okay in accordance with the requirement of the old meeting law please be advised that this meeting of pack is being recorded and will be uploaded to the lunenberg access YouTube after the meeting this meeting is being held in person at the location provided in this notice members of the public are welcome to attend this inperson meeting please note that one option for attendance and all participation is being provided as a courtesy to the public the meeting will not be suspended or terminated with technological problems neup the virtual broadcast unless otherwise reply by look members of the public with particular interest in any specific item on this agenda should make plans for inperson virtual versus virtual attendance according Zoom meeting information is in the notice the agenda lists all the topics which may be discussed at the meeting and other those reasonably anticipated by the chair votes may be taken as a result of these discussions not all items listed May in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up a discussion to the extent permitted by the open meeting so um roll call are you here Paul yes I here yes L yes I am here excellent indeed are you in Fai I am I am and Joe manager back here is here uh Steve is not here he emailed me and said he couldn't make tonight's meeting um and I have another email of his which I will bring up appropriately um the agenda that we have the printed ones are not the same as the agenda that's posted because at the first meeting of a committee of any Financial year they have to uh elect reelect officers whatever's necessary so that item is actually on the posted agenda which is the one that matters um it's actually in further down but my preference is to do it first if anyone has any objections to that so the vote to continue the offices place presid well I have to mention an email from Steve rbo which said he would be prepared to carry on a secretary past so we do need that you're not supposed to appoint people without them knowing about it is probably a good sorry were you making a motion I I made a motion second CH cast a single vote and just for a point of information it's it's as it appears here Steve Walker cheer Faith Vice chair steveo that correct yeah yeah that's where we are up until this moment so is having a motion and a second any discussion are you prepared to carry on as Vice chair I am but if anyone else wants to do it you know that's fine with me okay I shouldn't say that in which case um no discussion then uh I guess we vote no you gu to vote oh that Cas that means I'm voting for me just cast a single vote slate I pass to vote according to the motion thank thank you that's all we have to do told Roberts know who wrote the rules great by the way no because the ones in England are just a little different B head over there they have sheds I didn't say that that was not me well thank you for what seems to be a v of confidence I just want some eight part show of Lady Jane gray oh really it's it's a modern retelling of the old story which is on Breck box or PBS wish but it's wonderful time yeah for my time back the ranch ranch is we have Bungalows Bungalows okay bungal single story home without a c meanwhile any public comments see no public that seems unlikely hearing none any committee comments I just have questions about the studio which Jo answer well are you going to bring the studio up in your discussion John to do that and we can rise all of it then you okay with that give any comments n so minut one I've had is the one I already brought up of Steve uh agreeing to continue on a second and you don't have any other Communications of note can we review and potentially approve the minutes from third of June second any discussion any comments any stray apostrophes okay motion to approve the minutes oh yeah I second I was you seconded it wake up that was the discussion okay yeah good hi hi so moved the appropriate praise managers monthly okay I don't I don't have a lot um but the studio move um started about two and a half weeks ago um we got everything in there two weeks ago um they've been setting up Eric has been setting up um everything to prepare it for use um we expect as of today that within 2 weeks everything will be set up as needed um as far as spacing electric um and any equipment that needs to be ordered so that black magic will be operative that's what uh we're pushing for yeah yeah um part of that is is the internet in the room um we need to meet with the town manager and the um suar it person to make sure that we can get internet into that room through the town of adequate capacity at adequate they haven't build that position have they I thought I saw it advertised no they're they're advertising for an interim and then they're advertising for a full-time Town manager but no they haven't filed it and the same thing with it right I believe they're I don't know if they're looking for an IT person I thought I saw that on Facebook but they might be looking for an I'm just wondering who you're going to work with if there's no one in place right now well suar um has dedicated one person from souer to work the Town issues replacing Dan narasi um and Casey takes care of the higher level issues um she's with suar as well okay so so that's what's going on with the studio um we have a new affiliate Northampton Community media um they picked up story time and um right now we have about