okay it's 6:00 I'm going to call this meeting to order I'll call the rooll chairman wof commissioner gavahi here commissioner Dylan here commissioner Noble here commissioner col Connelly commissioner Mah and commissioner laru here so if we have any public comment on anything un related to today's meeting if you want to make a comment no comments we'll move on to the approval of last month's meeting minutes a motion can I get a motion to approve the meeting minutes from last month I would like to make a motion to approve February month of February is meeting I'll second I'll call the roll for approval of the minutes commissioner gavahi yes commissioner Noble yes commissioner Connelly yes commissioner Dylan yes commissioner theu yes the motion passes okay first on the agenda tonight we have Don's doc site plan we'll read the qus of judicial procedures so we can get started this is a quas quasi judicial proceeding wherein the Planning Commission acts in a quasi judicial rather than legislative capacity at a quasa Judicial hearing it is not the commission's function to make law but rather to apply law that has already been established in a quasi judicial hearing the commission is required by law to make findings of fact based upon the evidence presented at the hearing and apply those findings of fact to previously established criteria contained in the code of ordinances in order to make a legal decision regarding the application before it the board may only consider evidence at this hearing that the law considers competent substantial and relevant to the issues if competent substantial and relevant evidence that the hearing demonstrates that the applicant has met the criteria established in the code of ordinances then the commission is required by law to find in favor of the applicant by the same token if the confident substantial and relevant evidence that the hearing demonstrates the applicant has failed to meet the criteria established in the code of ordinances then the commission is required by law to find against the applicant at this time I'll ask if any of the Commissioners have had any expar Communications with the applicant hearing in none I will ask if any of the Commissioners have any conflicts of interest with the applicant hearing none you may proceed okay so we have the city's presentation all right yes we have a short presentation um all right so this is Don's do uh site plan and here on the screen it's section one 10-47 of the code of ordinances this just has the requirements of that major site plan review so the technical Review Committee is a staff so staff has met with the applicant um and then the applicant has performed a neighborhood Workshop uh we've had the technical Review Committee has reviewed um the plans and then we're at the stage where it's public hearing approval and that's only by Planning Commission U they also received a variance um that I'll note later in this presentation so they did have to go to the special magistrate as well all right so jumping to section 11-49 of the Cod code of ordinances uh this is just a Planning Commission review so basically when when you're reviewing these plans there are three things that you can find out of this you can either approve the development order you can approve the development order with comments or you can deny so those are the three options from this all right so the location of the project is down here on Boardwalk it's 215 Boardwalk Place it's right at the end here and this is what it looks like at a street view currently and so here are the architectural plans I just chose a few of the sheets from the architectural plan showing the ground floor first floor and second floor and there is the elevation as well and then we also received civil plans as well as landscape plans so going through the review criteria which is section 11-48 of our code uh the plan meets the submittal requirements of the Land Development code uh which is payment of feed uh it complies with the submittal schedules and provide adequate notice and review so they met that requirement number two the development is consistent with the comprehensive plan um and the Land Development code and other applicable regulations this plan met those requirements and then we'll go through section 110- 51 which is the scope of review for site plans and this is basically what uh the staff review is in your packet so look very similar um so they met the proposed use uh the lot restrictions on the Civil plan they do have a site data table with the sidey guard setbacks um and one of one of the sidey yard setbacks should be 5 feet um I think it's 4 point 4.2 so that just need that needs to change to 5 feet um staff didn't see any issues of why that can't be met and then just updating all the setbacks indicated on that site data table um otherwise all other requirements are met three the arrangement of structures those walk-in coolers that you saw on the ground floor will be required to meet the Florida building code Land Development regulations and fuma requirements number four the impact of surrounding property it's similar to adjacent property use so it meets that requirement flood plane regulations um it meets the requirements with that variance that I mentioned before and this variance 2023 -2 uh the parking it meets all the parking requirements with that shared parking agreement um it meets the requirements of the traffic access uh eight the protection of Soil and Water Resources the storm water inur calculations are under review otherwise it meets all other requirements number nine the Landscaping those are met as well as tree protection um all the lighting will meet must meet the Land Development regulations the sidewalks there are no sidewalks on the south side of Boardwalk Place um the sign all future signage will have to meet the Land Development regulations it's typical that we don't see this at the site plan review um stage uh Recreation areas it's not applicable as well as fences and walls and there is an e ment that's shown on the survey in the Civil plans and the docks and seaw walls we will um require more information about the deadmen and anchors in plan in