pre-commission meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. we'll look at our consent agenda there any concerns about that any questions um yeah you're going to do yours the presentation I think you guys asked City man for a presentation of the payment analysis we thought this would be a good time for you all to have that information so Chris is going to go over that with everyone okay okay yes okay so we're doing that now yes sir I was going to come back to that right all right so back in January all you all approved the contract with rmt so that we can do the analysis um discuss them prise to bring it back to you all in a few months after we started colleting the data and so did haveed so this is the dashboard here of the software and as you can see all of the different colors are our roadways graded um and this has allowed us the opportunity to provide information to Residents who call in wanting to know you know where their roads stood on a Paving plan or while we were Paving roads if they call in say hey you're Paving the road next next to it but my road is worse how you're not Paving it we have the ability now to pull with this up and see exactly what score their roads are this will also allow us when we submit for any legislative Appropriations um or other grant funding opportunities we can decide which roads we're going to go as well as provide the backup documentation that that road needs some information um prior to this you know a lot of it was graded by either a consultant or city staff riding the road and Grading it um and as you all know we discussed before you know the first road you ride is in bad shape but by the time you spent four and a half hours riding roads you start doubting yourself is that first road really as bad as what it is and so this is really an accurate representation of it um and all the equipment is on about 20 of our Public Works vehicles um so every day as they're riding doing their normal work it's collecting the data and then when they get in par trunk in the evening at the Public Works complex it downloads and it updates our map um so anytime you know a resident you know gets with City staff or any of you any of you guys um we can pull it up and see exactly what their road is and Export this into our C plans for the future so we just kind of want to bring this back and and show everybody what it could do and the ability we have now to to monitor Our Roots and not going W if we ever have another hurricane and the debris truck in we have a live representation of what our roads are today and then after the trucks leave to what they are then so we can present that Fe that time so red means what red uh green is is the best yellow next orange and then red is the worst so you can see different robes um they score and then the like the roads we have a b next week for Paving we show what those vers are as well and then after they're paid for example um Illinois from 14th to 17th that was paid not too long ago and you can see right here how it is now green up to Bar whereas a next to sh what's the criteria that it uses this to determine if so it scans it takes photos of road as well as it measures the the vibration on each truck so when we first started this we had talk about putting it on our garbage trucks however further information the company they said hey like an F-150 or an F250 is a much better representation because that that rides more normal and so it's all on all of our smaller trucks and that gives an accurate representation of what they're look to really like now based on the criteria red yellow green of course red being the worst Road grade um how bad is the road when it is red and are all roads graded the same that are red I guess is the question we are still getting as a lot more proficient in the software so we can change the grading scale okay um to be you know stricter or more you know more lenient on the road so we can adjust that uh we can also once we get like our most updated um bid numbers back we will be able to input that in for what it would cost to redo a road the way we take or normally do it like the reclaiming and reing the road and then we can also put numbers in for asphalt preservation and like crack seing or any other type of pres chemical preservation to show what it would say if did preservation routes in to prong of those okay so you could change the parameters to tell us the worst and the wor yes Ma you could like if if you got on here and explored a list of all of your roads that show in red and then you write and say hey we probably could change some of these you could make the the red a wider category so move some of those the arms proong the time of taping and you you can play with your your score there to make it necessary of what you're trying to got it and as we move forward with future Paving projects with this information do the rids now become priority or you know how do you know made a a residental promise that hey two years ago you were in our Paving plan I would say the best plan of action going for was to keep the roads even if not necess read that we have been promising and telling people that hey this is baby plan moving forward and hey this is where we need to go and for example you can see you can pull up some of these roads that might be red but might be way less travel that you could you know move in the priority list accordingly to make sure that you're getting the the most traveled roads that are red and orange and yellow to get where you need got it all right any more questions from Mr light fooot where's where's 8th Street Circle on there yeah it's it's it's it's red as hell yeah and the and the road it comes out onto Carolina yeah okay that road is full of potholes yeah and this um this section right here yeah I know commissioner feebles and commissioner fno