I'd like to resume tonight's Board of bed meeting can I get a roll call please Mr Ser here M Weinstein here Mr ker here Mrs ainson here Mr mkin Mrs wiler here Mrs Mountain here please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you for coming out tonight uh first I'd like to say congratulations to all of those middle schoolers high schoolers and Lake Hurst Lions who graduated 8th and 12th grade uh the ceremonies were great um good job to the administrative staff congratulation to Manchester's own destiny Adams who is now on a billboard on Route 70 across from the Wendy's over there five birth on day I felt really cool cuz I was like oh I know her so congratulations this to your daughter as well um thanks to the PTA for all that they do and for the awesome gift auction that you had Friday night Alex you did a good job calling those tickets um Laura and I walked away with some nice prizes um so thank you again to the PTA and if you're not a member I encourage you to join as they do do a ton for our students uh thoughts and prayers to the family of Christina Castello um she retired from years of being a power professional in 2013 at Regional Day School she recently passed away and I know she had a good reputation at that school so please keep our family in your thoughts and prayers um congratulations to all the teachers getting shout outs on the patch it's nice to see you know the nice things being said about you um so hopefully we'll keep seeing more and prior to tonight's meeting um our policy committee met to review and revise some of our policies and we follow the guidance of Strauss Esme which is legal company that does a lot of school policies and that's my report for tonight you're up hello everyone and happy summer so on behalf of the Board of Education and the entire School Community I would also like to extend our thoughts and prayers to the family of Christina Costello I happen to actually know Christina um if you knew her she was a very sweet woman worked well at Regional day and was so beloved there she was there for over 25 years of service um she did retire in 2013 and we are extending our thoughts and prayers to her and her family um on the agenda this evening you're going to see that there's a link to the 2024 Spring New Jersey graduation proficiency assessment it includes both a recording and detailed um results presentation just a little background in the spring of 24 233 students took the New Jersey um graduation proficiency at our high school in both English and in math overall 64 4% of our students were graduation ready through the NJ GPA the state average was 68% and we feel that actually that is really great progress um in terms of what we are doing in the high school overall in math and English language arts the percentage of students testing a as a graduation ready has increased significantly from the last couple years and you can see that actually in our presentation that will be shared with you online but it also is linked to our agenda this evening um I'm going to go over some of the programs because I just want to give a shout out to our staff um they are doing a tremendous job with lots of Su programs that are running uh esy are extended school year started and it is prek through 12th grade on July 2nd and it runs through August 1st um the autism program concludes on August 8th at the elementary level The Hub of the program is happening at Ridgeway elementary school but we also have our prek and autism classes stationed at waiting school at the elementary they have jump start going on in full swing the middle school they have several programs including our Title One stepping up program our stem program our genius hour program our course program and then of course at the high school we have our summer school but we also have aim and our AP grou Cal and not to be out but make sure that you understand that outside of the classrooms our summer extracurricular are in full swing our athletic teams are participating in summer practices the official opening of the athletic season will be 12 and I'm sure everybody's looking forward to that in addition I would like to congratulate the classes of 2024 um it was a wonderful ceremony both at Lakers and also at our high school it was a very hot ceremony you remember that day are just sweating it out but we we did a tremendous job it really went off um very very nicely thank you to the Middle School staff and thank you to the high school staff and congratulations to all those graduates um I'd also like to ask you to please save the date we have on Thursday August 15th I see she just walked in Mrs Moore we will have our cpad meeting that will take place at Pin Lake Park it's going to be a family night it's a picnic please mark it on your calendars if you're not familiar with cpag it's the special education parent advisory group and we're going to be hosting a picnic at Pine Lake Park that evening um enjoy the remaining days of summer let's hope that summer slows down because we we enjoy this this time um I'm sure you're all enjoying the sunshine enjoying times with your family so um we and we are getting ready and prepared for September um and thank you to everyone for your support thank you Mr Joseph at this time we would like the report from our military Ambassador I don't really have much to report other than the uh summer is going very quickly um uh other than that I just want to thank the uh the board and the the district for its continued support of our military uh community and of the the students thank you now miss Emily Johnson I'd like to hear like to hear your report for the student government good evening good evening everyone my name is Emily Johnson and I'm the executive board president at Manchester countship High School I hope everyone is having a nice summer and the reason I'm speaking before you tonight is to buve the board with important information regarding future planning with the 2024 to 2025 school year so as of right now our whole group SJ meeting will be on August 22nd in between building tours which our members will be assisting and touring freshman who are incoming and we will have our Freshman Class elections in September I just want to say thank you for allowing me to represent the mths student government at the board meeting this evening I am trly honored to be here with all of you and have the opportunity to