##VIDEO ID:Gsvig_sJHLw## is this for me y you're so good9 didn't say he wasn't a so and I'd really like to keep this meeting short as possible tonight my sister's visiting and I'm working all this week and I had hardly any time to see here so I want to get home we can do it where she visiting from she lives in Cody Wyoming oh wow yeah they got a great little horm there little horm they every horm there's plenty of Big Ranch not one of them all right I say let's get going okay so I'm going to call the meeting to order by reading the following in accordance with the requirements of the meeting law please be advised that this meeting is being recorded and it will be broadcast over the lunenberg public access Channel and uploaded to the lunenberg access YouTube channel uh this meeting will be held in person at the location the notice the agenda list all topics which make may be discussed at the meeting and are those reasonably anticipated by the chair votes may be taken as a result of these discussions not all items listed May in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up at discussion to the extent permitted by the open meeting law so we don't have Tim on remote do we no I don't have anybody okay so we can just do regular so in attendance tonight we have Karen Bernard Helen Shapiro Chris Sullivan myself andita shyers and at the table we also have Angela Clement our Recreation director with us so um first agenda item facilities director update uh Chris was not able to be here tonight after all he apologizes um but one of the things he had planned to talk to us about tonight was the capital projects so I put this on as a new added agenda item um under the amended agenda because he wanted a little bit more clarification um we you know had asked him basically to continue with the existing list that we had before and um he is prepared to do that um but it also um we had also asked him to look into the Northfield Road survey and design and he he was saying that you know he know he's those those things that are on the list are the um Marshall Pond and the town beach at the um Willam Lake um and that's the hydro raking at those two PLS um then we have the mcnali park redesign and Survey that's a schematic level design and then there was the Northfield Road survey and design so I just wanted reconfirmation tonight of what we want to have him reiterate on the ongoing Capital plan for this coming year for consideration and review and provide them a little bit more detail on the mcnali and if we want to keep that Northfield Road on it give them a little bit more detail on that as well so thoughts I don't have it was this wasn't what was on my brain for tonight so I'm a little scattered in my thoughts um I do think the Northfield should remain on there what what more detail did he want well you know we basically said you know just kind of a road survey and design so that would be a SCH early schematic design you know 25% design um but what exactly are we hoping that could be potentially included there were we looking to have that on there as not as something to with I mean if money falls from the sky but not as something that would necessarily be considered for this year but to have something so you see what is coming that that's something we're going to there PRI their Capital the capital projects they're are they looking to create a 10-year plan yes they're looking to create a that's what I thought so that's not something that necessarily be looking at for this year so how much I guess what I'm saying is if that's the case what level of detail do be what year do we want to out tour point and what right yeah 25% is probably a shorter time period but in the grant scheme of a 10year plan it's a complete you know it's a complete project whatever that project is going to be whether open space field to the disc golf thing and you know what whatever it may be so if we think back to Marshall Park start started in 2021 early 2021 late 2020 early 2021 so that was that's that was a good threee to get that to get us to where we are right now I yeah um I would think Northfield would be actually be longer because there's nothing there um so you know I think I I don't know think I I picture the design being simpler though like know that we're talking about you know if he's looking for a 10 years plan though you know like would we be looking for five years you know have the um Northfield Park you know the schematic be five years from now and then I would assume if we started the schematic that we'd be looking to keep rolling into each other so you know would year five be the start of and finish completion a year 10 is that the kind of information he's looking for yeah and I'm not even sure that he would require that we um even say you know what if we're looking five years from now you know if if we if we only you know give them at least that information but tell them that we're looking for it to basically do a schematic design of potential for the field including a lot of open field use and but if there is anything more specific also that we should reference that might be considered feasible or desirable there so I think probably it's almost even like it's like an open discussion to how would we think would be over there to develop this kind design my it's in my mind it's always been a a like a pavilion thing maybe restrooms and and open space fields and then depending on what the land looks like you could throw in you know disl and things of that Tim we're talking about Northfield Park over on Northfield a small sort of you know disc I it's a n hole I don't Without Really knowing the full scope of the land and so forth and okay it went up you know is it a n hole disl thing is there a few disl coals or like what what is that look like but in my mind it's always been open space open rectangular multi-purpose You Know Field use that I think could serve a obviously serve a value for the town use but I think it's also an opportunity for the town to be able to generate Revenue as well I don't know how many not I don't know how many field you could put in there kind of do but I think it's a certainly could be a spot that could generate some Revenue I would I would thank okay any other comments okay all right um how about the m her so he you know he has it listed as MCN redesign and Survey So what had been previously discussed about MCN some was parking I think or kind of parking organizing the parking and at one point in the discussions that we had started to have of where to put a t- ball field it was trying to see if we could that's an odd shaped piece of property there um see if we could fit a t-ball field um and whether or not we could come work with um the water district has two Parcels over there that that sort of Connect into there they're not necessarily they're not looking to sell them to us but there may be some opportunity to use them um but is that whether or not that's still needed because I know that t moved up to here up to school street they may be looking to continue there I don't know so it's it's question of whether it's feasible and even if it's even still needed in the long run it's probably needed it probably helps with the ease of things for parents I would suspect if there's more than one ball field in one spot if the kids are playing you know different and so probably I think in the longer it makes more sense to if feasible to put the t-ball field there um just to kind of condense and you know there's a Snack Shack there there's you know usually Porta body there so it's not an additional Porta body or something else it's MCN is the park that we um The Snack Shack that's still there could use some attention yes they took the top level off yeah they took the top level off that left just the snack shaft um and did that feel in general I think just needs needs overall renovation overall work on as does Fitzgerald because it's I think the fence itself looks okay at Fitzgerald no the fence itself looks like it's in good you know good condition right now and stuff like that but I think the dugouts seem to be pretty okay but probably touch up soon okay and the timing of this is this something that we would like to have yesterday yeah so so it's definitely the um the hydro raking for the two I think that would be absolute at the top that's first priority yeah I in my opinion that's the first priority after I guess I still don't quite understand what what's taking so long to get that done okay so what I think I'm hearing people say then is that the hydro raking is our number one priority number two would be the mcel McNelly Park um and then third would be putting the Northfield Road parel in for four to five years from now as a schematic design 25% okay with that yeah yeah I mean my nor North e priority for me like I that's in my soon better I know we're in the middle of Marshall and so soon the soon that's that's another yesterday meet for me when they took possession of that land eight years ago now whatever it was and they said it's years down the line even back then it can't be years down the line is a