okay we're good all right good evening everyone uh we're going to start this evening with a presentation from uh Woodard and Karen our their annual presentation on our Uh Wood and come on up sure no absolutely relax sure start we'll start with presentations before we set's this so most everybody knows May I'm will I'm the manager licensed operator for Maple Shade for all the water and waste water systems Ryan Sullivan I'm the area manager for wooden car here I think the last at least two maybe three years uh relatively new to wooded in curent but um involved in the project since late 2001 I am Anthony Calo senior principal and partner with wur been with for 19 years now and uh it's a pleasure to be here uh going to do the presentation and I'm mention a few points related to Grant and funding opportunities great and my name is Robert K I'm assistant project manager for wooden K be with them two years in September and things along fantastic have a seat relax and we uh before we get started we spoke about this last year that the award finally came in for best tasting water nice 23 if you could uh display that for us not a problem great thank you they changed it up it was a plaque in 200 they but now it's that's a water drop a water drop awesome so we went through introductions so we'll be quick we do this every year but we just like to get in front of you to talk about some of the things that have gone on with the with the utility in town and what Cent provides for the for the town of maple shap um and we appreciate you having us in we appreciate the time thank you for for allowing us to to come and talk to you a little bit about what it is we do for you guys um so just a little agenda it looks long uh there's a lot of pictures in here so we'll go through some some of the highlights and things that have gone on through the year so um little bit of an update on wooden in current um we've been with the town for quite a long time uh we've got a seven new o& M projects that come in in the last year and a half um we anticipate somewhere about there and due to a merger we didn't move up from 5 to four but the top two combined so we're the fourth largest omm provider in the country right now um and we are also looking to grow in the region uh anon's with us as representative for our business development group and also as he said to talk about some funding opportunities that there may be available um safety it's always Priority One for for wooden and Curran um we have an excellent safety record B of an anomaly in 2023 but we're back on track uh as a company overall this year so annual review uh we we renewed our contract in 2020 we had some staffing changes in 23 you could see up there and and we're always promoting uh the people that work for us the operators of management to obtain new licenses new certifications so uh you have a summary down there of of just some of the things that have gone on can you pull that mic a little closer J F in the back in here sure is that better yeah sorry about that so health and safety again it's a a huge Focus for us uh as a company um 3435 consecutive days without a lost time incident about n and a half years uh and we do conduct a lot of training on site we've got um our own in-house health and safety people that train in um all the different aspects of of health and safety that we deal with we've got a safety tracking program uh we've got involved some of the DPW people in our our training also um again some some employe employ employee development here um just kind of a summary of the different things that we've done over the year and as it said in the bottom first aid and AED we had some of the Public Works crew in for for training with us compliance will do you want to Sure start in compliance so we changed this outline of this presentation last year because we didn't want people we wanted to like touch on major topics we didn't want to go down on the weeds of of cycling Valves and things like that try to keep it fresh and to the point so this slide is similar to the slide that we presented last year uh the only change on that is the first bullets the EPA administrative order that's actually happened back in 2021 uh so just wanted to touch on that um we're under administrative order for sewer system overflows the majority of the SE system overflows happen because of additional water that's in the Wastewater collection system and the Wastewater Plant as you can see there we reported all those ssos have to be reported to the EPA under that administrative order and also the njde we had eight of them last year and most of them were caused by excessive rain events some pump connections things like that um so D we have annual inspections every year we have great relationships with our enforcement and uh permit writers uh Board of Health that happens every two to three years they come in and do an inspection um the DCA fire inspection we had last year for the State Fire inspectors we just went through a fire inspection uh two weeks ago with the uh Maple Shade uh fire department um waste water and water sampling uh water is 100% compliant we had one exceedence for uh chlorine residual and our Wastewater for from excessive rain event we're always looking to help with the community uh volunteer events uh this slide's pretty similar to last year it's all the same things that we do um if you guys know of any of volunteer events all of our employees are lotted 8 hours a year so we're always looking you know to help out when we can um we try to get involved with the with the donations and everything sponsoring teams the one team we did sponsor last year they they won their bracket for National ball hockey and two of our employees are actually on that team so we're we're pretty proud of them and then uh this slide here just to talk about our continued collaboration between RVA Maple Shade Township and wood and current um we tried to add some photos in here this year to show you guys you know exactly um you know where the tax money is going and like some before and after pictures to give you kind of like an idea of the Improvement some of the Improvement we made over the last uh couple or the last year and some that are going on right now so I think I skip the screws yeah so this is this is the the wastewater treatment chlorine contact tank U the plant was the Wastewater Plant was built in 1988 concrete will last forever you take care of it that's uh sand blasting it getting the mortar back to the original surface condition and then putting protective coating on it so this project is actually going on right now and you can see you can see clearly the before and after pictures the one on my left that's the one side of the tank we took down first and you can see some after pictures there um this is another uh project that's under construction right now we're we're hoping to get our screw pumps back within within six weeks so if anybody lives in the Snickers anybody lives in the vicinity of the plant and uh at night and it was loud that's what was causing it unfortunately it took it took a while to get contracts in place uh and get equipment uh in for bypass pumping so you know the equipment had to be uh overhauled but we we couldn't shut it off so there were two there's two there two out of the three because I remember years ago I think the middle one had to be replaced yeah they they run all the time yeah and um we got the two were running and the one in the middle we got 11 years prob you have to be serviced next year yeah not me sorry I didn't mean TV connection know connection there yeah I check that connection yeah they they run all the time yeah so well that's what brings the water up yeah MH it's a lot of lot of work saw you come stay there put your right hand tou a couple of these so a couple of your projects that are complete that uh we did to uh make the systems more efficient this is a valid actuator project we did at the water treatment plant they're all automated valves on all of our filters our backwash our scouring lines there were 40 valves replaced in that project and uh it made the system able to be automated a lot more easily and it guarantees that flushes are being done on time within the filters low pressures and what have you so was a project that was uh needed to get the most efficient operation out of the water treatment plan filters that we could it's been very reliable for us trying he's trying oh I hear a click where the sensor is hold on I can go stand on one leg you're fir you had one job one job right the clicker guy I don't know where the sensor is it's here I know it's not moving can you move it so I'm trying yeah oh it's must be froz TV's Frozen it looks like difficulties what's this have to describe it now yeah a couple other pictures while we're waiting to get the pictures of a couple of other projects that we are you know proud to have had done and most were done with the in-house staff after the equipment was purchased we put in new Palmer blending units uh they're in our belt filter press facility the Palmer helps to draw the sludge together so it could be pressed more efficiently and with the addition of the new polymer blending units uh stretches the polymer a little bit further the molecules and the polymer polymer which gives you a little bit more efficiency out of your polymer usage so that was a big Improvement and like I said after the units were purchased they were installed by water and car uh employees uh were proud to have the staff to be able to do that along with we had a new grinder installed on our sludge line that feeds the Bel fter presses that was installed Again by W and Caren staff along with another grinder at one of our local pump stations and um we just had a blower project done we have two new blowers they're a lot more quieter which makes it better for the residents to live around the plant uh during the night they do run during the night with the automation of the blowers and our mixer we had we able to tie them into our skus system so that's all run automatically as well so again efficiency savings and uh makes a lot more easier on the operators as well so proud of that project as well so if the pictures come up you'll get to see him but if not