e e good afternoon everyone it's Wednesday March 13 2024 2 pm400 hours this is the Board of Commissioners regular meeting city clerk we call the rooll please mayor rosc present mayor Kerr here commissioner tagy here commissioner mcgean here commissioner Brooks here all are present City attorney we do the invocation Pledge of Allegiance sir our heavenly father we come humbly before you to ask your Divine guidance and help in our deliberations today bless the members of the commission and the citizens that are present we pray that a work this evening will find favor in your sight this we pray amen I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay first up is approval of the agenda i' like to make a motion to approve the agenda as written do we have a second um we have an item that we need to add to the agenda that was requested by the City attorney yes mayor I'd like to add to uh the agenda as item 12E under contracts and agreements the easement agreement for condominium a um actually condo a company LLC okay should I request to pull what I was going to pull now then under this or wait till later I think you need to do that on when you that agenda item comes out there oh that's fine yeah all right I'd like to modify that like to approve the agenda with the addition of uh 12a as mentioned uh by the City attorney by what 12b 12b 12E as an elephant he is an Edward he is an Edward is is is he clear did you get all that CL is there an opportunity for discussion if we're on to consent agenda I don't uh I thought we were going to do approval of minutes first I have a request for the order of the items before we get to that is this is this part of consent agenda not yet no sorry then no that's further down the list sorry sorry but but if you want to make a or recommend a change in the agenda this is the time to do that yes yes I'd like to move item C to be first in the uh public hearings item 10 C 10 C moved up to the be uh 10A okay okay do we have a second then I'll second the motion okay city clerk will you call the rooll please I will vice mayor Kerr yes commissioner Brooks yes commissioner tagini yes mayor rosc yes yes commissioner McAn yes the motion carried 5 to zero okay thank you next up is proclamations I don't think we have any do we city manager no okay all right and then we have presentations a Treasure Island madir Beach Chamber of Commerce 2023 Community partner of the year if I could max if you could come up to the I'm going to use the podium so mayor and commission I get Robin Gomez the city manager and we were recognized the city was last or a couple weeks ago at a lunch by the Treasure Island Mader Beach Chamber of Commerce um they chose our recreation department and Max molski is here representing the department the community partner of the year for 2023 I do want to thank Max and unfortunately Jay hatch cannot beat here the recre director but just wanted to give you some very quick overview of all of the work that led to the recognition I think a lot of people think that in Recreation folks go to work every day and just let check people in for wck classes and or take care of kids after school and yes they do that but in addition to that not only do they maintain the grounds and the parks particularly Rock Park here to behind us to our left right they also plan produce and take care of all the details of the probably about 50 special events throughout the year from the seafood festival to the Mary Market at the end of the year uh the Mary Market which is kind of the main reason the treasure Al Mader Beach Chamber provided this award because they partner with the city to host the event we had over 8,000 people come to the park that one day back on December 9th which was the same day as the boat parade uh but Recreation helps coordinate plan all the detail for those events in addition to maintaining Three softball fields a full recreation facility with multiple classrooms and rooms for after school summer care right now we have how many kids staying at the rec center 40 kid about 40 kids during the spring break uh program that we run through our Recreation Center also Le leagues for youth for basketball for soccer we coordinate with the Madera Beach youth baseball and softball for the programs that they run we just finished we I'm saying we I I didn't do anything except show up and help out as needed and eat a few hot dogs etc for the college softball games where we had nearly about 27 schools and un colleges and universities many from up North that played probably close to 80 games over the last three weekends right here in our Rock Park uh softball fields so I will tell you that I spoke with hundreds of well probably a couple hundred families that came here who absolutely love the area I did not hear from one player who was upset playing here even the ones that struck out three or four times during the game because they're playing at a place that they had most of them had never been here never seen did not believe that people actually live work you know learn and play here it truly is a great great City to be in I told them well if you were to hang around here long enough you would see Jay Max or moo or CJ some of the recreation stuff or myself occasionally walking around in our robes because we spend so much time here and that's what the men and women and Recreation Department did over those three weekends they spent upwards of 15 hours in a day because not only do they coordinate with the organization that hosted the games the spring games but they also maintain all the fields the facility the concession area the restroom area so a great great thank you to Max and all the staff and I think a very deserving award the community partner of the year app thank [Applause] you stand over so we can take a photo if I could get this to work properly thank you thank you Max and Recreation stff and and I forgot to mention Final Friday out at the John's Pass and all those other events that happen at John's Pass Village and Boardwalk thank you thank you city manager next up is public comment for anything that is not on the agenda please come up we'd love to hear what you have to say please come up good afternoon Commissioners mayor uh my name is Happy price I live at 13319 VOA sea Avenue here in madir Beach I'm here in the cap capacity at the interim chairperson for the library board wanted to give you guys a library update and I put a memo down because I feared this may last more than three minutes and most of it you want to just peruse anyway uh thought I'd let you know we knew have H we have a had our elections and we have a new chairperson which is David will mayor of uh Readington Beach I'm going to remain Vice chairman uh Treasurer will remain uh deth from Treasure Island and our secretary uh Rick grabsky uh from North Readington Beach um our fundraiser in January was successful we um we brought in or we netted profited $4,280 183 so we we're loving that and we're considering doing a food for thought event for our next uh fundraiser um we also have a buy a brick campaign for anyone who would like to buy a brick $1 it's going to go in the um patio of the library um this is the one that uh our secretary bought for madira Beach it's really cool madira beach loves its books and its Library so that's available and you can just go on the website Gulf beaches library.org and it's right there on the homepage um for additional income the library will be adding paid parking only only during times that the library is not open okay this is really just to grab some of the special event overnight or you know even late evening parking and also the Sunday beach goers that park there I've walked out of there after a meeting and every slot is full so we thought well let's let's see what we can do about putting in some some meters and thank you uh Robin for giving us a hand with that um so as you can see we're really trying to not increase the amount we ask our cities every year all right uh finally the fun stuff we opened up our 2ou our 1968 Time Capsule and we're also going to be reinserting it back into the column for this year to be opened in 50 years so uh all the libraries are asking the participating towns to come up with something that goes in the Time Capsule now I brought it with me so you can see how big it is this is actually the Time Capsule that came out of the of the column we're going to put it back in but also going to have a little escape hatch so it doesn't take us two and a half hours to find it or whoever's alive in 50 years finding it and I wanted to show you just a few of the cool things in there there's pictures of the ground breaking of the library pictures of the library being built really cool these are all at the library by the way the Gulf Beach Journal which I believe was probably the equivalent to our Beach Beacon headline if the Pass Bridge should fail I mean really kind of cool we had a mad beach bank and they put in some cool stuff um the cost of services and um some like their resources and things like that they also added two uncirculated JFK Kennedy half dollars in there so um I thought that was kind of an interesting thing to put in there was also and this is just a a smattering uh the madir Beach Elementary School it's um kind of their week's worth of their bulletins lunches were 35 cents back then things of that nature facts about the library I found out the library cost $120,000 to build and half of it came from a grant so that's cool and then we also have from the evening independent which later became St Petersburg times and evening independent the uh they put in some printing plates which is cool Nixon captures presidency so this is the kind of stuff that goes in um I have a list in your memo of some other things to give you some ideas and we also during our fundraiser had a um suggestion box out there and people have been putting in suggestions so I listed some of the suggestions which were pretty cool iPhone and charger turtl information you know um a sticker from the trash Pirates things of that nature that will remind us of madir beach so 50 years from now they can look at it so I'll be coming back to you and reminding of you of the October one deadline but I wanted to give that to you as soon as possible all right any questions about what's going on I mean honestly there is two or three things happening there every day there's free tax help which you do have to sign up for I all all the members have access to um New York Times on a daily basis uh there's knitting circles there's mediation every every Friday which pretty much fills up there's you know mommy baby story time and fatherdaughter stuff and you know Financial clubs and all sorts of good stuff going on every time I go in there there's a lot of people using the rooms and a lot of kids running around so we really have a gem right here in our backyard very cool thank you y thank you yeah it was a lot of fun thank you happy all right love the excitement well it's fun really and I must give kudos to stay in Silverstein he's been a wonderful interim Library director really on top of things thank you thank you thank you is there any other public comment please come up good afternoon mayor and Commissioners Chuck Dyan 529 lilan Drive haven't seen you guys in a while I've been kind of busy taking care of other things in that what I'm uh going to talk about today is there was something that I heard a lot about and there was a lot of disconcert it's basically Tom and kitty Stewart parking lot uh I never really thought I would be kind of doing this but basically right now there's three resident parking two handicaps plus all the regular things what I would propose is two resident parking two motorcycle golf cart spots and one handicap what that does is it increases three pay spots the one handicap and the two residents do away with those What the residents gain are two golf spots and lose one dedicated spot so the way I look at it it it's a win-win I mean you know the residents would still have basically four spots because residents have golf carts and there's many many golf carts from the city and golf carts are becoming more and more prevalent and you occasionally have people coming down on golf carts from the other cities uh and if they would park in the golf cart motorcycle parking spot they would pay but if the residents live here and they come to the beach in their golf carts they would park in the golf carts as opposed to a parking spot and it's it's something that I kind of feel is a win-win I mean you know um and and far be it from me I was one of the people that was trying to on the last Administration get designated parking and and one of the Commissioners said well we've got all the parking on the street right on 141st which is true uh and the amount of monies that were received from that parking lot were big and I don't know what the final outcome was and as to whether or not it was the last meeting or the meeting before that it came up because of the trial period uh but once again I kind of think that this would be fine because one we're losing all the money on the handicap because handicaps don't pay for parking I believe so right there by changing the handicap to resident parking there's no loose no loss there but one of the spots becomes residents in and eliminating the two that are next to each other and turning those into pay Lots pay parking will in essence generate three pay three pay parking areas say that fast um I mean you know so you know like I say I would have been here when that one um meeting was brought up but I wasn't available at the time so uh but I mean but I just like to follow through which I do on most things thank you all right thank you is there any other public comment on items that aren't on the agenda come up please Tom Edwards district one I've already mentioned this to a couple of the uh Commissioners uh Mr Gomez but uh I think city did an excellent job with the paving on Gulf Lane and and did a professional job I think it took care of some of the drainage issues and I thank you all for that I mean it looks so brand new and everything the only thing we might do is just kind of repaint the curb going out to the to the beaches and maybe some of the parking bumpers so it looks new but otherwise uh it was very professional job thank you thank you for your kind comments anyone else anything that's not on the agenda please come up okay no other public comment we'll close public comment then next up is item eight approval of the minutes and we have the uh 2024 February 14th boc regular meeting need a motion to approve the minutes yeah do we have a motion to approve them there's any comments yeah I don't have any comments I make a motion to approve the minutes as written second all right thank you city clerk we call the rooll please vice mayor Kerr yes commissioner tagler reny yes commissioner Brooks yes mayor rosc yes Comm McAn yes the motion carry five to zero all right next up is the consent agenda have nothing there all right the next item up then is public hearings and I would like to entertain that we postpone this uh we haven't had a workshop on this in months the planning commission's had three and there's been significant changes in this I would like to see us go this go to a workshop if we could mayy you need to make clear exactly what you're talking about in relation to the four public hearings I think uh it would be item a uh well we moved item a 20231 up to a so it would be B then I mean we would have moved it to b or moved it down the list one of the it's um the one I'm talking about is ordinance 202 2402 open accessory structures first reading and public hearing that we would have to set a definitive date for that hearing which would be the next boc meeting however I would like to see us have a workshop on this considering there's been three with the Planning Commission