[Music] thank you everyone for meeting started few Mr start uh just give us one moment for the um attending start thank okay thank you very much all right uh this meeting of the model board of education is open to members of the public to be physically present members of the public that attend will be asked to follow the same procedures as all other visitors to our schools those procedures can be found on the agenda page of our website Additionally the board meeting will live streamed for viewing purposes only anyone wishing to view the meeting May do so via Zoom the webinar ID is 856 3095 2888 and the required password is 989 329 all right I call this meeting to order uh call please Mr thank you Mr M Mary M Jansen here Mr C here M deanera here Mr Dila Mr Denise here Mr Gallow here Mr Hughes here Dr morthy here and super representative Mar here adate notice of agenda of this meeting has been provided to the Bridgewood news and the record specifying that the mall Board of Education will meet on May 1st 2024 in the l Meadows multi-purpose room one but okay a copy was filed with the township CL uh salute to the flag um Miss Jon which I to flag the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all [Music] okay um I going to turn the over to we're going to first do the student represent M K if you would give your report this evening thank and then our Orchestra got a gold rating for North Jersey which is the high our environmental Club on road for we had the dinner on Saturday we honor student athletes graduates of our school for high system we also indued team from 2010 IND coach andwell a retired teacher as a special contributor our our Club hosted of activities for the students classes and then our will beting 4 days graduation ction on Tuesday May 14th for students their college year and and then THS night we have District jazz concert in school aor and our s class will be hosting a halfway to graduation cration thank you very much mren um we're going to our agenda is a little changed this evening um because we're doing staff recognition so um I'm going to turn it over now to um Dr fair and our um his report we going to go a little earlier this evening thank you very much sure because we'll have the board we get started hi everyone I guess we'll start with our St highlights all of you standing at once we'll we'll get that out of the way with Aon CER I see you you can stand for for us [Music] and Murphy [Applause] [Applause] all right you got that over thank you all right so our six staff highlights know that we've been working on a video the last few days because I've interviewed you for the video so um for everyone else who is in attendance as well as for the staff highlights um the following video is a labor of love a collection of messages from our staff highlights colleagues and students to them and in fact this particular cohort of Staff highights happens to be a group of people who come to work every day show up for our kids and never expect any recognition in return which makes this collaborative effort all that much more special uh and what's in this video in terms of a collage of messages from colleagues and students and administrators um is only a fraction of what we've receiv received in terms of messages to you so at the start of the video you'll see a quote from an educator Rea Pearson one uh we shared with all of our new staff uh on our orientation base the quote is every child deserves a champion an adult who will never give up on them who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be each of our staff members this evening um that that we will be introducing exemplify that EXA so the first person we're going to be highlighting this evening is Aaron Seer she teaches third grade at Betsy Ross School uh Aaron has been an integral and steadfast part of the Betsy Ross Community for many years her dedication to her students Betsy R's families and her colleagues is just one of the many things that make Miss Seer a standout professional aon's fun personality silly songs and high energy allow her to engage even the most struggling of learners when you are in Miss seer's classroom you are truly part of a special Community who look out for and support one another Miss CER is kind and patient and her positivity radiates through the hallways of Betsy law school a special note to our board um our student representative one of them Max you will see a much smaller version of Max when he was actually in aon's class when he was at that's so we'll begin [Music] I knew I needed to be with people I knew I needed to um you know work with kids I grew up with my dad as a coach and then I went in college became a high school basketball coach so I was working with faceb kids at the time and then um I was actually a business in college for a couple years and realized that I needed to work for kids so I um decided that I would change major to education and um started to do so and I was in elementary schools and feel L to work with kids and I needed to do that to my fulltime J I love to have thir grade is uh the label hes because I feel like when they come to third grade it's such a big jump from s to Third and when the little Lego like you know when a kid learns when fraction is most their eyes up and they remember that they can compare fraction and kid Stu vocabulary where all what it means and you know just watching theaters grow so much um through the year is really exciting and to um just to sit be so happy and enjoy themselves and have a good time with friends great we just um Angel and I have worked together for here so I've know her very long time um and Courtney started as teacher so she just roll right into this spot and the three of us we can um like finish each other's sentences because we all we know the room we know what the kids need and we know what each other needs and you know one of us is out the other two get plans ready for for whoever's out and it's just it's just really special because they are such great people and I couldn't imagine working with anybody else they are just hardw workking and they push me to be um a hard worker and I better you know just just make just time to stop and you know do a brain break in the middle of reading you know when they are I see that they're getting ly and I just want them to be able to speak to one another I want them we stop and we you know we have a whole morning meeting every morning where they stop and they share with each other meeting really long because they are having those connections they talking to other so there sometimes where we're in the middle of a science lesson and we're talking about the plant life cycle and then somebody's telling me about how to Garing and then other kids asking them questions about that and sometimes I just sit back and I let them just have before and they all just talk to each other and you know I feel like it's so important that they learn how to communicate with each other because um things are so different now um even when I started to teach that you know communication between the younger children so important that they um you really have to continue learn to do that so I just want them to I want them to have fun I want them to be good people um it's so hard in their grade because they are working so much it's really really tough and I think that St Aon and I have known each other for 3 years now and she has been beyond helpful to me here at my time at Cross she has been a mentor to me and she continues to be a mentor every year with me no matter what school or grade I am at she has been continuing to check on on me throughout the whole entire time and I've been boss and my first day movie I was very overwhelmed to come in she greeted me you know she still checks on me almost every single morning she goes in my room she's very selfless person and I'm very proud of everything she's done I have known ER for over 20 years and she is no doubt my go-to person whenever I need some support inspiration or just a laugh I look across the hall and there she is she's especially funny in her Nots and her little emojis she makes all of us class the one thing that's a stand out for me with Aon is her compassion and her excit to students I hear her every day coming in trying to make them engaged laughing and ready to learn and that enthusiasm just contagious for all teachers that are I think I speak on behalf of all FY to say that our certain operator she's one of the best