you both had numerous residents reach out about that but that road Ro um the caravina portion is in the west T Street U cdbg BR so it will have new water line and new pain in it and then you know we submitted twice for the east 8 Street Circle room and that one hasn't made it but those plans are done just any other questions all right thank you Mr L of course we have any additional questions that come over the week will ask those on Tuesday that's awesome all right um questions regarding the consent agenda um just informational um the number 10 we're changing the timeline on number 10 what's I just that was Grant funded yeah and so this is again the what I think was happening they've done it to all the cities the state Grant administrators come in and they started matching up grants to the you because you'll have a grant and you'll have an engineering contract and then a Construction contract and they're checking like hey this your contract expired your so they want all the underlying contracts to match up to the grant agreement so they can check a little box this grant here is for that um appropriation for the head works the 1.67 million so of course we'll extend that out and then also we had seen some uh somebody had asked some questions about why we had so many Grant extensions last commission meeting that we have a few more and all of those grants um the plans have been submitted to the state and the feds and we are just waiting on their approval um so a lot of just you know the red tape for those projects is why these are being extended none of these are the engineer or the contractors come at us saying we need more time it's the state Grant administrator saying these timelines need to match and so I mean ideally our our vendors are still sticking to their their timelines and getting us the plans within 180 days and all that it's just they want they want to check that box and soad the numbers match or the times match and number 11 is the individual that's asked simply for an extension yes this is one that you brought to me yeah and after we did some digging um this is one that um the commission gave approval for for I think two extensions this will be the third extension and I did say this will be her last extension um in terms of she has some some undue circumstances and I surely understand that to get this done and the um employee benefits plan yes ma'am those come gone up um I have actually our Brer on the line um Mr Owen winggate is going to explain that to you okay Owen yes uh good morning everyone uh my name is Ade I'm the broker for the employee benefit plan and it's that time of year where we uh go to market and uh look at the plans and see what uh the next year looks like uh we were very lucky this year not lucky you had good uh claims experience which is helpful and so we did were able to uh go to market and look at a few other carriers just to make sure that we were um doing the right thing by the city uh and renewing with Florida Blue what you have in front of you uh there is the Florida Blue current plans and the renewal uh we ended up getting a 1 Point negotiating a 1.65% rate increase uh which is fantastic in the world today uh trend is still uh 9 half or 10% so to be able to get a 1.65% renewal and have no plan changes we were very excited but we went a little bit step further uh Florida Blue offered us what they call an 11 month premium so we will get a premium holiday one month um and it's going to be in January of this year uh or next year 2025 and we will basically not have to pay the medical premium for the month of January which will save the city roughly $150,000 based on current enrollment and we also got a $115,000 wellness budget that they gave us um so that we can uh create some Wellness incentives for the employees and continue to have good plans experience moving forward awesome uh any additional questions for so any questions so the price has only gone up by 1.65% is that what that number at the bottom is the total monthly premium uh yes sir that is correct it's pretty good to work and from what I'm seeing although the price is gone up by that by sing us that one month premium we're still actually paying less this year than we would be the upcoming year and sticking with this plan then we would have paid last plan at a percentage Less in um 12 months that is correct it's it's actually a you can see the map there it's and roughly $120,000 less for your next fiscal year nice I was excited to say the least we all excited all right any additional questions no okay we're going to leave thank you so much thank you all thank you so everyone get the consent agenda all right uh who on to number 13 Miss amenda I give you a bit of an update of what has happened um if you recall at the last meeting um the developer asked for a bit more time um because they were looking at different options um and actually had kind of relooked at their traffic impact analysis um had some discussions I think with the county and um they determined that yes they did need to put that right turn lane in however if you recall they had put the seasonal factor in the calculations but not the school um uh data and so we had a meeting with them yesterday um the city manager was involved in the meeting and I think we might have come to a um a remedy for now uh and I have actually put a new recommendation together for both the development order and the preliminary plat I feel that if perhaps if I read that recommendation those recommendations to you it will make sense to you what is being um opposed is that okay and and then no it's not on there yet because it was yesterday afternoon and so if you are okay with it then what I'll do is I'll update the report the car report and get it to CJ so she can get it out to you um and there's also an exhibit that will go along in the