you know when I need to relax and I see that it's now 6:29 we're going to be starting in just a moment you want to fire up on air we're on air yeah Reena do you want to tilt your screen down a little bit so we can see the top all I see is the very very top of your head that's fine you should be seeing whatever she's doing the zoom oh because of the zoom because of the yep okay where the heck is my T green te all right we have 6:30 we'll be bringing this meeting to order uh in accordance with the requirements of the open meeting law please be advised that this meeting is being recorded and broadcast live over the lunenberg Public Public Access channel on Facebook live on the face excuse me the public access Facebook Channel https lunenberg dpublic D access dc-15 57 427 270 97535 SL the recording can be found on the lunberg access YouTube channel after the meeting the meeting will be held in person at this location which is the bot room of the Town Hall uh members of the public are welcome to attend this imperson meeting please note that while an option for remote attendance Andor participation is being provided as a courtesy to the public the meeting will not be suspended nor terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast unless otherwise required by law members of the public with particular interest in any specific item on this agenda should make plans for inperson versus virtual attendance accordingly remote participation from a computer please use the link below which is for the uh to join the public meeting it's called Uh https col us02 web. zoom. usj SL 852 439 26658 meeting ID is 852 4392 6658 from a telephone dial the toll-free number 888 475 5 4499 and enter the webinar ID again that's 852 4392 6658 followed by the pound sign I give that if you have not registered with zoom it would be asked for your name and your email address no participant ID is required just press the pound sign when asked telephone users may dial star9 to request to speak after joining the meeting computer and app users may use the raise hand feature to request to speak the agenda lists all topics which may be discussed in the meeting under those which are reasonably anticipated by the chair votes may be taken as a result of these discussions not all items listed May in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by the open meeting law I will now call us to order first we will do a roll call since we have a member here who's joining us via Zoom Mr rabbit uh John rabbit present s Sarah camer here and Brian lefa members and Linda McQuade principal assessor Reena Sweezy thank you all uh opening comments are there any comments from the board Mr rabbert I see your hand I believe you got the same email today from a res requesting the status of the tax bills I I got a copy of one oh you you did receive one yep okay there you go then that answer this question if he's watching uh I don't know if the question has been answered I know that one was being crafted a response was being crafted oh okay okay but they were mailed out that's all that's all it counts the emails were received I didn't see the response yet it's coming from Heather from both of us okay but the tax bills did go out no they did not I'll give you an update later yep okay okay no problem CU we have that re status review of The Five-Year evaluation and tax bills that would be an agenda item that we'll be discussing later is there something else that's not on the agenda you'd like to talk about no no go ahead I I read it and I knew you updated it a little bit but that's okay thank you Miss camera no comments uh none for me either I think anything from the public and open opening comments any hands up in the air in Zoom no I didn't see anybody fabulous the first order of business will be the status report from the I said interim principal assessor and new principal assessor who wants to go first I will well you didn't get a written report again because um it's been a busy week um Linda joined us on Monday very happy to see her coming and uh Linda and I have been both work dealing with motor vehicle excise uh that's hopefully that's quieting down now and um we've both been um trying to help out with the file for munice U for the tax bills so um other than that it's just been Linda Linder attended the um the senior center you know the program for the seniors she and I both went over there um Tuesday morning we both went to the U department head meeting Linda got to meet all the other department heads so she's had a busy start to her first week but she's she's fitting in great and she's doing great so thank you yeah well I've got a great mentor and no we've actually had four buus list as well yeah yeah been busy four what four BU list right well it's coming into the spring so there'll be a lot the building permits will be you know um being quiet and we'll have a buus list to do with those so hopefully your motor vehicle excise abatements will reduce now because people are supposed to have paid their bills by now yeah yeah okay and maybe it'll get back who knows um thank you anything else I think that's it should we mention that we're going to you know with the building permits after the file yeah we might want to we have an update cuz I did mention building permits there's been an issue about catching up with building permits actually that's probably good now it's probably a good time to discuss that because it's not on the agenda right um so being alone you know for four months um I couldn't go out and do the inspections um Linda met with the new building inspector on Wednesday or Thursday and um he had said to to me he had been sending request over on Sheila's email which I don't have access to um so we talked to him for a little while and uh he agreed to do an Excel spreadsheet and he sent it over to Linda and um we've got we've got quite a few building permits um that are going to have to be reviewed first we'll have to go through them and see are the are these actually valid you know like wood stoves and roofs we discount those we want we want the big ticket items so you know new construction you know so um Linda and I are going to start that hopefully next week when we can and when we can start making changes in the file we don't want to touch anything in the file right now until we get the word from myen that we can make changes we know the files all approved so other than that just you know settling in and getting yeah Linda's um I've tried to show a few things on Vision but until we can actually get in and do things on the system but I think she's going to find Visions a lot easier to use than the other two systems she's used in the past so should much date entry it's amazing you're just even entering owner information we used to have to do a F yeah this is just one year so it's a lot going to be a lot easier I think yeah and I think she's going to pick it up really quick because it's she's got the experience from Patriot which is a toughest system to use so she I think it's going to be a lot easier for her to learn this new system um Heather Also I ran into her tonight and she also mentioned that with there would be some training available with vision so she was going to look into that as well so good great a couple comments on that if I might oh would you like to go first Mr RAB no you you first you're greater than I am and there's a hand up whose hand is up that's my hand okay it's in your hands right under your hand um brings up a couple things um one of which is the fact that some of those emails were in email Never Never Land um um reinforces the request that I had made to the town manager to the town manager about getting a an email for the assessor's office uh at that time she said we did not have enough uh license licenses um but I think I'll reiterate that it's really important that we do not lose track of stuff because someone's out of the office uh if we all have or you all have access to uh an email site that is for these accor's office then nothing will get missed um so that's one comment the second comment is um I'm hoping that the focus of our activity over the next several weeks or months months um is so to get Linda fully trained on on U Vision um I know that we've been distracted by the motor vehicle excise taxes we're going the bill is going to be out shortly the problems with the communication problems that we'll talk about shortly between um uh vision and munus so um there a lot of distractions but the my hope is the focus will be on Vision getting Linda up to up to speed so thank you what now Mr rabbit I'm sorry thank thank you Mr chairman uh two questions if I might uh first of all how many uh motor vehicle excise taxes did we process this year how many did you guys do so it's the abatements that we're processing the tax I don't know the exact number now because we don't have them all in munus as yet um the first couple of batches probably were probably about a 100 100 abatements 100 abatements in the first few batches and we still have big stack that has to be entered in munus then we can run the reports on those so so if there are already 100 that are counted and there are more to go then you can get a sense that there's a pretty sizable amount of them so and we'll be able to get we'll be able to get a specific report once they're all entered into munis right then we can run a report sorry okay and then we know what will happen if if we can get a history of how many have been run will we be able to anticipate a load that's hitting that particular area desk and what we can anticipate uh in terms of normal turnarounds hey uh the other question I have is if Sheil is email's not been available for the past four months uh why can't we just get a get her password or get the password change so we could at least start digging through the pile and see if anything was real critical I had her password but when Linda was coming um the week before she came we had to take everything I had on the computer I was using and flip it over to Sheila's computer so Linda could start fresh with her own email accounts and her own access to munus and vision and all the other programs um and um I did try for a while to keep up I did have Sheil as password um and I did try to keep up for a while but it's really just been the past couple of months that it's not like it's been all four months because I I was Keeping Up with the Abus list and um the emails that came under her um email account but when