deed for this town yeah okay um does somebody want to make a motion on those priorities so sure I can motion to um vote for the priorities that I need to red don't me I I okay all in favor I yes okay thanks okay um Recreation director update we have a few things that Angela has been updating us on I didn't have a chance to look at them all but no no problem through it yeah so I'll just give you like a little bit of kind of what's running right now we have starting all that stuff um I did go ahead and request the school let to use a classroom so I'm able to run two programs consecutively um we haven't started that yet so I don't know how well that's going to go or if I feel like that's going to be too tough to do at the same time um but we do have that option now and we're going to be doing that primarily like voting and when pickle ball starts stuff like that um so right now Mondays I have art programs running we have one SCH like um first to seventh grade we've had them come in before it's the painted goat it's the resin our class so it's going really well so far it just started this past Monday um then we also have an adult one that happens right afterwards uh Wednesdays I actually just left TCP so we have a snapology program running which is just the S programs that we run with them um pretty low in numbers but we have enough to run both of them I think it might just be more like everyone's getting back and S to school and stuff like that um we also have them coming back in November um we'll be using a classroom at that point just cuz pickle Ball's going to be starting um so at that point we already have kind of as many registrations as we have for this session so I think it's just kind of getting back on the swing of things uh pickle ball will start November 6th uh both sessions are already sold out so both are full which we capped uh 17 so basically we'll be running one from so we'll be running one for six weeks from the 6th of November until December 18th we'll take a little break for the holidays um and then on the 8th of January we'll start a second session um those run from 3: to 5:00 so I've had a lot more requests for nighttime pick a ball so I do have something in there kind of for the works of trying to do that the issue that I sometimes run into is having somebody to coach the beginners um I do have that for like the afternoon one so Dawn at the school actually does that for us uh but she she can't do nighttime too which is completely understandable um so I did ask her if she had any suggestions in terms of having people anyone volunteer um what we did last year is basically cover the fee for whoever's coaching so they don't have to pay to play um and also locking up the school so Anna helped me a lot last year do that Wednesdays I'll be here kind of anyways and like I said I can run like programs in the classroom so I can make it so I have to be there later anyways um but typically that one at least last year I think it ran to like 9:30 p.m. which is a little late for me so um just keeping that in mind if like anyone can volunteer to help like close some nights that might be helpful um I was thinking Wednesdays would be great for that um and just the only other program I really have going on this fall so far is um we had them come in it's science Heroes we did a free for residents it basically runs for grades K through 5th um they just have to sign up still fill the waiver form everything like that but it's a dry ice like stem show so it's very like interactive for the kids so that was a big hit last time we did it so that's basically what I have going on so far um I'm still working on some stuff for the winter so I'll get there once figure out the rest of this fall um there was a few things so one of the things I emailed to you guys earlier today was the park signage um so good idea for Chris um to do maybe like a QR code that just has like of our rules regulations so people can just scan it because obviously you can't fit everything you need on one sign um so if you guys want to take a look at that just give me your feedback let me know so we can start try to get those out for the fields um it basically just has you know like we run it our email has the parks email um the hours of operation the address for it um and if it's carrying yeah call one carry in carry out policies for the field or Park whatever I'm doing it for um so that's just one thing um I think one of the only other things that I'll bring up is Chris Ruth mentioned possibly looking into what we'd have to do liability wise if we decided to do um like an ice rink at Wallace courts because it's already like you know set up for that basically I looked into a few different companies for it so it's anywhere ranging from like 1,500 but that like makes you supply wooden stuff um or like the easy ranks that has everything it's like 2500 for like a kidy size um I didn't go and measure like how big the cord is to see what size fit in there um but it's anywhere from like 2500 to like six grand to do something like that um I don't know if that's something we'd have to have like specific liability for um have people fill out waivers I don't know if that's something that I can side side yeah sh it and stuff right um I think also no now that we have Al that also works under Chris I think that's really helpful because he's been super on top of everything so I think we have a little more manpower this winter than we had last year so I can devans is probably the best example I can give you which is they're just open to all that you don't have to sign any liability forms or anything like that all of that said I was 100% in favor of an ice rink at either Marshall or Wallace for years until this past year okay when I looked at devons and the reality was they were closed more than they were open because of the temperatures the question then becomes is it is it is it too much I don't want to say it's too much work but it's going to be man hours because what happens is once that stuff starts to melt right if anybody tosses a snowball it's it creates lumps in the you know as start to refreeze so you know I don't know if it's um I I think I think if you went to Devon's Recreation and scroll back on his past season um you can see when they were open and closed okay um you know I think I would just say um you know look at that and make sure number one we have the manpower to support the care of the ice rink as we um but also make sure it's would be worthy of our time okay cuz winter is so unpredictable yeah the only thing I'm thinking is obviously if it's in good enough shape I assume it can be used multiple years I would hope so that's that's the only plus side is you know this winter may not be great but then the next winter could be freezing temperatures yeah so that's that's definitely something to think about speaking of skating skating and signs it may s you're doing signs it may be a good opportunity to consider putting one at Marsh Pond okay by the dog p just skated your own RIS risk kind of okay deal yeah they do they do go out there and it wasn't a great winter but they you know there people out there for a few weeks kind of kind of deal and then and we do have the there are um really heavy old um hockey cages goals that are down somewhere at DBW in Benes oh okay Pat and I come and near those back from the old parks um facility like years back so they're L like chain link Pence and road signs W heavy yeah so they do exist you're doing sign you might as well do sign for okay for there I would think at the same at the same time QR code is a really good idea the only suggestion I had on the sign I was looking at it yesterday was flip-flopping the park is Clos from sunrise to sunset and the dial 911 just PL yeah Park is closed MCN Park and then it just the operating hours and I don't know I thought the that9 one is it's a given obviously but it should be on there just stuff I wouldn't think about you know think having hours well I don't know rules I guess so is the intent to put a sign like this at each should yes is it worth mentioning what's our do we I'm trying to c word dog policy we do have a dog policy so I would that may be the only thing that's worth putting on this time from a policy standpoint isn't it really like I don't it's pretty lengthy so um sort of we that code that's what I was thinking actually when you said the QR code I feel like that kind of has more information on it too right so that might be like what we would use I think it's on like but I feel like mentioning yeah dogs in some way like to see our policy dogs you know including you know dogs just an FYI on MCN if you haven't been down there recently that's the only Park of ours that does have trash can receptacles okay um okay um and then one last thing so this was on the agenda a little bit later um so Josie can't meet with us she's lunberg Business Association um I met with her a few weeks ago and she came up with this idea that she'd like to kind of partner with us on um in terms of doing maybe like an all vendor Spring Fair um I definitely thought it was a