listeners I know and she is shows respect towards all of us she listens she cares and she truly wants to inspire um I think that our only my CL but she's also my friend I'm so lucky to be able to say that I think we're so lucky in education at times to have um the opportunity and the gift the people we work with or the people we want to tell a story about not only about classrooms but our families and I say this with so much love Erin I'm so proud of you you deserve this recognition and I look forward to many more years working together and thank you for all we do I like how the can be very serious but also make them silly one old piz she and she made the whole class go into a ploud conversation I like how she changed more fun way this year is always in a positive mood and she always makes me a positive I'm so excited to talk about misson SEC and all that she brings to P off school Miss's energy is unmatched to anyone in this building she is always here and ready and excited and just ready to keep that any new challenge that people with her her positivity is something have rat throughout our full building and you can't help with smile when you walk the T in classes her creative teaching Style anyone they're involved excited whether they're singing they're dancing they're moving around they're putting on their imaginary B PS name it done our classroom it's part of what so school for all the students that walk over their classroom door the thing that really stands out to me about my secret is her extreme talents when it comes to if you have not heard the secet read a story out loud you are trly missing out experence she'll have you the edge of your seat no matter what she need to do and it's part of that St so engaged in possible we are so [Applause] so Aon if you can can come up here we have something to get to you so we have yes so we have noar students we have uh something created by our woodworking class at the high school our life skills students at the high school made um coasters and there's something else in there oh and then we framed the quote because we don't want to forget this moment and we also had a um Bowl engraved with whatever it takes theme which is this is our F our philos in the district so congrats thank you actually Aon I I remember her saying she didn't want the tiar part but it was I'll be honest with you we were sharing a moment and then the building principal walked in and right and um then we we stopped crying but like I I was I was tearing along with you so Aon thank you Dr took my my intro I just want to apologize to you and he didn't stop taking when [Music] you suff like good emotional moment so that's why congratulations our second teacher is this a 9 which is a teacher school she is a second grade teacher she has also taught first grade and has even taught at Betsy R School in the past Miss SK is enthusiastic about learning and maintains a high bar of expectations for the students in our class while always finding a way to have fun each year Ann adopts soier with her classes always finds fun ways to incorporate our love dogs into the learn this is kind can be found circling the school at lunch getting in her steps and con with colleagues with a positive attitude on Fridays the class celebrates their learning from the weekend dances out of the Clash this SC brings consistency and positive energy it makes everyone feel safe welcome and happy started teaching to La School 27 years ago um I was hired during the learning glass and days um I taught K there for 2 years and second grade for 10 years and then I was sked over to George to teach first and here I am in second when me become a teacher well I think I had the memory of me first wanting to ever be a teacher but my mom will tell stories of how I used to play the g with my dolls my dolls were my students we used to play school and I used try to teach how to read my whole life I was wanted to be a teacher I don't really have memory of when it began but um I think it's the greatest job in the world and um I would say when students are struggling something such as in math if there's if they don't understand the concept and I work with them I work with them with pu and they finally get it um I just do a little cheer for them so I'm so excited and you can see the big smile come over their face so they're so excited and proud of themselves so George Washington I have to say the staff here definitely is a family and I know you probably heard that before from many of teachers but we truly care for one another in school and outside of school and I think the students see that relationship when they open the doors into morning they see us interact with one another and they see us as a family and they know that they're in a warm safe loing environment I have a good story for you okay so when it was 1999 turning 2000 um the world was panicking a little bit cuz it wide 2K so my past wrote notes about what the world was like and what their life is like and we bury them in past sod models along with pictures outside of old the new l l and years went by and I'm teaching first grade at George and they get in touch with me they want to give up the B so we go one day after school and we're digging digging digging we couldn't find stud comes out and tells us that they were doing some kind of work with the pipes and the drainage system got to us out the look in these six faces was I felt so bad for them so bad so if you ever here of B not some photos please just a I know and you make our school a better place in so many ways your smile lights up the room when we see you in the hallway to EA the steps at lunch or just you know greeing us in the morning right away we start to feel your positivity this year and every year your high expectations for students help them to be their very best selves students in fourth grade right now and probably even beyond that will always remember that you always place a really strong emphasis on integrity and integrity means doing the right thing even when nobody's watching that's really made an impact on your students so we thank you so much for being you for having fun in your class I love walking by and hearing music and seeing dancing I love seeing your creative ways to spr kindness in the classroom and celebrate student achievement we're really happy to have you as part of our team and we appreciate everything that you do she uh she she does stuff unexpected and next my day she's very fun and let us Dan on Sat or do a dance break when you were like when we did time last few years an SE wonderful at modeling different ways to teach math reading and writing Concepts and she's been enthusiastic to try new things she's been happy to try new theme days has been really excited to find useful playlist to add to all things and she's been supportive for me even when she moved to second grade and helping me develop patriotic presentations to my students and we're collaborating now on the hi hop day and if you have any questions to ask about a hip hop and is your person congratulations [Music] she's super fun and really nice and every single time like we do I ready and we like finished it then we have Bubble [Music] I'm needs hip hop mus who's your favorite I'm deess are congratulations our next St highy is marann oo kindergarten teacher Atlant [Applause] Meadows you know I supervised a student teacher who was in MaryAnn's class and just being in MaryAnn's class it was clear that she is a master teacher so this is uh very much deserved um maran's commitment and love for her students are evident as soon as you enter her classroom she is a special teacher who is able to build a lasting god with her students and truly makes their first year of school a memorable and meaningful one Mrs odo's past students often come back to our classroom to say hi and reminisce about their kindergarten year her commitment to our Meadow students and staff also extends outside of her classroom as she often attends outside school events and is always willing to step up and lend a helping hand when needed we acknowledge MaryAnn's education to our students and the school Community her unwavering unwavering commitment and patience and her love of her kids oh I became a teacher because since I'm 10 years old I have been coming into the Mawa kindergarten class classroom with my sister Ellen Mahoney uh stepping up her classroom um coming in for shows or any your graduation um she would me my sister