e e e I'll share okay at this time I'm going to call the May 22nd meeting of the maple sha planning board to order would everyone please rise and salute the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag the United States of America and to the repic for it stands one nation under God indivisible withy and justice for all public notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings act may we have a roll call the board please to Matthew re here Daniel McDon here CLA wpe here Susan dansson here Steve Smith present John beardon Emily Wallace here Maran Constantine here Justin benett here chairman Duan here the first it on the agend is going to be a resolution number 2024 pb6 resolution granting minor minor site plan and bulk Varian approval to install electric vehicle charging post and equipment to charge smart EV LLC block 18901 lot 1.01 the application is number PB 2402 can I have a motion to I'm sorry Mr chairman that that resolution uh there was actually an open issue that I was discussing with the applicant's attorney so that's going to be on for our June our June meeting I apologize that you had to read all that not a problem not a problem yeah it's going to we prepar us for the June meeting yes yes we are well prepared for adop that in June okay then the next item on the adjustment will be discussion review and recommendations of planning board for the Maple Shade High School turf field project 180 Frederick Avenue block 133 Lot 1 and block 125 lot three Maple SHA board of education Zone residential R A who's going to be testifying come on up we'll have you sworn in you want to testify oh she no I swearing to nothing she's the attorney oh I'm okay do you swear airm any testimony you'll give tonight would be the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth I do thank you your name and address please Beth kenderdine Ken d r d i n e uh I live in um North Playfield New Jersey 650 Green Brook Road I work for Edwards Engineering Group in Somerville New Jersey good have a thank you do you need anybody else to come up and give you support or you can all come up if you want bring the whole crew up come on backup yes backup s you want to testify sure likes testify might as well swear them in all yeah okay right please raise your right hands do you swear or affirm the testimony you'll give tonight will be the truth all truth nothing but the truth do and your names and addresses please name and addresses name and address Richard winter uh 717 dear Terrace runam me New Jersey 180 Frederick Avenue yeah where where do you spend most thank you secondary home and and I'm at 24 Green Tree Way in Cherry Hill thank you although you're all sworn this is not you know and and we will open it to the public for any questions or comments but this is actually not a public hearing and that's why we have it under our discussions as opposed to new business um since this is a courtesy review where the board can ask questions about the plans and and make recommendations but it's you know there's not a formal approval that that the board's required to make tonight just to clarify do I look qualify the comment on a track field I haven't run a track in 80 years sit down folks the new ones there you're welcome to you'll find my car around okay why don't we start who wants oh go ahead I just want to say my name is Elena Hyatt I'm an attorney with Parker McKay um you represent the maple Board of Education So Okay who wants to take the lead here I got it so like I said with Edwards Engineering Group we prepared the site plan for this project which is essentially reconstruction of an existing running track and replacement of natural grass with Synthetic Turf at the existing Maple Shade High School um so I'm assuming you all are familiar with the campus right high school campus this is the existing funing track behind Martin Avenue is in the back of the school um this is just an existing conditions plan showing the existing running with the I'm uh this is a site plan so essentially the running track is going to be essentially reconstructed in place there's going to be no significant changes we're just going to rip it out and put back in a new uh running track from the base up um and then around the inside of the running track we'll construct a concrete curb and around all of the event areas we'll construct a concrete curve and then we're going to um excavate out the middle of the field and construct um a um Sor water management system below the field and a Synthetic Turf carpet on top of the field um are you all familiar with how Synthetic Turf is is constructed so essentially it's you know a clean Stone beneath with an underdrain system then there's a plastic grass carpet and in that an infill system of rubber and sand what's that field going to be used for I believe it's hold on football is it going to be a football field Beall women and field right there did you say you were not re they're not you're not redoing the track or we are just putting a new top on it you're not the whole thing okay I thought you said you were that's thank you and and is it in stages like the track gets done first and then the water system and then the the turf or typically in my experience the storm water management system is constructed first okay um because there's a lot of trucks going across the track so then they'll probably do that and they'll construct the um the curb and the pavement after that and then they'll come in and do the turf and then come in and do the rubberized surfing because the the pavement under the running track has to cure for 28 days so typically while they the asphalt dis appearing they'll construct the turf field will this be done during the summer I believe so yes they're they're bearing to get a shovel in the ground it's going to start in the summer it won't be completed in the summer well yeah that's what I meant the it's going to the um underd drains and and all the soil conservation Underground lot of trucks going to take dirt out of trucks bringing Stone in so it's going to take some time before they actually work on what's going on top well it