e e e e [Music] good all right can I get a motion to come out a close so all in favor hi all right um this is the public portion of the meeting for the consent agenda items does anyone in the public have any comments in reference to the consent agenda hearing none motion to close the public portion move second all in favor I I consent agenda items resolution 2024 r-115 authorized Engineering Services of Remington and verdict Engineers for wood law a storm storm water improvements and the amount not to exceed 16,000 excuse me $1,630 resolution 2024 r-16 Grant request for road closure for elav blockv excuse me elm a block party Revol can I start my we do resolution 20124 r-117 authorized submission of a municipal Aid Grant application and execution of Grant agreement with the New Jersey Department of Transportation for ma 2025 North teror stav resolution 2024 r-18 authorized renewal of 2024 and 2025 liquor licenses resolution 2024 d-119 resolution urging Crackdown on Boom car parties resolution 2024 d-120 resolution releasing performance guarantee of JP Smith Contractors Inc for the wastewater treatment plant chlorine tank repairs can I get a motion to approve the consent agenda please second roll call please there Mr Kaufman yes Miss n yes Mrs vpy yes Mr Weise approved mayor schmith approved uh approval of the expenditure list Susan thank you current fund bill is $222,450 Utility Fund bill is $618 187 Capital fund 28 and our grant fund Bill list to $ 6,628 126 I've reviewed the above bill is as submitted and recommend payment when funds are available thank you motion to approve second second any comments can I get a rote call please there Mr caufman yes Miss noon yes Mrs VY yes Mr whis approved mayor schi approved this is a public meeting if anyone from the public have anything they'd like to bring to council's attention come come on up sorry just do me a favor just state your name and address for the record Robert Jano from 386 parev senson thank you sir uh as you can see our engineer has not made it here yet this evening we're hearing that there's some traffic issues coming from his part of town in on 73 so okay did you want me to wait for him to um no you can I mean I think we're gonna have the answer that we I think we're gonna have so okay yeah because I had I had spoken to him so went to bring to everyone's attention I've spoken to him and he said when he was under the impression that we should do it and it would help everybody in the town but let let me stop you just so Council all knows I have spoken to Rob earlier uh he lives on Park Avenue he is the one that has asked us if he can tap into our SE system Park Avenue and cin misson what what's your address again it's 386 Park AV yeah right so you got so everyone here is aware as to what uh what he's speaking about um he had called me and I just asked him to make sure that Dennis was here um because I know we had taken a vote on it um but there is a what the terminology I'm looking for Susan we're looking there's a study that we need to do or figure out what it's going to cost to need to do and that's where reming verdict would come in so I guess my question about the cost would be is it that you guys would that the town would pay to put in the pipe I thought that was on the homeowners no this would be a study we're looking to have a study Done Right the township is looking to do a study to see if it's one if it's feasible to what the overall ramifications will be to the municipality so that's what we've authorized our engineer to do and so we're waiting for that proposal okay and Dennis as well had asked me to put together stuff and send it over to him and I did that when I spoke to him originally so I have not heard back from him except for emails but he did get that information okay distance type height everything other people tied in before so perfect yeah I do apologize he is not here but that's um that's pretty much where we need that study to determine like I was explaining to you we have the and EPA issues already from being at capacity and and when I spoke to Dennis about that exact issue he said this would be direct directly combating that because we wouldn't be putting in anything extra we would we don't have some pump water we don't have any that so it would be reverting that problem like going against it and then at the same time we'd be paying for everything so there wouldn't be any cost on anyone else and then on top of that he said that because we're not from Maple Shade we' be charged more so it also help even more with that issue sure so that was his what he had told me over the phone so I'll follow up with him again tomorrow and then one of us we'll make sure that we get a hold okay thank you thanks thank you anyone else on the public have anything seeing none can I get a motion to close second all in favor I uh staff and professional comments Mr cofin I'll start with you if you don't mind no problem um it's mainly you know school's out summer times here kids are going to be out riding your bikes so uh we'll just ask everybody to be cognizant of that because they are not cognizant of you driving your car uh especially some of the younger kids out there on their bicycles so I would ask you to please uh be be careful with them and uh hopefully we'll have no issues and we can return them all to school in September so that's all there thank you sir councilwoman NOS uh yes uh during these last uh few weeks it's been extremely hot and I've had a few things happen in my neighborhood people leaving their animals out so you know just be aware that whether it's you know kids in a car pets check on your elderly all of the above uh it's been on the news just to be very careful even ourselves that we get dehydrated and you just never know as far as you know your age or the uh type of activities you've done it's very difficult on people's bodies and things like that so just be aware of those things as the summer starts because it's only June so it seems like it's only going to get worse and I also uh wanted to thank um Dan car for inviting us to the citation award and I wanted to congratulate our uh unit and good work thank you yes um also uh we have the fireworks and parade coming up this Saturday just make sure you have plenty of water if there shade available get in it um and just be safe just watch out for everybody especially when you go to the watch the fireworks up at the high school um we also have a ribbon cutting tomorrow 4M at endless Boutique on Main Street and I also noticed there was a a call for help for the bubble Festival that'll be held on July 10th from 5:00 to 8:00 pm. so if anyone can volunteer to help with that it sounds like it's going to be a really spectacular event the kids are going to love it so if you can help out that would be very nice and that's it thank you thank you may East yeah I have a couple things uh couple or just repeats