we flipped everything over we had to actually delete her email account so off the off the computer that so the account wasn't deleted but it was her access to it was taken off the computer right okay so all her emails are still intact on a file someplace or backup file some place righta I believe they're part of the public access information and public information that needs to be saved on the servers so I believe it's out there somewhere I can't tell you where I'm sorry right I was going to say I can't tell you where exactly but it should be out there okay we can we can nose around yeah the same thing happened with CJ's files they all plain disappear and uh no one could quite figure out where they went where his computer went and uh yeah we certainly want to grab Sheila's stuff so do we go talk to Dan is that what you should do his email his email should not have dis dis disappeared what possibly Miss disappeared were local files that he had on his on his own computer laptop stu okay and some of those are still on on the uh C drive because they're things that possibly Linda might be able to use those are still there so so some of that stuff was backed up to a common in his computer has been repurposed to the Conservation Commission right the computer itself is gone okay so anyway sorry M cam I I do have a question I know um we were looking for someone to fill uh the position um while Sheil yeah while Sheila is out um and there was um potentially some interest in the position but the it it didn't work out and also we were also looking for potential volunteers for the senior the senior tax workof plan has anything happened in either of those aspects I had spoken to Julie back in January about the senior workof um unfortunately there's a um a lot of things in our office that you just can't have somebody come in you know like all the exemptions and and the abatements there's a lot of financial information that's all confidential um there was a few people uh that were interested but the main question everybody had is this going to turn into a permanent full-time position and then there were a couple of folks that wanted it but didn't want to go fulltime so we've had a little bit of both so um I believe when um when when Sheila you know um is ready to do whatever she's going to do um they can't advertise for the job right now but should Sheila can back you know um it's actually her position so yeah of course so I believe based on the Family Medical Leave Act or whatever it's called FMLA FMLA wow that was pretty good um I believe that we no longer have to hold this position open for her but we do have to hold a position offer her position if she were to be able to come back yeah that would entail the town actually creating a new head a new full-time equivalent and I think that there's been some reluctance to want to do that until we know exactly what the disposition of Sheila's case is going to be so having said that I don't think it's going to be forever um that we should know something in the next month or so but unfortunately it may take a month or so is that a fair assessment yeah okay but that will give Linda and I a chance to work through the ab we really get to know each other no we're getting to know each other no to work through the abatements that are coming in um because I did tell Heather I would I would stay around till the end of May um so I I just don't want to leave her hopefully by the end of May they might have a somebody for that position you know I just don't want to leave Linder in the Lurch you know we have the luxury of having two people in that office right now until the end of May so it's a much better situation than we had for the last four months right yeah and Mr rabbit do you have another comment yes uh Mr chairman okay Reena when I first got there there was an older gentleman that was actually sitting at the front desk I believe he was loading files he cannot participate in the uh senior workof program because he changed his residence within the town and you have to be in your residence for a year okay so we have but there are other members that who lived potential work offs that have been in town for quite a while and but he was able to get in and I I'm assuming it's only because of the issue of security and things in confidentiality so how was he able to get in and how we can't he was just doing some data entry right it was it wasn't anything that was confidential he was just doing some basic data entry right so don't we have those tests you know needed in terms of especially we get a lot of uh pass through inspections and and upgrades and you know I knew he was doing something with reports and he was loading the information in he was entering building permits that's all he was doing just entering building that behind on I believe so why couldn't we get some help there well for one thing because the building permits a coming in now Sheila would go through them and she would weed out the ones that we have to go through Roots you know solar panels wood stoves um Sheila would so he was just doing the ones that were valid building permits and all he was doing was putting them in the card putting the date on and what the permit was for just basic data entry but I think with with what we have coming up now um if Linda and I are both looking at the building permits we're going to know which ones are going to be more priority you know for we have to start working on a new growth for 2025 so so what about the inspections with regard to the sales post sales is that credential and the inspections with the sales yeah the person who does the inspections would have to be trained yeah is that what you're asking just data entry just data entry some training yeah yeah we don't have any that data right now so if we had somebody in the office they wouldn't be doing much okay we just got the information on the building officials building permits that had been building up inter reers um and and we now have it but we also still have we have the two people in the office and part of this will be good training for our new assessor to be be able to access the system I I think putting somebody in place in a very temporary month or two month role um would cost us more effort than any payback we might get out of it right now it would have been useful it would have been useful a few months ago yeah but today that's water over the dam or Under the Bridge Okay excuse I'm sorry Linda Oh Jack I also wanted to mention uh once re and I get caught up on the permits I will start doing final inspections so then that way I'll be going out inspecting and it'll also entail inspecting these permits as well and then now how is your sorry and then once once that's done we'll start following up on the sales too which is kind of another important aspect of y um and we'll send out sales verification yeah if I might ask Linda are you are you capable of generating uh requesting reports out of vision with regard to levels of activities and things like that or is that part of training coming up that's going to be part of the training yeah I I wish I I can tell you I can actually print out a property record card and I've been sending those so I can look stuff up so I'm making Headway I would just like the second our Chairman's comments with regard to learn the vision system learn the computer systems that you've got and really focus on that before we start doing other stuff I mean that's going to be our biggest uh Ally in terms of getting stuff done and getting visibility the level of activities and how accurate we are so yeah get really good at that girl yeah thank you I'm I'm done even putting in the building permit system is actually a good training exercise too and and uh and we'll be doing the sales as well right yeah okay so um thank you I think that's enough for the assessor reports assessor this reports thank you uh the next item on the agenda is current Business review and approve invoices expense vouchers payroll billing errors Etc we have some of those today I think we have a few things we won't be able to let you sign Mr Abbott but that's okay these that's quite all right we will get you to vote because when we vote we will have to explain that oh we only need two right these um you can vote okay these are the MLS J am I okay to vote okay she says I'm okay this is the multiple listing and and I actually have that so this is the invoice and then the paid invoice for those for the MLS it's every quarter yeah okay so that we can go in and and look at the sales and look at the actually the photographs of stuff that's sold right do we um want to read that number off so that Mr rabbit can know what it is yes so Mr rabbit um what we have here are uh is a quarterly bill for the MLS service that we get and the amount is $126 wow okay you want to sign on sheets don't we probably don't have to vote on these I think we just sign that means that if I'm reading this correctly usually they 126 he's building Us by the quarter hour or half hour or no no no this is MLS not MLS right not name multiple listing service oh I'm sorry I thought said MFS I'm sorry MLS MLS that's why we want clarify this thank you so this is MLS subscription about 500 bucks a year and we're coming up on our quarterly bill that fair that's fair thank you that's the it's already dated so I'm not going to date it it's up to you this is the um the real estate and personal property commitment the actual tell us what the amount so so our yes it's billion our uh real estate commitment is 2 billi 177,50 37,45 our personal property is 64,9 4,630 for a total amount of 2 b242 m752 80 uh does this one need a vote though the commitment I think needs a vote doesn't it no upon the advice of council and the date is where it's on here already did you talk to Miss oh the lean the so that's just they can sign that releas okay if you want this is a release of of a tax Lan Ro back taxes that's a that's a release of a um a lean um on rollback taxes for some Lots out on Holman Street um all that CJ did last year in 22 he did all the roll back taxes the roll back tax taxes were all paid he never released the leans on the property because he left and uh Linda got a call um so um she was speaking to the people so um we're just trying to release that lean okay because everything's been paid this copies of the checks in there that the rollbacks been paid it's always right there okay okay that's it that's it is that it that's it on any my hand's