packet so there will be some changes that I will make to both of those um agenda reports so as far as the development order goes um the recommendation would be that um the commission recommend approval of the development order contingent upon the following number one a right eastbound turn lane being installed at the intersection of East 26th Street and County Road 389 Northeast Avenue prior to submitt of the phase two final plat which would be 62 two units and number two a new traffic impact analysis being submitted to the city with AM and PM peak hour traffic counts taken during the school semester prior to submitt of the phase two final plat again that would be restricting them to 62 that would be the development order recommendation and then the the preliminary plat recommendation would be recommend approval of the preliminary plat contingent upon the final plat being broken up and brought to the city for approval in three phases per exhibit a and exhibit a will go in the packet and let me hand one out to you there you go okay and you can see that phase one is 62 Lots so basically they can get the development order contingent upon those things because they are not able to sell or break up the plant until they bring the final plant they can't sell any of the units or build any of units so they the preliminary plant can be approved so that they can put the infrastructure in uh but the actual the final plant would come back in phases the first one would be for 62 units and they wouldn't be able to bring a final plant to you for anything above that if they hadn't done all of those other things which they will do way before you know when school goes back they will undertake the counts so um those things will be done long before they come back for phase one plat actually does that make sense and and if you're all okay with that then like I said what I will do is I will change the car report to include that we had that meeting and that these things are being proposed and the recommendations are contingent upon those things and I will put the phasing uh plan in with both the gender items the development order and the preim plan is everybody good to go with that I appreciate the developer working with us thank you very they were very very working with us on on trying to come up with a solution and we'll get good you know it it will be um really interesting when we get that the real picture of what is happening on those roads when schools are in um because you know it may turn out that actually that right turn lane doesn't need to be put in we may need a signal so for now they're saying they'll put the right turn lane in but when we get that that traffic impact analysis back and we review it we might determine that there are actually some other remedies that are required instead of that when we see the actual numbers on both intersections so yeah and when it slowed down like that like you said we can determine if we need a traffic signal or not yeah and look at both intersections the one at Minnesota that you're concerned about as well as this one yeah right awesome thank you and thank you for uh for working with us looking forward to providing um more housing for our incoming residents in Lin Haven you know I have an opinion on this let it go let it go let it out thanks BR um you know we we don't want to ever stop private property owners from developing their property as long as they follow the rules and the regulations that we have I think they have a right to develop the properties and I don't think we need to stifle the growth of Len Haven either you know I've heard that a lot lately from citizens you know you're letting the city get too big well you know we provide a beautiful place for people to live it's safe and uh they want to come here so let's don't let's don't stifle our city um and then but on then on the other hand we as a commission have to be prepared or ready for that growth and we need to maintain our vigilance on that end yeah so that that growth can occur know a few years ago when we had a commission City Planning meeting I think one of the words that commissioner perno using we tried to follow that or phrases anyway was a quality growth that we you know want to have quality growth and not just you know bursting at the scenes but also as you mentioned not slowing people down but so I think that's why we do take time to look more at um the development orders especially those that add to the growth of the city so that we can have a quality growth cuz we're limited you know we're Limited in the the amount of land that we have so um we're Panama City is probably three times as large as we are as far as land capacity so um so there are some other things that we have to look at in the future like annexation and such balancing yeah so we can uh you know continue to grow but I I do agree um and that's why we're going to look back at the UDC um course with Comprehensive plan I'm going to get that Workshop rescheduled so that we can update what growth looks like for ly Haven for the next 5 10 years or so and you know look at what that trajectory looks like that's some of the things we're working with now is what the pre prior commissions envisioned for the growth of Len Haven and probably didn't think it would be what it is now um that we would be the the number one city for growth in in Bay County so that's a good one perno quality growth I don't know where it came from must ate my weedies that morning was in a strategic just out yeah so we we we've latched on to that and sort of and sort of Follow that um discussion and possible approval for the uh midyear budget adjustment director Finance good morning morning morning U this is just one small adjustment to Amanda's planning budget i' discovered this through my review since I've been back um this will help