##VIDEO ID:fAEjpNIva1Y## Mr [Music] Mr join me in the pledge of alance iedge alance to the flag United States America stands na like to thank everybody for coming out tonight it's nice to see um so many students here who will be honoring shortly for all of your hard work so congratulations um I hope everybody enjoys what is left of our summer seems they go faster each year uh today I got to attend the Warren The Whiting Elementary School new student orientation um my son who was once an mte dragon is now a Whiting wild cat we went that very organized all run um please see the district website for upcoming orientations um back to school nights Etc everything's updated on there um I would like to say congratulations to our new administrators who will be approving tonight we'll get to meet a little bit later uh congratulations to all those being acknowledged um in the uh Manchester patch for being outstanding Educators so nice to see the writeups that uh different people write about them please don't forget to join your PTA as they do so so much for our schools and our students and I hope everybody here all the students have a great school year um get involved and make lots of [Music] memories good evening everyone my apologies I'm a little under the weather so my voice scary my apologies to all of you on the agenda you'll see this evening that we have a retirement Miss Joseph Danielle Joseph was a regional B school Power professional she worked there for 18 years and we wish her the best congratulations you'll find on the agenda that we have spring 2024 access scores that presentation will be made available that you not Saro for creating not only the presentation but also a video that goes along with it will share that evening on our website I do want to thank our teams who have been diligently working on curriculum staff development and facility we're excited about the upcoming year and the opportunities that sense for our students regarding Staffing you'll see that there has been a lot of hiring going on over the school year and as this said congratulations to all of our new staff welcome you to this this point I would like to just remind everybody that although summer is going to be coming to an end shortly we do have some exciting things coming up which would be our opening of school so we look forward to seeing our staff back on Tuesday September 3rd and our students joining us on Thursday September 5th this time I'd like to ask Miss T to come up so that we can Rec congratulate students you good evening everyone thank you so much for being here um I am so thrilled to present some um Awards of achievement for our AP students um although this will be my last AP presentation um you know definitely still honored to to be a part of it and the reason my last is um I am now working as elementary school so very thank you but to close up so the AP program at man Township High School provides opportunities for students to engage in rigorous course uh programming that they can potentially in college credit form so um the course is designed kind of like an introductory course for college to expose students to what is the next level After High School um they basically developed the essential skills one would need at the University or the college level and Beyond um so basically the way it works is the AP exam is scored on a scale of one to five um five being the highest one could receive and generally a score of four or five indic indicates Mastery at the college level um so the success of this program obviously is the hard work of our students the support of our families and parents at home because they could not do this without you but also definitely to recognize um our District's vision for rigorous course offerings obviously our Board of Education who um approves it and supports it but also our building level administration of high school and um our teachers right we can't get here without our fantastic teachers um for students to get college credit it's generally they have to score a three a four or a five but it's not every single University or college you would have to look at the different institution you are looking to apply to what their scores are again everyone is different um one thing is kind of neat I remember story being a student who went down the University of Florida and through her experiences of AP for four years at Manchester High School she was able to start as almost a third year student in her first year of University she had finished almost a two full years which is pretty incredible when you're considering the amount of time and money she is saving from these opportunities that we're able to present to our students here um so tonight we are looking at we are recognizing students who scored a four or a five and I will tell you I am so proud to say our list is very long that does not mean it is easy the score of four or five is an exceptional fee and again we are so proud of our students so one thing that college board has introduced this year is there's different scholar Awards so we have an AP scholar AP scholar scholar with honors and AP scholar with distinction so of that we have 50 students who have just received that um if you will acknowledgement and so even if students have four or five it doesn't mean they got the AP scholar or honors this is sort of that next level within it and you can see there's different requirements um to receive that AP scholar AB scholar with honors or with distinction one of the things with college board is they could receive like if you're looking at for a distinction granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP exams taken and the score of three or higher on five or more of these exams now that's pretty incredible right off the B right but if at any point a student received let's say a two then that would disqualify them for the distinction even though they may have excelled in other areas so it's really important we recognize our um AP faculty at the High school um our courses range in the mathematics English social studies science um we are very fortunate and computer science as well we're very fortunate to be able to offer all these um courses for