not tired well that's it for now that's right we've got some later on during executive session okay uh I'll figure out how to do that later uh the next item was the potential revision to Warrant article about Clause 41c so what we've as we were trying to write up the article we needed to know when the last time we acted on 41c was so that we could reference it in the article it appears that the last time we acted on it at all was back in 2007 um ly ly do you want to talk a little bit about it yeah so I know you can't see this package Jack but I'll start off by in the office we had this hanging up um and the amounts are inconsistent on the 41c for both the income and the assets for single and married so we did some investigation and um so in the office um and I can just read through these for the 41c the income for a single person is 315 and the married would be um 396 and the asset limitation um for a single person is 52700 and on married uh couple it would be 727 so um the issue is that the DLS Data Bank is a grid and this has every town has um the year of the 17 and then the like 41c when it was adopted and the um DLS Data Bank indicates that the last change to the 41c was October 14th of 1986 um and um the age is 70 the amount is 750 but the income is substantially lower uh than what's on this list in the office so um back in ' 86 it was 20,000 for a single person 30 for married the assets was 40,000 for if you were single and 55 if you're married so after doing some digging um any um the um assistant um to the town May manager and I went through all the annual reports and we found can I stop you right there all the annual reports just be clear on that yeah 86 to today yeah so I'm sorry you didn't mean to interrupt no no no I'm glad you brought that up so this is the issue there's no consistency we're trying to find out exactly what is the correct number for the income for the 41c and also the asset limitations so from what we could see from the annual reports it looks like the last update was at um the May 6 2006 Town Meeting fy2 2007 and it was article 33 and I I'll read this it says to see if the town will vote to accept one or more of Provisions Mass General Law chapter 59 um Clause 41 C elderly exemptions which would one adjust the income limits for single person to 24,000 and married couples to 30,000 number two adjust the asset limitations for single persons to 40,000 and married couples to 55,000 and three raise the amount of the available abatement from 600 to $750 or take any action relative there to um so that's the most current and then other years in 2005 it was another change Article 15 and that was actually you know the the income was was lower so we've just been trying to to find that out uh we checked with Kathy the town clerk uh because um back in ' 86 there was this documentation which o I just lost my sorry about that so there's there's this chart that actually has like a a little spreadsheet of all of the exemptions and what the amounts were the date that they were accepted so and and the last date on the little spreadsheet is 1987 yeah so so the Department of Revenue has us making a change last in 1986 which may in fact be the 87 because it was I think fiscal but I don't know that uh years yeah you were little and then the cola was never so as far as we can tell there was never an adoption of cola we can't find an adoption of cola by town meeting but it appears that we've been accepting the cola amounts at some points over the years not consistently because in some cases we've actually seen the income amount go up and then back down yes so some of the things that you observed at some point when you were looking at this stuff is clearly confusing um and I think we need to do a lot more research to figure out exactly where we actually should be standing today the question is I'm sorry did I were you done no I was done okay I didn't mean I didn't mean to jump in I didn't mean to jump in I'm sorry the the question is I don't mind what's our starting point to make change two I think we've cons we found that 750 was the number that we're using in 41c since whenever it was back in ' 87 or whatever or no 200 which one was 200 was 200 2006 well no we have the we have we have the problem is it's 750 now in 2006 it was uh uh 650 so you're going up 100 bucks whether or not the no let me interrupt let me interrupt let me interrupt okay so we're looking right at the warrant article that was adopted in 86 487 so you may be right it may have been 600 then but it changed to 750 all we're trying to do is confirm what the existing data should be the existing data should be 750 because we can't find anything that changed it beyond that so there's no argument about that I just wanted to clarify that yes your 86 number is probably the 86 number this was in 86 487 well in this this particular document that you that we have the article 33 is May 6 2006 so that's even more recent than 1987 and it's changed from 600 to 7 I'm sorry that was the one yep yeah so it's it's definitely there the discussion we're having is about what the asset limits and the income limits are right yes is yes and they should be going up with the cola well if we had adopted Cola Cola was never adopted so the point of this discussion was to say we have a lot of unknowns things that we have not been able to nail down that we may not be able to nail down in time for this town meeting because we are we are finding new data from new sources that have competitive information I'll say having said that we have an opportunity to do one of two things I think one is to keep this to keep this article on the we actually have two articles because of the article that we brought forward there there's an article also that was written to uh accept these um Clauses for another year because we have not been doing that okay Oh you mean the Clause like 7 and we have not been accepting them on an annual basis which is fact what we should be doing MH so we've reached out to the Department of Revenue Department of whatever the heck they are what's oh the DLS DLS DLS that was it yeah local we're try we're trying to get a a sense of what is the implication if we remove these articles for this town meeting because we are not prepared to talk about them in a really meaningful way or if we were to remove it can we bring it back up in the November town meeting which is essentially an extension of the May town meeting and still affect 2025 so I've reached out to the Department of Revenue I actually got an answer from a representative not directly from the Department of Revenue but a representative of the Department of Revenue who said they believe that we can indeed bring this article back up in November and still affect 2025 since the tax bills don't go out till till uh the end of December they don't have to be paid till January people would have till April 1st in order to make their applications for the 2020 fiscal 2025 tax exemptions I'm trying to be really careful with my words sorry sorry so uh we have two choices we can either leave it on there and hope we can get enough information so that we can present it to the town in May or we can take it off and redo it with a thorough investigation for November and I really want to know what the what the board's pleasure would be on this because I'm torn I can see why we might want to leave it on there so we don't lose track of it in case we can't do it in November and and still affect 2025 I can also see uh the situation where we just don't have enough information we confuse the hell out of people at town meeting and they all vote it down because they don't want to hear anymore so I'm Toren I would like to hear what the well if they I I I have a a couple ideas here um if we put it on November and vote it and they vote it down then there's no opportunity so it's like a one and and done if they vote it down in May because we don't have enough information we could say well let us go back and get the information and put it on the warrant for November we could do that right we always have the option to put stuff on two opportunities to to get it right instead of one I'm I'm not looking to have multiple work um efforts on this but uh I think it'd be disappointing not to have it on the warrant coming up but that means we what need to get this done put it on within a week the select board need to vote on putting on the war tomorrow tomorrow yeah um but the other thing I I'm wondering about this is yes we don't have all of the information on these Clauses could we would these other Clauses continue with what had been done the previous year um or with whatever our understanding was the previous year um and get these Clauses updated for November and accept the cola and accept the cola um yeah I I guess I'm confused a little bit because um I I haven't been hearing all of this discussion until now um oh this discussion is not very old no okay it's well I I know because you you um well I don't know I need to read everything even that and then it's confusing um but what I really find interesting is that we've been supposed to be doing as of 2006 750 all along right yeah for people and we're only doing no we're doing 750 we doing we are doing 750 we we got one thing right okay we got that right now now the 750 is right yeah okay yeah um and I'm wondering I thought this um single person married person income and um the assets were set by the state for some reason they if you've adopted you can adopt whatever number yeah when we first adopted this we adopted the state recommendations and then there were recommended Cola increases over the years we had never adopted the cola accepted the cola as our guide I see so in fact our our income levels should have stayed at 20,000 and 40,000 they've been moving I don't know under what Authority but they've been moving based upon Cola but as I said in some cases it went to the cola and then went went to another number then back to a prior years's Cola I think so it's it's been sort of all over the map and this is going to take complexity this is going to take more research than we can do in a day or two so that's the question do we want to Fumble our way to Something in May and maybe we can get an answer by then although it's so convoluted that I'm not sure I can what are we doing in April this I guess um chairman can I join in the conversation yeah I'm sorry okay thank you first of all uh this whole push is not a function of oh let's rais it's