pre- meeting here on February 23rd getting started now usually I don't say much about the proclamations but with this Proclamation here um Dating Violence awareness mon actually got a chance to meet with the uh the requested for the proclamation and this is from the uh Salvation Army domestic violence um Division and actually came in and talked with myself and have followed up with the staff regarding in uh Dating Violence among teens and so they are wanting to offer some classes in the city um to make teens aware of Dating Violence um and uh and I know from my pastoral side over the years I have taught to um women that experience violence during their high school years you know in dating and so um and sometimes even guys experience as well and so they February is day violence awareness month and so they uh after meeting with them ask us you know if we can make a proclamation for it just to bring more awareness and attention to it um probably like domestic violence is something that sometimes is taboo doesn't like to be discussed a lot but it's something that happens and so even more so teen Dating Violence is even more undercover and suppressed and is not addressed or made aware of as much so um so that's what that Proclamation um is about have further questions followed the Salvation Army of their representatives will be here not sure if they'll stay for the entire meeting but they'll be here to receive that uh that proclamation of course C agenda is just approval of the minutes do encourage you to always look over our regular meeting minutes just to make sure that uh um everything is as we as we stated or as we thought it went um other than that moving on to Old business uh this will be repealing ordinance 1165 of course this is just taking away the um the agreement that was given to a CMT regarding their app tax exemptions for not being the criteria for six exemptions um Ben jeny brought that to brought that awareness to us a few weeks ago so we just have to continue to go through this in a more formal uh process um so that' be acquires as a Judicial public hearing um any questions about that any discussion on that all right number 10 um discussion and possible approval of development o application men's Branch Drive connector um any discussion or question questions for uh Miss Amanda about that yeah I have a few um so I guess my question is well this is just really just to educate me is why was there not a tree survey done for it like why is it not why is a tree survey not applicable for this uh you know what that's a good question actually no I I I honestly it didn't need even come onto my radar because it's not like one of our developments in the city because this is a county road that is is needed and just like with you know when they widen um when they widened or when they're widening 390 we didn't ask for a tree survey to be done on that because it's like their Road most of it is County there's a little bit that comes into the city but the majority of that is on County property so it's not a regular Dev okay so basically we just have like a trust relationship that they're doing what they're supposed to remember like on 390 when they did that widening and came through we've never asked them to do that um I don't even know if we're allowed to to be honest with it being a state project maybe Bobby what public transportation when when FD or the county are widening the road for a public transportation project are we allowed make them do true mitigation I don't believe so I so I don't maybe the attorney it's on oh yeah is it Amy no just on Kevin no it's Kevin I'm on the phone here Hey Kevin do you know I mean we have to go back look at the ulc but I would think since it is it's just what's it's just a road project right yeah it's not our project but is a road project right yeah I'm not sure we could require them I me because it's the County's going to wind up it's going to wind up being a county road right going to wind up being County Road it is the county road County have applied for it yes yes so yeah I think that's why wean We're Not Gonna again it's not like they're doing a development they're building a road and it's going to be County right away and County maintain so they'll have to follow yeah and obviously they they build to you do standards do sort stuff so I mean whatever stuff's out there you know Statewide they have to comply with that but I don't think the city could go and put more requirements on them um other than you know good through our you know approval process but right all right thanks yeah just like I don't ask for traffic study either yeah it wouldn't really make sense to ask for a traffic study we don't when it's a County Road Project like State Road Project my thought process is just one of the main reasons for our flooding or storm water is due to lack of certain trees but they have to if they're putting in a project they can I mean obviously we looked at the storm water with the development order part of that was how they're going to mitigate storm water run off so they have to build storm water ponds like you've seen along 390 big storm water ponds so storm water will probably be better after they've done it well it won't be any worse definitely won't be any worse and I would say would be better okay yeah thank you you're welcome all right any other questions regarding number [Music] 10 all right number 11 final PL approval for ball and town homes any questions for that all right um on to our uh other discussion of the day um in regards to I guess some other matters regarding uh our police chief um you know we've been getting a lot of inquiries about it a lot of emails a lot of I'm not sure how others have responded personally um I'm still Gathering facts because I don't know all the information so I can't tell anybody that I'm going to uh make any recommendation on a particular thing to the city manager until actually have all the information I don't think at this point we have all the information to make a specific recommendation to the city manager I mean we know it's clear that uh um it's city manager and HR that makes the Personnel decisions so we can you know make a a strong recommendation and hope that they take into consideration you know and comply with what we're requesting um and I think the citizens are aware of that as well that we're not the ones that make the the Personnel