the concert in the park last Tuesday night uh the kickback band was a good time for everyone who attended it was hot this Saturday is the 4th of July parade along Main Street beginning on fellip road and going liav weather is predicted to be hot and sunny uh so as Claire said bring plenty of water try to get in the shade that's going to be difficult there's a lot of no shade areas uh the annual fireworks will begin at approximately 9:00 P PM dusk at the high school as our police chief stated in the last meeting uh there will be a heavy presence of police and security at this event there will also be a zero tolerance policy to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all those in attendance um as Mr Kaufman uh reminded us keep in mind school is now on summer break some kids are running around and playing and not paying any attention to car traffic so it's time for us to be more attentive when driving our next council meeting will be July 18th there's only one council meeting in July and also one in August the next event coming up for Township is the bubble festival at the Yokum school on July 10 from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. it's been changed it's been changed in high school again it's been yeah we had to change it for logistical reasons so at the high school same times same times just at the high school we needed more space that's good to know that's good weig space is good um it will be hosted by Grandpop bubbles for kids 12 months to 100 years of age should be a fun time uh if you can find it that's it I had a couple things but everybody has already mentioned them so I don't see any reason to repeat so with that we will move on um old business operations thank you as mentioned at our last meeting the weekend of June 6th to the 9th I attended the public risk management association's annual conference in Nashville Tennessee the conference was a week long a weekend long event covering topics such as Municipal exposures liabilities and responsibilities the conference featured keynote speakers one was a dueling piano uh player who ironically is going to be presenting to our school district on September 4th didn't know that we I got talking and and found out with Beth and found out that he'll be here he was fabulous um so uh that was definitely a great takeaway the weekend also included learning sessions from professionals and experts from around the country I was able to sit in on several sessions regarding Municipal liability and Public Safety employment engagement and the future of AI and local government so it was it was more than just risk management and I had originally gone thinking I was going to sit in a bunch of insurance classes and uh it wasn't it it was very very good so I appreciate the uh the jip's um allowance and uh for me to go uh on June 11th myself along with the Planning and Zoning engineer and our Planning and Zoning official met with PS and representatives to discuss their plans for their upgraded substation that will be constructed on Route 73 at the former Roy Rogers uh the construction of this facility is going to help to provide the extra service the community needs as far as our electrical capacity and to help handle those additional load currently that uh that we're experiencing in Maple Shade uh psng should be representing or re-representing or representing their plan to the site plan in the next couple weeks we've told them that they need to come back in and just give another update but the substation will be very helpful for uh for some of the issues that have been going on this past Tuesday I had a regional call with psng regarding the restoration processes as a result of our recent power outage that we saw over the last uh the last week uh the meeting also discussed some of their protocols and procedures when it comes to estimated restoration time their damage assessments how they figure those out emerging and proactive work the information that I'm going to share next is can be found on psg's web page as well they have a full a full section there so basically for restoration priorities after a power outage the order is as follows psng goes to hospitals first then they will deal with police fire and EMS then they deal with water and sewer then they look at the municipal complexes then they go to Residential Properties and that's for Residential Properties that have life sustaining equipment that's needed and then all other residential and Commercial fall at the at the bottom basically is what it is the restoration of psng equipment is as followed the attack live wires and matters that involve imminent public safety hazard so if there's a blocked main artery roadway Highway Hazard something uh down poles that's what they go and and they'll fix first then they go to the high transmission lines and substations and then after that they'll go to the main distribution lines so I know that there was a lot of a lot of chatter on social media about the fact that psng hasn't done anything that is they had this meeting basically because they want the residents to understand that there there's a level that they have to there's a you know there's a a protocol and a procedure that they follow um so you know it explains that it doesn't help when you're sitting for 9 hours without power um but there is you know there is protocol call there is procedure they that they need to follow and then of course too it depends on where the municipality sits on those lines so if you are on the end of the line you're one of the last ones to get restored again it it doesn't help when you're without power and you lose everything um but it kind of puts it into perspective but again we encourage the residents to go to psg's website it's all there that also talks about how they trim how they pick trees to trim why they trim the way that they do you know you see those trees that look like they've gotten a bad haircut from Edward Scissors Hands half the time so um so that was interesting but they do know that you know we were able to speak it was able to tell them that we weren't happy up here we were without I was up here you know you know I was I got up here at midnight on Sunday and you know was here for 3 hours it it was crazy we had legs that were out that shouldn't have been out we had our generator on that was that was powering things that weren't supposed to be on the generator um so it was just it was very odd the other night but uh as a direct result of our d Network presentation in the beginning of the month our director of business and economic development has met with three developers who have interest in Maple Shade so uh that that was exciting to hear the Cannabis Review Committee has received a second retail application package so we will be reviewing the application next week and hopefully forwarding a recommendation to council at the July 18th meeting on the topic of