and we have a lot to talk about there's some significant changes I agree with it I have no problem with that myself okay do I don't have any problem with it we can do that okay do do we have a motion then to it' be a motion to postpone to the next regular boc meeting and then to add an agenda item to the boc workshop to talk about it correct right I'd like to make a motion to uh delay the postpone postpone uh ordinance 202 24-02 open accessory structures uh to postpone the first reading and send it back to a workshop for consideration prior to the first reading we we still need the date when is uh when is I'm sorry to interrupt you but we we need a specific date since we're postponing it the next commission Workshop is on Wednesday March the 27th okay and then the and the meeting is on Wednesday April the 10th the next regular commission meeting so this would be postponing the regular to regular meeting on April the 10th but you're going to have an intervening workshop on that correct okay so that's the most then okay do we have a second I second all right city clerk we call the rooll please vice mayor Kerr yes commissioner tagini yes commissioner mcgean yes commissioner Brooks yes mayor rosc yes the motion carry five to zero thank you very much okay so then we're going to move uh ordinance 20231 John P Village Activity Center up to the top of the list now as requested and I'll go ahead and read that ordinance by title only mayor this is ordinance 2023-the Florida adopting the madira beach John's Pass Village Activity Center plan providing for an introductory statement of plan purpose and overview providing for background history and Community engagement providing for plan area existing and proposed uses and densities / intensity standards and distinct character districts providing for transportation impacts and connectivity providing for Coastal high-hazard area considerations providing for planning and Urban Design principles providing for implementation strategies providing for transmitt to and consideration by Ford pelis and the countywide planning Authority providing for transmitt to the Florida Florida State Department of Economic Opportunity for their review and comment providing for the filing of this amendment in the office of the city clerk providing for conflict providing for severability and providing for an effective date that was the second and final reading of ordinance 2023-24 point5 C it requires a super majority or four fifths vote to pass all right thank you is there any public comment on this first we'd love to hear what you have to say on this please come up hello mayor Commissioners my name is Paul Tila North Bay Shore Drive um I think the thing I want to express is the density relative to the State of Florida this is a chart or graph uh that I came up with showing NIS County here which is the most dense populated county in the state of Florida and the second one is Broward County which is this one and it's the second most populated county okay and then down at the bottom I have the um number of people per square mile of madira beach um we exceed the pelis county average and in fact buy a great deal more because uh the current census is 4,080 here so that's the point I want to make as you go forward with planning because things are to the Limit I I just can't see how we're going to accommodate any more large development projects um so that's the essence of what I have to say I think it's up to you and to consider what what all of this is going to lead to now I understand that the John's Pass Village that from listening to the city staff there would be no increase in density I just simply don't believe it um I think there are exceptions and at some point there'll be developers come in and give you their perspective on how it all ought to be developed um so that's the basic um the other comment I'll make briefly is having um a meeting during the daytime You Leave Out All the working people in the city and I I think something like this should come before a broader group or at least give an opportunity for other residents to come forward with their expressions so that's all I have to say but uh please consider where the density is going to lead us um eventually it's got to stop so thank you now thank you for your kind comment sir any anyone else please come up hi everybody um Commissioners and mayor and everybody else here U City Manager Clara and everybody else here um I am on 14093 North Bayshore Drive I've been here about two and a half years I love this city I'm hoping that I am the one opening that capsule in 50 years so your decisions really mean a lot to me and um I don't like um providing an opinion unless I've done my homework so um I just found out about this yesterday thanks to my neighbor Paul who has been here for 80 years so he has seen all of the changes to madira um the population growth over that time and that's why he voices his concern so I went back through what I could find on the John's past Activity Center I wrote you all an email and thank you for for reading it and I also want to stop to say thank you um I am on civil service so I know how much time energy work this all takes so thank you all um but I will say in reviewing the videos and information there were concerns um one um there were two of the I only watched two of the three uh workshops because I could not attend so I watched those and in both about 30 and 50 minutes in a question was posed as to what this would do to our population density and how it would affect a uh citizen it wasn't answered it was skirted around and um not intentionally I I think so truly because it had not been resolved there was a resolve to fix a map and present that which was done on 228 two weeks ago and presented to you all it was not defined or shown which properties within the the activity Zone did not meet the requirements and could not be rebuilt because one of the fundamental purposes of this Center is to allow us to rebuild right that this area should it flood there this this is when I review that that is not what is being accomplished in the John's Pass Resort area most of those buildings meet the current regulations and I I'd love to know if I'm wrong I apologize if I'm misrepresenting it but from what I could do this morning in a couple hours time this is almost doubling without question what people can do in those areas and I don't think the questions have been answered and I don't see the homework have been done and so I am very concerned if we are going to pass this today I'm coming from my job it's 2 p p.m. in the middle of the day I am concerned so I appreciate you all I think you're doing a good job it's not easy work um but I am very concerned so um thank you any questions or is that thank you for your comments anybody else have public comment please come up we'd like to hear what you have to say once we close public comment that's going to be it it'll go to the Commissioners please come up happy price 13319 boaa Avenue Madar Beach Florida um I had plann to talk on this but wow this has been going on for a while uh from what I understand the county has labeled our John's Pass Village as a very low density area which resulted in if it ever got blown away in a hurricane or something we could never rebuild it I sat up here and I voted for it to to have it an activity center at least four times that I can remember and it's been changing I understand that people have input it takes a long time but from what I understand most of the people up here agree with it certainly the County Commissioners agree with it there are areas like Corey Avenue or other areas that are um even like less built up already designated as activity centers there's like a whole strip along the beach it doesn't mean we're going to be building 10- foot buildings it just means we have the ability to put one building on top of the other and have some density that would fit our town so I I trust the commission and the the the planning department and everyone else who comes after to make the right decision if something should happen to John's Pass Village that they would make the right decision to put it back or put something very similar back I mean there's blighted areas in there that I think need some attention today but that's okay if it's not the time to do it it's not the time to do it just come to the commission make your you know Spiel and and see what comes up but I'm concerned that we will lose like the largest free tourist attraction on the west coast of Florida and not have that as part of Madar Beach that's I live down the street from it it's part of my identity I walk down there all the time everyone who comes to my house goes over there do my Christmas shopping there drink all the margaritas and eat all the pizzas everything else it's it's a blast I would really hate to see that go away and and go down to the density that the that the county currently has it it I in my opinion it definitely needs to be changed thank you well thank you so much now you I'm sorry you can't come back up but anybody else want to offer public please come up hello it a little loud Katie Bowman 701 Sunset Cove um I would hate to see John's Pass go away too and if something of this would allow it to rebuild as it is after some disaster that would be awesome because I love going there too what my problem is is when a developer could come in and request PD and I understand it's expensive to do all that but the numbers went up too high so if there's any way that the numbers on a proposed development that increases the amount of rooms for all that stuff stuff if we could just take those numbers down cuz I think what the max is like a 100 or something well let's go back to where it was and from it was one of the meetings here maybe in penelas County they said something that we could change the numbers and it's up to y'all you know if you'd want to do that so I just thought I'd bring that part up okay well thank you kindly thank yall any other public comment please come up Tom Edwards District one I've attended a lot of these meetings here where we've had this discussion I just feel that the activity center should be concentrated within the John's Pass Village it should be Con in concentrated within the businesses that are there I mean it's expend extended over to Gulf Lane going all the way up to 133rd which didn't need to be it could have stayed if you had to cut include some of those uh condos motels there you could have gone to 129 30th but even now I think you still could discount Gulf Lane and just keep it within the John's Pass center as the activity center I think it just went too wide thank you so much please come up sir we wouldd love to hear what you have to say Jer canell uh 13322 First Street East um before I say anything am I allowed to speak without causing anyone ability to lose their ability to vote Yes you have the ability to speak does not cause anyone to lose their ability to vote correct it does not cause your spouse to lose the ability to vote that's I want to make sure okay so the one thing just to reiterate that that is a concern and I know that I was the one that asked the question um the Max uh that I was told in the meeting that there was 70a all right if you go up to 100 that's a significant increase it's almost 50% increase what we know of from looking at records as we can without the full data is there's probably four buildings in the entire area that would be impacted and yet the proposal if you go to 60 UPA which would be by right according to what you're planning provides many of them between a 200 and a 300% increase in density so I know the builders aren't going to be affected um they they'll be okay but at what is the impact to the city it's not that this doesn't need to be done because I know we have setback concerns things like that and that this would address that what does the density have to be in order to rebuild where we're at I think that's the first of four bullets is to address the ability to rebuild that's what we're trying to get at there are four that we can identify on our own because it hasn't been clarified there are four buildings that can't be rebuilt thank you is there any other public comment please come up hi John all right hi guys how was everybody Doug Andrews uh have a business at 13601 Gul Boulevard um obviously like commissioner price I sat up here during this thing and voted on it many different times and obviously a lot of different opinions um and I'm glad nobody bought up the renowned expert that sent in the report from that had never been to John's past to contradict Dave Healey's just absolutely perfect report that he put out um years ago and God Rest his soul um but guys you got to remember one [Music] thing we've beat this kick this can down the road a million times and everybody's going to have an opinion on it um the people that are responding in the audience and myself included are not experts in this field okay I happen to know it pretty well because I sat through hours and hours and hours listening to every side of the story um remember though your job today okay or whenever is this is voted on in case it gets pushed back your job's not to listen to people that aren't experts okay you have a staff of people here that are experts in their field we've had Consultants come in here who are the best of the best and every one of them has and we've made changes to the plan to adhere to a lot of different things but you're always going to have naysayers you're always going to have people coming back to say that something's not right or this is too much or this is too little or the setbacks or this setback okay we remember though this is a designation this isn't the ability to go and build a water park and on a 20 story hotel that's not what this is It's a designation that the County Commissioners obviously agree with agree with because that's why you guys got it back so my point is okay your job is not to listen to the people that aren't experts out here you are paying these people to come up with ideas and to come up with recommendations for you okay that's their job to make recommendations for you people that are coming up not questioning anybody's research but they're coming up they're not experts in the field you've got experts that are telling you they're making a recommendation for you to approve this okay my point is don't listen to everybody else including me you are you guys are not here to listen to people and vote the way they want you to you're here to do what's in the best interest of the city period that is your job okay they elected you to make these decisions they didn't elect you to make sure that you do what they tell you to do so please remember that when you vote cuz if John P did look we had a fire there that thing could have all gone up if if if if Deputy Johnson wasn't there that night at 3:00 in the morning doing Patrol that thing could have burnt for four or five hours and we'd be facing something a whole lot different today than we are now okay so do your jobs okay thank you please come up ser love to hear what you have to say thank you mayor Commissioners um I love hearing all of the stories about 10 story buildings and 20 story buildings and 2,000 hotel rooms and I can tell you it's all a bunch of baloney I own the largest parcel in John's Pass by far and the parcel's undeveloped what you're looking at here isn't 100 units per acre if I built something on my property I can build 65 units 65 hotel room not 200 not 500 not 10 stories with a PD I get the Boost I get a big boost I can do 82 17 additional units probably for the betterment of the city but that's for another time right now I own the building that houses caddies and skullies if this doesn't pass and those structures and caddies is right on the grade a storm could take that out in a New York second and it couldn't