her in her engineering development review category which you've just discussed with her we've added $110,000 questions thank you all right and develop an order for the pick ball Center Country Club your dues are going up for that a month now wait a minute you want to use too old any questions for not going they're not going par parallel to the road they're going straight out yeah I didn't know that until I saw that map I saw that map I'm like I thought they would do like two and two I guess they're and they're not striping for tennis courts at all it's just just Pi all right any any questions on that development order looks like the Planning Commission voted six to zero yeah I'm sure got a couple of country club guys on there so well I do know that uh I'm just saying I will say this probably one of the number one things that people randomly talk to me about if they find out I'm a commissioner is pickleball courts how can we get more pickall courts so the country club exactly right but with this the people that live in the country club can use those and now open up you know last meeting I talked about the people that are presently playing bigball yeah now they want that other court those other courts striped think if we could do it they're videotaping the usage on that basketball court we'll send you video for not playing basketball out there like okay well ask tell them if they want to pay for it then they might who knows we still got to build the ones over at uh air air and that'll help that'll help with those folks they're already planning on plan two places that is correct they're just worried about parking over there pickleball courts run about $450,000 and um you know that was something we were able to put into our plan when we were rebuilding the gym but right now to to to put for is there anywh they can get evening time inside they we have basketball volleyball that and that that's the great thing about add out the programs one thing we promised the residents that we would add additional programs um other things for adults and and youth to do and we've done that and uh so we try to give everybody a piece of the action and a piece of the time aall league right now yes he's running to pick I saw that yeah I saw that yeah yeah you have to spread the love pickle ball pickle ball league might might put you over the top I get some more you Knowle indors pickle all work the tennis court oh yeah I know it's that too it's right across the street from my parents house all right uh and then discussion only chapter 10 articles three and four going back to our code of ordinances this is back to the animal chapter I know Tai we we drafted a big revision that Tai spearheaded I don't know if that ever got well that Amy was actually working on it I think commission was going to give us some direction on the last part of it um I don't think I ever came back and got voted on yet but that's that's well underway yeah so mayor kind of give this direction when you R and really with regard to three and four I've only seen two changes that I think are necessary the first being under cruelty to animals where on number three abandon any animal I'd like to make a change to that to include dropping off at the shelter one of the things we started noticing is people will leave a kennel with an animal you know it could be a Saturday afternoon and they just drop it off or set an animal inside of our little caged visitation area oh wow and we won't be there for 24 hours and there are a lot of coyotes in that that wooded area behind so what we'd like to do is include that as an abandonment issue and the other change you have to make an emplo B County if you're going to make it yep um the other change would be under number four 1082 under female and Heat number D is this paragraph is just repeated in the very next paragraph yeah notic so I think we should just omit this right here and leave it under limitation of number of dogs and cats those are the only two major issues that I see okay and I guess by the first meeting because that'll take us to our last two sections be uh sections five and six I guess could we just have the full um recommended updates for that then the first meeting in August and then we can at that point move forward forward everything yeah so if we could do that um did have someone contact me about roosters roosters yeah they wanted they they wanted to know if the city would consider um roosters that were less than 5 pounds like bantam roosters depends on whether they announce themselves at 3:30 a.m. I guess yes you know I think that's the reason why they everybody loves the sound of a rooster until it's at 3 3:00 a.m. in the morning yeah or it's right next door the the mini horse you got you got the be I mean it's pot belly pig but you don't you don't say nothing about the little mini horse Min yeah cuz they they're around here something we can certainly address as part of this this they should be categorize I think with the little little pigs the piggies so yeah so I guess if we could look at what does a rooster less than 5 lbs I I'll put together something and get it to you by M or Tuesday okay so it was it was the noise on the roosters yeah yes it was the noise they break the noise Orin yes don't they need don't the hands need like people get people have the chickens people have chicken houses for the eggs don't think go Mo to the count yeah yeah they have for the eggs but not you don't want no eggs got get out people in L Haven really has little um a lot of that project hope it's it's not L it's up the road up by the rainbow but they bring them down and they they they are pets trust me maybe a sound test in the commission meeting they can visit they can't live here that's right they visited they're they're a little therapeutic so sweet any other matters uh for discussion