great idea to kind of bring everything together um she did give me kind of an overview of what she was thinking and then I discussed kind of like what the parks and like the recreation department really um be able to do in that um so Chris Ruth also brought up one thing is he said the area we're looking to maybe do it is that area of land like near the playground where TCP is so that front lawn area um but not just doing that extending it to like have TCP open so you can use the bathrooms gymnasium um seeing if the senior center the library boys and girls club would all be interested in kind of like partnering together so we have all the parking restrooms um possibly using that Pavilion area outside of the adult center um just to do like live music or something like that over there um in terms of what you knows again in terms of what we would be doing for that um any vendor tables or anything like that obviously they have to go through like the Board of Health and need their certifications so we'd have to make sure that's all done um but she would be basically going through the lunberg Business Association and charging for like vendor tables um because she does I know she has like certain pricing for members and not members so she'd be collecting all of that um that wouldn't be something that we would be doing but I was thinking we could possibly do stuff to do like bouncy houses for kids cover stuff like that maybe do we did one program that was like a books with bunnies so we had bunnies and chicks come in um so that was with good pick and farm and Westford I think so doing something like that like a goat yoga petting zoo things like that um I thought we could probably swing to add to that as well um and face painting we had a lady do face painting at the beach house one time and she was awesome so just like stuff like that we definitely want inclusive so all ages but that's why I was thinking if we have you know Boys and Girls Club involved they can do stuff for that age group possibly the adult Activity Center some stuff there um and the only thing Chris brought up like I said is depending on what time in the spring um I guess that grassy area tends to be pretty wet so we just have to like look out for that I did think that was the best area for us to do something like this so we've done stuff there before um the cultural council did a um what was it called Artisan Market yeah they did something like that um and it was it was if I remember correctly it was well attended and it was it was a good location for I want to say it was in May I could be wrong on that um but you know depending on how large it is that um Laura bzowski on the school yeah Laura was part of that okay yeah that's good um but that um Memorial Drive can also be requested to be closed down oh cool okay y they do that for that one Cru night yes y yeah and we were thinking of maybe doing like a Saturday just so I don't know when the I know they do like a farmers market over here right on Sundays no not anymore well they we did not have one this past year okay so just in case like that we were thinking is Saturday just to make sure it doesn't conflict with like any of that stuff going the only conflicts that the only conflicts that end up happening in the spring on Saturdays are sports okay our sports related um which could affect a good number of people because it's it's everything from um the Youth Sports you know starting at Spring is three through High School yep and then any High School sports that might have a game on Saturday so well specifically there would be some traffic over at the fields for right doer and stuff too but people might go to their game and and come over I don't know that it's so I can say if Saturday ends up being a day that if you'd rather do it on say Sunday um I can tell you that um even if we have a farmers market that comes back in town if you did something in May that's usually too early for the farmers market it usually start sometime in June okay that's good to know what is the Memorial Drive is that the one that connects like the playground thep a little bit it it runs in front of the boys and girls club and the um adult Activity Center there used to be I can't remember what it was there used to be some sort of community fair thing the one that's still did one they did one but they used to something at the school with the PTO that that like the classes and the clubs would go out and have booths yeah I think was the one that was run through the PTO okay and so they could do it as a fundraiser so like you know Latin club would sell whatever like French club would sell croissant yeah or whatever or the different classes could do face painting or something like that okay um and they did it as a class fundraiser and then I don't know if something happened along the line and I don't know if it was they changed the way this clubs and all of those could fund raise and that's what happened or if they just sto looks like she knows yeah that's all I got that's all I got for you I just remember that that was kind of cool there would be a lot of students things so I don't know maybe that can't happen anymore I I I think it can happen I think it just needs to be done in a much more um where's our liability way um yeah I think that's part of why Josie kind of wanted to also like have us kind of run it um but she deals with the table stuff she did mention like I think on our part it wouldn't be so much of like an ask to to set up and everything like that I don't think I could do it by myself but um I think we all put our heads together it would be easy enough but she basically was like everybody would bring their own tables tents you know what I mean so like we don't have to worry about some of those little things um but I I thought it was a great idea obviously I haven't been working here that long but I haven't seen anything similar to that yet no so I think it bring everything together what Colleen's talking about was quite a while ago was well before the cultural Council got involved and the cultural Council had done something and then um it was like the community fair or something like that and then stillman's I don't remember what groups were involved with stillman's but stillman's Farm on Lancaster AB they did something one year to try to bring back that Community fair type thing um and they did that for two years I think and um so yeah but I think it's a great idea I think and I think that Josie had she's she's got it organization of this is and I did for you guys like you might not have been able to see it yet but I did for you her proposal so if you want to go through that she has more detail in there um and we can always bring her on next meeting if I let her know a little sooner she another gr does Gren Fest in the fall happen I it's either this weekend or next weekend and it's they it's all the little side roads between holl and Main Street oh yeah um and so they open it up so like I know like their Trails commission has a booth talk about the tra so you could so like this could also be something where conservation could come and talk about the trail networks in town and you know um Lille you soccer could have a table lacrosse could have a table like you could have a true like kind of really anyone from the community that wants to advertise their sort of yeah and I was thinking of the same thing for the rep department just to like get the word there for so people know what I've got a little bit better at like getting things out there sooner to give people more time but great talk about town beach it's going to go for the summer you know exactly so are we looking to try to take action tonight or do you want to have us revisit this at the next meeting I just wanted to bring it up to you guys um I I haven't reached out to you know the Delta activity center with Girls Club I or the library I think most of them I think I think most of them would be interested doing something so I I hope we don't get a ton of push back about it um but I think we' all be able to kind of have a benefit to having everybody open at that point in terms of parking restrooms the they them being able to just like put their stuff out there as well whatever activities they want um so I'll email all of them as well and just kind of get there so you give us an update at the next one then if we feel ready we can y General General show was support I think it's a good idea nice okay um next I wanted to bring um the invoice approvals up to the next agenda item while we have Angela here because it's important that she be part of that discussion so it's this is a two-part thing we um we need to talk about process of how we're going to move ahead with processing invoices that are associated with the Marshall Park project all the regular Rec Department stuff facilities Department stuff that all happens between you and Chris yeah but in terms of the Marshall Park um you know we're having invoices now that we never had before we've got the OPM scansa invoices that are coming in we have two to approve tonight um and then we're going to have you