be done for fall no no no so all football games will be away oh okay they they've been scheduled for away uh girls uh field hockey will still be able to be played on the upper field corre and then when the new turfield is in in place we'll have football lines soccer lines UK blue lines for lacrosse red lines for the the Championships that's what it is exactly yeah girls did a pretty good job this year so next year we hope for even even more so good but that yeah that way we're able to at least continue uh Sports on it would JV would still utilize the other fields yes okay so that' be a varsity yes area and what will happen is all sports will be able to play their their games there then you rather than running people down to Yokum for yes other than practices right the games can all be done at the high school mhm will the track be ready for the spring that's that seemed to be yes okay it came down to one or the other and U you know the track will be ready I'm hesitant to bring this up but I'm sure somebody will bring it up somewhere along the line do you have any other synthetic Fields there it's your first because you know we've heard reports that they're not safe blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah I think maintenance is one of the key factors and uh this will be the fourth turf field that I've been involved in and you've dealt with them before yes okay that's Princeton and West Wind are and you had found no problem with them we didn't um the only difference here is is it irrigated to keep it cool or currently it is irrigated but we would have to put uh you know mobile pump out there to to run they get very hot in the summer okay but I'm told that the irrigation doesn't help all that much no because I it's we we've done that in the past we we've installed like yard hydrates and that kind of thing and I I think people that it it might cool it down like for like a foot or something and then it's not or it doesn't stay for very long it's not you know but it's something that people just have to be aware of I think though over the last 10 plus years they've been working on the infill material so that it's not as hot as it was when they initially started doing it 10 years ago or so so they're working on keeping the materials so they don't absorb the heat what is the life of the turf that we could expect in this field do you know what the life is the standard life I I would say it varies with use the more you use it what do have West I think typically you can expect 12 to 15 years that long if it's if it's maintained and there's in that 15 years there's probably every three or four years so two um um where they come through and actually the manufacturer comes through and and does a complete maintenance on it we maintain ours uh every six months we have a groomer that comes in they groom it and everything and then again like every year in 18 months we have the actual company that comes in and does a full disinfection and right I was going to say disinfection but the sun is the enemy of course with that yeah well maybe they'll be coming back for a sun disinfect some disinfect he moving out of town yeah before he reti playing see how big this dud budget is so before us tonight just as a courtesy to identify because there's an expenditure of public funds really we're looking at it to see if there's any negative impact on our ordinances or our master plan I've looked at this plan and and I don't see next question yeah I I've looked at the plan there's there's no negative impact I I played here like most of the people in this room they grew up here and is your name up on anything it's carved in a few places but they may be going away now on the bathroom wall somewhere so speak of all that I'll ask probably the biggest elephant in the room what do we thinking for a total cost on this thing well we just got a new budget number yeah it's it's uh about $4 million one of the big reasons is the uh detention Basin that has to be constructed underneath uh currently the uh rain War runs from the parking lot under the field hockey field under the football field under Martin Avenue in the pencil concrete so we now have to construct a very significant underground detention base crosssection so so we're going to hold that water not let it go to the creek no it it'll trickle but it it's it's uh it's going to be retained it's actually a retention so the field will actually be putting less water in most cases into the stream than it does now so the reason for the timing I know to start this in the sum you could not start this one in school there going to be so many trucks truckloads of soil and and Stones it's going to amazing yeah so they do that heavy work which is you'll see this is a cross section of the field this is the surface of the field and underneath it is a is a massive volume of stone with plastic Chambers and those are designed just simply to hold water and then there'll be an outflow structure at the downstream end of the system that slowly allows water to leave the system so that the the downstream isn't flooded so underground if you've maybe seen them going by the big yellow domes almost that's what's on the bottom of the three the sample of the three for the cross-section so right here it's a big job it's a big job for sure yeah and all of that dirt needs to get hauled off and disposed of so that's a a massive cost how deep is the just generally I think it's like 5T yeah so times the size of a football so massive and that would also allow for the snow melting and everything from yeah not just the water from yeah the other but what what it's really designed to is to hold water and let it come out slowly so that when the streams are high we're not adding to it and then as the streams start to recede then then it will empty out a best the best ever heard was uh like like a clog clogged bathtub right so we're essentially clogging the bathtub so that the water trickles out I'm going to use that we actually have underground detention basins at M Wilkins in the new parking lot side so we don't flood Cutler and we have an underground detention