Al to the flag of the United States of America to the thank you thank you for coming out um iate notice was published on Friday December 22nd 2023 in the Aur Park Press the Manchester times was advised specifying the time and place in the meeting me and a statement to this effect shall be entered into the minutes of this meeting uh the purpose of this special meeting is annual organization of the Board of Education followed by a meeting to conduct regular business of the board before we had Mr Monahan swear in our newly elected board members I just wanted to review the election results um so uh this is not in order of votes of Laura wingler received 5,184 votes St P received re 4,289 votes Gloria ainson received 4,837 votes Sam Caro received 5,574 votes G 3,000 I'm sorry 3,000 did I say five all right sorry that Gina gioro received 4,149 votes and bosina chz chowski maybe 362 votes and then we had 76 rights uh so at this time I am going to ask Mr Monahan to swear in our newly elected board members all right everybody want to come on up do it right here all right we just together all right good everybody raise your right hand this long I state your name you solemnly swear S I will support the contition of the United States in new JY United States I will bear true faith and Al to theint and to the governments to the established in the United States established in the United States we fin I state your name again do Sol SAR I possess the qualifications I possess the qualifications for the office of a member of the board of education for the office of a member of the Board of Education I'm not disqualified as a voter I'm not disqualified as a vo I not I not I am not convicted of a crime I'm not convicted of a crime and I will faithfully and I willfully and impartially and and justly perform justly perform all the duties according to the best of my ability God congratulations [Applause] [Music] okay now we have everybody seated we are going to take a roll call with the newly appointed board Mr Ser here m wingler here Mr P here miss Weinstein here miss ainson here Mrs PE Mr kellerer here Mrs M uh before we move into uh board officers I'm going to ask Mr Myan just to briefly explain the code of ethics for board members sure there's AE of ethsat let me tell you what the code of ethics means it's generally how you function as aeducation and the issue and the concern is that you function as board you're not individuals and what that means is you're not to be going to the school visiting the school while yourself and going to tell people what to do if you see a bus doing operating you don't stop complain you you function as a board of education and with that that means that you bring the issues to the superintendent the business administrator and we discussed these things as board members made decisions as board now what would happen is you have to be careful of this if you're and this probably goes on all the time if you're the grocery store sees you's going to say to you I like some issue of maybe staff member Maybe administ bus driver custodian you can listen to somebody that's fine but you should say to them I'm not here to make a decision about that not here to discussing I willingate officials superintendent buiness admin Etc U the other one of the other key things is you can't use the position of the board ofation for self I think that's pretty pretty self awareness but nobody does I just have to tell you and what that means is you can't be going out to the board using your position so you're know Board of Education if we do this or do that you can't do that so the real real uh one of the most important things I'll end with this is when you discuss things as a board of education in executive session that's when we deal with Personnel ises it's you have to keep that com out of a board executive session decide something or maybe put something in the future we're going to do you can't be going out to members of the public and I think everybody knows it I think the just say I think you know um that's really what what that means and you have to keep it confidential what we're doing an executive session and that's generally it if you look at that it really just talks and tells you about generally how to conduct yourself as a Bo member and there ever a question any time anybody has a problem or issue feel free to call I can okay thank you thank you uh in each of your folders there is a copy of the code of ethics is also a copy that you have to sign and return to me before we leave uh the board members that were sworn in also have the oath of office in their folders so make sure you turn to me as well uh okay now we are going to move on to election of officers uh so the first one will be uh taking nominations for board president seconds are not second do we have any other nominations okay we are voting on Mrs wiler's nomination for Mrs Mount as board president Mr Ser yes Mrs wingler yes Mr P yes M Feinstein yes Mrs ainson yes Mr kellerer yes M yes congratulations G thank you Mee all your um now I'd like to take nominees for the office position of vice president get a nomination make a motion for I'd like to make a motion for Michael Kart as well are there any other nominations okay um Len real quick before we start I'm flatter you would nominate me but I think in the best interest of being unified I'm going to ask that you withdraw my name and I'm going I'm personally going to support La okay great okay so we are voting on Mr P's nomination of Mrs wingler for vice president Mr Ser yes Mrs wingler yes Mr P yes Miss Weinstein yes Mrs ainson yes Mr Keller yes this congratulations Laur congratulations Mrs wingler um section one a operations numbers one through three can I get a motion second any discussion I just have one comment uh on the meeting schedule our January 17 we weren't sure coming into tonight what would be our our January 17th board meeting will start at 5:00 p.m. um we we have some we're going to need an extended executive session that that meeting for a couple of hearings so that that meeting will start at 5:00 p.m. the public section the public session will still start at 6:30 as normal but we will be here starting at 5 that's it is there any other discussions can I get a roll call please Mrs Ser yes M wingler yes Mr P yes M Weinstein yes Mrs ainson yes Mr kellerer yes Miss yes at this point in the meeting we open the floor for public comment the floor is now open to members of the public the Board of Education recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues the board requests that each statement be made by a participant is limited to 3 minutes as cited in policy 0167 there's a sign in cheat located at the podium please sign in before you speak would anybody like to speak please state your name for the record my name is Dani Staples work I like to congratulate the newly sworn in board members wish you the best of luck I'd also like to congratulate president mount on her second term and vice president wingler and uh Mr Keller I thought that was really classy what you did there and I appreciate that so um I just want to say I'm proud to be a Manchester I'm extremely proud of our Board of Education and the job that you guys do even though sometimes I show itd um but you guys to do great things and uh we're head for 2024 so thank Youk thank you anybody else like to come to the microphone I'd like to make Anem motion to adjourn our meeting second all in favor okay thank you very much thank you everybody for coming out it's nice to see such a nice crowd