a 100 Affiliates yeah W yeah it's really growing relatively small P that's pretty good I would say so um George Martin our new videographer still in training um July looks like it's going to be a little bit slow according to the calendar so um he'll double up with whoever is doing the live broadcast meetings to to complete his training um I will be transitioning the FY 24 spreadsheet sheets over to fy2 and creating the POS for this year um and I'll be training on the new studio switcher in July um I'm awaiting quotes for the bot room audio still I got back to one person but um have well didn't get back checked in to see what what's going on with the quote and hav't heard back so I'll be working on that what about the first one is that to be readed toin I sent a note to Robert and um he has not gotten back to me I know that they have they've been doing um castis has been in the area so he's been working with castis a lot so um I'll send another followup with him just we need to get that up and functional I don't know if there's a claw back on the op funding right so this I'm just for the minutes this is the audio enhancement or audio Improvement improv he's really paying attention I'm impressed I don't put that as far as the financial situation we are at um well we finished the year in June at 969 38541 however there are still items that have not been posted to our uh our budget um notably Bank interest Enterprise interest and the May Comcast payment so that's about 50,000 so you're missing um what's yet to be posted or all um income revenues yeah rues yeah that's good that is good yeah um any liabilities or nothing I know of I'm just curious if they were if they're if there were any and they were paid after the beginning of the new fiscal year would they then come out of a new fiscal Year's budget no they would have to be encumbered okay which means it would be an exception to that and it would be taken out of FY 24 funds okay yeah that's that's kind of the reason why they use purchase orders so um but typically institutions they're going to have that over overrun you know not overuns not the way it would but carry over carry over and catch up yeah yeah yeah so with that being said I'm going to have to provide you with another updated June Financial spreadsheet because when they do add those to our account it's going to be post they're going to do it in July but it's going to be posted as if it was in June okay so I will provide a new sheet about which you can do the next meeting I reckon I think yes well yeah if it's you yeah and just as a suggestion you might want to call it something like superseding previous like B2 or something version yeah we finished strong with our programming our program analysis on here at 78% local and a total of 125 shows for the year last year we ended at 10 109 shows I believe so definitely an increase know good yeah June and July calendar are also attached I I know when you're doing July talking baseball to you uh you set it up as a I think it's the last Thursday which is it's a two last Thursday yeah okay that's tentative oh okay but that's when to try to do Jason's involved in another play so reversal okay but we pretty well got this one all done Dan had a terrific idea to do a show at Polar Park in Worcester we're try to put that in it's an extra show oh okay my grandson's working there is he in the uh [Music] catering thank you they I know a few people down there and Incredibly uh welcoming we're going to try for the 2028 anniversary have a lber day there oldest veteran B and kids sit together bases cool but my only baseball's totally different baseball because they they do anything they can for the fans yeah they do it's really it's a wonderful experience that that you might remember we did a couple shows at Fenwood with Gord needs years ago yeah but this St come down and we show the park what it's like and lot of people there and that would be an extra show at some point okay probably later on kind of kind of like what you did with that friend of yours that works at that works at Ben yes yeah yeah that was a good show there was two shows actually you could shut him up he's a little made that's right yeah so there's one last thing um I received a letter from Comcast it was dated June 14th we didn't get it until the 19th or 20th that's pretty good for but um I have a copy of the letter I didn't quite understand it so I got in touch with the person did it come to the select board or Public Access cable comme so it's just us just I'm just wondering why it didn't come to me where did this come just directly to you your this is a uh through the mail not email yeah yeah I contacted um Patrick shern and he wanted a PDF of this letter because he wasn't sure what it was about my understanding is even though his name sound on it we didn't know was that yeah I referenced the letter of June 14th that it was a program advisor um but he wasn't clear on what it was it looks to me like Whoever has a station on channel 12 no no no this is Pack 12 it's one of the NF no the college uh football oh okay so it's I don't think it's even 12 any 14 or 15 they did something weird and it looks like somewhere I don't know it is they have a channel that carries it probably one of those fors packages yeah so I don't think it's going to affect us Capital Yes actually should be your EXA but Al L it t one we should let sh know that at this so