our students so without further Ado I'm going start calling some students up so our first student is um I'm going to have you come down here because the certificate's over here um our first student is William Ashton for AP Language and Composition a four and an AP [Applause] scholar number two is Lacy Barbaro AP English Language and Composition and re for our next to you Veronica Vos AP Calculus DC an AB subscore four and also an EP SC the next student receiv received or participated in three AP exams that we are recognizing them for it's Christopher cavalo for AP Chemistry AP Calculus BC and AP Calculus BC um all fours and an AP scholar [Applause] can you st here we take one B picture the I'm sorry all right next student uh again several courses no aund for AP Chemistry AP Calculus BC ab subscore and AP calculs BC uh all received four and AP [Applause] me dun doc excuse me m doc AP Psychology received before Elana idell AP English Language sorry AP English Literature and composition for and also an AP scholar [Applause] Catherine SEL AP psychology of [Applause] five next student Emily fiser AP Psychology received four and is an EP scholar [Applause] next St Brett Goldman AP modern world history four R AP English Language and Composition four [Applause] all right so Taylor heni has two um Taylor has AP Statistics a five with an AP scholar with distinction and AP environmental science a four and again AP scholar with [Applause] distinction picture H AP English language and composition of [Applause] five Andrew dong he's got few AP environmental science AP calfi is DC and AP Cal BC with an AB subscore all [Applause] fours next student again is a Donovan kellerer he has AP calul BC AB subscore 4 and AP Calculus [Applause] DC Brian Co has uh two AP exams that he's being recognized for and as an AP scholar AP US History and AP Human Geography four [Applause] Catherine an laa AP Psychology and AP English Literature and composition both scores of [Applause] four D Malon AP English Language and Composition score four just so fortunate it's hard to keep track of all the certificates because there's so many Fantastic Dante Mor a calculus with a BC with an AP sub score is a four and an AP [Applause] scholar uh Hannah one AP psychology of [Applause] four uh my next uh student three exams suan Nolan for AP US History AP English Language and composition AP comparative government in politics all scores of five and an AP scholar with [Applause] h all right our next student Iden ozinsky he is an AP scholar with distinction he has apus history for AP geography of four AP Calculus bc5 AP Calculus BC with an AB subscore five and AP biology a [Applause] four [Music] umor uh she is AP scholar with honors and is for AP Chemistry AP Calculus DC with the ab subcore ab calculus and yeah and all scores of four um we have Alexander qua AP Chemistry score four and he's an AP scholar with honors AP Calculus BC and ab subscore and ab Calculus BC scores of [Applause] four next we have is Jamie poke Jamie received um a five in all of her exams she's an AP scholar that's AP Psychology AP Calculus BC with an AB subscore and an AP Calculus [Applause] DC next student is Ella Roger she's an EP scholar with distinction receiving a four and all her exams AP English language in composition AP comparative government in politics AP Calculus BC with an AB subscore and then an AP Calculus [Applause] BC unfortunately some our students have yes absolutely fortunate unfortunate for us to be able to celebrate them in person um next um azra Ramos he has uh he's an AP scholar with distinction AP US History five and EP environmental science with a [Applause] four next stud Sean Samuel um both scores of four AP Calculus DC with an AB sub score and AP calculous VC [Applause] the next student um is an AP scholar with distinction Lucas saraphina is AP English language and composition of four AP Chemistry of four AP Calculus BC with an AB subscore of five and AP cist DC with the score of five [Applause] all right next student uh is an AP scholar with distinction receiving uh fours on both exams it is Daniel shy for AP English Language and Composition and AP Chemistry [Applause] next student um Olivia Ross AP Psychology and AP English Language and Composition both score of four [Applause] [Music] the next student uh Natalia Stevens she is an AP scholar um score four in both exams AP English Literature and composition and AP [Applause] biology Caitlyn vanel AP scholar AP loal language and composition of five and AP comparative government four [Applause] and uh the last student Alexander V vas apologize AP Calculus BC then AB subscore 4 and EP cus C4 [Applause] here is our a students pretty phenomenal feed I don't know how long I was up here but that's pretty incredible and that tells you so much about the education here in the Manchester Township School [Applause] District for [Music] you have a clicker evening everybody so tonight I'm presenting our school safety report which is part of our mandatory reporting requirements from the Department of Education if you remember in the spring our first year uh first half of the Year activity and now we're record full year activity I did you find a a good area button oh I think oh this is it yeah this the next slide yeah so again I was just explaining this is the system that we use to report all cities during the year I reported the first half of the year in the spring and then this is the second half the so when we report incidents these are the categories that we reporting incidents in violence V substances weapons hidden harassment intimidation bullying confirmed investigations and then just alleged cases of those and then there are incidents with each each of these categories that will go over tonight so the first slide that we're going to look at is just the um the total incidents over the last four years um so at the end of the day when you look at 3 24 we had a total of 84 incidents that's actually two fewer incidents than last year so for all 10 purposes pretty much in keeping with what a typical year has looked like you know you get to 2021 you're talking about the hybrid postco 2122 were restrictions last year and this year