here Mr Merin Mrs wingler here Mrs mat here adequate notice was published on Saturday May 25th 2024 in the ASB Park Press the Manchester times specified uh advertises specify the time and place of the meeting and statement to this effect shall be entered into the minutes of this meeting whereas section eight of the open public meetings act promes exclusion of the public from the meeting in C circumstances whereas this public body is of the opinion such circumstances presently exist now be resolved by the manest C Board of Education as follows the public shall be excluded from the discussion hearing after specified subject matters the general nature of the subject matters to be discussed legal Personnel negotiations to anticipated these matters will be made public within 60 days this resolution should have become effective immediately have a motion please motion second all in favor I we will uh first the first part of this meeting is to do be superintendent evaluation uh we will return for the public session every I'd like to resume tonight's event meeting can I get a roll call please Mr Ser here M Weinstein here Mr kellerer here Mr zon here Mrs wi here Mr here please join me in theedge of I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation under God indivisible jce good evening it's nice to see so many people here um on May 22nd with many of the board members I got to um attend the National Honor Society induction ceremony it was very nice to see all of our um students honored for their hard work the district art show was a great success uh it was so nice walking around seeing all the different samples of art that are talented students in the district created uh I got to attend the eighth grade Awards it so nice to see so many different eighth graders that were recipients of different academic and athletic awards I would like to wish them good luck as you move on to your high school years high school scholarship night was a great success as well I got to present two Awards it was nice to see so many students recognized and awarded for their hard work I wish you all the best class of 2024 As you move on and out of the Hawks Nest congratulations to all of the fifth graders moving on to the Middle School uh I'd like to say special thanks to all the District staff who made this year happen hope you enjoy your summer um many of you go on social media and you may see a little cutie Dominic is struggling right now um there's a go fund me for him so please keep Dominic and his family in your thoughts and prayers as well as Mrs vanila and her family Mrs vanilla um was a mother of children who once attended manchest schools they recently moved town but Mrs Billo tragically lost her life in a motor vehicle uh accident um in honor of pride month I leave you with some words from Ralph Waldo Emerson to be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment thank you for coming out and now you're up Mrs peda good evening everyone um you'll see on the agenda this evening we have two retirements so I'd like to acknowledge and congratulate Rael bonsky was with our district for 14 years and all the best to Mr Cornish Todd Cornish was a history teacher at the high school he was on our staff for 27 years so all the best to them and congratulations we received some correspondents from Ocean County College commending us for partnership through what's called an early college program this collaboration all our students to attend and take classes for college credit while they're still in high school and I thought I would share this because due to this partnership the families and students of Manchester who participated in our district saved over $23,000 for the 23 24th Academic School year so kudos to the high school and thank you to the Ocean County College for that partnership I also would like to speak to the members of our leadership class and I see Jay is here in some of your um your uh your class Mees on behalf of the entire Manchester Township community I want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Mrs pzo and to your leadership class they hosted what is called a fallen Haw Candlelight vigil on Saturday June 8th and I know um many of you had appended but their dedication and effort in organizing such a meaningful event did not go unnoticed the vigil was beautiful and it was a tribute to the members of our fallen Hawks and it provided a very safe space for reflection remembrance and Community Support you probably heard this phrase many times once a ha always a h it truly resonated through the evening and so I commend all of you and beautiful beautiful thank you so so before I actually do the student recognition portion I'd like to invite all of you to our graduation which will be um uh this Thursday at 3:30 at the high school um for the middle school and 6:30 for the high school um students once again I'll just say it so clear the middle school will be conducted at the high school but it will start at 3:30 celebration will start at 6:30 so um I know you think it's kind of funny but anything that could happen to me as superintendent has occurred we had snow we had a power outage and now we have a heat advisory so I'm just going to implore all of you we are doing everything we can to monitor the weather obviously safety is always Paramount in my mind right now we have spoken to the Manchester Township Police Department we've also spoken to the office of energy um and uh you know eerc management what they are saying is that they believe we can