the plans and this will be provided during the demolition which is consistent with the construction practices and the last two um the solid waste disposal containers uh Public Works is still reviewing doing that so that might slightly alter the location and size it may be a little bigger um than what's on the plans and then the concurrency determination all the concurrency research and reports required will be provided for the technical Review Committee prior to approval so going back to that section one 10- 49 in the code on what the Planning Commission reviews um um in the outcomes we are staff is recommending that middle outcome of approval with conditions so staff recommends the approval that the conditions that the applicant must meet all the requirements in that section 110- 51 which includes the sides of the solid waste disposal um and the sidey yard set back being 5T on that one side and that is all I have have for you so is it open discussion for us now or do we hear from the you you can ask questions to staff if you have any or the applicant can present and then you can ask questions of both but the applicant definitely need it's an opportunity to present anything they want to present okay so if the applicant would come up and state there I'm uh Bill C 101 150th Avenue madira Beach I've been up here a couple of times before so I see some familiar faces and some some that I've not had the opportunity to meet yet um we purchased this property about a year ago um it's been uh uh fuel dock and Boat Storage you know in the water we've got about 10 slips there um wild Seafood has been uh running their charter boats to catch fish there for many years um everything that you see on the ground floor today there's a bunch of uh big ice coolers in that for them processing their catch and uh when we begin construction on this that operation's going to cease uh they've got another location up in Tarpon Springs that they're going to be uh operating their fish out of so our uh desire here is to uh build a beautiful Waterfront Restaurant uh the design is open air and uh people love to sit out there and watch the Dolphins and look out at the islands and uh the food quality is going to be a little higher end than what's there now the building is uh as you can see is designed in a very uh Key West type fashion very suitable for John's Pass um we have a a kitchen in the existing building that's there the the structures that you see there are uh dining rooms and uh and and bars and dependent on capacity we'll either have it open on the second floor which is now even with the boardwalk and uh you know the floor above hopefully uh people are going to love it there and love the views and love the food and come out and have a good time and hopefully the upstairs will be full too so I've got uh my architect uh Dennis Lange with me here and um Sean cashen from uh gol Coast Consulting he's done the site work on it wanted to make sure we were prepared to answer any questions that you may have regarding uh the site and uh I appreciate your consideration in this matter and hopefully I can leave here and and go have a nice dinner and be happy about it so thank you very much okay so do we have any questions or comments I have I have one or two questions um that setback that can is that can you meet that setback or you make it five yeah I believe you're talking from four 4.9 to five so just want to make sure that doesn't I I think Dennis can compress an inch out of there to uh or a couple inches to make sure and we will meet that side yard side back yes sir and then the other question I have has to do with the FEMA um the I know you're setting the floor at 12 12 um but as far as the femur regulations and the freeboard so are you going to flood proof the balance between 12 and 15 yes and and and the reason for that and why we went to the special magistrate and got a variance on that is we didn't want people to have to go from the boardwalk up two or three or four steps to get in um we felt that it's a much better design to be even um with the boardwalk and this is as you go down there the at the end at the East End um just about right where my building sits it ramps up it ramps up a couple of feet so we're not down at the boardwalk level that you see all the way through the pass we're up at that higher elevation which I believe is 2 feet difference and we did the design on the interior for the staff to go from the kitchen up into the dining room or if they're going from the uh dining room be down into the kitchen and that's where we were able to gain a greater height there so uh yes we have no problems uh um meeting that requirement and flood proofing that that area cuz it's um it's enclosed at that height so we're good there I just feel this is a great addition and that part of John's Pass does need some help so uh I think with this uh Improvement we can uh you know bring John's Pass and N above thank you for joing us you're welcome I got a couple questions yes sir I love the front side of the building thank you very much we do two you talk about the water side or the street side and one out of three you've hit the home run here that said can we dress up the back side of the building so which which which side would you refer to as the backside the top of the page the street side the street side yes so in other words when you're driving because right now when you build that building you're going to be able to see that from a a good distance away plus all the parking lots it's all open hopefully not forever I understand that but in the meantime I understand is there something you could add on or or just break up the squareness of the backside of the building and yeah the slide that you have up right now yeah yeah come on I consider that the street side the back side of the building the front side looks fantastic y so Dennis can address that with some different fenestrations that we can add add add to the the building one of the things that I would point out is that this is a rendering that's it's a version of that's in the plans right now that we've also been considering some changes as we've gone through the design process