I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all roll call Mr aate here Mr andrinopoulos here Mr pasamano here Mr PDA here Dr Scardino here miss Stella here Mr vano here all pres adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the following means notice was sent to the new of the Record newspaper Township Clerk and posted in the lobby of the town hall and board office setting forth this public meeting of the board at this time there's also no public comment because no one signed up I'd like to give this to Mr dorso superintendent report good evening everyone happy New Year welcome um we're going to start tonight with our student representative report uh niceta anesco welcome everyone to the first Board of Education meeting of the New Year I'm niceta anesco the Board of Education student representative since the students had their winter break from December 22nd 2023 which was a half day to January 1st 2024 there is nothing to report on the building to recall from the last Board of Education meeting I mentioned three student concerns regarding the high school the bathrooms seats in the science labs and lighting are the takeaways I reported from last month hopefully in the New Year there will be positive changes in these concerns this is the end of my student representative report thank you for everyone for listening and your consideration thank you before we swear in our new board members we have one small presentation I'd like to call up uh officer pasamano who is going to speak to you briefly about his law enforcement Club your mou's big enough go ah all right so has part of a uh our law enforcement Club in high school we have a group of seniors who are part of our program that we like to back toity like give and them our community so the holiday season it was school Giving Tree nurse and St they do we have families that are in pretty much every single year so what we did is we took a few of the families and I reached out to our our students in in a group chat and I said if anybody's willing to donate some time and donate their own money we're going to do we sponsor these famili so no sooner than I put that message out we got I got 2 kids I'm in I'm in I'm in whatever you need match andj Max so we went on to PJ Maxx second December and we went on a little Sho so I took a bunch of 17 18y old kids shopping with a few police officers and we went over to DJ Maxx there is one student here he show up he's not a part of the but used 10% hej Max very thankful for [Applause] hims one story while offic Max and people started seeing and were exced did a great job very I know we natal we have GA we have Megan jvis we have Gabriel we Kylie sorry samtha marar lucasz as Torres anthonyi Emma Samantha Garcia we have Eric michellea Le J cologne melli we have Nicholas most here phes and few that wer able to make it tonight this good these kids are great kids this would not have been able to be without them andity I know that family was overwhel we loaded up large ofs for this family and and I told I said Christmas you guys wake up at whatever W up I you just know that a lot of kids that woke up that because of [Applause] and e Steve should get in it right there no right there Steve I'm in it [Applause] everybody thank you officer pman on our law enforcement Club students did a tremendous job and I want to thank our liner Police Department for sponsoring such programs we have a great relationship with the town and our police department and that's a perfect example of it so thank you and I know you brought a lot of Happiness to our families in the township so I'll let everyone exit and then we'll proceed to the swearing in of our new board members I'll just note to we have one teacher to recognize and after we swear on our new board members um we'll recognize that teacher she's on our way okay Mr hamon I'll turn it over to you okay before we swear in I'd also like to recognize that our state monitor Mr Wayne demov is present and observing via live stream at this time I'd like to call up Mr Steve tenelli who will be swearing in our board members right Mr Dominic Abate please proceed no just raise your hand come do you want an extra copy so you both have one before we do this say happy new year to all the board members and the administrators and uh if anybody has any questions about the future for all of us those kids that came up here things like that give us hope for the future our children especially in this been given tools I don't really all right I your name you swear of the United States United States and the constition of the state of New Jersey I will bear true faith and Ali to the and the government established in the United States states and St The Authority people state do swear that I possess theif by the office of M of theard of education and that I will not I not disqualified more disqualified disqualified due to conviction of a crime and I will Faithfully partially and justly perform perform all the duties all the of office ACC to the best of my ability I don't know at this time I'd like to call Miss as uh Miss Anna pasamano to the stage please I st your name I doly swear swear I of the United States United States and theit of the state of newers and I will bear true faith and algi and I will bear true faith and alance to the Saint to the Saint and to the government established to the government established in the united states in the United States and the states and the St under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so me so help me God I I am that I possess the qualifications that I possess the qualification prescrib by law prescrib by law to the office for the office a member of the Board of Education a member of Board of Education and not disqualified as a voter and not disqualified as a voter pursu to rssu to RS I am not disqualified and am not disqualified serve Ser to of crime offce and per all the DU perform all the duties ofice of that office according to the at this time I'd like to call Mr Peter petronzio to the stage please I state your name I you swear swear theti support theti of the United States United States and theit theti of the state of New Jers faith and Al to govern establish United States United States and St St of people so that I possess qualifications iif descri by for the office of M of of educ to Ser Ser do the conviction of a crime the conviction of a crime or offense NS Faithfully I faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of the [Applause] off okay I just have certificat from theard of commissioner B County just in honor of the reorganization and your swearing in your commitment to the Youth of thank you congratulations all right at this time can I have a motion to open the floor for nominations for the president of the linard Board of Ed motion second motion all right uh roll call Mr Abate for Mr and m pasamano m four Mr pasamano Mr parda four Mr petronzio four Dr Scardino four Miss Stella four and Mr valano for motion carries do I hear nominations I nominate Paul pasamano for president second do I hear any other nominations hearing none can I have a motion to close the floor for nomination president second second roll call Mr Bate four Mr andrinopoulos four Miss pasamano for Mr pasamano Mr parda for Mr petronzio