fill all you in on SDA has been working on thank you and have a great night thank you good job lenon do you have a report for us uh yes uh just real quick one item on the agenda that I wanted to discuss there is a lease purchase on the agenda tonight for approval uh this lease purchases to uh buy textbooks and some technology for the upcoming school year um the textbooks we are including in this are with paired novels at the high school AP Bio at the high school chemistry at the high school Street law at the high school music at the high school Us world history Middle School uh middle school science Middle School Spanish and Middle School novels and we're also working at a writing resource for K so that'll all be lumped in into the lease purchase uh we got we received our notice from the Department of Education on what our a cost will be for the 24 25 school year for those of you who are not aware e l is a u fee we pay for students that go to private schools within 20 mi that we cannot transport um so that that fee this year is going to be $1,177 per student uh it's a $12 increase over last year which is one of the smaller increases I've seen But the district does have 650 students currently that qualify for a um and that is expected to rise uh the district is responsible for $710 of that cost and the anything over $710 is reimbursed by the state so they do help a little bit um but we are responsible for $710 of that cost for 650 students um we did not get some great news from the state on health benefit renewal um we are currently with the State Health Benefit program uh their their health benefits run on a calendar year January to December uh so our renewal typically comes in the middle of our budget cycle which is a problem but um the renewal the renewal the race that came out um were significant are significantly higher than what were what were anticipated in their legacy plans which is the New Jersey direct 10 direct 15 they're anticipating a 20% increase in medical uh and a 30% increase in prescription in the educator Health Plan uh which is um some of the newer plans and these are this is the plan that all new staff coming to work for school districts have to go into they're anticipating a 5.8% increase in the medical but a 27% increase in prescription so uh you know obviously these numbers are are extremely high um one of the things we do do on an annual basis is we do request our district experience or claims experience to see if it's if we can go out and shop our plans out to private private firms we did do this for this for this budget that we in this year for 2425 but our claims were not good enough for anybody uh to put put in a competitive offer so we will try to do that again but those are the rates that we have so in the mean time what we're doing now is we're going to look at what we budgeted what changes have happened up to this point because we've had a lot of Staff uh changes we got people resign people leave people retire and some of those people are leaving with family benefits new staff members are coming in with single benefits so we're hoping that with with some of that it'll absorb some of the increased cost um and then lastly our Ridgeway roof project is scheduled to start I believe the first week of August um this is the shingle roof section of the roof it's a huge building it's and it's a lot of roofs so they're anticipating they'll take them 3 to four weeks but they promised me that they will be done before school starts um since we do have esy programs running in the summer um they are going to work around our programs to make sure that they're not doing where our classrooms are uh but they do they do anticipate mobilizing I think it's going to be probably somewhere the week of August 5th and then hopefully they should be done for that's my report thank you uh at this time I'd like to invite um anybody to the microphone to speak on agenda items only yes you guys want up are there any other board member reports is there any old business or correspondence there is no business and no question okay let's move to the agenda please section one a numbers 1 to 4 new business can I get a motion motion any discussion can I get a roll call please Mr Ser yes M Weinstein yes Mr Keller yes Mrs ainson yes Mr mkin I'll number two Mrs Winger yes and Mrs yes letter B grants e uh yes sorry and C can I get a motion okay discussion can I get a roll call please Mr Ser yes M Weinstein yes Mr kellerer yes Mrs ainson yes Mr mkin yes Mrs wingler yes Mrs M yes okay section two administrative numbers 1 through 7 can I get a motion please motion any discussion can I get a roll call please Mr Ser yes M Weinstein yes Mr kellerer yes Mr zson yes Mr Merkin yes Mrs wingler yes and Mrs yes B Personnel numbers 1 through 53 can I get a motion please Mo second discussion there's a lot of internal movement congratulations everybody yes I would like to say good luck to miss thel miss Healey and miss on your new positions um congratulations any other discussion can I get a roll call please Mr Ser yes M Weinstein yes Mr ker yes Mrs ainson yes Mr Merkin M rler yes Mrs yes C student personnel number one can I get a motion please motion discussion can I get a roll call please Mr Ser yes M Weinstein yes Mr kellerer yes Mrs ainson yes Mr mkin Mrs Wing yes Mrs M yes d special services number one and two can I get a motion please motion okay discussion are these movein that were sending out of District so two of these are movein and one was was home structure okay are we going to do a 30-day trial to see if we have a program that's appropriate for the kids on school starts we certainly can all of these were in works well before July just you know um but we certainly will look at bu there for okay thank you any other questions roll call please Mr Ser yes Miss Weinstein yes Mr kellerer yes Mr ainson yes Mr M [Music] Mrs wi Mrs M yes section three uh numbers 1 through five can I give a motion motion second discussion can I get a roll call please Mr Ser yes Miss Weinstein yes Mr kellart yes Mrs ainson yes Mr mkin yes Mrs Wing yes Mrs yes at this time we would like to open the floor for public comment would anybody like to come to Podium I'd like to make a motion to adjourn tonight's meeting can I get a can I get a motion to tonight's meeting all in favor all have a great night everybody thank you for coming out enjoy with st summer