conduct it outside at this time provided the fact that we are hydrated that we are providing um some opportunities for people to be able to view it in air conditioned settings so we we we will be live streaming the graduations both the middle school and the high school thanks to the high school team thanks to Mr Rouser and thanks to Keith eer that actual link will go out on Thursday morning at about 88 a.m. so people can watch it at anywhere the comfort of their home or they can watch it in our high school in our Auditorium or our cafeteria which are also air conditioned um of course if you'd like to join us on the field you can certainly do that that is Our intention right now things could change a storm could roll in the weather could change um but I certainly will do everything to be proactive and make sure that the information is given out as soon as I receive it um I hope that everyone understands that safety is always going to be Paramount in my mind but right now that we feel very pretty confident that we can do it on outside so now I will continue with our student recognition portion Mr as can you bring that up for me you I think we're going to start with mtes you right actually I think we're going to start with the Girl Scout of the silver award recipient you need to share sing don't want me to no problem what we'll do is we'll bring up Mrs driver and we'll start with our Scout so I think it's Chloe here tonight hi chlo out so congratulations to [Applause] Chloe the silver award we are so proud of you but I'm going to ask Mrs driver and yourself to please explain to everyone a little bit about your award and why check receiving my award for my silver project and what I did is I many hearts and I put themag not about mental health and stay positive I around newey and other states for people are find and they could post them on Facebook group or they could share them to other people and it was just a nice way to spread positivity anday happy proud conratulations is one of our eighth grade graduates so we wish you all the best in high school I'm sure she's going to bring her good deeds to high school as [Applause] well so we will now start with MTS and I believe we have Claudia Abigail and Savannah are they here this evening and AA [Applause] students in fth grade at MCS raise money for the jbj Soul Kitchen a unique establishment that serves anyone who needs a meal students learn and what it means to pay it forward as a way of helping others in the community they created posters and presentations about the special restaurant and explain to the lower grades that kindness is free with help of the volunteers on field day the students sold pretzels to raise money for the restaurant and they were able to raise over $770 to donate to the JJ yeah [Applause] [Music] you this is representative from the Soul Kitchen came to the school to talk about the purpose of the restaurant and to receive check from the students and if I'm correct Mrs is Mrs the teacher at mts's mother Mrs J she was Mrs before she got married and now she brought her mom there and I think that you guys are really commended for your efforts and coming together and you are right kindness is free so congratulations and thank you for putting it forward we'll continue with Ridgeway is Victoria here she is congratulations Victoria you could be better than that [Applause] congratulations from Mrs Paladino's fourth grade class at Bridgeway and she was triumphant when she defeated the class board game Paladino land students were challenged to complete I ready lessons with Proficiency in both math and Ela to un achievements along the board Victoria displayed grit and determination as she worked hard to complete over 50 I ready lessons with proficiency throughout the game that is am and really remarkable and her work shines through and all of her work in progress in school we're very proud of you and we love your game our next few students are from lighting but I believe only one of them is joining us tonight but I believe their parents are here am I correct so we're going to ask ran to come up andan [Applause] family congratulations so both Ryan and z are participating in the National youth leadership Forum Pathway to St it will be held this summer at OVA University which is quite impressive each were nominated we're going to hold up a little sign I like that each were nominated by their fifth grade teacher Mrs gravich for outstanding academic maturity and Leadership potential the pathways to stem is a wonderful opportunity for ambitious young students to explore their interests outside the classroom and to discover how to innovate and think creatively through Hands-On immersive learning students are challenged with real world simulations problems working together to develop unique Solutions and projects that will be brought to life with their career interest congratulations to both of them as they Embrace this wonderful learning opportunity you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] know our next student is from Regional day school and child is actually rean who is the most improved student I think I saw there thank you so much and congratulations to rean congratulations rean Randall She was recently honored at Jersey Shore blue CLA game for being the most improved student our R School family and the Community are so proud of her and look at that face and smile she's not only improving but she's cute as a [Applause] butt conratulations [Applause] our next student is the man he