decisions um however we do have a you know responsibility to our citizens to um look at this you know in detail and uh but at the same time be you know fair in our in our observations so I'm not sure what other information people have gotten or or have not gotten um myself I've just been communicating with the city manager and receiving um the facts from her she receives them um so I know some people are social media Buffs and so we keep up with with whatever facts on social media I I really don't do that and I'm not specifically targeting anyone or saying anything about anyone that does that I'm just saying I I don't do that because social medias are going to always have a slant to to write it to what they want us to see whenever they post it um and so uh and so that's that's what I'm waiting on is and that's what I've share it with other citizens is hey I'm waiting to review all the facts and as they come in I review them provide feedback to the city manager giv more information I review that provide feedback to her and so just would encourage us all to you know um not be so anxious right um I know there's a a big push from our community and I understand that too uh but not to be uh you know so anxious because anxiousness can cause us to make rash decisions um and then you know say or do things that we might you know regret later on but we can't retract right once it's said once it's done it's it's there I would even say even in our conversation today that we're going to have you know momentarily um be mindful and careful of what we say right cuz if something does go to litigation or something has to go to court then now we're on a hot mic you know for what was said um and that's in anything that we discuss but certainly in something with this matter um because we don't know what the end results are going to be right um and so just you know remind us to be mindful of that as uh you know as well because then when we do say certain things of course you know our citizens hold us accountable to that too so if we say we're going to we're going to do something then the citizens hold us accountable to what we said we're going to do and they don't easily forget what we've done or not done right so um so this this time I would I know there's been a lot of questions in regards to timeline and things like that um you prepared to share your timeline but do you not want to share your timeline I I can definitely talk about the timeline I think everybody knows by now that uh Chief Ry had an accident um December 30th uh when we came back from the holidays of course we were all on the holidays I think in the middle of uh uh January he did inform me that hey I had you know an accident um I did leave but we did Exchange information I said fine let's you know so went from there didn't hear any more about that um and then from there uh in talking to the state attorneys uh he said that he actually met with somwe patrolman who wanted to bring uh criminal charges that was on January 22nd we had no idea that those were being those charges were even there and they were not there at that particular time and of course um um State Attorney bassford uh recused himself and said you know I know the city I know U Ricky Remy so um he told them that he was going to send that packet to the governor's office uh which he did um but Chief Rey also um was called on uh by the F FHP on uh the 9th and told him three citations you will be given I think moving infractions and something else that was the he called me and said just have three moving citations um I've got to pay those on Monday and everything's fine um that was on the ninth little did anyone know that FHP had uploaded a document on the 6th and so when CH Chief Ry went to uh pay his infractions like he was told uh that's when he saw that and uh that was on on the 11th came in made me aware on the 12th that there's now another criminal charge that's been uploaded um and that but he had talked to FHP and they assured him that that was something that should have not been uploaded and it was a mistake and they would get to get it taken care of the issuing officer was off on Monday and Tuesday uh and but Chief rry was in contact with Captain the captain of FHP on the 14th it still not had had not been removed and I I did say that you know I'm going to have to share this with the Commissioners um on that morning 15th of course it had already come out so uh I did talk to the the state attorney and he said as of today uh which was yesterday the the First Circuit Court still does not have any jurisdiction until jurisdiction is given to to by the governor First Circuit Court cannot move forward okay we know that there are rumors there's there are a lot of accusations going around of about what happened and how it happened and the city is definitely aware of all of these the investigation um and we're monitoring the status of that once these findings are made public the city will evaluate the outcome and will take any and all appropriate measures any you need to say okay um can I ask Chief Ramy one question yes sir Chief Ramy just one question um in regards to her statement of the timeline as you recall is that how it how it happened yes okay thank you all right other additional questions for the city manager um I guess I want to know when on the agenda do you have a are you planning to as a chairman bring this up like just organically we're discussing it now okay um CU what we are going to have is we want to have discussion by obviously the public is going to be here I mean we have some some public members here now so obviously we're going to get public commentary about it um but we are discussing it now so um I'll think over it but we're we are discussing it now because it's really not a I don't know if it's a matter of official discussion for us in this regard because right now what I guess the question is what are we discussing would be the question to put it on the agenda um so that's why we're discussing it in fre so it's so it's open Forum now to discuss with with city manager um at this point but I will consider it though let me over and think over it and talk to the City attorney about it as well sure whatever we say goes on record yeah and I think you know Vicki Vicki summed it up you know perfectly I mean it's still you know we're still in the fact Gathering mode you know you we don't have all the information