just an FYI we get that letter in and that's all I have if you have any questions questions that's mine anyone have any questions um are you satisfied with how things are progressing with mov um in general it's it's going slow um we're discovering things we need to make it work properly um I was out all last week so that's why there's been a little bit of a delay um but once we organize what we need I get the POS pulled together which I have to do this week um we'll be able to order what we need and pull it together but it's also a space issue what what's most comfortable um what's available to us through electrical and um you know go from there make sure the internet is is covered and that might take a while I have a feeling that might take a little bit longer than two weeks it's a little smaller room is the you I thought it was but apparently I counted tiles there today that's the way you do it so I know Camp saving tiles it's 100 square feet biger biger wow and actually when I walked in I got that impression that's why I count the Jason he walked in remember you sat in the corner oh in our class did he have class that was class did he have a Dun cap on it just seemed maybe there's more stuff in there well the the doors prevent you from putting things in that area because they open into the room yeah it does need a table though because some point like Christmas part St meeting around no place to sit yeah that was it lighting is great in there yeah oh yeah do you mean like GD or exterior fil all anything else for Joe hearing nothing if you have anything on the master plan should do I suppose you got around to filling that for you Cop made already filled up or sobly than pardon no when would you like um this I need to explain this from The Gun Top This is a state mandating unfund declaration as chapter 766 was many years ago a town has to provide a master plan about every 20 years they're required to do that we did one in 2002 the master plan is supposedly what not just committees but people in town would like to see happen over the next 20 years or so just opinions that's all it is but and what the done is hire for $150,000 a committee to come in and do these surveys and then analyze them and so they're all reduced down to pie charts and percentages and I think you go through those this is the third survey we keep manipulating and down certain things my reason for asking to be on this committee was that nowhere in any of these was pack ever mentioned in any form nothing and I'm I said it before when you back about electricity that I think pack is going to be incrementally more important this time incremented and so it's a chance I few surveys that we Ser I put that out um but the problem is I read what pepper did in 2020 and they have the money that broke so because we were on this de and I went to the Capitol plan meeting the other day and I never saw it more the spirited group of town leaders that was at that meeting we have fire the town manager uh we have Personnel Board has walked out we have an override that pass that doesn't even going to fill out what it intended to do it doesn't include anything else there's no money in this town and as far as the capital plan the plan what we're going through next they sat there and said how can we go forward because we got no way to do it this Capital plan that we're I mean the master plan we're working on is a beyond that that's what you really would like to have from the things we need to have we can't get so some of the things that people have asked for just as for instance they want more stores in the center I don't think they know we don't own the center I bu C con owns it he takes in a third of a million dollars in rent CER town this little bit right here time post office the bank yeah dirty why do they want more they well the first place they took this to and I so don't ask me with methods they took for high school have kids F oh want some place to go yeah you know that's not long and problem with the kids are the last people take it to because they're going to leave town yeah 20 years they'll be somewhere else I suggested they should go to every single committee and have them see what they see because they're the people vote the people go to town meetings and the people do things not just people bit on Facebook you know I I have a concern about your committee that's trying to do the um the the celebration for the town no and you know when you mentioned we have no place in town that can hold you know parking and celebrations that's a major deficit I think yeah working that did you know that that Chris Ruth worked for 20 years as a fireworks expert oh did he is he licensed still yes he sure is and I went to see him last week and used have fireworks over the football field football field s the stands it was great display he said you can shoot him behind this building and watch it from the scenes the space to do so that's one place uh talked to the SEL one of the Selectmen he said we own 60 I think Acres up P the golf course I said well you think we're going to have that manicu ready to use by 2028 moving at the glacial speed toov towns a lot of land but it's not really prepared yeah U I've had an auor from one of the planing board to um use his property but still four years away so hopefully findy something but it's fine yeah find a place to put 2 3,000 people and and park that was cuz boms don't lot of