we'll just keep going as to move the meeting along thank you Sor you were going to talk about emerging contaminates do yeah that was you last so good try then just uh keep you informed I know that we've been working together looking for a grand opportunities one of the emerging that contaminant is U posos uh there's uh a number of lawsuits out there I know with 3m and Dupont where there's been settlements so we do have in our wells right now the current New Jersey is one of the few U states that regulates and it's a 12 per billion um the new federal laws that are going to go in in fact in 2029 are four parts per billion and um so we have a little time frame because we have in our wells we're right at 4 so we could be in compliance but we don't want to take the risk of not being in compliance and there is money out there being uh allocated towards this so we're working together making sure that we're in those uh uh in the process applying for those funding but the challenge is everybody's pursuing these monies there's a limited number of contractors out there um there's two technologies we' have to uh focus in um I know that we had previously designed for carbon removal there for uh pce removal uh we haven't had to do that but we have a a design in place for that so that's something probably would be the best path forward but we're following the funding so that we can get in earlier uh because we do have a permanent place that we could add uh carbon at that plan the other emerging contaminant that's uh probably going to be regulated in the future is 14 de oxine and you're a lucky town you have it in all your wells uh but uh again don't think we're we're in the process you know basically uh you you UV peroxide is the the treatment that you do and then you have to take the peroxide out with car carbon but um again we're we're tracking that we're following that and obviously if we do uh we're looking to possibly do a Kings Highway plant replacement and we've been dealing with some of the Congressional money uh to start that project and we're looking to purchase land which we're moving forward on that and whatever we would do there we would put uh treatment in there that would address all these emerging contaminants with the with the treatment process so again we're working with wood and K they have a very good GR program uh they always alerting everybody to uh those opportunities and U so we U tracking that and we'll we'll keep you guys surprised but we're probably going to have to take action some of the future Capital but hopefully we get grant money for it that's the the end game uh the lead service lines we've had that's another one that has to be uh completed within the next eight years uh we've been proactive we put a application to the New Jersey infrastructure Bank they're just backlog it's been with them for eight months now we're waiting for that but uh the requirement is that we have to actually any letter galvanized lines we have to replace them all the way to the water meter into the house so we'll have to keep the resident we know which we know which lines in town we've been tracking that some of are unknown the ones that are unknown we actually have to go at the the curb stop we'll dig down and we'll have to check the material on both sides of that and make a determination whether they have to be replaced uh again uh there's a good chance we'll get 50% grant money for that uh we're waiting for that uh application to be approved so those are obviously the you have another round of uh testing to come up with the mcrs where our they identify new contaminants we have to test that's every five years we that comes around and I think you guys have the next round coming shortly December December so again after they do all those testing they're always looking what's the next thing we're going to regulate yeah out of uh 4600 connection service lines that are in town um just to rest rest your ease a little bit there is zero lead service lines there's zero lead going directly into a house they reclassified and they considered galvanized lines as lead so those are the ones we've identified and we have some unknowns like Dennis that we got to identify to see what it is and a number of years ago they put the lead and copper rule in place and we had to go random or pick places most likely to have a lead contaminant and their whole procedure where you have to be a first draw in the morning is you know like you should let your water run before you drink but you had to do the first draw in the morning and with that testing procedure the town did not have they were in compliance with the lead and copper rule so it doesn't seem to be a problem uh in the township but we still have to follow through with these regulations that sort of came out of a plint issue and so forth may I ask a question with regard to that is there any uh time frame in in terms of when a house was built that they used particular types of pipes that that would help you find out or no it depends if the line was was uh replaced or not but yeah I would say galvaniz was what 1900 to 1920 something something that affect there is certain time periods that you can say that that's it's more likely that that would have been the situation um some of the older copper pipes would have used some lead in the soldering but um again that's not um and and the other thing is we keep a very balanced pH in our water so and we do a corrosion so the water that we're putting out the system is not as aggressive as maybe uh they would see in in in some towns uh so you know very pure water want absorb things into it so not that we don't have pure water but but uh it was looking for minerals and stuff and so it will actually start dissolving and taking things that been sitting there for a long period of time and not moving so that's why in the morning you turn the fossil and let it run a little bit before you take a cup of water awesome and I if I could I I don't want to be repetitive I think Dennis uh you uh you covered most of it um for us so again I I don't want to uh to be repetitive on that I just just wanted you all to be aware that um uh or I want to reiterate the the partnership that we've had with uh Dennis and RVE has worked very well in particular on the Grant and funding side uh where we will stay in touch and share information um we do you heard earlier we do have a a grant sorry we do have a a grant and funding team uh that is not one or two people uh it's an entire team that supports uh our Municipal clients uh We've secured an excess of without having the slides on board I'm going to go ahead and peek over here but it's an excess of $1.9 billion over the last three years for all of our Municipal clients nationally um so again we're committed to supporting our Municipal clients with Grant and funding opportunities and when I say committed it's it's not necessarily hey we'll do this application for you cut a purchase order for whatever it is it's really more higher level and being strategic and that's where we've been successful understanding how the programs work in many cases having the relationships to get the information that we need to be able to and as Dennis and and the team here knows package it the right way um to our our our job is really to give you the highest probability for Success uh to win whatever awards are available so um I did want to mention that uh earmark funding U I don't know to what extent you will have pursued that but that's certainly an opportunity Dennis me mentioned the Congressional spending um we do feel and we emphasize that it should be looked at at both the Senate and the house uh levels that's where you maximize the amount of money that you can receive whether it's two3 million what whatever we're successful with but again it's important to go uh to both Representatives when when you are submitting and that's been uh that has been our experience we've had a lot of success with aark funding in particular this past year uh in New York u i will highlight that there were one of two that were environmental justice area communities uh but there were also two or three that were not and again that had to do with the way we packaged the documents and explain the importance of the water main Replacements of the water monitoring stations where they received funding and uh and another case it was Waterfront Redevelopment for green infrastructure and in each of those cases it was about million for uh for each of those um so wanted to highlight that you heard about the water treatment plant uh we we've mentioned in the past and I think it's worth following up with uh with Maple Shade and our team related to potential opportunities to offset costs for property acquisition and costs related to the water treatment plant uh the D does have programs and they've encouraged us to follow up with them to get more information and we think that that's an Avenue that you know that could or should be pursued as well um and then lastly related to the EPA administrative order I do this is important so I am going to read this um as I collaborated with my grant and funding team on this but the D is revising its srf programs for 2025 to increase funds and project rankings for CSO and SSO and storm water related projects this is obviously helpful for the administrative order um and specifically they're looking to assign an additional 600 points to cso and SSO projects when they're uh submitted for funding so something that should be looked at the last thing I just want to mention is and you all may be aware of this but I'll mention it anyway the Burlington County Regional Hazard mitigation plan which is due I believe at the end of this year you may have but if you haven't important to uh keep track of that and if it's possible to put information there related to any kind resiliency uh or disaster type issues um it will benefit you if you then go and consider pursuing funding uh through FEMA uh by by including it in that plan so um those were some of the highlights I wanted to have in here um we certainly uh will follow up with uh the Maple Shade team uh to um dig a little deeper into some of these opportunities to see if there's an opportunity to to secure the funding