know the designing firm you know having their invoices then when things get going we'll be having invoices from the construction company or when we do purchases of equipment that we might be doing off State bidder list or something you know like that um so we've got to decide what a viable process is for us to make sure that the committee the commission is having overview necessary overview of this um and yet realistic in terms of fitting in with the process that the town has for approval of invoices so um I had checked with the finance director and he had said that it's ever every other Tuesday that invoices can get process yeah and um he had said that for most other committees um they can do it one of two ways they can bring the invoices to the meeting and there can be you know a vote of the committee to approve the invoices and then we would give them to you for processing okay or we can just do it similar that we that we did to that um approval of the um uh the fund value for the revolving fund where we just did the docu sign so I'd like to have maybe Angela just give a few comments to start off with because she's the one who's going to be dealing with most of the logistics with it so what are your thoughts Angela it's it's a pretty tight like painstaking process to get the checks actually sent out so just quickly like so basically I have to make sure the vendors in our system which sometimes they're not if they're not I need a W9 from them and then I have to send it um to the accounting and have them add them in one once that's done I can put a requisition in for you know a certain amount of money so at that point it could be more than we actually have or less but at that point I need to at least open that and then the accounting department can either add or take off or do whatever I need at that point but just that process alone I would say probably would take a week and a half two weeks just to get signed from Chris and her DM Town manager and then accounting so I would say that Tak a week a week and a half that's the process though right that and that's just the start of it so that's just getting them in the system so that's just getting them kind of in the system and me saying like hey I'm going to need to open this amount of money and Chris saying yeah I agree with that um and then everybody else just signing off on it so at that point it gets converted to a purchase order and that's when I can actually take an invoice and use the purchase order and pay the invoice but depending on when the warrant is from you know the accounting department if it doesn't fall on that like if it just happened and I get it done on Thursday then it's going to take another like two weeks for that to process and even then I don't know how like long it takes them for them to actually issue checks because I don't get anything that says like well we wrote a check and we send it out so I really have no idea when things are sent out I can reach out to them and ask but know that just let the vendors know what you expect exactly and I've had just even some of the vendors we use for like the programs be like where's my check and I'm like oh I'll ask for you you know uh but if they don't reach out to me it's not something I check on right okay so that's just um so I would say all in all like sometimes it takes like 3 weeks to a month for me to even like get the check sent out okay so we know dealing with getting them into the system initially we know that we've got scansa we know that we have LD rdla rdla and that's definitely house so we need to get those to into the system and make sure that they you know are approved vendors in the system so can you start working on that now yeah um I don't I don't haven't seen anything from the other company rdla they haven't sent theirs yet sent an invoice they they should already be in our system though because they're the one who work on School Street okay okay and sometimes they're under like a completely different name too if it's not under rdla it'll be under Ray D landscape architect okay that's so if you could make sure that those two are in there so at least that part's done we need an updated W9 from I don't know how um really only if the the address is changed and then I need a completely different like W9 and I'll have to have another expired yeah it shouldn't um I only know that because I had to a few vendors change their addresses and I had to have them fill out a new W9 so I'm assuming it's the same for everybody when that happens all right so then the next thing is how do we get you know the the timing of getting this committee to um approve the invoices so what we've been asking the vendors is that the invoices get sent to the chair and you're also copied on them as well I got one but I don't think it came directly from a vendor I think Chris might have just sent it to me so I don't know if I'm not getting them directly but like the scansa I had one invoice I didn't even know there was a second one so I don't that's another thing I think maybe it'd be better to be directly sent to me as well just because I think sometimes things get lost between them sending it to Chris and then Chris sending it to me or okay so I'm going to ask both scansa and ourd to send them to you and copy me yeah and and I think Chris also wanted so Angela chair and Chris okay so that's the second step then the third step is we meet on the typically the third Wednesday of the month um and so some invoices if they come in just after that deadline right that the you know the finance the Department Treasures department has I think it was like 300 p.m. by Monday before the the date um then it's going to delay everything by two weeks more than usual so I think the important thing is um I did ask the finance director can a committee vote to authorize the chair or maybe two members of the committee to approve and sign off on invoices for those odd cycle things you know that we just you know we want it to be timely what if we don't have a meeting that month for whatever reason um you know how and he did not answer me on that one so I know that's what we did on the building committee for the high school okay like but I don't know if things you know it's been a while so maybe things have changed but I I 100% know that's what we did we authorized the chair and then I think we had a secondary person in case a chair it does seem like things have changed slightly since the new accountant came in um and was trying to do more yeah yeah things are different of course you know that from having to sign um on the revolving account and everything like that so do we if do we even need to be going through all the that approvals if it's if it's within the scope of what their contract is with us they're not billing us outside like it should all fall to their contract but somebody needs to say yes indeed this this invoice is in the scope of oh okay what they're you know we're responsible for paying them for so um you know typically it's you know we the the Parks Commission is also the you know the committee to oversee this construction project this design construction you know it's not on Chris's shoulders it's not on Angela's shoulders so um I think what we should what I think I'd like to do is suggest that we you know try to make sure that we get invoices um on every agenda now and you know there may be some you know we don't have any but at least that's on every agenda right so we can cover it and maybe just to cover ourselves to be safe even though even though it might not be viable if it's not viable we're not losing anything but if we vote tonight to maybe authorize one or two of us to you know do that approval on those off Cycles where it just needs to be done um then it would you know at least we'll have that boote taken um you know and hopefully it is still a viable option to us so um does anyone want to make a motion about who we'd like to include to have be part of that and for that off cycle approval would know I feel like you know the most about you're pointing that way right you're pointing most I mean I don't I wouldn't mind doing it but I feel like you have the most know most knowledge about everything and so it would be more useful for you to be looking everything about everything Karen knows the most about everything and now it's on record um that's fine it I mean it doesn't that's fine doesn't matter to me presumably it's GNA be y looks good you know so sorry were you saying that in the terms of like every time you get an invoice or are you saying just only on an as needed basis okay because I don't know when like those I didn't look at when their due dates are or like that's what I'm saying I don't want to um like the process takes a while so I don't want to delay very long if we don't have to but I'm going to go go out on a limb and say um that none of these vendors are going to be shocked that a municipal check takes a long time to come right they all have Municipal project experience yes um as long as they know it's going to be a bit of a delay and that's also so I think Chris has I don't even know