because of a real legitimate need we need to be doing something to help these folks the second thing is we've been relying on the documents provided by the state with regard to that little spreadsheet what towns are doing what uh they had us at 750 right uh they had us at 70 years old I'm not I don't want to get caught up in this analysis paralysis because of 20 years of screwing up continuously screwing up on this stuff so let's fix the folks that help the folks that need it let's just move ahead and accept the fact that we want to move from 750 up to a th000 and we want to take the age limits down to be consistent with what all the other communities are doing so we can drive ourselves nut trying to put this together and we won't have done in time people are going to ask why we're going what's going on I honestly believe that uh based on the sensitivity analysis that our team has been doing if that override uh isn't enormous or big there's not a citizen in town that's going to turn somebody down over a cup of coffee so I think we just move ahead and get out of the par don't get sucked into the paralysis and just put it on there and see what happens and I pretty confident over the next three weeks we're going to be able to generate a lot of support with a lot of people so I think the thing we need to figure out are the income requirements and the asset requirements for that eligibility and the issue is not should we should we give this exemption it's at what at what income and what asset and we have to clearly Define that so I and I'm not I'm not sure the process for going about that it it would be interesting to see if we can see what other communities are doing in the state um and I don't know how fast we can turn that around what they're doing actually there that came from there is a DLS Data Bank that has other surrounding towns so we can actually look at the other surrounding towns and see what they have for income and asset limitations so that's something that we could put together in yeah so if if we have that in information well I'm looking at this this print out that we have here and um it's a really these are really low numbers right yep that don't match I I see um I guess we will have to as a group decide on what values we want to have um for that somehow in less than a month right okay I understand your very eloquent support for the people in town who need some help I get that I get that I get that um I just want to make sure that when we go to present stuff we could present something that's clear now it's very clear that we're moving from 750 to a th000 that's very clear because it is 750 from all the documentation we can find we are moving from 70 years of age to 65 years of age again that's very clear the question is really what income levels do we ask people to meet what income levels do they need to be beneath in order to to be eligible so they'll be sending in their they'll be putting in their applications in 20 25 remember we're talking about 2025 they'll be putting in their applications against what set of numbers I I don't know right now because it's all over the map it's any somewhere between 20,000 and 33,000 to tell you the truth is the is the single person's income limit um and there is obviously there are other things that go in there like how much do you take out for Social Security there there's several other factors we just need to know what those goal posts are and today I'm not sure we know the goal posts if we want to keep this on here and try to find all the information we may find that we don't have enough information to to adequately tell folks exactly what their income requirements are by this time a month and a half from now um we may or may not know so we do know we do know that it's in the guidelines no it's published it's released it's current wait it's in the guidelines if we had adopted Cola we have not those guidelines are for Cola that was up to the town to make a decision the town didn't make a decision the town body the legislative body for this community did not as far as I can tell make the decision to adopt Cola right again that's going to take a lot of research we may be able to do it in the next two or 3 weeks I don't know that but we may be able to find out that oh yeah it was adopted back in such and such a date what we don't have time to do is put it on the agend put it on the warrant for this year this may around the cola we'd have to do that in November we can't do that one now we just don't have time so I wouldn't introduce it I'm sorry I wouldn't introduce the co at this particular you're moving too many dials we know that the two dials that we're moving are going to be able to give us a reasonable number with regard to what people can expect from a household contribution you move another dial and next thing you you up that NE we could be doubling the participation rate without even knowing it we don't know BR we just we don't know I don't want to stand in front of town meeting and say I don't know please vote for me so I I I want to read um what just got passed to me for acceptance of cola we can't just do it ourselves um acceptance the cola increases the exemption amount only in those communities that accept the particular Clause um acceptance is by vote of the community's legislative body subject to the Charter um so it it really has to be a formal vote so that's the issue we could we could we could put in what we would like to raise the amount to but it seems like we can't put in what the asset and income levels are does that mean then that we have to go with what was on record in 2007 is my question or or does it mean we go with what we used last year yeah yeah which I don't know I don't have an opinion on that CU I don't know what the impact is I don't know what the implications are so the question that we we have right now is do we want to move forward during May I I've heard Mr rabbit I think you would want to move forward in May virtually regardless of what's going on is that fair just those two elements nothing else we don't we can't well well we can't just do those two elements we actually have to do the the other acceptance of all the other exemptions that we haven't been doing for years so we got goad we got two elements in two elements in this warrant article and then another warrant article for all the other all the other U exemptions Okay so I I thank you and and that was an impassioned plea I get it I'm not against it I'm sorry we've had to go round and round because I I um I had to take a few minutes to figure out what the actual set of problems are um and now that I have an understanding of it I'm you know pretty frustrated because to me it doesn't look like we can actually put it on this this may one because of the we have to get the amount right for the income and the amount right for the assets or we're just changing air right but and potentially doing it wrong but I would like to get it on for November right right Mr chairman and uh if I might address that what is the the air part we're talking about two solid pieces that we we know we done last year consistent with what do DLS has been sharing with us the other elements we don't know we could come back in November and add those in but get those two in there and give these people some relief it's not a big number if we all of a sudden raise the income levels well then guess what we're our numbers are going to be so Jack it's not about it's not about the relief part um I'm I'm in full support of that I just want to make sure that um it's clear what people are applying for and clear what we are um giving exemptions for um if we don't have the income and the assets listed correctly then um we're creating a conflict in our administration of all of the all of those so Mr chairman if I could did any of you folks go to the ARP uh website app site that tells you whether or not you're qualified for the 41c as well as the uh the uh circuit breaker but the 41c has qualification limits in there right and it has to be it has to be adopted by the town it if the if the those guidelines are for those towns that have adopted Cola we cannot find a record of us ever having adopted Cola so those guidelines are me meaningless to lunberg having said that I get why you want to move forward but I'm a little concerned about when we stand up at town meeting and say yeah we want to cut the age we want to increase the amount and we don't know what income level income level people are going to have to meet because it's somewhere between 20 and 33,000 I'm just throwing those out for and and Reena you sound like you have something to say so I'm let you say it I was like you said before I was just wondering where back in I don't remember what year was 20,000 and 40,000 uh 20,000 and 30,000 were accepted we're way over that and it's never been accepted a town meeting right so I'm wondering should this go to Town Council to find out if we have to adhere to the vote back those Le those limits back whenever that was accepted by town meeting which puts another curve into it well yes um that's actually not a bad idea let somebody go do the research and dig it up pay them to do that um we on the other hand need to make sure that we have either something in front of the board of selectman tomorrow or not so this is not an easy one that's why it got added as an emergency revision to the agenda because as we were trying to figure out what the answers to the questions were we didn't even know what all the questions were Mr rabbit do you have something yep I believe I believe it is an easy one if all of a sudden we discover that there is a problem we just pull it down at town meeting or pull it out ahead of time we if you don't do something right now we're locked out of May and so I my position use it as a position hold on let's buy some more time and in the meantime we can engage in our own discussions I'm going to be call I promise you I'm going to be calling DLS looking for assistance and if someone on this side wants to go talk to a Costa great let's do that but uh let's first of all make the decision of staying on the warrant let's get our placeholder in place that so yes DLS can only give give us back what we've given them so I'm I'm not sure what I'm sorry what who's got to come after us what you say froze up what I a low bandwidth here this campground's not really good about that I think the main issue is we can't deter ibility yeah I don't I don't know who's