and again our role would be to work with you all on the strategy side uh to see what makes sense and what's the best way to submit it working together with Dennis and and the RVE team Anthony just on the Kings Highway water plant we started conversation with FEMA because the existing plants in a flood way so there could be up to 95% but it's a challenging it's very you know competitive but we certainly would welcome any input you guys to have to help win that proposal yep that's a great point we did um we did Supply everything to the county for the hazard mitigation plan I fig you you on it but we saw that come up when we did our own due diligence and I just wanted to bring it up so that's good news and we'll stay in touch on that yeah do you have any questions for us or any anything in particular I have one sure good do you ever do tours for the students to go and see how the the water system so that they understand when they throw things down the toilet where it goes have the principle or sence teacher whoever haven't reach out to me that be great I just think that is such a great oh yeah thing I when I first got on cancel I took a tour and I was just so impressed because nobody knows what happens to it once you put that goes down the drain and and also too uh the other thing with the Overflow um is there any any ideas that you have that could help to get part of my report tonight but yeah yeah I know it's not part I mean but it's just we're you know what what's the consequences of this happening continuing to happen and people not uh stopping put is you're essentially putting untreated waste water into a creek or on the on the roadway okay because that makes it into a creek because it's not getting and then if if the system gets too hydraulically overloaded like what happened to us a month ago and we got that 4 Ines of rain within less than 12 hours you know we were having you know 20 calls from residents they the sewage couldn't get out of their house right and everything was we had the whole entire staff it was on a Saturday we were all here we were popping all the manholes and everything but everything was full there was nowhere for it to go right so so it was raining and the some pumps were pumping some pumps is probably your your easiest thing to start yeah enforcing yeah um I know there's there's an issues what do you do with the water right if you're not going to pump it into the sewer um into the road or into your yard and the road the road's an issue in winter with icing yards that recycles back in your house there's the solution with your engineer it comes down to money so yeah essentially the EPA and the D they they want the the extran explosives out of the system right absolutely it's understandable and to touch on your top I've got the tours um we recently had tours with First Responders we we held four tours at night to capture all for shifts for a police department um so yeah we're Boy Scouts Girl Scouts we we did them last year um if you know anybody that's interested if you all would like to attend I know Susan came on a tour a couple years ago we whatever you guys want my tour was when Bob heler was here so that's a long time you don't know him I know Bob know okay yeah yeah so that was a long but I was I was I think everyone should really have the opportunity to see right what goes on when you see the brown Water going in and then we're putting up to 500,000 gallons a day over to the penson golf course for reuse water that's great it just Sparkles they they love the water and they have a pond there and you can even see the quality of water in their Pond there that pond has taken entirely too many of my golf ball it's the puns full well thank you thank you for answering my question get some more interest in the tour thank you for your presentation I know you traveled a ways and we appreciate it oh absolutely pleasure to be here thank you thank you thanks here we go I'll talk to you soon all right next up uh ordinance our second reading and public hearing for Ord number 20241 0 an ordinance of the township of Maple Shade in the county of burington New Jersey adopting a this is an open public hearing is there anyone from the public that wishes to make any comments try that again I'll reread it just in case an ordinance of the township of Maple Shade in the county of Burlington New Jersey adopting a tree removal and replacement program that's ordinance 20241 0 this is an open public meeting if anyone from the public has anything they'd like to say please come forward now seeing none can I get a motion to close so move oh I'm sorry reference to the tree program oh to the tree that's that's all this is is the ordinance for the trees heing yeah yeah I'm sorry I'll let you know I'll help trees there you go uh all right so motion to close s s second any comments all in favor I all right have about a motion to adopt so made second any comments Terry roll call please Mr cin yes Miss NES yes Mrs Wy yes Mr whis approved mayy Smith approved all right this is a public portion for the consent agenda items only no it's not you either you're still not up still not up uh so anyone from the public have any questions or anything they'd like to bring up in reference to the consent agenda all right seeing none can I get a motion to close so made second all in favor I all right consent agenda resolution 2024 d-94 uh accept resignation and approve appointments to the planning board resolution 2024 r- 95 accept resignation and approve appointment to the zoning board resolution 2024 r- 96 resolution granting request for road closure for East woodrest Avenue block party resolution 2024 d-97 authorize the endorsement of treatment works approval permit application to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection for the baron urban renewal Associates LP for the property located at 103 to 119 West Main Street resolution 2024 r- 98 award contract to JP Smith Contractors Inc for concrete repairs to the chlorine tank chlorine contact tank Center Channel at the park AV wastewater treatment plant in the amount of $33,860 resolution 2024 r-99 to reject all bids for Main Street Pump Station Force main replacement and authorize a rebid resolution 2024 r-100 authorize utility Engineering Services for fiscal year 2024 New Jersey DOT trust fund resurfacing of North Cole's a Roland AV and drainage improvements on Buttonwood AV in the amount not to exceed 87,000 900 resolution 2024 r-101 resolution of the township Council of the township of Maple Shade in support of the state cannabis retail application of friendly greens LLC can I get a motion to approve the consent agend so second any comments roll call please Terry Mr caufman yes Miss NES yes Mrs VY yes Mr whis approved mayor schmi approved uh approval of the expenditure list to our current fund bill is $23,750 Utility Fund bill is $6 68,5 7857 Capital fund Bill list is $2,547 29 utility Capital $134,800 trust fund $ 59,2 6.90 and the grant fund Bill list is $1 15,292 186 I R the above Bill list as submitted and recommend per when funds are available make a motion to approve second any comments roll call please Terry Mr caufman yes Miss noon yes Mrs VY yes Mr whis approved mayor schmi approved uh looking for approval of the April 2024 minutes motion second any comments once again roll call please T Mr Coffman obstain Miss nun yes Mr M Wy yes Mr whis approved mayor Smith approved this is the public portion of the meeting anyone has anything they'd like to bring up to council please come forward at this time please state your name and address again it should be uh no okay uh ra feki from 100 Grand f um congratulations on your water treatment plant that sounds that's a good thing yeah but uh always work but yes yes but um I got your letter that Sue sent me mhm um I see you were out there uh it was and and it looked good to you I I saw no issues at all I mean I I understand your your your issu I don't know how they could possibly change it any different than they have it running it is very well protected like you originally said you were curious um or concerned about like Ricochet not going to happen well I they would have to intentionally like you know shoot up like this like not where they're supposed to like well with all du respect and I'm not I hate hate thr on us too but um do you have a certificate or license to inspect the gun range no and I technically they didn't have to let me in in there they did so me and you could have a reable convers some kind inspector in there I mean they are they are up to date they are they have done all their inspections they have met everything we did all our due diligence I don't have any further actions that we as a Township can take well I mean I could name which I'm not right now going to name a few things that uh that I know are not that are not to code um so uh but the other thing is you know I don't want to get to that just yet um but uh I know just for um as far as the noises you know you say R Ricochet and all that but um you know do you have any idea like you how long their range is their gun range for the pistol range it's 25 yards 25 yards how high is their dirt man their uh I didn't measure it if I had to look at it 35 ft 35 ft it's it's tall and they have huge railroad ties block and s like it's do you have like pictures of the St that anybody can see I did not take pictures I did not take pictures now is there any way we can see pictures on the place you'd have to ask them I can't I mean I'm not you know they're going to say no but uh you know they're if they're to uh code then why wouldn't they show anything well that that's a that's unfortunately this a conversation I can't have you'd have to ask them I mean that's like me asking to come in the your house and take a picture that's basically there there is a uh Statewide Sound Ordinance which is Statewide I don't know if you know where the deciel levels are but it's uh during the daytime it's uh 65 and at night time it's 50 but like a 12 gaug shotgun that's 161 that's wols which they shoot their clay targets with 7 mm rifle that's 166 de these are all like I'm very familiar with weapons I I understand guns oh you are famar I like guns you're shooter I like guns okay um that's