or question I have a few things for article three and four just some administrative stuff so on the very first section 1066 that's page 59 it says uh shall make a reasonable effort to locate and identify himself to the owner of the animal I would suggest uh just update that to more inclusive language because technically speaking this is saying the only person that can get in trouble as a male so we might want to say theirselves or themselves just for legal matters under under on page uh section 1066 number four on page 59 in your packet yeah yeah I I'm I'm there at the very top section 1066 third sentence Oh I didn't invite him so yeah we can go through the the whole thing and make sure if we want to do that make sure it's him him or her there's no legal signific yeah but it's going to save might save some back and forth with some people um and then on page 60 uh that would be section you know when you kill a cat whether it's a feral cat or bong driving down the road you flatten a cat doesn't have a name type name run right um I I have a suggestion for Section 1060 on page 60 uh 1068 rather when it's talking about the ad adequate shelter sorry when it's talking about the current and active v v uh vet care and treatment to prevent suffering there's a statement underneath it that talks about what that is but maybe put a little section that says if applicable because the way this read says like you have to have active veterinary care for every single animal well there are certain animals that you don't take one you don't take to the vet but two um that means I currently have to be show records that I'm currently taking my animal to the vet well if there's nothing wrong with my animal why would I take it to the vet that's that's requiring someone to spend money on a vet you got the shot not every animal requires a shot though you don't give your gold fist a shot it's too un animal so I'm just saying just to cover our bases all you got to do is just put something like if applicable which would cover most things and then um and then section B in the same thing it talks about it's talking about containing animals um in crates it says that it should not be more than 2 hours well I don't know if 2 hours is long enough cuz for some people they might put their animal in they may have a new animal that they put in there like when they go to church or something and some people takes them longer than two hours just to put their animal in a crate drive to church come back you know so maybe extend that a little bit longer than 2 hours maybe 4 hours cuz like for me for a while I was driving out to Youngstown to go to church so there's no way I'd drive to church go to church come back and then you know yeah some some dogs are created even longer than at home right so what are we asking for again on that one just uh where it says um let's see it's about halfway down SE on Section 1068 on letter B but halfway down it talks about um if the holding period does not include overnight or extended periods of more than two hours think the extended period might we might want to look more than just two hours it's a little it's kind of short now is this talking about for training and hunting this just talking about keeping an animal in an enclosure right I see that but it's saying crates used for temporary holding of animals in conjunction with their training for dog shows performance events or hunting are permitted if the holding does not include overnight or extended periods of two while not in transport so I don't think this is talking about like me leaving my dog at home I think this is referring to like what it says you know training for dog shows hunting um performance events and not necessarily uh that's like me taking my horse to a you know to a performance or to a rodeo uh that I won't necessarily keep that horse in confinement for more than two hours um or does not include overnight um while it's not in transport so I'm thinking that's what that's referring to if I'm if I'm reading that I shaking his head yes I think that was the intent yes okay cool and it may be that we can clean that up a little bit just to uh bring some more clarity to it all right and then on uh page 61 that would be section 1083 letter A to the top one um it's talking about dogs trained to to Aid disabled or handicapp persons and governmental police dogs are deemed to be under Direct Control while being used for the purposes of which they are trained I think we should maybe uh add that for the dogs that are trained need to be able to provide their paperwork that they've been trained because there's been many uh instances where someone will just say hey this is a this is my my Aid dog and then it's just their pet from the house and they're using that as a because they know it's a loophole to bring their pet wherever they go I mean if I'm perfectly fine with someone having a um an animal for aid but they got to be able to prove it you have to be careful with person with disabilities don't you Kevin yeah there's certain well you can't ask what their disability is stuff like that but you you they don't have to show their disability just show that the dog the dog's qualified you get that online yeah people can print those on but you have to jump through that but yeah you're right people get their little emotional support animal certificate on the internet with respect to that I think if uh if we're going to try and dial that went in commissioner what you're speaking of we probably need to be more clear as far as allowing animals in the building you to the microphone so they can hear you on YouTube Facebook thank you I know when I worked over at Panama City there was a woman who came in and she was obviously looking for trouble because she was videotaping brought in a dog and the building custodian said you can't