if he motioned he said something but do those need to be approved tonight too yes okay so we're looking to do two things tonight a motion to approve these two invoices and then a motion to appoint myself and Anita as to the as needed approver um so that if an invoice comes in the day after Parks Commission meeting we're not waiting a month right to even get the ball rolling yeah so that would okay and then we would bring them back to the group and say we approve these till here it' be part of the month you report out just report out okay okay this is why we're looking at all right so is that so that that your motion what she just said yes that sounds good okay second second okay I'm not even sure I said anything you moved karen s it up very nicely perfect okay and all in favor I I okay so now for the specific approval of invoices tonight we have um the August 2nd invoice invoice number ending in 15484 D1 um this was for um bill hours um from the uh scansa firm and it is for hours of Dale cell who's the principal Tom dittle who is the um project manager and Katherine Stone who is the admin support um and it's a total of $3,955 somebody want to move to approve I will make a motion to approve okay all in favor now done Tim has a question I was just gonna say off the Record how do we how can we verify that word for it well so this is it's very yeah's that that's a breakdown okay yeah there's a very detailed breakdown and um and an and I can confirm to you that they've actually yeah we've had a lot of communication with them that reflects these hours and numbers got it all right I'll be no no no we need these questions question okay so all in favor I okay and then we've got the September 6 invoice ending in number 15517 D2 and again this is for hours from Dale Caldwell Tom dittle and Catherine Stone and this one is in the amount of 2,650 Anita does that include the 13,000 from the August bill that we I feel like it probably has both they would include the pass VI yeah prior build yeah yes it does okay okay so build let's okay so um the total build was the 25615 but um build from prior periods was the 13955 so the billing for this period is $1,660 so really only that one needs to be process approv one bill which will so do you want to resend the last motion Anita I'd rather have them be separately done and we'll amend the amount of of the invoice for this to reflect just the current bill do you me to do the math you got it so it would be again for the September 6 bill and the invoice number ending 15517 D2 we approve billing for this period only because the prior period will be paid from a different invoice and the billing for this this period is 11,660 motion to approve that okay second I'll okay all in favor I okay do these become public record and how do they become public record they go they all get filed with the um accountants office and if anybody ever wanted them but I'm I'm assuming we're keeping a file copies yeah I I mean I put it with all of like I have all of my invoices like I don't have it separate I can make it separate we may want this because this one this is going to be actually anything dealing with Marshall Park we're going to need to keep in a file for the purpose of um doing the grant reimbursement stuff okay so we're going to need to have sep you know you might even need to keep them in multiple spaces yourp and one for the grant corre because we'll need to reference each of these specifically when we're doing that reimbursement okay and then just a sorry quick question um so once you guys vote on it and approved I assume you have to accounting know that you approved it I can I can sendil every time Mee this is part of what process is involved I you know I'm not sure if like after the meeting I can go ahead and you know open a requisition at that point um because you approved it or if I need to wait until no I think you can probably go ahead and open up the requisition but I think that once um Ezekiel answers your question in the next day or so about having two people be able to authorize it off cycle I think the picture will be clear but I believe that that's I think our vote is be okay for you to move for okay and if he has you know if he prefers that I confirm that with an email each time I'll be glad to do it just let me know okay okay thank you all right yeah you're welcome so those first two to officially process okay um do we have any other questions for I think she should go home I love all the programing it's great to see it's out there and obviously being well attended and you know it's it's always exciting to see the emails come in postings and oh and this is a little quick thing so I sent out a survey today too just to request more feedback from people um it's a lot of the same feedback I think that I got last time but this kind time I kind of was like is it the time that doesn't work for you is this like programs that you don't like and that's why you haven't you know tried any so stuff like that um I'd like to see more participation from like different age groups so I'm going to try to like Branch up a little bit for winter and figure out a little bit more versatile ideas on the um on your class it just went from what was it first grade to seventh grade yes can we or can you consider maybe moving that to eighth grade yeah I think that would be I don't know if you got an email but I got an email I actually got a text message from somebody whose daughter she's like she's she wants to do it but she's in eighth grade so she's outside the age group but she's not an adult either yeah I don't think that would be a problem I think that the art program because for that one she actually was like oh we can do two different sessions we can do you know K through three and then 5 through seven and I was like why don't we just like mix them together because they are doing the same thing so I feel like to separate it wouldn't be necessary um I could definitely ask the vendor I'm not sure why they C it because I think eighth grade would be and I don't I mean to be honest I'm not sure you're going to get a ton of eighth grade inment but it would be nice for that young lady who yeah you know and I said I suggest that she you know reach out to you but say that usually I'm like we'll find your spot in one of them right but clearly she didn't so yeah I was going to say that if somebody emails me or reaches out I always ask the vendor and check with them and most of the time they're pretty like reasonably saying yes to to let people in so I don't see a problem with that okay question I saw the survey Emil that you is it posted on like I just a l i just did it when I was at TCP for the other program so um I definitely do that I can post it every yeah if you want like if how much data you actually want I guess in the as much as I can get do we need to sign those invoices I don't why don't we do at least initial one don't pass around the tableting ensil please but I am thinking with us being able to use a classroom space and the gym that we're going to have a really busy fall winter and spring so I think that will help us a lot um I can probably help with locking up on Wednesday nights as long as there's not too much involved yeah I mean there's really not in on sport how we get key over yeah we all we almost all live I really appreciate that everyone's so willing I half hour and I'm going to do the next three Mondays so yes I appreciate that thank you that's very helpful say you were mentioning that I didn't we she was helping and stuff um does that have to be someone of the town that can volunteer to coach or it going be anyone I feel like within reason it kind of can be anyone I can double check with that it's more just like trying for who's interested oh yeah I'm not saying I don't want to do are you sure I'm saying sounds like you were volunteering someone from the from the league maybe can I I definitely agree with that I think that'd be fine what we did last year um because we also did volleyball as well last year which I'm going to do that as more of a winter thing a little bit later on um which I haven't sorted out those dates um we kind of had one person be like head coach and then we always had you know a secondary type of coach just in case somebody couldn't make it um the issue we also ran into last year was with the gymnasium they didn't want to leave the door propped open so we had to have the janitor or like somebody there like crack open the door and like wait for them to knock and let them in so the process of like making sure somebody's actually there to open it you we can't use that the just the gym actual gym door versus the that's what we were doing and they were not letting us leave the door open the school okay so this they were saying it was um an issue with safety okay so let's have the conversation offline we can involve Chris that is not a school building that is a town building that is managed by our select board so the school really has no say in that so let's work with them to try to make it easier right on our whole program going forward and if we have to