more than three times the allow thing and I made it clear to Susan like from the very beginning I wasn't trying to get the place shut down yeah but you're I was you know you got your guns are pointing straight at my house and all my neighbor's house which I got my a lot of my neighbors here tonight um and it's it's loud if you know guns you know if I point a gun this way it's a lot louder than if I point that way that and to the point to where I can feel the percussion I I mean I would I personally would argue that point with you there's no way you're feeling percussion from a half mile my house I guarantee I can give you my phone and play and my phone I saw I saw the I did all my due diligence way we tried to do everything we could to make sure we weren't yeah but don't say I can't feel it unless you come over and feel it you know cuz it is happening I'm not making it up that's something I may entertain also I mean it GES Point straight out but uh um so uh I really feel like you know with those ordinance levels Statewide ordinance levels that you guys or the gun ranges required to I don't believe they they're not involved in that Mr fiki you you've referenced a state ordinance yes what's the enforcement mechanism doesn't call for local enforcement are you talking about the state noise Control Ordinance uh yeah because there is in there an exemption for gun ranges there is yes there is Sir um I have to find that but I don't I don't know why I think the township has done what he can within its realm of authority if you have questions about what the state requires for a gun range what the state requires for the ordinance or that the noise control mechanisms are insufficient I think it's a matter of speaking with the state so you're telling get the state involved I'm telling you that that the answer isn't here okay there's an appreciation of your issue but the answer isn't here so turn that's why we did our due diligence because you came with a complaint well if you have inspectors are inspecting us you have like um you can't get you can't get a permit they're supposed to get permit you can't get a permit without a uh without a in approval for inspection do you guys have um the we the only permits they have from us are do we have any permits from the permit requirement come into play is it after sorry when like yearly okay but this facility was built in 19 like 50 as the gun ranges to me I think again that would be something the state would have to answer for you right it's not a local inspection all we inspect that building for I believe is the fire mod I understand but it's just like folks don't realize in some towns they complain about hotels a lot of the hotels are inspected at the state level the enforcement mechanism isn't here do you like do you can you explain to me like it seems to me like you guys are really trying to go out of your way to protect this range and I think it has I don't think so I think we're we're abiding by the scope of Authority for the township well how about if you wanted to go back like how like what is your answer for a place like that a big building 10 plus acres of land that no tax been paid on and and you know this and if you didn't know it a couple weeks ago when I came in here like first of all I wouldn't believe an exemption for an fraternal organization it's a recognized exemption and they do pay taxes for the billboard that is there because it's not within the scope of the there's a billboard on the 173 what's it say it's a rented billboard it changes whenever it's one of the Billboards that happens to be own their property they make income from it so they have to pay tax you're telling me that the yeah it has nothing to do with a gun range what exactly and that's why it's not a tax exempt sir I think you're you're going from a noise concern to now challenging the whole entity there yeah of course there's there's more than just one thing that I'm worried about there's a whole thing that's why for me it's like a no-brainer this is a gun club that is in a tiny little area surrounded by highways businesses houses people walking by riding their bikes walking their dogs people got pets little kids and uh B complex and it's just you know it's I don't understand where the the the problem is I whatever they were grandfather in 1942 like it's not a tree it's not a building it's not a house it's not a park it's it's this is a gun club a shooting range that is very dangerous in a community and you guys seem to like not worry about it I just uh I don't think it's not it's a matter of not concern it's a matter of it has complied with what was Neary at the local level we haven't had anything from the state coming down saying that there's non-compliance and there's something in land use law called coming to the nuisance so I'll give you a great example there used to be pig farms down in Marlton and there was one existing about 10 years ago and the developer built a multif family development next to it and all of those residents complained about the pig farm pig farm was there first it was approved first well Pig f p I'm just giving you an example the example with all du respect this this pig farm could have been built out in the country where there's only like little highways little roads road back then it was country huh it was country when it was built yeah well theout 73 come by there kind of gone past the scope of a public comment into you know so the entire town of mortown is supposed to build build around this gun club no sir no one said that well you know uh and what are you saying like you're saying because they were there first that um if anybody builds anything in there like first of I never knew the gun club was there till I moved in there's nothing there's no billboard that says there's a gun club there I would have never bought a gun club that touched my property in my backyard if I would have known there was a gun club to me I got I got a real estate PR if I want to resell people ran if they know it's there um who knows you lived on cedar for how many years and you didn't hear the gun club it's probably as close three years three years never heard a gun shot they don't shoot in that direction you got the the the ground that goes up there if you were there then you know you go down a hill and that's just a giant natural burm that just protects it and like I just told you a couple minutes ago if you shooting that direction or if you're shooting that direction it's to totally different sounds without a doubt so I don't AR that's why I never heard um plus trying that noise trying to get past Route 73 and all that like uh yeah and uh so that's why I'm not here to lie but I mean the only thing like the the attorney stated is we have done what we can legally do they're not doing anything wrong well they're noise again they have their State statue that exempts them as a gun club so they not why they're fraternal organization fraternal organ may I please ask you need to come to the mic youd have to come up to the mic and I don't know that I have that information I don't have I have all it is a fraternal organization they have a cons conservation port to and it's also the recreation portion of the guns I don't understand that for all are you telling me that if I called the um Del Junior marshman Club they they probably wouldn't be paying taxes or any other shoo I don't know sir exactly so if I let's just say I do call every range that I can think of around here commercial range not all are 501 c3s this is this is a this is an exempt organization by the in the state and the federal government so Del Ran marksman's Club is not a 501c3 how does it get to be exempt it's there it's however they set up it's how they bu like a senator or somebody shoots there or some kind of no no there's just there's no different different things for organizations can be exempt they have to follow a set of rules they have to have a certain level of bylaws the Sportsman Club meets all those well I will just say even if everything you guys say is 100% accurate um this thing is in your town and uh uh you guys don't feel like you wait to anybody or you know like I don't know what you would have to do with um you don't find it that you you know like when I said in the beginning when I first start you I was looking for something that was fair for them and something that was fair for us and uh I talked about po possibly restriction the the the size of the calibers possibly getting on a schedule having some days off like certainly not holidays and uh Thanksgiving morning Christmas Eve uh New Year's Day New Year's Eve like you know and then you know during the week like I said I live right back there never knew the gun Rangers there I'm going to go on my back de and have a dinner and you know they start shooting it's unbearable I can't I can't sh there and if I want to open a window cuz it's a nice day out can't do that they start shooting it's it's it's it's I feel like I'm trapped on my own house I mean and it's unpredictable when they do shooting sure they're from 10:00 a.m. to dusk yes that's all day I don't think that's right you know what yeah you can't yeah they have to come up to the mic so that we at least can put them on the record so it's just it just it doesn't give us a chance to enjoy I work hard I'm in construction you have to go to at that point I would suggest you go to the state call your Congressman call your Senator and start with them we we can't we can't just make up our our scope of what we can touch because we want to we have to abide by the law well I understand that but I mean like but that's what you're asking me to do you're asking me to do that I can like give me contacts or uh or something to uh who I can talk to excuse me sir have have you actually tried to talk to them oneon-one bring your neighbors to talk to somebody from the gun from the gun club because it's at you know we we can't really do anything are private property and they don't they are online you can't find out people ad you know who secret it's a secret thing you can't even find them on the Internet it's and and I know why I don't want you don't want the internet because it is a little bit of a private club and I've read things on