have an animal in here and it was her emotional support and we really didn't have anything in place at the time I think that's probably what we need to focus on as well maybe for those folks bringing in an animal into a building one of our buildings yeah well it says it here well yeah at the top I think there's been some yeah that got out of control and I think 8 that's kind of gotten dialed in with the difference between emotional support and true certain true Ser hand well it's got to have save Serv hand when there's Ada regulations on that that kept going into emotional support and I think we you weren't really able to do much about that I think you are now so might yes you're correct well my concern too is like like I know like I'm personally affected because my wife's highly allergic to animals so like just someone bringing in an animal without going through the proper certification of it all that can that can create an issue so like um I just think this is the opportunity to address it to make sure that there's nothing wrong with you bringing in your a anal we just got to prove that it legitimately is One MH you know like it's no different than like I know you're physically able to drive but you still need to go get your license to show that you're allowed to you know well I know at one time you could go online um to register your dog for emotional support and it says do you have a letter from your doctor or documentation from your doctor and all you had to do was click yes so if they got it and they don't have that letter then they're not being truthful to begin with right but they'd still have the the documentation from the computer saying that it is a sport dog I don't know what I would imagine most people that have support animals are aware of the pro the procedures to get the paper and if not I mean I'm happy to help show them what is our current I guess policy and not that it has to be written but our current understanding or policy on animals in public buildings or in our build you know the city's public buildings it says no animal so so all of them cannot anywhere and we've had many times before events they don't have a Le we have to put them on leas but it says here that we are authorized uh to restrict or prohibit dogs in any City public buildings parks recreation facilities or reaches right so so I do know we can do that but I'm asking make it stronger no no you can bring it down to court park right well not not referring to the parks I'm saying buildings in regards to like I know we're authorized to do but what is our current yeah I would think if it's a true service animal for the with you got to let that in just a emotional support ask them yeah well like I said for I know like for service animals they actually have to be like wearing something that says they service animal they have a little vist on that says Service you also for well yeah like I said I know you can't ask them anything that would lead you to figure out what their disability is but you could you I think you can figure out in addition to whatever they're wearing whatever is on their leash you that they're actually a service animal which is different than emotional support animal that's a much wider category so do we have any direction for staff on this [Music] one I know we've talked around in a little bit any conclusion I I mean I guess for me mine would my my suggestion would be just update the statement about to say um with where is it what did I say okay where it says um dogs trained to Aid disabled or handicapped persons with proper paperwork just add with proper paperwork and governmental police dogs cuz if they have if they have their proper paperwork then they're good to go question you can ask someone yeah that's under Direct Control I'm more interested it when when it says animals prohibited in Parks and Recreation facilities this is where it says you want to make that stronger yes sir that's that's where I'm going so like the bottom line there on 1081 because it does say the city manager is authorized but you're saying make it stronger yeah is just not prohibited right yeah I see yeah cuz and and that's what I was asking is that right now there is no policy other than just verbally saying hey there's no corre across the board policy for our city building yeah that would be smart I agree that way we can so it won't be ask on her and if a new employee doesn't know that regulation that's something been discussed in staff so so yeah so Kevin how would we make that more of a stronger statement in regards to not allowing animals into our city buildings sit now at the bottom at the top yeah that last s in 1981 well I mean instead of just having the city Venture being authorized to come up with rules like how would we well we would just we could just come up with rules and then what do you want like Direction on what those rules should be well I basically it would just be no City no animals allowed in City build building yeah but you can't do that for Ada purposes though but unless for a true serving and then I guess the question is going to be become do we want to look at you know sticking with that distinction between a service animal and tional support animal which that's what I would suggest okay yeah so is everybody okay updating it to to that language so they have to have proper documentation if they want to enter what we're distinguishing between the service animal and the emot and the emotional support animal well if they had the proper documentation wouldn't it tell you whether or not it was a disability or a can you even ask that see documentation I think you ask for documentation you can't ask questions that would lead the person to divulge what their disability is what if you know so like Pat saying like you can't say oh well what service does that dog provide you