cannabis um it has been brought to my attention that some of our residents believe that the introduction of ordinance 20243 authorizing the purchase of real proper prop located at 65 and to 67 Old Kings Highway was for a cannabis cultivator I'm here to say it's not um and we are not purchasing a building that ordinance is for the purchase of to explore the purchase of land for our King's Highway water plant our water treatment plant replacement project so that plant was originally constructed in 1950 and remains in place only for use in emergencies it's Antiquated it's not equipped to deal with pending reg regulations that we have being put forth from the D and the EPA So currently the Main Street water plant is not capable of meeting Maple Shades from capacity water demands alone so without the replacement of that King's Highway water plant the township could theoretically have a water deficit we don't but it could happen so this project will not only increase our water system resiliency but it's also going to increase the safety margin of the Township's water supply and capability of balancing water demand to our residential commercial and apartment complexes also everybody may recall that earlier this year the township was awarded $850,000 from uh federal funds through Donald norcross's office um and that's going to be used towards the overall project it's not what we're paying for the property but it will be put towards that so just wanted to make sure that everybody understood that no we are not buying the building no we are not putting a cannabis cultivator in there it is for the property over the past month Township Recreation fields and Parks underwent a complete overhaul and repair of our sprinkler systems while the maintenance of the system was taken over last fall with the winterizations this most recent maintenance will get all Park sprinklers back up and running it's going to allow us to capture the amount of water being used that is now being required by the D and the EPA and it will relieve the Youth Sports organization from the responsibility and the cost of the sprinkler maintenance which they've been doing for for years so we've we've alev them or alleviated that from them we talked a little bit about those uh activities that are going on but if you're you're still looking for something a summer activity for your kids recreation department has several programs being offered there's a 4-day summer painting Camp July 18th 19th 25th and 26th that's 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon we also have a program for ages 12 to 15 it's called the summer Wayfarers program that encourages physical activity mental activities and engages them in the community gets them out from behind the uh the computer screen and the and the telephone and then on July 10th this was already mentioned the rec department is supporting the business an economic development commission with its first ever ever bubble Festival all that can be found on our web page as well yesterday we accepted bids for the 2024 miscellaneous roadway pavement restoration project the roadways in that project include North Cedar and the 500 block of Alexander Avenue we're going to be reviewing those bid packages in hopes to provide a recommendation for award at our July 18th meeting just another reminder to reiterate um about this weekend's events and chief Fletcher's issued statement on Monday via nixel which can also be found on our Facebook page and it will be up on our web page tomorrow morning regarding the enhanced security at the fireworks Saturday evening which is going to include officers from other townships and Council and County agencies so residents will see other officers there we're going to be enforcing the zero tolerance policy for any disorderly or disruptive behavior we do want to encourage our residents to come out to both the parade and the fireworks and just ask that they obey all the posted signs and to understand that the need for this extra safeguards is so that we can can ensure the safety of all of who are attending especially in light of uh what's happened in Gloucester Township recently pens and down at the shore towns I do know that today Gloucester Township announced that they issued or they wrote legislation that is now up uh with the state and it will be in regards to these types of events and the um basically the protocols that will need to be followed but also what Avenues police departments and municipalities are going to have to put in place and it's been something that we've been talking about for the last two weeks you know ahead of of the uh fireworks on Saturday night so um yeah it should be interesting to see where that goes then there seems to be a lot of a lot of support for it um also this evening we just did the resolution of support for the boom parties I'm sure you know my phone's been ringing off the hook with boom parties I hear them um just where I am they start typically on a Saturday morning about 10:30 and they go till about 3: 4 sometimes 5:00 a.m. on Monday morning it's like the doesn't stop um so that resolution of support is done in uh in conjunction with the letter that Senator Senator single Troy had put uh had put out so we are going to then send that to our neighboring communities asking them also to pass that and then it will go up to um to his office as well as we'll send it over to Philadelphia to Mayor Parker and just so everybody knows the administrative offices began summer hours this week the change in hours only affects Friday and which all the admin's offices will be closed at 1:30 and what happens is the staff gives up uh some of their lunchtime during the week we rearrange a couple things so it really keeps the offices open uh longer for our residents but then we get to leave a little early on Fridays when it it's typically slow and what I found too in the past several years is that our attendance here in the municipal building is a lot higher during the summer months when the staff gets to leave just you know a couple hours early on Friday so it's worked out that's all I have cool thank you also um the Kings Highway property we're purchasing that already has our wells on it doesn't it there is the old plant there yes right right right so that's that's just the residents are aware of that also I would call on our engineer but I see an empty chair over there so um anything going on with site plan now site plan is uh next Tuesday night July 2nd awesome thank you uh going to new business do we have any sus I do not have anything right now no does anyone else have anything they'd like to bring up all right um do we need a motion to go back into the Clos we do we have another item all right so if I can get a motion to go back in the Clos so moved second all in favor I formal action may be taken upon conclusion of closed session so thank you for your time for coming tonight folks