eligible well we can't determine eligibility whatever our limits are yeah so I think Mr rabbit's point is let's change the limits and figure out the eligibility because we have to figure out the eligibility anyway is that fair that's fair yeah that's a good summary um so as the more this has been really valuable discussion for me because I was really torn but I'm now now I'm leaning toward let's put it on there and figure figure out what the eligibility uh requirements are and that way we can we can stand behind the fact that we want to increase the exemption we want to decrease the age and we'll figure out the eligibility stuff before we before we sit at town meeting because I can't tell you how strongly enough how embarrassing it is to be at town meeting and not have answers you get shouted down and turned away and that has happened more than one time and it's often because people don't understand what the question was were're really trying to answer but in this case it's going to be we know what questions we want them to answer we just don't know what the parameters are so we'll figure that out so I'm I'm leaning more toward and if we haven't figured out the eligibility by then we pass over we still have the option of passing it over and moving it to November and still affecting the 2025 fiscal 2025 tax situation I think that's the best possible scenario we have right now okay I feel better I'm glad you guys made me feel better um so I'm not sure if we need to take a vote on anything I good job I don't think so I think uh we're kind of at a consensus of well we we're where we were which was $1,000 65 years and and we have to Fig and the last date we updated it was no 20 what it was May 14th ACC May 6 2006 town meeting there we go and the income limits then were 24,000 for single 30,000 for married yep asset limits were 40,000 for single and married 55,000 okay I don't know that that even matters thank you for the discussion and thank you for the impassioned plea um okay I think that's fine let's just cuz it's sitting in front of me what about these other Clauses so I didn't want to take us too far down the Rat Hole but at some point we'll we need to discuss all the Clauses because I think the Situation's similar for many of them that things have been Revisited once in a while in the past but not all the time so we aren't sure what our parameters are for those either well an U an opinion I have is that um you know what we're doing for seniors these these other groups are equally deserving so it' be something I'd like us to consider looking into and as we as we nail this down over the next few weeks or few months I think we still have an opportunity to fix things in November I I do too right thank you very much I was I was kind of losing sleep over this one so thank you well hearing about it I'm can imagine if You' only not stirred up the pot Mr rabbit we wouldn't be looking at all this stuff and trying to fix the whole world thank you we need to do so so we at the assessor conference review yep uh so there's no vote needed on that so we're just going to move forward was there a question there there's somebody on Zoom oh oh let them in how let me in oh um Sarah thank you for bring that to our attention Okay okay just's got to come over and drive well those of you on Zoom there are more people trying to be on [Music] Zoom there we go um so I I just went to the participants and then clicked and now I'm on admit yeah oops good job man you just no it's there it's just zoom is shrunk I shrunk everything Honey I Shrunk the zoom there we go there we go I was trying to hide the paricipants but it's probably better to have it open cuz then you'll see who's in the waiting room so right that's F Dave is in the waiting room not anymore Dave he's he's in here now oh okay all right sorry Dave so that was a longer conversation that I hoped but actually shorter than I expected uh the status of the community outreach you want to review the assessor conference that was recently held just tell us a little bit about it Mr chairman I uh yes I'd love to the uh I don't see Dave on the screen say da he's there yeah there he is oh there he is okay he's asleep that's all right okay Mr rabbit okay uh basically the conference went off uh with a uh I believe countwise people in the room I guess there were about 29 of them we don't have any counts on in terms of how many people are actually visited the pack uh meeting uh the zoom piece was a disappointment in that uh for some reason the audio wasn't working I don't know why and at the same time I will never try and have a zoom and conduct a conference and do all the other things at the same time CU she it was just me there was nobody let anybody into the rooms even so I screwed up that part of it um other than that the the conference seemed to be well received we did receive uh about a dozen or so uh I haven't looked at them since conference but uh responses and for that matter they were all uh they had uh choices and basically they quots were very happy with with what they had seen uh they appreciated the the concept that we're trying to help and the other avenues that were're exploring um they uh yeah they appreciate our select getting up and giving an update they appreciated Margaret uh getting giving us the info and the insights giby and what was happening with the pack TV and all the other pieces uh Reena Linda did a very nice job assessing uh Reena did you hit five different exemptions is that what you had I'm sorry say that again the uh you you talked about exemptions yes you know you 41 I think you talked about five of them all together um 41 four about four of them four of them yeah and uh there was there was some people that were wanted to know hey hey uh my brother couldn't is not going to be able to keep this house what can we do and so we pointed out a few different Avenues and the thing of it is uh we try to share with people there are other opportunities out there that we don't have available to us just yet but we're going to push really hard on them and the deferral it opened some people's eyes and uh the opportunities for deferral uh so we just need to push that but I know that the next 3 weeks we've got to push 42c really hard with with the public and uh 41 number 41c 41c why am I doing this so anyway uh yeah there's a lot to get done because this thing just doesn't happen by itself and so uh I know i' received a note from Heather yesterday and it could have been from a few days before that she wanted to do this a similar presentation to the finance committee I saw it too late and u i we'll see what happens there but right now I'm going to be out there actively campaigning for it and using as many friends in contacts as we possibly can we did uh we did a mailing for inv invitees out through the senior center we did it through the Lakes communities uh I have about 75 close to dear friends in town hey pay attention this so I think that uh we just got to keep pushing some energy behind it and we'll get some people that are interested the other thing that uh we we pushed on and and Sarah your uh little brochure I held up held up a copy of that and I said go check your property cards every chance I think I said it three or four different times and uh and they people were kind of like oh I should be paying attention to that so they're going to need some help there in fact one person come running up to me just at the end after the end of it say my property card is wrong I don't live in a town I live in a town you froze up sorry you you froze up there we we missed sorry we missed what you were saying after people are holding up their card holding oh their property Parts uh the woman had uh basically her house was miscoded and I said that's the reason why we want to be doing it and you know we gave a few examples of uh where things had been miscoded and we needed their help and I think that needs to be a constant message out there that we need your help go through and hit those property parts and they were all smiles Linda even though you'd left they loved hearing about your uh your background and your history they're all they're all nodding said this is good good this is good so uh all in all I thought the conference uh met its objectives and uh now we just need to use that as a springboard to push other pieces out and uh yeah they they even like the website and stuff a couple of them commented on that one and I will as soon as I get back to the home base I'll grab those survey sheets and tabulate them and put something out there that you can look at dat so just one one question so this is something we going to try to do annually okay is it I'm think that was a question that was that was a question okay I I'm thinking whatever we can do to communicate with folks yeah let's let's take that opportunity and I think the senior community especially because we know that they aren't go you know most of them I can't not be wrong to say most of them a big chunk of them really don't have access to a computer or are not necessarily computer literate and and uh but it got a good response and uh you know from the seniors that were there and uh those uh the property boards that we put up there we had uh five boards all together and uh three of them were on the on the uh properties that had sold and those got a pretty good review now oh oh yeah by the way the Ledger is going to be doing an article I don't know if it's shown up yet and uh yeah leure imp pack and I don't know if Brian anybody seen it in pack TV yet I ien not done that yeah thank you so anyway it's getting out there but thank you for the opportunity yes I think we can do another one another quarter so let's see we're going I'm sorry what did you say we could probably do another one in another quarter because hopefully this darn website's going to be oh online stick with the assessor conference we'll move to the okay okay well that was so as far as the assessor conference is concerned we we probably should do it again next year at some point we should talk about what the uh schedule when we will start opening up stuff for 2025 um but right now because of the lateness of the of the uh tax bills I'm jumping ahead we we should talk about the yeah never mind I'll I'll not jump ahead I will not jump ahead so uh you started to talk about the we website when do we see a roll out of stuff on the website why I I in the uh presentation there was a there was three three blocks slides on where