be rebuilt I was there the other day spring break right there's a line out the door people want to come and enjoy the restaurant skullies was packed Boardwalk Grill was packed Kilwins was packed we get a bonus in the spring break time for the local businesses that probably eats up 60% of their sales throughout the whole year that area needs to be protected the whole purpose of the activity center and it's a neighborhood center the whole purpose was to allow the business owners guy Celli owns a building next door to mine talk to him today um he couldn't rebuild his building if a storm hit Jeff beins owns a building right next door to that on the boardwalk couldn't be rebuilt today all of those businesses along the boardwalk and along Village Lane and all of those property owners owners if this does not pass and something it doesn't have to be a major storm could be a flood it could be a fire or a catastrophic event like a hurricane hits it like Fort Lauderdale or uh Fort Meers I'm sorry the whole purpose of this is to allow these Property Owners to rebuild the village and maintain the quaintness of the village nobody's looking to build 20 story buildings in the past it's imperative that this gets passed to save the property owners their property was there a density increase sure but there was an F increase that includes parking that limits you even further to how much you can build on a piece of property and unfortunately the people that don't know what those fa are and uh imperious surface ratios mean to a builder I'm a builder I'm a developer I know what it means we're talking about new construction that's very minimal very minimal and by right we can do it today so in order to save the past I implore all of you to make the right decision and vote Yes and pass the neighborhood Center thank you very much thank you very much would anyone else like to come up and speak Chuck Dylan 529 lilan Drive I sat in your seats many times and listening to more of these people there are all kinds of issues and items that had come up that we kind of kept kicking it back kicking it back before it got to you guys you guys kicked it back many of the past Commissioners kicked it back but ultimately what I believe where everybody was afraid of is that somebody would come in and do all of this big construction and stuff well ultimately it got down to the idea of if anything changes it's got to go before the planning committee and the Board of Commissioners to be okayed which and then also like you know like many people have said our staff well our staff is not necessarily 100% perfect but they're pretty close to it I mean you know they do lots of research everybody has been researching this for years and I had questioned you know in terms of a lot of the facts and everything so but ultimately it gets down to the thing of like if something has to change it's got to go before us again before it can be changed at least that's my understanding I don't know for a fact but that's what I believe has to happen thank you thank you anyone else we'd love to hear what you have to say it's your time mayor Commissioners I'm Jeff beggins I live in 429 boa sea Drive in District 1 John's Pass and am am a property owner in in the village I just want to say from the very beginning from a resident I've probably been to probably close to a dozen workshops neighborhood meetings in the past at City Hall on the weekends all it's been notice noticed noticed noticed everywhere all the workshops all the commissions all the paes the the pelis county meetings the back here back to pellis back to back solid go high all got knocked back down to what it seems like everybody agreed to and then what one of the gentlemen said before this staff has been beating this around for years and with their degrees I think they did a phenomenal job on this one so I just think anytime people say well we didn't know what happened show up right I didn't want to show up on Saturdays with my kids and all that stuff anyway but I did when it's important so all the information was out there I think it's been beat up forever and I think the staff did a great job presenting it the recommendations I hope you guys do the right thing um for the district and for the community and um save the buildings that are there in the event of um anything were to happen and then watch responsible growth happen the way we want it to thank you thank you please come up we'd love to hear what you have to say thank you for coming thank you Kathy caller I live at 13145 3D Street East um I came here to learn try to understand better what this is all about I've been a couple of meetings I appreciate my education from you and I appreciate the girl in The Grace sweater for being so articulate so I'm trying to get a grip on it I understand everyone's talking about the past the past the past but for one thing from the start that word Activity Center struck me as a little too ambiguous because what if it's all about John's past why did you have to bring it all the way down to 133rd that's what makes me nervous because you know we're not an activity center down that way at all and I hope that we will never be but that's what I'm confused about why bring it all that way if it's mostly about the people at John's Pass being able to build if there was a rebuild if there was a disaster so can anyone help me with that or maybe I'm the only one with the question yeah but thank you you're very welcome any other public comment please come up now's your time okay we'll close public comment on this uh we'll turn it over to the commission aren't we going to have a presentation St oh we have a presentation I'm sorry yes I got ahead of myself sorry okay all right I just wanted to mention before we start that I'm we have a presentation it's the same as the workshop last workshops um but we are presenting both the activity center plan which is what um our attorney Tres read um and then also ordinance 20 23-2 and that's actually changing the future land use map to that Activity Center okay I know that you all have seen this presentation quite a few times but uh we'll just kind of go over the basics why we're um proposing this activity center to this area so the main components and the reasons of why an activity center is really to protect the village protect the character that's down there to assure that any new development is compatible with what is built in this area uh we must be consistent with the countywide plan and then this is really a proactive approach instead of a reactive approach and going to the relationship with local land regulations so really we looking at these three plans uh we have with the county which is for pelis their countywide plan which includes the rules strategies and a map and so every single parcel in mad beach in ol of panel's county has a designation with the county which I'll show you um in the next slide and then locally we have two plans we have the comprehensive plan which includes the future land use element U Future land use map so every parcel has a future land use and then also locally we have the code of ordinances and within the code of ordinances we have the Land Development regulations um that's usually when we come in we're asking for amendments here and there through planning it's usually with the Land Development regulations within that we have the zoning districts and then we have that corresponding zoning map so all these three plans really work together um the countywide plan and their categories we they set the intensities densities that impervious surface ratios were not allowed to exceed those standards we have to be within what their plan allows we can be less um intense with the floor area ratio and the density but we cannot exceed that so all three of these really work together and this is what this looks like all three of those Maps so on the left side we have the countywide plan map they categories um and then on the right side these are our two local uh land use so we have the future land use right here this is with the comprehensive plan looks very similar to the countywide plan map and also in the comprehensive plan and the countywide plan um it looks very similar it's pretty broad the intensities and the densi the units per acre and the impervious surface ratios and the General Uses that are allowed but it's really when you get to the zoning when you see the setbacks the height um also in our code you also have landscape requirements um sign requirements all these nitty-gritty things of usually what you think of what can you do with your land it's generally in the code or zoning your zoning District so all three of these really have to correspond with each other and work together so going back in history in two 2007 and 2008 the city adopted inconsistent standards with the countywide plan so that means that we adopted standards that exceeded what the countywide plan allowed we're not allowed to do that um so current staff uh found this inconsistency talked to Ford pelis and we've been working with them since 2020 on this if you remember a few months ago we really went through all the zoning districts all the commercial zoning districts as well as the um R3 the west side of Gul Boulevard and we lowered all of those standards so that now we're consistent with the county so this is the previous densities and intensities um when I was saying back in 2007 2008 when we adopted these standards exceeded the County's plan this is what our standards used to be they're not this anymore and we highlighted the areas where we exceeded those standards so with the countywide plan you can see um take retail and service category this red area uh the maximum temporary lodging units per acre was 40 well in our comprehensive plan it said 60 units per acre we're not allowed to do that so we had to reduce those standards um along with the floor area ratio that's really the ratio between it's easiest to think of this as a ratio between the land area and the air conditioned square footage so you can see that we had inconsistencies in this red area as well as the resort area that's the countywide plan feature land use category um and then that was our commercial General residential office retail Resort facilities medium so all those highlighted areas that's where we exceeded those standards um and then we also have inconsistencies with the zoning and land use here on Pelican um and then there's inconsistencies all the way over here until 133rd which is why the activity center expands over to this area so what the current densities and intensities are now this is after we made those changes in all those zoning districts um as well as a comprehensive plan to reduce those standards so we adopted these alternative temporary lodging use standards um which if you look at the standards that were previously adopted it looks like that's what they were trying to do in the in 2007 and 2008 where they have 60 units per acre the All Temporary lodging is 60 units per acre um so that's what was adopted is really putting in those alternative temporary lodging use standards spelling that out how you have to go through that that's not a PD that's just with the development agreement and we'll go through that later in this presentation so these are the standards now in these land use categories so now we're consistent with the county um but we know that what is built in this area and then some areas up on 133 and Pelican we know the land use is not consistent with the zoning or the land use is not consistent with what is built there and I really like this slide this really shows what the previous um previous standards were compared to what's being proposed so the previous standards those are the standards that were put in place in 2007 08 that were inconsistent have' been there since then um so we're really trying to capture that as as well as what's on the ground and taking that into consideration I know that's a lot of numbers to take in um we also do have this online so what's on the ground now uh Andrew put this these Maps together um this really shows the this one is the units per acre so the density um in this area is the floor area ratio so the intensity which is air air conditioned square footage versus the lot that ratio and this is density which is all B on the units per acre so um here on the West Side currently let's see right here or previously it was um 60 units per acre 45 to 75 45 to 75 was what was allowed uh we had to reduce that as you can see here down to 5050 by right or yes right here 50 by right and you can see on this the 50 is this blue number so anything that's darker than that exceeds those standards no you are not um and this is so this is the activity center and this is what it looks like on the county um but as you know um and this is the activity center area um locally as well the whole entire area as we know 133rd looks very different than Pelican which looks different than Boardwalk so we're really bringing out these six different character districts that all have their own intensities densities and then this will also be reflected in the zoning so each of these will have their own setbacks their own Heights uh we're expecting little to no changes in this transitional area it's really to reflect what's there currently fixing those futur land use chain um inconsistencies incompatibilities with what's built there currently um and Pelican we don't see many changes as well uh we are envisioning design guidelines in this area so the traditional Village the commercial core Boardwalk um and then John's Pass Resort will look very similar to the setbacks um and what's there in the zoning right now we we don't anticipate many changes so on the countywide plan map this has been changed to activity center with the subcategory neighborhood center and other neighborhood centers in pelis County um is passag Grill uh I know that there's one up in Tarpon Springs um the Palm Harbor historic district it's really for those smaller Main Street style historic districts and that's very similar to what we have on the ground there in John's Pass so if this is adopted on the future land use map uh this this is what it would look like in the comprehensive plan and on the future land use map but then with the special area plan which is what we're talking about right now U you have those six different character districts so that's attached to the comprehensive plan but on the map it would look like one one area is just this activity center and then on the zoning uh we would go through charact each character District like I stated before each would have their own standards their setbacks their heights um and then we would also carry through the intens and densities of what is adopted so going to the zoning to the zoning map um and I know that's not what we're talking about today or amending today but that'll be the next step just so you can see the inconsistencies we're inconsistent with the what's built there on the ground as as well as what's in the comprehensive plan as well as what's on the countywide plan but looking at the zoning it's also um doesn't match the character of what is in this area so you can see the setbacks front yard is none side yard is 10 feet on one side rear yard is 25 fet uh height is 34t you can't even get to that because we cannot allow um an intensity that would allow for two stories it's an intensity of 055 f and here is the character District map again uh so where we have these asterisks those are the alternative temporary lodging use standards and those alternative temporary lodging use standards that comes from the county um it's something that we can adopt we've adopted up and down Gulf Boulevard on the east and west side so C3 C4 and r three we've adopted those standards so these are only allowed with an approved development agreement and it has to follow all the required