there where guys heard about a gun range on Route 73 and um you know but I know it's a small range and they don't want a lot of people there because uh well you probably have to ask the state get the state involved if you're looking at it in that that way I mean they would have to be able to at least give you some information I'm guessing you said you didn't hear noise for a number of years it's only Recon would you say it was around the time when they were doing the work on 73 because do did some clearing in there when they reilt the bridge the little Bridge you mean like you mean like since they cleared out trees and stuff like that now I'm hearing it I'm just asking because you said you didn't hear it before on well when I lived on Cedar no I didn't hear any any gunshots now but if they did cut down trees which they did so what what do you do now you have to you have to get trees back up there talk to do to see you know what what what transpired there so I mean I live in mle shade anymore you know what I mean so uh I live right across the creek right on right on the creek so anything on that side well you were on Cedar so you didn't hear anything because they weren't facing your directions when they shooting you're saying correct Mak a big difference probably cuts the well I'm sure I'm sure which was one of my suggestions a while ago like why can't they just simply turn everything around instead of uh put their packs to Route 73 and shooting lead into the cek which ironically these guys are here about water thing but you know obviously if gets treated it's good but I don't think the animals are drinking a bottled of water or anything out of a faucet but um I'm sure lad's getting into that crck somehow or another um especially when the leaves fall and fall that's Prett much when he thre water trap shooting but um uh probably I State noise control I would start probably there if that was your first issue you know because the state would be able to to tell you in which direction to go because we we cannot tell them as a 51 C3 that what they can do and can't do because they're covered under these exemptions so our hands are tied with that you know we we feel for you and we understand there's a problem there and of course the trees have come down so you have a few different areas you can go you know doot has taken down trees correct uh was whoever did the work to whoever did the work yes so you at least you have a reference there of why all of a sudden you're hearing things neighbors that have been there longer than he has is that correct always you always heard it yeah all right whoever wants to come up did you say 501c3 it's a charitable charitable organization 501c3 yes nonprofit it's it's a club thing if you have a club you can do that just state your name my name is Valerie holes 17 Avenue in Mor toown thank you so the issue with the noise is there has always been obnoxious noise I mean we don't open up our upstairs Windows because my husb you can't you can't sleep you know you need to sleep in the day and even then it goes through my other issue is that the uh proximity to I mean you got Fox Meadows right next door I mean how did that even get built so close to the gun range way before my time because I do know it's been there forever okay I I lived here in in Maple Shade till I was two and then moved Mor toown so I'm very local and then my husband and I bought the house it's pretty close it's on the creek so he's like across the street from us so they're shooting right at us I did see one time where there were guys over there looking for shells that was many years ago but yes what your address occurred what is your address 17 Wittier Avenue you know and and my my big concern is you know the noise is a problem and as you stated you have to go to the state level for that as you know even for if you want inspections and stuff but the noise is horrendous and it can start at 10 o00 in the morning and go till dark talking DUS 30 minutes before dark they it goes on a long time and you're not hearing the noise but they are facing us and it it is very very obnoxious very loud I have had dogs that I've had to bring in the house you know it's like I'm not thrilled about the legalization of fireworks in the state of New Jersey either and like you said I I understand your concern and that's why I spent the time and went to the club and we had our meetings and but as I said double check that we my other issue is we all know how far bullets can fly I don't care you said well how do you know how to D he doesn't decide they're going to shoot in the air you know I mean that that's why it's a it's a sports Club it's not open to the public it's very they they have very strict rules I do think there's a safety issue and I will say it's been there it's been there for 75 years without an issue so I don't have a leg to stand on to say to them hey you're going to have an issue I hear what you say so like said I did as much due diligence as I could I I County supersedes Township Township County state suped county so that would be the next Avenue I actually under the impression when we were told and they did the um Lola drainage project and work over there and they made that longer um exit on 273 that and they got rid of that lovely little dive that was there God BL that the gunman's Club was supposed they were taking that land too but I guess that never happened that was the state again they took us they did the state did purchase a portion of that property just not the entire property for the ession go was like yes I appreciate your input and I do apologize that's the best I can do for you hello Tracy F 100 Grand Avenue I'm requesting from Su Township that she provides me within s to 10 days over records of the gun range um and the rules and Rel regulations the bylaws of the so those aren things yeah we don't have that yeah those would not be with the township so that I have to go to the gun range and ask them for that yes it's a private organization okay do you have the op reports what do you mean by oper reports ma'am and with an oper request you have to specifically identify the documents you're looking for so you can't just say gun range I want anything on the gun history of any other complaints just said a history of complaints yeah like I keep hearing mayor said there's never been any incidents or reports or anything like that you know people talk about the range and I I I've talk a lot of people and most of complaints that that an open request has to be sent to the Township Clerk her emails online and just identify what you're looking for and the range of dates and this you know the top okay okay and seven to 10 days you normally get something like that s to unless it's something that requires additional review then then we would ask for an extension okay I will do that it's a start Chuck Chuck kikki 41 North Clinton now so just some quick research on how far it's supposed to be away from gun rang is no more than 550 ft from an occupied dwelling that's right on New Jersey state law um and they have I I've been back there they they have all their firms and everything those pylons go far in when they put them back in they literally push them horizontally into the into that dirt pile correct I saw that I'm pretty sure they follow all their rules but I just wanted to touch Bas on the 550 ft right okay which all them proper are definitely more than 550 ft correct CH thank you hi hello my name is01 Avenue I know we're not legal shap residents we're border resents the creek borders Maple Shade and mor were right on the border I understand we're neighbors I've lived in my home for over 20 years I don't know how I'm hearing that people have not complained I've been complaining for years to who the police department I've been complaining to nobody ever directed me to complain to someone else we've complained when the Firearms get very very loud and I just want to say first of all this is not a gun issue for me this is not about whether I like guns or I don't like guns this is about a quality of life issue for me and a safety issue for me we purchased our home because it backed up to woods and we enjoy the beauty of Nature and we enjoy quiet I work from home I can't tell you how many times when it's a beautiful spring day it's a beautiful fall day you just want the luxury of having your windows open and they start firing and they start with smaller guns I don't know a lot I know nothing about guns they start with smaller noise it gets louder it gets louder it sounds like eity Sam after a half hour I feel like I live in the middle of a Civil War reenactment this isn't about trying to take away somebody's freedom to shoot guns this isn't about that this is about why why is this in the middle of the neighborhood our home was built in the 1920s our our complex of bungals was built before this I wasn't around that I wasn't alive then to know what happened or why it's there I don't know why whatever formal complaint was supposed to go Channel through a certain place for everyone in AAL shade Administration to know about it but the people who are firing there when you are receiving that kind of noise and you're suffering with that kind of noise and it's impacting your quality of life and it's impacting your emotional state and your your ability to con to concentrate to try to work that makes you make your living you start wondering how do these people not care about the suffering that they're causing to other people we don't know who they are we don't know what fraternity that they are that they have this luxury of not having to adhere to the noise ordinance that we all have to adhere to the noise ordinance but they don't we don't go to where they live and pull up a car and blast up 500 WT car I system from when the times are allowed till a half hour before Sundown and impact their quality of life they come they blow up all this noise as long as they want I understand I saw a picture that there's a bar in this place and then they go home and we're the ones who have to live with this I don't know who we have to talk to I understand this might not be within your jurisdiction but this is not okay and it's been a while for us to all talk to each other as