and I she would drive us with will stey grab us nice tea and she would drag Us in and set up the room and just spend a lot of time through her you know the school year in that classroom and seeing her in just being an unbelievable teacher just maybe want to you know follow their con steps started M I was hired in 1998 um as a parttime conr teacher and I had the absolute pleasure and honor to work with Jane F who could not have been a better mentor and just great friend mom older sister um incredible role model that really taught me you know the importance of you know that everything really does start in kindergarten um from there I was with her for 2 years and then um moved up to second grade became a full-time teacher then um got my 10e in second grade and after 4 years I got recovery got the um the metal was opened and moved to LY did a few more years in second grade and then um took a little time off to have my two children and was lovy enough to come back um to teach kindergarten again parttime so it was a perfect job to be you know half time here the morning and then be with my family and kids in the afternoon hly every day I came read how did I want want my own children to be treated in their classrooms and that's what I try to remember every day is that I'm not only the teacher but I'm also sometimes my Mom and I just know that I want them to feel loved and safe and want to come to school every day definitely you know luckily fortunately um been a few over the years um I've been lucky enough I the high school they'll have some of the kids great letters um back to you know for the teacher somebody that's made an impact and I've honestly gotten more letters from students that that I kind of had to think about who they were um and not necessarily the ones that we really felt they put so much time and effort in was you know those behind the scenes kind of kids um that you know just wri these amazing letters that I impacted them and I you know did something that year with them that has stuck with them and it just means so much I just want to say that I'm so appreciative of this honor and I just um I was very surprised when I found out and I humbled that um I would you know receive this and that um just to know that people you know think of me this way and I just I appreciate it I loveing him a lot and thank you congratulations Mar as well could be happier you be representing meows you're an anchor of our team for in my pre to you I've had many students who come back or just Express how much they love know you and I know you know that because they always come back much you know um so I just want to congratulate you and thank you for all you do um you think outside the class whether just help the school as the whole te fre commity or create a team um just attend on the outside EV do just really makes a difference and make a differ the students lives as we teach and I'm just so happy that um that you're remember so congratulations and enjoy your [Music] [Music] [Music] hi Maran hi it's your kindergarten team and we just want to take some time to show you love and appreciation for this really special honor that you're going to to see when I first got Mar I was like straight out of college just starting for my first time as a teacher and you always were a welcoming face to me I was able to come into your classroom for emotional support for Teacher support and you were always willing to provide me whatever you were able to um and you help me grow into such you know a teacher who loves what she does and that's definitely because of you from the moment you meet Maran you feel like you're meeting an old friend um she is just such a warm welcoming person she is beautiful inside and out um one of the biggest hearts that everyone I've ever met um she is always so willing to give up her time and herself um and the best part is she always has a big bright stle um I'm so fortunate to work with her this year get to know her better um and really just become more of a friend than a colleague so congratulations this is so welld deserved yeah congratulations bye congratulations J our family is so proud of you Maryann is not only my colleague but my younger sister when Maryann was 10 years old I was hired to teach kindergarden in George Washington Mary and and twin sister Carrie would come with me to school help me set up my classroom they would be rewarded with and I I think they're to see back then how special kidergarten is teach fast forward many years now Maran and I get to share our love teaching keep of our GRS together Maryanne is a bright light that constantly shines she comes to school every day a positive attitude and an incitement to teach her students her students and family love and respect her every student that walks into her classroom in September leaves in June as a confident young learner ready for the challenges of first grade you are not only my sister team partner but my best friend [Music] congratulations I actually pass Eva and I she kept on talking so Eva Gardner is is a MaryAnn's former student she's in first grade and she she kept on talking about how warm and fuzzy Maran is and how she gives the best hugs she like was adamant that she wanted me to show that I don't know if anyone got a chance to appreciate he had a cheering section that girls stand up [Music] [Applause] okay our next St is Miss car [Applause] [Music] Murphy This thisy has demonstrated a dedication in her role as a social worker for our district every single day on the job she truly embodies what it means to T as both an educator as well as a person we see this in action every day and how she connects with her students collaborates with colleagues and supports families that rely on her expertise while she possesses many skills and abilities none more magical than her ability to make an emotionally distressed student feel safe and loved and she does not she does not have a one-size footall model as her ability to meet the students where they are is one of the secrets to her success we appreciate her dedication and wish her congratulations on her welld deserved honor just recently a student share of poem power that she wrote that we believe says all you are the Trump that keeps me stable that keeps me together even when my le change I thank you for that stand tall even when the wind blows you are a flower that blooms [Music] congratulations we also they also drew the [Applause] this is the picture that goes with the PO it's important actually I was working after college doing research at columia University at New York State psyri Institute and someone there after working said I to the School of Public Health and I said oh I'll do that too and then I saw that there was a join program with Public Health social work and I said oh that looks like f and my parents friend was of the School of Social Work social work and he aded me clearly and that's really how I got into it I mean my mom was a social worker all their friends and my parents friends or social workers or psychist so it's really what I walk with I kind of love it I mean I kind of fell into it but I really love it I love helping people and actually I love most well I've been in all the schools not working but in them you know for meetings or whatever I think Jo has the biggest part of in school that I've ever seen every it's like one big family it really is it's like one B come and I've been through some stuff in my life had some pretty big tragedies a bunch of years ago and walking into the school was Unreal and I feel like it's a family I really feel like it's a family so I think it's a great for to work the other schools are great too but you think are great and I think think that and I've worked with court a lot of us twice students um these are the really The Have and then one or two where they were challenged and they were you know to get to the town the teachers really were getting frustrated with and it was my job to Advocate to keep them there so they could kind of show what they could really do and I I really believe that I think these two boys of course right now who actually ended up doing some really great things and I'm happy about that and I'm proud of them and proud of the journey that they have here and I will support them and I think it makes a difference I mean clearly on the kids and there's in all these years there's so many things that have made me really proud and happy but I think those that's my those those