squeak the wheels I'm happy to do so um but there's no reason why that door from the outside to just the gym right can't be propped with something so that or left unlocked so that people can come and go those people that are in the gym are going to see people coming and going well and there was a there was a big issue last year where like the custodian wasn't in that day and nobody let um I think we were you there was a soccer program using the gym every week um and one day there's just nobody let them in and they buzzed nobody would let them in um I think it was like a 6:30 to 8:30 so maybe everybody left but foot all yeah yeah footall soccer like same thing with volleyball like I I was getting calls on my day off because it was Tuesdays and Thursdays and people be like nobody's here to let me in and obviously at that point I'm 30 minutes away so I'm not going to drive you're on my day off to let people in but um it it definitely messed up our ability to let people in and use the gym without y so let's let's let's work together with it and we'll figure out who we need to talk to on the town side um especially with in light of some of the newer information that's um yeah come up so let's I'll help you with that than you thank you so much thank you appreciate it thank you yeah more often I think on Wednesdays thank you have a good night you to okay Boys and Girls Club Polar Plunge hi hi do you want to come up Katie you can come wherever I'm gon bring notbook go right ahead um you had some questions for me I think at the last meeting so I just wanted to do an update real quick and then see I think there's some other questions that I have okay just to understand I'm new to the area so I to make sure I have the right connections um to speak with if it happens so um there was something that had come up with Chief Sullivan in regards to the two different beaches um there's the town beach and then there's the other one that's owned by the it's owned by um what's the name AR okay um so if it's done at one or the other if it's done at the town beach I need to reach out to the um Town official that would the to beach be the town beach is us okay and then if it's on arrive lunenberg it would be youd have to deal with arrive lunenberg okay so it have to have their permission to do I would think either way you're going to want to involve the um fire chief yeah yeah he's on board he's he's willing to have what we need for emergency services um and then uh let's see so that will just be kind of a logistic thing that we'll have to figure out which one we want to do he had said AR ride would be better in terms of parking um because if you go into the town beach then we're looking at having police probably detail and parking issues and so by but I don't know if there's a I I don't want to dispute what our fire chief says I'm not sure I necessarily agree with that the um we do have swim lesson wise where they Park along the road both sides of the road arrive lunenberg doeses have a lot but it's not a big lot so I think there is the parking there there is there is a waterfront so if that's what he's thinking and then walking over there might be some more but at the same time certainly people depending on how big your event is if you wanted it at the town beach um they could certainly park over at the waterfront and walk over as well okay um so I think it's just a matter of us figuring out which one because then he did mention too that arrive is more of a gradual um into the water and then the town beach has more of a a drop off so I think making that decision too do we really want it to be a plunge um it's in the ti right yeah so that that was something those are two things that I think we need to figure out like what makes the most sense it's not going to be um like an open to the public type thing it's going to be just internal with alumni um current families and folks like that so we'll try to control the numbers and the messaging around that um and it would just be a fundraiser event so whatever money is raised obviously we just go right back into the program um I don't know what the numbers will look like um we did talk about you know depending on how many um participants at a time we would do it in waves so if they said you know only 10 or 12 at a time can go in because the other thing that got brought up because I know we talked about volunteers last time for lifeguards but if lifeguards aren't cold water certified if there's a difference between that for for that type of rescue I don't know I mean if the winters are kind of what they have been I feel like the water hasn't really gotten too bad um but like 20 people going in at once and then three saving there only one yeah so I think there's something to think about terms of that you know like I mean obviously the the fire chief said that they would have their rescue crew and things like that but um in terms of having a lifeguard on site you know two of them are they even qualified to um assist with something so I know the certification of all of our lifeguards at least the ones we have in town plus the ones that I know that work over at Orchard Hills and they're just the standard Red Cross certified and I don't so I I don't know if that covers I don't I I don't know I bet even in a mild that it's cold water oh yeah yeah it's a shock to the system whatever they call cold water I bet it's that even in a mild winter you know what I mean yeah when did the the student council do theirs they did it at arve lenberg right yeah and like in I think it's like I feel like it's like March okay they do it I don't know anything about they used to do it at the cape on this big whole weekend thing so it's new that they didn't here I don't know anything about the specifics one thing you may want to ask about um if you decide to investigate arrive lunenberg further is ask them what their weed situation is and I say that in the nicest way possible for our town beach we have a a considerable am amount of weeds um shortly after you get in um I don't know how those would feel in the bitter cold if you would even feel anything anyway but if they um um you know if they have more of a gradual entry into the water it's possible that their weed situation might be much better than where we are and that may help make your decision too good point um and then the waiver um there was a standard one from the town that we could use correct yes okay and how do I get back um I can get it for you okay although if it's going to be it arrive if it's gonna be at arrive we don't need it so only we're doing it through Ian we I would assume that we still want to have a waiver of our own just because they are participating in something so I would say that if it's if you as the Boys and Girls Club end up doing it at a live lunenberg that you as the Boys and Girls Club you actually might want two releases regardless of where you do it um that would be up to your legal counsel to decide um whether or not you need a release for um yourselves as the boys and girls club and then either the town or arrive lunenberg but either way arve lunenberg I can't imagine them not requiring a some sort of release and then the person that was in charge of the student council one I had their email um but I think I had recorded it wrong um could I have their name and their email again you remember who did it I think it wasar I have gar but I have a so D yeah I know student advis or something anyway yeah she so her name is is Doan yeah d a w n and then g e a r i n so g e a r i n yeah and then her email is d g right um her email is that would be what they say learning school schools schools school do okay yeah I'll reach out and see if there isn't some if if there's already a structure in place that I want to recreate the wheel if they kind of have something um and then go from there yep were there any other questions that you might have for me any suggestions no I don't I mean I think it's I think you just I think it's more you need to let us know if there's something if you end up using the town beach um what you need from us I can tell you if um at that time of year our bathrooms will be closed because our water will be shut off um we will have access to the beach house if you so choose to go in through the beach house versus through the gate we do still have electricity that time of year we just don't have water so either place I don't think AR lunenberg has bathroom facilities um okay at their Beach either so there'd be no bathroom facilities at either okay either location um through the town beach because I think one of the ideas that we had and this is where the polar and dunk kind of came in for sponsorships was seeing if Duncan would donate hot chocolate or coffee or something if inside of the beach house would that be an area that we could do that y okay and then it would just be take your trash we can go over it if you use it you know take your trash when you leave um assuming one of us um I'd volunteer if you need somebody down there from the park side um would be there to you know open and close the building um and