##VIDEO ID:4c9uuHoYMic## e e e e e e e e e e calling our CRA meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. this time we'll open the floor for public commentary no public commentary moving on to the consent agenda approval of the meeting minutes from May 28 2024 approval of CRA residential paint program application for 16009 Kentucky Avenue and appointment of David swisser to the CRA Advisory board for two years right is there a motion for this motion to approve a second all right motion by commissioner perno second by commissioner pebles uh city manager if you call the vote commissioner perno yes yes commissioner Peebles yes commissioner Vander Griff yes commissioner War yes mayor Nelson yes motion passed all right new business good evening um this agenda item is in regards to the proposed um tenative CRA budget for the upcoming fiscal year I prepared a budget based on the project list or the project recommendations from the CRA Advisory Board all these projects are based actually on the CRA plan so we've been using this document as a foundation to come up with these project ideas um the proposed revenues um total 1,491 144 proposed expenditures 1,274 $187 um we're proposing a transfer from Reserve to um to the to cover the additional expenditures in the amount of 15 59,2 72 so the overall proposed impact or fiscal impact is 1,274 18 this point I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have guess on looking on the back page here under housing so I see we have the res residential incend program for 50,000 residential paint program at 8,000 and then if you could explain the BB Scholarship House construction yes so so this is a project idea bbia is the Builders Association of Bay County um they do have a they they construct a scholarship home once a year in order to raise funds um for um con uh scholarships that are related to the construction field mainly for Haney Technical College and some of them ALS go to Gul Coast College um so my idea was to use the $770,000 to purchase a lot um here within the CRA a vacant residential lot where um the bbia could U build their future scholarship home on now the idea is to sell this vacant lot to bbia at a discounted rate so I'm not proposing to give um bbia $70,000 I just need that money to purchase the lot this is just an estimate um and it would this lot would be sold to the uh to bbia at a discounted rate maybe at 50,000 so our contribution would be it's up to you at the end of the day but I would be suggesting some $20,000 okay um and okay so they'll be actually buying the lot from us at a discounted price yes that's correct so why am I doing this or why am I suggesting this number one we're we're we're encouraging infill housing we're adding another new home to um the CRA we're adding taxable value we are encouraging um um we're adding another water account to our water system and and to our our utility system and we're also promoting um scholarships or or supporting Scholarships in the construction industry here for our area I see I can see there are a lot of benefits that would come out of this got it um and have we considered doing anything like this with Habitat for Humanity we had some conversations with Habitat for Humanity uh um but we haven't done any any specific negotiations with them okay that would be certainly another Avenue that we could look into absolutely I was just wondering if you could elaborate a bit on what is in the plans for the Florida Avenue improvements the 200,000 in the budget for that so okay um great question um we all know that we received um a $4.3 million Grant from the Department of Commerce to uh make some improvements on Florida Avenue and Ohio Avenue however this grant is very specific when it comes to what we can use the money for um the $200,000 is a placeholder for items that will not be covered under this grant do I know them today no but I know from experience when you apply for some Grant and you for a grant and you go through the through the project process you will always run into unforeseen expenses and that's the amount that I'm proposing to to keep as a as a placeholder that doesn't mean that I'm going to be spending all of this money but it will allow to continue on to move on with this project and not put everything on hold just because we don't have any funds in the current C budget for this and I guess Mr pero you have something I I just want a explanation about the purchasing and installing of 60 decorative signpost now are those Street on Street like street lights they're not street lights they're actually actually sign posts I've seen them in in other communities and other cras where they made some improvements to the downtown area so in other words the stop signs uh and the street signs that you see it at each intersection those were upgraded to uh with some decorative signposts and they really make a difference in in terms of the Aesthetics of of the the street Corridor so my my suggestion is to propose or to to change out the sign posts here in our downtown area to make our streets a little bit more appealing did we we did the you did the information signs before remember those informational signs way finding signs yes that's correct like the historic signs or whatever are these similar to that or so we would be following the same design standards so everything goes hand in hand the for example the the um the lights the light fixtures that we purchased uh here for Sheffield Park these decorative uh lights the design all of this is going to be will will complement each other you'll be able to hang banners and stuff like the ones that we have in the park and yes Mission Ward commissioner B gr you have any questions I was just add one more thing sorry what what's in the plans for the memorial Parker or is that another placeholder thing another placeholder we're right now we're working um with uh the with tulo planning on um a conceptual plan um to update the park uh we're trying to be very careful with this because you can end up spending a lot of money on this but it's there's really not a lot of room to make some major improvements parking is very much limited um so uh we're trying to be very mindful of this so once the conceptual plan is in place for the upcoming fiscal year that's the the $80,000 I think that I put into the budget is to actually put the improvements into or to actually do the construction thank you it's just one final question from me regarding uh like the Florida Avenue Improvement since you mentioned the downtown area what have we I guess carved out to be the downtown area so we had to identify this as part of the grant um application process and for the downtown area of on Florida Avenue the corridor starts at 7th Street and it goes up to 10th Street and on Ohio Avenue it starts at 7th Street and it goes up to 12th Street so it's a little bit the quarters a little bit longer on Ohio Avenue um we had to specify the items that we want to improve um on either Road on on both roads um so it's this grant is very specific got it so downtown ly Haven as we've designated it through the C is going to be Ohio Avenue Florida Avenue basically 7th to 12th Street Ohio 7 to 10th Street for Florida yes sir okay is there a motion to approve the uh CRA budget for the fiscal year 2425 I'll motion to approve second all right any comments from the public all right city manager if you call the vote commissioner pebles yes commissioner fander Griff yes commissioner War yes commissioner parno yes mayor Nelson yes motion passed meeting adjourn next meeting 5:30 p.m. e