exceptional I come into my office in the morning I get to away too early but that's my I don't have pce of Home great I come in really early and I get myself settled and then our Core Group gets in you know my LTC Al um asley when she's here for Karen and Billy and we do our morning deathing you know what's going on what do we need to do get silly whatever that is like it's like from home and it's really like a family then of course because my office is right here by cafeteria lunch cafetorium whatever you want to call it I get to see everybody all day long and I love it it is like and um I think that's what keeps you do because education and special education can be pretty exhausting sometimes and trying but you know we all support each other so I don't feel like it's a job people always say to you know wow your job is really hard on doesn't feel like thank you M for letting me be here for welcoming welcoming me with open arms um I think it's a great Community I love the people I work with here I have my director who makes my job so much iner I couldn't actually do my job as well essentially her support because this is truly what I want to say is thank you for always supporting me hand my back because that's another reason I my home and know the so thank you Ma for embracing me thank you for supporting me and thank you for summer for me for all these years it really has been I Murphy I just want to say congratulations I am so grateful to spend this year the these few years I feel you have been one of my favorite social workers I've ever had thank you for all the helpful tips and times you gave me I hi Carol congratulations on this honor it is so well deserved Carol you are one of the most compassionate individuals that I know is truly special to see the way you care for the wellbeing of others your dedication to your job as a social worker is truly commendable you make a profound difference in everyone's lives every single day your door is always open to Sol everyone's problems here you are exceptional at your craft I have learned so much from you as you act on behalf of your students and you serve as a mentor to the both of us you provide guidance and support to all of your students within the JK Community we love you thank you Miss what can I say about there's no one more deserving this um I on a weekly basis see you know upset students or just cross students walking to your office uh I see staff members walking to you in the hallway uh or concerned parents on telephone and in all those different situations Carol has a way of just knowing what a person means whether it is just to listen uh you know receive advice or for her to Advocate about something that she gets is right she she just knows it and it's amazing to see Carol in action and using her expertise we learn so much from you on a daily basis thank you for being a great teacher to us of what emotional intelligence looks like when working with children I know you don't like this attention but you absolutely deserve it there's no one who deserves it in thank you thank you thank you please celebrate and recognize just how EIC you are congratulations [Applause] all right so last the last two Sab highights will'll be will'll be honoring this evening I actually had a part in hiring them so I'm like particularly proud of of these two uh the first from rampa Ridge Middle School are School counselor Mary Kate hopley just as Billy shared about Carol Mary Kate too feels a little uncomfortable but this is so welld deserved so it is difficult to identify an aspect of life at the ridge where Mary Kate is not involved this Copley serves as a grade level school counselor but she really is so much more to the school Community from day one in our district Mary has actively sought to expand her work Beyond her case load en roles such as student council advisor lunch duty adviser testing coordinator overnight field trip sh room God bless you anti-bullying Specialists God bless you school safety team member student support data team member as well as many other district and school communities in the position of student council advisor this CLE helps students grow in leadership position and organizes an array of student activities including service activities orientation programs and social events for the entire student body more important than any official title though is the fact that Mary Kate is a genuine compassionate and unwavering support for students parents and staff members she's she is relied upon and respected for her sound practical guidance in good times as well as in response to the most challenging times for our students in this video um Suzanne whan our assistant principal actually makes reference of our interview of Mary Kate this was during the pandemic where everything was on Zoom the second Mary Kay opened her mouth I knew she was the one so I'm so glad she took the [Music] job so I had um when I was in high school I had a director of guidance um Jas that he worked with me and sisters um and and he throughout my time every became a support person um and I never felt like he was bothered or had you know was too busy for me I could go to him with anything that I need help with um and I never really had that before him um so when it was time for me to go to college and grad school um and wanted to do something like that um and help out other kids you had 5 years ago said I wouldn't go near mdle school but my mom always said that she thought I would be a good middle school counselor um and I'm I feel like whenever I talk about my job I always talk about how surprised I am or surprised I was when I started here because I actually really um love middle school now I think it's really awesome most of my experience before this was an elementary so it's so different to have gr conversations with them and and um to see their growth from when we start here in 6th grade to go until 8th grade um I think you know we've seen them grow so much and and it's such fortive years so to be able to be a part of that um I that's what I really like about in school one of my favorite memories so far would be um A3 promotion last year I think just I that class was will always have a special place in my heart because we they started in sixth grade and I My First Year too and we kind of um you know work together for their whole three years here and just watch them grow and see how many of them really came out of the shelves here and um help them prepare to go to high school um that was really awesome and then getting to kind of celebrate that promotion last year and talk to their parents and and um just to congratulate them when the ceremony was over that was um definitely a highlight really lucky that we are just not only colleagues but we're friends too J Cass I know I can go to them with anything um ask ideas off with each other we you know talk through different situations together and it just feels really awesome um to have that team especially coming from elementary where it's always just kind of been me and a princial in my old positions um so to know that I have you know the two of them to go to um no matter what we get from here um I know that you know we're always able to handle it because we're just strong I have two favor the kids I think are probably um you know I love I love coming here and I love when kids come down and and um a lot of kids come and want to tell me about like good things that happened or thinking over the weekend or whatever and I love those conversations um or like seeing somebody in the hallway want to show me something that um that's really one of my favorite parts and then the team working with the team working with my co-counselor Brian being able to go to them or anything child study team um working work closely with them and I just you know they make it fun to come here even though it's crazy and every day is different um it really you know it the team makes it ever since joining our team Mary Kate's Presence at the ridge has been a game changer no matter the situation the event or activity Mary Kate just always shows up and she doesn't just show up she Dives in head first and quickly figures out how she can participate and assist in any way possible besides her work as school counselor Mary Kate has stepped up for roles such as student council advisor overnight trip chaperon Lun student teacher in countless district and school communities because of these things and so much more Mary