yet and certainly I don't think it would be effort it to be an official agenda item um obviously this point until U you know like said we're we're going to evaluate all the information as becomes public and then get city manager we go from there with your input okay any other questions for city manager any other points of concern regarding his Med I there's a lot I want to say but I know if I say it could althor the outcome of this and I just want the public to know that I know there's a lot of accusations that we're trying to hide this and that's not the case um I definitely have a lot of concerns with this um concerns well again I don't want to say too much but um when you look at it all just I totally agree with you and I think you need to I think you're going to me bring all those concerns you know to the C manager you know that I think you've already had conversations to but you know can kind of continue that that route until yeah this runs its course but um you until that time I do think it's probably better not to you know start voicing everything during during our meetings yet till you have those one-on-one convers probably all Commissioners need to have you know one-on-one conversations with with Vicki um you know until we have more definitive information any other questions for the attorney city manager has there been any actions taken once you found out like as far as like hey just as a sign of good faith to staff in the city we're going to do this well we have asked um Chief Ry to do a fit Fitness of Duty and that will be physical and psychological so that's one of the things that we have done we've been very cautious of trying to do something before we have received any word from um the state attorney's office um because you really can't punish someone until you know the facts so but we have gone on to do that the fitness of Duty okay and if we were to do that if we were were do what you just said earlier act um before we have the facts what would be the potential outcomes for that I think that's a Kevin question but I will tell you that we did talk to both Kevin and the labor attorney yeah um I know the answer because I talked to a labor attorney and it's it it's not good for the city right it would not be good for the city and I think one of the things for us to you know keep in mind because of course in our emails one of the things people remind us of as hey if if Chief was any other citizen XYZ would be done XYZ would be done um and just like any other citizen um we we always crab out new process M you know about following the the letter of the law Etc so I don't think it should be if we're saying that if it was any other citizen then we would do XYZ for the chief or that we would do XYZ if it was any other citizen I think the same case we can't be rash um and aggressive in any decision making certainly be assertive and I think from talking with the city manager I mean every day this is something she's been working on be assertive about it however like any other citizen they want their their fair shot um and so we're saying that at this point we're keeping him accountable like the public is asking us to do then part of that accountability is making sure that everything everything is done In fairness um as well I think there's some kind of cliche that says innocent to proven guilty something like that not personally I have my quals with that I don't think that's really the case all the time with the justice system that things are innocent to proven guilty however we we do have things in place to make sure that um someone is not unduly prosecuted until you know all the facts are there so I think that's sort of where we are now I know um and city manager will discuss with you all too once things are more definitive before meeting her and I did have some discussion on some things that could possibly you know be done U but again none of that's definitive um so uh don't want the public or anyone to think that city manager and a Char just sitting around on their hands doing nothing um and just hoping that this blows over and and everybody's okay it is something that is being given great detail and attention to uh just right now the with all the circumstances there's not a clear-cut decision as to what do you do cuz there's so many different circumstances engaged and involved in that um especially in regards to a sworn officer so I think things would be a little more clear-cut if this was a different department head um that didn't have certain you know uh legalities and other things in place that provide different protections for them um so I'm not going to say any particular person cuz I don't want to put any onus on anym you know if it was Chris liot um you know it it would be different in in regards to how could we make decisions because it's a different process but we're also talking about a a sworn officer that has different protections as well in regards to how we do that process so I'm sorry Mr life you just just just you know um so but but but that's part of it so cuz I think that's CU as as I've talked with city manager every time we have talked about how do we move forward with something there's a roadblock that is brought up or a hurdle that's placed there that doesn't make it so clear-cut to say you can do this well this hurdle is here you can do that this hurdle here and so it's working with the attorneys on how do we cross those hurdles or is it just a hurdle we just can't go over um in order to also try to make sure the city's in the best position not to have any type of litigation brought against us and the decisions that we make um so that's uh that's part before we leave I know I had a meeting with city manager and and um our our HR Director Miss Jennifer and um we we know there was a criminal charge just shown up from Florida Highway Patrol and it was uploaded we also know we're waiting on jurisdiction from the first the first district um but I think the public needs to know why there's a criminal charge and we're still waiting for the outcome from the state's attorney and Miss Jennifer summed it up really well yesterday in a meeting that you know the the you can have any kind of criminal charge but it goes into the process of the courtroom work group and the state attorney has the has the ultimate say in whether something's going to move forward or not so that was uh that that that's that's