can't ask that but you could say you know is that dog properly registered as a service I don't care what the disability is but you know I think you can ask that that it's properly registered or certified or whatever the question is because theoretically you're asking about the dog right Kevin is there is there a a nationally recognized certification for an emotional support animal versus ask I don't think so that that's where it kind of got of the Wild West that's the internet yeah that's right yes so I mean I think if if and I'll look because a few years ago we couldn't do that and I think that has changed so I'll get the updated beses the law and where we want to go with that is you know obviously Ada stuff we can't do anything about but if we can onct emotional support um do that okay anything else on um three and four articles three and four all right anything anything else that needs to be brought to the attention of the commission or city staff before we go oh just I got questions about what's going on on 12th Street uh wa 389 at 77 like right across from utilities where you where you come out like where the where the cine store is across from Circle as you're going down if you turn there and you go down 12 there's silk fence along the road starting at Pennsylvania oh it's all the way up it's all the way and people are asking questions so everybody needs to know that that's for the for the they're widening the shoulders on both sides of of uh of East Avenue 389 all the way yeah all the way down so they're going to put I talked to Bobby yesterday I guess they're they're putting like a 6 foot shoulder on each side of the road for bicycles and pedestrians it's a bicycle thing I've gotten several of those phone calls your example so people will be asking about it as it as they getting more inquisitive about that they're only on one side right now but they're going to be on the other I do have one more thing I just thought about I've had an abundance of people ask me about you know we did the traffic study in M Islands so there have been people asking about like what's the policy on speed bumps and all that stuff so it might be wise to just re-review that policy so I I did follow with city manager about that um so I did meet with the uh residents of M Highlands on Monday we had a a town hall had about 15 residents to come okay um and uh we talked about the the statistics um that were in M Highlands so like on dunde which is the the main road entering there the highest speed was 53 M hour um and then on 24th Street uh the high speed was 68 miles an hour God and of course we uh discussed the um accuracy of those uh numbers and I even propose even if it's 10 miles off which there's a 5 m variable for both you're still 43 M hour and that's a 25 mph Road um there's approximately about 7,800 cars that went on that that main road dundy again high speed being 53 um 85% of the traffic was actually um basically 35 miles or over so 85% of the traffic on that road was more than 10 m hour over the speed limit um so uh so they did understand that that there is a speeding issue um although we talked about other issues could it be UPS could it be door Dash um but we don't have that many ups and door Dash and even if a UPS guy is going 53 miles an hour if he hits someone they're going to die right you know so you do want to prevent that if that is the case um and so uh we did talk about that ual policy itself um which I did follow up with city manager um and asked that we would uh updated to insert what the speed bumps are um versus the speed humps um because that was sort of the the the Dilemma was the speed humps versus the speed bumps um of course that policy was made in 2017 and the way the policy reads is that the city doesn't have to go out to do the petitioning actually the petitions aren't done by the city they're done by the resident that actually make the exess was my question about the so when you look when you look back at the the policy it's not on us to go around and ask the neighbors do you want a speed hump it goes back to the person that made the so citizen request speed yeah they they they go get a petition but even if they do you got it's not exactly right give you the right to have so the speed humps is what we and that's the part that we got Clarity on is that the speed humps which permanent is what the commission has to vote on and what has to have the petitions signed by the residents not the speed bumps um because those are temporary those are temporary got it okay um so uh so yes so we don't have to necessarily vote on that but I did follow with her and ask her if she would just update the if they would the traffic committee would look at updating the policy to include the speed bumps yeah um but also realizing that in updating it that you don't have to go out and get the petition if the if the traffic shows that you need speed bumps then put those in and with the the stats that were there something is needed to help yeah you know defay the uh the speeding um that's uh that's in the area so um so we are going to they're going to encourage one another to slow down um and not speed as much and we're going to follow back up in three months um they did provide it several suggestions which I afforded to the city manager um in regarding to um the detering speeding so they all agree that speeding needs to be deterred they just had different ideas of how that should be done police officer out there so and and I did tell them I said if we put a police officer back out there you'll probably get tickets right you know so it's not just going to be someone just sitting there just help you know just you know encouraging us to slow down that if you're driving 50 mes an hour you're going to get a ticket um you know so that you know I suggest that that probably not be the