Kate's expertise guidance and support has become trusted and relied on by many students pents and sta I would Su up Mary Kate by saying that she brings a passion and disposition to her work that puts people at ease helps them to smile and makes them whole at least that's what she does for me congratulations Mary Kate we're so proud of you hey Mary Kate congratulations um an awesome awesome recognition um I just wanted to say to you um I came here 3 years ago I'm obviously getting a new job and working in a new school community be stressful um but you were always there to you know welcome me with open arms uh show me the ropes um not only be a great colleague but but an awesome friend and I couldn't ask for anything more um you know I you have been a tremendous um role model for our students here not just only your students that youve had over the last uh almost four years now but you know my students and all all the other grade students um as well as our staff members here um you know I I can tell you how much you are appreciated by myself as well as our s community and students um M said you know have the have the privilege of working with you side by side five days a week um congratulations um I'm very happy that we get to work together and um I will always be there for you and thank you for being a great colleague and better very willly remember the day that Mary K was interviewed by Brian and me it was 2020 it was when we were still on lockdown and we're interviewing from home and I can even picture exactly the background and she was uh where she was when she interviewed and I just remember thinking to myself wow she is going to be an amazing addition to our Rich Middle School faculty and she certainly has been from day one um Mary Kade works as part of the amazing counseling team uh alongside her colleagues and uh I I just cannot say enough about how uh professional she is how caring compassionate and kind she is to all of her students of course their families um her colleagues uh she's always a source of of comfort and uh support for anyone who needs her at any point uh throughout the course today and whether that's a student for um Mary Kate is just a kind-hearted person who will go out of her way uh to make someone smile and and brighten their day and I've seen that many times first SC uh even for myself and I appreciate that um Mary K I'm so proud of you keep doing what you're doing stay positive uh you are amazing simply stay and I love you [Applause] [Music] our last seg is from H High School Mr K kazon Mr Katon a teacher of technology and Woodworking and Furniture time he's an asset to the Mawa High School Community his contributions for the students his colleagues and the programs of the high school have been immeasurable with a work ethic Second To None Mr kone's passion for what he does shines through in every interaction with his students and colleagues students are drawn to him because they recogniz genuine love for his work and his authentic dedication to their success Dan's impact extends far beyond pleases he has opened doors for students showing them the vast opportunities available in the trades and helping them acquire skills that will serve them for Life his Woodworking and Furniture Design program has flourished under his leadership evolving and adapting to best serve the needs of the students M High School is incredibly fortunate to have Mr P as part of its Community as his dedication and passion make a profound difference every day in the lives of the students my hands my entire life uh I grew up uh on this really cool property big property um my parents ran construction business my mom was also a teacher um but we had all these machines we had workshop on the property and and uh I would literally sneak into that Workshop when I was in the LA and build stuff like from the age like from when I was 6 years old uh just working with my hands could not couldn't be stopped um I was really frustrated though cuz I couldn't make things that looked nice not not as nice as I wanted them to be or how how nice I thought they should be uh so it wasn't until I was in high school and I finally got to um attend my first wood shop class and I was able to trained to use the machines and tools you know the way that they were meant to be used um that I started actually making things that I was like okay this is cool this is what I believe I should um from then on uh it was just on top of want making stuff uh Around the Clock um ended up going to college for working in Furniture Design uh graduated with a degree in studio Arts Fine Arts and concentrated in woodworking in Furniture Design um I started a business literally my dream job making cool stuff for other people taking their Visions making it making it real life um and uh I still get to do that so I do that on the side when I'm not teaching um and it really is a dream to match that in with the teaching uh that I currently do so I never wanted to be a teacher uh it was it was never on my radar um which is funny because if you ask my mom she probably would have said uh no Daniel you could probably be a teacher because uh I would frequently go to take your kid to work day with her from you know Middle School in high school even as an adult uh here's a funny picture um fast forward a couple years uh I'm working as a professional work worker um John Pas out calls me out of the blue uh you know asking if uh if I'm interested in being teacher I'm like how how do you know me you know um so it turns out that I was in the same networking organization that Dan Gordon teach and uh John got old M he's a young woodworker big go-getter he's got his own business maybe he be a good can seriously that was the Le uh and he calls me out the talk and I'm like John I'm really not [Music] interested somehow he convinces me to come up here and um you know I have this idea of what high school wood shops looked like prior to Stepping foot in the ma uh and it was I I think it was life changing the moment I stepped through these doors the first time I saw this shop uh it changed my perception entirely on what a public high school shop in New Jersey is like uh I really didn't know um such a high power was available at this level um to be honest with you this shop is nicer and more uh better equipped than the shop that I studying at College um so I saw the shop I taught a demo lesson somehow John P convinced me to come up here teach a demo lesson uh I think we had all of the central office staff in here during that day uh and I don't remember what the lesson was think we were doing something with the chair and uh they're like I think uh I think you got to do this in fact Dr Fair told me he's like you're natural uh which I can expect um so one thing Le to another I'm doing alternate through getting my teaching license and uh I I have literally never looked back for for a moment um and now I get to teach High School shop uh in this beautiful amazing shop in this beautiful amazing Town my favorite thing about teaching um is sharing what I love with uh with younger people um and seeing their passion unfold in this shop and seeing them realize that they do have a passion for either woodwork or just working with their hands and G or designing stuff um making cool stuff that's sort of the bottom line how I run my classes uh we make cool stuff St and that's the bottom line if you want to Le something make it cool we're going to have fun with it if you got an idea we're going to wrong with it um so my favorite part about teaching is watching the passion get United in my students um in this room for the things I can do who I want to talk there's so many actually um so actually just last week uh in duns I ran into one of our uh recent alni and uh I looked at him he like gate what's up where are you working he's like oh I uh decided not to do to college yet it's like I'm still thinking about it but I'm working in construction right now and I love it I was like oh wow I really didn't think and he only took in to never you know went all the way to B he was never even on my radar someone who would uh go into trades uh or you know any of these sort of RS um and he's like you have two CS I got to say I'm using so many things from class uh and it's so helpful because uh you know they don't expect me to know anything and here I don't know how to be fraction know how to use and this was just a little 5 minute fraction of dunk Donuts line uh and