standards and the countywide rules that's at a very minimum and then another thing that's very unusual is that structured parking is counted in that floor area ratio typically it's it's about like the air conditioned square footage the ratio of your lot but if you go this route with the alternative temporary lodging use standards you have to count the parking the structured parking which is it's just unusual but that's in the countywide plan so that's not something that we can amend even in the future that's all from the county and then locally uh we have requirements so it has to go to Planning Commission meeting one boc meeting there's a mailed notice of 300 ft has to be advertised in the newspaper and imp posted on the property and so these are the minimum standards and this comes from the county so this cannot be changed this has to be in the development agreement if you're going for that those alternative temporary lodging use standards so we have concurrency analysis the hurricane evacuation plans so anytime there's a hurricane watch the alternative tempor or the temporary lodging um the hotel would have to be evacuated uh there's Mobility management design considerations operating characteristics and restrictions so those are the very minimum and on top of that the board could ask additional requirements is this kind of your option of being creative and asking a developer um for more than what we can typically ask for when someone comes in for your usual um plans or development and then other local requirements so we do have the site plan process which if anything was going through the alternative temporary lodging use standards and most likely be considered a major site plan so that would also require a neighborhood workshop and then they have to go to Planning Commission as well and staff does an extensive review of all the site plan criteria that's in the code and then of course it has to meet all the zoning and local regulations so just because you're going through a development agreement doesn't mean that you're going You're resoning to a PD so you still have to adhere to all the things that any development has to adhere to height setback landscape drainage all of those things so where we are right now we're at this step number four uh the county already established the activity center with the subcategory neighborhood center on their map and now it's up to Bo for the final action on both the activity center plan and also changing the future land use map to that area um to Activity Center and then after this we are required to amend the Land Development code to establish that zoning that we're talking about and we've already had a few workshops we plan on having more workshops and workshops with boc workshops with Planning Commission so you'll be hearing more and more of that and then we have these slides at the very end and we might go back and forth with these um depending on the questions that we get but these just show you the previous so when we were inconsistent with the county our standards on paper what our standards were um the current standards so what we had to lower them to to be consistent and where you have this asterisk uh that's the alternative temporary lodging use standard so those are already in our code so we're already able people are able to use those alternative temporary lodging use standards and then the last line here is what's proposed so on Boardwalk you can see there's um a reduction of residential and temporary lodging to zero uh the floor area ratio is 1.5 commercial core uh the floor area ratio as you can see we had to reduce that and then we're proposing a two um and then these numbers are for the development agreement um alternative temporary lodging use standards um residential units Breakers not changing temporary lodging units um it's really retaining what we used to have that 60 by R and then the 70 to 100 and the 75 and the 2.2 those standards are anything less than an acre anything over an acre would be that 3.0 and the 100 John's Pass Resort looks kind of similar um where it used to go up to two by right so now it's two by right and then these uh floor area ratio numbers remember that has to include the parking that's on both of these the structured parking residential units breaker not changing temporary lodging you can see the 75 you would have to do the development agreement standards that's what we used to have by WR um so little changes there and I would like to also point out that you can reduce the numbers at this hearing you cannot increase them but you are welcome to reduce them uh low intensity mixed use I mentioned that there's inconsistency with the land use in the zoning um the land use should have been changed when the zoning was changed that never happened so there's a huge disconnect there so that's one of the major reasons why this area is included in the activity center to change that to correct it and plus it close proximity to the Village so that's why you have a lot of different numbers down here it's really to retain um what we have there traditional Village very similar the temporary units per acre used to be 60 we're proposing 45 uh floor area ratio it's really to make sure that all the commercial area is accounted for and that any new development would match those standards what's there or if anybody wants to improve their building right now they really can't it's really hard for people to say expand on their building or improve make any improvements um so this kind of gives them that flexibility to do that transitional um as you can see there's not too much change from originally is 45 to 75 by right um we had to reduce it to 40 and 60 with the alternative temporary lodging new standards it's proposed at 50 by right 75 um with the those alternative temporary lodging new standards and like I stated before in the zoning we really don't see any much of any changes in the zoning I think it'll look pretty much the same it's really to um help transition to the John's Pass Village area as well as really fixing those inconsistencies with the County's plan with our and with our comprehensive plan there's areas um that are residential medium they should have never been residential medium they should have been changed back in the day so it's really fixing and cleaning up that area making sure that what's on the ground is really compatible with the land use and that is all I have great job Johnny I have a couple comments questions um it was brought up by several residents why is the area so large and in previous presentations you've described back in 2001 when the dwani plan was created which um it was shown as a neighborhood center and we've actually reduced that footprint to what you see now with the Trans uh transitional area and it's not a blank slate we um as you've pointed out there are different um characteristics of the different areas within the neighborhood center um so it's it's not just a broad brush so um I just want to lower the temperature on that piece of it um so this is this has been proposed actually a much larger area um for over 23 years now to be a neighborhood center uh I do have a question though I back page eight I mean that's a great map I think um you really like that the white areas are what's uh previous color boxes are proposed so let's just use the um the orange area for a second as a discussion point the temporary lodging in the white is 60 where the temporary lodging in the colored area is also 60 but it has the bonus which is capped out um 75 to 100 um as a as a bonus if it if this were not adopted and was still at the white area 60 am I correct to say that a PD could still be uh offered or uh proposed without limitations so this is actually providing a limitation where previous it did not have a limitation as long as op PD and it was approved by um by the board let me see if I can answer it and if not then uh then ask me again so these are the previous uh standards that were adopted in 07 08 when we were not consistent with the county So currently our standards in that area so that's a commercial general for our future land use so by right you can only do 40 units per acre um previously it was 60 units per acre by right you didn't have to go through any development agreement standard you didn't have to go through any public meetings someone could come in and say I want to build a hotel with 60 units per acre and then based on your land area that would determine how many units you could get now we had to reduce those standards to be fall within the countywide plan categories so now it's 40 units per acre but with the alternative temporary lodging use standards you could go up to 60 seeing that you went through that development agreement process not PD just development agreement process that doesn't say someone can't do the reone to a PD um that's just saying if you ask for development agreement you're given a development agreement through Planning Commission Board of Commissioners um then you can go up to that 60 units per acre still has to meet all those standards those minimum standards um you don't have to do a PD so back here yes so can you I think the clarification so like right now with the temporary 60 if somebody were to right now come in and W go get a PD what then becomes so with the PD you also have to get a development agreement so you would imagine if someone's asking for I want to rezone to plan development I probably want to get the maximum out of my land so I'll probably ask for that 60 units per acre right here 60 units per acre and just make sure that all those minimum standards are within that development agreement process or contract so what going back to the previous this one page what what is what then is the orange so the orange this is the proposed standards so 60 units per acre is by right and then the 75 to 100 is if you go through that development agreement process you don't have to go through the plan development you don't have to rezone your your property to plan development you just have to go through that development agreement process with all those minimum standards that um was in the presentation and those numbers are 75 it's less than an acre 100 if it's an acre or over okay the original question If This Were not to be passed and someone came in and wanted to develop and and wanted to go through the PD is there a limit yes there's a limit the limit would be 60 units per acre if you go through the alternative temporary lodging okay so it's 40 and 60 yeah 40 and 60 is the current is the current yeah it just gets a little hard because our standards were inconsistent we had to lower them and between that you know we've been working through the activity center plan proposed still meets with the county proposed still yes it does the proposed is actually less than the County's Max standards for the alternative temporary lodging use standards um use the microphone County standards would allow for 100 units per acre by right or with alternative temporary lodging unit or alternative temporary lodging standards 125 units by right or Not by right or with the alternative temporary lodging use standards so the any we're proposing is is less than what the County's maximum is by right or or with the alternative temporary lodging use standards so what's proposed is 60% of what the county would would by right approve yes but we didn't we obviously didn't want to adopt those doesn't match what's down there um by right so that's why we we went with that lower standard and then having kind of that bonus with the alternative temporary lodging new standards and I think it's important to remember like the existing like retail and services category is more of a subur Urban Land Use category for like big box stores kind of suburban style hotels with big surface parking lots gas stations Garden Apartments stuff that's not really down in John's Pass like uh the closest example the Walmart and the holiday and express those have the retail and service future land use and those are in city of seminol and and those don't really look like anything down John's Pass and that actually that hotel there has more rooms than basically any building down but it but it's in that category um so I mean I I think that's kind of density intensity is kind of abstract where you could have something that's high density because it's on a tiny lot but it might only be 20 units so um that's what I I mean it's kind of these lots are very small a lot of them are was it like 40 40 by 110 10 feet or something so I think that's one of the key key points that needs needs to be continually pointed out there's not one as far as I know there's not one piece of property there that's an acre correct is that correct there's not one contigous property that's over an acre one it's most of the most of what's down in this area is really what what Andrew is saying like overall it's 27 Acres but I'm saying each individual property that could be developed most of the properties are quite small so then whenever you actually calculate the floor area ratio or the units bre Acer um that's when you get a better idea of of what can be built there okay I'll let someone else speak so I just want to bring a up a couple of things um at our last meeting we discussed that this has gone back and forth from madira Beach to forward pelis and has been reduced used from forward pelis on their advice or they telling us what we must do to comply it went back to forward pelis the way they wanted us to write it with us going with lower numbers and it was voted on and as far as the county is concerned this is what they voted for for us correct yes that's correct the other thing that I wanted to bring up um two things number one one of the things that I like about this is that it gives us much more control over design where we don't have that now um currently now someone could go down there and build a ugly condo that no one would like it would look nothing like John's Pass if that's what they chose to do where with this plan we at least have the opportunity to have input not only on the way the buildings look but if a developer want to go for the additional lodging um we also have the opportunity to negotiate things for the city for our infrastructure whether roads um I mean anything roads Parks whatever the city and the developer would like to compromise together on and um so design and the F I'm sorry that was my last thing and even though the numbers have gone up because parking is included in the F it does have some dictating on how many rooms you can do if you're talking specifically Hotel because even though your numbers could be a 100 your floor area ratio could limit that based on what you're doing absolutely I just wanted to point those things out because they are things that I've asked um for clarification on time and again and I think is important for anyone who has not attended the meetings or been able to watch the meetings to understand or to to just have the knowledge commissioner M good job by the way excellent job team I'm G to move this over here a little bit closer to me the Ordinance 2023-the Center uh this comes in compliance with the current County Commission uh basically it was kind of like a meet in the- Middle type of thing I believe where we all have agreed before right yes um one resident and thank you for everyone that came up and spoke and gave their opinions at the podium I know it's hard sometimes to do that but I appreciated everyone's opinion um one concern that everyone agreed with having this meeting at 2 o'clock two 2m which is a lot of people's work time one resident brought up a concern that um a lot of people couldn't make it to this very important meeting because they had to work I would have liked to hear more voices from the store owners in John's Pass and from also the property owners I know we've been going back and forth