for material selections that are going to be reflected as we straighten out some of the lines specifically you should kind of look at the piece that's on the left there that's my elevator core so the way that it looks a little unbalanced there at the top we're working with the way to make that read more coherently as a structure so that the gravity lines follow them down to the ground we had some comments about the dumpster enclosure down low that are going to help us straighten a line up and down through that that piece so the parts of that building that to me look a little unbalanced to your words we're working to fix those Corrections so when you look at this building at the end of the day from the street side it's going to match the same coherence of balance that we've presented to the water side and the same can be said for the edge that faces to the the East which you also see from a lot of different angles around so we are in consideration of those comments and we are aware of that is there any place you could possibly put four palm trees on the street side so if you look at our landscape plan the elevations don't reflect any of the Landscaping that is shown on the landscape plan sir the landscape plans do call for some some Landscaping along that edge but it's very compressed between our building setbacks and the roadway Frontage that right there and then when you look at the existing site it's almost entirely concrete as is so one of the things that we are doing as a part of this development is introducing new green spaces that are currently already hardscaped so it is going to soften that edge a little bit at the street side and especially for pedestrian access and the way they see that process is when we're done it's not going to be a building sitting on top of just a concrete pad there's going to be some green space between us in that experience plus when you go through that parking lot there's a lot of utilities there is and and a lot of those things are parts of what we've been working with the city and we know that there are bigger plans a foot for the John's Pass area I know last month there was a big hearing about the big change to the coast code that's taking place for that area a lot of those reasons for changing that density and intensity equation is in an effort to get a lot of these utilities undergrounded and re regenerated so that this is this is the first piece in that big puzzle for us in introducing an opportunity to redevelop at the boardwalk face show rest of the community that this is a viable opportunity that can be achieved you know and then we're going to be doing that first part of taking utilities and cleaning up that that far east end of the boardwalk so when we're done that way it looks kind of now you know with the fish you know taking place and the ice coolers and all that kind just loose stuff on site it's going to get cleaned up to a larger extent it's going to look a lot more presentable in line with what we want the boardwalk to present for for a lot of good reasons both to the community and for our tourists alike you know it's going to clean that experience up and it's going to again it's going to coherently give that experience for everybody's we show can be done I just uh want to add to that when you're referencing the parking lots I own all of the parking lots that are across the street and uh someday we plan to develop there um but I can tell you in the probably three years that we've owned that property um there's water lines oh yeah that run from across the street in the parking lot water meters are all lined up along Fisherman's alley I've replaced five water lines now that are um my plumber says these are pipes that were put in back in the 40s that um have literally you you get you spring a leak you go to replace the pipe you think maybe I got to replace five feet well then you go 5 feet and it's and it's rotting all out as you keep going down so we've spent quite a bit of money to make sure because the buildings on the boardwalk all need water and that system that's there is so old we've been replacing it a so it wasn't leaking under my parking lots and B to make sure my businesses that we own across on the boardwalk and all have water you know we own the the Cades uh building and the skullies building and um gosh probably everything along the boardwalk other than a few properties and uh you know important for our tenants to make sure that they have running water all the time they're they're operating businesses that's they're all leased up so very important for us to continue to maintain it until the day that we develop something on those parking lots and then it'll all be torn up and it'll all be brand new so that's the long-term range I think it's important that you know that before you make an approval for this I was last question why another restaurant there's there there's a variety of think about what's down there and uh you know we threw up a fata's kitchen on the very East End just to sell some pizzas there there's there's I don't know how many hundred businesses Plus in the past there's one Pizzeria there's 10 ice cream stores so um you know variety I think when you go to Bubba gumps and you go to Hooters and you go and I get the lobster roll at Boardwalk once a week great lobster roll at Boardwalk Grill so you know I'm there and I eat at those restaurants and I myself and my partners in the in the project we want to bring something that's just a level up as far as quality and diversity of food you know you go to Hooters you get chicken wings and salads and stuff like that you know there is no higher-end restaurant that has better food better quality and I think if you bring something there at that location with those views from up there uh and and the food quality is at another level above what's currently there I think not only the local community will get out and enjoy it but certainly all of the tourists are going to love to have another option down there for some quality food so that's the answer for you yeah I I think it's looking really nice and uh I think it's GNA be a great addition come into the past but I would like to see