neighbors and how many of us have been suffering with this and this is not like I said a Township Line issue they're shooting in our Direction they're shooting from Maple she right into where our yards are so the people like Ry was saying when he lived on that other Street he wasn't receiving the shoots coming that way but we all are and we have a right as taxpayers these people don't pay taxes we're paying taxes to be in our homes and we can't enjoy our homes we don't even have a certain amount of time just has to be after Sundown on any day that oh maybe I can open my window now am I supposed to do my work now it's after dinner time they've stopped shooting am I supposed to stop working all day because I can't concentrate because of all this shooting this is the reality of what we're living with I just want people to understand what this is about I have a quick question yes did you call I'm guessing you called a Moran Police Department to complain I've called both you've called both yeah and they always say okay I'll go up there that's all I ever hear I'll go up there and then nothing changes that's they they don't even like stop for a half hour and I'm not trying to personally attack them but I just don't understand that's so unneighborly to come and do that to a neighborhood and then go home it's like a free-for-all and we have no rights they have rights and we have none it's probably the same difference as they're doing exactly what they can do because of all the guidelines that have been put in place that we have no control over so again I think it's the point that you have to go to the state and again the noise control that really started in the 80s so mean the the noise control State noise control that you know there's a organ isn't it organization commission for that I'm sorry asking yeah the uh isn't that state noise control is it a commission or is it it's under the D it's under the D so 1971 71 okay so at least they started in 71 and this gun range was way before then and of course your neighborhood was in place in the 20s in the 20s so the fact is I don't think anyone is talking to one another so if you people let them know how you feel and how it's affecting your life that's why the noise control was put into place to help people who are having decimal problems with the type of noise that you're hearing so that's why I'm saying that to me that really sticks out that somebody will be able to help you I hope so so was so was supposed to set up a uh a meeting she supposed to have the president come here whatever and guidelin well that I'm talking about the state I'm talking about working with the state because we really no the state yeah I'm talking about the state not not us you know and Mr fiki as I had said to you I couldn't force them to come here I've had those conversations with them again then when you came you know we reached out again it just so happened that the first time that you were here the members of the some of the sport man's club were watching YouTube that evening and they contacted me then Friday that Friday morning the next day and that's how we were then able to to basically facilitate this yeah so when you were here the first time they had watched on uh on YouTube so that's lovely so again but all through this process I have told you as well reach out to the state reach out to the state noise commission these are things that yes because we don't have control over those things we don't know who they are and they can watch just stand up here I would be more than I would but they are private private yeah and they're a private organization so what I will do tomorrow morning is I will Google the state commission noise control for you and I'll reach out to you and I'll send it to you so that you have the number so you can reach out to them I told you i' go there you know I would go there they don't have to call here to call but I can't force them have can't force them to so that's why we then when they when you came up and then they had on that Friday morning we had already planned that we going to reach out and say please come and talk to us so we can do this the one week you said they wanted to be good neighbors and the next week you said they were annoyed that we Cas something well I'm yes and that was part of our conversation because they did feel like they were being they were worried that we were picking on them that were they were trying to get closed down again I want to know I want to know if there this we got to change this is strictly about your question on the noise ordinance I I we have reached our bounds the township cannot do any more for you but the township has a noise ordinance right correct so app gun law no gun Rangers are exempt from it gun Rangers are exempt that's so crazy I can't have that conversation I didn't write the law I'm just telling you what we're reading they does sh having their something about you're not allowed to discharge a firearm isn't that again they would it's a gun range they would have isue it's a gun it's a public public place it's like they have these ordinances to protect people's rights they don't and the ordinances are not as old as the gun club so they got grandfathered into a lot of stuff your your conversation unfortunately has to happen with the state or the county whichever you feel more I'd like to make a suggestion yeah you there's enough of you folks now that are being bothered with this there's going to be more I'm telling you because we're all starting to talk to each other now why don't you get together get a group of yourselves together and reach out to somebody who can do something like the state we can't our hands are tied we have gone as far as we can what department at the statej D Department of Environmental Protection so it's njde yep who oversees who will oversee your noise Commission of course or your legislator or your legislator reach out to your Senator your congressman and and you know you have a group now you know make that clear to them how you feel and how it's changed so there's many things that have transpired this of years that you've all lived there I also think there's a safety concern too because like I said my house backs up to the woods especially during the pandemic we were in the woods a lot and then they they're shooting they're shooting right towards my yard I mean how would you feel it's your it's like you can't even enjoy your own yard or your own property you can't open your own Windows it feels kind of like you're being bullied or victimized it's just I think that's why it's important for you to get a group together and work on it because you're coming here and you're being frustrated because we can't do anything yeah yeah uh so you need to go to somebody who can do something we we'll look into it anyway okay well thank you and go to your mortown legislators right they're going to say well it's not in our town not it's thank you thank you hi my name is davea I'm from 120 win Avenue thank you for the information I think I like might be off again is it off second check check check check oh okay hi my name is Dave feka and I'm from 120 thop Avenue as well and uh well we're all we're all here because we're all learning okay so it's this is not personal you know attack but the attack is on us that's what we the people are saying here and that's why we're saying this that's why we're speaking to you because it's a meeting thing now I know you're saying that we have to go to the state and that we will do and the the thing is though as is that I know just wrapping up from what has all been what I've heard I understand that you've done all that you can do but there's such a thing as a word called morality all right common morality and common sense and also kindness and also there's a word that is um Just sh sh sh sure well anyway there is a word that you know what I was trying to say is is you have to understand that you know we if there is you know on the other side of the fence there's one thing it just seems like there the other word is to me I mean no no offense to this but this is really a selfish selfish selfish way to be treated in the community at the edge of moristown as far as neighbors we're supposed to be Community WEA a Maple Shade WEA Mor town now this is no attack that's how I'm going to start taking it because it seems like you're coming after me well the thing is the thing is is what I'm trying to say what I'm trying to say is is that I understand where you're coming from but the thing is as far as morality as far as common sense when you have there's not a lot of that in the law you got to remember there's not a lot well that is a shame you know what that is a shame because we but we're not here to disc taxes we paid taxes but you don't think that and the people that are affecting us sir sir I'm going to need you to lower your voice and relax I've told you everything that we can do for you and but you're up here beating on me like I did something wrong I didn't say you I said you're looking right at me saying that it's selfish look at all you you're right in front of me all right well we you need to stop saying theun not but that's the way he's coming at that I didn't do anything for him I'm not being a good neighbor I'm trying to do everything we can for do you understand I feel your frustrations that's when when he first came up we got involved within four days we had a meeting with them that's I I think we understand your issue they somebody should be here that represent them them they don't have to be I can't make them come if you're having initiate with your neighbor with a fence I can't make them come to a public meeting you need to talk to the state I we we've done everything that we can do for you sorry and we're not saying that to to dismiss you I have the number to D we're not saying that to dismiss you we're saying that because that is as far as our hands are tied that's all we can do for you and I we want you to understand that we're trying to be the right neighbor and to handle it there's only so much we can do that's all I was saying about with what how I see it I mean like I said not people like you looking into it there okay my apologies and I appreciate that I apologize I just