why we're we're we're waiting on on on said criminal charge whether it's going to actually maintain as a criminal charge or be dropped or what the outcome is going to be or it's going to move forward in the process of a court gate and whatnot so I just wanted to say that so people don't think we're just dragging our feet for for no reason it's you know we're this is this is painful yeah it's absolutely painful that's the only word and just just just to let yall know it's whatever the outcome or it's you know I mean we still see it is we're we're in the public we have a public trust and the public trust has been violated so this my feeling briefly you'll hear more so go from there the question was asked what has the city done well initially what I did was determine that the incident did not happen with a city vehicle and was not during City time so there's no violation of City policy therefore it would be as if one of you ran at that point it was considered to be a civil citation we were waiting for the citations which were not even uploaded until February there was a lot of delay there of which there should be no action we are able to be humans and have life outside of our employment because of that there didn't need to be an action done on the uploading of the criminal then as commissioner perno as we discussed yesterday law enforcement agencies can file their reports their arrests their citations and often in their in their best attempts they still don't get it correct from a charging document to take forward to court and that's why this state has State Attorneys and the state attorney and that office reviews the initial complaints the arrest reports or the citations to determine if it's something that can be taken forward and Kevin please correct me if I'm incorrect I'm just going back to some history when I was at the state attorney's office um but it's either going to Violent information which means there's probable cause to take a a charge forward there'll be no information which means there is no probable cause and it will not be prosecuted and then there's a third which is a n cross uh which means it will just be dismissed without a decision either way Kevin am I close to that yeah that's correct okay so at this point patience as painful as it might be is still the best course for both and it's my job to look at both sides both the employee and the employer and help help the city manager make the best decision and I guess for uh since public is here and listening as well could it could we clarify um when you say State Attorney who's actually reviewing the charges well the charge goes initially to the 14th judicial circuit State Attorney which is Larry batford um he felt by his verbal comments that he needed to recuse um then it goes to the governor's office for assignment for special assignment at that point it's at in the governor's hand to determine which state attorney and there's 20 state attorneys in the state would get that assignment it is our belief it will go to the first circuit typically it's done by a neighboring circuit because of time and travel and expense um there is also a citation that indicates that the first um the state attorney in the first circuit made a recommendation for a civil citation one of the citations issued um states that per the the first circuit State Attorney which would IND indicate yeah two sign citations would indicate that there was already review and a suggestion to FHP as to how to go but a final decision cannot be made to squash the criminal um report until assignment is made by the governor correct which he has not made yet which he has and we can't control when that will be made I guess one area I'm kind of lost on is if the governor has not assigned it someone yet why is it at the fir why is the first district looking at often times the state attorney who's been given um the information that it may come their way will start reviewing it is my understanding for legal sufficiency so they're being ready okay from my experience with the state attorney they don't like those cases hanging around any longer than than the people who are waiting for a resolution okay so they want to get a handle on it quickly determine how um difficult or complicated it might be because they're taking on extra workloads that they're not expecting now that's just supposition on my my side or experience from seeing when when at 14th circuit we would have to take on assignment right thank you all right any other questions for uh Miss Jennifer thank you for that um Miss Judy I know you're on the line there any questions you hear me now yes yes okay first I want to apologize for not being there but I have an appointment in Pensacola and that could not be changed apology thank you for let me sit in your chair um as far as if this had occurred with a normal citizen but who we're talking out took an oath of office that they wouldn't do anything to discredit I mean those are not the exact words but the average person does not take an oath of office like um he did the next comment is um if we're requiring uh physical and emotional testing I guess this question is for Kevin are we in any way a level keeping him um working um you know if we suspect that something might be wrong you know are we liable to keep him in service no and I think the state makes that if we have any of those suspicions or vs that's why we we order the fitness for Duty and um we we're done that now I'm not sure when it's been scheduled but um no I think we're from a liability standpoint we're taking the the correct steps you know based on you know on the chief's comments and then Vicki's evaluation to you know with consultation with with HR and the labor attorney you know to go ahead and order that for Duty so I mean we're taking the correct steps I don't see the liability on the city if we have not if we did not do that then potentially yes but they we're good for the time being okay um and I just have one last comment um I've received uh many emails and I just want to state to the public that we have not been trying to push anything under the rug uh as many of us have been accused you know uh they' made statements like either we're stupid or we're corrup or we're trying to push it under the rug I'm sorry we're just trying to be cautious and do what's best for our city and that's the the last of my comments all right thank you um all