we're kind of getting back to business as usual if you will and and the um the totals are are similar but when you look a little bit deeper into the categories you'll see some shifts in some different incidents so for example incidents of violence our numbers increased a significant number uh vandalism went down and one of the most positive numbers is our incidence of substances or suspected substance use in our buildings was down pretty dramatically as well um weapons which are typically incidents of a student bringing something by the state to building about the same are hit confirmed is another number that we got to look at that number went up last year you know those are confirmed uh press intimidation Bo investigations and the number of alleged incidents was right about the same but a little bit high but that gives you an idea of 24 23 24 relative to the past four years and then when we take a look at this year 23 24 just period one vers period two you know and the periods are not exactly even so the second half of the year is you longer because it's January June um you'll see that there was still a significant increase in our activity the second half of the Year versus the first half of the Year particularly in the areas of violence you look at um and again our our hip confirmed was a was a dramatic rise and and our alleged hips was a little bit higher than what you may expect so it's also interesting to keep in mind that this is the information that our building school safety teams are use as a school year starts to say okay how did last year finish what are some areas that we want to focus on let's take a look at what last year looked like and what are some things that we want to do from a building perspective for this year it also gives us an opportunity as a district to say what are some things that we want to have in place to help address some of these situations so those are some of the conversations we've had from an administrative perspective over the uh over the summer and then the buildings will hit the ground running in um in in September so um so these are just incidents of reporting period too so we just look at all the reporting periods too again it's a little bit longer you can see that the numbers are pretty much uh aligned with the other second halfes of the year in terms of they're typically higher than they were the first half of the year with this year um being a pretty significant increase and now we'll start to take a look at um some of the categories and where some of these things are taking place so for example when we look at the violence report it breaks up into a number of different categories most of which don't apply at our schools but there are things that we would have to report if that kind of activity was happening in bus uh but you do talk about s which is for on purposes the common definition is a one-sided fight right a situation where one students going become physical and the other student doesn't want to be physical um and we had an increase in the second half of the Year this year vers last year we're also seeing a trend that we have some more physical incidents at the Middle School uh but this is also the opp for the Middle School to look at who are the people who are the students who are taking part in these things do we have repeat offenders do we have students in certain uh groups that are being more involved than others and at the end of the day the numbers are pretty small and if we start to so that's an opportunity to say okay this is a look at what happened the second half of the year are there some things that we want to put in place that can help address some of these inces um and again you'll see most of the physical activities taking place at the middle school and the high school school with a little bit of an increase not a little an increase at the middle school that um that was pretty substantial it's also important to keep in mind that with our school resource officer and our class through officers in all the buildings who are constantly in communication with the police so not all physical altercations are the same sometimes you can have a situation where two students become physical with each other and setting and it doesn't rise to the level of either student being injured or maybe they were friends and they just got into a physical argument versus you know two students at a high school will be get into a physical alteration that you know could lead to police involvement and and those kinds of things so it's important to understand that all those are very readily available to us but when you boil it down to this not all of these situations are the same they might fit into the same category but that does not mean that they are same so uh but again it gives all the buildings a really good picture of a place to start and what do we want to focus on for next year again vandalism we had a few very small minor you know incidents um in terms of those types of things all three of them have happen at the middle school um and so you know this is an example of a student drawing something and and St breaking a window or something along those lines but these are not you know uh real serious incidents of vanm but we did have a few and uh pretty much keeping with what we've seen actually fewer incid of this uh this year versus last year Mr George what was the false public alarm it was uh basically somebody posting something about a potential situation that didn't and again police were notified everything um this I think is I what I hope to see the beginning of a good Trend in our schools in regards to our substance report again we've we put a sack in the Middle School we've really put a lot of emphasis on education we've made some policy changes for the district um in regards to students and suspected of being under the influence it's under the influence um but we did see a dramatic in both reporting periods decrease in uh Ed confirmed meaning somebody was suspected and turned out to be under the influence or somebody who was in possession of something in Le buildings uh again you're seeing these incidents at the middle school and the high school uh and also at the