we've had a lot of meetings uh my main concern was um how many people actually knew this how many residents knew this meeting was going to be held at two instead of afterwork at 6 um basically the most important part of today and the ordinance 2023 D1 the purpose of the activity center plan to establish the standards and means to preserve and rebuild the existing character of John's past Village any case of a disaster like one resident brought up thank goodness that the sheriff was on duty that night and we stopped the fire and it's important to to really understand that we need the existing character of John's Pass it's a very important tourist destination and it brings in a lot of people to our area and I would like to see it stay the same as long as I'm in commission and as a resident and that's all I have to say thank you commissioner tagine thank you mayor uh I I'd like to address the concern that a couple of you have made about the two o'clock meeting I I don't want that to go that blame to go to the city that's entirely my fault I uh when we set up our calendar earlier this year I knew that I would have work conflicts uh I think we rescheduled three maybe two uh I I adjusted my schedule as much as possible uh but th this day I knew I wouldn't be able to and the board was kind enough to approve that and the it it was put in the calendar uh so it wasn't a surprise change and I apologize but I just didn't want anybody blaming the city that's entirely because of me and my colleagues I appreciate you allowing me to be here for this important vote I did vote Yes on this uh on the first hearing um since then I've received a lot of calls uh a lot of emails and so I've tried to make myself as as informed as possible regarding this subject and although future land use planning is certainly not my area of expertise I feel like I've got a better grasp of it than I did before I've spoken to over this whole period of a year or so I've spoken to Linda Fischer from forward pinelis our city manager Mr Gomez our very patient uh community development director and staff uh I've spoken to Bill KS to see how he feels about it I want to I I feel like it's important to hear what everybody has to say about this I even spoke to a retired city manager from St Petersburg Beach I just ran into him at a party and I asked him hey what do you think of this uh and importantly I've I've listened to residents of madira Beach and I I've always tried to take the 30,000 foot view uh while still waiting through the specific details of this plan as it's been stated a couple times the first page of the recent plan gives the reasons for this ordinance it protects the village uh create allows for compatible Redevelopment consistency with the countywide plan that's super important uh I think people underestimate how important that is and finally being proactive instead of reactive I believe at its core this plan will address all of those issues at its core this plan does not significantly significantly increase densification in the village and in fact it decreases density in some areas with that said I will support and vote Yes for this ordinance with two minor amendments this plan includes bonus increases in units per acre which property owners and developers can be awarded through the process of development agreements I I well understand the importance of attracting and encouraging development developers but this absolutely must be balanced with the opinions and quality of Life of our residents I went to two of the meetings this the res Town meetings one of the meetings uh it was asked what the highest units per acre death density currently was in existing structures in the Johns P vill Village Zone from my notes I read that it was stated that the maximum is only one property at 70 units per uh acre if we allow the potential bonus of 100 units per acre this is an increased density of 43% but that's only for that property we have to assume that if only one property is at 70 units per acre that all the rest are lower than that if a property is only at a units per acre of 65 that's an increase of 55 54% if a property is currently units per at 50 this means that the potential increase in density is 100% they will double their intensity density if a property is currently at 30 units per acre and I believe there are some the by increase alone will allow them a 100% increase in units per acre with a bonus that I'm suggesting of 75 units per acre the increase will be 150% there's still plenty of room for increase in density it's not lost on me the irony that we're talking about increases in density in the middle of tourist season when getting off the island which usually takes 2 minutes can sometimes take 20 minutes and turning left on Gulf Boulevard is nearly impossible I accept that I knew what I was getting into but I preface all this all of that to say that I will support this ordinance I will vote Yes but only if the bonus maximums at the commercial Corp and John's Pass Resort character District are lowered to 75 this means that with a development agreement a property owner or a developer has the potential to increase the buy rght allowed density by 25% properties which are currently below the buite UPA can still increase their UPA by an even larger percentage in addition the one property that is already at 70 uh this not only brings the property in compliance but allows the potential to increase by 7% which allows the cost of inflated uh inflated materials I've heard that uh in a good compromise nobody walks away happy perhaps this is a perfect compromise thank you mayor you're welcome I have another question then please so the my only concern with that is in my understanding the temporary and you're only speaking specifically to the commercial core area no no uh commercial core and John's past Resort which cross the stre okay so when which I think is where the 70 the one building that's at 70 is corre correct John's passor ort yeah but I think where the difference comes in this plan that the county has negotiated with us is that because the f is so much higher when you reduce the number of temporary lodging and then you have to increase the floor area ratio I don't know that that's a balance for over an acre because that hundred is for over an acre correct correct correct so if someone has one point just say they buy an acre and a quarter down there I don't know somebody could maybe and they would be capped at 75 if if it's adopted at 75 ad at 75 but they might not necessarily be able to have the that was one of the questions when I asked about showing a visual of what an acre looks like with the with the parking that would be required the floor area ratio to at a hundred capping at a hundred so that everyone could understand what that looks like because I understand what you're saying David um but I guess that based off all the information that's been given to us from our planning department everything that's come from forward pelis I don't see the hundred as being excessive because it's not just handing a hundred to someone if they get a hundred units per acre they also have to meet the 3.0 F right so there's a I believe a balanced give and take they're getting more units but their floor area ratio is included and that has to include all their parking understood so I that's where I thought now if floor area ratio didn't include parking I would go okay well that makes that could make good sense but because a developer in this case that is what it would be if they're going to build something they're going to have to give up probably two at least two maybe three floors of parking because they're going to have to have first floor retail then two floors parking and then they could have a hotel that I believe we were nothing would get higher approval than what is existing down there yeah I think it was came out to around five six stories give it depends on the setbacks and and all that which is a whole another thing when we come back and start talking zoning and setting all of those parameters for setbacks and all of that I think that's really where or I don't think it in my opinion that's where we're really going to have the opportunity to structure things more this is just naming it a center this is just saying this is what you can get if you're willing to jump through every hoop that the commission and the Planning Commission and the neighborhood is willing to agree with um once we start looking at the zoning requirements I think is where the real decision Mak comes in uh I understand I understand that whole development agreement U currently uh by right somebody who owns more than one acre and you can you can combine properties yes you can they already can do 65 I'm offering 10 more the potential for 10 more um I I I I will not agree to 100 I have an an idea of a or two ideas for a compromise uh one option would be to split the difference and just do an average add the 75 plus 100 and then do that whatever the average is of that is the max or cap it at 75 but if you have over an acre of land allow up to the 3 F AR to retain the struct structured parking and ground floor retail that that's desired down there what's the average did you do that math um I I'd have to have to do that off I think I would challenge any developer to have first floor retail plus parking plus limited to what 35 feet commercial core depends on what is written into the zoning what is so right now I think it's um 35 ft I believe but the parking structure exceeds that that's I think the parking structure is like 61 feet is that right it's about that I think it's six floors so what would the what would be the height of a temporary lodging maximum and where does that height start from I that be dealt with in the zoning but yeah the zoning which will come after So currently there Mar is looking it up uh it's no see one remember we will be rewriting the zoning that's the next step of this whole process uh currently the height is 34 feet and that's measured at design flood elevation which is typically like your second floor so basically right now it's 3 34 35 ft 34 above the first yes above the retail yes Andrew did you come up with a it's uh 87.5 if you 175 and then divide by two and the 75 right here we cannot exceed that number that 75 um less than an acre so right if you did decide to do the average that what 87 is that what you said yeah would be 75 and then if you had an acre or more it' be 87 could we uh lower the in here too could we Comm lower the commercial core to 87 but leave John's past Resort at 75 that's that's an option too that's up that's up to you I would be in favor of that I would vote Yes with those figures I I'm more concerned about the you know what what we're going to get into with the zoning and we still have to make those votes the you know the far you know what is it going to look like is it going to is it going to maintain the character I mean we're in a tourist area it was brought up um by one of our residents which was was great that there's so much dens much more density here in madira beach and in pellis County than other places but of course it is this is a resort area yeah it is you know likes to be sold as the uh fishing Village but it is a resort area we have over 3 million visitors come here and if they're not if they're not here they're going to be traveling from other from St Pete they're going to be traveling from Treasure Island from Readington Beach from from Clear Water they're so I don't have a problem with the 100 I don't have a problem with it at all as long as we have control over what that structure looks like it has the first floor commercial it's of limited height that's I'm more concerned about the building so I don't have a problem with the 100 one bit if a if a if a developer can get creative and make that work and there's a few extra people that actually walk here versus have to travel in by car on a daily basis yeah I'm all about the parking Revenue don't get me wrong but you know that's one of the that's one of the big red flags that everyone's concerned about is the is the uh the traffic well if they're here they can spend a week and not be in a car they can get an Uber from the from the airport you I don't I don't have a problem with it it has to be approved I don't want to take that away from future future boards and future um conversations with residents what and anything that has to be approved and and reviewed I don't know I don't have a problem with 100 we've been through this for heck we were going through this when when we were in the Planning Commission um and this is I think this is we've I think we've compromised several times I I would I would like to vote for it just the way it is and if we can get four votes to do that that's what I'd like I agree I think we've compromised a lot to get to this number it was far greater and there was a lot of compromise to get to here and I agree with you vice mayor the hundred might sound like a lot but it gives the city a lot to work with also when dealing with the developer and I don't think it's a lot when you're thinking about all of the requirements that are attached to it once again just to be clear I I I will I will not approve at 100 I will approve 87 for the commercial core and 75 for John's Pass Resort otherwise I'll be a no vote and both of those are very reasonable numbers and and it's it's better to compromise and because it'd be worse to lose this all because then no one's protected and we don't really have as much control over what actually gets built down there or and people can even do because with the way our non-conforming buildings and use part of our code works is if if you have something that you you can't you can basically just do basic maintenance on and that's it you can't you can't really do any improvements so I it it'd be better to reduce the density and pass it with the with the necessary votes than to lose everything and then we're uh stuck with nothing fixed so just want to reiterate I've received input from informed sources that no bonuses at all would still solve the problems that we see uh and many residents would juster prefer I vote no all together all I'm asking is for an amendment for two areas any other that said I move that we amend the ordinance to lower the bonus in the commercial core from 100 to 87 and the John's Pass Resort uh from 100 to 75 do we have an opportunity to to find out if we have the votes to pass it as as written no I don't there's a motion on the floor there's a motion on the floor yeah you need to act upon the motion on the floor if it's seconded do we have a second motion dies no I had can I clarify a question on the on your motion please would you read it again I'm sorry I move that we amend ordinance 202 2401 is that the right I think that's right number 2023 sorry 20231 to lower the bonus maximum in the commercial core from 100 to 87 which was the average that Andrew got for us and the John's past Resort from 100 to 75 so that would mean that on the John's Pass Resort regardless if it was an acre 75 is the most they could have is that right because isn't that 7500 less than an acre and over an AC 75 would be the maximum 75 maximum and currently there's one there at 70 so it's still an increase yes and then um also you're not touching the F this is the units per acre okay but on the so the 87 would still have to be a 3.0 F I'm not changing want to adjust that accordingly can we adjust that accordingly or it can be the 3.0 well that's what I mean So currently the way it's written is 7500 2.2 to 3.0 so if we're going to adjust the 100 to 87 I would want to lower that 3.0 it would still have to include the parking structured parking so that's I don't I don't know that I know that I I didn't want to impact the F the floor area ratio okay we have a motion on the floor do we have a second if we don't approve this it