it made me feel so good because um because we have this class and this program here we can offer that to students um we don't even know what the the potential outcome is going to be and how impactful it's going to be to them uh while they're sitting in this classro it might be years that they finally tap into that knowledge and it's so incredibly helpful for them Mr D you are a teacher that exemplifies the power of yes whether you say yes to any project that we as Administration has you to take on in the building you make it come to life or when it's when you're saying yes to your students when they want to take educational risk and they make these master in the class I think the greatest yes that you give us in this building is way that you blend your schem course and Humanities by helping us build the set for all of our Productions the here dep care of our Liv thank you man Mr catone you are truly an inspiration your passion for the subject is infe the ways in which you teach your students you don't simply just show them how to build something but you pass them why it needs to be done in a certain way you could cultivate an environment of quisitive Learners and to help your students build the set of skills that will benefit them for the rest of their lives thank you when we found day a little 5 years ago H we were worried that trying to find someone said the leash industry going be very c um needless to say finding Dan was finding that needle in a field B he's been an unbelievable asset program he came on board R started initiative it's been an absolutely perfect compliment went to our technology side of theem inititive with the woodwork design program programs involved massively over the past four years continues to evolve and the reality he's open up an entire world of Trades to an entire new generation of schools for that we thank you the the school [Music] created Mr C I'm thanks for of the work that you do here on behalf of our students more importantly with the relationships that you form with the kids [Music] um you take on any project we ask you to take on you work the wood shop up from the beginning to the 21st century with the use of the CNC rouer and other Machinery in that space you GRE that that whole space for kids um to be modern um I thank you for all the work that you did thank you for the um design and Engineering skills that we still inar kids Orly I thank you for being a professional and a vibrant member of our student congratulations Mr is a great welome te he's one of my favorite te his energy stands out he's an amazing person and he is such a nice and great helpful teacher without mrm I do not know what I would be doing thank you so much Mr C for everything you've done do the best of the best and thank you so much for a great lovely amasing teacher thank you quick story about is last week he had take your child to work at so I was fortunate enough to take my son 9 years old and because I went out of school I dumped them into the high school and they did a wonderful job of having different events for our kids and the first place they went was Mr C's class and what's really interesting when I watched the video and he said I'm not interested in being a teacher not only is he a talent teacher with the high school kids but if you got a chance to see him with these little ducklings who are running around in a wood shop which my first reaction was I'm kind of nervous the kids absolutely flocked to him and the patience that he had for these kids that when they left the first thing they said was I wouldn't come to ma high school because of Mr catone and all the things that he had another piece that they didn't get a chance to talk about up here is when you think about woodworking you think of the jewelry boxes and things like that but if you walk through his classroom you'll see beautiful Furniture you'll see different table he calls this a gaming table but it's actually a perker table that kids are making it's a different problem that we're going to have later but it's a Beau and last but not least what I did want to share is he has a young man in his class he's so motivated he's building a boat so not only is this child building an actual boat um he's also inspired a child to connect with the company uh to sponsor them to get a motor on the boat because time he graduates he wants to uh ride sail obviously I wasn't woodworking um the boot so I just wanted to take a moment to say I'm Glad You Came me the profession come on so we want to thank everyone for coming um all of you are so welld deserving um and uh we love that you work here so enjoy the rest of your evenings and uh thank you to your family and friends for joining us a [Music] yeah yeah I was going that [Applause] all right congratulations everyone to make we're going to continue our meeting um and trully inspirational so thank you it's really wonderful to see amaz [Music] time e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e you very much motion to Mr [Applause] H uh all right we've had our super representative report um we M around a little bit we had our anything else prep no but I I did want to thank the board event for being flexible with some recent appointments of two teachers that are listed by uh Pastor so thank you very much thank you all right on to agenda questions please let me your questions at this time for Resolutions under new business on this agenda it's a matter of fairness we ask your questions to no more than one your remarks to no longer than 3 minutes if you're here representing a group please identify yourself the group and position in the group you're here as an individual please give us your name and address this section of public participation will be limited to 15 minutes please specify the resolution you're referring to from your question all right motion to open the meeting to the public Mr second by mral we officially open to the public seeing no one in the public coming forward at this time I need a motion to CL to the public Mr Hugh second Mr all right dror do you have a report for us this evening all right we we are going to GRE right through there we don't have a superintendent report let us move on to our final budget presentation Mr [Music] BL okay thank you everybody I do have a presentation hear okay um if you have a presentation for anybody right in front here um board members stay seats um this is a presentation if you've been through our last couple of board meetings um just a summary of update of those previous presentations for a um background on where we are since our last meeting uh we have received all approvals necessary from the county office uh the different stakeholders there areas super the county super County trator um County um leader for special a as well as um different areas review all the different aspects of our budget proving feedback we respons to that feedback um which brings us here to this evening's uh presentation from those from that feedback there have been no changes uh from our prary budget so once again everything that the board uh voted on with their primary budget back on May I'm sorry March 6 uh through today there's been no changes or modifications from what we okay so just to recap where we have where we're going I'm just going to move down here like a little bit less feedback um March 6 we did our initial um presentation of the budget for 2425 count afterwards March 27 we were here when we discussed uh special education invented operations lines ail 17 enrollment Personnel few other topics also and then tonight's uh meeting for the final adoption of the budget for25 school year uh after tonight's meeting in the board's action uh we will send a certified resolution to the county office for their records um the budget will be activated within our counter software later this month purchase orders Genera we work with the township provide the tax sub for next year um to Township um tax officials and County officials can do what they need to do and uh as I said before we'll be able to issue purchase orders start to uh extend dollars from the 2425 budget uh later May early June once the software has been updated uh recap from the first meeting our tax for next year is uh a little bit over 70 and a half 54864 um this represents tax our operating push of the budget as well as the Deb service side of our budget um I shared at that time tax comes from those two different areas um our operating tax level did have