absolutely is the man so this wonderful young man is valo and Val is from Regional Bas school he is a very friendly very social very funny young man and he recently guess what graduated to go back he loves he pushed everyone around him in his puy mood he loves music he loves books he loves movies and of course he loves Mr George wrestling this spring he was voted prom King and was honored as one of this year's graduates thank you for brightening our days with your contagious laugh and smile we wish you continued success congratulations [Applause] congratulations thank you we're running stuff over our next young man is from the middle school and we're looking for Jeffrey is Jeffrey here today hi Jeffrey come on [Applause] up we are scaming Jeffrey at the June board meeting Education meeting this evening Jeffrey has participated this year at the Challenger league in flag football soccer basketball and baseball [Applause] Tri has come through on the field his kindness and compassion for his we we love having you there Jeff congratulations let's give him another round of applause [Applause] our next two athletes are from the middle school and I'm looking for Jeremy and Carol I think I we are so proud of Jeremy and caroler they represent the middle school as our student athletes for the month of June Jeremy and Carol are both great representation of what it means to be a student athlete they are both eth grade leaders of our baseball team field basketball and soccer teams respectfully they work just as hard in the classroom as they do in the athletic Arena and serve as an ex an excellent example to our younger student athlet and that's what we're looking for so congratulations [Applause] guys our next student is from the high school I think I saw me here is she here tonight if you want to come and get her award that's fine me has participated in the program interning at Rob P's K9 training program in Thomas River she has excelled under the direction of Mr hin and listen to this she was offered a $10,000 scholarship to continue her studies to become a professional dog trainer you're not aware of our SE program our SLE program structured learning experience is fantastic it actually allows children to get a knowledge base of something that they want to do perhaps in pursu in a career so last week we had a workshop here where the kids actually highlighted all the different internships that they completed they presented their projects and for her to get a 10,000 scholarship that is just truly remarkable but it gives kids authentic learning experiences and they are working with people in the field they are actually going there and completing their job and their task it's creating a sense of responsibility it's creating Independence and it's also letting them know if this is something they want to explore later on in life so congratulations thank you for the wonderful program we're so happy to have that at the high school and congratulations to so this next group is truly remarkable and I'm going to ask for the P leadership class to come up I think I saw Shelby Taylor here we actually have Shay Jal I believe Eric is here key here Jamie and jenes so these wonderful students are part of the peer leadership Memorial Garden project and they were instrumental in continuing to devel ha Memorial Garden um if you go to the high school graduation for middle school or for high school you simply have to take a look at the Garden what they did is simply magnificent they have transformed that space and you can just see from the picture it is it is just really what they've done the conclusion with dinner and they had actually a release of butterfli there was a candle light ceremony every detail was so well thought out and congratulations because all student driven and that is what is so impressive about all of you so thank you so much for your hard [Applause] work and the next two students are representing the high school they are the student athletes oh I think I saw mrso back there can you give her a nice round of applause [Applause] she's a very humble teacher but she really did kind of bring that all together for the students and so we thank her these athletes are simply tremendous so Bella and Joey have been exceptional careers in terms of Athletics and they will appear on our record board I was laughing with Bella like you going to run the hallways when we were doing the senior law because she is just truly remarkable Bella had a tremendous track movement she finished finished qualifying her seven lead of Champions in the triple jump and placing six in New Jersey she was recognized for sportsmanship by the short conference with a $500 scholarship and she will attend North Florida University for track [Applause] congratulations not to be on Match by jelly who led the track team to its fourth consecutive Title by winning four events in the divisional championship me he did the 11 I went over this today with you 400 High hurdles right am I doing that right and 200 meter and then the 4x400 relay which is a lot a lot I don't I know I can't we got us his his fall at the group Championship caused his wrist injury and we're so sorry about that surgery removed him from the need of Champions but we are glad you're on the road to recovery and University for soccer in the fall and [Applause] congratulations we are so proud of all of our we hope everybody has a wonderful summer we're looking forward to a fun relaxing summer an enjoyable summer but we will be back with our Awards