old people right in in like certain land owners want oh yeah a lot of money um which sounds Town's busted so and another thing too the police fire all unionized now uh when we did the CER celebration 7 and8 lion sh police of Fire local contribute their services now we all unionized do that so that expense is enormous so not control you want to show me give us a hand to job I don't know this town as well as I'm know not that's another problem is 4,000 people in town that weren't here at the last celebration so they're not interested in the history of the Town more interested in because uh I'm working on the historical society and updated of the Red Hook was put in 78 what's happened since 78 which is unbelievable and stuff happen um just for the fun of it maybe you saw on Facebook I put out a list of 125 places I did see that are no longer here I know that's I added to that list makes me feel sad yeah yeah I mean I well funny reaction were what a great trip down memory all people don't live here anym right right they don't know it's you know it's gone yeah so is there something that our you know that the cable um you know Public Access can do to to help we got to count public publicity yeah but even in the planning stages getting people involved in trouble getting do you want me to get one of these over to does he have this he must have because on the comme okay oh she's on this committee okay yes be here tonight because he might have a different perspective so well thank you for attending the meeting it's interesting to read through it anyway see what when do you need these back yday I don't even know when this they collecting anymore but I fill it out and bring next okay I'll see sure because they've been doing this since a year ago April April and they're still just School two and a half gr te is gr is I don't want to be we just drove up just now just drove up uh 2A and looked at all the places along the way like what's in front of the fire station yeah gas station is gone here this is gone is gone the funeral home is gone know the reboot restaurant is gone yeah I've been gone to Fitchburg too not P this go but when you drive in you see a head shot for thing in you see a what pot shot oh yeah is it down in the it's in fburg right oh on Summer Street yeah no down d d in the lber say on the side yeah well that's how I know that I've really gotten old because you know like there are times when I think if my grandparents were alive today they would be so upset so it's a good thing they're not and you know when it's time that I go it'll be a good thing I'm I'm gone to so I won't be Grim this I just love lunenberg I think it's a beautiful Town Faith that's to every single generation it is when the Chinese invented gunpowder they fell of the world yeah and it was and when when my mother found out about TV she wouldn't let have a TV until I was a teenager because you never read it's going to hurt your mind you get headaches on she was yeah now we're in the business that the opposite when I was born they stuck me in front of the TV to be like a babysitter so now if I walk in a room and the TV's on I'm automatically like trained to just I if I might just off for one little observation I think this town is in a uniquely difficult position and it's not unlike many other towns of this size where the town has grown a lot but the um tax base has not kept up and and so um you know I'll just use the word Growing Pains it's like you know there's a lot of really wonderful things about the town things that are going on in the town and the if we we go on and on all night about you know what's going on with the past years building are not going on with the pass building you know the whole Primary School thing all of that so it's we just got a bill some new sewer bill or something that a new that's going to be an ongoing bill that I think very fanas a wealthy Town yeah I just for the heck of it made a list of 18 surrounding towns with 15th along the line of money were only more wealthy than a Shirley and Rich Bolton's average family income is $147,000 lunberg is 51 so we're not to that no we're not yeah and then if you maybe did you would but if you did some more um data mining you you told me that there's a large um senior population in this town too you know maybe proportionally larger than other town which has something fix incomes yeah being lesser um and it's still that's what I meant like it's this in between place it's it's a farming Community sort of but it's not but it's not really anymore so there's all this land that's on under agricultural exemption and um they tax all of the commercial real estate at the same rate as um the residential they don't have they don't have different tax rates um unlike many of municipalities because that's what air does so you know you want to compete with air you don't to drive businesses away you know but we also never had a main street it's weird most towns have a Main Street Main Street two way is not our Main Street butes you goir is a small town we have go through their Main Street yes that's true Main Street Main Street that's like what one block that's the only thing you know the block okay anything else anything else that's I'm Going H now okay he's going to H in the hand yeah that's what I was thinking true yes well thank you foring number eight on my list says the Enterprise fund investment status um we don't get those