right so we're finished with that uh anything else in well I did have a few more things so um we I think one thing as a commission we should keep in mind is that there's certain things the city can and can't do and then there's certain things that as a commission it's a little bit different so like for example what I want to say is like uh on Tuesday we're gonna have public commentary undoubtedly people are going to come up and have comments about it and we talked in this meeting about things we can do as a sign of good faith I think giving a sign of good faith is very important uh so I do think that it would at least think about it as a commission there are actions that we can take going forward on Tuesday you know as a commission we don't make hiring and firing decisions we don't make decisions like that but there are things in Robert's Rules of Order which I know we're not required to follow it's more of a guideline but there are things we can do to kind of uh help guide us in in the proper way and the way forward on Tuesday as you know even if it's not this Tuesday if if we just if you think about it and you stew on it and you think maybe you want to wait or whatever just some research I've done that may be helpful to all of you is that I believe we have three ways forward as a commission we have one with which would just be let things play out two you could do what's called a motion of censure which is rather than saying uh an action on the person requesting an action on the person we can just say as a commission um we can do a motion of censor that we do not agree with XYZ actions our recommendation is at this moment in time whatever XYZ and to me at a minimum I think we should do that that's my opinion because it kind of shows a sign of good faith of like hey he's got these three citations we make mistakes but that doesn't mean we AG we agree with them as a sign of good faith we want you to know that we don't agree with the citations um you know you can make comments like you know we've had we've all had laps of judgment or whatever but at least we can make a motion that says we have a motion of censure we don't agree with three citations our recommendation is at this moment in time XYZ and then finally um probably wouldn't happen on Tuesday I don't know cuz I'm only one person uh but you know you know you've heard talk of option three would be uh vote of no confidence which also is just a Robert's Rule of Order thing but that's more of like hey this person XYZ rather than the action so we have option number one just let everything play out option two motional censure which is uh speaking to the actual action itself and then uh vote of no confidence which is to the person itself um so I just was for me I wanted to put that out there so for the next few days as a Comm uh commission you can we I guess collectively on our own can research these options see if you want to take any of these options um maybe bring it up on Tuesday if you've thought about these options uh because so far we've just really been talking about what the city can do so I just wanted to kind of throw it out there what the commission can possibly do and uh that's not me I'm not trying to advise really what action to take I just wanted to put those options out there so that you can do some research in the next few days and kind of gather your thoughts got it thank you for that um again I think going back to what Kevin said my only concern would be whatever we come out as a commission and say and if let's say in the end I said if Chief R is dismissed then there's civil litigation filed and if he's dismissed because of pressure from us to the city manager to dismiss him and I on public record saying this is what we thought and then we get back this $3 million lawsuit oh right yeah so that's that's my that's that's my concern yeah which but like a censure you wouldn't be saying to fire someone that would be a Ved more confidence so that's why I was kind of giv them three options again if we say we have then again like said you guys can't as Commissioners you can make whatever motions you want but as far as any sort of you know Personnel decision or or you know discipline termination whatever that obviously comes from Vicki so I mean you can you can direct Vicki to do whatever you want and then if she doesn't do it then you know then have a different discussion um you know as far as like censuring and stuff like that mean I you see that sometimes against you know it within your own body so you have another commissioner that it's something the rest of you want to censure that person that makes sense but you to me anything like that that could be determined or interpreted as you know a disciplinary you know certainly negatively affects your reputation all that sort of stuff so yeah true I would just you know kind of caution let let everything Flo through the city manager and you know she'll come back with whatever her actions or recommendations are and then you know respond then so I think it may feel but premature to start trying to do some sort of motion you know certainly on Tuesday unless thing really unfold quickly every week and from my understand back to what you're talking about if you had a wrongful termination lawsuit um you could have to hire that person back depending on what the results of the case is and I guess essentially you know we don't want to say anything that could be slanderous or write anything that could be considered liable you know um because that's cuz if we say hey V of no confidence Etc and then it comes back to these charges are dismissed um not that he would follow with any lawsuit from that but that could be slanderous as well so uh I think we just continue to move with wisdom and be sober in our actions and in our thoughts and uh as our assistant city manager HR Director has mentioned just is is patience um and of course I know I think we just want to come to a resolution on this not good or bad just come to resolution so that we can you know give the public an answer so Chief Ramy can have an answer so we can move on um and get our attention and focus back on uh you know continue to grow in Haven um as we've been doing before so and I don't see this dragging out a very very long time and once that assignment is officially made to the first uh circuit you know it's not a for is taking months months it should be done pretty