we are on the presentation and the volumes of of what's going on we we told them look we're hoping that April mid to late April we have a roll out that's my goal and uh I've got to get back to Cara I haven't talked to Cara in in a week and a half now most of the holes are filling up and again Sarah we love your book great thank you for the update the next item on the agenda is the use of responses to extensive citizen questions as facts and we have a a guest who's who's U graciously gone through piles and piles of questions and sort of uh boiled them down to at least a much more manageable list of questions many of which can be answered or could be answered on the website as part of our fact so um did you want to you don't have to present but we won't be able to hear you if you're not on a microphone the uh our gracious guest is Mr Carl look whom we all know and love is that on there's a bug on the M good one Bri how did I get that there stinky bug it is one of those stinky bugs all right growing up in the country can't stop me that easy Carl luck 50 sunet Lane um attracting stink bugs over here uh yeah I I as at your request and my offering and you're uh accepting I I went through um the questions that I had most of them um just about all them were were over the past year um that I had accumulated um plus Carl Durer who also had a bunch of questions um um went over his own and then we incorporated that into what what we sent you um and again what what we tried to do was basically brought this down to current still relevant questions there's still an awful lot of questions about last year that haven't been answered and um most of them are not relevant anymore or um a few of them been answered but but not very many um quite frankly and it not not the boa I mean the uh investigation team promised to answer them and they're not going to it's clear um so appreciate your being willing to uh to entertain these questions um as said a lot of them um don't seem to be relevant anymore so we left those all out um there is a chance that as a result of the answers to these questions some of them may become relevant again so we'll keep that door cracked open um and um and that's basically what we did so we came up with this you know couple Pages uh worth of questions and um and some definitions upfront um because I hadn't seen Sarah's booklet yet and I I've seen it and started to read it it is outstanding I encourage everyone to go you know it was predominantly written by the town of conord right H was it was predominantly written by the town of conquer I edited it you you get the credit for going and finding it software developers get credit for other software developers work so yes I will say it wasn't easy to find on the website I did I'm looking forward to Jack's uh new website because it it well well Jack um Jack I don't know if you heard Carl he said it was hard to find the vision card how to read it so maybe we can put it on the front page or something I I if I might I we we can ask um ask that it be put out on the news you know the front page top page if we want so yeah that's probably a good idea thank you for I just couldn't find it on the the cessor I I finally found it with a just search for the for the words cuz I knew the title and that and then it came up but I never could find it on the uh assessors or the board's page but uh but it but it's it's it's a great document and I can't wait to it explains a lot right explains a lot yeah I was overjoyed when I saw it it's good it's really good um so anyway I I don't plan to present it you have a list of questions um I'm mostly here to um and and Carl was I don't know if he got in in uh from the from the waiting room but um mostly to address any any questions to make sure the questions are clear uh it was our understanding that other than what the board might be able to answer and and there's sort of two sections one is um we felt was primarily had to be answered by the contractors whether it be Vision or or MFS um but there is another section that looks pretty much that most of it could be answered by either the board or the town manager uh most of them fall into that range so the so the goal right you know my my my goal of being here and and Carl's of standing by is basically to make sure that the questions are understood and if there's any clarifications to the questions not expecting any answers tonight clearly but so that when they get sent to whoever is going to answer them they're understandable and what comes back will um answer them so I don't know if there's any questions um when I read through them they made sense to me um but I think if we we need additional clarification we know who to come back to you know you know how to found me yeah yeah I absolutely make yourself available and and and Carl will too I'm sure I can speak with him on that so thank you Mr rabbit I think has a hand up Mr chairman hey you know we rather than trying to reinvent the wheel I'm betting our contractors have a lot of questions that've been asked in the past and they' probably generated some sort of responses to it so if it would if it be okay we could without incurring any horrendous costs let's query those two folks and say what kind of question do you have you gotten what are responses can you send them over to us and we'll load them up and that'll hopefully take down some of the volume questions for the next round yeah I several of these are are lakes sever several of these are lakes specific and maybe not questions that would be answered in another community so those those are probably specific to this us uh several that's there a few townwide ones yeah right right Carl and I are in the on the lake so these are almost all except for the the ones that maybe yourself or the town manager they're a little more generic um all the other ones are are Lake specific because that's what we've been living for the last year um and they're very specific as you can see um in terms of right 23 and and 24 mostly 24 hopefully most of the focus should be looking forward but there are some things you need to answer Looking Backward in order to give yourself context so yeah you see that there's only you know a couple on on 23 and they they do have some potential link to 24 yeah I I think there was a couple that were about the neighborhoods uh that were related to how how do we have these neighborhoods and and stuff like that which are still I think related they are and in fact we talked about at our last meeting putting together a a small committee small whatever small is uh to address what the overall neighborhood layout should look like so uh those may be answered as we go through that but it doesn't doesn't answer the question how we how things happened as we look backward but they would say here's how we'd be looking at things in the future the future being now because we have 24 bills that'll be going up shortly I'm not answering any questions that I shouldn't be but um those questions some of those how we arrived at the 24 values still may come up and looking back toward the neighborhood situation that we found ourselves in last year so um yep um were there any Jack did you get to see a copy of the memo for the note from Carl is that Carl you sent that up about two weeks ago or so no uh over the weekend over the weekend no I haven't seen okay okay well there are some questions and many of them are really good questions that's helpful that's really helpful this is one of the oh one of the questions one of the questions was is our is our current new uh inter yeah lead assessor qualified and in fact there's a certificate that indicates that she is indeed qualified but we will put that out at the website and and and put put the trombone and trumpets with it this is exactly we we hope that when we make a hire we hire only qualified people that's the intent think so um you know so far all right thank you know to find and we do know where to find you so uh we can go through the questions at some point and if you want to adjust them but I I think we have a set of questions we can start to uh figure out who to send them to for answers yes um take a minute to get some water Mr chair you you may if you'll agree to ass sign who should oh a sign who should do answer which questions you don't want to do that I Mr would would that be something you'd be interested in doing you don't have to don't feel it pressure don't feel any pressure that I just put on you I I don't really feel pressure about answering questions it's just they're they're actually pretty well divided in terms of what I think we can send to our contractors and what we need to have answered within town right um it was that was already kind of delineated so the other thing we have to do is just answer the questions that we have to answer and send them off and distribute them there were a couple other questions I think that you didn't address that came from other sources the questions about 17d which I think I forwarded a copy to you guys we probably ought to put something together to put out at the website as an answer for that but if we're going to do that we probably ought to have a whole section on exemptions so I don't know if you put together a SE a section on exemptions in the website Jack but there ought to be a whole section about exemptions and we put all exemption related stuff there you have yeah let me go back and just if you don't have it I would suggest that we we do that so thank you and that's we don't really go much beyond that yeah the exemptions that we've accepted on the exemptions we'll get it straightened out and we'll get the answers out there so yes thank you is are these questions something that our assessor our our principal and interim assessor should be like the ones that are within town can maybe can they address that while they're here in the town building yep sure thank you thank you very much Mr luck for the time that you spent um oh Jack you have another comment if we could uh as we collect these questions we're going to come back and answer with answers we're essentially establishing policies by answering those questions and uh we can start building up our policies part of the website not too much in there right now I don't disagree but that's a future topic some of them might be policy related there is a future topic if you EST if you answer something and the board goes along with it you just establish the policies depends on what it is yeah I mean