from the state that was just the other day so that's a good news story so um reminder we're having family day at Clen mgan Park on Friday May 24th at 5:30 p.m. uh also there'll be a bike radio around by the police department there and if I'm not mistaken they'll have a a very nice bike to give away somehow there so I'm going to give kudos the PD for that thank you very much we recently had five bids come in for our EMS in the township uh we have five proposals and Mr lafy has the team right now evaluating those proposals so hopefully sometime in the very near future he'll give a recommendation to council and we look to award a contract uh for the EMS provider in the township and that's all I have is there a motion to adjourn motion second all in favor thank you for coming out