quickly so if you know one you know the governor give him a call tell them go ahead and assign and we can get it you know get it done right all right um do you have anything else saying uh not about this okay all right go ahead uh I was so you know I talked about in the past the meeting times and all that so you guys made excellent points about um morning and evening meetings and why that's important one thing I think we could do to modify it though is it seems that um a lot of the Hot Topic issues come from the Planning Commission and the way that that lines up with the morning meeting a lot of times the stuff that goes to the Planning Commission that will go on the next agenda which will be the morning meeting so one way we could modify that to where we don't even really have to even it would take pressure off of the city to even have to worry about that is we could either swap the planning meeting to a different time or swap the morning and evening meeting so have the evening meeting as the first meeting and the morning meeting as the second meeting um that way either either or I think would help that situation that's a brilliant idea okay um sure we could look at doing that I don't know if more citizens would come out for the planning part of they may I don't I don't know so what you need to I just I would like for you to bear in mind that a lot of things that come to your development orders and so that's just one me and so yeah we have our Planning Commission on the first Tuesday of the month then that will be brought to you the following Tuesday uh which is the morning meeting right development order um however whenever we have anything that's an ordinance so that's I math amendments um or any other things that need um public hearings the ordinances when you want to change the ulc that kind of thing which can be big things um they need two readings so what happens then is the first reading is that morning meeting but then the big meeting which is the public hearing when people want to come out talk is the evening meeting it's the last meeting the second meeting because we don't do discussion for first reading yeah on the first meeting so like we don't do the first reading discussion we just do discussion on the second because we don't we don't have public commentary till we vote on it and so she's saying if we flip it which we could then when the public comes out because we're not voting on it then we won't speak on it then we won't have public commentary on until actual the second meeting which is when we vote on it can we have are we allowed to have public commentary on the first reading because they can they can talk daring public commentary on it right right but not there in the agenda you guys don't vote on it you know that's why we don't don't do it obviously you have general public comment about it the other thing it's you know leave everything the same and amended to say if it's a development order you know that's not going to come the very next Tuesday it's come you know like you only do development orders at the evening meeting you something like that because I mean those are going to be the ones that going have more typically more discussion yeah like I said with an ordinance it's in there it's it's going to hit both meetings regardless and I think you'd rather have the the public hearing part at the night meeting so maybe it's just a matter of if you think it's a you know a development order or um I'm not sure what else would be generating the most discussions I think it's typically development orders yeah so just just have a rule is hey development orders we're going to always do those in the second meeting even if play beats the first Tuesday yeah that would work I think what do you think yeah um I'm trying to think of some of good examples of what you're talking about like I remember when they did Andrews park next to M Highlands mil Bayou was another big one um the grease Pro was another big one you know I mean that seems to be the ones that drive people out and I don't know if you guys have have received the same thing but I seem that's where I get complaints of why is this in the morning we even heard when I went to the planning board with the the grease Pro thing there I remember I was in the back and people were complaining why is it in the morning why is it in the morning so I think you're going to hit a lot more people that way than what we're talking about with Amanda was bringing up with some of those other things you don't typically I don't think you get a lot more people out for that so yeah so just specifically hold off um on the development orders don't bring them to the meeting following the Planning Commission meeting wait until the even meeting the two weeks later is that going to slow any processes it SLS down by two weeks yeah some some cities counties once it's developers are used to that you can just tell them yeah hey I know we have planning board but you know it's do it's going to go on the second meeting you know and then well because just if they had to do a l change they know they have to wait anyway for two readings of an ordinance so I mean it's kind of they'll be used to that I don't think a two we delay is going to cause an upro from Dev I'm fine with that yeah so I don't know if um we want to talk to the planning board to see if they would have a problem moving their meeting later in the month just leave leave their meeting as you yeah you wouldn't have to do that leave everything alone and just Amanda would I mean it's really up to Amanda to bring it back to the city commission saying after the planning board planning board meets they make their recommendations I mean there's nothing that says all right yeah I'm GNA you know Russ should get everything back to you guys the very next week so it's really just up to Amanda and she'll that we you know so if you had a her Direction hey Bri do bringing at the second meeting if it's okay yeah ordinance keep keep doing what you've been doing okay yep I'm good with that we'll make sure that they're on the on the second meeting 5:30 okay yeah so you've got these but yes let's just go ahead and not have an agenda for this the L meeting this is the that's true yeah you're right great like that we'll see y'all Tuesday 5:30 uh what what color shirts you wear last time black shirt let's where the D was this time Judy where your dark shirt