is our is our principle assess are qualified that's not a policy the policy should be we only hire qualified people right that's our policy right okay so question comes who is going to be uh filing these into policies what I thought I saw your hand in the air in fact it still is yeah what what are you talking about what are you talking about your hand is still up there you go thank you do I don't know I can't tell I don't see a question not raised oh okay I don't see any other questions all right I don't see any okay um thank you for the updates uh thank you for the questions and we we will keep following up um status of the 5-year reval in the tax bills the intention of putting this one on here was actually to go back and look at the do directives but we should talk about the status of the tax bills there were some technical problems between I'll call it between munus and vision that made it very difficult for munus to read the data that Vision was sending over will not attribute blame anywhere but a lot of adjustments were made to munus work last year with munus what's that and last year with munus and worked with vision and munus last year yeah just not this year um so munus recently had an update there was a munus update this year yeah yeah and uh there has been another update and it appear appears at this point that all the all most of the information is transferring over properly we think so is uh so there there's a what a download all the information then there'll be a chance to review what we have send that back out to the uh the printing company get it back from them for another review I think it might be off to the printer this evening I think it is too I just didn't get confirmation of that so thank you um that was my leen's hope that was my's expectation yes to have it to the print of the SE so having said that it'll go to the printer they'll they will uh collect all the information that they have and then they're going to send it back to us for a review according to the town manager oh okay and once we've gone through that review we then send the final package to them which they then have to send through the the print process and the and the um postage process so the expectation right now is that we will be sending out sometime in the next week and a half to two weeks maybe sooner but I I'm not counting on that and that tax bills will be due sometime in miday which means for us there's an implication here uh whatever the date of the tax bills whatever date the tax bills go out we then have to give three months for uh exemptions it's a yes so not not 90 days 3 months so we have to know the date and go 3 months out and that'll be for the exemptions for 2024 if somebody want somebody else may still apply for 2024 right we also have uh 30 days for abatements to be corre uh applied for correct um and then we have some period what was the period of time for us to respond is that I don't remember I just did that training too oh 90 days is it 60 what was it 90 days to respond was it 90 okay I thought so but I would have to double check yeah anyway so the implications for us is is around the what day the bills go out if you talk to anybody else in the finance world of the town they want to know when the payments are due so don't be talking past each other I've already done that twice so uh I guess I'm telling stories out of school because the town manager will be giving an update to the board of selectman Tomorrow the other thing we have to talk about is the directives we probably ought to really have a concerted effort to put together teams to respond to those directives now those directives are for the next five years so they don't have to be responded to immediately some of them I think are more pressing than others hence the discussion about neighborhoods last week and our last meeting and again this meeting I really want to put together a neighborhood reevaluation re-evaluation team um which I think would need to include someone from the board probably someone the the the assessor's office and that's probably going to be pretty pretty obvious by the time we get it together Linda um I would suggest we want to have somebody from a lake at least uh somebody else who's not on a lake and then perhaps someone who's completely objective and may be from out of town um be that somebody we are hiring as a consultant or whatever so th that would be my suggestion for and it's only a preliminary suggestion I'm not we're not voting on anything right now but those are my thoughts and if you have other thoughts about who should be on a neighborhood re-evaluation committee let me know wow well I I wrote those down and I I was thinking that I I like that uh oh composition it's not too many you want to keep it small enough so that something actually gets done uh but it is a good representation I think across the community um personally that's a board I would really love to be on um I spent a lot of time looking at those maps and um was somewhat um surprised at the layout of those neighborhoods uh and I think there's some work we can do there that would improve things and we might be able to reach out to some people who are familiar with lunenberg maps who know long work for lunenberg and perhaps we could entice them to help out just saying yes I would like to nominate Sarah well head of that particular team we're we're not there yet but okay thank you she's imin qualified let's face it out of our whole group Sarah you're you're the you're the map person you really are and the gis pieces and everything else that's you there are other aspects of neighborhoods but yes just that might have been an oversimplification but yes we we're we're not on far off on the wavelength great thank you um maybe next time I don't know if we're still too busy for next time oh we have to talk about next time whatever next time is but um we should go through the directives just list them off and and talk about what we want to do when we want to do it cuz as I said we have up to five years so in some of these cases we don't want to do anything right now we're going to be tripping over the other stuff we're trying to get done that's more pressing and some of them are pretty standed that every Community gets like a better response on your ey Ines you know that is that's a little bit hard and every Community gets that one you mail them out to everybody you can't guarantee that they're going to return them right so that's a hard directive that's kind of one of those you might have noticed Lind there it's on every year every Community gets that one every year so there are a few of those y I would say generally though we did not have an inordinate amount of directives no I thought compared to what we may have had in the past and what other communities might have uh it didn't didn't feel like we got that many somehow I got the impression from our um do rep that we might have up to 10 but we didn't have that right so but then it might have been that just came you know comes down from her boss so sure thank you the next the thing on the agenda was to go through it I'm sorry did you have something to say yes you probably have to make no it's cuz I don't see your hand unless I look up oh okay I'm sorry hey if we're coming up with we have these do directors as we establish them should we have some metrics that supports how well we're making progress and can we pull them out of the machines but we need as we're thinking of or determining those there must have been ways in the past you measured whether you were meeting the do requirements or not so would it make sense then to go to the folks that are measuring us and ask them what do you use for metrics to to say that yeah our I are getting better or whatever but we need some metrics to support what what gets measured gets done if it doesn't get measured it's never going to get done and so let's talk to the folks that the ones that Define them we have to do is it is it measured when we submit it and they say it's done well but the directives we finished but we have directives here's some things you might want to take a look at I would actually think it would make sense to reach out to them and said what is it you're looking for on some of these directors and how how can we how can we know that we've succeeded which is what you've asked I think right what metrics were on that well the metrics on that are the do because you have your cyclical which is you're basically doing that over a 9-year period and they when you're going through your revil they look at what you've done over the years and you get a percentage how what percentage of your town has been reviewed there's the metrics and it's it's if it's not up to what the do wants you know it's going to show up in your certification right so there's your metrics they they look at what's done every year because they do take that percentage every year right when you're filing when you're doing your um recap and all that um they look at well how what percentage you are you up to this year how many on your Cleo how many you done and that's a very clear numeric we can use then maybe some others that are less numeric right that we we would like to know what the measurement what the metric really is so I think that's a reasonable question to ask them on some of them some of them it'll just be totally obvious so I'm fine with that um yeah yeah mrman I think we also need to have the Board needs to hear how we're doing with regard to those metrics the what I'm sorry and some sort of a he said the board the board hear our progress and ENT you know there a a line chart that says yeah I got my 400 done or I'm supposed to average 40 a month or whatever the number is going to be we want to trct that we don't want to let it get too far behind otherwise we'll never catch up it's going to be a whole series of dynamic metrics we have an expectation those SE from of course L going to figure out how to type it all up and make it print out automatically for you right L yeah so progress on directives is something we will keep on the agenda maybe not every time we meet but perhaps once a month or per once a quarter but progress on the directives is something we should look at on a regular basis and at that way the board is clear what has been done what is going to be done when it's going to be done so that's I think that's a good observation just make sure we keep it in front of us so thank you uh want to move on the next item was