all right we I think we we've stood up and did everything that we can do I and I hear you I I absolutely hear you I mean I've been on Council four years this is the first time I'm hearing any complaints about this gun range so that amazing this is the first time I've heard number pay taxes I do have the number to the DP 192 well we have a start so right let's move forward and okay get that inform you can get that information I get set up a meeting with the thank you thank you thank you well I'm sorry what was your question is there any we could ask they don't have to we could ask they can say no I mean it's their right I I just don't understand why they have all again I didn't make the rules I'm just here to you you can drive up there when they're open and see if you can talk to somebody R access where they are I I think at this point I will ask again on behalf of the residents I can give you the number to the D if you have a pen I have it right now for you it's 609 777 3373 mayor um in response to that go that he must be a member said something about the burn impact burn he's not a member but that's okay oh he's not um I was just wondering how he would know all he was stating that he was there comment we got this conversation we're I will call I will call the range again I will call the Sportsman's Club again tomorrow and ask for to set up a meeting and then I'll be in touch with you and do do you have any inspector names inspected that it would be the state inspectors the state goes in and inspects them all we look at is for the fire marshal yes to to satisfy these noise ordinances yes corre somebody from the state something like that so again I will call tomorrow I will call so yes we're done we can't do anymore all right we're we're going to get you what information we can I I got to stop it here and we understand it but we're going to stop it and and we we'll move forward here thank you come there's no double that this is on YouTube is it this this meeting tonight is on YouTube on the website so are they chronicled like when we go back and access it or is it live and then it goes away no can they're on our so they stay okay that's what I to knowk anyone else in the public have anything else they'd like to mention seeing none on my place here uh can I get a motion to close the public motion so may second all in favor hi all right staff and professional comments councilwoman NOS you always do me first I know that's just thanks for nothing I get in that Havoc I like to keep Nelson for last okay because he has has all I should let him go first you know what you're right you're right this weekend coming up of course is Memorial day and I hope that all of us will make sure that we are thankful to all of our veterans especially those who we have lost and their families reach out um and just make sure you be appreciative of them I'm sure every single town since mortown is here is having some type of ceremony and it would be mean so much to the veterans if you do come and support them and to just uh bow your head and pray for them and their families throughout the years and uh that's all I have to say because that is the biggest thing on my mind for for this weekend because that's what Memorial Day really means thank you thank you coun okay um to pick up from Sand die the the memorial will be up at the monument at 11 o'clock so if you can make it appreciate that and they do allow for the placing of wreaths if you have someone and if you have someone in your family that was a veteran that passed you let the uh Commander know and he will announce his name U speaking of that um I'd like to send condolences to the Tor Rico family uh for the passing of Frank Reds Tor Rico he's a longtime resident Maple Shade he worked for a long time in the school district and uh he was 100 he would have been 101 years old on Tuesday but he passed away a few days earlier so God bless so just send the condolences out to them thank you thank you councilman cman thank you mayor uh just to re reiterate what everybody said about Memorial Day Memorial Day is not about that we made it that about picnics and barbecues and to the beach and stuff like that it is about those individuals that lost their lives in protecting the freedoms that we all enjoy and uh by the very nature of these freedoms being uh protected is the fact that we were able to be here today and express concerns that everyone's had that's been protected by those individuals who have died and fought um and so again like uh reiterated U map shade will have its uh Memorial Day ceremonies on Monday at 11:00 at the memoral thank you thank you sir depy Mayer see you got a couple things to say I do start out by saying thank you to the msba and Fox Meadow for partnering with the first Mother's Day bouquet and brunch on May 11th the event was well attended Ando enjoyed by many residents and guests the May 14th concert in the park was well attended it was nice to see so many people come out uh the next concert is June 18th and I think so many people came out because the weather was great until they threatened for rain um which held off until after the concert was over and they were packed up I encourage everyone to check out the monthly newsletter for all the event event information you can sign sign up at Maples shade.com and that will be emailed to you directly I had the pleasure to attend the vfw's 60th annual convention on Saturday May 18th congratulations to several people who were honored that evening outstanding law officer Corporal Justin worstall Maple shet Police Department voice of democracy first place winner Emily Francis Stratton Maple Shay High School an outstanding elementary teacher Katherine English steinhauer school this week is M EMS week thank you to all of our EMS staff we all appreciate your service to the community last night was downtown dog parade thank you to Jennifer Nixon of the bedc she won't even look at me for bringing that fun event to the community for the fourth year mark your calendars for Community shredding day on January 1 June June June it says June June he's trying to rush us through summer I don't yeah we went through the holidays and everything um on June 1st 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. right here at the township building all residents can bring their confidential documents for shredding uh Mor Memorial Day we have beat up pretty good Tuesday June 4th is primary election day remember it's not only our right to vote but it's our duty to vote so I encourage everyone to get out and vote sustainable Maple Shades green fair was last Saturday I was not able to attend but we certainly thank you for all you do for the community and finally I wish everyone a happy and safe Memorial Day holiday weekend and that's all I have that's it huh that's it short today sorry well it's always good following the deputy mayor because he does such a nice job I don't have to add too much I would like to thank our EMS during EMS week um and again don't forget about Memorial Day at 11 o' uh on Monday thank you um anyone else have anything need to add Susan F Dennis I know you got a lot you want to say um all right we're going to move into Old business uh operations thank you just a few things to go over um residents may have noticed along Main Street uh there's been a lot of activity over at the baron building site this week uh or actually the week of May 14th we met with developers team and with lisco environmental over there um they are they've dug a 100 deep monitoring well that was being installed off site at a service station off of North liping or off a North liping cot there's a large drilling rig that was parked on one site they're going to be capping and sealing uh most of that prior to test borings Township engineer reviewed the various markout locations uh for soil injection site and pl soil excavations over the next several weeks these injections are going to continue and they believe that the contaminated soil will be removed by the month of July and then they're going to be able to demobilize all of that equipment in August so that project is underway and uh and going full steam ahead on May 15th myself along with County Representatives as well as Chief K Chief Tobin Lieutenant Davis and members of the msfd were invited to Sterling Manor to observe in their annual disaster drill the drill is part of our required Emergency Management preparedness cooperation that we need to do and it gives us an opportunity to provide input to them see the facility speak with staff so we did have that uh that drill uh also over the last couple weeks our team met with two potential cannabis businesses as a result as you all know this evening we authorized our first resolution of support and I believe they're here are one is here in the here in the audience rust is here so uh the resolution gives the business the ability now to apply with the state and officially start the process of opening up in Maple Shade so also on that day uh our team met with Remington and Vernick for a project status update of all projects and what their current state status is so we have North Kohl's and Roland we have a proposal was approved this evening Wood laon Lane concept to address uh we have some Road wash out over there Aces Park we have drainage fencing and security lighting which is all part of the recreation grant that we received along with we're going to do some maintenance and improvements to the play area we have three roadways for our 2025 NJ do Road program Rose North Terrace and North Holly and we had an extensive conversation about ms4 requirements which is our storm water requirements uh we spent a good probably about 40 minutes speaking with uh Remington and Vernick stormw water representative um tomorrow we're going to be meeting with the EPA so we have an EPA meeting regarding 29 sanitary sewer overflows that occurred between October 12th of 2016 and April 14th of 2021 and then along with another 16 that were between 2023 and present um as we had mentioned a few weeks ago and I know you know it was mentioned a little bit this evening uh we know that some of those overflows are C by caused by illegal some pumps uh connections so uh we're going to have I'm looking