an increase in however our debt service there are no anticipated Debt Service payments for next year came down to zero so with that going up the other one coming down they result a 1.67% increase in the overall tax L for uh the 2425 uh we have other Revenue that we have anticipated such as interest Revenue andal rental income our state a numbers fund balance which is balance funds that we use from other budget years to have fund next year budget uh other Opera revenue from St transfers and reserves that we have and then special Rue as well once again the tax impact uh is going to be um 1.67% how that looks to the taxpayer the net valuation maximum this is for the entire Township is 5,799 285 that is for next year it's an increase of about $8 million PRI year um average value of the home is $48,000 increase of $77 from from the last year the impact for every $100,000 of home value we have $126 would go towards schools that represents a $139 in from the prior year once again on every $100,000 of value for the home um the average home based on the average home price of $48,000 uh that would represent $5,799 per year a $66 increase PRI some highlights with the revenue we wanted to mentioned uh these are some one time um things to help fund the budget help Ben waivers we work eligible for a waiver this year as a result of some increases that are anticipated with health benefits that amount was 33952 um interest uh this isn't a one time but interest we did want to point out in pight because we are experiencing higher interest than um TI this year which is very favorable Reserve transfers we have transfers coming from two different Reserve accounts we have a unemployment Reserve account as well as an emergency Reserve account that we drawn money from and then also we wanted to highlight once the end Deb service that I mentioned previously uh that portion of the tax levy had always been there for the past years as a result of the final debt service payment on previously approved referendums by members of the public uh final da during this year the 2324 there is no Debt Service uh going to made for next year therefore that portion tax down to zero uh special Revenue fund which we have spoken about this represents any funds that we receive from another government entity uh that's for a dedicated purpose uh so Federal um funds we receive state state funds receive and also local uh the major areas are ESS idea nonp grants that are the 4 for some nonu schools within our district within our Township and then local GRS uh for next year we're anticipating federal grants for IA and Essa the am of $626,000 nonpublic grants that we received that's from the state of jur 6,200 uh with a total of $632,500 uh special education we discussed at this was our was the March 27th meeting um we have p district special exibition which is the drive of our budget um the special education also supports the administration C uh team and Department our halfway PR school program selfcontain classes through 12 we have approximately 59 students in those classes and it represents about 19% of the proposed budget for the 2225 um out of District cost uh this is for both special education and RightWay education students that attend um Regular education includes students going to bur count Tech count acemic we do have some our share time and then something uh that doesn't always occur but we do have this year we have two students attending a charter school where there is a um district for that for next year for OU District tuition costes uh it's not include Transportation I always want to put that out uh a little bit over $6 million 62922 employee benefits this is another large portion of our budget employee benefits can be contractual benefits Health prescription dental insurance that um premium payments that we pay on behalf of our staff uh it does it is offset by any um funds that we are expected to collect from our staff for benit contributions tuition reimbursement and then payment for any accumulates at time for any um retirees uh for next year um the 2425 budget this area is going to represent about 14.3% or 11,4 ,000 um drill a little bit deeper into health benefits and some of the costs that we have absorbed again we want to highlight that we were eligible for that waiver because of some of these inpa costs um for health benefits employees choose for several different plans that is offered by the state of New Jersey we are part of the state of New Jersey's health vental program that they offer uh for calend year going from 23 to 24 heal benefits are a little bit different cycle than the the school year they're on year um we experience for anybody in direct was a 9.3% increase in premiums the UC plan 1.2% increase and then in the state plan the newest plan that's being offer 11.3% and as I said before there is contributions from members of the staff uh who have health benefits to District those contributions are determined by a formula that the state gives us um or there is if if that form has already been fully instituted uh there can be some um contributions based on uh things negotiated through the contract contribution NE the contract uh employee benefits is a support prescription dental and total budget just for medical benefits I mentioned the full area earlier inclusive of flight payments and pions whatnot just medical is the largest portion of that little bit over $9 million for next year uh other operation areas of the budget include stru support Bri guides School operations mayal um extracurricular and Athletics again all significant portions of the budget for next year okay uh this now we bring for ourselves uh to our April 17th me April 17 meeting we started beginning speak about RoR for next year uh I highlighted that we take our rores from October that is um we provide several state reports uh based on dur the month of October so that's where we usually take those figures from uh we have and this is just our in District students this does not include our out of District students we had 2,693 students gr 3 12 uh is that increase to 15 students on the whole district from the prior year and then in addition to those students we also have about seven students who attend and um specializ students who attend for 39 for attending um one of the County Schools uh County ucation Technical Schools and B County cies for Staffing um probably one of the the largest area of our budget representing a 25% uh we have an overall budget of 4,494 year uh represents 493 staff and this is across three colletive party associations our educ association supervisors and then also any staff who have a whole a independent contract um between themselves and District Capital outlay um Comm R first this is 12 this is equipment or um larger project purchases are um allocated and maintain the monitoring 12 uh so you be to equip purchases for next year a large equipment purchases Vehicles a school bus in place that is um account and then a maintenance uh vehicle as well to um provide forain staff once again to this is not a new addition to what they already have but to replace one that is enging out um and then also with capital outl is um de service assessment that we are responsible for for the State Transportation the last part patience um Transportation uh District over students uh throughout this is uh inclusive of students who are eligible for Coury busing for um Gres K through 5 we provide courtesy busing the state has a mandate that we uh are required to bus anybody Beyond 2 miles um within the district the district has a policy to offer to everybody even if you were under two last for grades 85 um at Grand mid school we do enforce the 2 Mile um rule for busing and then High School half in addition to the 2,000 students that uh we bust into our six schools we have approximately 100 students those I mentioned in the previous slide we going toads uh approx a little bit over 100 students going to those locations and did want to highlight highlighted the last me as well that beginning spring of 2002 we did establish board establish a um transportation committee to look over our trans going forward to see how it be Transportation represents a overall budget of $ 6,749 about 8.7% the toal budget and one of the large um indicators for back the budget does come from the state uh it's the CPI index that they um um issue each year this is the um index where we can for any RS that are being run that we want to renew