presentations once again in September [Applause] at this time we would like our military ambassador to give you a report uh yes so uh I attended uh The Whiting um last week and particip that it was great time uh and then I really just want to thank the uh the board and the the district for all the support that they provide the military and and our our military conected students for your service J this time we would like to have report all righty good evening my name is J Jones I the executive Student Government brother Manchester colge High Schools um and I here PR the board with important information about the activities and events that planned at high school since the last meeting for the seniors PR was May 17 was really nice it was fun the food was good and the venue was beautiful um graduation is next for the seniors I am super nervous but I'm excited to see what I'm going to do in the future uh for the juniors they are next year they're planning for prom um they think it's going to be on a Thursday so that way their Senior Skip their Senior Skip Day can be on a Friday um and then for sophomores we didn't hear that okay we like we like organization Jay for sophomores for the sophomores they are putting down their deposit for prom on May 2nd or May 9th and they will be at the Shore Club in Spring late and for the Freshman they are preparing for next year and they are trying to create more fundraising ideas I'd like to thank you for allowing me to represent man Township High School student government and thank you what are your plans for after graduation I will attend V University for Aviation [Applause] management I just I just want to say um this is a very special class for me because honestly I was the principal of Bridgeway um many of the students are actually um graduating now with this particular class but I've also learned to um meet so many students at the high school and the middle school and it's one of the the kindest and sweetest and most generous senior classes and I know we're going to hear great things from all of you because just to know what you're going to be doing and all of your um your peers that are sitting back there just tremendous tremendous the award might just showed how much you have worked hard you've persevered you have that grit and you're dedicated so we wish you all the best congratulations Mr Ron do you have a report yeah a couple items um all these are agenda items uh there's a lot of stuff on on the agenda tonight in section one under Finance uh reason for this is we are preparing for the upcoming school year we are on a fiscal year July to June so a lot of the things on the agenda tonight are reappointing professionals District Operations uh other assignments that staff have out outside and above their titles so you'll see a lot of that stuff on the agenda tonight uh we have a couple withdrawals from some reserves that we have these are funds that have accumulated over time and we can use them for Capital Improvements in the district or maintenance improvements first one is we're going to do a a withdrawal out of our capital reserve so that we can replace uh a badly needed uh shingle roof and Ridgeway uh we will be looking at there is one other section of the roof that's a flat roof we'll be looking at that separate time but this summer we will replace the shingle roof uh we are doing a withdrawal out of our maintenance Reserve to tackle a couple different projects uh we are looking to do some additional parking at Ridgeway uh we will be updating it's called a medicine system but it's essentially the system that controls all of our hbac uh in that building uh we will be Paving the access road behind the high school one of the things we're we're taking a look at next year is uh student drop off and pick up at the high school try to find a safer way to get those students in the building and out of off the property uh so that that will be a big part of getting that done um we are doing some concrete repair at the Middle School uh we have a lot of erosion near the building so we are going to pull that dirt down put some concrete in to stop erosion near the building and then the last one is we're replacing a fire panel at our Middle School the fire panel is what controls our entire fire alarm system uh the system itself is obsolete we cannot get parts for it anymore uh so before it fails we're going to replace them um we have a resolution on the agenda just to withdraw some funds out of our out of our reserves in our regional day school budget this is to cover additional cost for uh health care and some staffing costs due to the increase in students we've hired more staff during the year uh we have two school buses on the agenda that we're disposing one uh can no longer transport students due due to the age of the bus and one was total in a car accident and that bus is being replaced we have since been reimbursed by the insurance company that maximum is not our fault so our insurance company will subred against the other driver and lastly lunch pricing for 2425 school year is on the agenda uh we we tried very hard to keep the increase minimal um you know I'm sure you guys are out there and you're seeing the cost of food and those types of things we we experience those same things uh looking at school looking at lunch pricing in the county we are pretty much right in the middle of the road uh so uh these will be the prices that will be set for that is my thank you this time we would like to invite any members of the