the street side you know be inviting as much as the boardwalk side because seems like everything else is just not as inviting for that and then with with the city hopefully they let you keep the character of the signs and we've had many discussions with their new ordinance that you know you have to meet the like it's on Golf Boulevard but some of the character of John's Pass is the uniqueness and the over signage and I know we've talked about it but you know I'm I'm a big agreement that I like the signs that are are there there now and hopefully we keep with the character of the other places and it give you hard time about the signage well we'll we'll we'll meet all of the the sign ordinances there um I just a couple of things I'd like to add as you were going through things so currently as you go east of the um the walkway to go up to the pass if you go east you see that little triangular shaped parcel there so currently that's three parking spaces when you talk about Green Space and you talk about the um um storm water runoff to retain the inch of water roughly that we have to retain on the site that first inch that becomes a another Green Space it's going to be a small retention Pond there and you can see the trees that are located um Al along that side right there those four trees that are there when when you talk about if Jenny if you could go to the um the the street elevation please or l or whoever's running the okay so you notice the um I'll call them Towers even though they're not Towers but I'll call the stairwell you see the stairwell on the right side on that East Side that's a stairwell could I add a window into the stairwell sure you know maybe put some shutters on it dress it up like that that's not a problem but the right to the left that's uh men's and women's restroom so so you've got those features that are there put them on the street side CU they certainly didn't want to put them on the water side and all the view so that's what that and that's done with you know Hardy Board Siding you know it's a it's a very Warf looking building you know something that belongs on a Warf and that's how I Envision John's Pass um that you go to the West End that second tower there that's the elevator Tower and um a stairwell I believe is in in there also or no stairwell there just elevator on the outside that's the East Side okay so that what you're seeing there with all the Hardy Board Siding going up that's that's for the elevator and uh you know that I can't put any windows on but could I put some fenestration or something to to make that look uh um more seaworthy I'll say you know this is a waterfront first class restaurant that we're building there that I'm positive as I'm standing here it's going to be very well received especially from the local community and that's kind of what I was getting at like maybe you can add uh like dress it up with some signs because the ordinance is going to be very limited on your signage and I'm saying I think they should let you put more sign to make it look uh to be like all the rest of the businesses up and down the boardwalk and through up up all the way I I i' I'd like to uh um take you up on that offer that you kind of walk that through the sign ordinance for me Mike I really appreciate you stepping up I've been pushing for everybody in the village because they're they're not in compliance with their signs understand and I think that's a big part of the character of The Village is that they got signs on pilings they got signs on the wall they got their business sign and I like it like that I know it's kind of what I like and someone else may like something different but we're trying to retain I think signs would dress it up we're trying to retain the um charm and character of The Village that's what we're trying to accomplish here and I think uh Dennis and and Sean they've done a a excellent job of getting us to where we're at is there room for improvement absolutely are my ears open always so um I like to think that uh I mean if you came down on the right side and put a right where the arrow is yep and put a fake hip roof and I don't I don't know if that if you know like a like an awning or a shutter or or something but I don't know Jenny would know if we're able to I think you can go three feet yeah you can go three feet go three feet with an some type of overhang just what you're saying and and we we we'd love to add some character does to do anything right it's just visual right you know and then if you took the Hardy Board and framed out a window even though it's not a window Yeah just something to because right now it's just that's a stairwell I mean it could bring some light into that stairwell so I wouldn't mind putting a window in there so there you go um there a bathroom bathroom there's no stairs yeah this is bathroom right here no to the right of that little bit the stairs outside see stair yeah this is the stairs right here okay then is so that's the two bathrooms the bathrooms are right here second so I don't know we can introduce architectural elements that are not real Windows yes I already we heard that I'll work to present a different version of the elevation in that bathroom it couldn't be some type of window it that's fine getting yelled you just like it to be the best it can be yeah for your sake that's what we want also that's why you get the big money dinner grouper groupers on the wall we don't want to scare the customers away with with the big shark V that big white shark that used to hang on the one building down the block there used to be that giant fish you'll stop and take pictures all right so do we have any more questions for Mr CS I've got a couple for you Bill one did I understand you that Don's dock is going to be going away or just a fish just the fish operation so what we have there now we've we've leased out the docks to um uh the hubard family to Dylan hubard he's running the fuel operation for us and he's got a lease for all the slips out there so currently that's the situation there with as far as the fuel and that'll continue to run and as far as the um uh boat rental you know he's going to continue to do you see