forward to the meeting tomorrow hopefully we can come up with some uh some sort of plan they definitely want to know what the Township's remedy is going to be um but I think you know the fact that they reached out to us to have these conversations they understand and I'm hopeful that they're that they'll work with us so uh uh what else we on while uh on the topic of enforcement issues code enforcement officer has been inundated with resident complaints of high grass is he that's that's what he has spent the last two weeks doing uh residents are reminded that our Township Code identifies High Grass as 6 Ines or more typically a notice of violation is what we send out to the homeowner just as a reminder to say hey this is uh this is what our code States and often these notices are abated within the permitted 7 Days time frame we did put out in our newsletter and it is on our web page you can find it on our um on our DPW site on our web page just some important reminders about grass clippings we can you can place grass clippings in a heavyduty lawn bags we ask that you only fill the bags halfway to alleviate them from being too heavy for the trash hauler remember our trash hauler is a curbside collection so it's actual manual collection we don't have the arm for that so we do ask that residents you know make sure that take a little easier on those guys they have to Lug those bags around uh we ask that you do not Place loose grass clippings at the curb we had several this week residents place them at the Cur curb Public Works had gone out the residents called and asked why they weren't being collected we do not pick them up from Curbside um and are not collected by public works and we asked that you also do not Place grass clippings in your blue recycling cart so the county did notify me and said that several of the recycling Parts had grass clippings in them so they will not pick them up and they will not collect recycling until they know that those parts do not have grass clippings in there so for any residents that did put them in there they need to be removed or the county will they won't pick up the recyclables they they marked the the cans and and the homes where they were at also we ask uh do not blow the grass clippings into the street or leave the curb line along obviously we don't want it getting into our storm drains and then obviously for our motorcyclists and our bicy bicyclist we want to keep them safe and then just to go on to some of our uh Department reports DPW repaired five window panes at the train station um in 2023 we had late 2023 we had contact contracted with a Sprinkler Company who came in and identified all the sprink issues at all of our Municipal Recreation fields and our parks that program includes repairs maintenance and general startup and shutdowns that we can keep our grounds well maintained so we've taken those over and we've started to uh do all those repairs as part of the sign replacement program that we have 54 signs were replaced throughout town the cruise jetted West Center from Martin to Thomas Avenue as well as all of Thomas Avenue to lipincott and over to South Clinton um when we had after we had received uh residents complaints about flooding there were no real blockages there were no significant blockages of that uh so the flooding was truly attributed to all of that you know just or the flooding there was attributed all to The Heavy Rain that we had in the saturated grounds we're going to continue to investigate that we're going to continue to keep an eye out uh do some extra jetting and some backing and just see where we we wind up with that um and then just our tax collection rate over the same period last year we were approximately 1.5 million dollars higher over the same so which was good water and Sue are also experienced a higher than average collections by about 275,000 and our number of dog licenses applied for uh continued to uh increase as well so all collections were up and good and just as a final reminder yes it is Memorial day but our offices are closed on Monday so that's the end of my report awesome thank you ready Engineers report yeah good evening uh Susan's covered a lot of the things uh from the Township's perspective it's been good to get some Synergy and get some of these projects moving and clean up some of the grand applications that are out there to take advantage of the those funding and um obviously wood and Kern gave a presentation on uh status of a lot of the projects there is that conference tomorrow with EPA and this winner was a a very tough winner yeah we we talked about how average was about 4 Ines of rain a month in this area and we had 11 in 7 8 in 9 in range for the five months so groundwater levels were very high and when we got into April we just got banged at the Wastewater Plant that's why we had a lot of sewer system overflows and I did go out and look you know some people were complaining about sum pumps discharging the curb and you had a constant flow and youed observe these sum pumps and they they do kick on they put a large quantity water and so the biggest issue is some pumps because what happens if you have direct inflow you'll see a spike at the wastewater treatment plant and then after the rain stops it goes go down well this would continue for 2 3 days before the the plant flows so there is a some pump issue it's not an easy issue to solve because as soon as you put it out in the streets now you have icing conditions in the streets or people are complaining about water running down the curb in front of their houses I I know we've done some projects where we putting pipes just so when you do the road program if there's inlets down at the end of a street you can possibly tie in there but you got to get Buy in the residents that tie their their lines into it so that's always a challenge so there's not easy solutions but EPA is going to be coming after us tomorrow to put some teeth into some kind of we have an ordinance saying some pumps aren't U legal but they're going to start having some kind of enforcement they want to see us to some way of doing that and the only way to do it is somebody goes out there we start putting a a search charge for having some pumps and it's a matter of somebody going out there pulling a clean out certain times of the year especially in the springtime when the groundwater's higher and you can see if there's after a rain event that you can tell if it's pumping or not um so it it may be something we have to do that um we'll find out how this meeting goes tomorrow uh we're not going to commit to anything but they do tend to work with you they don't put a compliance schedule necessarily in place if you're showing a good effort that you're communicate with them and you're trying to resolve the problem and obviously when we this was just a tough year 2017 was a similar type year that got us into the capacity or 2019 and that got us into the capacity insurance program we should have been out of it but what happened this last winter and we would be back in it so we're continuing to put quarterly reports there and and deal with those compliance issues but uh other than that the you know the the plan the water plant and everything everything ages you guys do invest in your infrastructure I give you credit there so we try to identify the priority projects and and um and put resources to do that I know that we have County a we're out to bid there for two sections where we've had a lot of water main brakes so we're hopefully doing that and later in the year we're going to be doing Rose Avenue another Street where we've had a number of breaks we rejected bids for starting the the force Main Street Force main replacement where we've had we've had two breaks in the last year out along Route 73 coming down in front of CDC or it's something else now yeah Huntsman now uh and so we had a plan where we think in the future if we come across and go up more Street and get an easement there so the bid that we just did recently we were doing the jacking board and getting all the way across to that point and then tying back in for the future uh the jacking board came in at 400,000 and put us above our 850,000 budget so we're going to rebid this this next uh several weeks and we should have a a rebid that we can at least deal with putting all the new piping in uh flow meter at the Wastewater Plant come down along Route 73 we have all permits in place for that work and uh so hopefully we'll have a awardable bid and we'll make Provisions for the jacking board to be part of the next phase I really need to meet with uh the property owners on Morris and going through through that way and get easements in place we have legal descriptions ready I just have to set up those meetings that they should be receptive to to possibly allowing us to go through there especially if we take care over the private water that's running in there now so uh those discussions are are forthcoming so is there any questions be glad to answer think good his report was longer than M okay good job back to you sfe plan the next site plan meeting is uh June 6th it's a Thursday night it's normally Tuesday night but June 4th is election day uh so the next site plan will be Thursday June 6th thank you um new new business we have uh Terry you have a report yes sir um I received an initiative petition on April 24th reviewed it and deem it sufficient fantastic that's my report all right so for that publication date will be May 29th and the public hearing on that will be June 13th mayor just for to clarify for the public the initiative petition attached a form of ordinance that the group would like to see addressed um regarding the the way the fire agency is constructed because the petition is sufficient by law tonight it is deemed to have been introduced that's why you won't see a council vote so the next step will be the public hearing right perfect thank you thanks for clearing that up mayor it the ordinance number is 202 24-11 thank you any other new business good everyone good all right uh no need to go back into Clos correct all right looking for a motion to adjourn so move second all in favor I next council meeting scheduled for June 13th starting at 6:30 p.m. what