we would renew it at this rate on agenda we do have um renewals for most of our routes on there for next year uh does include all the routes that we are renewing there are a handful of routes that we are at this time which do not Ren but it does include um for next year at that 5% um couple projects for schedu for this summer we have P projects that we've already discussed once again this through our partnership we began years ago with town the second that doing that um George Washington School wrapping up the project that started last year some equipment delays that get extended we're hoping that that equipment comes in we finish set up over the summer have a backup plan ping gasing replace high school for two the labs there retain George Washington and then we are also looking at a rooftop replacement atol for the um gymnasiums and once again that brings us back to where we started talking about calendar for um the pl calendar for presentation purposes um once again after action tonight will be sent to the and um the budget for 2425 uh will officially be put in place and begin to be allocated um and purched order to be any questions from the board okay thank you very much for uh your patience going through that and thank you very much um to Administration central office fin sales committee uh as we through this process for next year thank you [Music] thanks all right thank you very much for the comprehensive presentation thank you um I don't have any report this evening so let's move on to board committee reports Mr Gallow I have two committee reports thank I'll start with the plan committee we've had a very busy agenda the last few weeks just a couple highlights uh reiterating our um focus on cash management take advantage of our high interest rate uh in our in our savings account so that we can earn inspect for revenue for the district uh another repeat that we only have a 1.67% increase in our tax rate this year thank you to the team that was able to pull that all together um lunch price uh schedule for 2024 is on today's agenda as number 18 I um 10 to 15 10 to 15 C increase on most items on the lunch menu um facilities the gas ping project the gas piping project at the high school we're replacing copper piping for natural gas lines is out for bid and the bid open is on I believe 515 sorry yep uh other items we discussed we're very excited to announce uh Middle School sports expansion bringing girls volleyball to the bridge um we have another Sports initiative um the hockey team in many bur County districts uh membership of the hockey teams has been pled over time so we are uh try oping try partnering with um lindur and pis to form a new hockey organization where there will be a new uniform new team identity um but most important for Mawa parents will reduce the cost of their participation of their student in the program from about 12200 year to about $67 so it's a big savings for those families and um we can continue to have the comprehensive program um I'm going to skip ahead to um another item on our agenda tonight is uh if you recall 5 years ago we hired land Associates to do a very detail structure SL engineering study of all of our facilities we've asked them to come back and um review that and to reflect if there are any new issues to reflect um issues that we've addressed and um so we have starting point for our strategic Plan update in the fall this year and the other more recent item that the committee has been involved with is for the last several months year or so central office been there and uh chief of police have been meeting on a school security initiative that we're envisioning implementing at a ridge school um we have a conversation the comme uh was fortunate enough to meet with the chief central office to discuss some of the options that we have there um this will be laid out in Greater detail in future board meetings with the hope of bringing a resolution to the board in June for implementation of this program in September covered all of that and uh for negotiations we have two items we are we have concluded negotiations with our principles and the contract the four-year contract will be the board so chooses be ratified tonight and will be in place for the next four years for our outstanding administrative team um we also have another item uh an addendum to the contract that we signed last year with our teachers union uh to um clarify an area of one section of the contract and also to address a couple of technical um uh glitches if you will uh that are in the contract that are now uh smoothed out ready foration bu thank you thank you Mr Val do we have other committee reports this evening okay um from stral curriculum just want to highlight two things on the uh agenda this evening under 19 um M uh this is our contract with ESS um and uh M Rizo gave an update to um our committee um how okay well anyway Serv okay that was last meeting all right well anyway m r didn't give me the to not that one let's move on then to um AA that uh is the science program uh at um JK um and um it's it's very exciting um Dr bino um came to us um and Mr Boe and his team um they really put a very a committee together to look at the um science curriculum and how we could improve it um this is uh you know hopeful to improve and continue our initiative to improve uh science and our scores in the district so you know beginning at the fourth and fifth grade level so this is um a package they looked at several um packages and this was one that the committee um decided upon and I would say the most the thing that struck us the most was there's a lot of Hands-On approach here um and we're going to be increasing our weekly science time so I think both um you know very good um uh strategies for us to uh work towards our science scores as we go up the grades so um all right that's all all right let's um take any for member remarks coms okay um old business let's take 17A oh miss Janson I'm sorry I didn't see your hand it's hard because table is I'm sorry okay just want to say thank you for the sports expansion and the hockey we have currently over 100 Kids signed up of approaching middle school so that expansion I think there's repel of K and they're going to be really happy with that so just wanted to call that out great thank you we're falling apart here all right let's move on uh minutes that's a child calling all right 17 a I need a motion on the floor Mr Hugh second by Mr Gall all right Mr bleer we pass that on to you thank you M chanc yes Mr C yes M yes Mr Denise yes Mr Galler yes Mr Hughes yes and Dr Mor yes all right um now let's take new business we have uh the budget this is a and b so we have 18 a uh the budget and the travel expend so um I need a motion on the floor for 18 second by Mr thank you Mr M Jen yes Mr C yes and thank you to the business office and the client facilities Comm M yes Mr Denise yes Mr G yes Mr Hughes yes and Dr yes um let's take new business um a to AA need a motion Mr G second by Mr Denise Mr please M Jansen yes Mr C yes M yes M Denise yes Mr G yes accept all be abstaining on 19 m thank you excuse yes but no on I and Dr yes all right uh we have next new business Personnel uh we have a to Triple H I I I think this is the first time in the is fair is busy uh busy over in his Department all right um can I have a motion J second by Mr please m j yes Mr cop yes Mr yes Mr Denise yes Mr Yes except on 2A I just want to remark that I've had the privilege of working with since I was elected to the board and it's been my great pleasure to work with him and uh thank you for his leadership in the business office yes Mr H and Dr yes all right public questions or comment public participation of board meetings is in accordance with bylaw 0167 at this time members of the public questions or make a comment on educational issues or School matters of community interest is a matter of fairness we ask to liit your questions to no more than one and your remarks to no longer than 3 minutes you're here representing a group please identify yourself the group and your position in the gr your here an individual please give us your name and address um motion to open to the public Mr G second Mr we officially open to the public okay see any coming forward at this time motion to close to C uh mrin second by Mr all right uh we do not require another ex s so we just a motion to adour uh Mr Gall second by m [Applause] daier didn't even thank you everyone for coming