he's got some of his hubard boats there I'm thinking mostly that they're still going to have gas and shrimp there yes for sale as you're going out we're going to have bait and we're gonna what's going to go away are those big ice machine trailers some of them produce a ton of ice to fill up all of the charter boats that used to be in there for the fishing boats for for them to run out so those will all be gone and uh not all of them though right I mean because that's one of the things Don's doc does is ice you ice yeah we're still have ice but it's gonna be it's GNA be on the submerged land lease area where we've got some areas there to add we don't need as much ice because we're not going to be processing you know they fill up those big Vats full of grouper and Snapper and and boy I'll tell you when those fishing boats come in the people just gravitate on the on the boardwalk because they are amazed at how many fish are coming in and they process them right there they put them on Ice put them in those big Vats and they ship them to all of the local restaurants so uh um that operation is going to continue but not on this site and uh but we will have everything for for boats to come up and get fuel and get bait and get ice and we'll have all that there that um that that where they're currently selling the fish inside that building that building isn't it's kind of a unique building there because it doesn't sit on the Upland that building is built over the submerged land lease and you could never get a permit to put a structure up there again so we want to maintain it we want it to continue to sell fish out of there you know and serve the community so are we losing the fishmonger or no are you losing what the fishmonger the fishmonger the guy that's selling fish oh no Dylan's selling fish now and he's Ronna stay there and that's gonna still be there yes sir oh fantastic yeah you know they have all their boats that go out oh yeah and you know very familiar other end and and uh they're a great tenant he does a excellent job um it's clean with all the environmental um issues that that we have we we get inspected we pass with flying colors they're doing a great job they've been servicing the Waterfront for 50 years that family so we're very pleased with the relationship we have with them and yes we're going to continue and continue to sell fresh fish that's right all right perfect thank you I can't wait when you starting this well we're in the midst of doing a little uh modifications to the building take into consideration the things that you had um we've uh it depends on the market you know interest rates are really high right now we're going to borrow some money for a construction loan to build it so we're navigating through all that um myself I'd like to start it tomorrow uh because at my age I don't buy green bananas anymore so I I I want to make sure that it gets going sooner not later I want to be there and enjoy it I want to sit at the corner table on the on the uh uh south east side and and look out at Paradise and have a nice meal okay so if there's no more questions or comments from anybody Public public comment oh public comment any other public comment we're we're done right yeah yeah yeah thank you he said all I mean build build ma 207 P work place ma this is a a great great idea great thing to be built there and we we overdo this since Paul stro about an extended dock there the bord he was going to build build the build and never did nothing it at least we got somebody that bought this prop now and want to developer and that's a great thing for the East End of the boardwalk actually it's way over do and I think is going to do a great job they can put a couple grouper on the one side there on the street side you know and the make it look nice don't got to put in a window glass is no good you know people look glass but something Nal uh you know they sell this beautiful fish are uh copper or Lumen or whatever you want to call and just put a couple there and you're done thank you very much so do we have any comments from the public emails or anything no we didn't receive any okay so then if there's no further comment do I look for a motion to accept this I would like to make a motion to approve site plan 2024 D1 um I think we probably have only one condition which would be the dumpster I think that would need to be worked out and the setback with the setback I think they're going to meet yes yes but I would just in case staff recommends that that would be in the motion yes yes I'll second I'll call the r commissioner gaki yes commissioner Noble yes commissioner Connelly yes commissioner Dylan yes commissioner laru yes the motion passes okay so do we have oh thank you for all of your ex do we have any old business to discuss um I just had well I have something for number seven staff presentation well we can move on to that then if there's no old business we'll move on to Administration administrative presentation not really a presentation but I I just wanted to inform the Planning Commission that um John's Pass Village Activity Center went to the county um last month on the 20th that was approved by the county the activity center land use Change 6 to1 so that's great um and now the land use comes back to boc for the second reading in final approval so and then that will be on the 13th of this month may I ask a question um do you remember or do you know what the objection of that one person was um they were asking about traffic studies uh which were not required of us um I think that was the main concern also the videos online I can send you a link if you would like as well okay thank you and that's all I had for just an update um oh la one more thing I almost forgot uh we are moving forward with the master plan if you um watched the last boc Workshop kimley horn did a presentation for the boc um so we're hoping to work with them in the near future on the master plan so yall will be kept in the loop with that as well okay so then our next meeting is April 1st anybody got a problem with that April fools are you sure it will be a meeting we'll see okay if that's it then we join the meeting at 6:41