you know do some general cleanup so that is being left in the condition that we entered it in okay and we're still aiming the 30th November 30th so I don't know if there's anything that would conflict or if it would just be no we don't have any used to be okay did you want to have your kids birthday party St little too chill okay what what day of the week is that is that it will be a Saturday it's a Saturday after Thanksgiving yeah and that was kind of the idea is that hopefully a lot of the alumni who program would come home so um just trying to encourage them to get involved and reconnect so nice think it's a great idea yeah I think it will be fun I mean I reach for the stars but try to you know figure out all the logistic stuff so make sure if we're going to continue it that it it's it's great and we can add more yeah yeah yeah I think it would be really neat so awesome thanks yes of course yeah whatever you need if it is to to beach let us know okay okay awesome thank we just hear more from you yes I will stay connected thank you so much I appreciate your evou all right the the next on the agenda is the grant updates um so the good news is that we have been tentatively awarded the land and water conservation fund grant for the $1 million so we um it has conditions um that you know we have to approve the matching funds at the special town meeting of November we'll talk about that warn article in a few minutes um but you know you may recall that they were making us wait before to try to get this Army Corp engineer perment and so they've kind of understood that that's logistically not going to work so they you know they have basically gone ahead and said you know here's the award notice don't make it fully public yet yet you know mean don't have any fancy events or anything about it um but you know it's conditional upon this contract being signed after town meeting votes to commit the funds to it so that was good news so it's you know a very positive thing that we can you know share it to meeting um do you have any other I don't I haven't heard anything we still have the Ada Grant that's outstanding I've not heard on that and I think that's the only other and the stting Grant I actually tried to look a little bit ago but stting Grant's the dog park Grant it's one of the grants that we had um at special town meeting almost two years ago now when when they um when the town agreed to fund the the money for the for us to keep moving forward um that was one of the ones in the list they changed their dates though um so yeah so that's where we I'm trying to figure out now when those days rolling so you could apply anytime but the sooner the better because you have better chance I didn't I didn't see that it was a rolling Grant okay it wasn't open the last time I looked it wasn't open and then it was like they suddenly changed it to like a December date or something like that so I I need to go back and look and that's one of those grants that I am not I don't fully understand yet it's just I know that it's one that we should apply for I just don't fully understand how it all works so I applied for that one years ago T of boil Stone we didn't get it unfortunately but um but yeah I do remember it was kind of it was different different Grant application yeah the T-Mobile Grant to we talk about once we're once we're rolling identifying a piece that we use the other thing is and Dave pasas had mentioned this I think it was our last meeting that you know we we do now have that grand program where we can get assistance through the CH office for applying for Grants so we've got to I haven't had that conversation with yet um so they just having a resource there that well I I need to speak with them to get the full parameters um you know is it a Cas sub we have to go through them um and by doing so it you know provides us that extra resource or um you know is it a you don't have to but you're on your own if you don't then so I'll report back on that by our next meeting what do they help identify opportunities for funding other other grants I I don't know what they're how specializ I am not sure they are so forth but if they have resources to but that that stting Grant may be one that we could ask so it's my understanding of the that person is that they would be able to help look for Grants and I am looking at Dave right now they help look for Grants they and they'd help apply so in Karen's terms they would be what Karen did for the last right and it would be off Karen's shoulders just I I I don't mind it it's just it's a lot it um but there still may be a good job thank you um she knows more about um you know there was there's parts of those grants that whoever the town contracts with to do these they may not even be qualified we had to the person that helped us with some of the pieces of our last three grants were architect designer people that had experience and like they wanted um slopes and all this other stuff and it was way outside that scope so you're yeah you're refreshing my memory because I think the St one you did have to include at least a schematic design of the proposed part so no because when I so this is where I have to fully understand it better it's my understanding that they want in from the from the naked ground there's like two phases with the Stanton there's the phase that you go into where they do the design and then there's a fade that phase you go in and they do the build and I don't believe you can do the build without them doing the design so it's was that was my recollection of it but I haven't seen much I I don't know if Co like completely changed the way they they operate because I can't even I literally can't even find their website right now okay all right well let me talk to the um interim Town manager and um we'll figure it out and I'll let you know what I information I get from him okay um the next thing is uh the Marshal Park the uh designer contract so we finally officially have rdla on board um they have started working we have had a startup meeting with them and they will be having um every other uh Thursday they will be doing their design team meetings and that includes rdla folks it includes scansa people it includes Chris Ruth and Karen and I have been in on that attending when we're able to we won't always be able to attend so the next meeting is tomorrow so there will be times where we will need to bring stuff back to you all so that as a commission we can provide appropriate guidance make decisions um so I just want to let you know that that's underway thank you yeah it's it's I I want to backtrack on um just because I a public record that I couldn't find their page as soon as I said that and I changed my search parameters it this Stanton foundation.org page came up um and when I click on that it tells me they're current currently accepting new design grants only so design grants only through December 15 of 2023 so nothing's been updated um but that would be I think you're think we miss well that's what that's what would that's what happen happen because I think it was originally like it had been June and when it first like was coming around that June date was coming around we weren't ready or but let me rephrase I wasn't ready and so I'm like oh I'll hit it the next time and then the next time came and I'm like oh they changed it to December so it threw off that whole my whole paperwork Grant idea thing so um but they moved to December last year they moved it to December 15th of 2023 last year so um yeah so we'll see what we can conjure up all right more to come on that one yes okay um town meeting warrant articles so in your packet you have couple Pages out of the draft warrant so um we're looking at article five which is our Marshall Park borrowing article and um it's on the first page so this article includes all the language that the state wants us to have um in terms of you know committing that we're going to fund the you know the matching funds for the lind mot conservation fund Grant and that you know we are still you know continue to have Marshall Park be dedicated to park purposes um the summary that you see here Carter asked that we prepare so Anna Lockwood and I wrote This Together kind of lengthy I was I'm not sure he's going to want to actually put the whole thing in but it's in there now if we need to you know clip it down to a shorter version we will um and then the next article that deals with us is article nine which is on the third page and of going over to the fourth page and this is the one that we need to do that's going to change uh from the existing 53d Parks revolving fund to the 53e and a half type revolving fund and um I need we need to talk about what dollar limit we want to have set for the FY 25 spending um we need to have right now the uh revolving fund that we all said yes let's start start with this it was $440,000 so and then we were looking at if we do go ahead with paying um for Angel to have extra hours as Rec director slash doing everything else um you know we were looking at roughly $37,000 for that so I had him tentatively put in $77,000 for this you know spending limit that we'd be looking at for fy2 and it wouldn't start until July 1st 2025 so I wanted to make sure that we're okay with that number I'm okay with the 7 yeah makes sense yeah okay all right and um he wrote the summary because he has a much clearer understanding of what the state you know is requiring and and how it works so um I don't need anything tonight from you I just wanted to make sure you're okay with these um but if you do have any questions about it let me know the third thing is that um you know we haded talk also about having an article where we would get approval to provide the extra hours to Angela he said that article is not even needed he said you know you know it just makes no sense you know so he is not going to put that one on the warrant unless we you know totally say yes we want it but you know he's right it's really you know if we're if our purpose was to be very transparent to the public that's one thing but it's not a necessary step in terms of process so at this point the draft warrant does not include that article so everyone okay with that it's not necessary okay yes mov things along Anita um are you and Anna gonna put together the presentation yes okay the um what is what is the date of November 12th so Anna um I asked her and she said she would help me put together the PowerPoint obviously will bring it to you guys for comment critique um but um I've got working crazy hours for the next few weeks so as soon as the end of September Comes R will she and I will start working on that and we'll use the one used at the last com meeting as a basis and just update it and okay yeah so okay let's see doing good here okay I don't have any chair updates does anyone on the mission have updates no no okay well let me I just want to throw it out there to anybody to everybody and if they have stuff they would like to include in the project that I'm currently working on I requested um all of the hours for our town beach staff um our um and I have not sat down Anita and I are going to sit down next week and talk about it I did go in to um our town accountant trying to figure out what what's going on here and Chris Ruth joined one day and um this the salary line that was taken out of the revolving account is like $8500 um give or take a little bit um which Chris Ruth says is more than we've ever had taken out so that sort of said to me let's see what we can start pulling together so I'm pulling together hopefully something to be able to present to you guys um you know probably in December um once Town meeting's over that will show what we had for hours what how the beach is staffed um I'm trying to get from Angela things like what's the last check-in that we've had on a Sunday afternoon at the beach because we're open from 12:00 to 6 do we need to be open 1200 to 6 same thing on Saturdays we're open 11: to 6 um or something whatever it is you know so to go through all of that and start making a better picture of what our demand what demand is what our beach usage is to try to create the policies that best fit for what we need um and that will I think that will help in you know as we look at um fees and um everything that comes with that I I have the whole all the information on swim lessons so if there's anything that any of you would like to see included in in in this just let me know it doesn't have to be tonight if you think about it and you're like oh I'd like to know this just send me over a message and I'll get that information and included in in trying to make heads or taals of some of this stuff has been was interesting cuz didn't realize how the town did their actual like our lifeguards for example when you look at their time cards through FY 24 it was there was an actual week and then there was an estimated week which meant the next time around you had an adjustment for the ACT for the estimated week maybe it rained and they couldn't work those hours now you got this estimate then you got the actual and then you have that's how they yeah that's how they were through FY 24 I think that just changed this year so as I'm like looking at all this stuff I'm like for the better for the better yes yes definitely for the better with 48 hours notice of the employees yeah it's so it's from the better on my end at least but it's you know it's still like I'm looking at these these all this paperwork spread out an appointment I was at with my father-in-law and I'm like I have like didn't even know where to start um so if you guys think of anything let me know and I'll include it um in my presentation that I I was how is someone is the first person showing up is the you know last person there when are they leaving you I guess that's the other is probably hard to capture when they leave but you know those people that you know the last checking new at 4:30 are they actually are they there till 6 or are they leaving at 5:30 or we don't check yeah we don't have the leaving part so we'd have to make some estimates but I think I have enough ends with a variety of our lifeguards of the past few years that I think just saying to them you know how what's the average length of somebody staying do you know do you remember closing down more times than not at six o'clock with nobody there um taking people off of right exactly exactly and there'll always be that off day where you have like family of that show up at 5:00 and they're there till 6 but I imag for few days and we get one really day you know there's going to be higher usage yeah so I'll be compiling all that so again you have anything to thank you for doing that I don't know if it's a chair update but where with the um I'm meeting with the um sign people I reached out to him last week I said either the end of this week or the beginning of and he said he's always in his office to show up so I will do that no add a sign out of bitburg I think it was yeah okay I had the 300th anniversary meeting the other last Monday night Monday night lastek um so they're I was realizing ear to really kind of plan anything and really kind of get the ball but we be just from a park standpoint you know looking to identify space for events and things so we had to so they invested in things moving along you I think that was kind of the impression that I walked away with a little bit so just brainstorming right now brain right now but they were curious like you know Mark done you know there's so there's there's some investment there in terms of yeah hoping that this viable space for for events and so forth okay well good okay minutes Karen sent a bunch of minutes I looked them over and they seemed fine to me they I don't remember the dates me yeah I can grab it I'm just trying to get into my the one I was anxious about was the August 21st one but that's not ready yet that's not ready and that's the one that um that um the language that I drafted is the language that substitute it out it wasn't worth trying to go back and forth with and I'm just gonna wait for it to come in and I'll add mine okay and so so everybody knows that the the language that we needed for the um it was for the um contract the town manager needed to have a like a true copy of of the vote taken by this group to award the contract to rdla so Karen put together as Clerk of the commission she put that together for the inter Town manager so we'd have it but he said that exact same language has to be in the minutes the official minutes so all right so the pending minutes that I have um are um says August but it's August 14th yeah exactly yeah so the minutes that I have are February 29th 2024 March 27 7th 2024 July 31 2024 July 16 2024 and August 14th of 2024 motion to approve the minutes okay all in favor I okay great thank you um now we have other business oh excuse me update upcoming meeting dates so our next regular meeting would be in October 3rd week which would make it the 16th I will be away um but if there's if we can get a quorum with the rest of you I think we should still go ahead and have that meeting or do you want to move so what was so it would be October 16th that Wednesday are you here on the 23rd that work I'm not opposing 23rd it's so I'm coming the week prior which is a which is I mean yeah I don't have any problem with want to move it so you be here I'm just wondering now about well we've got our backup plan hopefully if the finance director will approve it for invoices yeah I mean I'm here that the 23rd will that work for every work for me all right so we're going to aim for the next video the meeting to be October 23rd I will let Chris and Angela know and I'm requesting a zoom link right now in the room yks all right awesome thank you guys okay now uh other business do we have any announcements the we've already talked about no okay um let's go to public comment any public comment okay all right any are you okay and board comment we already reviewed unless there's anything else okay then we can call for an adment motion to J at 8:25 yeah8 825 second that okay all in favor that's early thanks guys I appreciate it hopefully my sister still be with