dies here today it has to go back to the county we have to go back to the county and we would have to ask to um recategorize it what it used to be I will second the motion city clerk will you call the role please commissioner tagini yes commissioner Brooks yes vice mayor Kerr I don't understand something if this motion doesn't carry will other motions be possible so the answer is no it would fail we couldn't we couldn't offer any other motions on this subject yes commissioner McAn well I have an issue with this um the problem here is it's May point of order we just need to vote yeah we just need to vote Yes or no I'm sorry thank you yes mayor rosc no the motion carried four to one okay next up is Let's see we did The Flume together with this or is The Flume something sep that was only ordinance 20 23-01 okay so we're 20232 then yes mayor I need to read that we need to open the public hearing and then vote on that you've already had your presentation okay all right thank you so ordinance 20232 in ordinance of the city of mider Beach Florida amending the future land use map designation of the city's comprehensive plan from commercial General Recreation open space residential medium residential office retail and Resort facilities medium to activity center for the area set forth in the accompanying legal description in exhibit a attached here to and hereby made a part of this ordinance providing for future revitalization and development within the activity center category to be consistent with and pursuant to the procedures guidelines and standards of the John's Pass Village Activity Center plan as adopted by ordinance 20231 and as such plan may be implemented and administered through the adoption of a Johns Pass Village Activity Center zoning districts providing for transmitt to and consideration by Ford pelis and the countywide planning Authority for a corresponding Amendment of the countywide future land use map to the countywide plan category of activity center Neighborhood Center providing for transmitt to the Florida State Department of econ iic opportunity for their review and comment providing for the filing of this amendment to the city future land use map in the office of the city clerk providing for conflict providing for severability and providing for an effective date that was the second final reading of ordinance 20232 by title only all right thank you is there any public comment on this first please come up we'd love to hear what you have to say thank you Christina Ponty North Bayshore assuming that I understand what this is which is the ability to apply what you just voted on is that correct um no maybe I'll I'll State my comment regardless um I'm disappointed that my question was not answered and the question was which of the buildings could not currently be rebuilt and that has not been answered and that was emailed and that was asked um and in none of the documents um none of the January sessions none of the board of commission I I listened to anarie respond to the presentation at the last commission meeting I watched the videos y all have not answered the questions that are being asked which is which could not be rebuilt from what I've done it seems as though the one there are about four properties including caddies that could currently not be re uh rebuilt setbacks great everything that is minor compared to the capacity that we are allowing yes I am not an expert at building and Zoning but what I can see pretty clearly is that most of those in the John's Pass Resort area currently are at 30 to 40 units you're allowing by right now 60 so you're doubling so if somebody purchases multiple Lots although they are small currently and probably less expensive than Clearwater and other cities they could in fact build and develop double what is currently there on most of this area so with that I I do not feel that that was answered or addressed in the comments and again it seems as though you are allowing and I could be wrong I haven't sat for years although I have sat on other boards for years and I understand the homework that's been done but the question was not answered and it seems as though you are allowing for up to double what is currently there if I wrong I apologize but there is a 30 to 40 if you look at their map if I could have them pull up that heat map graphic you can see the properties which are in non-conformance and it does not appear to be many so that means should a fire have taken those out they should be able to rebuild what is currently there except for those that are not conforming thank you and that's it thank you for your comments anyone [Applause] else all right we'll close public comment on this uh commissioners just to be clear we're on 20232 correct correct and this is uh Ming The Flume to add John's Pass Village John pass Village as we just approved it correct our amendments correct thank you any other questions Commissioners do we have a motion I move we pass ordinance 20232 amending flum to add John's Pass Village Act Activity Center do we have a second I'll second the motion well thank you kindly city clerk we call the role please commissioner tagini yes commissioner Brooks yes mayor rosc no commissioner McAn yes vice mayor Kerr yes the motion carried board to one all right thank you all right next up then is ordinance 20 2403 three an ordinance adopting code provision regarding parking meter overtime Etc I think this is city manager have Mr Mr trasco read the ordinance by title mayor Commissioners this is ordinance 20243 in ordinance of the city of mider Beach Florida creating section 66-70 to provide duties of vehicle operators to actuate parking meters and amending section 66-72 provide for additional limitations on parking and City parking lots and beach access easements in chapter 66 traffic and vehicles of the code of ordinances providing for conflict providing for codification providing for severability and providing for an effective date that was the second final reading of wardens 20243 by title only there have been no changes since the first reading and mayor and Commissioners as we mentioned when at the first reading of the ordinance this is simply to clarify and to add language on the our parking process process is uh making it clear the language when a violation is issued uh for not paying to park as well as defining in our code uh improper parking or when somebody parks for example on a sidewalk or blocking a fire hydrant okay thank you first up is public comment please come up we'd love to hear what you have to say Commissioners uh Tom Edwards District One um I suggest that there's some additions clarifications that you could do with this ordinance for instance in number three there it talks about it's unlawful for any person to permit to be pared there for more than two hours before they can get another ticket this is a conflict with the one that you already have is 66- 66 which is says 1 hour period so you need to correct the conflict that you have between the two ordinances whether you do one hour or two hours you need to make that decision I I don't know if Mr TR can take a look at that that there is a conflict I don't have the code with me I can't do it so if there is a conflict we we can correct it by another ordinance adding an additional code section okay then there's also a part about U Down in uh 6672 number one all vehicles must park within the designated meter spaces we used to have a designated length that maximum siiz vehicle that could park there we've had uh tractor trailers the tractor part come and park in those spaces that are 28 ft long we used to have a a specific number right now the average length of cars are 15 ft the largest vehicle out there as a car is a Chevy Suburban which is 19 ft and then the only truck that would be larger is a Superduty Max truck with an extra long length bed which would be 22 ft for law enforcement purposes it would be better for you to put a specific length that could occupy a parking space right now the way it reads is it just got to be within the length of the line or can it extend past that you really should put a number in there because Law Enforcement wants to see a number then there's on um on part of the other parts where talks about parking some of some of what's put in there is from State Statute which is way it should be for instance parking within 15 ft of a fire hydrant law enforcement likes to see specificity so in number six it says parking too close to an intersection obstructing visibility for other drivers is prohibited it doesn't say anything you should put it like at 30 ft the state statute for parking talks about that Within 30 ft upon approach of any flashing signal stop sign or traffic control device located on the side of the roadway so you can't park within 30 ft of a stop sign so if you're talking about visibility you should put a specific length in there that the vehicle would have to be from the Apex of that corner back and because what what happens is if you have the vehicle too close then cars have to go around it and come back into their Lane of traffic in order to make a turn for safety reasons you should be more specific with the distances and then finally down in um 16 and 18 we have an ordinance that talks about parking um from 6:00 a.m. to midnight and no parking from Midnight to 6 uh unless it's posted we had it specifically that going out to the beach accesses the the part parking that's right next to the beach accesses into residences that there was no parking during that time period I'm suggesting to change the time from 11:00 p.m. to 7 a.m. that you can't park there but signs need to be erected Shar offices come out there and told me we can't write tickets because there's no sign there it says that you can't park on those parking spaces during that time period there used to be years ago but we don't have it in our current signs out there so thank you for the constructive comments the Sheriff's Office doesn't write parking tickets on midnight shifts or evening shifts I don't think we've had any that that have come in but uh you know we could encourage them if we get this tightened up a little bit thank you no thank you Commissioners or is there any other public comment first okay we'll close public comment on this then Commissioners can we postpone the vote on this and have the uh parking jur jurisdic uh look into some Tom's comments we we have the the ordinance is correct it's just language that we don't it's to clarify language so we can tick it every hour that's in another section if you read the section that was quoted it is unlawful for any person to park to for excuse me to permit a vehicle to remain in any parking space for more than two hours you so in other words you can get a ticket every hour you must remove it after two hours if you're ticketed that's still we want the vehicle to move away that's why this is in here understandable but what about some of the other comments I think they were all correct on here as well uh we're gonna keep 12 to 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. has been the time that the lots are not we're not enforcing we have never had to my knowledge parking enforcement during that time we can but we NE we just never have it hasn't been an issue that has been communicated except at John's Pass Park parking lot where we had vandalism occurring and other things and we had to close that lot between noon and 6:00 a.m. and then I must have had 50 people who like to Go Fish who said hey open it up I can't walk 600 ft North with all my equipment so but the G uh Mr Edwards brings up two other valid points how about the length of the vehicle that's also in a different section and it is posted out on the lots that you cannot park anything longer than 18 ft and we do ticket for that but shouldn't it be in this one document I think it is already in another section of the code okay and then how about getting near uh near an intersection where you're blocking a view should there be a certain amount of feet like so the reason we did not is because that's spec that's more Geared for neighborhoods um it it just gets to be too complicated I think to put an actual distance I mean we're going to go out and measure we can but that's only an issue in certain neighborhoods and it's really because people's Landscaping in obstructs your view so but we're talking about vehicular obstruction of you the issue that you could potentially have with this is if we don't put a number on it it's subjective if you got somebody in a low vehicle that can't see around an ex whatever versus and the police come is like well I can see around it so then it's a subjective issue where if you put a number to it we'd have to put a number on curves as well which we could I mean if you want we'd have to because there's also a section about you can't park on a curve we obstructing The View how do you do you put a distance for curve as well so we can we would have to add a distance to everything and we can can't do that that's still a very minor component because the majority of our parking violations are in the meter or for for folks that don't pay to park or Park improperly in one of the metered Lots yeah we we even we were not enforcing for neighborhoods until a little over a year ago and that's why we're making a lot of these changes because we had way too many residents and property owners that just felt like parking wherever they felt even blocking driveways blocking mailboxes blocking so but we if that's your direct we can go ahead and add distances for all of them well he Mr Edwards I'm sorry brings up a valid point with 15ot with the fire hydrant just make it 15ot across the board I mean does does that make sense or what do you think mayor do we do we need do we need to get this one done and then put on our work shop neighborhood parking procedures and then take many of some of Mr Edward's uh considerations and and then have another another ordinance if that's would that we we need to get this ordinance adopted today that's that's why I'm saying get this getting this one done yes sir yeah and then we'll revisit things that's I think because I I agree and living in a neighborhood I understand a lot of what he says he brings up very valid points I'd like to but I'd like to have a separate discussion for this we voted once on this let's get this one done I agree all right do we have a motion then I move that we pass ordinance 202 3-03 revising parking limitations adding parking meters all right thank you do we have a second I'll second okay I just make it was 20243 I I just got to get the motion right sorry I need new glass 20 24-3 202 24-3 thank you all right do we have have a second second okay thank you C cler we call the role please commissioner tagini yes commissioner mcgean yes commissioner Brooks yes vice mayor Kerr yes mayor rosan yes the motion Carri five to zero all right thank you thank you Mr Edwards next up unfinished business do we have any no all right that sounds good next up is contracts and agreements first up is the code enforcement satellite office as we Mr DeSantis came up our building official discussed at the workshop we issued a RFP request for proposal for complete the buildout of the area underneath essentially the stairs at City Hall and we received three proposals uh this we are recommending uh for the commission to approve uh entering into an agreement with Molly Contracting Corporation who is the lowest most responsive um bidder for this project uh our budget was uh estimated at 260,000 and with the the total cost should be close to that the bid amount was just under 220,000 at 21 19,683 uh we would then subsequently bring back um or excuse me recommend that we negotiate an agreement with Molly Contracting Corporation okay is there any public comment on this first all right no public comment Commissioners the only question I have