region of Bas school but um I do feel like that the district and board has made a real effort to try to educate and and be also set a really strong example of what it's going to look like if you engage in this kind of behavior in the schools and uh we've got date sensors at the middle school in the high school we've got a lot of a lot of things that are going into bringing this number down but I'd like to think that this is the start of you know hopefully the trend will see continue and the in the case of weapons we had no incidents reported this year which is a good thing like I said typically this is a situation where somebody might forget that they had a knife in the backpack fishing or whatever it might be uh but we had no incidence now harassment intimidation bullying this is just in Period two um and this gives you an idea of what was going on in each building so um and first number is the number of confirmed cases and the second number of it is of Investigations that took place um and you'll see for all intent and purposes the numbers are somewhat in keeping with what typically the school the one that kind of pops out here is Ridgeway had very busy uh a very busy spring and there were some some confirmed incidents it's interesting because as you start to look at this at the elementary they they tend to be grades four and five um a number of them tend to be social media you know somehow influence and U and talking to some people at the elementary school some of the things that were taking place for example at Whiting in the first half of the year that's originally in the second half of the year so if you were looked at Whiting might have had a busier first half of the year but we saw some of those um situations kind of playing out in Ridgeway again the building's looking at do we have you know repeat offenders in these areas if it gets to that point we have to put a specific action plan in place for student um so there's a number of things that go on but the buildings will also look at are there categories that we need to look at our kids you know using certain terms or is there patterns of behavior and and topics that we need to address and you know that'll be part of what each school safety team looks at to say what kind of assemblies do we want to bring in this year um last year the state came out with that NJ fors which is a new grant funding program which we took advantage of last year and had some really good assemblies so those are some of the things that been this year as well so you know when we look at U you know where do we use this information and how do we do the nice thing about the fall is all starts with a really good strong opening to the school year especially you now can Target your opening address as a principal based on some of the things that you know might have been going on last just to really set that um set that tone and then the other thing is the school safety teams meet and this is part of some of the information hster is a great resource is what we use to track all of our investigations so the buildings and the school safety teams will work on uh really targeting some some assemblies and things that they want to bring in as I said we we've brought in the prosecutor's office in the past we brought in NJ fors leeu is a group that is now working with preferred behavioral and the NJ fors which is with that done some wonderful programs in our schools so we'll be looking to to benefit from those programs and then a little bit bigger picture from more of a district perspective one of the things that we started last year was a threat assessment team and it was a new initiative from the State Department of Education we elected last year to go with a districtwide team meaning that if there was a situation going on in a building we could utilize this team um to help address that student situation we're going to shift that this year and bring those teams into the buildings all time so that it becomes more specific and a little bit more flexible to respond to you know do we have some patterns go around a specific student and do we need to bring all the resources to the school there so the thre assessment team is made up by the school resource officer the school safety specialist me the building principal the school psychologist but then also teachers or parents or other people in the building who could potentially have a positive impact on a student in a given situation you know all individualized to that kid question because you know my son might know a different teacher that's exact idea right you know Le are a connection that we can we can leverage in this situation to hopefully get things moving in in the right direction so you know that's something that we'll be doing um and then again obviously we have our SEO initiatives going on another program that we're going to be working with this year which I think is is going to be a really positive experience for everybody it's life lifelines is a suicide prevention by the society uh prevention team suicide and we got Grant funded through preferred behavioral to have a program brought to our district so what that does is the first thing they do is they will come in and take a look at all of our policies and our procedures just to see if there are some resources that they can bring to help our our child study team members and our counselors from that perspective they're going to do a a staff survey just to see how the staff feels about topics and resources and information that they might need then they will do a ser of trainings throughout the year that will end in um lessons being delivered in health and Pad at the middle school and the high school and then a parent component as well so it'll really be a great opportunity for us to look at the district and our program and our prevention strategies from a Toc um and so that's something that we'll be engaging in this this year as well um again we've got the house system in place for the first year here at the middle school something will continue as well as our our restoring practices this but um so that's our our second half our full year and like I said it really is a good launching pad for at this