community to come speak about agenda items please state your name the microphone t got it got so congratulations to everyone for a successful ending of a school year number one I'm Heather Kramer uh Steiner Road in Hol Oaks Manchester I am also a head leader of our cpad so just a quick question um one this time under on page six under regular business um there is letter J special education Council so I was just hoping you would be able to give a little bit feedback on that is and then following on that letter J Cooper lenson is he the person that is going or they the people that are going to be in charge yes so those two things are actually the same thing one is the special light Council and then the appointment of cooper levenson cooper levenson are our specialed attorneys so they're they're ones that advise us and represent us in matters of special education in the district this was a firm we brought on last year and we are continuing with them as we go forward okay so this is the same firm as last year correct thank you thank you is there anybody else that would like to come to the microphone are there any board member reports I intended the uh vigil and it was very impressive beautiful service and the uh environment was just gorgeous and the dinner and setup I mean it was done as well as any adults have put on a dinner for so congratulations it was really quite nice yes I I also attended the Hogs Memorial and you're right it was it was phenomenal what the young people did and you know for someone who knows several the people who were recognized it may feel great and you really did a great service to the community and families I've also attended the Honor Society induction I did the uh Regional day prom at the Clarion and that was just so much fun they had a ball as you say from every moment that they walked in that door until they left I commend the staff and you know the the people who put that on it was phenomenal those kids were treated like loyalty they felt good about themselves and it just gave me a warm feeling Manchester is really doing a great job as far as that's concerned I attended the dolphin day um I guess that was your field day dolphin day and that was CU my great granddaughter participating in the kindergarten but that was a lot of fun and and again our students are well engaged and and the activities are just phenomenal for them I did the um Ridgeway Garden uh kindergarten I'm sorry stepping up program I guess it's not a graduation but that was also phenomenal and I attended the senior Awards tonight and also gave a couple of uh scholarships thank you any other board members have a report is there any old business or correspondence uh there is no old business no corresponds all right we're going move to the agenda section one new business a numbers 1 through four can I get a motion motion any discussion can I get a roll call please Mr Ser yes M Weinstein yes Mr kellerer yes Mrs ainson yes Mrs wing yes Mrs M yes okay uh next section contains letters b through e can I get a motion motion any discussion can I get a roll call please Mr Ser yes Miss winstein yes Mr Keller yes Mrs ainson yes Mrs wingler yes Mrs M yes okay next section is f regular business for the 24 25 school year numbers 1 through 23 can a motion please motion any discussion can I get a roll call please Mrs Ser yes M Weinstein yes Mr kellart yes Mrs ainson yes Mrs wingler yes Mrs yes section two administrative letter A numbers 1 through 10 a motion please any discussion I get a v call please Mrs Ser yes M Weinstein yes Mr Keller yes Mrs ainson yes Mrs wingler and Mrs M yes next session big one it's Personnel numbers 1 through 78 can I get a motion have second second any discussion I would like to congratulate those who are retiring and I would also like to thank those who are leaving our district for other positions the best of luck and I'd like to thank you for your service to the Manchester cwn of school district can I get a Mr seret yes M Weinstein yes Mr Keller yes Mrs ainson yes Mrs wiber yes Mrs yes student Personnel numbers one to can I get a motion please any discussion can I get a roll call please Mr serman yes M Weinstein yes Mr ker yes Mrs ainson yes Mrs wingler yes Mrs M yes d special services numbers one and two can I get a motion motion discussion are we just sending three students out of District at this point in the school year this will be for next year okay we don't have any programs well actually they'll start some of these may start the for the extended school but these are placements okay any other questions roll call please Mr seret yes M Weinstein yes Mr kellerer yes Mrs ainson yes Mrs wingler Mrs M yes athletic numbers one and two can I get a motion please any discussions can I get a vote call please Mr Ser yes M Weinstein yes Mr kellerer yes M zson yes Mrs wingler yeah and M yes section three Finance letter A numbers 1 through five can I get a motion please any discussion can I get a v call please Mr seret yes M Weinstein yes Mr kellerer yes M zson yes Mrs rber and M yes at this time we would like to open up the floor for public comment I'd like to congratulate Miss pal Mar for your new position as well as Mrs Mo special [Applause] so so we do have a need to go into another executive session uh at this point we do not believe action will be taken so we will uh we will adjourn here going to close session and once we're finished there the meeting we'll close the meeting g a motion to go into close second second all in favor thank you [Applause]