until at least two weeks after the end of the quarter which is when we're supposed to go so we just ended last night yeah yeah yeah so that should be available at the next meeting what I don't know is how we account for that because the interested earn stays in the fund um I do not at this point know so maybe one or two should meet me my my to talk about this to find out a should the interest it's earned be reinvested or should it be put into our Enterprise fund or can we bring it out and we'll take a cruise down the Caribbean I vote for the third one second all those in favor not on the agenda sorry discuss next month um I don't know how that fits in I know the money's there and it's ours but I don't know how it ends up getting accounted for in terms of uh our value and our access to it we know it's available when our new studio comes along that'll be at least two more weeks right before we get newed to two weeks yeah yeah can we ask a sarcastic question we're all recording so my bub are sarcastic okay most of them are um you said this studio is bigger than 100 sare 10% reason I went oh wait till we T that off yes don't give them any ideas were you H were you a fan of I directed A play Yeah remember the D steel Brothers sketch they use they use sarcasm as weapon yeah use meanwhile back at the ranch we're supposed to set the meeting dates for this present Financial year which is very unfortunate that Steve's not here because we really uh so we can either set them arbitrarily amongst the four of us that are here or my preference would be just to set the next one with that present algorithm and hope Steve makes that one because I really think all five of us when do the starts ban concerts he won't next no yeah he told us last week he was yeah Monday in August this year yeah you know I'm also wondering while we're bringing up um if we had our meeting later in the month would we be able to get the financial statements you know if I'm like from the the from our account I don't think it's going to make any difference okay yeah yeah they just they're overburdened with work in that office office and they typically post later but um I don't think it'll make a difference so we have a choice we can set to schedule we can that we uh I I I I agree with your U oh hell no I think only makes sense um because Mr Rino is is also our esteem secretary exactly and I don't want to do it minutes for every single meeting yeah so um well if it's what's the first Monday is concert yes there is concert in August yes so every Monday every Monday or until they run out I think there's three year or four in July and two in August okay it rains to three yeah yeah oh that's how he does it so so um but in August so other was August the 5th the first Monday in August there will be a concert not necessarily one on the 12th is that correct there's only two in August would they would they end on the 12th or would they be a couple of weeks after the 5th what I'm asking I think one is scheduled for the 12th that's the last one I see so that's a little bit of a predicament unless we went with a A Tuesday meeting just one time no can't do it we'll just do a problem no ST won't be here again yeah was to do anyway I know but tabling this discussion of meetings will you know have to go even further like until the September meeting if Steve's not here and we're trying to you know make a decision I don't think we should skip a month no no not skip a month but just we were going to table the discussion of meetings for when Steve is here and and that won't be until September is there any way we can have a discussion and kind of come up with um sketch up of what we want to use for our meeting schedule and then are you in violation of any open meeting law if you then one thing you can do that's outside the meeting law deliberately is shedule meetings so otherwise you could never get the first one off the ground yeah okay so so we can do that by email we could do this by email um so put put that in the minutes but the person who well there are you tend to have a very busy and pretty rigid schedu yes um so does Steve yeah so um yeah I'm available Tuesday even to me is an issue to the rest of them General um why don't you and Steve communicate what would work for both of you and then offer that to the Comm does that make any sense no it's not with with st problem mean you won't need to do this well if you can let him know when you're available or when I don't understand what's the problem just doing because he was not going to be here do this one the bit next next do so you're talking about the rest of yeah the rest of the year rest of the year scheduling the whole year because he's not here and he's a keeper that be a really entertaining show for what is a oh sure is you get my script that's all impr yeah okay so we have the meeting on the 5th yes at 6 o'cl yeah uh would you please send an email to Steve the secretary does asking him to book the room yes and then I will launch an email confusion sorry is any reason why I can't go um after the meeting and try to B room they may want the institutional um library card number or something which is probably on file anys but I I'll give it a shot on the way out what you know it's right here um okay I'm owner of a library C my mother always say ins we kill the recording yet see that motion Mo toour there we go second no discussion all in favor press the button J