for Dr Scardino for Miss Stella for and Mr valano for all right any board member who takes exception to any of the following list and actions may do so and indicate now hear hearing none can I have a motion to move forward be it resolved that Paul pasamano be elected to serve as president of the liners Board of Education commencing January 2nd 2024 until the reorganization meeting of 2025 motion by Mr Abate second second Mr valano roll call Mr aate Mr andrinopoulos four miss pasamano four Mr pasamano Mr Parada four Mr petronio four Dr Scardino four Miss Stella four and Mr valano four motion carries congratulations at this time I'd like to have U Mr Abate and Mr panel please switch seats so that I can thank you your ready P all right this time I'm going to hand off the meeting to M uh Mr pasamano can I just say I to I'd like to thank my board members for feeling that I can do a job for you I want to make this board better than it's ever been in the years past I want to be a family when we all work together and nobody picking on each other or saying things about anything we need to be one full board togetherness everybody up here at one point of time has been a president you know what it's about you know what we have to do and we just need it to go together and it'll make a nice Swift year and then we'll see what happens after that thank you thank you very [Music] much Flor nominations need to make a motion to open the floor for vice president Daniel parda Vice President we need a second on the motion first oh sorry second on the motion Dr Scardino roll call Mr Bate Mr andrinopoulos for Miss pasamano Mr pasamano four Mr parda four Mr petronio four Dr Scardino four Miss Stella four and Mr valano for carries nominations for vice president Daniel parda second I have any others um could I nominate myself you can I would like to nominate myself for vice president there any other he needs a second hearing none I make a motion what are we doing well we have to close got to close it now I'll learn this by tomorrow don't worry make a make a motion to close make a motion to close a who's a second okay uh roll call mrat Mr andrinopoulos for M pasamano Mr pasamano for Mr parda four Mr patrono four Dr Scardino four Miss Stella four and Mr valano four all right at this time uh roll call vote for um for vice president Mr AB Mr Abate who you voting J James this is a we have to take the vote in order in which they were nominated so this vote is for Dan's nomination my apologies thank you all right so so it it would be a roll call vote to approve Mr PDA as vice president please be advised that pursuant to your board policy you can vote Yes on both nominations there is no preclusion if you vote Yes on one that you can't vote yes on the other but the first individual to achieve a quorum of the votes will be awarded the presidency thank you all right roll call vote on Mr par uh Mr parda uh Mr B Mr andropoulos against Miss pasamano for Mr pasamano for Mr parda four Mr patrono for Dr Scardino can I abstain yes Miss Stella for and Mr valano against motion passes second on to the second Mo pass no okay no that's good okay so uh congratulations Mr par I want to say thank you to everybody who voted for me and I like once again like the president pasamano said I want us all the work together and make this board the best that we can and make us the crown jewel of Bergen County and the state of New Jersey thank you uh no um yeah switch seats with Mr vat well we'll do that we'll do that some other time all right all right at uh yeah we have one more resolution to do yes we got to do the code of ethics uh the well first off the be it resolved that Dominic uh that Daniel parda be elected to serve as vice president of the liner Board of Education commencing January 2nd 2024 until the reorganization meeting of 2025 I have a motion motion second roll call mrat Mr andropoulos four miss pasamano four Mr pasamano four Mr parda four Mr petronio four Dr Scardino Miss Stella four and Mr vavan for motion carries all right for the everybody's going to read one at this time uh we will be reading the code of ethics you want to start on the left want to start with a Mr Rano where am I starting uh code of ethics uh letter iio one okay each board member will read a letter so Mr V will start with you letter A then Mr petronio will go B and we'll just go right down the line I will uphold and enforce all laws rules regulations of the State Board of Education and court orders pertaining to schools desired changes shall be brought about only through legal and ethical procedures I will make decisions in terms of educational welfare of children and will seek to develop and maintain public schools that meet the individual needs of all children regardless of their ability race Creed sex or social standing see I will confine my board action to policymaking planning and appraisal and I will help to frame policies and plans only after the board has consulted those who will be affected by them D I will carry out my responsibilities not to administer the schools but together with my fellow board members to see that they are well run we'll recognize auor these RS with the Board of Education and will'll make no personal promises not to take any private action that may compromise the board F I will refuse to surrender my independent judgment to special interests or partisan political groups or to use the schools for personal gain or for the gain of friends G I will hold confidential all matters pertaining to the schools which if disclosed would needlessly injure individuals or the schools in all other matters I will provide accurate information and to concer with the fellow board members interpret to the staff the aspirations of the community for its school I will vote to appoint the best qualified Personnel available after consideration of the recommendation of the chief administrative officer I I will support and protect school's Personnel in proper performance of their duties me to start again okay J Jay I will refer all complaints to the chief administrative officer office and will act up on the complaints at the public meeting only after failure of an administrative solution not agenda yeah another um any board member who takes exception to any of the following listed actions May so indicate now hearing no hearing none can I have a motion to move forward number three move it second roll call Mr aate four Mr andrinopoulos four M pasamano four Mr pasamano four Mr PDA four Mr petronio four Dr Scardino four Miss Stella four and Mr valano four all right motion carries agenda items and then I have to say Okay uh do I have any I don't have any I don't believe anyone signed up for non- agenda but you can check I will double check there are no non- aggenda items before we adjourn for this evening I'd like to call up Mr rzo the Middle School principal along with Teresa Brennan the middle school vice principal to honor one of our Middle School teachers cing [Applause] jange yes smile okay at this time can I get a motion to adjourn motion toj second all in favor I abstentions again thank you everyone for coming our next meeting will be uh January 29th it's a Monday night that's part about being president I know right 705 that was thank you do we have list