is have we researched dbpr to make sure that we're not hiring any potential issues all right I got a thumbs up from Holden thank you all right other commissioners vice mayor no I think we've gone over this all right well then do we have a motion I move we give permission to negotiate an agreement with uh Mali Contracting Corp to construct the code enforcement satellite office base do you have a second I'll second the motion well thank you city clerk will call the role please commissioner tagler rany yes commissioner Brooks yes commissioner MC yes mayor rosc yes vice mayor Kerr yes the motion carry 5 to zero all right thank you next up under contracts is Item B approve agreement with Network people for security focused information technology to support and Consulting Services mayor and commission this is an item it was presented several months ago when we did Issue an RFP in the summer uh we've spent some time reviewing what we what our it infrastructure what the needs were uh Etc we discussed with Network people what that agreement would yield uh what to include uh there's quite a bit of detail in your packet as to what we're looking for we this is the final or the proposed final product uh before you to approve a five-year agreement with Network people uh not to ex well for the first year just under $195,000 our costs have averaged about $200,000 for the last decade so we really haven't had a significant increase of course technology fluctuates as you're aware the cost of the equipment uh about what has not fluctuated has been uh the services cost but as your technology has improved the need for uh fewer uh staffing has sort of been a little bit of the of a little bit of the norm except in the security area or or cyber security as the term goes however Network people utilizing their services and the volume of the experts and the diversity that they offer in terms of the both the network and the software support is really has been the most efficient for us um I know in the past we have discussed whether Hiring Our Own personnel as I've shared I think the cost just in the salaries alone realistically even just to have two people would exceed this amount um if they were hired full-time uh it would be difficult to find somebody who has the level of of expertise and the Staffing for a full-time job that would likely be uh at a total salary with benefits at probably under 130,000 just for one um so we that's why this city based on our size and for the changes that continue to occur in Tech in Information Technology why we've gone this route um we issued the RFP had five replies to it um and again as I shared in the past believe networks Network people is the most responsive uh and are able to do as good of a job will continue hopefully to do as good of a job as they have um representatives from Network people are here um in the audience Nate Freeman and um I'm sorry n Nate Freeman and Hunt brand are are here I was going to confuse your last name sorry um if you have any questions directly of Network people um again it's a five-year contract it does allow for a 60 days advanced notice to terminate um we do not have a anything after of the five years but we would likely issue my suggestion another RFQ um as we approach that fifth year uh just to again determine what's happening with the market conditions all right thank you is there any public comment on this okay no public comment Commissioners um Robin I'm assuming since this is who you chose you and the city staff are happy with their performance yes and what they do for you yes very much so I think that is very important I I will to add to that we have gone through um what would be the right term I think they know the term better than I we are using different software in different departments for different functions um the clerk's office building department and we're kind of expanding on some of that software for other applications we're likely uh for another one we're going to switch from and I I can't remember the name of the the vendor but for our reporting any issues that a resident anybody may see out there um and I can't remember the name of the maybe goov I think is the vendor the software to a different software and Network people has been extremely extremely supportive in working with those new vendors to do whatever needs to be transferred what needs to be adjusted how to get it up and running with minimal disruption to operations um we really our mission critical really is our fire department um and but again fire being how it is we don't even manage that software directly for any calls that come in I mean that's through the county through 911 but obviously we have to have our our architecture infrastructure working properly that N Network people provides that support what I'm alluding is if we had something that did not work again it's not overly mission mission critical in other words we don't have water treatment PL we don't directly manage our policing um we don't deal with dispatch so so we don't have the mission critical things that larger cities may have uh but I believe if we did and we Network people would be very very more than capable to manage and be able to respond they are uh literally just up the street um in you're in unincorporated clear water I think where the main office is located but um they are very we have a weekly catchup meeting for any issues that any you users in the city uh have experienced and then typically I meet with um with hunt or with Nate or both um at least quarterly um actually I think we've been meeting every other month and monthly to get a finalize the agreement but they are very very available um so we've been very content and would like to continue with Network people okay Commissioners any other questions do we have a motion I make a motion to approve the agreement with Network people do you have a second I'll second thank you kindly city clerk we call the rooll please commissioner Brooks yes commissioner McAn yes commissioner tagini yes vice mayor Kerr yes mayor rosc yes the motion carry 5 to zero right thank you next up is RFQ 23-12 planning services to create and Implement a new city master plan and mayor commissioners I think I'm going to defer over to uh Jenny Ron Community um development director but just to give a quick um overview and I think Jenny provided some at the last meeting this is the as was brought up earlier the the city's previous master plan the danani plan from now over 20 years ago this process that we've been discussing for nearly a year um we're at that point where we're ready to proceed and um with uh again we issued an Q for this and we are ready to go to that next step but it is to see where we are and where are we going and what will the city look like over the next 5 10 20 30 years um and that's looking at our vision but creating a master plan that will guide us over the next year I I was going to say during the the John's Pass um this city to to our knowledge currently um has never had a plan to create a hotel Zone um I've been asked multiple times that you're creating a hotel Zone said I'm not aware of that uh I believe there was an article in 2018 or 19 where there was a discussion about a hotel possibly going into John's Pass Village but regardless of what has happened this master plan like the danani addressed will guide us and lead us into the future as to do we want to put a hotel Zone I believe the answer is no and I'm not proposing that or or even supporting that but we want to retain the character of the neighborhoods that we have and certainly the character of the commercial districts that we have and where we were both a fishing Village and a big tourist attraction we are a I believe and I and please correct me we are a smaller fishing Village than I believe in terms of the number of Fisher people um but we have become a much larger tourist um destination uh it was not mentioned but our population has declined there were more people living in madira beach in 1960 than in 2020 um and that's what the census has recorded every 10 years so we are the 2020 we had 3895 residents I believe in 1960 we were close to 4,400 um so very small but so alternative over to Jenny and see where we are going okay I think Robin did a good job of just an overview uh we also have Hannah Schaefer here audience uh with kimly horn if you have any questions um just to kind of go over the last Workshop we had three applicants Kim Le horn ranked top uh by far so staff is recommending going forward with a master plan with Kim Ley horn we just need direct direction from the board to move forward okay first is there any public comment on this no public comment Commissioners I for one I'm very excited to get this start it you can't you can't accomplish a goal without having a plan and um it's been 23 years and kimley Horn is as far as I know you more than qualified have more than enough experience and I look forward to the process I second that okay if we have no question do we have any questions from the Commissioners do we have a motion shoot I move we uh recommend proceeding with Kim kimley Horn for RFQ 23-12 thank you I'll second that thank you kindly city clerk we call the role please commissioner Tagle Briny yes vice mayor Kerr yes mayor rosc yes commissioner MC yes commissioner Brooks yes the motion Carri five to zero all right thank you very much next up is the Ada bus purchase May mayor and commission as uh Mr hatch our Recreation director discussed at the workshop uh we are requesting approval to proceed with the purchase of the Americans of disabilities um bus we are utilizing the it's a 2023 Starcraft Allstar XL uh we are requesting to proceed to purchase the bus will be utilized primarily well for a variety of different um activities and outings I think the probably the one that uses it the most is our madira beach social club uh for different almost weekly types of outings definitely at least monthly um the new bus will have 30 seats uh two wheelchairs um or a total of 36 uh passengers the one that we currently utilize has 21 seat or has the ability to seat 21 passengers uh we budgeted 200,000 for this in the fiscal 2024 budget the current one that is a 2017 will be traded in uh at a value currently or estimated value of 34350 uh so the total contract price um including the tradein will be ing um grants we're we're looking and we're constantly looking what we can utilize in Grants and also appro State Appropriations for example um some grants are much more comp uh much more complex and much more um competitive than others for transportation super super competitive most Transportation type grants unless you find something specific hey here's a grant to purchase this uh are pretty much relegated to transit authorities to so to established ones that provide public transportation versus your individual um even as a government um so we're still searching uh we have not located one specifically that we could apply for that would lower this um of course but we still can even after this is approved even after we make the purchase you can still um so we will continue to that um I had mentioned in my reply the Federal Transit um kind of repository of hundreds and hundreds of Grants they were all specific to a trans somebody like PSTA could use them to build whatever and I think they did use that to purchase sunrunner for example so that was a millions of dollars Grant I wish there was one hey here's 50,000 or 100,000 to buy your bus we just want there were quite a few for school buses but but they go directly to your school district it's it would be great if there was somewhere that you're providing a service and so you need one of this type of of this type of bus or we actually have this type of an ADA bus we have a school bus but we're not that's not our main Fleet and that's not what we do we utilize them to complement services that we provide so because we're not a main provider it's tough to but we'll we'll continue kind of researching and going through um even the league of cities was like yep you you you'd be better off if you bought a fleet of buses well we don't need a fleet you know and to find a fleet is it 5 10 15 or 20 well usually it's a minimum of of 10 you know school buses or 10 of any well yeah we're not looking to buy 10 of any quantity at this point um even looking for one for we just purchased the K cabota for parking even for that you know a lot of them were based on multiple you purchase you're starting a fleet um so I was frustrated kind of searching and searching I think Jay mention similar even looking through the the national Recreation and Parks Association and the Florida Recreation and Parks Association um nothing specific but if anybody were to find any please you know direct us guide us to that and we will certainly make that application we did find quite a some very good opportunities for example for for docks so Marina work is we're moving forward we'll bring that at a at a future Workshop but just to give you an idea and for roads and streets um not so much for undergrounding but there there is resiliency money that the federal government has made available and as we comb through the the state budget there are grants in there as well for resiliency that can be for future undergrounding of utilities all right thank you Commissioners any questions I just want to say to Robin thank you for all the efforts and trying to find the gr we'll keep we'll keep on it we're not not going to give up apparently it's not not feudal if you're finding more you know for the docks and because we're have the doc work coming up so we save some money there it'll help pay for the pay for it all so I'm sure the residents appreciate all that uh as well all right do we have a motion or do you have any questions motion to approve the purchase of the Ada bus okay do we have a second I'll second sorry Second City Clerk we call a rooll please commissioner Brooks yes commissioner tagini yes vice mayor Kerr yes commissioner McAn yes mayor rosc yes motion carry five to zero all right next up was an added item easement agreement I think the city attorney's got that one thank you I'd like to give you some background on this on March 6 2017 the City entered into a development agreement with madir Beach Town Center LLC to develop approximately 6.6 Acres within the Town Center special area plan the development agreement contemplated that the development of the project would be completed in phases the the development agreement also contemplated that each phase would be established by as a separate parcel and conveyed to a successor entity one of those Parcels is currently owned by condo a company LLC that parcel is almost complete and the de Vel oper will be recording a declaration of condominium next week and start closing on sales soon soon after as part of the development agreement develop developer is obligated to provide the city a public use pedestrian access easement for a 10 10 foot wide sidewalk in front of condominium a condominium B the Marina and the dockmaster building um today you have in front of you the easement agreement that grants to the city that 10- foot uh sidewalk easen in front of condominium a condomium b easement has already been uh recorded some time ago um the sketch and legal description that was attached to the easement was confirmed by the city's consultant engineer and um our real estate attorney at our office and myself have reviewed the easement itself and frankly have modified it from the original version that was provided to us a number of weeks ago the form is of the easement is now acceptable I'm asking that the Board of Commissioners uh approve the easement and and accept the the sidewalk easement uh for future use of City residents and visitors I would just let you know that um even though you're receiving this easement you're not responsible for maintaining