approved minutes we have lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of minutes to do having said that because we ran into some problems with the with 41c issues on 41c had to do bunch of research on that and uh problems with munus versus Vision we haven't really had a chance to go through the minutes in detail so i' I'd rather do the minutes when we're all in the room so we can make those adjustments as we go unless somebody has a problem with it I would postpone this till our next meeting if that's okay have you had a chance have I of you had a chance to go through in detail all those minutes and make the adjustments you want to make no Brian I haven't uh no you're not alone I've gone through most of it at this point but I've gone through some I think it would be easier when we're all in the room okay it just let's get it done then okay thank you um future topics work breakdown structure we'll keep that on on the agenda for future topics uh the boa policy I think that's always there as something we can just pop up into the current business whenever we need to um so I think we can talk about when the next meetings might be I do have a proposal for a future topic um I think in the in our budget that we submitted to the town manager for this fiscal season we were asking for a data collector um so at some point we'll need to address how we're planning to accommodate the lack of a data collector in our budget and and how we're we're going to get through that um so the data collector if indeed it is accepted at town meeting um wouldn't be hired until July 1st essentially right yeah um so in until then we have two people in the office through the end of May so we have virtually all of June that right now looks like we will have one person in the office unless somebody get hired awfully quickly I I was wondering um you know we we we asked for that data collector position but I wonder how much might be getting covered with contractual type stuff today not much yeah I think is that fair I I don't know so that's why I yeah no I think good future topic discussion that's why I was looking over there for the for them but we well we could do another topic on on the data colle collector for the next meeting is that what you want to do you might you might want to wait to see I know Linda and I were both told at the department head meeting um it's it's on the top of the list for higher e right so um right you said part- time be part we be looking we we had we had asked for somebody 19 hours right um and I believe following up on what Reena said uh it's right at the top of Heather's list yeah top ahead of a lot of other things that are op pressing it's just something we'll have to think about um yep uh please uh just go on Sarah a good point is that we we work breakdown structure starts off who's going to do who does what what is required to be done and then you can make the argument this is we just don't have the resources or maybe we do don't have the resources but Sarah's point was right we need to at least Define what goes on in that office and what who is going to cover it and then who's going to cover you know sheo come back for a while where does that work though just sitting answer or I mean we need to be taking work breakdown right now and uh and then we can make an argument saying this this is not getting done because we have nobody to do it right it's fair so I'm I'm with Sarah okay is that what you're saying Sarah I think that's what you're saying I was just saying we we need to think about how we're going to manage that yeah you you went a little further okay you've never done that yeah why stop so why stop so we had talked about potentially is there anything else that NOP I'm good we talked about potentially meeting uh if we were on our normal schedule it would have been April 22nd well April 15th but April 15th is a holiday um and none of these offices will be open or rooms will be open so we had talked about maybe moving it to the 22nd we would have to look for a site or we can move it to the 29th I believe that no one is scheduled in any of the rooms on week five so we might have access to this room on the 29th so do we want to meet on the 22nd and or the 29th can we pick one I'm nervous about going that far without having another meeting cuz we got oh yeah we got small topics I if you want I'll go and find one have have you had a chance to go try and look at the DPW they' got a C from I understand it's spit it out so so so you're you're making the case that you want to have a meeting sooner when would you like to have that meeting I'll find the room so I I'll do all the leg work and stuff if the 50 then the 22nd is let's do it then is the 22nd doable for you yeah anybody else I will try to find a room for a for April 22nd I'm not going to try to schedule room for the 29th then because that would be consecutive weeks and there were a couple reasons to not do that because if we were back on our regular schedule uh we would then be going to May 6th and May 20th so April 22nd gets us sort of on schedule and I will find a location thank you okay that easiest scheduling we've ever done wow work work's the DAT in the town meeting in May what May 4th May 4th oh there it is okay May the 4th be with you for music man there you go oh Dave yes is there a question yeah just wait public comment oh will we'll be there in just a minute minute um actually very soon so we're all in agreement on those dates yes we'll get stuff okay uh we're moving to closing comments good evening guys uh first of all I just want to thank since every some of you may be watching this later so would you identify yourself yes to do that my name is Dave McDonald 155 Island Road Mass I just want to welcome our new assessor Mrs MC welcome to lunberg I know you didn't have to go far from Air so thank you very much it was a pleasure to meet all of you at the U cck the other night thank you thank you thank you for stepping up I I really appreciate that Sarah and Ryan and Jackie always are there so again thank you for what you're doing and I know it was a big mess uh over the last few months and you guys are doing a great job I I call T CU I did write a letter to the uh our manager this morning in regards to what happens now a lot of the residents thought that the bills are very well today uh we were in the thick of it last year and we were still very disappointed last year when the bills were mailed out late now the only thing I was asking is that people were calling us ask us what's going to happen I was wondering if somebody could update the citizens either on your Facebook page or town Facebook page I know he she has has released but Mr chair you started to go over exactly what's happening and that's the people want to know when they canile for an abatement if they have to for an abatement uh what what is how does that all work if you can outline something for the citizens that be glad to pass it around to everybody that we know especially in zone one uh but I think the whole town really needs to know this and as fast as we can get that out the better it'll be because again tomorrow is April 2nd and it's going to go so those are my comments but overall I I just got we're very pleased with your performance and again thank you very much thank you for the feedback um yes once we have a response from Heather CU Heather's put putting it together for both of us uh once we have that then we will we could post something out to the Assessor's website and in fact we could put it up in the news site to give us a pretty good idea of when the bills are going out when the abatements will have to be filed when exemptions will have to be applied for fingers don't work so well anymore sorry so uh I think it's a great idea and we will make sure that it's out on the website and I don't know if there are any other vehicles for communicating to the town I wish there were um if if if somebody if somebody well let me just PR we have a Prett good Network too we you just get your response send it out to a lot of people thank you thanks for helping I appreciate that thank you and um Heather's going to be the town manager is going to be the B of s meeting tomorrow she's going to be she's going to be at the select board meeting tomorrow yep so she should have a she should be able to give an update tomorrow as well that we get some other people too but that actually will bring some more people in because they be more people watch that than this I'm surprised um thank you uh any other public comment I can't see any other hands uh any other board comment closing comments from Miss camer Mr rabbit thank you no uh none for me um we will be retiring to Executive session to discuss some exemptions um now how do we lock everybody else out of Zoom except for Mr rabbit can we do that um we will what I are we going to be able to do that we we need to go through this executive session motion Etc and vote on it I don't know it's possible we could go to a private room I don't know if we have that on this zo I don't we could shut everybody else out but yeah kill the zoom cuz I'm coming in through pack but is this that BEC the public you're coming in through pack I believe I'm coming no you're not we just heard pack saying no no well it doesn't say Zoom online that's just it okay oh no but it is zoom so what we can do is we can actually I think you can disengage anybody who's not Jack from from that and then so after let's let's do this executive session thing so you're going to move that I move that we suspend open meeting and enter into executive session not to return to open session after exe executive session we're motioning to enter executive session under purpose 7 to comply with or act under the authority of any general or special law or Federal grant and aid requests executive session quote applications for abatement or exemption under this chapter sh except in proceedings before the County Commissioners the appell at tax board or a court of the Commonwealth be open only to the inspection of the assessors the commissioner the deputies clerks and assistance of either the assessors or the commissioner and such other officials or designated private Auditors of the Commonwealth this is chapter 59 section 60 of Massachusetts General law as the law being cited motion to adjourn to exective session this this will have to be looll call vote Jack Rabbit Sarah Cammer Brian lefant we are unanimous we can now I believe shut off the P TV