Basin at Stein hour under the JV softball field side and again so it doesn't flood out toward the uh railroad tracks so the we know the operation is is sound this time I'm going to open up this application to the public does anybody in public have any input into this application as we're hearing it seeing none I'll entertain a motion to close the public portion so moves second all those in favor I opposed any other questions from the board I'm still in shock over the price you know a lot of that is underground it's not what you see on the surface the prices of things should never never understood so it's not I guess what I what let me rephrase that I understand the cost and why it is what it is I guess what I'm trying to Grapple with is I'm a business guy and I have to look at like the return how are you how how is a school justifying $4 million for the field what's the return on that the return is is not a business money thing the return is the the scheduling of all the sports and everything that that they're doing they can't get the kids out if it rains and these fields are soggy um we now have a field year round that they can play on as soon as it stops raining and it will allow four Sports to play on it understood I think part of the Hope too is you we we' lost student athletes to Holy Cross Paul 6 C and Catholic uh because of their skills and uh you know what's being offered at those uh high schools is they were not competing with them now we can and the hope is that that will allow kids to stay in town I don't know of a school district that doesn't have a tur field also gives your athletes uh the advantage of playing on one at home because their odds are they're playing on thir fields in other school districts so it kind of levels the playing field interesting that's the Championships games that were always played up like at Trenton State over Princeton so that was I mean I remember growing up that was it we played on a grass field and when we went to the championship we played on Turf and like it was it's a totally different game when you're playing there so um yeah I mean I get it just is it's a costly expend needs to be done to cut the grass this could to be more work trying to make it easier appreciate that say may not be weekly but it's going to be more work okay I have one question if I yes if I could um one of the purposes of coming here is um this 99 and 9/10 of this project doesn't require a building permit but what we're going to do is put empty conduit under the track so if they want to put PA systems on one side to the other they need to run electrically they want to have gra graduation in there you don't have cords running on top of the track so the only thing that we need a permit for from the building department is these three Crossings of PVC pipe the rest of it we got Soil Conservation the county everybody else is looking at it but we don't need a permit but in order to get a permit I have to have the uh planning board and Zoning Board Department send something to the building inspector to allow me to get a permit so I've just wondering if what's happening here today will allow us to move forward and get the permit for they thought the 4 million was bad what did they see that [Laughter] bill yeah I mean this I mean the zoning might if you were to apply for that permit zoning might refer you to the zoning to the Z when I say zoning I mean the construction the zoning department might refer you to the planning board or the zoning board for uh for an approval this tonight is is that approval okay that you would potentially need um so we can uh have a letter prepared by by my office or by our engineer um and and just make sure that you get a copy of that the the construction Department gets a copy of that and that's going to substitute for what you know might otherwise be a formal site plan approval or a site plan waiver I appreciate that thank sure no problem okay we'll make that happen yeah one of them generates from you and sure okay I'll R by our attorney okay any other questions what are we doing inside on a beautiful night it's a good seeing everybody wish you luck with your project can we get a 10% discount yeah a RP any of that kind of stuff okay we appreciate you coming in tonight okay thank you thank you thank you all very much seeing it done good luck with your project hey Rick yes sir you ever these guys decide you need those pallets or now or my brother-in-law was asking about that you know we have so many CS okay that's that's fine that's what he said he's like they don't need them he's he was just holding something NE project so the high school kids um compete in the filia zoo on less project each year yeah and so this year they got second place but most of the uh competitors said that you guys should have gotten first place really and we think what happen is because our kids have been winning for like the last 5 years in a row they want to give El we took the pallets and we cut the yeah as well we'll have that we made benches y so there's a bench that we donated to the zoo and one of the parents took it over and it's now at the zoo AES it's kind of cool so we're going we're going to build some more of those and yeah I just he was asking me I just said talk good deal but thank you yeah no not in no that's a great did you get it was a great connection over that way what's that the old Owens coring building right no no he works for cam County College okay so yeah CL by so they have piles and recording still unbelievable skids and recording sorry sorry thank you thank you we need 30 seconds have a nice summer do you want to discuss this resolution or T right we don't all we won't be discussing that resolution tonight we'll be handling that at our next meeting can I have a motion approve the minutes of our April 24th 2024 meeting second all those in favor I oppos have it any further comments from the board Susan anything pip anything our engineer has any input entertain a motion to adjourn so made second all those in favor I oppose June 26 is that say my eyes switching my eyes sitting took me back a little bit but