it the property owner is responsible for maintaining it which is another thing that was added in the development agreement when it was drafted um seven years ago so you're getting a sidewalk without the obligation of maintaining a sidewalk just one question are all of the easements the same we don't have a 10 then a 15 and all way down it's 10 foot it's 10 foot all the way down on 150th um the it changes on the Mad way though obviously well this is not part of mad madira way because it only goes from condo B up towards the um um to the bridge oh that okay that way I got you so in addition to that you may be asking well what about the dockmaster building easement and the marina easement that's not required until they actually complete the construction of those facilities so I've already contacted uh the uh condo a attorney um and he he has basically taken the position that well those aren't built yet therefore we don't have to provide you with the easement and and furthermore they're not owned by us anyhow they're owned by somebody else so Mr Bowen I think is uh is the owner of that property so we won't forget that those are due us um but this is just one in this one of the four in the step process of of getting the easements one of the Stepping Stones yes sir sure okay Commissioners do we have a motion then I'll make a motion to approve the easement for condo a do we have a second I'll second well thank you city clerk we call the role please commissioner Brooks yes vice mayor Kerr yes commissioner mcgean yes mayor rosc yes commissioner tagini yes the motion carry 5 to zero thank you kindly next up on a new business uh resolution 20241 Statewide Mutual Aid agreement I guess that's our fire chief mayor I'll go ahead and read that resolution he's walking up okay this is resolution 202 24-1 a resolution the Board of Commissioners of the city of Madera Beach Florida adopting a Statewide Mutual Aid agreement providing for conflict Prov for severability and providing for an effective date that was a reading of resolution 20241 by title only good afternoon mayor vice mayor commission this is the agreement that I brought to you all at the workshop uh suggest a Statewide Mutual Aid agreement we've consistently been in in an agreement with the state and again this just allows us to receive um any kind of support we need for a natural disaster man-made disaster and it allows us to offer assistance as well all right thank you are there any questions from the Commissioners okay I guess we need to uh do we have a motion to accept I move that we approve resolution 20241 State Mutual Aid agreement -223 thank you kindly do we have a second I'll second thank you kindly city clerk we call the rooll please commissioner tagini yes commissioner MC yes vice mayor Kerr yes commissioner Brooks yes mayor rosc yes the motion carry five to zero all right thank you next up do we have any staff reports no okay and then next up we have the agenda setting for our March 27th workshop and it basically consists currently of jpv zoning CRS and LMS the master plan board Commissioners policy handbook review for any changes let's see RFP 20242 City Facility Cleaning Services bid discussion and then RFP 20234 Coastal groin restoration bid discussion and then we need to add what residential parking discussion is that what you were going to say that that's that's one of the two we need to add and uh the thing that I I appreciate the commission let me pull this ordinance 20242 the open accessory structures correct we need to add those two items please mayor we also have two ordinances that got added from the city attorney uh regarding special magistrate code enforcement andar baranes if I can just give you a little bit of background on that please so so in reviewing the code I have found that there are a couple of places in the code that need to be updated to make it current with Florida State statute and the provisions that I'm talking about are the special magistrate Provisions relating to code enforcement so I've drafted that ordinance and I would like to bring it to you at the workshop and explain it to you the the changes and the reasons why in addition to that there is a provision for the special magistrate under variances and special exceptions to make it in sync would have to be changed as well so we're bringing you that and lastly um it's it's there's a necessity to reappoint the special magistrate uh you're to do that on annual basis and so I'm going to be bringing to you the fee agreement and discuss with you his reappointment so I'd like to add that so that you have some discussion of it before it comes to you at a regular meeting okay so three items all right yes sir not a problem okay we also have one additional first uh reading or I'm sorry discussion of an ordinance to amend our fees and collections procedures manual specifically to add a um a an inspection fee in our building department for the uh tall three stories or taller condos the as a result of the Surfside um incident and I it's escaping me the the term for the uh kind of not Millennial inspections but at certain interval um inspections so we currently don't have a fee when our staff goes out and performs those inspections so we non-destructive testing maybe um there there's it's inspection I can't think of the term something I mean you hire an engineer and then we review that engine yeah structural inspection but there it's certain intervals um of time absolutely to avoid what happened over on the other Cod so we'll bring that um since we're starting those we're at that point in time that we will be beginning those inspections we typically bring you the fees and collections once a year unless there's a need such as now to add these fees to begin um those inspections and um I think at the last work member of Workshop or the prior regular meeting you'd also discuss U an item to discuss by Centennial Park um we did have a resident come up and ask um if we could what could be done with that so if you wanted to discuss that at the that Workshop or the April Workshop um one of those two will add it we're getting kind of next one's crowded might add it to yeah I think so the April okay I'll add it to the April one um which just very quick that property is owned by the school penel County school board so we need to reach out to the Panels County School Board to see this is about the kayak launch pretty pretty much all of Bicentennial Park is part of the parcel that houses the Mader Beach Fundamental School um and and according to the Florida Department of Transport ation the penel County School District also owns The Pedestrian overpass which interest they may um they may have obtained permission from do to have it added whenever that was added years ago but so they that ownership extends to the penel Kenny School District from what I've been told but we'll clarify and then when we have the discussion about the park because again we it's not ours we've simply been pretty much two things that we've done out there maintain the kind of the the cleanliness the Mowing and the maintaining the trees the shrubs and then emptying the trash putting trash cans out there and then emptying them that's been the extent of our work even when the county the penel county sheriff asked us to use it we directed them to go speak to the penel county school district for the boat um demolition type work that was done on that property I think those are all the items for that meeting okay next up reports and correspondence Board of Commissioners we have anything April City attorney nothing today city clerk I do I want to remind everybody that we have an election Tuesday wow for our Charter Amendment all right and also in the clerk's my Clerk's report um started doing a summary for the year of keeping the items separate uh that way we see what items have been added and what we've talked about and that was a suggestion by uh vice mayor Kerr and uh I put a link on there where you can uh read reminding you about the form six information that's on there probably everybody has been notified and U created your account with the a commission on ethics and and we're we've advertised the Civil Service Commission vacancy again and so I'm hoping to have that at the April meeting with some applications all right we have one vacancy zero application so far okay is that it that's it all right well look thank you so much for your report all right City manager do you have anything add um if you do get it read the growing update that that the clerk provided it kind of gives a good a history yeah good background on the as several people told me you need to come up with a different name but the structures that are out on the sand um the beach groins and just in the last couple of weeks I probably had 40 or 50 people I guess as I've been explaining what's been happening people are like what what are you talking about and and so first reply is so you haven't been out on our sand just yet well but either way and that's why we have the sand that's we have the sand yes um so U my apologies I will email you our February um city manager update I was waiting for some information um to add but I'll have it for you by Friday but just a few quick um updates on on the month of February which is typically our transition um month where we kind of go we start to get a lot more visitors and I mean everybody starts to see that as well um we did conclude um as one of the residents came up and and thanked uh the city for the work included the gulf Lane uh Road Project which included the parking lots from John's Pass park at the southern end up through uh 130th of on the west side of Gulf Boulevard all the way up to 130 5th um so the parking lots that are on the West Side um with the exception of at 32nd the park the small parking lots that are on the west side of Gulf Lane if any of you have not been to any of we did make and I think I had shared with each of you but maybe some time ago we did have to make two changes at two of those lots on the west of Gulf Lane where the parking spaces were previously I guess I will say perpendicular to The Pedestrian Beach axis the spaces are now parallel um and that we've gone in one of the locations from four spaces to two spaces the other one I think went from three to two um we had really to do that just one for safety but also not enough space um back to Mr Edward's comment about the length of of a parking space because vehicles seem to have um gotten longer well particularly trucks um with hitches or whatever they may have so that's a reason why they'll look a little bit differently we are waiting for some additional security well security um identifying marks at one of them because it is directly in front of one of the beach access points um even though there's paint and there's a sign we are going to add a few more um kind of ballards and just to make it easier for any for folks to see as they're walking um out we received our permit as I had mentioned also from the US Army core um for the groins well we received that in January but in February we went through the process of of reviewing the eight uh replies to the RFP for to do the work um most of that work happened in February and we should at the next Workshop we are bringing the recommended um firm uh to begin that work um also in um in addition to kind of the normal um Beach cleanups and other beautific Public Works continued with more plantings in a few parts like at 33rd that little yeah Cactus but the little media and the her um and again those contined throughout February and will continue for the next few months uh we had to U due to weather move the at toward the end of the month the final Friday inside to um the caddies at John's Pass Village there was a potential for wind and rain so um it was decided right at the about halfway through that day to do that um I did receive a request from at the other end of The Village um which I think all of you are aware for Final Friday we've this year past year we expanded it so allowing the Bamboo Beach Bar at the Northern end um where Village Boulevard dead ends in that Circle um for them to put up a stage and participate in as part of Final Friday and it has uh the only concern I received is what I'm bringing up uh a recent concern because I did I received a request and I allowed for the Bamboo Beach Bar to leave their stage um at that area until the 17th of March when I looked back at my notes I had written down through the 23rd of March I just need to clarify whether I told them the 17th or the 23rd um but they did ask back in in the middle of February hey could we um and since that time we had at least one one business owner Express a concern but I think they they understand or understood the reason for it um I have heard other than that one nothing but o overly positive comments that why don't you do that more often and why don't you actually close parts of the village to have more of these little type of mini events so we're going to discuss with Recreation and likely the I guess what's left of the John's Pass business associations to kind of discuss because I did receive a lot of input throughout the month of February once they saw what was happening at that part of the Village um people it it is people are staying a little bit longer and when they tend to see that it's kind of set up for a mini event it tends to draw more attention and then it kind of spreads by word of mouth and then through social media so I know bamboo be they've had a a larger kind of of crowd show up when it it starts to pick up but it seemed to have been a little bit more in February so just certain things that you know exploring and determining what else can be done but obviously we want to you know allow for the safety and the ability of the businesses to succeed and without you know creating any undue hardships or burdens or certainly blocking any vehicle or pedestrian access points or or other ability to move about through the village but again that's why February you start to see car circling looking for parking spots particularly when the weather gets warmer as it did toward the end of the month and now in March of course the weather is nice as it has been you get even much larger crowds but all of you've been here longer than I have so you're familiar with that but um we're just continue to see if there's other things that we can do and and certainly encourage some of the resorts um and then speaking with like madira Bay Resort where they're trying to encourage guest to to kind of you know don't bring you know leave the car behind but that's very difficult to kind of convince folks and you know because a lot of our overnight guests um Drive they're from the Southeastern part of the US you're within a day's Drive you're going to drive to your destination um so even I know I was in Daytona Beach over the weekend visiting schools with my daughter and several of the families that were in our tours drove one from Texas from Tennessee and another one from Virginia so they decided to drive to now again Daytona Beach is a little farther north but you know one had a 17h hour drive another a 13-hour and the other one a 15-hour drive um so again that continues to be the trend and how to you know whether how that changes into the future is still will be a mystery uh trying to ditch your car but uh other than our as I had mentioned before our parking Revenue we did as we had the Gulf Lane project we did have to close a couple of lots so that's a re a reason uh why the parking Revenue was down it's down about 10% compared to last year but still above the 2022 and certainly 2021 years but we'll continue um to monitor that but again I will email that to you on Friday and we'll post it um for on our website by Monday at the latest thank you okay all right if we have no further business the time is 4:44 p.m. and we will adjourn