time I'd like to invite the military ambassador to give us a report uh as usual I want to thank the district for your continued support uh to the the children and families of the base uh and we look forward to working with you guys in this up school year for uh any initiatives and U trips to M than uh today we have two representatives from our Student Government we have um M Emily Johnson and Mr Danel sh evening everyone my name is em Johnson I'm ex name Daniel and I'm the ex vice president I hope everyone is having a nice summer the reason speaking for you tonight is to provide you the board with important information regarding the activities events that taking place of that are currently being planned in our high school Community since the last meeting and here are events that we've been working on St Council our cold group meeting will be on August 224 at 1130 a. between freshman and building tour so tomorrow our members will be helping with building tours so alls sophomores juniors seniors and parking spot things Contin tomorrow caign between August 22nd and September 1st and once school year kicks off we have Club Rush which will take place between September 16th and September and what club brush is for some of you who do not know it is a great opportunity for incoming freshman or returning students students to school to open up to extracurriculars after school taking place in school and it just displays what variety we have in our school and one of the clubs will introduce the frh to SDA which our elections for the Freshman will take place at the end of September which we are anticipating really appreciate more helping the school and our fall week will take place between September 23rd and September 27 and our homecoming game will be September 27th following our homecoming G on September 28th I would just like to say thank you for allowing us to represent the Mt THS student government of the board Lee I trly we are truly honored to be here with all of you and have the opportunity to fill all you in on our SGA offer and working very hard on we look forward to in Fall SCH year thank you again and have a great night um at this time I'd like to get mr's report just a couple items on the agenda we have a couple shared service agreements on the agenda and tuition tuition agreement in place for student we are going to accept in our pre preschool disable program this will be a tuition based uh placement so l scho p as tuition their student to attend our program we have a shared service agreement on the agenda to provide a bus a for a student a lacy student that attends Regional Day School we have a par professional that lives with Lacy and has done it a little bit last year and is going to continue to do it uh so we have a shared service agreement set up for that we also have a shared service agreement set up with plumstead Township School District uh we currently share our one of our physical therapists one of our part-time physical therapists with them she's with us three days a week and with them two days a week so this is another share service agreement where they will for those two days a week they will they will reimburse the district and then lastly uh have two agreements on the agenda for our upcoming gymnastics season uh for the for the previous previous years we pretty much ran all of our gymnastics through Jackson Township we had a shared service agreement with them uh to hold our gymnastics practices and meets there uh this year they bump they bumped up their shared service fee it started out at 1500 bucks I think now it's up to five or 6,000 they want so uh we found another another place Legacy Gymnastics where we will hold our practices our one home one home meet that we have we will hold a Jackson Township so that's the reason there's two different agreements one will be for where our girls practice and the other one will be for the one that we that we run the rest things on the agenda tonight I just want to bring your attention at this time of the meeting uh we invite anybody um from the audience who has questions on agenda items only to come to the microphone we have any board member reports is there any old business or correspondence no business no correspondence okay now we'll move to the agenda section one a new business numbers 1 to three can I get a motion motion second any discussion can I get a roll call please Mr Weinstein yes Mr P yes Mr Keller yes Mrs ainson yes Mr mkin Mrs W yes M yes uh section B through e can I get a motion please Mo any discussion can I get a roll call please mrin yes Mr P yes Mr K yes Mr Aon yes Mr Merin Mr wiber yes M yes section two administrative numbers one to three can I please get a motion any discussion can I get a vote please M wi yes Mr P Mr K yes Mr zon yes Mr mkin Mr wiber yes Mr yes thank you so before we go into personel I do have one item I do need to read in this will be item number 10 and it is to resend the approval for Rose Kilmer long-term substitute teacher for the school from 9124 to 4125 she was in [Music] for Section so personel lot of them here numers 1 through 57 can I get a motion please this I'd like to say congratulations to Mr selli who's leaving the classroom become administrator and welcome aboard Mr Johnson and mzo you're not official Mr yes Mr K yes Mrs ainson yes Mr M Mrs wiber yes Mrs yes all right congrat special services number one can I get a motion please a discussion are these movs These are are discuss okay and for those of you that don't know when a child moves in to our district from another District that's in an out of District placement we do have 30 days to review the placement hopefully come up with the program within our own District that will allow the kids to attend school within our district please mrin yes Mr Mr Keller yes Mrs Aon yes Mr mury Mrs wiber Mrs yes section three Finance numbers one through five can I get a motion please second discussion call please M yes Mr Po Mr K yes Mr Aon yes Mr mury this is yes at this time we'd like to invite anybody to make a public comment anybody like to come to the microphone I'd like to make a motion to adjourn tonight's meeting all in favor enjoy what's left the summer everybody