first alternative right um um of putting an officer out there but what they would like for us to consider is within within the next 3 months or so reviewing the speeding you know in the area seeing if the speed bumps are still needed um and so that's what they've asked us to to consider um as a city so I'm going to meet back with them again in three months um and we're going to follow back up and they had some other ideas on traffic um for example uh but it would we need to discuss it more with the residents cuz again the issue that we've come to is you've had one group of residents to come and express their concerns because I stay away from the word complaints Express their concerns and now that those concerns have been addressed by us now you have another group of residents that are um in disagreement with how those concerns were expressed or addressed and so the major issue comes down to there's no HOA in mov Highlands and so you don't have like a voice that speaks for the entire subdivision as much as a group that might Express their particular concerns so we did talk a little bit about you know how they could get more cohesion in regards to addressing City matters because that was the issue with the sign um being replaced was there was no HOA so there's no entity um that that's responsible for that so then they had to go back to the actual original owners of the subdivision and such to get them to file on their insurance as well so so there some internal things that I encourage them to that you know as a neighborhood that we need to look at and consider um in regards to again just having some cohesion in just that one voice so you don't have us talking with a group of residents on Andrews or dunde and then and what happens is dunde really from what I'm seeing is not the complaints are not coming from the the disagreement is not coming from the residents on dunde it's actually coming from all those that are off the veins of Dundee because dunde is your major road coming into it so when I've talked to Citizens on Dundee who see the speeding they're like hey we're fine with the speed bumps or the speed with the speed bumps even those that live right beside the speed bumps and say we hear it but we're totally fine with it but those that live off in verus or thirst or those other veins those were the ones that gave the most feedback um because the speeding isn't going in there in their area because we did test in vernus and Andrews and pentland but there was no speed in those areas that was really dundy in 24th that had the issues um so that's that's where I also saw some of the the major concerns were expressed from those that live in the in the veins coming off of Dundee and not necessarily just on dunde itself right and and just so we can clarify terms of speed uh hunts those are things that have to be constructed I mean we have to get a contractor out there put it in it has to be striped and you actually have to prove that cuz that's construction per s um 4500 if you do them in house it's going be3 or $4,000 yeah they're not cheap but then also the second one is stop signs those have to come to you because stop signs really according to the guideline that we use should not be used to control traffic or calm traffic speed yes or speeding those should not be used so when it comes to a point where there may be a recommendation for the stop sign we're going to bring to you the stop signs are not an option in put like a three-way stop yeah those those are not an option because none of the streets don't want it first of all right um and um basically Bobby and several of us just said we just never seen the that level of speeding in um a neighborhood and just remember the city is trying to keep streets safe uh streets that are turned over to us it is our job to keep the resident safe and streets um and the people in them so that was the conclusion um everyone left agreeing that speed needs to be deterred um just differences of opinion on how um the city should deter that speed but everyone left you know from what I can recall uh in agreement that we do need to CH speed in M Islands see it's interesting people bring up problems but they don't want to be inconvenienced when we try to solve the problem that is true August 8th is the comprehended comprehension planning workshop we rescheduled of August 8th okay you put that on your calendar all right Thursday night Tuesday I was going to be in town hassy that doctor appointment over there oh Thursday yes here Thursday Thursday night yeah that's going to be at 5 5 okay all right awesome okay and again that's just for us to get direction on how to start working on the comprehensive plan so that's not for us to necessarily begin working on the comprehensive plan but for us to get understanding on how we should focus moving forward so we have no homework for that night we may have some we'll get to okay yeah not not too much read the compl yeah I think Amanda you could have been everyone copy of the complaint everyone has a copy of the complaint it's online it's on the city yeah but in terms of them having a copy in front of yes yes because I think it's been over a year since the last time exactly right received it so awesome you want us to bring recommendations no just listen yeah I say this Workshop is just for us to get direction on okay how to address the complaint and then we're going to have a and then we're going to go like we're doing with the Articles then we're going to have times when we come back and actually go through the the comp will you be back I I I already knew that appointment I have two two doctor I had a conflict because I had or doctor's appointment in town house but I had a cardiologist appointment so I had a conflict so I moved it I knew what was going on before I'm good just day doing all right me J